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Distribution automation with GridLAB-D

Amelia Chaves Moreno1 and Paul Ulices Valencia Ordóñez2

Master’s Degree in Electric Energy Systems
University of Seville
March 2020

Abstract— Distribution networks (DN) live in a continuous new control and operation paradigms, such as reactive power
evolution, they have gone from being unidirectional passive management, excess generation during low demand hours,
networks to being networks with bidirectional flow whose etc. (Figure 1)
operation is now active. Distributed generation is joined by
other elements such as storage, electric vehicles and demand However, the great technological development experienced
management, which will further revolutionize the current distri- by the electronic power inverters installed in controllable
bution network scheme. In view of this constant evolution, it is distributed generation sources and the great development of
necessary to have software capable of integrating the complexity communication infrastructures have allowed and encouraged
of active distribution networks. It is a tool for the simulation and the development of new control concepts and tools that allow
analysis of energy distribution systems that provides valuable
information and allows to take advantage of the latest energy for intelligent or active management of the electrical distri-
technologies. bution networks. Distributed generation is being followed
by other elements, such as electric vehicles, storage and
I. INTRODUCTION demand management, which also influence the operation
of distribution networks and will help to optimize their
Historically, distribution networks have been passive net- management.
works with unidirectional power flow, unlike transmission
networks which were real-time, highly optimised and flowed
in two directions. One of the main consequences of this
difference was that losses in distribution networks were
higher than in higher voltage ones. In conventional passive
networks, the most approached control has been that of
voltages, and the methods used to be capacitor banks, trans-
formers with on-load tap changers and voltage regulators,
normally used in long rural lines.

Fig. 2. Future DN [1]

The evolution of the electricity system as a result of

the integration of new elements such as demand response,
energy storage, electric vehicles, and a new generation of
distribution automation systems require very advanced power
system modeling tools which have to allow the integration
control models, battery storage technology models, vehicle
Fig. 1. Current DN [1]
charging system models, market simulators, and detailed
power system control models. In short, they must have
Nowadays, distribution networks have evolved essentially the capability of integrating all the active distribution net’s
due to the presence of active resources in the network and features.
to the technological evolution that has meant a reduction Some examples of traditional distribution tools are Syn-
in costs. The main distributed resource which has led to this erGEE [2], Milsoft [3] and Cymdist [4]. All of them were
evolution is distributed renewable generation, which involves designed using conventional models that depend on homo-
a two-way flow in the distribution networks as well as other geneous descriptions of the electromechanical behavior of
1 A. Chaves is Industrial Engineer by Seville University the electric power system, either using small timescales
2 P. Valencia is Electrical Engineer by Equinoctial Technology University (electromagnetic transient solution) or without timescales
(steady-state power flow solution)[5]. This means that none Section III presents application cases within the automation
works at intermediate timescales, ignoring many important of distribution networks. The installation of the software is
phenomena. detailed in Section IV to continue with the basics of program-
On the other hand, traditional simulation tools have been ming in Section V. An example of the use of GridLAB-D
developed independently and each treated the others as a is developed in Section VI. Lastly, the final conclusions are
quasi-static boundary condition, neglecting potentially im- given in Section IV.
portant coupling effects[5]. This fact limits their effectiveness
in evaluating technologies’ impact. II. MAIN FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS
In this context, GridLAB-D comes to life. It is a time-
series power distribution system simulation and analysis The first public open-source release of the GridLAB-D [6]
tool developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) occurred in April 2008 and since then, the software has been
at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in improved and new capabilities have been added to allow the
collaboration with Industry and Academia. Its purpose is examination of the detailed interplay between all elements
solving the ineffective modeling and evaluation of smart grid of a distribution system, from the substation to end-use load.
technologies [6]. Among its main capabilities are [7]:
GridLAB-D is an agent-based flexible simulation environ-
• 3-phase, unbalanced meshed power systems and unbal-
ment that can be integrated with third-party data management
anced radial power systems
and analysis tools, and that provides an unprecedented capa-
• End-use load behavior of thousands to millions of
bility to model the performance of smart grid technologies.
homes and appliances
Furthermore, it is an open-source simulator that allows new
• Retail level markets and transactive controls
models and classes to be developed by users. At its core
• Distributed generation and storage
(Figure 3), GridLAB-D has an advanced algorithm that can
• Demand response and direct load control
determine the simultaneous state of millions of independent
• Distribution automation controls
devices, each of which is described by multiple differential
• Micro-grid capabilities
equations solved only locally for both state and time [7].
• Advanced control and optimization algorithms and in-
Based on the architecture of GridLAB-D, the transmission
power flow solution technique implements the Gauss-Seidel
• Development of combined heat and power (CHP) mod-
method, while the distribution power flow technique is imple-
els, to capture the effects of waste heat and offsetting
mented with the forward and backward sweep (FBS) method.
heating requirements in buildings
GridLAB-D finds quasi-steady state time series solutions
• A more advanced application programming interface
that, when put together, approximate the time-varying, non-
(API) for interfacing with third-party tools
dynamic solution[8].
• Co-simulation with a commercial grade transmission
• An advanced high-performance computing engine
• Co-simulation with an open-source telecommunication
• Internationalization, including time zone and unit sup-
port and 50 Hz, low-voltage systems

