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Quantitative Ability
S1- S5.

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S1. Answer is D
From the above table, out of the students that originally had Pen, the number of students now having Scale is
‘12 – x’. Maximum possible value of x is 11. Therefore minimum possible value of 12 – x = 12 – 11= 1

S2. Answer is C
From the above table, out of the students that originally had Pen, the number of students now having Scale is
8 = (12-x) 8 = 12 –x = > x = 4 Out of the students that originally had Pen, the number of students now having
Eraser is 4

S3. Answer is B
Among the students that originally had Note, the number of students now having Scale is a Among the
students that originally had Note, the number of students now having Eraser is b
From the above table, among the students that originally had Note, the total number of students now having
Eraser and Scale is (68 - 35) = 33 = (a + b) --- (1) = > (b - a) = 1 ---- (2) Solve the above equation (1) and (2), we
get = > a = 34/2 = 17 = > b = 16 Required difference = 20 – 17 = 3

S4. Answer is A
Among the students that originally had Sharpener, the number of students now having Eraser is 18 Among the
students that originally had Sharpener, the number of students now having Pen be (18/2) = 9 Among the
students that originally had Sharpener, the number of students now having Scale = 9 + 1 = 10

S5. Answer is B
From the above table, Among the students that originally had Pencil, the number of students now having Note
= among the students that originally had Pencil, the number of students now having Scale = 7
Among the students that originally had Pencil, the number of students now having Pen = 38 – (3+7+9+7) = 38 –
26 = 12 = z Among the students that originally had Sharpener, the number of students now having pen = (21 -
z) = 21 – 12 = 9

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S6. Answer is C

For Great Grand Father Principal Amount=Rs.50,000

Simple interest = p*r*t/100 =50000*10*8/100 =Rs.40,000
Amount= Principal + Simple Interest =50000 + 40000 => Rs 90,000
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For Grand Father Principal amount = Rs.90000
Scheme B compound interest =15%
Time=2 years
Amount on compound interest = p*(1+r/100)t =90000*(1+15/100)2 =>119025

For Sohan Father Amount received by Sohan Father = 119025 – 25 = 119000

Amount invested in scheme A at compound interest for 3 years=119000*3/7 =>Rs.51000
Amount on compound interest =p*(1+r/100)t =51000*(1+10/100)3 =>Rs.67881
Amount invested in scheme D at simple interest for 3 years=119000*4/7 =>Rs.68000
Amount on simple interest= P+ (P*r*t/100) = 68000 + (68000*8*3/100) = 68000 + 16320 =>Rs.84320
Amount Sohan Received = 67881+ 84320=>Rs.152201

S7. Answer is D

For Scheme A: Amount invested=25% of 80000= Rs.20000

Interest earned through simple interest = p*r*t/100 =20000*10*4/100 = Rs.8000
Interest earned through compound interest = = p*(1+r/100)t - P = 20000*(1+10/100)2 – 20000
Interest earned=24200 - 20000 = 4200
Difference of interest= 8000 - 4200 = Rs.3800

For Scheme B: Amount invested = 30% of 80000 = Rs.24000 Interest earned through simple interest
= p*r*t/100 = 24000*4*20/100 = Rs.19200
Interest earned through Compound Interest= p*(1+r/100)t – p = 24000*(1+15/100)2 - 24000 =
Rs.31740 - 24000 = Rs.7740
Difference of interest = 19200 - 7740 = Rs.11460

For Scheme C: Amount invested = 15% of 80000 =Rs.12000

Interest earned through simple interest=p*r*t/100 =12000*12*4/100 = Rs. 5760
Interest earned through Compound Interest= p*(1+r/100)t - p =12000*(1 + 18/100)2 - 12000
=12000*59/50*59/50 - 12000 =16709 - 12000 = Rs.4709
Difference of interest= 5760 – 4709 = Rs.1051

For Scheme D: Amount invested = 17% of 80000 Amount invested = Rs.13600

Interest earned through simple interest=p*r*t/100 =13600*8*4/100 =Rs.4352
Interest earned through Compound Interest= p*(1+r/100)t - p = 13600*(1+5/100)2 - 13600 =
13600*105/100*105/100 - 13600 = 14994 - 13600 = Rs.1394
Difference of interest= 4352 - 1394= Rs.2958

