The Identity of The Syntypes of Dryophylax Freminvillei With Comments On Their Locality Data

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The Identity of the Syntypes of Dryophylax freminvillei with Comments on

Their Locality Data

Article  in  Journal of herpetology · March 1999

DOI: 10.2307/1565559


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2 authors:

Robert Allen Thomas Ivan Ineich

Loyola University New Orleans Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle


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Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

The Identity of the Syntypes of Dryophylax freminvillei with Comments on Their Locality
Author(s): Robert A. Thomas and Ivan Ineich
Source: Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Mar., 1999), pp. 152-155
Published by: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 19/03/2014 14:43

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RE'-EUSEBE. 1993. Anti-Mullerian hormone: the Jost Journalof Herpetology,Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 152-155, 1999
factor. Recent. Prog. Horm. Res. 8:379-413. Copyright1999Societyfor the Studyof Amphibiansand Reptiles
LEE,M. M., AND P. K. DONAHOE.1993. Miillerian in-
hibiting substance: a gonadal hormone with mul- The Identity of the Syntypes of
tiple functions. Endocrine Rev. 14:152-164.
PICON,R. 1969. Action du testicule foetal sur le de- Dryophylax freminvillei with Comments
velopment in vitro des canaux de Muller ches let on their Locality Data
rat. Arch. Anat. Micros. Morphol. Exp. 58:1-19.
RAYNAUD,A., AND C. PIEAU.1985. Embryonic devel- ROBERTA. THOMAS,12AND IVAN INEICH,3'Departlments
opment of the genital system. In C. Gans and F of Communicationsand BiologicalSciences,LoyolaUnlizvr-
Billet (eds.), Biology of the Reptilia, Vol. 15, pp. sity, New Orleans,Louisiana70118-6195, USA, 2Audubon
149-300. Wiley, New York. Centerfor Researchof EndangeredSpecies, 14001 Rizvr
TRAN,D., AND N. Josso. 1977. Relationship between Road,New Orleans, Louisiana70131-3265, USA. E-nail:
avian and mammalian anti-Miillerian hormone., de Zoologie(Reptiles
Biol. Reprod. 16:267-273. et Amphibiens),Museum national d'Histoire naturelle,25
VAN TIENHOVEN,A. 1983. Reproductive Physiology of Rue Cuvier, F-75231 Paris cedex 05, FRANCE. E-mail:
Vertebrates. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New York. ineich@cim rsl. n
WIBBELS, T., ANDD. CREWS.1992. Specificity of steroid
hormone-induced sex determination in a turtle. J.
Endocrinol. 133:121-129. Dryophylaxfreminvillei Dumeril, Bibron, and Du-
meril (1854) was described on the basis of four spec-
, AND . 1995. Steroid-induced sex deter-
mination at incubation temperatures producing imens, each of which presents a problem either in
terms of questionable locality data or existence of the
mixed sex ratios in a turtle with TSD. Gen. Comp.
Endocrinol. 100:53-63. specimen. Two specimens were allegedly collected by
M. Christophe-Paulin de Freminville during his trav-
,J. J. BULL, AND D. CREWS. 1991a. Chronology
els on the Frigate "'TAllier" and bear localities of
and morphology of temperature-dependent sex de-
"Nouvelle Hollande" (the old name for Australia)
termination. J. Exp. Zool. 260:71-381.
, , AND . 1991b. Synergism of tem- (MNHN 3847) and "Guyane" (MNHN 7630) (Du-
meril et al., 1854:1117-18). The other two specimens,
perature and estradiol: A common pathway in sex were said to be collected by "M. Gaudichaud"
determination? J. Exp. Zool. 260:130-134.
, P. GIDEON,J. J. BULL,AND D. CREWS.1993. (Charles-Marie Gaudichaud-Beaupr6, a French bota-
nist) (Dumeril et al., 1854:1118) in Calao (sic), Peru.
Estrogen- and temperature-induced medullary Dum6ril (1853:508) used the name (without descrip-
cord regression during gonadal differentiation in a
turtle. Differentiation 53:149-154. tion) and cited specimens from "Guyane" and "Per-
ou" without elaboration.
, J. J. BULL,AND D. CREWS. 1994. Temperature-
Status of the TypeSpecimens.We have examined the
dependent sex determination: A mechanistic ap-
specimens from "Guyane" (MNHN 7630) and "Nou-
proach. J. Exp. Zool. 270:71-78. velle Hollande" (MNHN 3847), both attributed to
, J. COWAN, AND R. LEBOEUF. 1998. Tempera- Fr6minville. The Callao specimens, attributed by Du-
ture-dependent sex determination in the red-eared meril et al. (1854) to Gaudichaud, are not presently in
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the MNHN. The following discussion documents our
,AND R. D. LEBOEUF. 1997. Cloning of a cDNA investigation of the Callao specimens.
MNHN presently contains specimens collected by
for Miillerian inhibiting substance in a turtle.
Gaudichaud in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bawack
Amer. Zool. 177A.
Island (presumably Rawack Island near Waigeo in In-
YNTEMA, C. L. 1968. A series of stages in the embry-
onic development of Chelydraserpentina.J. Morphol. donesia, though the specimen with that locality rep-
resents a species that does not occur there, Glenn
Shea, pers. comm.), Timor, the Marianna Islands in
Micronesia, and India. Three lizards are the only rep-
Accepted: 14 October 1998. tiles in the MNHN collected by him in Peru.
In the MNHN catalog containing material entered
from 1839 to 1869, there is a list of specimens (pp. 37,
seven species, eight specimens) given to the museum
by Fr6minville in February,1842. We accept that spec-
imens 6 (listed as "Psamnmophis voison du temminickii"
from "Nouvelle Hollande") and 7 ("Psammophis?dor-
so-catenata?"from "Guyane") are MNHN 3847 and
MNHN 7630, respectively. Aside from those two
specimens, there is only one other specimen collected
by Fr6minville that is still extant in MNHN, namely
MNHN 816, which is the type of Stenorrhinafremin-
villei, collected in M6xico.
In the catalog of the reptiles of the MNHN collec-
tions written by Auguste Dum6ril, dated 1 March,
1857, and conserved as a manuscript in the Central
Library of MNHN, Dryophylaxfreminvillei was listed
from "Ameriq. merid." (South America). The fact that