All these capabilities have enabled the study of a wide

range of smart grid problems such as conservation voltage
reduction, micro-grid control, distributed resource control,
smart grid technology readiness evaluation, distributed en-
ergy resource integration, reduced-order model development,
appliance control strategies, generation intermittence impacts
Fig. 3. GriLAB-D Core [7] on distribution systems, photovoltaic integration impacts,
large-scale integration of wind power, smart grid cost-benefit
Therefore, the advantages of this algorithm over traditional analysis, and transmission-distribution system model inte-
finite difference-based simulators are [7]: gration. Having regard to the above, broadly the uses of
GridLab-D could be grouped as follows[7]:
1. It is much more accurate
2. It can handle widely disparate time scales, ranging from • Distribution Automation Design/Evaluation: design and
sub-seconds to many years analysis of distribution net automation technologies,
3. It is very easy to integrate with new modules and third- such as volt-var optimization, devices coordination and
party systems automation, feeder reconfiguration and fault detection,
The rest of this document is organized as follows. Section identification and restoration.
II describes different possible applications of GridLAB-D.
• Peak Load Management: it allows the modeling of con- • Residential Micro-grid with Electric Vehi-
sumer behavior in order to understand and optimize the cles[10][11][12][14]: to model a micro-grid, the
interaction between different peak-shaving strategies, most common is using the state-of-the-art distribution
incorporating mechanisms such as transactive controls, grid power system modeling tool GridLAB-D. This
centralized control, and distributed solutions. tool allows the simulation and exploration of various
dynamic properties of the distribution power grid, being
• Distributed Generation and Storage: GridLAB-D allows able to analyze them without the need of physical
exploring the effects of photovoltaic and inverter pen- prototypes.
etration on a traditionally operated system, including The residential module implements the following
the effects on overloading, voltage control, and losses end-uses to simulate the power demand in a
across a variety of weather patterns. Moreover, it allows home: water heater, lights, ranges, dishwasher,
the evaluation of the cost/benefit trade-off between microwave, refrigerator, plug loads and heating/cooling
infrastructure expansion investments and distributed re- loads (Conduction through exterior walls, roof and
source investments by including other economic bene- fenestration, air infiltration, solar radiation and internal
fits such as increased wholesale purchasing elasticity, gains from lighting, people, equipment). It is possible to
improved reliability metrics, and the opportunity to sell characterize many different types of houses, therefore
ancillary services products in wholesale markets. the micro-grid can be very true to reality. The electric
vehicle (EV) models and the electric vehicle supply
• Rate Structure Analysis: there are multiple energy prod-
equipment (EVSE) model can be developed as a
ucts based on different rate structures which could be
GridLAB-D class, which will be treated as another
contracted by a consumer. Because of them, there is
micro-grid object. It could be possible to consider
the opportunity to positively vary demand elasticity
different penetration rates of EV. Even the EVSE could
and give utilities the ability to balance supplier market
get some information from the EV model such as time
power in the wholesale markets. GridLAB-D provides
of the next trip, distance of the next trip, the mileage
the ability to accommodate multiple rate offerings (in-
classification, and the battery size.
cluding fixed rates, demand rates, time-of-day rates, and
real-time rates) to determine whether a suite of rate • Demand Response [14][15]: as stated above, energy
offerings is likely to succeed, allowing to design rate market can be modeled by GridLAB-D. Its features
structures that are both cost-effective to utilities and make it possible to analyze various market strategies
attractive to consumers. and assess their effect on the operation of grid and end-
use devices and energy market itself.
Apart from the possible applications developed, the following On the other side, the physical model of residential-end-
are real case studies and applications of GridLAB-D: use devices can also be implemented. Specifically, the
end-user devices use the equivalent thermal parameter
• Wind Turbines [9]: Thanks to the modular simulation
(ETP) model to calculate indoor air temperature as a
environment of GridLAB-D, there is no need to modify
function of climate data. Moreover, it includes distri-
other existing modules, being possible to create new
bution automation control models which utilize price
