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Zimbabwe’s Quality Journalism

Monday 13 June 2022 


...Accusations could scuttle Zim's rejoining bid

Review & Mail Writers with the 1994 Rwanda genocide, died in Ha-
rare some years ago and was buried at a lo-
Zimbabwe’s detractors are reportedly cal cemetery under a pseudonym where it
working in cahoots with local opposition was discovered by UN investigators work-
parties and civil society organisations to ing in conjunction with the Zimbabwe gov-
scuttle Zimbabwe’s chances of being re-ad- ernment last month.
mitted into the Commonwealth using the Although Mpiranya was buried in 2006,
unfortunate murder of Moreblessing Ali the discovery of his body came after Zim-
babwe had asked Rwanda for help in its at-
(pictured second column) and the death in
tempt to re-join the Commonwealth.
Zimbabwe of Rwanda fugitive, Protais Mpi-
the murder was politically motivated and This was viewed by the Zimbabwean gov-
ranya (pictured third column). of Zimbabwe to believe that it is meant to
accusing the ruling ZANU PF of having a ernment as a ploy by the United Kingdom
Ali, a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) scuttle its re-admission bid on the guise of
hand in the kidnapping and subsequent and its allies in the West to spoil relations
activist, was allegedly kidnapped by her human rights abuses.
murder of Ali. between the countries so that Zimba-
ex-boyfriend, Pius Jamba a member of While police are yet to conclude their in-
Ironically, this is also happening just 10 bwe did not get the support it sought from
ZANU PF on May 24 in Chitungwiza, in a vestigations to determine the motive of the
days before the Commonwealth Heads of Rwanda on allegations of harbouring Mpi-
purely personal matter following a failed murder, those in the opposition and civil
Government Meeting scheduled for Kigali, ranya.
love affair. society have already concluded that it was
Rwanda on June 22, where Zimbabwe will Foreign Affairs Minister, Fredrick Sha-
However, the West, working with the op- politically motivated despite evidence of a
be seeking re-admission. va, however, pointed out that Zimbabwe
position CCC attempted to politicise the love relationship between Ali and Jamba.
This gives every reason for the government Mpiranya, a fugitive wanted in connection would never harbour any... TOPAGE 2
purely criminal matter by insinuating that
13 June 2022 2022
January-February NEWS 2

Zimbabwe, two dead people

He noted that falsehoods were spreading
like veld fire on political arenas more than
they were spread on social media plat-

and Rwanda's Commonwealth

“Authenticity of one's political orientation,
especially in cases where individuals like
Moreblessing Ali went with their stories, is
difficult to ascertain. Why, if all things are
FROM PAGE 1 and government, saying they were choreo- an impartial manner,” she said. equal, should political leadership claim
graphed to destabilise Zimbabwe’s foreign Mahere scoffed at suggestions that Ali was members, especially in tragic circumstanc-
...fugitives, noting that it had instead, co- policy. in fact, a ZANU PF member, saying the rul- es like these? For how long should a politi-
operated with the UN investigators result- “In 10 days’ time, the Commonwealth ing party should just desist from harassing cal organization's mileage be enhanced by
ing in the discovery of Mpiranya’s body. Heads of State and Government Meet- CCC members and Ali’s family at the fu- others' suffering? “he said.
Interestingly, several other incidents of ing (CHOGM) will be underway in Kiga- neral. He said politicians should leave the be-
abductions, killings and abuse of opposi- li-Rwanda. Through the engagement and “This is patently false. She is a CCC mem- reaved family to come to terms with the
tion political party activists have occurred re-engagement agenda, Zimbabwe has ber and that very claim is undue attempt to tragic demise of their beloved one, adding
shortly before important international expressed interest to be admitted into the politicise the matter,” she said. that outsiders should not cry more than the
events, raising a lot of questions about the Commonwealth of Nations. Political analyst, Munjodzi Mutandiri said bereaved.
timing and motives. “The prospects for that have increased Zimbabweans should put human life ahead In a statement titled “Reclaiming the sanc-
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of significantly under the Second Republic of their political differences, saying the re- tity of life – ZCC Pastoral letter on the mur-
Information, Nick Mangwana said the fact than they were before. More countries have sponses by those in government, partic- der of Moreblessing Ali’, the Zimbabwe
that the suspects in the Ali murder case warmed up to that. But if that were to hap- ularly the police; and ZANU PF leadership Council of Churches (ZCC) expressed con-
were known ZANU PF supporters did not pen, the MDC-CCC factions and their re- were a disgrace and display of catastrophic cern that the nation had seen an increase
meant that it was politically motivated. gime change agenda will be exposed and leadership failure. in cases of murder and loss of lives of Zim-
“If in a private dispute someone is mur- fizzle away from the face of our politics.” He “Moreblessing's story is an indictment of babweans in cold blood in the first half of
dered by a person that supports, say Dyna- said. the poverty of policing and regard for hu- this year.
mos FC, it’s not a Dynamos murder. If one He said such incidents involving the ab- man life by those with power in our coun- It said although not all the murders were
is robbed by say, a Catholic devotee, it’s not ductions and harassment of opposition try. The shameful statement from the police politically motivated, the church was wor-
a robbery by the Catholic Church,” he post- political party activists always happened instead of investigating the matter (poten- ried that there were so many murders just
ed on his micro-blogging site Twitter. ahead of “international conferences, sum- tially saving Moblessing's life) is clearly an some few months before a potentially vio-
The ruling ZANU PF party said the murder mits, or events of diplomatic significance to indicator of a police force that has been lent 2023 election environment.
of Ali, whose decomposing body was dis- Zimbabwe” captured by political elites,” he said. “The church calls upon the government,
covered in a well in Nyatsime at the week- “ The idea is to try to embarrass leader- Mutandiri said as the country entered the political parties, and community leaders at
end was purely a criminal matter. ship ahead of such summits or provoke in- election campaign season, it was import- all levels of society to desist from instigating
In a statement, ZANU PF Director for In- ternational discussions about Zimbabwe ant that the perpetrators of this heinous act violence in their public or private utteranc-
formation and Publicity Tafadzwa Mugwa- badly, justify renewal of illegal sanctions face the full might of the law, adding all the es but rather to promote peace and toler-
di, said the death was being politicised by on our nation and presenting the oppo- facts in the matter, particularly the people ance among their constituencies,” it said.
the CCC and others in a bid to tarnish the sition groups as victims of the state,” said involved, pointed to a case of political vi- The ZCC pleaded with the Zimbabwe Re-
image of the country ahead of the CHOGM Mugwadi. olence. public Police to handle cases of human dis-
meeting scheduled for Rwanda on June 10, Mugwadi said the opposition was twisting “It is now the duty of the police to speed in- appearances, distress calls and cases of vi-
where Zimbabwe will be seeking re-ad- facts on the matter in an effort to arm-twist vestigations and unearth the motive. In the olent conflict with a sense of urgency and in
mission to the Commonwealth. the United Kingdom to deny Zimbabwe absence of a thorough investigation and ar- ways that did not compromise the dignity
Ali was allegedly abducted from a bottle re-admission into the Commonwealth. rest of the perpetrators, a reminder of the of victims.
store in Chitungwiza by her ex-boyfriend Munyaradzi Kashambe, the ZANU PF 2008 dark days and the impunity that fol- “The church also calls upon the National
Pius Jamba on May 24 and her mutilat- Member of Parliament for Seke weighed in, lowed is inevitable. In Zimbabwe if the case Peace and Reconciliation Commission and
ed body was discovered at a homestead in saying the CCC wanted to use Ali’s death to is not political the police are swift to act. It other peace-building organizations to up-
Manyame on June 11. gain cheap political mileage. is critical that human rights Defenders and scale their work across different sectors of
The body was retrieved from a well at the “This was a domestic issue and that must opposition political parties (especially CCC society towards the establishment of a new
homestead of a known Chitungwiza ZANU be corrected and we would like to warn the as she was a member of the party) demand culture of non-violence,”
PF member, Simbarashe Chisango, who CCC members to take heed of President of their government justice for Morebless- It said all state and non-state institutions
is believed to be related to Jamba, also a Mnangagwa’s call that we want peaceful ing,” he said. and citizens should work towards a re-
known ZANU PF member. and free elections in Zimbabwe not this vi- Another political analyst, Gift Gwindin- newed sense of the dignity of all persons,
The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), olent election they are engaging in. gwe, said the issue should be looked at from adding there should be a new national
however, issued a statement saying Ali was “We know of their dirty tricks, we know of two fronts. commitment that no one should spill the
a victim of a love crime and her disappear- their political grandstanding and we know “To say Moreblessing Ali's death is politi- blood of a fellow Zimbabwean.
ance had nothing to do with politics. of their handlers who fund them and this is cally instigated might be misleading public “The church is calling on the nation to
The CCC, however, insisted that the mur- the news they want to hear,” he said. opinion of deaths that are a result of mis- reclaim the sanctity of all human lives,” it
der of Ali, whose body was reportedly cut “We as ZANU PF are saying no, Morebless- understandings between or amongst in- said.
into two and her intestines stashed in a ing’s case was not a political murder, this dividuals. People quarrel and if the quar- The ZCC admitted that the church had
plastic bag, was politically motivated and was a family dispute- a promiscuous dis- rel degenerates into a physical fight then a been indifferent and lukewarm in its ap-
accused the police of attempting to protect pute,” he said. saddening tragedy like Ali's demise might proach in addressing the history of shed-
the suspects. But CCC spokesperson, Fadzai Mahere occur. We do not condone that. So in a case ding of blood in Zimbabwe, noting that
But Mugwadi questioned why the inci- said there was no politicisation of the mur- where a misunderstanding arose in pub- by failing to express its moral outrage re-
dent was happening at a time Rwanda was der, noting the opposition party was simply lic view and an altercation was witnessed, I garding loss of lives, the church had pas-
scheduled to host the Commonwealth demanding justice for its slain member. think it's improper to bring in political dif- sively condoned this sin by omission and
Heads of State and Government Meeting. “This is a Constitutional imperative. Sec- ferences. That's going too far with politics. contributed to the blunting of the national
He said these were attempts by the oppo- tion 219 mandates the police to investigate Actually, stooping unnecessarily low. Vio- conscience.
sition political parties to tarnish ZANU PF crime, serve and protect citizens and act in lence is condemned in totality though,” he

Govt moves to promote traditional grains

able intensification of production through have been transitioned to ARDA manage- trialisation should lead to rural develop-
Chris Mahove
Pfvmvudza/Intwasa which, which he ment and that many of these have become ment. That rural development must ac-
Government is embarking on a food sys- said would be refined this year so that viable businesses again,” he said. celerate the attainment of Vision 2030,” he
tems transformation programme that will crops grown and livestock raised in an He said the revived Agricultural Finance said.
see production of traditional grains en- agro-ecological region were determined Corporation (AFC), Agricultural and Rural There are increasing calls from govern-
couraged among the farming population, by requirements of the agro-ecological Development Authority (ARDA), and oth- ment and civil society for the production
especially the youth. region, and not by what a farmer wanted. ers, were ready to work with all farmers, of small grains, such as sorghum, millet,
This was revealed by the Minister of “Equally, government support will be re- noting that the AFC would provide loans and rapoko instead of maize production
Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and fined to reflect this principle. Attendant, for farmers who run irrigation schemes in order to enhance food security against
Rural Development, Anxious Masuka at to this effort is the need for a food sys- as businesses while ARDA would deploy the background of climate change in Zim-
the weekend. tems transformation so that traditional scheme business managers to assist the babwe.
Minister Masuka was speaking at the 2021 grains can find favour among our popula- farmers. The irrigation schemes competition was
National Irrigation Prize Giving Ceremo- tion, and especially the youth. In the large He said AFC, AMA, ARDA, ZINWA, GMB introduced to motivate farmers, and to
ny at Rupike Irrigation Scheme in Masv- holder sector, government is accelerat- and TIMB had been transformed and re- capacitate them for improved production,
ingo. ing irrigation rehabilitation and develop- branded to reposition them as key insti- productivity and profitability.
He said government is currently reviving ment through dam construction and in- tutions that rendered the much needed Minister Masuka, however, called for the
irrigation schemes as part of t its deliber- frastructure development,” he said. support for rural development, adding reformation of the competition to include
ate and broader thrust to climate-proof Masuka said it was under this context that communities should undertake ex- parameters such as progress towards Vi-
agriculture to assure household and na- that 450 irrigation schemes were being change visits to get an understanding of sion 2030 by measuring the upliftment of
tional food security, eliminate grain im- transformed through overhauling the why this new business model was being communities, improvement in incomes
ports, promote and diversify exports, cre- governance systems so that they were run advocated. and social status, food security and other
ate employment, enhance value addition as viable businesses, and assure their sus- Minister Masuku said the vision of a relevant matrices.
and beneficiation, and accelerate the im- tainability. prosperous and empowered upper mid- He said the winning scheme must be that
provement of rural livelihoods. “This is why ARDA is now the designated dle income society by 2030 was anchored using the new model of the Vision 2030
Government, he said, would ensure business manager for these schemes. This on a vibrant and robust agricultural sec- Accelerator Model to better align with the
complementary efforts focus on conser- is the new ARDA – transformed to deliver tor. President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Vi-
vation agriculture through the sustain- rural development. I am informed that “Rural agricultural development must sion, adding that the judging panel must
already 287 of the 450 irrigation schemes cause rural industrialisation. Rural indus- also be widened to reflect this thrust.
13 June 2022 2022
January-February NEWS 3