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A. Dumeril stated that D. freminvillei is from "Merid- identities have eluded herpetologists who do not have
ional America" clearly shows that the locality of experience with specimens from both regions.
"Nouvelle Hollande," as stated in the original descrip- Freminville never visited the west coast of South
tion, is incorrect. America or the Galapagos Archipelago; he traveled in
In another unpublished catalog housed in the La- the Atlantic visiting Guyana, Rio de Janeiro, various
boratoire des Reptiles et Amphibiens (MNHN) and sites in the Antilles, and the west coast of Africa (R.
dated 1864, specimens are listed by species. On p. 330, Roux-Esteve, in litt., 16 July, 1980). He either obtained
under Dryophylaxfreminvillei, only two specimens are the syntypes of Dryophylaxfreminvillei from another
listed: "4515 Dryophylax freminvilleii D.B., Guyane. collector in Guyana, or the specimens were mislabeled
Fr6minville, alcool. T." (T. means type; this specimen after being collected by someone else. We have found
is now MNHN 7630 as stated in this catalog on the one connection between MNHN and the Galapagos
same page) and "4516 Dryophylaxfreminvilleii D.B., islands during the time period being discussed. The
Nouvelle Hollande. Fr6minville, alcool. T." (now Frigate "La Venus," commanded by Abel A. du Petit-
MNHN 3847). The numbers 4515 and 4516 were old Thouars (1836-1839) and with the naturalist Adolphe
catalog numbers. No chronological significance should Simon Neboux aboard, visited the west coast of South
be drawn from these two specimens which now bear America and the Galapagos (Papavero, 1971:165). Du
the non-serial numbers MNHN 3847 and MNHN Petit-Thouars (1841) discussed visits to the vicinities
7630. of Punta del Callao/Lima and Punta de Aguja/Paita,
It should now be clear that since 1864 there were Peru, followed by stops on the following Galapagos
only two specimens, both syntypes, referred to as islands: Hood (Espanola), Charles (Floreana), Chatam
Dryophylaxfreminvillei by Dumeril, Bibron, and their (San Crist6bal), Barrington (Santa F6), James (Santia-
colleagues. Both of these specimens were said to be go), Albemarle (Isabela), Narborough (Fernandina),
collected by Freminville; there are no snakes, even in and others.
the old catalogs, attributed to Gaudichaud from Peru. MNHN 3847 compares favorably with other male
The mention of two specimens of Dryophylaxfremin- specimens from San Crist6bal but not with males
villei, clearly indicated as juveniles in the original de- from other Galapagos islands (see Thomas, 1997)
scription, from Callao, Peru, remains a mystery. The (counts from known San Crist6bal male specimens
only conclusion that we can reach is that these speci- given in parentheses): ventrals 199 (199, 202, 204, 208),
mens were available to Dumeril, Bibron, and Dumeril subcaudals 109 (117, 120, 122). All other scale counts
are the same. The dorsal pattern of MNHN 3847 is
during their original description of Dryophylaxfrem-
invillei and that they were presumably collected in striped throughout as are all Alsophis biserialis from
Callao, Peri, but that they were never entered into the San Crist6bal. On the neck, the mid-dorsal stripe ap-
MNHN collections, being either lost, destroyed, ex- pears to zig-zag due to the presence of pale, slightly