modules to represent the generators. A prototype WTG
signal as a means to control end use devices.
has two important units: the rotor and the electric power
Therefore, these tools allow to estimate the market
generator. On the one hand, the mechanical power
based DR potential in residential sector by using
model uses meteorological data supplied by the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the Typical
Meteorological Year format (TMY2) to provide input III. APPLICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION
data for individual WTGs. In GridLAB-D, meteorolog- AUTOMATION
ical data can be imported into individual modules and
used to simulate a time series solution with steady state In the electrical energy value chain, distribution, as the fi-
steps. nal element, establishes the quality requirements of demand.
On the other hand, the conversion of mechanical power Thus, it is necessary that electrical distribution systems are
supplied by the wind to electrical power could be robust, reliable and efficient in energy management. To
through a synchronous or induction generator. Two of achieve the objectives in this matter, a correct automation
the most popular are Permanent magnet synchronous of the distribution networks is necessary. Therefore, new
generators (PMSGs) and doubly-fed induction genera- devices are being integrated into the distribution networks
tors (DFIGs). Both could be modeled using a balanced that enable real-time control and improve their performance.
Y-configuration. The complexity of the control of each system depends on
In addition to developing the prototype WTG, control the topology and size of the network, as well as the control
and power electronics could be developed too with devices used.
GridLAB-D. There are four main distribution automation
techniques[16]. The first would include fault detection,
location and restoration. The detection is in charge of reduction, implementing VVC, minimizing distribution sys-
spotting, by means of the triggered protections, that a fault tem losses or increasing load, although not all loads can
exists. Localization determines in which part of the system lower power consumption due to lower voltage.
the fault has occurred so it can be solved in shorter times, GridLAB-D allows the user to simulate different scenarios
reducing its impact on the system. Finally, the system would in order to compare energy savings in different VVC inte-
be restored in the corresponding section. gration cases. In order to properly estimate the impact of the
VVC, it is necessary to define accurate end-use load models.
The second is called adaptive protection. By means of Therefore, in the case of this type of studies, combined loads
using intelligent relays, it can identify when a generation consisting of a constant impedance (Z), a constant current
element goes out of operation, then varying the short- (I) and a constant power (P) whose power consumption
circuit currents of the system and accommodating the new is proportional to the voltage, are normally used. Thus, in
protection curves for the new system in operation. GridLAB-D the ZIP load model and the thermal equivalent
parameter would be implemented[19].
The third is network reconfiguration, responsible for open- The advantage of the multi-agent architecture over tradi-
ing or closing network segments in order to optimize their tional ones is that it is not necessary to integrate all behaviors
operation in case of disturbances. in a single set of equations. The ability to implement different
The last one corresponds to the Volt/Var control of types of equations is necessary in a VVO simulation due
the network. This control seeks to change the operating to the interactions between the power system, the controller,
conditions of voltage regulators and capacitor banks so that and the load systems of residential and commercial buildings.
the system has less electrical losses. Proper representation of the system results in accurate VVO
It can be concluded that these techniques are based on con- Lastly, GridLAB-D provides a module of the volt/var
ventional techniques. Currently, technological development controller and it is based on the Integrated Volt/Var Con-
allows the introduction of new techniques that help to im- troller (IVVC). It is common for the controller provided by
prove the operation of distribution networks. Therefore, after GridLAB-D to be modified in order to implement the exact
having discussed general application cases of GridLAB-D, control scheme desired, so that the results will be closer to
two uses for automation techniques will now be studied: one reality.
conventional, volt/var control, and the other more innovative, 1) Volt/Var Control With Demand Response: As said, the
the restoration of the distribution network with micro-grids. new systems of demand management, storage, etc. will help
