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body cannot be found, and he is supposed to have been carried

Scipio Ferro (d. 1526), who solved the equation x3+ax=b.

the time and direction of his journey. The Afghan is by breed

likely that he was a young man with a thirst for universal

pp. 78-110, and Huelsen's art. ``Flavium Amphitheatrum''

obligation upon limited companies to have auditors; this

of the Rhine at Bingen. Here the industry was located many

at once of the art and of the universe, enclosing within

Macedonians broke out on the way at Opis on the Tigris. It

Milanese. The former, in the 15th century, won the Val

these two is situated the ``disk of least confusion.''

square. The vendor, however, was protected if he could show

or instructions, incur expense or make sacrifices as agent

territory, from the junction of the Kokcha river with the

derouge's death, by his son in 1874. According to this

substituted. The process of moulting is said to begin in

national Judaism, and the Divine initiative manifest

of this theory cannot well escape the reader's attention.

achievement, architectural and non-architectural, composite and

day. Moreover, the church decreed severe chastisement

being formally deposed. The French army proceeded to invade

to chip off, does not rust and wear out like cheap tin-plate,

Etienne Montgolfier (1745-1799), sons of Pierre Montgolfier,

groups of Phaeophyceae, and the matter will thus arise again.

steerage passengers, called in the act ``immigrant ships'';

Holland. When, in 1810, this was united with the French

fundamental lines, and much time should be passed in the open

must have been the Brahmi lipi, which is found all over

a Christian catacomb, and a little farther south a tomb in two

in the parish of Cruden, occurs in glacial drift, resting

begins to be dropped about the middle of the 16th century.

terminology. The fundamental problem is whether a thing which

(J. S. K.)

or degrees, one above the other, and it was usually mounted

religious structures were being despoiled in the south, the

well-known tomb in the cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise at Paris.

estimate is excessive, judged by the number and size of their

Berlin, Lord Granville instructed Sir E. Malet to communicate

Thellusson (1737--1797), an English merchant, who directed

faces that they could see nothing but what was on the table

without prejudice to this contention. On the 15th of June

Nearchus, 500 stadia from Susa, and occupies the site of what

been thus contaminated. At the present time coal virtually

portrait objective is corrected more with regard to aperture;

involved in pursuit of animals, the language, skill, inventions

``Flesselles'' of 1783. The air was heated by an 18-ft. stove,

vesicles attached to muddy surfaces by rhizoids; Caulerpa, on

much better nor worse than that of his contemporaries.

every second presentment, the advowson would be appendant

gut. The explanation of this, no doubt, is simply that

straw-plaiting and lace-making are carried on in Ampthill.

department, a refreshment-room, a lavatory, &c. The first

M. Friedlander, Essays on the Writings of Ibn Ezra

Boniface VIII. to recognize his election led him to change his

years of age on his father's death in 1894. By the wise action

rien fait, ces obscures beaux esprits dont la vie se passe

frequently or almost always distinguished in several special

C, (Ch. Girard and G. de Laire, Zeit. fur Chem., 1866, p.

in the world--the Premier--is situated in the Transvaal near

Milton, a name to resound for ages.

colour. He recognizes in places the beauty of the mind, and

ancient city, except of its necropolis, the tombs of which

Boser Faulen. . . . . . . . 9,200 Rigikulm . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,906

Pointe de Tanneverge . . . . . 9,784 Mole. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,132

England . . . . 1,704,281 1,410,287

is usually known as the Assize of Measures or the Assize of

equivalence between them; it has been found that we can define

The Bangiales are a relatively small group of Red Algae,


life. In literature this state of things is reflected in the

atlas (1889); Pelissier, Annales algeriennes (1834); Leon

by the second republic in 1848, when many of the public

translations Were regarded as imperfect, and it remained for

countries, as well as by the special interest for France,

in 1623); a Latin life of his master AEthelwold7; a pastoral

arrived. By his advice Octavian at once set out for Rome.

Laquinhorn . . . . . . . . . . 13,140 Pointe de Rosa Blanche . . . . . 10,985

Laminaria, Padina, Cutleria, Punctaria, Iridaea, Ulva,

troctolite, the precise age of which is uncertain, occur at

the borough. At Cwmavon, 1 1/2 m. to the north-east, are

of deepening twilight, or reflected from the high snowfields

Epidaurus in the form of a snake and a temple assigned him

English sounds so described are really produced not against

the asymmetry of the large lateral sinistral mouth with its

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