offset spots lateral to it (Fig. 1). Also typical of spec-
changed, or donated, without any written record other
than their use in the description of the species. We imens from San Crist6bal is the presence of prominent
must note that there is also the possible explanation pale nuchal stripes. Based on this information,
that Dum6ril et al. realized that the two specimens MNHN 3847 is a specimen of Alsophis biserialis biser-
ialis (Giinther) and we hereby correct the locality of
belonged to a different species, had correct locality this syntype to Isla San Crist6bal, Galapagos Archi-
information, and they cataloged them elsewhere in the
collection without noting a correction, but this is less pelago, Ecuador, thus possibly having been collected
probable. by someone (presumably Neboux) on "La Venus" and
not by Freminville, who never visited the Galapagos
Status of the Species.Jan (1863) placed the species in
the genus PhilodryasWagler, but later Jan and Sordelli
Based on pattern and meristic data, the specimen
(1879, P1. IV, Fig. 2, presumably based on MNHN
7630) returned it to Dryophylax.This taxon was placed bearing the number MNHN 7630 is an Alsophis elegans
in the synonymy of Alsophis elegans (Tschudi, 1845) by (Fig. 2). This species does not occur in Guyana as cat-
aloged. Assuming that MNHN 7630 was collected at
Boulenger (1896:133), and has since been mentioned one of the two Peruvian localities (Punta de Aguja and
only in that context (e.g., Peters and Orejas-Miranda, Callao) visited by expeditions that are known to or
1970:243). Schmidt and Walker (1943:317) gave the lo-
calities for the syntypes as "Guyane and Callao, may have supplied zoological specimens to MNHN
before 1854 (such as the Frigate "La Venus") and/or
Peru," and they "restricted" the type locality to Cal-
reported by Dumeril et al. (1854:1118, Callao), the
lao, Peru, without having examined the syntypes and male specimen was compared to males from the vi-
with no discussion of their reasoning. cinities of Punta de Aguja and Callao in an attempt
During the course of studies of Alsophis elegans and to verify its true point of origin. The species exhibits
related snakes, one of us (Thomas) examined the two a clinal increase in ventral numbers from north to
syntypes of Dryophylaxfreminvillei, both males (deter- south (Thomas and Myra Valena, unpubl. data). Com-
mined by incision of the tails). One (MNHN 7630) has
paring the ventral count of MNHN 7630 (207) to
obviously grooved post-diastemal teeth, while the males from within one degree latitude north and
other (MNHN 3847) does not. Additionally, the latter south of both Punta de Aguja (ca. 6?S: 187-200, x =
is large for an A. elegans, and has a pattern not typical 191.7) and Punta del Callao (ca. 12?S: 199-225, x =
of that species. These characteristics and other meristic 214.7), the count is low but within the range of the
data led us to realize that MNHN 3847 is not an Al- latter. Based on this analysis, we confirm that MNHN
sophis elegans from the mainland, but an Alsophis bis- 7630 is a specimen of Alsophis elegans, and that it is
erialis (sensu Thomas, 1997) from the Galapagos Ar- presumably from Callao, Peru.
chipelago. The species are so similar that their correct This analysis being accomplished and the above lo-