Western countries can’t legislate Africa: ED

President Mnangagwa was writing in et,” said Mnangagwa.
Albert Chavhunduka his weekly column titled, “None but “Zimbabwe has to locate itself and
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has Ourselves” published in the state me- survive within this torrid global envi-
castigated the Countering Malign Rus- dia on Sunday. ronment as it daily unravels. The en-
sian Activities in Africa Act, which is set He accused Western states, including vironment is not about or likely to
to be passed in the USA Congress, say- the US, of being selfish and using co- change. We have to adjust to this new
ing it is an attempt by Western coun- ercive legislative diplomacy to impose normal of wars, militarisation, global
tries to legislate Africa. their interests on the African conti- pandemics, climate change and a bro-
The United States intends to pass a law nent through the Countering Malign ken international system.
to counter Russia in Africa by tracking Russian Activities in Africa Act. “These overbearing global adversities
its military operations, investments, “Through this Act, United States of are increasingly obtruding into our lo-
oligarchs and suspected illicit finan- America coercively seeks to legislate cal circumstances. It requires skilful
cial flows. for a whole continent, in line with its navigation so we do not ram into dan-
The move follows the realisation that own whims and interests. The illegal gerous global ecosystem of intricate,
more than half of African countries Act flattens a whole continent to re- President Mnangagwa interlocking icebergs.”
have chosen to be neutral on Unit- duce it to a mere appendage of Amer- For President Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe
ed Nations resolutions on Russia's ica,” he said. and continental sovereignties by pow- must emulate India and China and
military operation in Ukraine, which “In the eyes of USA, our nations are erful States seeking to overreach un- craft own locally compatible respons-
America views as a threat to its influ- not independent and have no right to der flimsy guises,” he said. es to its national issues and burden of
ence on the continent. relate to other nations of the world as President Mnangagwa further be- developing the country.
The Countering Malign Russian Ac- they see fit or in pursuit of their na- moaned the shrinking multilateralism “One nation we can turn to for salu-
tivities in Africa Act gives the US Con- tional interests. To imagine that the and lack of collective approach and tary lessons is India. There is a lot we
gress power to investigate African United States government, through cooperation in tackling the ongoing have done already which makes Indian
countries aligned to Russia, amid fears its legislature, plans another Platt global challenges which include cli- experience kindred. We both face sim-
by the Tony Blair Institute for Glob- Amendment for a whole continent of mate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, ilar global challenges, we both value
al Change that Russia seeks to renew Africa simply beggars belief. ongoing tensions in Eastern Europe agriculture, our two nations are mod-
ties it had with Africa during its Soviet “In all this, there is a clear attempt to as well as global supply chain disrup- ernising our infrastructures, both na-
Union era. threaten and objectify Africa, the only tions. tions have high literacy levels on which
But President Mnangagwa said Zim- continent with abundant resources “Even as we caucused in Davos, it was to develop higher tertiary skills.
babwe and Africa as a continent must and still sworn to multilateralism un- clear to us from Africa that some in our “Above all, Zimbabwe enjoys very
stand tall and guard against West en- der the recent Africa Continental Free midst had come to sell their war and good relations with India which has
croachment as it was a threat to true Trade Area (AfCFTA). Given America’s to foist their viewpoint on the rest of been supporting us in a number of ar-
multilateralism and sovereignty of the iniquitous ZDERA, Zimbabwe is best us, rather than to engage in the spirit eas, principally that of energy. It also is
global South in the face of a disinte- qualified to warn the world against this of greater peace and multilateral ap- part of a region we have always related
grating world order. insidious encroachment on national proach to challenges facing our plan- wo in our long history.”

UN committed to Zim’s sustainable development

Albert Chavhunduka locked country. the promise to leave no one behind into ginalised while embodying the spirit of
“Access to maritime benefits is a right tangible action for people on the ground partnership that are the call of the 2030
The United Nations (UN) says it is com- guaranteed by the 1982 UN Convention on especially the most vulnerable and mar- agenda.
mitted to see Zimbabwe become an upper the Law of the Sea,” he said.

Workers renew calls

middle-income country by 2030 and its “I’m pleased to note that Zimbabwe,
5-year Sustainable Development frame- Zambia and Malawi while being land-
work will be vital in ensuring that govern- locked states, have acceded to the Con-

for dollarisation
ment achieves all the key Sustainable De- vention. Without this right of access to sea,
velopment Goals (SDGs). landlocked countries will be deprived of
In his remarks during the virtual Harare the successful exercise of their right on the
Blue Talks, which were co-hosted by the UN Convention on the law of the sea.
embassies of Portugal and Kenya ahead “This, as you are all aware, will hamper
of the UN Global Ocean Conference, UN their access to international trade through bleeding is to fully dollarize the econ-
Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator maritime routes as well as other rights un- Review & Mail Writers omy. It is in this vein, that the ZCTU is
Edward Kallon said the UN was commit- der the Convention with all the economic calling for the urgent convening of the
ted to collaborate with Zimbabwe and as- and social benefits derived there from.” The recent hikes of service fees Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF)
sist the country to meet its national devel- The 2022 UN Ocean Conference, -Kallon by most government departments, whose sole agenda would be to discuss
opment targets by 2030. said-will focus on the 14th sustainable de- pegged in USD, have triggered fresh the issues of rising prices and the ero-
The UN Global Ocean Conference will be velopment goal and bring together differ- calls for dollarisation amid concerns sion of workers’ salaries,” he said.
held in Lisbon, Portugal later this month ent stakeholders. workers’ salaries in local currency Dzimiri said because of chronic high
from the 27th to the 1st of July and it will “The UN Ocean conference comes at a would not match them. inflation, economic agents had lost
run under the theme, “Scaling up ocean critical time. There is no doubt about the The workers also noted the galloping confidence in the Zimbabwean dollar
action based on science and innovation critical importance of the ocean to the prices of basic commodities such as as it no longer effectively fulfilled the
for the implementation of goal 14: stock- survival including to landlocked countries bread, cooking oil, fuel and transport major functions of money.
taking, partnerships and solutions.” like Zimbabwe and others in Southern Af- fares, which they said had gone out of He warned that the current situation
“While the conference spotlights these rica,” added Kallon. reach of ordinary Zimbabweans. had become unsustainable and could
goals, in Zimbabwe the UN is working in “Later this month, it will bring together “Recently, the Zimbabwe Schools Ex- be a catalyst for civil unrest.
collaboration with the government and stakeholders under the theme, “Scaling up amination Council, most government “The economic instability is also
other partners including civil society, Ocean Action based on Science and Inno- departments and public hospitals known to contribute to mental health
business, academia and donor and devel- vation for the implementation of goal 14 of which are used by the poor have hiked challenges at the workplace and this
opment partners towards achieving the the Sustainable Development Goals, Stock their fees pegging them in USD. The will have serious negative repercus-
SDGs through Zimbabwe’s national de- Taking, partnership and solutions. moves are a direct confirmation that sion on both production at the work-
velopment strategy and by extension the “While the conference’s spotlight is Sus- the nation has dollarized but salaries place and the Gross Domestic Product
AU Agenda 2063,” said Kallon. tainable Development goal 14, which is Life remained pegged in RTGS. The gov- (GDP),”.
“This partnership framework defines on the Water, we should not lose focus of ernment and employers must wake up The government is however, adamant
where the UN will support the govern- the interconnectedness of the 17 sustain- to the reality of dollarization and pay that it would not fully dollarize the
ment of Zimbabwe to meet its own devel- able development goals, which were ad- workers living wages in a stable cur- economy and is encouraging the use
opment priorities. At the heart is the mu- opted by member states as the blueprint rency,” ZCTU Acting Secretary Gener- of the local currency.
tual desire of the UN to work towards a for development towards 2030.” al, Runesu Dzimiri said in a statement. Finance and Economic Development
prosperous and empowered upper-mid- The Zimbabwe-UN cooperation frame- Dzimiri said while everything else Minister Mthuli Ncube has on sever-
dle income society by 2030 anchored on work was signed last year as part of efforts was going up and denominated in al occasions insisted that Government
four strategic pillars for this transforma- to catapult the country to successfully land USD, workers’ salaries remained stag- was still pursuing de-dollarisation,
tion. its SDGs and national development agen- nant. saying dollarisation was a bad idea.
“I want to reaffirm on behalf of the UN, our da and it will run until 2026. “In recent months, the cost of living Ncube argued that the improved in-
commitment to the government and peo- It is based on four main pillars which seek has risen to unprecedented levels and dustrial capacity utilisation was a re-
ple of Zimbabwe to support the achieve- to achieve a number of goals which in- we demand that the government take sult of the presence of the domestic
ments of the national development prior- clude a people-centred equitable human a bold step to correct the situation and market.
ities and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, environmental protection, cushion the consumer,” he said. He insisted the use of the Zimbabwe
development.” climate resilience and natural resource He said workers bore the dispropor- dollar had made the country’s econo-
The UN official applauded Zimbabwe management, economic transformation tionate brunt as wage increases had my competitive.
for adhering and acceding to the 1982 UN and equitable inclusive growth. lagged inflation, with majority being
Convention on the Law of the Sea which Lastly, the framework further aims to relegated into the working poor. "It has made our economy competi-
he said should also help the country to promote transformative, accountable, eq- “The inflationary tax has erod- tive; we cannot use the US dollar as a
benefit economically through access to uitable and inclusive governance. ed workers’ wages. The only stability sole currency. That will be a very bad
maritime routes despite being a land- The cooperation framework translates that can be administered to stop the idea indeed."
13 June 2022 2022
January-February NEWS 4

