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Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies

for existing buildings in Finland,

now and in the future
1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks

Master’s thesis

Tampere University

Faculty of Built Environment

The School of Architecture

Primesa Arapi, August 2021

Energy-retrofit strategies 3

Primesa Arapi
Master’s thesis Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies for
Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies for existing buildings in Finland, now and in the future
1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks
existing buildings in Finland, now and
Tampere University
Faculty of Built Environment in the future
The School of Architecture
August 2021

Examiners / Supervisors
Assistant professor Sofie Pelsmakers, Tampere University
Postdoctoral researcher Raul Castano De la Rosa, Tampere University
1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks
4 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 5

Tampere University
Faculty of Built Environment
The School of Architecture
August 2021
Master’s Thesis

Author Primesa Arapi

Title Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies for existing buildings in Finland, for now and in
the future - 1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks
Examiners/ supervisors Assistant professor Sofie Pelsmakers, Tampere University
Postdoctoral researcher Raul Castano De la Rosa, Tampere University
Year 2021
Number of pages 92
Language English

This thesis aims to research how energy-retrofits Finally, most effective energy-retrofit strategies
can improve the energy-efficiency, operational for Finnish concrete-panel apartments of 1960’s
carbon emissions and indoor thermal comfort of are suggested. Optimal strategies are identified
1960’s Finnish concrete-panel apartments, with using the evaluation criteria and considering the
retrofit strategies that can be effective now and in limitations in existing buildings such as complicat-
the future. Three main criteria are developed to ed/ unfeasible installations. Findings can be used
evaluate optimal strategies, them being “energy to develop retrofit strategies for different Finnish
efficiency criteria” (total energy use ≤ 130 kWh/ thermal zones as well as other cold climates.
m2yr, space heating energy ≤ 30 kWh/m2yr), “car-
bon emissions criteria” (lowest emissions possi- Results suggest that improving space heating de-
ble) and “thermal comfort criteria” (too cold ≤ 21°C mand should be targeted to reach higher reduc-
- 27 °C ≤ too hot). tions in total energy use. Thesis also raises ques-
tions about the retrofit combinations and whether
Retrofit strategies are developed from literature the physical limitations of existing buildings can be
review of energy-efficiency regulations in cold cli- used as an advantage. For instance, simulations
mates and academic studies on energy-retrofits indicate that a hybrid strategy which proposes dif-
in these countries. Identified retrofit measures ferent retrofit measures for building facades based
are simulated on a case study building in Finland on orientation and solar radiation, might be as ef-
for TRY 2020/2030, 2050, 2080 and all 4 Finnish fective as very high energy efficiency standards
Thermal Zones, under RCP8.5 scenario, using on all facades, even though it would require less
Sefaira energy- modelling software. insulation and investment.

keywords energy retrofit, energy-efficiency, space heating energy, operational carbon emissions, indoor
thermal comfort, concrete-panel apartments, existing buildings, cold climate, future climate

The originality of this thesis has been checked using the Turnitin Originality Check service.
6 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 7

My deepest gratitude for the ongoing support of my supervisors, especially
Sofie who has dedicated much of her time into helping me find my way and
discover my ambition.

Sincere thanks to my family, especially my twin sister, Premisa and my loved

one, Alpper for putting up with my absence in their life, and yet being on the
other side of the phone whenever I needed support.

I would also like to extend my thanks to my friends from Kosovo, Turkey and
Finland, who have supported me along the way.

The completion of this study could not have been possible without you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

8 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 9

Table of Contents

1. Introduction..................................................................................... 10

1.1 Thesis scope and structure........................................................... 11

1.2 Research objectives .................................................................... 12

2. Energy-efficiency and existing buildings ........................................ 14

2.1 European standards on energy-efficiency ................................... 15

2.2 Energy-retrofit strategies for existing buildings............................. 16

2.3 Energy-retrofit strategies in cold climates (Literature Review)......22

2.3.1 Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden)............................... 24

2.3.2 Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania)...........................................28

2.3.3 Finland....................................................................................... 31

2.4 Lessons learned............................................................................36

3. Kerava Concrete Panel Apartment Block, Case Study................... 38

3.1 Methodology ................................................................................ 39

3.1.1 Energy-efficiency criteria............................................................ 39

3.1.2 Carbon emissions criteria...........................................................39

3.1.3 Indoor thermal comfort criteria................................................... 39

3.1.4 Climate zones and RCP scenario.............................................. 40

4.Results and discussion.................................................................... 42