to improve the operation of the distribution networks. In this
A. Volt/Var Control case it will be presented how demand management can be
The first part of Volt/Var Control (VVC) or Volt/Var integrated with a VVC [20].
Optimization (VVO) is the Conservation Voltage Reduction As already mentioned, demand response consists of man-
(CVR) effect, which is based on the fact that most electrical aging loads in an efficient manner allowing the consumer
loads will consume less energy when the voltage is reduced. to obtain economic benefits. It also benefits the system
In view of this fact, there are voltage standards that have to by allowing demand to be reduced during peak hours or
be maintained [17][18]. emergencies, but it could help even more if load firing were
This control allows to reduce the average voltage that linked to volt/var control of the distribution network.
each customer receives while maintaining the quality of Thus, GridLAB-D allows to study the benefits of inte-
service to end customers. The second part of VVC is the grating demand response with volt/var control in distribu-
optimization of VAR. Capacitors are installed in shunts to tion networks. Note that one could also use GridSpice, a
address voltage problems and to minimize reactive power web-based simulation tool that uses a modified version of
flows in distribution feeders. The initial operation of the GridLAB-D and that is also open source. This platform
capacitors was manual, but the benefits of coordination are allows studying the interaction of energy flows and energy
lost over time due to changes in infrastructure and changing markets in distribution and transmission networks.
load patterns. That’s why communication infrastructures in This control scheme is a bit advanced, therefore modifi-
Volt/Var control are so important. They allow the coordina- cations of the GridLAB-D modules are necessary to be able
tion of the operation of shunt capacitors to reduce reactive to integrate both controls. In addition, the loads can also
loads on a distribution feeder or in a substation. be modified to optimize their use when using this type of
Both have always been treated together because it has been control. This reflects that the fact of being an open source
demonstrated that they are interrelated, and working with software is one of the great benefits of GridLAB-D.
schemes that integrate the two controls gives better results
than treating them independently. B. Distribution System Restoration With Micro-grids
The volt/var control coordinates the voltage regulating Distribution System Restoration (DSR) aims to quickly
devices and switched capacitor banks in order to minimize restore as much load as possible to areas where electrical
the delay in kVAR and control the distribution voltage level. service has been disrupted. The micro-grid concept en-
Utilities may have different objectives such as peak demand compasses self-sufficient energy systems with distributed
energy resources (DER), therefore a micro-grid can operate 1. Access the GridLAB-D website through the link men-
in an isolated mode at system separation. Thus, when a tioned in the previous paragraph, then click on downloads.
network outage occurs, micro-grids can be controlled to (Figure 4)
provide an efficient DSR strategy to reduce the distribution
system restoration time. The adoption of advanced metering,
communication and automatic control infrastructures in the
distribution system is essential for the development of these
systems [21].
DSR is a multi-target, non-linear, combinatorial optimiza-
tion problem with many limitations, including topological
and operational ones. The large number of components in a
distribution system increases the complexity of the problem,
so a fully decentralized multi-agent system implemented
in GridLAB-D is a good option for analyzing the system
A distribution network can be modeled as a graph that
Fig. 4. Step 1
consists of a set of vertices and edges. Therefore, the DSR
can be formulated as a problem of optimization of the
desired graph topology subject to several constraints. It also 2. In the download window, select the operating system
provides a feasible switching sequence that leads to the installed on your computer and left click on the word
final system topology. Micro-networks are modeled as virtual download which is highlighted in blue. It should be noted
feeds. The island configuration of the micro-grid can be that once the action has been carried out, the download
modeled as a supplementary constraint on the distribution of the GRIDLAB-D program will start, for which the
system topology. The proposed graph-theoretic distribution location of the downloaded executable file must be taken
restoration algorithm is based on spanning tree search. into account. (Figure 5)
Therefore the scheme is reduced to implementing in
GridLAB-D a distribution network with the features de-
scribed above.