Docked salaries compensation: Daggers out for ZIMTA

tice dictates that the principle of audi al- “Workers face multiple challenges as they as ARTUZ and PTUZ.
Chris Mahove
teram partem is fundamental before a de- confront brutal systems. The focus should “They want their membership to increase
The Zimbabwe Teachers Association cision is taken against anyone. Therefore never be to try and find comfort in the sta- so that if a strike is called it becomes in-
(ZIMTA) is under fire from fellow-trade if the employer in its wisdom or lack of it, tus quo but to push for radical transfor- effective because few will follow the call.
unions after it announced plans to com- thought it has a case against the employ- mation. We would have expected unions The same happened at the ZCTU congress
pensate its members whose May salaries ees, due process was supposed to have to fund concerted litigation and advocacy where some affiliates had their arrears
were docked by the Public Service Com- been done, which is investigation, pref- to put an end to such practices,” he said. cleared so they could attend congress,”
mission (PSC) for absenting themselves at erence of charges, inviting each employ- Masaraure said government should wrote another.
the start of the second term citing inca- ee for a hearing, carrying out the hearing be compelled to pay all the money they ZIMTA Chief Executive Officer, Sifiso Nd-
pacitation. then determination with reasons for the docked through litigation and advocacy, lovu did not respond to questions sent to
A memo to all members shared on decision. This is our borne of contention questioning where ZIMTA was getting the him, this after he had indicated that a call
WhatsApp groups stated; “Dear Col- against the government for now,” he said. money to compensate its members. made to him was inaudible.
leagues- Can you please submit names per Zhou said the teachers’ argument was Other trade unionists affiliated to the Some disgruntled members last year
station of our members who have docked that failure to provide service for those ZCTU, the erstwhile ZIMTA mother body, were pushing for the retirement of Ndlovu
May salaries as your association wants to days was as a result of action caused by the took to social media to echo similar sen- and accused him of amending the associ-
pay them back. Please may you please take employer not to pay living wages, render- timents, suggesting that they were being ation’s constitution raising the retirement
this as a matter of urgency. Submit names ing performance of duties impossible. clandestinely bank-rolled by government. age from 60 years to 65 years.
to Beatrice,” “Each case must be heard individually “They have been working with govern- A section of the Zimbabwe Teachers As-
ZIMTA, however, got widespread con- than coming up with a rule of the thumb/ ment to try and destroy other militant sociation (ZIMTA) disgruntled member-
demnation from fellow trade unionists, blanket judgment/one- size-fit- all ap- unions. So government will simply pay ship is pushing the retirement of Sifiso
who accused the teachers’ association of proach. Incapacitation is real and it's fool- them and then make its yellow union ZIM- Ndlovu amid concerns that he has amend-
selling out the workers’ struggle by legit- hardy for the employer to pretend other- TA appear better than others. On this one ed the retirement age by adding five more
imising unlawful deductions by the em- wise. Furthermore, this issue of applying they must be working with Mthuli Ncube, years.
ployer. no work, no pay principle must balance Mangudya etc.,” wrote one unionist During the same year, hordes of teachers
Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe with the principle of no pay, no work be- Another wrote; “Above all where is ZIMTA reportedly withdrew from the association
(PTUZ) President, Takavifira Zhou, said cause employees cannot be said to be hav- getting that money to refund all the teach- after learning that he was earning in ex-
ZIMTA had taken the decision because ing a salary if they cannot survive. It doesn't ers whose salaries were docked for partic- cess of US10 000 per month as salary.
they knew their members did not suffer make sense at all, it is clearly illogical,” he ipating in an incapacitation strike? With ZIMTA is the biggest teachers' union with
the deductions, adding it was “an issue of said. the huge number of affected teachers, in- more than 40 000 members.
grandstanding and useless rhetoric”. Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of cluding those who were not paid for the Teachers’ unions have been demand-
He said it was unfortunate that ZIM- Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) Secretary Gener- census exercises, which is far too much ing the restoration of their pre-October
TA was legitimising unlawful deductions al, Obert Masaraure said ZIMTA was in- for ZIMTA to pay its members and others 2018 salaries that were pegged at USD$540
by the employer, adding the association troducing some strange culture of trade who will be lured by such nonsense,” said saying salaries in local currency were be-
could have been offered the money by the unionism as ordinarily unions were ex- another trade unionist. ing eroded by inflation and rising prices
government for political expediency. pected to be pushing for reforms of the la- They said ZIMTA was desperate to win of basic commodities and services, which
“The best way forward is to challenge the bour terrain to avoid the recurrence of the back some of its members who had de- were now pegged in USD.
unlawful deductions because natural jus- docking of salaries. fected to other teacher trade unions such

Covid-19 stifles SMEs Cell day marks start

Albert Chavhunduka during the lockdown,” he said.
“We also provide infrastructure, where
of campaign for ZANU PF
Development finance institutions are SMEs are supposed to pay rentals but be-
reeling from the after effects of the cause of Covid-19, SMEs were not oper- Review & Mail Writers
Covid-19 pandemic which they say affect- ating which means they were not paying
rentals. It also affected us as an institution The Cell Day organised by the rul-
ed their services and hampered access
because at some point SMEDCO was not ing party could be a strategy to shut
to banking facilities for many of their cli-
regarded as an essential services provider, out opposition Citizens Coalition
ents leading to the worst underperform-
we were closed which affected the whole for Change (CCC) party led by Nel-
ing loans.
supply chain.” son Chamisa ahead of the watershed
Covid-19 affected many economies glob-
Zimbabwe Women Microfinance Bank 2023 harmonised elections.
ally and disrupted livelihoods for millions
Head of Retail Clara Mukosera weighed in In the past few months, the CCC
of people especially those dependent on
and said that as financial institutions, they embarked on a rural campaign and
the informal economy.
lost most of the money they had disbursed appeared to be making inroads in
Addressing stakeholders recently during
before the Covid-19 pandemic since it was the ruling party’s strongholds as its
the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
not invested but used for other purposes. leader, Nelson Chamisa appeared
monitoring workshop, Small and Medium
“You’d find that most of the money that to be pulling larger than expected
Enterprises Development Corporation
we would have disbursed just before the crowds.
(SMEDCO) Risk and Compliance manager
Covid-19 outbreak found its way to the ta- The party, buoyed by its perfor-
Bigboy Mazhandu said the Covid-19 pan-
ble, as many women were just fighting to mance in the March by-elections,
demic negatively impacted his institution
put food on the table because they could launched a rural mobilisation cam-
as well as their clients.
not produce,” said Mukosera. paign dubbed Mugwazo where par-
Mazhandu further expressed concern they were to wrestle the rural vote
“At one point, we disbursed some loans ty leaders traversed rural Zimbabwe
over the failure by SMEs to repay back from ZANU PF.
but because of lockdown our women meeting ordinary citizens and en-
loans which were extended to them add- But with the strategy being used
could not procure raw materials required couraging them to register to vote.
ing that some small businesses were by the ruling party, the opposition
in line with the different lines of business- The opposition party, which trans-
forced to shut down as a result. would have to work extra hard as
es they operate. As a result, the challenges formed from the MDC-A, has since
“Due to Covid-19 and the restrictions, ZANU PF used the Cell Day to ensure
during the Covid-19 period were for both visited areas like Gokwe, Mutoko,
monitoring these SMEs also became a its members at cell level were regis-
our microbusinesses and SMEs as well as Uzumba and Murehwa among oth-
challenge even those who were in the re- tered to vote.
for the institution itself to be able to bal- ers and indicated it was targeting
tail sector, we couldn’t monitor them be- The ruling party is also now using
ance sustenance.” every district in the country.
cause of these restrictions, which result- its cell structures to mobilise new
On the other hand, the ruling ZANU
ed in a high underperforming loan,” said members and has plans to increase
She added that as a bank, they could not PF has seen a marginal decrease in
Mazhandu. the number of its cells, which will
provide any service to their clients most- the number of its voters, and the
“This affected their cash flows and as a most likely saturate rural areas with
ly women which became a challenge due Cell Day, launched this year and ex-
result they could not pay back their loans. ZANU PF members.
to poor loan disbursements because of pected to be an annual event, is seen
It also affected their continuity, some even The cell meetings also looked at the
Covid-19. as a step by the revolutionary party
folded and that’s a challenge we faced as issue of identity cards and the party
“Even when small markets availed them- to regroup and restrategise.
an institution. would assist its members attain reg-
selves, you’d find out that the pricing “This is about ZANU PF trying to re-
“In terms of the interventions that we istration cards and register to vote.
strategy itself would be mostly to get rid organize itself against a background
came up with as an institution, we had to The National Cell Day meetings ex-
of rotting produce, which meant that the in which it has lost appeal owing to
come up with a programme for refinanc- plained to party members the role of
loan itself could not be repaid because of the prevailing harsh economic envi-
ing those who had failed to make it during the cell structure as a key organ of
the pricing that they ended having to work ronment largely blamed on corrup-
the Covid-19 period, either refinance or the party. Other exercises included
with,” she said. tion and rent seeking. It is also at a
reschedule so that the loan tenure is ex- cell structure verification exercise,
“As a result of these real challenges, it ob- time when the opposition is trying
tended.” inspection of the cell register and
viously meant that we were not going to to make inroads into rural commu-
Mazhandu further said SMEDCO lost a confirmation of cell members who
get the money back and empower them in nities,” said political commentator,
lot of revenue from its infrastructure rent- were registered in the national vot-
line with our initial strategy. They ended Earnest Mudzengi.
als and the lockdown made it difficult for ers roll.
up with a lot of wastage where stockpiles Mudzengi said the ZANU PF Cell Day
non-essential services which in turn af- The party is said to have recorded
of perishable items so automatically that a called for the opposition to go deep-
fected the whole chain supply. a membership of over 3, 2 million
person would not be able to pay back the er with their rural outreach, making
“Most SMEs were not classified as an es- members in its restructuring exer-
loan and these are real challenges that we themselves more appealing in terms
sential service sector, so in terms of their cise in 78 000 structures across the
were walking the journey together with of policy proposals that address ev-
revenues dwindled, shortening hours and country as of February this year.
our customers.” eryday needs of everyday people if
some were not even allowed to operate
13 June 2022 2022
January-February FEATURE 5

HIV control approaches may not work for

TB: lessons from South Africa and Zambia
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most dead- community health workers who visited
ly infectious diseases. Around 9.9 million every household in an entire community
people around the world fell ill with the at least once a year.
disease in 2020 and an estimated 1.5 mil- The community health workers provid-
lion people died. ed information on HIV and TB. In addi-
The advent of HIV in the 1980s un- tion, they offered everyone an HIV test and
leashed large increases in TB, particularly screened everyone for TB using a simple
in sub-Saharan Africa. In some countries, symptom screen.
the number of people diagnosed with TB Individuals who had symptoms sugges-
quadrupled every year. People with HIV tive of TB were asked to provide a sputum
are particularly susceptible to falling ill sample which was taken to a health facility
with TB. for testing for TB.
My colleagues and I were part of a re- Any individual who tested positive for
search project called TREATS – Tubercu- HIV was encouraged to access antiretro-
losis Reduction through Expanded An- viral therapy (ART), which was provided to
tiretroviral Treatment and Screening for all regardless of CD4 count.
active TB. The project set out to see wheth- The PopART intervention was found to
er a “universal test and treat” approach in reduce HIV incidence by about 20% in the
Zambia and South Africa could achieve communities that received the interven-
steep reductions in HIV and TB. tion compared to those which did not.
This approach had been used in an HIV The TREATS study then followed 2017- Chest x-rays are more sensitive for screening for TB. PUNIT PARANJPE/
and TB intervention known as PopART 2021 to measure what effect the PopART AFP via Getty Images
(Population Effects of Antiretroviral Ther- intervention had had on TB. A key compo-
apy to Reduce HIV Transmission). nent of the TREATS study was measuring Again we found no difference. HIV in encouraging people to come for-
We expected to find that screening ev- whether PopART had reduced the over- The TB screening used in the PopART in- ward for diagnosis and treatment in these
erybody for TB would identify individu- all prevalence of active TB. There were tervention relied on symptom screening communities. Community health workers
als with the disease who had not yet been 50,000 participants, aged 15 years and followed by sputum testing. It is likely that doing the PopART visits found that as the
diagnosed. We also thought treating them over. Community workers went door-to- this screening method, while feasible and rounds of the intervention went on, the
quickly would reduce the amount of TB in door to explain the study and invite people acceptable, is insufficient to reduce the stigma broke down. People were happier
the community and reduce the infection to be tested for HIV and TB at mobile field burden of TB. We know that some people to get tested for HIV and to be screened for
risk to others. sites. A mobile site was set up for screen- with TB do not have symptoms or do not TB. The numbers screening positive actu-
But that’s not what we found. Screening ing and testing. It included a digital x-ray consider their symptoms to be import- ally went up over time, which may be a re-
everybody for TB had no impact on the machine and portable laboratory for iden- ant to mention. Chest x-rays are more flection of people feeling more confident.
prevalence or incidence of TB infection. tifying TB in sputum samples. sensitive for screening for TB, but these But TREATS has shown that improve-
The reasons are complex and our team is The TREATS survey compared the prev- are largely unavailable and unaffordable ments in the diagnosis and treatment of
in the early stages of analysing the results alence of TB in communities that had re- in places where TB disease is commonly HIV do not easily translate into great-
to identify possible explanations. ceived the PopART intervention with those found. er success against TB. Further research
Double interventions that had not. We found no difference in More sensitive tools for TB screening, that will be vital in building on the lessons of
The PopART intervention took place be- prevalence of TB. TREATS also measured are feasible, acceptable and affordable, are TREATS to find the best ways to fight this
tween 2013 and 2018. It delivered com- whether young people in communities urgently needed. devastating disease.
bined testing and treatment for HIV and which received the intervention had fewer Future directions --The Conversation
TB to about 600,000 individuals in Zam- new TB infections than those in commu- Our study has highlighted the impor-
bia and South Africa. It was carried out by nities that did not receive the intervention. tance of addressing stigma around TB and