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FIG.2. Lectotypeof Dryophylaxfreminvillei, MNHN 7630 [now Alsophis elegans (Tschudi)].

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cality conclusion reached, we have not positively iden- LITERATURE

tified the collector. The specimen may have been given
BOULENGER, G. A. 1896. Catalogue of the Snakes in
to Freminville by an unknown collector, since the for-
the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. III,
mer never visited western South America. On the ba-
sis of known contacts between MNHN and coastal Containing the Colubridae, (Opisthoglyphae and
Peru, two other potential collectors of the specimen Proteroglyphae), Amblycephalidae, and Viperidae.
British Mus. Nat. Hist., London.
should be considered. It may have been collected by A. M. C. 1853. Prodrome de la classification
a crew member of "La Venus," during its stop in Cal- des reptiles ophidiens. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 23:
lao, Peri. This seems plausible especially since we 399-536.
have shown above that one of the two syntypes is AND A. DUMERIL. 1854. Erpetologie
Alsophis b. biserialis from San Crist6bal, thus "La Ve- Generale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Rep-
nus" visited both syntypes' probable points of origin. tiles. Tome septieme, deuxieme partie. Lib. Encycl.
The specimen may have been collected by Charles-
Roret, Paris.
Marie Gaudichaud-Beaupre, during his visit to Callao,
JAN, G. 1863. Elenco Sistematico degli Ofidi Descritti
Peru, on the Frigate "l'Herminie" on its 1830-32 so- e Disegnati per l'Iconografia Generale. Tipografia
journ to South America (see Nelson and Lescure, 1975, di A. Lombardi, Milan.
for more information on Gaudichaud's travels). ,AND F SORDELLI. 1879. Iconographie Generale
Though Dumeril et al. (1854:1118) cited specimens des Ophidiens. Vol. 3, Livr. 49, IV, 2. By the Au-
from Callao attributed to Gaudichaud, no specimens thors, Milan; Bailliere Tindall, and Cox, London; J.
of this taxon bearing his name have ever been cata- B. Bailliere and Sons, Paris; C. Bailley-Bailliere,
loged in MNHN, so we have no reason to believe that Madrid.
Gaudichaud was the collector. NELSON, C. E., AND J. LESCURE. 1975. The taxonomy
Finally, a lectotype must be identified to clarify fu- and distribution of Myersiella and Synapturanus
ture reference to Dryophylaxfreminvillei. In order to (Anura: Microhylidae). Herpetologica 31: 389-397.
maximize taxonomic stability, we choose to designate PAPAVERO,N. 1971. Essays on the History of Neotrop-
MNHN 7630 as the lectotype for this taxon. It is the ical Dipterology, with Special Reference to Collec-
only specimen illustrated for the species (Jan and Sor- tors (1750-1905). Vol. I. Mus. Zool. Univ. Sao Paulo,
delli, 1879, P1. IV, Fig. 2), and this choice avoidsfrem- Sao Paulo, Brazil.
invillei becoming the senior synonym of the long rec- PETERS,J. A., AND B. R. OREJAS-MIRANDA. 1970. Cat-
ognized and recently revised (Thomas, 1997) Alsophis alogue of the Neotropical Squamata: Part I. Snakes.
biserialis. Thus, Dryophylaxfreminvillei is now a junior Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 297: viii + 347 pp.
