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Questions Answers

1. What were your considerations in choosing the Subject matter, reliability of information, time span,
references aside from the topic at hand? language of user interface and contents and the
usability of a database and the available tools.

Did you check on the year of publication? Which Yes, that last-update or that last reviewed date.
sources are updated

Which of these sources in your list will give you themost Academic journal articles are more narrow than books.
significant information for your research? Which
willgive the least impact?

4. Was it easy searching your sources in the internet? Yes, sometimes the internet is persasive easily
accessible, and continually updated. It only makes sense
to capitalize on this ever-evolving technology as
resource for speech research.


Author's Credentials

Pg. 51 evaluating learning

Evaluative questions Answer

1. Yes, becasue it relates new theory to old knowledge

and help student personally connected with the

2 Yes it uses proper words for the reader in formal way

and it has wider vocabulary in the target language and
help support four language level

3. The author used scholarly material where in the

materials are written by reaserchers or experts in a
particular field .

4 Yes, that date of publication was current and up-to o-

date and relevant

5 Adaptibility, creativity, determination, and writing skills

6 The author used primary sources where she uses

journal, reviews, and academic books.

7 The purpose of the author is to o inform, to share facts

about the artificial intelligence

8 The author is objective because she plays attention to

all the facts and it's not against people.

9 Yes, it was supported because the results are

statistically significant and consistent with the
hypothesis and the theory that was used to generate
the hypothesis

10 Yes

11 It was useful as initial background information it has

authenticity/credibility. This would be a great help as a
source of information.

Evaluative questions Answers

1. What is a Turnitin software? It is designed to educate students regarding appropriate

citation and referencing techniques

Turnitin , was founded in 1998 buy four students at

Berkeley, intended to be an online peer-review

To check submitted documents against it's data base or

the content of the other website with the aim of
identifying plagiarism

For the student to avoid plagiarism

Re-read the original work as a whole to identify the key
arguments . Make it brief notes about your own words
and explain how they support your own argument. And
write sentences using more formla academic language
and tone to express your thoughts.

Originality is the most important criteria for a successful

thesis. Your research paper should be a significant
addition to accumulated knowledge within your
discipline, which implies it must offer something new.

Applying our Learning

Activity 1
On the answer sheet, arrange the entries for referencing to come up an APA style.

1. For textbook
• Heinemann.

• (2010).
• (5th ed.).
• Beauty therapy fact file
• Essex, England:
• Cressy, S.


Cressy, S. (2010) Beauty therapy fact file(5th ed.) Essex, England: Heineman

2. Answer

In J. Crisp, C. Taylor ,C. Douglas, & G. Rebeiro(Eds.), Stern-Parbury, J. (2013) Potter & Perry's
fundamentals of nursing communication( 4th ed., pp.193-216). Chatswood, Austrialla: Elsevier .

3. Mcleay, Y., Barnes, M.J., Mundel, T. Hurst, S.M., Hurst, R.D & Stannard, S.R. (2002). Effect of New
Zealand blueberry consumption on recovery from economic exercise induced muscle damage. Retrieved
from SPORTDiscus database. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9(1),19-30.
Activity 2.

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