SA concerned over sale of bogus auto parts

South Africa's automotive industry is lion USD worth of goods that were de- supply and mechanical skills. Out of to them." points out Maumela.
facing an influx of illegal auto parts in stroyed. These were products entering the other markets like Nigeria, you Despite many crackdowns on crimi-
the market. A large share of fake parts borders as counterfeit products that have 90 percent of cars that are sec- nal activity, the fake automobile parts
are reported to be from China. Traf- don't meet the necessary specifica- ond-hand. They do not have a reliable market continues to thrive as consum-
ficking of counterfeit vehicle parts tions." expresses Vishall Premlall, Tyre parts market, you don't have reliable, ers' affordability is threatened by a de-
such as brake pads and oil filters is be- Equipment and Parts Association Na- trained mechanics. So, everyone is cline in South Africa’s economic cli-
coming a significant economic prob- tional Director. trying to do the best they can. Those mate, Nathaniel Gumbi, owner of NBW
lem for the motor vehicle parts suppli- Mobile mechanic repair start-up, markets have great capacity for ma- Gearbox in downtown Johannesburg,
er industry. Fixxr has come into the South Afri- nipulation.” says Soga took a stance to only repair cars that
This year, the South African police dis- can automotive aftercare sector to of- Kelvin Maumela, a Johannesburg have original parts.
covered fake vehicle bearings at a Jo- fer consumers advice on accredited based mechanic who has spent 63 years "Even if the car is not fixed by us, we
hannesburg warehouse worth close to parts suppliers and mechanics. How- of life repairing cars, attributes the in- advise you to take out those parts be-
200 million US dollars. Automotive ex- ever, Mawethu Soga, Fixxr Head of flux of fake auto parts in the country to cause they are not safe." says Gumbi
perts in South Africa warn that bogus Commercialization and Growth be- consumers’ limited knowledge of the South Africa's automotive bodies such
aftermarket parts can be life-threat- lieves that to minimize illicit goods in repair business. "I have 63 years’ expe- as Tyre Equipment and Parts Associ-
ening for motorists. the market, Africa's 30 billion US dollar rience in repairing cars. I usually no- ation are working on creating a whis-
"In the roadshows that took part aftercare car sector needs to focus on tice fake auto parts by looking at the tle-blower hotline where consumers
around the country, the net effect was building a reliable auto part industry. labels. When I come across a custom- and automotive businesses can report
to a tune of half a billion rands and in "What you see in South Africa is a ma- er's car that has counterfeit parts, I al- illicit activities.
terms of USD that would be 31 mil- ture automotive space. Both in parts ways alert them of the danger it poses --Africa News

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13 June002022
Monday January 2022 PERSPECTIVE 7

Toes-for-cash Internet hoax reflects

Zimbabwe fears of soaring prices
Battling rampant inflation, Zimba-
bweans are counting their toes as
they struggle to buy food for their
An Internet rumour blazed through
the country that desperate people
were selling their toes for cash. The
false report became so widespread
that the country’s Deputy Minister of
Information Kindness Paradza visit-
ed street vendors in central Harare
earlier this month to debunk it.
One-by-one the traders took off
their shoes to show that they had all
10 toes, as Zimbabwe’s state media
recorded the digital investigation.
Paradza declared the toes-for-mon-
ey story a hoax, as did local and for-
eign fact-checkers. Police later ar-
rested a street vendor who now faces
a fine or six months in jail on charges
of criminal nuisance for allegedly
starting the story.
It’s starkly true, however, that Zim-
babweans are finding it increasing-
ly difficult to make ends meet. Since
the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine,
Zimbabwe’s inflation rate has shot
up from 66% to more than 130%, ac-
cording to official statistics. The war
is blamed for rising fuel and food
The war in Ukraine has exacerbat-
ed inflation rising around the world.
Consumer prices in the 19 Europe-
an Union countries that use the euro
currency surged 8.1% in May, a re-
cord rate as energy and food costs
climb. In the US and the United Street vendors take off their shoes to show their toes on the streets of Harare, Zimbabwe, on June, 9, 2022. An Inter-
Kingdom, annual inflation hit or was net rumour blazed through the country that desperate people were selling their toes for cash. — AP
close to 40-year highs of 8.3% and
9%, respectively, in April. Turkey ap- companies no longer trust the local Across the country, currency trad- on during the hyperinflationary era
proached Zimbabwe’s eye-watering currency and that has put pressure ers line the streets and crowd en- such as skipping meals. Others now
prices, with inflation reaching 73.5% on the demand for US dollars. The trances to shopping centers waving buy food items in smaller quantities,
in May, the highest in 24 years. Ukraine war is simply exacerbating wads of both the local currency and sometimes in such tiny packages they
In Zimbabwe, the impact of the an already difficult situation.” US dollars. are enough for just a single meal. Lo-
Ukraine war is heaping problems on Many fear Zimbabwe could return Many Zimbabweans who earn in lo- cals call them “tsaona”, meaning “ac-
the already fragile economy. The war to the hyperinflation of 2008 which cal currency such as government cident” in the local Shona language.
“coupled with our historical domes- reached 500 billion%, according to workers are forced to source dol- Promising better days ahead, Ncube,
tic imbalances, has created challeng- the International Monetary Fund. lars on the illegal market, where ex- the finance minister, said the gov-
es in terms of economic instability At that time, plastic bags full of 100 change rates are soaring, to pay for ernment “will not hesitate to act and
seen through the currency volatility trillion Zimbabwe dollar banknotes goods and services that are increas- intervene to cushion against price
and spilling over into price volatili- were not enough to buy basic gro- ingly being charged in US dollars. increases and exchange rate volatil-
ty”, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube ceries. Retailers said the rising rates for ity”.
told Parliament in May. The economic catastrophe forced US dollars on the illegal market are Many are sceptical of such vows
Teachers “can no longer afford bread then-President Robert Mugabe to forcing them to frequently increase from the government, saying nothing
and other basics, this is too much”, form a “unity government” with the prices, often every few days, to allow short of a miracle will pull Zimbabwe
tweeted the Progressive Teachers opposition and adopt a multi-cur- them to restock. out of its economic crisis. Even while
Union of Zimbabwe in early June. rency system in 2009 in which US The once-prosperous southern Af- coping with constantly rising prices,
The three largest teachers’ unions dollars and the South African rand rican country’s economy is battered many can’t help making grim jokes
are demanding the government pay were accepted as legal tender. by years of de-industrialisation, cor- about the situation.
their salaries in US dollars because The US dollar continues to domi- ruption, low investment, low exports
their pay in local currency is “eroded nate with prices in local currency of- and high debt. Zimbabwe strug- “I still have all my toes intact but it
overnight”. ten benchmarked to the rates for the gles to generate an adequate inflow wouldn’t hurt selling one,” chuck-
“Because of high inflation, the lo- American currency on the flourish- of greenbacks needed for its largely led Harare resident Asani Sibanda.
cal currency is collapsing,” economic ing illegal market, where most indi- dollarised local economy. “I could still walk without it, but my
analyst Prosper Chitambara told The viduals and companies get their for- Ordinary Zimbabweans are return- family would at least get some food.
Associated Press. “Individuals and eign currency. ing to coping mechanisms they relied – AP
13 June002022
Monday January 2022 PERSPECTIVE 11

From judicial management to corporate rescue: a paradigm shift

ing, until too late. On the other hand, With corporate rescue, there is provi- members, without getting any input
Legal the basis for corporate rescue is sim- sion for both voluntary corporate res- from those affected persons. The cred-
Corner with
ply that the company is in financial dis-
tress. The reason for the distress is not
cue and corporate rescue through or-
der of court. A company can just adopt
itors and members had very little say.
They would only contribute if the judi-
Reuben Mukavhi relevant. This is expected to make it a resolution to commence corporate cial manager asked them to pass some
less of a self-indictment on the part of rescue, without the need to go to court. resolution. The corporate rescue prac-
In a previous instalment, we men- managers to seek help quickly. This is less expensive and less intimi- titioner, on the other hand, is required
tioned that in the old law, when a com- The intended outcome of judicial man- dating. to design a plan of rescue for the com-
pany was in financial distress, it would agement was to enable the company to Judicial management was indefinite. pany, which plan shall be subject to
be placed under judicial management. pay its debts and to make it successful. This made it a kind of blank cheque for approval by the creditors and mem-
The new Insolvency Act [Chapter 6:07] This was a long shot. It meant that ju- judicial managers who could keep the bers of the company. This requirement
abolished judicial management and re- dicial management would not end un- company under supervision for as long has given a voice to the creditors and
placed it with what is called corporate til all the creditors were paid, and un- as they wished. Corporate rescue has a members in the management of their
rescue proceedings. In this instalment, til the company was a going concern 3 month- rule, whereby corporate res- company. If they are not happy with
we highlight some of the major differ- once again. The intended outcome of cue proceedings must be completed a proposed rescue plan, they can just
ences between the two processes. corporate rescue is rescuing the com- within three months. This puts prac- reject it or require the practitioner to
The basis for judicial management pany from liquidation. This could be titioners on the spot to do the assign- amend it.
was that by reason of mismanagement achieved by simply agreeing a compro- ment and leave. This is good for busi- Though this exposition is not exhaus-
or other the company was unable to mise with creditors and restructuring ness. tive of the differences between the two
pay its debts or being prevented from the balance sheet of the company. It Judicial managers were empowered judicial processes, it makes it clear that
becoming successful. The problem can therefore be done within a short to manage the company in such man- the concept of corporate rescue marks
with this was that managers would not period of time. ner as they considered most economic a paradigm shift from the old law. It is
be too keen to apply for judicial man- Judicial management was always by and most likely to promote the inter- geared more towards saving compa-
agement because that would amount order of court. A company could not ests of the members and creditors of nies from collapse for the benefit of all
to them admitting mismanaging the place itself under judicial management; the company. They were only required stakeholders than just protecting the
company. The company would thus it just had to go to court. This made the to produce a report, which they would interests of creditors.
continue to be flogged when it was dy- process expensive and intimidating. present to meetings of creditors and Get in touch on

