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Association and Clarification (Church)

1. For me, the best words that I can associate from the words CHURCH are GOD and

PEOPLE. As one CHURCH, I believe that people have one GOD whom they follow and

believe. God is the center of all people’s lives. God is the most powerful creator of all

mankind. These people are the ones who believe in the words of God. The church as the

symbol of God is very important for the people as this is the place where they can always

talk to God spiritually.

2. Every time my family and I go to church, I personally talk to God through my prayers.

Through my prayers, all my doubts and fears are possibly gone because I believe God is

always in my mind, in my heart and in my soul. People inside the church signifies their

trust and love to God that he is the most powerful creator of everything in this world.

God as the center of my life, makes everything in my life in proper perspective. I am very

thankful for God is always their beside me and in all that I do.

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