4.1 Energy-performance of building in original condition.................... 42

4.2 Energy retrofit measures by building component .........................48

4.3 Energy retrofit measures in combinations.....................................52

5. Conclusions.....................................................................................60

Appendix A.......................................................................................... 73
Appendix B..........................................................................................81
10 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 11

1. Introduction building often vary for different building types, func-

tions, year of construction as well as the energy-ef-
1.1 Thesis scope and structure future climate changes affect the building energy
use under different retrofit scenarios. It’s important
We are living in a time of environmental crisis ficiency concept defined in national regulations. For As one of the most GHG emitting sectors, the built to consider that there will always be new develop-
where the climate is changing, temperatures rise, example, the Finnish Ministry of Environment sets environment can contribute to mitigate climate ments in retrofit implementations, building material
and precipitation amounts increase. Natural eco- different targets for new and existing buildings. change and withstand its effects by improving its performances, system efficiencies, etc. Also, many
systems, agriculture, flora and fauna are endan- energy performance and related carbon emis- retrofit strategies that have a high implementation
gered because their environments are not the same A comparison can be made in the Finnish E-val- sions. Due to aging and low standards of energy cost today, can become cost-efficient in the future.
(Blogger, 2018; Dantas, 2018; Morecroft & Speak- ue targets, which represent the annual energy efficiency, existing buildings can be more energy in- In order not to limit the preliminary findings to the
man, 2015; Weiskopf et al., 2020, p. 137782; WWF, consumption taking into consideration the energy tensive. This is most likely due to their construction present-day economic capacity, technology and
2017). People encounter health issues, resource carriers and heating energy demand (Ministry of year and lack of energy regulations. According to building practices, the energy-retrofit measures
scarcity or discomfort in their living spaces. the Environment, 2013). The Decree on the Ener- Niemelä et al. (2017), the most common typology of are evaluated based on three main criteria: “ener-
gy Performance of New Buildings sets a limit of 90 European housing stock consists of concrete-pan- gy-efficiency”, “operational carbon emissions”
While long-term climate predictions foresee more kWhE/(m2 a) for the E-value of apartment blocks el apartment blocks built between 1960-1990s. and “indoor thermal comfort”.
floods, draughts, wildfires and heat waves (CMIP6 (Ministry of the Environment, 2017) while the De- The building regulations of these years do not meet
Climate Projections, 2021; Collins et al., 2013; cree on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Build- with the current energy-efficiency targets, therefore The study consists of two main parts, them being
Hayhoe et al., 2017; Masson-Delmotte et al., ings in Conjunction with Repair and Modification most of the existing residential buildings in Europe literature review and energy performance sim-
2021), these events already interact with the build- Works has specified the calculation method in- are energy intensive (EU Buildings Factsheets, ulations on a case study building. The retrofit
ing skin, structure and operation. They can dam- stead: “E required ≤ 0.85 x E calculated” (Ministry 2016). strategies that derive from literature review (chapter
age the structure or foundation, cause heat loss or of the Environment, 2013). This looks at possible 2) and preliminary simulations of individual building
overheating, even lead to the collapse of buildings improvements without setting an ambitious target Existing buildings can be improved through differ- components’ energy performance (chapter 3) will
(IFRC, n.d.; National Geographic, n.d.). In order to since it is harder to achieve energy efficiency in old ent intervention strategies such as building reno- be used to develop retrofit combinations.
overcome this crisis, buildings need to meet the buildings. vations and retrofits. Renovation means restoring
expected comfort levels, living conditions and the building’s physical condition to its original state Total energy demand (kWh/m2 yr) and space heat-
structural feasibility, now and in the future (Hao Many studies explore different improvement strate- (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021) while retrofitting re- ing energy (kWh/m2 yr) will be used for the “ener-
et al., 2020, p. 7557; Sukanen, 2020). gies for warm climates and mainly public buildings, fers to changing the building state by adding new gy-efficiency” criteria, to compare and identify the
but the research on energy-efficient strategies components that didn’t exist before interventions optimal strategies. Annual carbon emissions from
Changes in climatic conditions are strongly affili- for existing buildings is limited, more so for old (Eames et al., 2014). These changes might include energy use on site (kgCO2e/yr) will be used for
ated with global warming and risen greenhouse residential apartment blocks in cold climates replacing or upgrading building elements, such “operational carbon emissions” criteria, to find
gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere. (Niemelä et al., 2017). A recent study argues that as installing more efficient windows or insulation, out the differences in environmental impact after
The building and construction industry contributes 70% of current building stock will exist in the year building services like mechanical systems or build- retrofits. Indoor temperature changes over the year
to the annual GHG emission levels with a share 2050 (Ruggeri et al., 2020). ing use, in order to improve building’s energy per- (too cold < 21°C-27°C < too hot) will be used for
of 38% (United Nations Environment Programme, formance and reduce related CO2 emissions (Che “indoor thermal comfort” criteria, to assess the
2020), while a building is responsible for impact- Many others use past and present climate data and Husin et al., 2019; Shnapp et al., 2013; STBA, n.d.). occupant comfort and living conditions which may
ing the environment throughout its lifetime, includ- not the future climate models. There is a lack of worsen or improve as a result of retrofit measures.
ing the processes before and after its construction. understanding how the improved building performs Since the existing housing from the 1960s isn’t This work is organized as follows:
In response, many studies have been focused on in the future periods of its life, therefore develop- based on energy efficient design, renovating an
using the built environment itself to reduce its ing energy retrofit strategies where future climate existing building to its original condition would not First, energy-efficiency standards in Europe are
own damage. change scenarios aren’t considered might prove improve it enough to meet today’s minimum en- considered, especially cold climates where energy
ineffective. ergy-efficiency requirements or be efficient in the use and space heating demands are much higher
One way to address this emergency is simply by future climate change scenarios. Hence energy-ret- in old buildings. Study includes literature review of
improving how our building performs, in terms of Adequate retrofits are important for existing build- rofits will be investigated, which improve the build- energy-retrofit strategies and applications in resi-
the energy it uses for daily operations such as ings because they usually need improvements/ ing to a better condition than its original state. They dential housing (chapter 2). Findings are used as a
conditioning the occupied spaces, equipment and maintenance every ~30 years (Lindahl & Sacco, are strongly related to improving building’s opera- basis for developing energy-retrofit strategies that
lighting, and that which it produces from renewable 2016; Pelsmakers, 2015; Ruggeri et al., 2020). It tional energy, including energy consumption from would be effective on concrete panel apartments.
energy sources. The model and technical require- is an important opportunity to prolong the building mechanical systems, lighting and household equip- This part consists of the sections on energy effi-
ments for such an energy efficient building are life before it comes to an end (Ruggeri et al., 2020), ment (Tam & Le, 2019), all of which are compo- ciency in buildings, energy efficiency standards in
defined by building codes and building standards. hence, there is no room for mistakes. The existing nents that can be replaced and upgraded. Europe and differences in cold climates. Building
These documents are usually updated every few buildings need energy-efficient improvement strat- retrofits in Finland, Scandinavian and Baltic coun-
years with improvements regarding their perfor- egies which are effective now and in the future. More specifically, the study focuses on the ener- tries are reviewed, to see the effects of a colder cli-
mance. Changes are a result of developing tech- gy-efficiency improvements in concrete sand- mate in retrofit decisions and effects.
nologies, material properties and EU energy-effi- wich panel buildings, since most of Finnish res-
ciency targets. idential housing from 1960-1990’s is built with this Main questions to be addressed are: What is the
structure (Build Up, 2019; Niemelä et al., 2017b; importance of energy consumption in existing
The meaning of energy-efficiency and the extent Nieminen & Virta, 2016). Long-term effects of buildings and how can it be improved? How does
of required measures to reach an energy-efficient retrofit strategies are evaluated, to find out if the Europe regulate energy efficiency in existing build-
ings? What differs in regions with a cold climate?
12 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 13