GridLAB-D is distributed without a user interface, it runs
in console mode. The user has the possibility to develop
his own user interface with the Graphical User Interface
(GUI) API provided by the developers. In addition, the
programming language is unique to GridLAB-D and presents
a working environment based on importing and uploading
files from the console. A GUI developed in Matlab will be Fig. 5. Step 2
discussed at the end of this section.

A. Installation guide 3. Once the file is located, double-click on the icon and
This guide presents the installation process of the follow the instructions below, granting permission to
GridLab-D program directly from the official website, via install it. (From Figure 6 to Figure 14)
a link: It includes a structured
process for correct download and installation. It is important
to pay attention to the details and complements of the
installation since they are indispensable for its optimal
operation. The installation of GridLab-D required some
complements, which by default are in the collection of
Anaconda packages for Python, which were already in the
computer. However, the installation guide does not take
into account the previous installation of other programs,
therefore the user must skip some steps assigned to these
specific add-ons such as MinGW or others previously
installed by Anaconda on their computer.

Installation steps can be found hereunder:

Fig. 6. Step 3.1
Fig. 7. Step 3.2 Fig. 11. Step 3.6

Fig. 12. Step 3.7

Fig. 8. Step 3.3

Fig. 13. Step 3.8

Fig. 9. Step 3.4

Fig. 14. Step 3.9

4. Once the installation is finished, we proceed to look for

Fig. 10. Step 3.5 the GridLab-D icon to run the program. (Figure 15)
GridSpice uses the unmodified agent-based solution pro-
vided in the Gridlab-D. Some elements are taken directly
from GridLAB-D without modification, such as Newton
Rapshon’s energy flow resolution method, but include mod-
ifications to the volt/var and load controls to give greater
versatility to possible applications.
More information on this platform can be found