Lets fight against suicide

• Drinking more alcohol or using
more drugs than usual.
• Taking a lot of time off work or
• Avoiding family and friends.
• Feeling "run down" or sick of-
Gamuchirai Chinamasa ten.
Mental Health Talk
Talk to your doctor if you notice these
signs. Your doctor can see what may
Hopefully the heading got your at- be causing the problems. Some peo-
tention. Suicide is a word that scares ple talk openly about thoughts of sui-
the life out of me and should out of cide, but many people keep their feel-
you too. When I am scrolling on so- ings a secret. In Zimbabwe the culture
cial media and come across the word here is to either gossip, laugh at or ig-
SUICIDE my heart begins to palpitate. nore a suicidal persons cry for help.
For those that need more clarity, Sui- Most people will stake screen shots
cide means ending your own life. It before they call for help or to check up
is sometimes a way for people to es- on that person.
cape pain or suffering. When some- The thing about depression or sui-
one ends their own life, we say that cide, it can happen to anyone, even
they "died by suicide." A "suicide at- the strongest amongst us, you don’t
tempt" means that someone tried to see it coming till it is already there
end their life, but did not die. so instead of thinking you are above
Thinking about suicide is scary. You it I advice you always keep yourself in
may have strong feelings that are hard good spirits, vent when you need to,
to deal with. You may feel like things cry when you want to, pray always and
will never be better, but you are not advocate for mental health because it
alone. Many people think about sui- could be you or your friend next, you
cide. Thinking about suicide does don’t choose it, it chooses you!
not mean that you will do it. It does There are ALWAYS warning signs to
not mean that you are "going crazy." show that someone needs help, you
Thinking about suicide is often a sign just need to know them and actal-
that you want to escape. ly care to realize them. You often see
There are ways to feel better. Re- many warning signs happening at the
member, you are not alone. You can same time. Such as:
start by talking to someone else. You • The person talks about wanting
can talk to a family member or friend to kill themselves.
you trust. You can also call a crisis • The person uses more drugs or
line. If you have a doctor or counsel- alcohol than usual.
lor, tell them how you feel. They can • The person says they have no
teach you skills to deal with thoughts reason to live.
of suicide. No one can say that they • The person seems very scared
will never have thoughts of suicide. or worried.
You can do two big things to help pre- • The person says that they feel
vent suicide. The first is to build con- come back on top and continue with way,” not realizing the power in those like there is no way out of a situation.
nections with other people. The sec- life as it is. A suicide survivor is not words • The person cannot see hope for
ond is to find help for mental health weird or unstable person especially Mental health problems are a big part the future.
problems. Feeling connected to oth- if they are seeking help and taking it of suicide. You can help protect your- • The person does not want to
ers is a big part of protecting yourself seriously, it takes a very STRONG and self by finding help for mental health spend time with others.
from suicide. smart person to know when to seek problems early. There are many com- • The person has a hard time
I don’t think desperately seeking help and how, it shows someone that mon signs of mental health problems: controlling their anger.
to end seemingly unendurable pain wants to live but needs help to do so. • Feeling like nothing makes you • The person does things that
qualifies as either pleasure,own in- Once you see one entertain that idea happy anymore. may be dangerous and does not think
etrests or benefits. I also don’t think of suicide it’s a very deep cry for help • Feeling very sad or hopeless for about what might happen.
that wanting to end your life and sur- that should not go unnocticed. Think- many weeks. • The person’s mood changes in
viving that pain makes you a bad in- ing about suicide is scary. You may • Feeling like you cannot cope a big way.
fluence or a bad person either. I don’t have strong feelings that are hard to with things that happen in your life. • The person actually tells you
think its fair that a survivor of suicide deal with. You may feel like things will • Feeling very stressed or scared how they would end their life and
should be seen as crazy, unstable or never be better. Many people, trust for many weeks. when.
not a good person to be around or not me think about suicide, when going • Noticing strange thoughts or • The person is always crying,
capable of going on with life and be- through heartbreak, rejection or fi- noticing strange things that do not go low and out, easily brought to tears or
coming a parent, partner or boss. I nancial loss they do think it would be away. Some people hear voices or see triggered
personally think a survivor is one of better to die, at the time it will just things. • The person has given up on the
the strongest people and can over- be a thought which they don’t realize • Sleeping less or more than usu- things they used to love to do.
come almost anything because they how strong it is, some even jokingly al.
fought so hard after a bad season to say, “better to be dead than feel this • Eating less or more than usual. LETS FIGHT AGAINST THE STIGMA!!
13 June 2022 2022
January-February LEADER PAGE 12

All roads led to the Aquatic Com-
plex in Chitungwiza at the weekend
where Sungura music maestro, Alick
Macheso, was launching his 12th Al-
bum, after having spent more than
two decades in the music industry.
Macheso was also celebrating his
54th birthday, a sure sign he is slow-

'Sangomas' storm Harare Central Business District

ly getting to the twilight of his career.
In just six years, the veteran bassist
would be 60 years, and will qualify as
a senior citizen.
No one would blame Macheso if he from?
were to retire from active music con- Community Eye How authentic are the herbs which
sidering his age. with are allowed to be sold openly on the
In his more than 20 years in the mu- streets?
sic industry so far, Macheso has been Ngwindi Ngwindingwindi Are the vendors licensed to dispense
the beacon of Sungura music, churn- those herbs, and who regulates their
ing out melodious and lyrically preg- operations?
nant tunes each year, which kept many Presumably, it is cries of econom- Who approves authenticity of the
Zimbabweans of all ages entertained. ic hardships in the country or some herbs; that is to verify if they are not
Macheso is one of the few in the mu- harmful for human consumption?
sic industry who has been able to lead unique opportunity that has springed
a dignified life and can safely look up and propelled citizens to become To answer some of these questions
back and say the music industry has more enterprising so as to start un- I would suggest that the issue be
reaped fruit for him. usual business ventures in some least looked into and probably devise some
However, for his stature as a talented expected places around the country. measures in terms of regulation and
artiste and celebrity, Macheso should Or perhaps citizens misunderstood rearrangement of the order. I know
be of a higher much status than he is the presidential mantra of 'Zimbabwe for sure that the city authorities and
today if he were to be from any oth- is open for business'. government institutions are aware of
er country where talents such as his We have witnessed over the years a these activities, but I implore them to
are appreciated by authorities and his surge in religious organisations and take action and bring some sanity in
followers at large. medical facilities in different parts of the state of affairs of this city which
The statement by Deputy Minister of the country; all probably due to high appears to be on autopilot.
Transport, Tino Machakaire, when he demand for health and soul repara- I may have no authority in my as-
bought Macheso’s latest CD album for some of these heinous acts.
tions. Herbalists and pseudo-herbal- sumptions, but deeper instinct tells Why are we having these herbalists
US$10 000 dollars was a touching re-
minder that we ought to do more for ists have also decided they cannot be me that some of these are danger- on our streets? I would like to believe
our musicians as a country. outdone, since they also offer or claim ous drugs which come in the form of that the authorities will somehow re-
“I have known @alickmacheso3 for to offer virtually similar services. herbs or are just a disguise for ped- spond to this question or questions
a very long time. In all my interac- A stroll in the streets of the country's dling illicit drugs. Our society has in their own ways at some point. I am
tions with him with him, he is very largest city, Harare, will give a sore since been ravaged by abuse of dan- one among thousands of citizens who
humble and respectful. The CD that tickle to the eye with sights of queer gerous substances which I strong- have noticed and have been eager to
I purchased tonight goes beyond just packaging displayed on pavements all ly believe are being dispensed to the know why we have this going on like
paying for music but it is my token over the city. These are herb vendors public in different forms; these street that. This is our city together, all of us;
of appreciation to the Living Legend. at work, and in some cases you find herbalists cannot be an exception. We I know for sure ZINATHA, the Medi-
May he live long” he said. them practicing sangoma acts on the have many people who are suffering cines Control Authority body, the city
Despite the many negative insinua- streets (kushopera). as a result of consuming substances
tions that followed the gesture by the health department and all relevant
What therefore demands under- whose sources are largely spurious. organizations have seen the chaos I
Deputy Minister, we feel he provoked The authorities need to intervene as
a necessary debate on how we treat standing is whether the city has de- have highlighted in this piece of writ-
our artistic heroes as a country. vised this as a traditional herbs ex- we risk losing a lot of people out of ing. It is therefore incumbent upon
Many musicians and artistes have hibition tactic, or perhaps they have desperation to boost sexual prowess. responsible departments to justify or
died in misery, while many more oth- realised that citizens are in dire need Hardships may cause low sexual drive correct what I personally perceive to
ers are living in misery despite their of alternative health remedies, since leading people to source for stimula- be a menace in our society.
contributions to the arts industry in pharmaceutical drugs are beyond the tions; hardships may cause one to dry To fellow citizens, I advise that we be
Zimbabwe. reach of many in the country. There up random tree bucks and leaves and careful on the things that we consume
Talk of Cephas Mashakada, Chinx have been operations to rid the city of sell to unsuspecting public as a vhu- out of desperation or addiction. Some
Chingaira, Lazarus “Gringo’ Boora, undesignated vending and illegal ac- ka-vhuka herb. We therefore have two of these herbs are being sold by un-
System Tazvida, Tinei Chikupo; the tivities; but herbal vending seems to parties who are in desperate situa- scrupulous people whose aim is not
list endless. be sprawling and spreading like veld tions and are trying to boost sex ap- for your good but for easy dollars into
These are artistes who contribut- fires, and is allowed to be like that; petite and income respectively. My
ed immensely to the arts industry in their purses. Let us all be cautious of
operating freely even on the doorstep independent small survey revealed our health because the consequenc-
Zimbabwe but had nothing to show to me that the largest chunk of clien-
for their industry. of the City's Cleveland House just be- es of taking some of these fictitious
It is sad to note that government has hind the main Town House. tele for these pseudo-herbalists are substances may ruin our lives beyond
neglected this sector with most of the There are therefore questions which male citizens who seek sexual boost- restoration. So, it is our responsibili-
artistes in the country struggling to can be asked pertaining this kind of ers, much more than those who seek ty to guard ourselves from being de-
make ends meet despite their popu- vending activity: herbs for cancers and other diseas- stroyed by uncouth practices in our
larity. Where are they sourcing the herbs es. Citizens must be protected against midst.
There is need for people to realise
that artistes need to survive on their
talents. Most artistes have to supple-
ment their incomes through other
About us
We are an independent, critical and al-
odd trades and it is high time that the
government commits to a sustainable ternative media platform established in
the year 2021, specializing in quality or
budget to assist artistes. good journalism made up of profession-
There is serious undervaluation of al journalism and well-curated content
the trade and the scourge of piracy from various contributors, writers as well
needs to be dealt with decisively while as authoritative interviews with a range of
local musicians should be afforded sources that make news locally and inter-
equitable airplay on national stations. nationally.
The National Arts Council of Zim- We strive to be an independent, non-par-
babwe (NACZ) which was created tisan alternative platform that serves our
through an Act of Parliament in 1985 clientele, in its diversity, well and timely.
Property of Ruzivo Media and Resource Centre
and to champions the promotion and As a media establishment, we are also
dedicated to play the normative role to Room 207 & 211
development of the arts sector in the
country, seems to be failing in that educate citizens, play a watchdog role Courtney/Capstone Hotel
through exposure of abuses and excesses Corner 8th Street and Selous Ave
regard. of the powerful in society, including politi- Call : 078 299 4101
cians and the corporate world.
Review & Mail

Thumbs up for Macheso’s latest offering

“He is a national treasure underrated
Entertainment Review simply because Sungura is regarded as
music of the poor.” @Bossmaj2030
Since Thursday, social media, has been Once upon a time there was a music
flaming red with fire emojis as fans cel- professor...Alick Macheso the Maestro.....
ebrate, enjoy and hype Alick Macheso’s Who made the blind to see, the deaf to
latest offering, dubbed ‘Tinosvitswa hear and feel the vibration of the EXTR-
Nashe’ RRA- BASSOOO @ Lorrent Loe Mudz-
This is Macheso’s 12th album, launched ingwa
on his 54th birthday and also marking 24 Alick Macheso is bigger than Whole Zim
years since his band Orchestra Mberik- Hip hop music industry @Muller_Mat-
wazvo was formed. ambo
Macheso held a mini-launch at Harare's Macheso pakukwenya gitare he is the
Rainbow Towers on June 9 where the greatest of all time in my gigantic book
Deputy Minister of Youth, Arts Sports of Facts @itsvigie
and Culture Hon Deputy Machakaire And not only had his fans had nice
bought the album for US10 000. Af- things to say, other prominent people
ter the event, Baba Shero had pocketed had this to say:
US20 000. Musician: Mudiwahood
Hon Machakaire went on to describe Alec Machesoooo is Another LEVEL
the gesture as a way of saying thank you Comedienne: Madam Boss
“I have known @alickmacheso3 for a You are truly a legend
very long time. In all my interactions Musician: Jah Prayzah
with him with him, he is very humble If consistency was a person. I have so
and respectful. The CD that I purchased much respect for Mdara wedu Macheso
tonight goes beyond just paying for mu- and what he has achieved for himself
sic but it is my token of appreciation to and the industry
the Living Legend. May he live long” Musician: She Calaz
This was followed by a launch in “Haa Baba ndi Baba sure, zvandaona
Chitungwiza at the Aquatic Complex nhasi. Mdara Alick Macheso It’s a bless-
and the show was oversubscribed. ing, kumira nemi, kutaura nemi, ku-
Meanwhile some fans took to social ridzirwa, nemukurarama munguva ino
media to appreciate the work done by yatararama tichikuona, tichifara nemi,
the veteran musician Longlive, Kwetezvekunyeba.”