synonym of Alsophis elegans (Tschudi). As mentioned PETIT-THOUARS,A. A. 1841. Voyage Autour du Monde
earlier, Schmidt and Walker (1943:317) restricted the sur la Fregate Venus Pendant les Annees 1836-
locality of D. freminvillei to Callao, Per6. Since they did 1839, Publiee par Ordre du Roi, sous les auspices
not designate a neotype or lectotype, their restriction du Ministrere de la Marine. Tome deuxieme. Gide
is invalid. We hereby agree with their intent and re- Editeur, Paris.
strict the lectotype to Callao, Perlu. SCHMIDT,K. P., AND W. F WALKER, JR. 1943. Snakes of
the Peruvian coastal region. Zool. Ser., Field Mus.
Acknowledgments.-We thank J. Guibe, R. Roux-Es- Nat. Hist. 24(27):297-324.
teve, J. Lescure, and Edouard-Raoul Brygoo, Museum THOMAS, R. A. 1997. Galapagos terrestrial snakes: bio-
national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), and
geography and systematics. Herpetol. Nat. Hist. 5:
Glenn Shea, Australian Museum, for help with the 19-40.
itineraries of the early explorers discussed above. The TSCHUDI, J. J. VON. 1845. Reptilium conspectum quae
following curators and collection managers also gra- in Repdblica Peruana reperiuntur et pleraque ob-
ciously extended loans: A. F Stimson and C. J. Mc- servata vel collecta sunt in itinere. Arch. Natur-
Carthy, Natural History Museum of London (BMNH); gesch. 9:150-170.
A. E. Leviton, R. C. Drewes, and J. Vindum, California
Academy of Sciences (CAS); H. Marx, H. K. Voris, and I
A. Resetar, Field Museum of Natural History
(FMNH); R. L. Bezy and J. W. Wright, Natural History Material Examined.-Alsophis biserialis (Giinther): Ec-
Museum of Los Angeles (LACM); E. E. Williams, J. E. uador, Galapagos Archipelago. San Crist6bal: locality
Cadle, and J. Rosado, Museum of Comparative Zool- unknown (CAS 104697, MNHN 3847, SMF 56715-
ogy (MCZ), Harvard University; C. Dufour, Musee 717). Alsophis elegans (Tschudi): Peru. Lambayeque:
d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchatel (MHNN); K. Klem- 26.5 km N Chepen (LACM 49438, TCWC 28911), 7.8
mer, Senckenberg Museum (SMF); J. R. Dixon and R. km W Naupe (TCWC 28915), Eten (BMNH
K. Vaughan, Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection 1910.2.26.12); Lima: locality unknown (MHNN
(TCWC), Texas A&M University; W R. Heyer, G. Zug, 91.514-holotype); Lima (BMNH, USNM
and R. Reynolds, National Museum of Natural His- 75399, ZMB 26255, ZSM 279/26); Callao (MNHN
tory (USNM); G. Peters, Zoologisches Museum an der 7630); 5 km E Chosica (LACM 49437); Chosica, 3000
Humbolt-Universitat, Berlin (ZMB); and U. Gruber, ft (FMNH 39372); Infantas (MCZ 130283); 2 km N, 2
Zoologisches Staatsmuseum des Bayerischen Staats, km W Chilca (USNM 218047); Isla San Lorenzo
Muinchen (ZSM). Polly Thomas and Cassandra Mabe (BMNH; Piura: 15 km E Piura (TCWC
helped Thomas with translations. The clarity of the 4135); Paita (MNHN 1906.254); Quebrada Montero,
discussion was enhanced by suggestions from Roy W. Cerro de Illesca (FMNH 8387-88); Bayovar, Bahia de
McDiarmid. Sechura (FMNH 9791).

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