The key findings are listed at the end of the chapter. The academic studies and building regulations
Then, the study looks at the retrofit strategies on focus on retrofitting the building envelope, me-
a specific building, respectively a concrete panel chanical systems and renewable energy systems,
apartment block of 1960s in Finland. Different en- through individual or combined strategies that
ergy-retrofit strategies are tested, where the energy provide low-energy or low-carbon buildings with
analysis is conducted using Sefaira software. cost-effective solutions. (Bonakdar et al., 2014; Du
et al., 2015; Häkämies et al., 2015; Hirvonen et al.,
First, the retrofit measures are applied separately 2020, 2021; Holopainen et al., 2016; Kuusk, Kala-
when the other building components stay as in orig- mees, et al., 2016; Kuusk & Kalamees, 2015; La
inal condition. Then, measures are mixed in retrofit Fleur et al., 2019; Lindahl & Sacco, 2016; Niemelä
combinations and simulated on the building. The et al., 2017b; Nieminen & Virta, 2016; “NZEB Re-
strategies are evaluated for all four of the Finnish quirements in Nordic Countries,” 2019; Palm & Re-
thermal zones, using test reference years TRY for indl, 2016; Qu et al., 2020).
2020/2030, 2050 and 2080 (Finnish Meteorological
Institute, n.d.). However, initiatives like financial support schemes,
differing market prices as well as technical develop-
This part looks to answer the questions: How do ments through time will likely change the outcome
different building components affect energy con- of the analyses that rely heavily on economic feasi-
sumption, carbon emissions and thermal comfort in bility. Moreover, there is a gap in testing long-term
Finland, and how do they perform in combinations? energy performance and low-carbon impacts of ret-
What are the most effective strategies to reduce rofit solutions and understanding how the retrofitted
building energy use and related carbon emissions building will perform in the future climate scenarios.
while maintaining good indoor thermal comfort? Are
the identified energy-retrofit strategies still effective Effects of climate change are already influencing
in future climate change scenarios? the building thermal comfort levels and energy con-
sumption. For example, summer overheating re-
sults in longer operating hours of HVAC systems
1.2 Research Objectives to cool the building, hence building end-use energy
consumption and living costs might rise. Besides
While the discussions and developments on energy the health issues, there is a risk of power outages
efficiency continue, there is a need to identify opti- and energy poverty (Sukanen, 2020).
mal energy-retrofit strategies in cold climates, for
existing buildings with poor energy performance. In response, this study aims to identify optimal en-
This work is focused on the optimal strategies for ergy-retrofit strategies for existing concrete-pan-
Finland, which could provide an understanding for el apartments in cold climates, which improve the
energy-retrofit applications and their effect in simi- current building energy performance and maintain
lar climates. the levels of low energy demand over the forthcom-
ing years. In this thesis, the strategies are tested
Recent studies mainly test different retrofit mea- for Finland, using Finnish climate zones which are
sures for new buildings, public buildings and de- characterized as cold and arctic, using a typical
tached residential houses. However, there is limit- concrete-panel apartment of 1960’s located in Ker-
ed academic research on the retrofit combinations ava. Finally, the thesis aims to provide a better
of old concrete panel apartment blocks (Niemelä understanding of:
et al., 2017b). Residential buildings form 75% of
the EU existing building stock and concrete panel
apartments built between 1960-1990 are the most 1. How do different building components affect en-
common type in EU and Finland, with highest en- ergy consumption, carbon emissions and thermal
ergy consumption levels (Bonakdar et al., 2014; comfort in Finland, and how do they perform in
Csoknyai et al., 2016; European Commission, combinations?
2017; Kuusk & Kalamees, 2015; Niemelä et al.,
2017b; Paiho et al., 2013). Hence there is a need 2. What are the most effective strategies to reduce
to analyze this building typology further. Reviewed building energy use and related carbon emissions
literature confirms that most of these buildings are while maintaining good indoor thermal comfort?
inefficient and will eventually require retrofit mea-
sures to meet the EU targets. 3. Are the identified energy-retrofit strategies still ef-
fective in future climate change scenarios?
14 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 15

