Food Ordering CH4

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After data collection, an overview on the system has been gained. Then different
methods (Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram etc.) of Structured
System Analysis & Design Methodology (SSADM) is used to analyze the system
and make logical structure for it.
Method of PIECES Analysis PIECES is a method of analysis that is used to get the
trees with more specific issues. The PIECES make it possible to improve
maintenance on an ongoing basis through the development of Human Resources
(HR) [10].
In this framework there are 6 PIECES of variable evaluation, include:
1) Performance: Performance is the first variable in PIECES framework. This
variable is useful to see whether the procedure can still be improved its performance
and how reliable a system in the processing of data in order to produce the desired
information and achieved the expected goals.
2) Information: The information generated from the information systems must have a
value that is useful. It is necessary to take a decision in an organization or company.
3) Economic: This variable becomes a benchmark for companies to determine
whether the procedure is currently running can be increased or lowered its cost
4) Control: A good system is a system that is accompanied with a good security and
control. If a system is very weak so vulnerable was attacked by the party from
outside the irresponsible will mess up the system.
5) Efficiency: Information systems that are used must have an increased operating
efficiency and superior compared to manual systems.
6) Service: The quality of service to consumers not to be ignored. Companies need to
think about the quality of service is user friendly for the user so that the user can feel
satisfied going to a service provided by the company.


The method of existing system after recording information ends the restaurant use
mark sheet or excel to store the details then orders information and display the
boards using papers then customers comes restaurant to register, we used
DFD&UML for process modeling tools.

The existing system happens to be a non-computerized operating system were all

operations are done manually by the waiter carrying paper and to take down the
order of the customer or making an order over the counter. This leads to mistakes
because the waiter might not understand what the customer had ordered therefore
serving him/her a different menu. This could be so embarrassing because the
customer might not take it lightly with the waiter which may lead to

To overcome the limitation in Web based system we proposed an automated food

ordering system for restaurants with real time customer feedback. It is an online food
ordering system using android devices.

The proposed system is developed to manage ordering activities in fast food

restaurant. It helps to record customer submitted orders. The system should cover the
following functions in order to support the restaurant’s business process for
achieving the objectives:

1. To allow the customer to make order, view order and make changes before
submitting their order and allow them make payment through prepayment card or
credit card or debit card.

2. To provide interface that allows promotion and menu.

3. To prevent interface that shows customers’ orders detail to front-end and kitchen
staffs for delivering customers’ orders

4. Tools that generate reports that can be used for decision making

5. A tool that allows the management to modify the food information such as price,
add a new menu and many others as well as tools for managing user, system menu
and promotion records.


System requirement is a characteristic or feature that must be include in any

information system to satisfy users. Since the Administrator and the user are the
main target collection of our software, I will only concern about some important
functions for the admin and the user. The system needs Applications like web
browsers safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome and internet connection.

They include the following interfaces:

a) User Interfaces:  The keyboard, mouse, menus of a computer system. The user
interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system.

b) Software Interfaces: The languages and codes that the applications use to
communicate with each other and with the hardware.

c) Hardware Interfaces: The wires, plugs and sockets that hardware devices use to
communicate with each other.

d) Communication Interfaces: computer systems, or any other medium of

communication. A physical interface is the interconnection between two items of
hardware or machinery.


Following are the list of functional requirements which have identified during the
requirement analysis:

 Facility for customer to make online payment.

 View order items information online,

 Facility to view and get duplicate print out of current order.

 Connect to other site for online payment gateways using Credit cards

 Facility for customer to make an online request for a new event.

 Facility to online customer to change request.

 High mobile responsiveness.

 Online table Request submission.

 Online change table Request submission.

 Facility to view currently logged in users in the system.

 Facility to view current menus and edit menu items in the system.

 Facility to view banners in the system.

 Facility to make charts of all users for decisions.

 System generates SMS and Emails feedback messages for submitted request.

4.4.2. Nonfunctional requirements

Following are the non-functional requirements in the system:

Performance - System should respond quickly for the requests made by the user.

The data will be readily available as soon as the request is made and the information

requests from the system will be readily accessible at a single click. Screens should

load quickly.

