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1. Write a program in Java to accept length and breadth of a rectangle. Calculate
and display the area, perimeter and diagonal of a rectangle as per the user’s
2. The state electricity board calculates the electicity bill for their customers
according to the units consumed(per month) as per given tariff.
Units Consumed Charges(in Rupees)
per unit
Upto 100 units 1.80
From 101 to 300 2.30
From 301 to 500 2.80
More than 500 3.50
Write a program to input name of consumer, consumer number, months and
units consumed. Calculate and display electicity bill as per the tariff given ,with all
the details.
3. Write a program in Java to accept a number and check whether number is a
palindrome number or not.
4. Write a program in Java to count and print the divisors of a number.
5. Write a program in Java to take input of a number from the user and find and
print its factorial.
6. Write a program in Java to take input of three angles and find whether these form
acute , obtuse or right angle triangle.
7. Write a program in Java to take input of two numbers from the user and perform
arithmetic operation based on input operator as per the user’s choice.
8. Write a program in Java to simulate 4 rolls of a single dice to generate an integer
value from 1 to 6.
9. Write a program in Java to calculate and print the sums of even and odd integers
of first n natural numbers.
10. A special two-digit number is such that when the sum of its digits is added to
the product of its digits, the result is equal to the original two-digit number.
Example: Consider the number 59.
Sum of digits = 5 + 9 = 14
Product of digits = 5 * 9 = 45
Total of the sum of digits and product of digits = 14 + 45 = 59
Write a program to accept a two-digit number. Add the sum of its digits to the
product of its digits. If the value is equal to the number input, display the message
"Special 2 - digit number" otherwise, display the message "Not a special two-digit
11. An air-conditioned bus charges fare from the passengers based on the distance
travelled as per the tariff given below:
Distance Travelled Fare
Up to 10 km Fixed charge ₹80
11 km to 20 km ₹6/km
21 km to 30 km ₹5/km
31 km and above ₹4/km
Design a program to input distance travelled by the passenger. Calculate and
display the fare to be paid.
12. An ICSE school displays a notice on the school notice board regarding
admission in Class XI for choosing stream according to marks obtained in English,
Maths and Science in Class 10 Council Examination.
Marks obtained in different subjects Stream
Eng, Maths and Science >= 80% Pure Science
Eng and Science >= 80%, Maths >= 60% Bio. Science
Eng, Maths and Science >= 60% Commerce
Print the appropriate stream allotted to a candidate. Write a program to accept
marks in English, Maths and Science from the console.
13. Write a menu driven program to calculate:
Area of a circle = p*r2, where p = (22/7)
Area of a square = side*side
Area of a rectangle = length*breadth
Enter 'c' to calculate area of circle, 's' to calculate area of square and 'r' to calculate
area of rectangle.
14. Write a menu driven program to calculate:
Area of a circle = p*r2, where p = (22/7)
Area of a square = side*side
Area of a rectangle = length*breadth
Enter 'c' to calculate area of circle, 's' to calculate area of square and 'r' to calculate
area of rectangle.
15. A triangle is said to be an 'Equable Triangle', if the area of the triangle is equal
to its perimeter. Write a program to enter three sides of a triangle. Check and print
whether the triangle is equable or not.
For example, a right angled triangle with sides 5, 12 and 13 has its area and
perimeter both equal to 30.

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