2. Energy-efficiency and consume more energy than new buildings because

their heat loss is higher, as a result of aging, in-
2.1 European Standards addresses energy and resource efficiency in build-
ings and prepares the ground for climate-neutrality.
existing buildings efficient building components and mechanical sys- on energy-efficiency
tems. European Climate Law of 2021 further strength-
The concept of energy-efficiency made an appear- Energy-efficiency of a building can be evaluated ens these ambitions since the target of cutting
ance in the buildings and construction industry as In response, improving energy efficiency in existing based on different criteria depending on the build- emissions by 55% is legally binding (Climate Ac-
a solution to utilize renewable energy sources and building stock presents a key opportunity to explore ing regulations, such as the annual energy con- tion, n.d.; EU Adaptation Strategy, 2017; EU Cli-
mitigate climate change. Buildings contribute to ways of assessing the building energy use and re- sumption or annual heating energy demand. mate Policy, n.d.). A renovation wave is proposed
global carbon emissions, which trigger tempera- lated carbon emissions. The more energy efficient The European Union Directive 2010/31/EU on the (European Commission, 2020a) to trigger building
ture rise, loss of biodiversity, resource deple- buildings normally result in lower energy demands, energy performance of buildings (EPBD) defines renovations, identify the struggles and eliminate
tion, health problems, social wellbeing, etc. All even though the occupant behaviour can influence nearly net zero-energy buildings (nZEB), looking the financial barriers. In July 2021, EU commis-
the above mentioned come down to the effects the building energy consumption and might affect at the on-site energy demand and energy supply sion launched the first part of proposals of cutting
of human activity on earth and its energy needs, the outcome (Chen et al., 2021; Paone & Bacher, possibilities using renewable energy sources. GHG emissions, under the project “fit for 55”
including combustion of fossil fuels to heat the 2018; V. Tam et al., 2018). Lower energy demands which includes revisions on the climate and energy
buildings. They are finite energy sources that are are more likely to be met partially or completely by According to EU, “nZEBs are buildings with very laws (European Commission, 2021b). Among oth-
cheap and emit greenhouse gases when combust- renewable energy sources, when limitations in pro- high energy-efficiency, and nearly zero energy de- er measures, the proposal calls for setting higher
ed. Since the industrial evolution and development ducing enough energy supply from renewables are mand which is largely met through renewable en- standards in annual energy consumption levels as
of factories and production, fossil fuels are used to considered. Such limitations may include renew- ergy supply, including the energy generated on the well as decarbonizing the energy use for heating
meet almost all the energy needs for activities like able energy system efficiency, energy generation building site or nearby” (European Union, 2010). If and cooling the buildings.
space conditioning, transport, material manufac- capacity, daily, seasonal discrepancies (day/night, the building can produce the exact amount of ener-
ture, agriculture, food production, etc (Pelsmakers, summer/winter) or resource availability. gy from renewable sources that is needed to supply Renovation of existing European building stock is
2015). the annual energy consumption, it’s defined as a further referred to in the EPBD Directive 2018/844/
Interventions in energy-efficiency, resource-efficien- net zero-energy building NZEB (Kurnitski, 2013). EU which requires that all member states establish
Events like the oil energy crisis during the 1970s cy and low-carbon-emissions are but a few solu- long-term renovation strategies in order to stimu-
and collapse of the Organization of Petroleum Ex- tions to influence the building. These approaches Reducing the energy needs of buildings and con- late nZEB renovations and meet the EU goal for
porting Countries (OPEC), revealed a high global that target improving the building behavior are de- struction while supplying the remaining demand in a decarbonized building stock of 2050 (European
dependency on fossil fuels (Hu, 2019, pp. 1–3) fined in national building codes and Energy Perfor- a sustainable way presents an opportunity to both Union, 2018). The directive addresses the energy
and international energy imports. Considering mance Certificates (EPCs), international energy-ef- overcome future energy crises and mitigate performance of buildings, establishment of short-
the risk of resource depletion, these fuels will get ficiency standards and rating systems. In order to climate change. These definitions give space for term, mid-term and long-term national renovation
