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Time: 1 Hour (Gravitation) (Test – 1) MM. 25

1 mark each

1. If Earth be at one half of its present distance from the Sun, how many days

will there be in a year?

2. What is the effect of non-sphericity of the Earth on the value of g?

3. What is the condition for a uniform spherical mass to be a black hole?

2 marks each

4. State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

5. If suddenly the gravitational force of attraction between the Earth and a

satellite revolving around it becomes zero, what will happen to the satellite?

6. Why does the atmosphere of Jupiter contain light gases (mostly hydrogen),

whereas the Earth’s atmosphere has little of hydrogen gas?

7. On what factors does the escape speed from a surface depend?
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3 marks each

8. Obtain an expression showing variation of acceleration due to gravity with

9. Derive an expression for the escape velocity of a satellite projected from the
surface of the Earth.
10.Define the term ‘gravitational potential’. Give its SI unit. Also derive
expression for the gravitational potential energy at a point in the gravitational
field of the Earth.

5 marks each

11.Show that acceleration due to gravity decreases with depth.

Find the percentage decrease in weight of a body when taken 16 km below
the surface of the Earth.
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