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For Scheme E: Amount invested = 13% of 80000 = 10400
Interest earned through simple interest=p*r*t/100 =10400*11*4/100 =Rs.4576
Interest earned through Compound Interest= p*(1+r/100)t - p =10400* (1+ 9/100)2 – 10400 =
10400*109/100*109/100 – 10400 =12356 - 10400 = 1956
Difference of interest = 4576 - 1956 = > Rs.2620
Total difference = 2620 + 2958 + 1051 + 3800 + 11460 = Rs.21889 Page | 3

S8. Answer is A

Let the amount invested by Lalita is 5X Let the amount invested by Babita is 3X
Amount received by Lalita = p*(1+r/100)t =5X*(1 +15/100)3 =5X*115/100*115/100*115/100 = 7.60
Amount received by Babita =p*(1+r/100)t =3X*(1 +5/100)4
=3X*105/100*105/100*105/100*105/100 =3.64X
Required percentage= 7.60X/3.64X * 100 = 208.79% = 209%

S9. Answer is B

For Scheme B Amount invested = X*30% = Rs.0.3X

Interest earned through simple interest=p*r*t/100 0.3X*20*3/100 = 0.18X
For Scheme C Amount invested= x*15% = 0.15X
Interest earned through compound interest= p*(1+r/100)t - p = 0.15X*(1+18/100)2 – 0.15X = 0.208X
- 0.15X = 0.058X
Difference = 0.18X - 0.058X = 0.122X
Quantity II: For Scheme A Amount invested=X*25% = Rs.0.25X Interest earned through simple
interest=p*r*t/100 =0.25X*10*2/100 = 0.05X

For Scheme C Amount invested=X*15% = Rs.0.15X

Interest earned through simple interest=p*r*t/100 =0.15X*12*2/100 = 0.036X
Total interest = 0.05X+0.036X =>0.086X
Quantity I < Quantity II

S10. Answer is A

Amount invested in scheme B is highest at the same time Rate of interest in scheme B is highest
compare than other schemes.
Amount invested=10000*30% = Rs.3000
Interest earned through simple interest=p*r*t/100 =3000*20*4/100 = 2400
Quantity I = 2400
Quantity II: Amount invested=10000*15% = Rs.1500 Interest earned through compound interest=
p*(1+r/100)t =1500*(1+18/100)2 =1500*118/100*118/100 =Rs.2088
Quantity II = 2088

Hence Quantity I > Quantity II

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S11.- S15.

Page | 4

From statement (3), Students like Apple flavoured ice cream = 30 + Students like Apple flavoured
jellies Let us take students like apple flavoured jellies be x Students like apple flavoured ice cream = x
+ 30
From statement (2), Students like only apples = students like apples – students like apple flavoured
ice cream – students like apple flavoured jellies Students like only apples = 250 – x – (x+30) = 250 –
2x – 30 = 220 – 2x
From statement (4), Students like strawberry flavoured jellies = (½) * Students like apple flavoured
ice cream Students like strawberry flavoured jellies = ½*(x + 30) From statement (5), Students like
strawberry flavoured ice cream = 3 * students like strawberry flavoured jellies = 3 * [(x+30)/2]
From statement (1), Students likes only fruits = 320 Students likes only ice cream = 240 Students like
only strawberry = 320 - (220 - 2x)
All the statements together we get, (240 + 180 + x + x + 30 + 3/2(x + 30) + (x + 30)/2 + 220 - 2x + 100
+ 2x) = 1030 (770 + 2x + 4/2(x + 30)) = 1030 = > 2x + 2 (x + 30) = 260 = > 2x + 2x + 60 = 260 = > 4x =
260 – 60 = > 4x = 200 = > x = 50

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S11. Answer is C
Number of students like only strawberry = 200

S12. Answer is B
Required ratio = (200 + 120 + 40): 80 = 360: 80 = 9: 2

S13. Answer is D
Number of students like Jellies = (180 + 50 + 40) = 270
Number of students like strawberry = (200+120+40) = 360 Required percentage = 270/360 * 100 =
¾*100 = 75%

S14. Answer is E
Number of students like strawberry flavoured ice cream = 120
Number of girls like strawberry flavoured ice cream = 120/12 * 5 = 50

S15. Answer is A
Number of students like flavoured ice cream = (80+120) = 200
Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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Number of students like flavoured jellies = 50+40 = 90
Required difference = 200 – 90 = 110

