Vantage Intro Sheet

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Vantage Plus 4.06.

2 Introduction Sheet

When this light flashes, the batteries need to be charged. Plug in the charger.


BATTERY LOW If you are using a headpointer, this area tracks its movements HEADPOINTING Takes you to the Toolbox where you can use the system menus. TOOLBOX Press this to toggle through your Activity Row. CHOOSE ACTIVITY *

DEVICE ANATOMY-Getting to Know the Hardware of the Vantage



This key allows you to program overlay keys without going to the Toolbox. It works with the MODIFY PAGE, MODIFY ACTIVITY, ASSIGN CORE KEYS and STORE menus and the Modify Item within an Activity or Page menu. Keys 1 and 2are User Defined keys. They have been pre-programmed for you to perform some often-used functions. You can re-program them to do whatever you wish.

Battery Door: The door catch is on the bottom of the case. To open the battery door, place the Vantage face down on a flat surface. Insert a small flathead screwdriver under the slot between the door and the catch and press down on the catch. The door will pop open. When replacing the door, put the door in first then latch it in place.







FUNCTION Turns the device ON or OFF. If you turn the Vantage off with this button, you must use it to turn the device back on. This is the small round hole near the top right of the case. When you record messages, speak toward this area. When you plug in the charger, the "Charging" light flashes. A rapid flash indicates fast-charging; a slow flash indicates that the battery is charged but it will continue to trickle-charge as long as the charger is plugged in.

Serial Port- Use this for computer emulation using a null modem serial cable. Switch Connectors- Plug single or dual switches into these two connectors. USB Cable Connector- Use this for computer emulation with a USB cable. Standard USB Connector- Plug the USB flash drive in here.


Speech- When this is lit, your device will speak anything that appears in the Text Display Area. Battery Bar Graph- This shows the status of the batteries. A FULL battery shows mostly green lines, with only a few red and yellow lines. A LOW battery shows only red and yellow lines. Plug in the charger. You cannot store when the battery is low. An ALMOST DEAD battery shows only red lines. You will hear a warning beep that the Vantage is going to shut down. Plug in the charger. Low Battery Warning When the batteries in your device get low, you will hear a Low Battery Warning. This is a two-toned running beep. When the Low Battery warning sounds, you can no longer do any storing. The warning will continue to sound at intervals until the batteries are dead. When the batteries are dead, the device powers down completely and you cannot use it. You will also see the Low Battery LED blinking on the front of the case. When you hear the Low Battery warning and/or see the blinking Low Battery LED, plug in the battery charger. The LED to the left of the Low Battery LED will begin to blink. This LED indicates that your charger is plugged in. A complete charge, from dead battery to fully-charged battery, will take 6-10 hours, assuming you do not use the device while it is charging. If you use the device during charging, it will take 8-12 hours to completely charge the batteries. A fully-charged battery will last approximately 6-8 hours with normal use of your device.

Text Display Area This is where you will see any text that appears, either from messages that you have retrieved by selecting icon sequences or from typing in text. Touch this area and your device will speak any text on the display. Icon Display Area/Word Prediction List Area This is where you will see the icons that you activate on your communication overlay or, if you are using your spelling overlay and Word Prediction is On, you will see a list of predicted words.

The Toolbox is an overlay that contains menus and single function keys. These menus and functions will help you to make your device into one that is tailored to your specific needs. The Toolbox keys are color-coded. Notice that System Menus, Pages, Activity keys, etc. are all in different color groups to help you remember where the keys are and what they allow you to do.

Status Display Area

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Date and Time- Displays the current date and time. Set this in the CLOCK MENU in the Toolbox. Speaker Icon and Headphone Icon- These indicate speaker and headphone volume. When the lines fill up the bar graph, the volume is at its loudest. Caps Lock-When this is lit, you have turned Caps Lock on in your spelling overlay. All letters you type will be in CAPITAL letters. **Note: You can use Caps Lock when storing messages for DECtalk speech voices. Do not use Caps Lock with RealSpeakTM voices. Ctrl- When this is lit, you are sending a CONTROL command. Output- When this is lit, your Output option is On in the OUTPUT MENU. Anything you type, or any messages you retrieve will appear on the Text Display Area of your device and will also be sent to an external computer.


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