Mudariki’s vision for a Zimbabwean contemporary art fair

In the past 20 years, a new generation of on? Why did you feel an art prize was a nec-
Zimbabwean artists has attained interna- The model that artHARARE has ad- essary intervention?
tional acclaim, or emerged as stars with opted is unique in that it is an artist-run The artHARARE Africa First Art Prize was
work showing at top galleries and muse- contemporary art fair. Artists are our key set up to benefit emerging and mid-career
ums, collected by prominent people such partners in this venture. Our value propo- artists working in Zimbabwe and the Zim-
as Jay Z. One of these stars, Cape Town sition is to bring under one umbrella and babwean diaspora by increasing their pro-
based Richard Mudariki, is now using his celebrate all leading contemporary Zim- file. For the inaugural prize, we received
growing fame and network to create a babwean visual arts and cultural produc- a number of high quality submissions
contemporary art fair to spotlight emerg- ers in an open, easy to view platform. Our and the professional jury team – Fadzai
ing artists in Zimbabwe. With it Harare mission is to attract the attention of lead- Muchemwa, Moffat Takadiwa, Marwan
has joined other major African cities like ing international art collectors, art muse- Zakhem, Serge Tiroche and Richard Mu-
Cape Town, Dakar, Lagos, Marrakech and ums, art foundations, auction houses and dariki – had a hard time picking the two
Kampala in bolstering its contemporary corporate collections to acquire and add winners Wilfred Timire and Franklyn Dz-
art scene. contemporary Zimbabwean visual art to ingai. A group exhibition of the shortlisted
Mudariki co-founded artHARARE Con- their collections. artists was held.
temporary Art Fair with art historian Aya A painting on a wall is brightly coloured It will be run as an annual prize. The
Koudounaris. The first editions in 2020 showing a figure reclining, faces emerging sponsors, Africa First founded by art in-
and 2021 took place online in a time of from the background. vestment expert Serge Tiroche, share our
COVID isolation. Now it’s expanding its Over the past 18 months artHARARE has vision of promoting contemporary art
scope by fundraising to take place in phys- received tremendous support from the from the continent.
ical form in Harare sometime in Novem- artistic community in Zimbabwe and its What have you learnt so far?
ber 2022. diaspora. The platform aims to deliver I have learnt these important lessons:
While fairs are marketplaces where var- economic value to both the artist and the Opportunities exist in the midst of a cri-
ious galleries display art for sale in order collector or art institution by being the go- sis.
to attract collectors, artHARARE is also to platform to showcase and discover art, Working with an energetic, committed
driven by a sense of community build- explore Zimbabwe’s rich artistic heritage and hardworking team makes a differ-
ing. It is addressing a lack of infrastructure and establish competitive primary and ence.
that continues to force young talent to look secondary market prices. Zimbabwe is full of fresh talent and the
elsewhere for support. I spoke with Mu- We are heavily investing in building a ro- artists are eager to be successful.
dariki about the project. bust network of artists, curators, collec- We need to work together and speak as
Who attends or views artHARARE, from tors, galleries, art dealers, art historians, ists who were showcased in the fair were one voice.
where? and art lovers, a form of social capital, or picked up by international galleries in The digital renaissance in the global art
Because of the power of the internet, our call it cultural capital. As an entrepreneur- London and Milan. market is here to stay.
growing audiences for the two editions of ial venture, we have a time horizon of five Year two saw an increased interest in the In future will you change any aspects of
artHARARE were international. Accord- years to develop the brand artHARARE, activities of the fair both from the artists the fair?
ing to the website analytics and reports, realise our vision and place it on the inter- (more than 30) and art collectors repre- Going forward, the fair will have a physi-
we have a huge following from South Afri- national art calendar. senting all continents. We were privileged cal presence which seeks to activate vari-
ca, Germany, the UK, the US and of course In our launch year, we saw significant to showcase artworks of internationally ous spaces in the city (and country) to host
Zimbabwe. Most visitors (87%) came to our contributions of skill, energy and time by recognised Zimbabwean artists such as creative and artistic interventions. An art
site directly, not from a link from another many art professionals in Zimbabwe and Moffat Takadiwa and Portia Zvavahera. education programme is also on the plans
site, while 47% came through Google and in its diaspora, and a dedicated team that Their participation allows for the fair to to educate and encourage a new genera-
16% through our social media platforms. worked to launch the online fair in just un- have anchor artists that give it weight. The tion of young local art lovers and art col-
The majority of our audience are art col- der four months. A lot of value was creat- fair’s art prize was established and we fa- lectors. This will also be complemented
lectors, curators, art institutions, journal- ed, with many artworks by emerging Zim- cilitated a programme that brought an by an artist incubation programme that
ists, art historians, art lovers, art students babwean visual artists being acquired in emerging female artist Prudence Chimu- seeks to develop artists to become profes-
and artists. local and international private collections. tuwah from Harare to a four week resi- sional in their practices.
What kind of model is artHARARE built In addition, a number of emerging art- dency in Cape Town. --The Conversation
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Review & Mail

Mvuma steel plant components arrive in Durban

Chris Mahove ply electricity at the plant production
company site which will provide the
Components for the Dinson Iron and necessary electricity for the opera-
Steel Company Mvuma steel plant tions.
have arrived in the port city of Durban A permanent 97-kilometre high-volt-
in South Africa. age power line from Sherwood to
In a tweet at the weekend, DISCO Kwekwe is currently under construc-
said; “Dinson Iron & Steel Company tion.
Zimbabwe (Disco) Africa’s largest steel plant benefits
“Humongous...Components for Mvu- The Mvuma Steel Plants will be split
ma steel plant blast furnace have ar- into two locations, one in Midlands
rived at Durban Port, South Africa. for iron ore smelting and the other in
They will arrive in Zim at the end of Chikomba, Mashonaland East, for the
June. What a spectacle it will be, as we majority of the mining and benefici-
build Africa's largest steel plant!” ation.
A company spokesperson confirmed Dinson Iron and Steel Company has
the shipment, saying the components also been granted exclusive rights to
were part of the consignments of spe- build a new town between Mvuma,
cialised equipment imported from Chivhu, and Chirumanzu districts
China. around its new facility.
“In total we are going to have US$100 A dedicated railway line is also set to
million worth of equipment coming be established, connecting the US$1
from China; and up to 1000 truck- billion stainless steel plant to a new
loads. Some fabrications are being port in Mozambique, which is expect-
done locally by local engineers,” he ed to help transport large quantities
said. of exports on time.
Once completed the Mvuma still Investors are being sought to assist
plant will be Africa’s largest steel with the rehabilitation and upgrading
plant producing approximately 2 mil- of the existing rail networks.
lion tonnes of steel per annum and The railway project is also projected
employing more than 5000 people. It to boost bulk railway traffic between
is three times the size of ZISCOSTEEL Mozambique and Zimbabwe and open
in Redcliff, which used to be the big- more opportunities for mining and
gest in the continent. manufacturing, as well as help the
The Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Au- tourism sector and unlock numerous ince are set to benefit immensely from of achieving a US$12 billion mining
downstream job opportunities. the project, which is also expected economy by 2030.
thority (ZESA) constructed a 27-kilo-
metre temporary power line to sup- Communities in the midlands prov- to contribute to the country’s goals

Mthuli should be kept Swiss company okays

in check: Analysts business environment in Zim
Albert Chavhunduka that government helps us to get through
flow as if nothing has happened. Precedent those challenges,” said Drummond.
Business Review Writers Swiss companies are giving credit to “So I think that’s where the partnership
has already been set and sadly there is no
transparency when it comes to expendi- President Emmerson Mnangagwa for works out, for example this project has
Economic analysts have warned that lack his efforts which they say are breath-
tures incurred outside the approved budget. taken three years and of course Covid-19
of transparency and poor management of ing life back into the country’s economy
“The loud and clear message is that the was a problem.
public coffers will continue to weigh down making Zimbabwe an investment mag-
Ministry of Finance does what it wants then “Originally, we didn’t think it was go-
on taxpayers and the country’s economy. net which is attracting many investors
seeks post approvals as a matter of proce- ing to take three years, we thought may-
The analysts were responding to govern- into the southern African country.
dure only and not as a matter of principle be it would take like two years you know
ment’s over expenditure between the years Switzerland is one of the leading Euro-
and transparency.” but with the support of the government,
2019 and 2020, wherein the Ministry of Fi- pean investors in Zimbabwe and recent-
Another analyst, Prosper Chitambara ex- we got through the challenges and we
nance and Economic Development over- ly a number of Swiss companies includ-
pressed concern over government’s over are about to get to the project’s comple-
spent by more than ZWL100 million. ing the Swiss Bioceuticals Limited, have
expenditure which he said needed to be tion as you saw, His Excellency came and
Finance and Economic Development Min- been expressing their interest to in-
corrected as a matter of urgency. formally inaugurated the facility, so we
ister Mthuli Ncube recently appealed to crease their investments in the country.
“What the minister should be doing is to got there in the end.”
the National Assembly condonation for the Last month, President Emmerson
come up with supplementary budgets and Drummond further said that govern-
unauthorised expenditure amounting to Mnangagwa officially commissioned the
at least over expenditures approved by par- ment was on the right track and trans-
ZW$6.8 billion for 2019 and ZW$100.7 billion US$27 million Swiss Bioceuticals Limited
liament in the right way. So I think it’s not forming its economic fortunes which
for the year 2020 through the Financial Ad- medicinal cannabis farm and process-
right and something needs to be correct- has made Zimbabwe one of the most at-
justment Bill 2022. ing plant in Mt Hampden, a move which
ed. Last time, the minister was even saying tractive investment destinations in Afri-
The revelations have, however, been seen was seen as a testament of the successes
there is no need for a supplementary bud- ca.
by analysts to be exposing that government of the engagement and re-engagement
get, so in the future it’s important for him to “I think the environment has changed
has been on a spending spree of unparal- policy.
not seek for condonation after they have al- significantly, we have been working very
leled extent despite the multiple claims of Only 15 of the 57 cannabis permits which
ready overspent,” he said. closely with the government for the past
budget surplus by the Finance Minister. have been issued so far since 2018 have
Professor Gift Mugano weighed in and three years and as part of that-with the
Speaking to Review & Mail, economic ana- been activated.
called for the immediate resignation of the government’s help and his Excellen-
lyst Vince Musewe urged government to re- Speaking to Review & Mail, CEO of the
Finance Minister who he accused of acting cy, the President Emmerson Mnangag-
spect the rules of parliament and be trans- Swiss Bioceuticals Limited Nigel Spen-
like a “monopoly” and making his own deci- wa-we have made some changes to the
parent in the manner national finances cer Drummond appreciated President
sions without parliament’s approval. licenses and make it more commercial-
were being utilised saying if this was left un- Mnangagwa’s government, which he
“He became a monopoly and centre of ly viable and the environment, as it is
checked, it would set a bad precedence for said had assisted them as foreign com-
power to make decisions without parlia- now, it’s one of the most attractive in the
the country’s economy. panies to tackle many challenges in the
ment’s support and permission; without whole of Africa,” he said.
“There is nothing new here, this has hap- country.
even the permission of the President for that “So certainly, we are investing more
pened before where government disre- “I think Switzerland has a very strong re-
matter. Mthuli Ncube should be brought and expanding our facilities here and
spects parliamentary rules with regard to lationship with the government, there’s
before parliament to answer to the people hiring people. For other companies who
the budget. In fact, our parliament is very definitely a partnership there. General-
of Zimbabwe. Who gave him the authority are looking into getting the industry, this
weak in challenging this practice,” said ly, when you’re building a new business
to spend outside the means, provision and will be a good time for them to think
Musewe. in any market there’s always challenges
approved budget signed by the President?,” about it, there’s a very prospective fu-
“They protest but ultimately go with the and I think what gives us confidence is
said Professor Mugano. ture.”
13 June002022
Monday January 2022 PERSPECTIVE 12