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S16- S20

S16. Answer is D

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S17. Answer is B

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S18. Answer is D

S19. Answer is C

S20. Answer is E
Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S21- S24

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S21. Answer is A

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S22. Answer is D

S23. Answer is B

S24. Answer is C

S25. Answer is D

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S26- S27

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S26. Answer is B

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S27. Answer is D

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S28. Answer is E

S29. Answer is C

S30. Answer is B

S31. Answer is B

S32. Answer is C

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S33. Answer is D

S34. Answer is A

S35. Answer is C

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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Logical Reasoning

Solutions (1-5):
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S1. Ans.(d)
S2. Ans.(e)
S3. Ans.(c)
S4. Ans.(a)
S5. Ans.(d)

Solution (6- 10)

S6. Ans. C

S7. Ans. A

S8. Ans. E

S9. Ans. D

S10. Ans. B

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S11- S15

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S11. Ans. D

S12. Ans. B

S13. Ans. D

S14. Ans. D

S15. Ans. B

S16 – S20

S16. Ans. D

S17. Ans. A

S18. Ans. B

S19. Ans. C

S20. Ans. D

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S21- S25

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S21. Ans. D

S22. Ans. E

S23. Ans. B

S24. Ans. D

S25. Ans. C

S26. Ans E

S27. Ans E

S28. Ans D

S29. Ans. C
Sol. I. H=G (False) II. G<H (False)

S30.Ans B

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S31. Ans A

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S32. Ans C

S33. Ans E

Solution (34-36):

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S34. Ans A
S35. Ans D
S36. Ans E

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Solution (37-41):
Sol. Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it.
As a first step lets first understand the logic behind the Output. If you will see the final output, you
will observe the following:
(i)- In each step only one word and one number are getting arranged. The words are arranged
according to the number of letters present in words in descending order from right end to left end
and words which contain same number of letters will be arranged in alphabetical order from right
end to left end.
(ii)- Both odd and even number are getting arranged in every alternative step, such as in I-step the
highest odd number is getting arranged then in step-II the lowest even number is arranged and so
Input: method 22 world 7 68 after 89 national 94 cricket 51
Step I: 89 method 22 world 7 68 after 94 cricket 51 national
Step II: 89 22 method world 7 68 after 94 51 cricket national
Step III: 89 22 51 world 7 68 after 94 method cricket national
Step IV: 89 22 51 68 world 7 94 after method cricket national
Step V: 89 22 51 68 7 94 world after method cricket national

S37. Ans B
S38. Ans B
S39. Ans A
S40. Ans D
S41. Ans B

S42. Ans A
Sol. I is strong because it fosters sportsman spirit. II is a weak argument because the weakness of a
team is known not only to its former players.

S13. Ans B
Sol. For I-Although statement I is an environmental fact but assumption, I is not implicit on the basis
of the given statement. Because the given statement is concerned with soil pollution whereas I
assumption is concerned with air pollution which is quite deep and not directly related to the given
For II: But assumption II is implicit as it explains about the benefits of burring leaves over burning it.

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S44. Ans D

Since the given statement talks of an order not to let the officers read newspapers during office
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hours, it implies that reading newspapers during office hours is undesirable. So, I does not follow.
Also, the order has been issued with an intention to prevent harm to office work due to officers'
other indulgences. Thus, II also does not follow.

S45. Ans C

The problem discussed in the statement is not regarding the current accident, but to do something
to avert such mishaps. Accidents at railway crossings can be averted by deploying men to regulate
traffic and installing barriers to check traffic movement when a train passes by. So, only III follows.

Verbal Ability

S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. 2-3 (lethargy-expected) is the correct combination of the words that should replace each other
in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (b) is the right
answer choice.

S2. Ans. (a)

Sol. 1-4 (fundamental-euphoria) is the correct combination of the words that should replace each
other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (a) is the
right answer choice.

S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. 3-1 (catalyst-vital) is the correct combination of the words that should replace each other in
order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (c) is the right
answer choice.

S4. Ans. (b)

Sol. 2-3 (experiences- need) is the correct combination of the words that should replace each other
in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (b) is the right
answer choice.

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S5. Ans. (d)

Sol. 2-3 (organized-employees) is the correct combination of the words that should replace each
other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (d) is the
right answer choice. Page | 19

S6. Ans. (c)

Sol. Here the statement (III) is grammatically correct.
Statement (II): is will be replaced by are.
Statement (I): Advance will be replaced by Advanced.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. Both Statement (II) and (III) are grammatically correct.
Statement (I): manipulation will be replaced by manipulations to maintain the parallelism.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S8. Ans. (a)

Sol. There are errors in parts (B), (C) and (D).
Part (A) is free of error.
The correction is as follows:
Part (B) must be goods and services.
Part (C) must be not freely available.
Part (D) must be and thus the prices are.