Fig. 15. Step 4

The GridLabd-D programming model is essentially com-
B. Other resources posed of a GLM-type file, which is a text file that can be
edited with any text editor. The GLM files (GridLAB-D
1) GridMat. A Graphical User Interface: GridMat is
models) are the simulation guides that define the structure
a Matlab toolbox that integrates the capabilities of the
of the model, in these the initial conditions and system
GridLAB-D system-specific domain modeling and simula-
boundaries are defined, directing the inputs and outputs of
tion tools and control using Matlab (Figure 16). GridMat can
simulated data [6].
be used to facilitate control engineers to develop advanced
The programming logic is composed of 6 basic structures.
algorithms and hierarchical control in residential cases [22].
The GridMat tool supports the creation of user-friendly
• Modules: defines one or more classes. It must be loaded
models, robust debugging and intelligent network impact
into the program before any classes associated with
analysis utilities. It allows the modeling, simulation, grid
them, either used or modified in the program.
impact analysis and validation of the energy and control
• Classes: can be created by the user within any desired
systems of a residential micro-grid.
module, as long as every behavior is supported by
GridMat is available at the following website
GridLAB-D. For a class to be defined, behaviors in this
case are defined as C ++ language code. Many classes
are already defined in GridLAB-D and are available for
• Objects: are class instances (individual instances or
population of instances). They can have a parent-child
relationship between objects, where the child objects
Fig. 16. GridMat [22]
depend on the parents and the parents instead add
information to the children.
2) A Flexible Communication Interface: is • Players: whose function is to change a particular object
a communication interface that uses Python to pass messages as a function of time. They are used to change boundary
between GridLAB-D and an Intelligent Network simulator conditions and can be implemented in loops.
[23]. • Recorders: are objects whose function is to extract is useful in Smart Grid co-simulation studies. It simulation results. They operate as data collectors that
allows the dynamic simulation of multiple network use cases can be activated at a certain point in the program, at a
without relying on a cloud infrastructure, it can be enabled specified simulation time or when a specific condition
by many platforms such as a personal computer or a high (created by the developer) is reached
performance computer. has a flexible and easy to • Loadshape and Schedules: It operates in a similar way
use interface. It has four main functions: load bus, start bus, to the Players. They do not act directly on the file, but
transaction, and stop bus. on the core of the application. Both update recurring
Busy-py is available at the following website information at runtime.
Being an object based programming language that is
3) GridSpice.Virtual Platform based in GridLAB-D: related to time, all objects (lines, transformers, nodes, capac-
GridSpice is an open source cloud-based simulation package itors, etc) have to be tuned to the GridLab-D clock (Figure
for the smart grid and incorporates the code of MATPOWER 17). This clock acts as a metronome keeping the whole
and GridLAB-D. It is the first distribution simulator that con- system tuned in order to converge into one possible solution
siders volt/speed control, demand response and distribution at each step of a simulation, until the final solution is reached.
automation in a single simulation [20]. The objects are built around the concept of object-oriented
GridSpice models the interactions between all parts of the programming, therefore they provide a great deal of modular-
power grid, including generation, transmission, distribution, ity (Figure 18). There are two types of objects: direct objects,
storage and loads as well as the power markets which are the physical elements present in the simulation or
capabilities such as fields for billing information, total
monthly power consumption and so on.

Fig. 17. Anatomy of GridLAB-D model

Fig. 20. Nodes

in the circuit to be simulated (feeder, load, node); support • Lines: For the lines object it is indispensable to know
objects, which are the configurations of the direct objects. It the spacing between lines, conductor gauge or section,
must be taken into account that direct and support objects the impedance of the line, etc. (Figure 21)
are closely related.

Fig. 21. Lines

Figure 22 shows an example of a distribution network with

GRIDLAB-D configurations.
Fig. 18. Most basic building block

When there are lines, transformers and loads, there can

be a so-called parent-child relationship, which means that
one object inherits the properties of the other. For example,
objects like a load meter are the parent of a feeder object, so
if there is a load to feed, then there is a load meter elsewhere;
Fig. 22. Distribution system example
thus a child object cannot exist without a parent object. In
addition, there is a third type of relationship that is more
individual to each parent or child, and corresponds to the Finally, the execution of the program will be discussed. To
configuration needed for each of them. (Figure 19) run the program, the command line must point to the file to
be executed, the GridLAB-D command must be preceded by
the name of the file to be executed at the command prompt,
which is the GridLAB-D interface. The program will be
executed in the order shown in the file. By default the data
output is saved in the same location as the execution file.
In general, data input per file into GridLAB-D can be
done in two formats: (.glm) (GridLAB-D Model) and (.xml)
(Language Extensible Markup). The first format represents
the type of file that includes general programming data
Fig. 19. Relationship between objects
(modules, object structures, etc.), while (.xml) is used to
represent file instances (.glm) and exchange data with other
One of the most important and essential modules is the software systems There is not a specific tool to edit GLM
power flow module. Following, the characteristics of two files, although the development group plans the creation of
of its objects are showed (the rest of the objects in other the editor GldEditor. For the moment, a simple text editor
modules have similar structure): can be used to create or edit files (.glm). For data output,
the most used method is the application of collection and
• Nodes: Fundamental objects such as nodes in a network recorders objects, which are objects that generate time series
have to be described in order to have a name, bustype, of certain values of each module.
phases, nominal voltage. It should be noted that the
nominal voltage does not refer to the actual voltage of VI. EXAMPLE
the node, but to an initial value that the power flow An example of a network will be developed in GridLAB-
needs to start performing its work (Figure 20) . There D, in order to see how the programming is done and how
are also subclasses of nodes which have additional the results are shown.
The aim of the example is to determine the status of the
transformer and the lines of a distribution network. It consists
of a three-phase transformer, a load and 3 nodes. For this
purpose, the configuration data of the transformer and the
load are known. Additionally, the spacing between nodes,
between conductors, the ratio r/x of the conductors and the
geometric radius of the conductors are known. The diagram
of the network to be studied is shown in Figure 23.