scarce in time hence more expensive (Pelsmakers, identify the optimal energy-retrofit packages for the assessing building efficiency targets for energy de- strategies where energy poverty should be con-
2015). For the people who can’t afford it due to eco- targeted housing stock, this study first analyzes the mand and emissions coming from the building op- sidered, decarbonizing existing building stock,
nomic, social or other limitations, lack of energy is attitude and regulations of Europe in general and erations. Moreover, if the building reduces its car- prioritizing energy efficiency as well as renewable
a lack of means to have a comfortable and healthy cold climates like Finland in more detail. bon emissions to a large extent so that the emitted energy use. It proposes mixed measures in ener-
environment. A transition of the energy mix is need- carbon amounts are balanced with produced emis- gy-efficiency improvements which would include
ed towards using clean and sustainable resourc- sion-free energy, it is defined as a net zero-carbon both passive and active measures instead of focus-
es in all sectors, including buildings. This change building (D‫׳‬Agostino, 2015; D’Agostino & Mazzarel- ing only on one approach. Highly efficient systems
would also lower the Greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- la, 2019; Lund et al., 2011; Panagiotidou & Fuller, are proposed when suitable in terms of technical,
sions caused by harmful human activities as well as 2013). functional and economic feasibility, while also pro-
emissions caused by building operations, such as viding healthy indoor spaces.
lighting, space heating or cooling. European building energy efficiency standards are
closely related to carbon emission reduction and Other proposals include improvements in energy
These building emissions, also known as opera- upgrading the energy and resource efficiency of performance certificates (EPC), automated tem-
tional carbon (Ibn-Mohammed et al., 2013), are buildings as a part of the climate change mitigation perature controls, evaluation of energy efficiency
closely related to the energy source and energy strategy (Climate Action, n.d.; EU Adaptation Strat- levels, e-monitoring and inspection of technical and
consumption amount. For instance, the building egy, 2017). EU aims to achieve a 55% reduction automated systems, etc. In 2020, many member
emits CO2 in the case of fossil fuel combustion to of 1990’s GHG emission levels by the year 2030 countries already submitted mandatory national
supply the HVAC system with the energy needed to (European Commission, 2020c; Ministry of Envi- long-term strategies in relation to their commit-
run. It still emits CO2 if the on-site power source is ronment, n.d.). ments to the Paris Agreement. The strategies are
electricity, but the electricity supply is obtained from expected to be updated every 10 years, taking into
fossil fuels as primary energy sources. Situation is Whereas the main objective of its long-term strat- consideration the developments in technology, en-
worse for the existing buildings which account for egy is becoming a climate-neutral continent by ergy-efficiency targets and other possible changes.
larger amounts of embodied carbon, that refers 2050, meaning that the emitted GHG amounts are They involve reducing emissions in the building and
to the CO2 amounts emitted during the manufac- in balance with the eliminated amounts from the at- construction sector, including electricity, transport,
ture and transport of building materials as well as mosphere. The European Green Deal (European space heating and cooling (European Commission,
building construction processes (Clark, 2019). They Commission, 2019), that was published in 2019, n.d.).
16 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 17
2.2 Energy-retrofit for the thermal zone where the building is located
(Zone I - Vantaa), to find out if any of the measures
Thermal conductivity of wall layers:
strategies for existing alone has a larger impact on energy efficiency.
Then, passive and active retrofit combinations will surface Layer 1: Surface Plaster Layer 3: mineral wool
buildings be developed and tested on the same building over resistance Thickness (l): 0.01 m L = 0.09 m
the years and for all four thermal zones. outer concrete Thermal conductivity (λ) = 0.79 W/mK; λ = 0.058 W/mK;
Many academic studies look at optimal retrofit solu- surface
layer R = l/ λ = 0.01/0.79 = 0.0126 Km2/W R = 1.5517 Km2/W
mineral wool
tions to reduce energy consumption in buildings. Building envelope resistance
insulation Layer 2: Concrete Layer 4: concrete
Retrofit strategies often differ by building type, age, The envelope of the building includes surfaces that inner concrete L = 0.15 m L = 0.06 m