S9. Ans. (d)

Sol. Only part (D) of the sentence is correct. Parts (A), (B) and (C) are erroneous.
In the part (A), ‘the Heads of Government’ must be used as there is more than one country.
In the part (B), ‘of the countries’ must be used. The usage of article ‘the’ is required.
In the part (C), ‘which are members’ must be used because we are not talking about a singular
country instead a plural noun that is, countries so its members.

S10. Ans.(a)
Sol. Only part (A) is correct.
In the part (B) the preposition ‘for’ must be replaced by ‘of’ whereas in the part (C) the preposition
‘of’ must be replaced by ‘for’. In the part (D), ‘have’ must be replaced with ‘has’ since this verb takes
the form of new knowledge and new ways.
Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct sequence of the sentence is ADCB. The sentence after rearrangement is,
The Congress asked Modi government to address debt burden in the Union Budget as citizens
could not pay for the ‘mistakes and incompetence of the government’. Page | 20
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S12. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence of the sentence is ADBC. The sentence after rearrangement is,
Opposition leaders have said India’s image as a progressive democracy based on secular values,
has been hit hard by the law.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S13. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence of the sentence is ABDC. The sentence after rearrangement is,
What is most striking about the current wave of anti-CAA sentiment sweeping India, is the way in
which symbols and slogans of India’s secularism have been vigorously reclaimed.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S14. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the sentence is ACDB. The sentence after rearrangement is,
Over the past few days the government had intensified efforts to reach out to Members of the
European Parliament (MEPs), with diplomats led by India’s Ambassador in Brussels
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S15. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct sequence of the sentence is ADCB. The sentence after rearrangement is,
Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday accused the BJP government at the Centre of promoting violence by
raising divisive issues.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S16. Ans. (b)

Sol. Resistant should be the replacement of unaffected as highlighted in the passage and numbered
(1). Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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S17. Ans. (a)
Sol. Produced should be the replacement of belittle as highlighted in the passage and numbered (2).
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

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S18. Ans. (d)
Sol. Proponents should be the replacement of harmful as highlighted in the passage and numbered
(3). Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S19. Ans. (c)

Sol. The answer to the question can be derived from the starting sentences of the third paragraph
and the last sentences of the last paragraph.
‘For all its vaunted institutions, the West is yet to get a grip on China, but it is constantly seeking to
solve the riddle of China’s rise. For example, a recent issue of The Economist examined “How the
West Got China Wrong”, and Foreign Affairs magazine attempted to fathom “how China hid its
global ambitions” in an article title “The Stealth Superpower”.’
‘Through these centres we should be able to arrive at our own in-depth understanding of China’;
From above, it could be understood that the author is interested in having an in-depth
understanding of China.
The last sentence of the last paragraph suggests that the author wants India to have an in-depth
understanding of China.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

S20. Ans. (e)

Sol. The answer to the question can be derived from the second paragraph. The paragraph informs
that China is the dominant economic power in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP),
directly competing with the U.S. for supremacy in science and technology and India ranks third in
The rank of the U.S. is second.
Hence, option (e) is the correct answer.

S21. Ans. (a)

Sol. ‘Snarl’ [reporting verb] means ‘(of a person) say something in an angry, bad-tempered voice’;
The expression ‘even as the West continues to snarl at China’ suggests that the nations in the West
continue to make angry remarks against China regularly.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

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S22. Ans. (b)
Sol. The answer to the question can be derived from the second and fourth paragraph.
From the first sentence of the second paragraph ‘… that suffered depredations under Communist
Party Chairman Mao Zedong, has left India so far behind…’.
Clearly, according to the author, Mao Zedong was not the reason for China’s growth.
The last two sentences of the second paragraph ‘…” We’re democracy, China is not.” There is more Page | 22
to that country’s spectacular rise than just that one factor…’ The phrase ‘there is more to that’
affirms that not having democracy is indeed one of the reasons/factors behind China’s growth.
The first sentence of the fourth paragraph is ‘Since science and technology are powering China’s
So, ‘Science and Technology’ is one of the reasons considered by the author as a reason for the
growth of China.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

S23. Ans. (d)

Sol. The answer to the question can be derived from the last two sentences of the last paragraph
‘Since science and technology are powering China’s growth, we need to make sense of those by
setting up well-funded, world-class interdisciplinary centres not just in universities like Jawaharlal
Nehru University but also in the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Indian Institutes of
Technology which have the best technical and scientific minds in the country. Through these centres
we should be able to arrive at our own in-depth understanding of China’.
From above, it could be understood that options (a) and (b) are correct. Hence, option (d) is the
correct answer.