Reliability Online order processing system will be completely tested at the time of

delivery. No computational error should occur. The proposed system will be written

in a client server environment and used web methods to implement all services then

it make easy to modifications when required.

Availability - The system will be available to the user on the internet for 24 hours a

day, 7 days a week. If there is a down time and if pre-planned then that need to be

informed early, so data lost and inconveniences will be minimized

Security - Consumer should register the online management system first. Then the

system asks username and password to login and use the available service of the

system. User can change password and user profile as required. All information

notified to user by SMS. Data validation of all screen prevent unauthorized access to

the customer’s personal details and system login The database will be protected and
encrypted by standard practice as well as measures. Periodic backups of system will

be scheduled.

Maintainability - System will be maintained by the IT division. And also system

and software documentation will be provided and that will give instruction about use

and maintenance of the system.


The feasibility study technical information and cost data to determine the economic
potential and practicality of a project. The feasibility study uses techniques that help
evaluate a project and/or compare it with other projects. Feasibility study is a part of
the system development life cycle, which aims to determine whether it is sensible to
develop some system

Feasibility study is divided in to four types:-

 Technological feasibility
 Operational feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Schedule feasibility


In this section we present some of the system diagrams such as context diagram
(CD), and—which will provide a clear system overview. Figure 4 depicts the CD of
the AOS-RTF system. Firstly the restaurant owner will log into the system and
update the menu and advertise the promotion strategies. The customer has to login
the system so that the system can assign identification number to the ordered menu.
The customer information and menu choices are sent to the system over wireless
network. The restaurant owner and the kitchen staff will receive the ordered lists
from the system. The restaurant owner can update the order status into the system.
The customer can thus view his order status. After having the food customer can
make payment and enter feedback regarding restaurant system and services.
The structure of the system can be divided into three main logical components. The

first component must provide some form of menu management, allowing the

restaurant to control what can be ordered by customers. The second component is the

web ordering system and provides the functionality for customers to place their order

and supply all necessary details. The third and final logical component is the order

retrieval system. Used by the restaurant to keep track of all orders which have been

placed, this component takes care of retrieving and displaying order information, as

well as updating orders which have already been processed.

4.6.1 Data flow diagram (DFD)

Data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data

through an information system, modeling its process aspects. Often, they are a
preliminary step to create an overview of the system which can later be elaborated.
DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (Structured design).
DFDs help system designer and others during initial analysis stages visualize a
current system or one that may be necessary to meet new requirements. Systems
analysts prefer working with DFDs, particularly when they required a clear
understanding of the boundary between existing systems and postulated systems.
The hierarchical DFD typically consists of a top-level diagram (Level 0) underlain
by cascading lower level diagram (Level 1, Level 2…) that represent different parts
of the system. In the late 1970s data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were introduced and
popularized for structured analysis and design (Gane and Sarson 1979). DFDs show
the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data moved
from one process to another, as well as its logical storage.

Figure 3.3 Data flow diagram (DFD)

Figure 3.4 Login form

Figure 3.4 Home Page

Figure 3.4 Order Page


Designing a Database Like most tasks, building a database starts with a design. After
all, you wouldn’t try to build a house without a blueprint, and most people wouldn’t
attempt to prepare a new dish without a recipe. Like these other tasks, having a good
design for your database is a major first step in creating a successful project.
In designing a database application, you must set up not only the program’s routines
for maximum performance, but you must pay attention also to the physical and
logical layout of the data storage. A good database design does the following:

 Provides minimum search times when locating specific records.

 Stores data in the most efficient manner possible to keep the database from
growing too large.

 Makes data updates as easy as possible.

 Is flexible enough to allow inclusion of new functions required of the

 When you’re creating the design for your database, you must keep several
objectives in mind although meeting all these design objectives is desirable,
sometimes they are mutually exclusive.

The primary design objectives are as follows:

 Eliminate redundant data.

 Be able to locate individual records quickly.
 Make enhancements to the database easy to implement.
 Keep the database easy to maintain.

Table 4.7.1 Users Table

Table 4.7.2 Items Table
Table 4.7.3 Orders Table

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