Enforcing competition would ease food

price hikes in east and southern Africa
Small and medium-scale farmers and ing bought-up by intermediaries at
agri-businesses in east and southern low prices at the harvest and held
Africa are getting a raw deal. To suc- back to drive prices up.
ceed they need fair and integrated re- The fragile food systems in the re-
gional markets. Research by the Cen- gion, combined with increasing con-
tre for Competition, Regulation and centration at multiple levels of key
Economic Development has highlight- value chains, calls for a regional com-
ed the need for better integration of petition policy for resilient and sus-
regional economies as a step towards tainable regional value chains.
food security in the region. A stronger regional market referee
Powerful commercial interests, high to monitor and enforce competition
transport costs and poor access to fa- rules would level the playing field for
cilities such as for storage mean that fairer food markets.
small and medium-scale farmers are The Common Market for Eastern and
often not getting fair prices for the Southern Africa Competition Com-
food they grow. Fair prices are those mission working together with na-
that meet demand and cover reason- tional competition authorities, has
able costs of supply including trans- the central role to play.
port across borders. What’s missing
During the course of our research we The African Market Observatory was
came across examples of how the odds created to fill the gap of reliable mar-
are stacked against most small and ket information for key food products
medium-scale farmers. Take the ex- at the wholesale and producer levels.
perience of Endrina Maxwell, a small The observatory tracks and compiles
producer in Malawi. In April 2021, she prices monthly. The first 12 months of
sold her soybean crop in central Ma- data gathering by the observatory un-
lawi and realised the returns from in- derlined the benefits to smaller mar-
vesting in commercial agriculture as a ket participants of market data.
female agribusiness owner and farm- This year, with the African Market
er. She got prices around Malawi kwa- Observatory, it has been possible to
cha 350/kg, about $450/t (see Figure track markets through crowd-sourc-
1). At the same time, the prices in the ing prices from smaller market par-
main markets in Dar es Salaam and ticipants. Access to this data has al-
Nairobi were over a $1000/t. lowed Endrina to anticipate what she
A number of hurdles stood in En- should get for her soybean harvest. It
drina’s way to take advantage of the has also enabled her to plan her other
high prices in neighbouring countries. business – oil production – more ef-
First, specific price information was ficiently.
not readily available for someone in The pricing patterns have highlight-
Endrina’s position to be aware of the ed the crucial role that access to com-
gains from exporting. Second, trans- petitive transport services as well as
port costs are very high for small- storage facilities play in accessing Nairobi we can see that soybean pric- For example, animal feed producers
er producers. Third, to hold-off from markets and fairer prices. This has in- es have been way above the fair im- in Kenya who are buyers have been
selling at the harvest and to bargain formed Endrina’s decision to invest in port prices. This implies that produc- hit hard.
for better offers, producers like Endri- storage facilities on her farm as a re- ers received too little and end users A package of interventions to ensure
na need to have storage options. sult of discovering that there is value paid way too much, with intermedi- regional markets work better is ur-
This situation does benefit some. in spreading her grain sales through- aries capturing the difference. gently required.
These include the main traders and out the year as opposed to selling only Dar es Salaam could have sourced Making regional markets work
processors in Malawi and across the at the harvest. soybeans from Malawi, Zambia or We propose the strengthening of
region. These companies bought up To strengthen the region’s fragile Uganda – all neighbouring countries three priority areas:
much of the crop at the time of har- food security – made worse by cli- – to add to domestic supplies. Pric- policy and advocacy, enforcement,
vest at low prices, for local use and mate change –it’s essential that pro- es at over US$1200/t in some months, including against cartels; and
for export, taking advantage of their duce can be sourced from across the such as October to December 2021, regional merger evaluation.
storage facilities and private informa- region, which is the most cost effec- were US$200-400/t above what it Competition advocacy and policy is
tion. Prices in Malawi then increased tive way to meet the needs of custom- should have cost to land goods from essential, as many of the factors un-
to peak at $1350/t in January 2022, as if ers and to reward producers for ex- Uganda and US$400-750/t above what dermining effective regional compet-
there was a severe scarcity. panding supply. it should have cost to land from Zam- itive markets include policy aspects.
The trebling of soybean prices af- This is most evident in Kenya where bia. This includes an efficient trans- Regulatory barriers, for example, un-
fected another cohort of small-scale food prices have risen exponentially. port rate, calculated at US$0.04/t/km dermine trade and reinforce the mar-
farmers. Soybeans are a key com- The country is experiencing the most from various sources. ket power of companies within coun-
ponent of poultry feed. Small-scale severe drought in 40 years. In addi- Regional trade and competitive mar- tries.
poultry farmers saw their animal feed tion, the war in Ukraine is compound- kets are also impeded by govern- The Comesa Competition Commis-
prices increase by similar amounts, ing international pricing pressures. ments. Zambia had an export re- sion and national authorities in the
squeezing them severely. This means that Kenya needs to striction on soybeans from August region need to urgently act together
source imports from the region where to November 2021. Removing the re- in these areas to tackle poorly work-
Our research identifies a lack of ef- weather has been good at fair com- striction brought lower prices to buy- ing regional food markets.
fective regional competition and in- petitive prices. Yet, despite growing ers in Dar and higher prices to sell-
dicates the need to inquire into trans- production in countries such as Ma- ers in Zambia, benefiting both sides The African Market Observatory is
port, storage and logistics issues. The lawi and Zambia, cross-border trade through trade. a starting point for data collection
differences in prices between loca- is not happening effectively. Where the region is unable to take where analyses can be deepened, col-
tions on transport corridors trans- Unfair trade advantage of good supply in some lo- laboration can be strengthened, and
late into rents to transporters and ar- By considering the market clearing cations to meet demand in others at access to pricing information im-
bitrage margins being made by large sources of supply for the main cen- competitive prices, this places great proved for market participants.
traders. It also points to supplies be- tres of demand in Dar es Salaam and pressure on downstream industries. The Conversation

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13 June 2022 2022
January-February SPORT 13

Meet Zim’s First Internationally Certified Ninja

Martial Artist, Wilfred Mashaya has with time it will receive much support compared to other sports but unfortu- became also the youngest African kid
taken time to reflect on his decorated as proven by the results we are showing nately it is not receiving the fair recogni- to be inducted into a European Martial
career. The 40-year old has raised the around the World, We are doing better tion or sponsorship it deserves despite Arts Hall of Fame when he was induct-
country’s flag high through the sport. Re- as compared with other sporting Disci- having produced many Champions. ed into the Spartan Hall Of Warriors in
view and Mail Sports Writer, Shelly Guni plines in the country. Can we say MA sport is now established absentia in Rome Italy on the 7th of May
(S.G) caught up with Mashaya (WM) Also material resources to use have in the county? 2022.
who shared his journey through Martial been a challenge but we W.M. Martial Arts (MA) is becom- S.G. Are you happy with women par-
Arts. Below are excerpts of the interview: are learning to live within ing a force to reckon with in the ticipation in Martial Arts?
S.G. Who is Wilfred Mashaya? our means and find our- country but I believe it needs W.M. Women participation; that is one
W.M Wilfred Mashaya is a man born in selves with the little re- more support, recognition and of my greatest contributions to the na-
1982 at Chin'ombe Clinic in Gutu. I grew sources that we have. sponsorship for it to be well tion as I have managed to attract the at-
up in Mufakose where I did my Prima- S.G. What would you established as we have many tention of Women to join Martial Arts
ry and Secondary Education at Makun- say has been your big- talented Martial Artists from as it promotes fitness and also equips
dano Primary School and Mufakose (1) gest career achieve- various styles like Karate, Ko- them with self-defence skills when at-
High School Respectively. I did my Ter- ment? budo, Taekwondo, Mixed tacked in the streets or by criminals.
tiary Education at Harare Polytechnic My Biggest Martial Arts, and Wushu etc. Also I am very much happy that they
doing Electronic Computer Systems. Achievements S.G. ZimNinja has been do- are also competing and winning Medals
S.G. Tell us, what inspired you to be- are becom- ing well internationally, especially in weapons which very few
come a martial arts fighter and how ing the First what can you attribute Africans are good at. This also applies to
has the journey been so far? Zimba- that to? kids. We are seeing parents having trust
W.M. I was inspired by the late Legend- bwean W.M. ZimNinja has in me to groom and train their kids as
ary Bruce Lee, seeing his films when I Male been doing well they are impressed with the results be-
was young. I used to say when I grow through dedica- ing shown by the kids I train and also
up, I want to be like Bruce Lee both as tion, commit- by my son's advancement and achieve-
an Actor and Martial Artist. I started ment, dis- ments. In kids we also thrive to instil
training Martial Arts when I was 8 years cipline discipline, to make them strong and to
old. The Journey had its ups and downs and be future role models in the society.
but am happy that I have managed to Women are being fascinated with
yield some fruitful results on t h e Weapons as they see them interest-
way and also feel proud to ing that it becomes a hobby like to play
have lifted my country's flag the around with chuckle Sticks, sword etc.
high around the and winning for them is something
world by scoop- pas- they are proud of and on top of that
ing many accolades sion learning other styles like Ninjut-
and awards to bring glory to su, Karate and Self-defence
S.G. Who would you the nation through S.G. Generally, what keeps
say has been the big- sport participation, hard you motivated as an
gest influence on work and consistence. Above athlete?
your career? all it has been God since day one. I am motivated
W.M. Bruce Lee All the glory to the Almighty for by the glory and
like I alluded to the talent and achievements pride that comes
and also my late When did you receive your first w h e n
Master Sensei medal? Can you describe the I work
Titus Chigum- feeling? hard and achieve
bu (passed away W.M. My first medals not only for myself
in 2008). These were a Silver and a but for others and the nation
two have been bronze medal in at large. I feel challenged every
my greatest in- fluence 2016 in Mos- day to be a better version of my-
in my career. cow, Rus- self and to surpass my previous
S.G. Can you describe Martial Arts, sia in an achieve- ments. For me I
what is it all about? How important is Inter- learn every day and I always
it in one's life? Is it just like any other n a - feel like I ha- ven't yet start-
sport? ed thriving to always swal-
W.M For Starters Martial Arts low pride, to keep my head
is a combat sport which teaches low, eyes high, remaining
self-defence and grooms one t o focused and hungry for suc-
be a real fighter or Warrior. cess through hard work.
Besides fighting, it teach- es re- t i on al S.G. This year, you received
spect, discipline, brevity, health and fit- Kobudo medals from. Europe, can you
ness, kindness and grooms one to be a C h a m - comment on that?
better person in the society in terms pionships W.M. Since the advent of the COVID 19
of character, behaviour and attitude. (Weapons). I pandemic in 2020 to date, we have re-
It also encourages one to stay away couldn't ceived more than 200 medals won by my
from criminal activities, staying Sports- b e - lieve it and students at ZimNinja Academy in Inter-
away from drugs, to respect our man to win I was so hap- py even to national Virtual Competitions, some-
elders and refrain from violence. the Regional the surprise of many in a thing that makes me feel very proud to
Like above it's different from Sportsman of sport that I self- have groomed men, women and kids
any other sport as this is more the Year Award trained myself. who can now rise up to the challenge
than sport as it touches social then followed I was the only and compete with the rest of the World.
values; meaning it is actual- by becoming the black and Afri- Among these medals won in more than
ly a way of life like teaching first Zimbabwean can participant 10 Virtual Competitions, I have per-
Discipline, Respect, kind- and African to Win a Weap- at the tournament. It was a great feeling sonally won more than 20 medals from
ness, helping others. Actu- ons (Kobudo) World Cham- and I give all the glory to the Almighty. these Competitions and hope to contin-
ally it grooms one to be the pionship which I self- S.G. You introduced your son to the ue doing my best for the nation
best in everything fitness, trained myself. Followed by sport and he is doing well. When you S.G. Can you tell us about your up-
self-defence skills, be- becoming The First Interna- were at his age, what were you doing coming events?
haviour, character, flexi- tionally Certified Ninja. Followed by then and if you had received the We have been invited to a World Cham-
bility etc. by being the First Zimbabwean to amount of support he has now, where pionships in Poland and we are looking
S.G. What are some of the be Inducted Into More than six Eu- would you be? forward to do our best and bring glory
challenges you have faced ropean Hall of Fames, among them W.M I introduced my Son to Martial to our nation if we get enough Spon-
in your career so far and Barcelona Hall Of Fame, London Hall Arts when he was 4 years old and he is sorship from well Wishers ranging from
how did you overcome Of Fame, Lisbon Hall of Fame, Serbia now 7 years and he is doing very well, Individuals and the corporate world.
them. Hall of Fame, Italy Hall Of Fame, Rome having amassed more than 15 medals in We hope to go with a team of plus 15
W.M The major one is Hall of Fame. International Virtual Competitions spe- Martial Artists who shall be competing
lack of financial support Also clinching the Zimbabwe 2018 cialising in both Karate and Weapons. I mainly in Martial Arts Weapons (Kobu-
and lack of sponsor- Sportsman and Sportsperson of the started at 8 years and even when I was do). We have fielded a balanced team of
ship. The other one be- year awards at Ansa. 15 years, I couldn't do what he is doing men, women and kids.
ing that as I introduced Being Appointed Martial Arts Ambas- at 7 years. I believe if he gets enough We are training very hard as we know
new Sports disciplines sador by various bodies around the support at that tender age he will take it's not an easy task ahead of us so we
in my country Zim- World. the World by storm and make our Na- have to put our all and do our best so
babwe, which is Ko- Lastly being a holder of Four Black tion proud as he has become already that we can raise our country's flag high
budo (Martial Arts Belts in Karate, Kobudo (weapons), Nin- the Youngest African to win an Inter- if we manage to go there and showcase
Weapons) and Nin- jutsu (Ninja) and Self-Defence. national and World Championships in our talent on the World stage. The World
jutsu, it has taken How would you describe the current Weapons which were being held virtu- Championships will be held from 15 to
time for people to state of Martial Arts in Zim? ally since 2020 due to some Covid-19 18 September 2022 in Poland
support it, but I hope The sport is doing well in the country restrictions on travel. On top of that, he
13 June 2022 2022
January-February SPORT 14