Fig. 24. Part 1 of programming

Fig. 23. Distribution system data

4. Create the relationship between the physical objects

present in the exercise and the configurations described
in the previous step. (Figure 25)
Therefore, the first of all the main steps to follow in the
programming will be detailed, and finally the data obtained
will be shown.

A. Programming of example

1. Run any text editor (Wordpad), to create the GLM file.

2. The header is placed, with the information relevant for
the example.
3. The programming of the code must follow the following
steps, or at least include all the information that they
include (Figure 24): Fig. 25. Part 2 of programming
3.1. Step 1. Set the Clock. It is very important to define
the correct time zone.
3.2. Step 2. Declare the modules to be used for the
3.3. Step 3. Declare the properties of the physical ele- 5. Configure the three nodes and define how the elements
ments present in the example. (Figure 24) are joined. (Figure 26)
Fig. 28. Part 1 to show the results

2. Inside the defined directory write the command gridlabd

followed by the name of the file to be executed with its
respective extension (.GLM), followed by the command
–profile. (Figure 29)
Fig. 26. Part 3 of programming

6. Define the load properties. The load can be mentioned

throughout the code, even if it is defined later. (Figure

Fig. 29. Part 2 to show the results

3. Once the previous step has been executed, the results

of the interactions of each of the objects and the time
it takes for the program to converge on a solution and
determine what the real state of the distribution network
is are shown. (Figure 30 and Figure 31)

Fig. 27. Part 4 of programming

B. Results

1. After opening the GridLAB-D command console, the cd

command is executed and the path of the GLM file is
pasted. It should be noted that the cd command allows
you to change the directory or folder address where the
GLM file you want to run is located. (Figure 28) Fig. 30. Part 3 to show the results
Various EV Penetration Rates in GridLAB-D” , 2013
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[11] Rwegasira, Diana Kondoro, Aron. (2017). Simulation
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[12] K. P. Schneider, D. Chassin, Y. Chen and J. C. Fuller,
"Distribution power flow for smart grid technologies,"
2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Expo-
sition, Seattle, WA, 2009, pp. 1-7.
[13] ZT Taylor , K Gowri , S Katipamula , “GridLAB-
D Technical Support Document: Residential End-Use
Module Version 1.0” 2008
[14] S. Ghaemi and S. Schneider, "Potential analysis of res-
idential Demand Response using GridLAB-D," IECON
2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society, Vienna, 2013, pp. 8039-8045.
Fig. 31. Part 4 to show the results [15] D. Wang et al., "A test bed for self-regulating distri-
bution systems: Modeling integrated renewable energy
VII. CONCLUSIONS and demand response in the GridLAB-D/MATLAB
1. GridLAB-D is a versatile tool with great potential, cover- environment," 2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
ing all new elements of active distribution networks, such Technologies (ISGT), Washington, DC, 2012, pp. 1-7.
as everything related to micro-grids. [16] Pedro Enrique Benítez García, "Automation of the
system of the primary distribution network of the City
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