S24. Ans. (e)

Sol. Depredations [noun] means ‘an act of attacking or plundering’;
Aberration [noun] means ‘a deviation from what is normal or expected’;
Torpor [noun] means ‘inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy’;
Gall [noun] means ‘the trait of being rude and impertinent’;
Culpability [noun] means ‘a state of guilt’;
Goodness [noun] means ‘the quality of being good’;
From above, it could be understood that the word ‘goodness’ is an ANOTNYM of ‘depredations’.
Hence, option (e) is the correct answer.

S25. Ans. (c)

Sol. Refer to the lines in the second paragraph of the passage, “One reason could be political.
Women as a gender are not a separate constituency yet in India. There are urban women, rural
women, wealthy women and poor women but women as a gender are not a vote bank. This is a
relatively low-cost experiment to create that.” This is the initial opinion of the author about the

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
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announcement made by the then Finance Minister to set up a woman’s bank in India. Hence option
(c) is the correct choice.

S26. Ans. (e)

Page | 23
Sol. The Guardian cited one question that the entrance examination paper for a trainee program at
Merrill Lynch in 1972 had: “When you meet a woman, what interests you most about her?” The
correct answer was beauty. Those who thought intelligence, were given low marks. There was, of
course, no question on what interests one the most when meeting a man. This (the way answers
were evaluated) is gender discrimination at its worst in the financial sector.It can be clearly inferred
from the above two underlined parts that Merrill Lynch was working in the financial sector. Option
(e) is hence the correct answer.

S27. Ans. (d)

Sol. Refer to the third paragraph of the passage ,it clearly mentions that in 1999, a group of women
entrepreneurs mooted the idea of a women’s bank to then president Benjamin William Mkapa and it
took eight years for the Women’s Bank Public Ltd Co to set up, with the government holding 97%
equity stake and private entities the rest and on the day the bank was launched, 110 women opened
accounts. It focuses on low-income earners, small businesses and small and medium enterprise.

S28. Ans. (c)

Sol. Refer to the second last paragraph of the passage where the author is talking about self-help
groups and microfinance institutions which are run by women. It is mentioned , “Banks and
microfinance institutions are comfortable dealing with women borrowers as they are more
responsible and disciplined in their approach in paying back the money. While many men in rural
India spend their meagre earnings drinking alcohol and gambling, women keep the hearth fires
burning and take care of children’s education.”

S29. Ans. (d)

Sol. In the last paragraph of the passage it is mentioned that woman’s bank will not become
successful in India if it focuses only on banking. “Professional urban women do not need a bank of
their own but rural women, particularly in those pockets of India which are fraught with casteism
and gender discrimination, will find in it an oasis.”

S30. Ans. (e)

Sol. Ridicule means to mock.
Esteem means respect and admiration. Contempt means the feeling that a person or a thing is
worthless or beneath consideration. Hence (e) is the answer.
Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
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Commendation means praise.
Reverence means deep respect for someone or something.

S31. Ans. (c)

Page | 24
Sol. The right answer choice is option (c)

S32. Ans. (b)

Sol. The right answer choice is option (b)

S33. Ans. (a)

Sol. Inadequacy means Lack of the quantity or quality required; Insufficiency, Deficiency. Only
statement (I) uses the given word Inadequacy in a grammatically correct and contextually
meaningful manner. Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S34. Ans. (a)

Sol. Mollify means Appease, Placate, Pacify. Only statement (I) uses the given word Mollify in a
grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner. Hence, option (a) is the right answer

S35. Ans. (e)

Sol. Among the given options, the option (e) ‘disappoint’ is the most relevant word to fill the blank.
Hence, the correct answer is the option (e).

Classroom Cetking: Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380, Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791, Borivali –
082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141, Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232, Aurangabad – 08796489499.
Books and Online Programs: Books Mocks Shortcuts eClasses Workshops
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