ZNBWCB aims to spread combat sport

Shelly Guni Mukurumbira said the development stand that combat sports are similar bring together boxers, technical offi-
was a way to decentralize boxing to to common sports like Soccer, tennis cials, partners and sponsors. We have
The Zimbabwe National Boxing and all provinces, which he said was a key etc. already started the ground work and
Wrestling Control Board (ZNBWCB) part of their strategy. “Our combat sport awareness ini- we are getting the relevant support.
is on a mission to discover raw talent “The goal is to increase participa- tiatives target bringing the public “We are also partnering with dif-
and develop the sport in all corners tion in all provinces and ensure we opportunities to see demonstrations ferent organizations using combat
of the country. include everyone. As stated in the of combat sport in schools, during sports as a tool to fight different so-
ZNBWCB programs manager Kupak- national development strategy, we exhibitions and special government cial challenges that include drug and
washe Mukurumbira said their focus are expected to leave no one behind. events,” she said. substance abuse, early marriages,
remains to create new opportuni- “The thrust is also to increase op- She said they were providing infor- teenage pregnancies.
ties for upcoming athletes in combat portunities for talent identification mation on the value of boxing and “We want to show our youths that
sports while also providing the com- and development in every province sharing the commercial and profes- no matter their backgrounds there
munities with top activities. in the country.” sional side of boxing, particularly is potential for them to change their
Combat Sports are fighting sports Matebeleland South Provincial Co- how amateurs could become profes- lives through combat sport.”
that usually involve one on one com- ordinator Maculwamahle Nkomo sionals and earn a living through the Nkomo however, shared some of the
bat. The ZNBWCB oversees three also shared the same sentiments combat sport as a professional boxer, challenges they were facing while
combat sports: boxing, wrestling and with Mukurumbira. wrestlers, MMA fighters, managers, trying to achieve their goals.
mixed martial arts. The province has also been doing promoters, coaches, referees etc. “The challenge so far is that we don't
“We have been on an intensive drive remarkably well in trying to promote “A key aspect we have been work- have so much support from the pri-
to increase awareness, establish our the sport. ing on is creating clubs in the district vate sector.
presence and engage various provin- Nkomo said they have managed to and the province as a whole. “We have clubs that have potential to
cial stakeholders within the provinc- run a number of programs rang- “The idea is for us to have registered grow that lack resources and equip-
es. ing from Combat Sport awareness, clubs/academies which will become ment; these are in both urban and
“The response has been positive Combat Sport Education, Combat hubs of talent identification and de- rural areas of the province. If they
from provincial stakeholders who we Sport Club, Combat Sport Capaci- velopment and also provide oppor- could partner with us I believe we
have engaged to date. We are in the ty Development Programs, Combat tunities for our communities to par- can change the face of combat sports
process of finalizing partnerships for Sport Event and Combat Sport for ticipate in boxing for fitness and and totally transform our youths'
development of combat sport facili- Development recreational purposes. livelihood through the sport.
ties with several councils. “The response from stakeholders She said capacity development train- “Secondly, the issue of negative per-
“We believe this will set an import- in Matabeleland Province has been ing for boxers, managers, coaches, ception. People think the sport is vi-
ant foundation as we continue to de- good, many people love the sport and promoters and technical officials was olent and only makes people rowdy.
velop combat sports from grassroots it’s not only the young but the elder- on the cards to help build skills in the Yet this sport builds confidence in
to elite level,” Mukurumbira said. ly, its females and males, its people provinces and improve the quality of oneself, and self-actualization and
And in a move to engage everyone from different cultures and walks of boxing so that it reached interna- because of that you find that the ath-
in the country, the board has estab- life. tional standards. letes are not violent people in their
lished provincial offices, something “We have had intensive awareness “We are anticipating that in the various walks of life but are vibrant
which many sport codes have failed campaigns of the combat sport in third and fourth quarter we will host and able to speak out with confi-
to do. communities so that people under- events within three districts that will dence,” she said.

Chevrons not hungry ZRC to conduct stakeholder

for victory- Rajput consultation in Bulawayo
ality of football stakeholders through
Shelly Guni
these consultation sessions.”
Tawanda Munthali Rugara added that the ZRC now had a
The Zimbabwe Football Restructuring
Committee (ZRC) are set to conduct a solid appreciation of the urgent matters
Chevrons head coach, Lalchand Ra- to be addressed with regard to football
stakeholder consultation forum in Bu-
jput has expressed disappointment administration and structures in Zim-
with his players, saying they were not babwe.
The event will be held on Tuesday and
hungry for victory. “The process has also allowed for the
Wednesday at a hotel in Bulawayo.
This follows the Zimbabwe national Committee to interact with a signifi-
A nine-member ZIFA Restructuring
senior men's cricket team’s humiliat- cant number of football stakeholders,”
Committee was in December last year
ing whitewash suffered at the hands he said.
appointed by the Sports and Recreation
of Afghanistan in the Dafabet 3 One He said the ZRC was at the final stages
Commission (SRC) to oversee the run-
Dayers series. of its fact-finding mission, adding that
ning of football in the country after the
"That hunger is still not there, I come the next phase would be to review best
ZIFA board was dissolved in November.
from India and we are hungry to win practices and proffer applicable rec-
The committee is headed by business
every game. We hate losing to be hon- ommendations.
executive and lawyer Blessing Rugara.
est. The players have to be a little hun- Rugara said the committee was, how-
The other members are Zimpapers
grier. If you hate losing, automatical- ever, happy with the progress they had
board chairperson and sports expert,
ly you start winning," said the former made so far.
Chevrons head coach, Lalchand Tommy Sithole, bankers Desmund
Afghanistan head coach. “Notwithstanding, the Committee is
Ali and Joel Gombera, former Zimba-
The Chevrons displayed horror Rajput happy with the progress to date and as-
bwe Olympic Committee chief execu-
shows during the series, failing to the last 15 years, adding the fans would sures the nation that it will successfully
tive Anna Mguni, ex-CAPS United ad-
collect vital points for the ICC Super ask for answers from the coach, the conduct its mandate including availing
ministrator Joyce Kapota, lawyer Rudo
League. board and the players. a comprehensive document of its find-
Mugandani, football administrator Bri-
The whitewash leaves Zimbabwe "The team that is playing against Af- ings
an Busani Moyo and former CAPS Unit-
languishing in 12th position in the ghanistan is the weakest team. The and recommendations from all the ac-
ed defender Charles Sibanda.
ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Super players playing do not have the fight, tivities undertaken by December 2022.”
In a statement by Rugara, ZRC said:
League standings with 35 points in 15 they do not have anything in them. The ZIFA board, chaired by Felton Ka-
“The consultation forums are expect-
games, a point above bottom placed They do not deserve to be playing for mambo was suspended by the SRC last
ed to be completed by the end of June
Netherlands, who have played the Zimbabwe. As the fans we are not go- November over several charges includ-
2022 wherein the Committee will sub-
same number of games. ing to watch that, we are going to ask ing alleged sexual harassment of female
mit preliminary findings for discussion
The visitors reached 100 points af- for answers from the board, technical referees and failure to account for pub-
to the Sports and Recreation Commis-
ter they secured 30 points with the team and the players if they're ready lic funds.
whitewash, and moved up the ladder to play international cricket," said The suspension saw the country being
by July 2022.
to second position above powerhous- Banhire. suspended by world football govern-
In April and May, the Zimbabwe Re-
es England, India and Australia. Banhire added that the fans were al- ing body, FIFA, from all international
structuring Committee conducted four
The defeat means Zimbabwe lost fur- ways eager to rally behind the team events, resulting in the disqualification
similar extensive closed door consul-
ther ground on getting direct qualifi- and urged the boys to improve on of the senior football men’s team, The
tation sessions with different football
cation to the 2023 Cricket World Cup their performances. Warriors, from the ongoing Africa Cup
stakeholders in Harare, where they en-
in India. The top eight teams in the "We do not want to be humiliated, of Nations.
gaged were with athletes, clubs, PSL,
Super League gain direct qualification please pick up your selves, pull up The SRC has however, since lifted the
technical administrators and ZIFA rep-
to the World Cup whilst the other na- your socks as fans we are ready to suspension of the ZIFA board in a bid
tions will have to square off in qualifi- support you," he added. to convince the world football govern-
“With regard to the Bulawayo chapter,
ers for the two remaining spots. After the Afghanistan tour, Zimba- ing body to lift the country’s ban from
the Committee is confident of a posi-
Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Crick- bwe are set to host the T20 qualifiers international.
tive outcome as evidenced by the Hara-
et Supporters Union, Vivian Banhire in Bulawayo with the top two teams The stakeholder forums are seen as a
re sessions.
said the team that played against Af- getting tickets for the T20 World Cup move to try and bring back sanity into
“It is apparent that there was need to
ghanistan was the weakest Zimba- in Australia later in the year. the game of soccer.
conduct engagements with the gener-
bwean side that he had ever seen in
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...After Chevrons suffered a humiliating defeat to Afghanistan Page 14

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