location and climate. In the first part of thesis, retro- divide the indoor spaces with the outdoors, such layer λ = 1.9 W/mK; λ = 1.9 W/mK;
fit applications for existing apartment buildings are as external walls, doors and windows, roofs and R = 0.0789 Km2/W R = 0.0315 Km2/W
explored. Literature on retrofitting concrete-panel basement floor. Temperature differences between
apartments from 1960s-1990s in Finland, Scandi- the divided spaces lead to heat transfer through the Thermal conductivity of wall surfaces:
navian countries and Baltic countries are reviewed, building envelope components for balancing the
heat. Interior wall surface resistance Rsi = 0.13
to see how colder climate affects the choices made heat transfer
Exterior wall surface resistance Rse = 0.04
for enhancing efficiency in building energy use. A
summary table is provided in Appendix A. U values Rt = Rn + Rse+ Rsi = 1.8449 Km2/W
Hence, components must have high thermal re-
The findings from these studies are tested and com- sistance (R = m2K/W) / low thermal transmittance U value = 1/Rt = 0.54 W/m2K
pared in the simulations by building components, (U-value = W/m2K) to delay heat transfer which will
along with the requirements of several Northern trap the warm/cold air inside longer and desired in-
energy efficiency regulations (Figure A1). The sim- door temperatures can be maintained by lower en-
ulation results are then used to select the best per- ergy consumption to condition the occupied space.
forming values for each component, and group An example calculation of exterior wall U value on a
them into energy retrofit combinations. prefabricated concrete-panel wall is given in Figure Building energy-efficiency regulations often set
A. The heat tends to flow from warmer bodies to colder maximum limits for U-values, such as U = 0.17
Building energy-efficiency regulations bodies, in the case of buildings from the warm W/m2K for renovated walls in existing Finnish
The reviewed building regulations belong to Fin- To find out what is the optimal U value for the ex- indoors to the colder outdoors through the building residential buildings. Before the first energy regula-
land and the Scandinavian Countries respectively ternal walls, roofs and floors, different U values for envelope. This thermal transmittance is expressed tions of 1976, the common U values for building
Sweden, Norway and Denmark. While Sweden and each element are simulated for the baseline build- as U-value and is measured by W/m2K. U value components were much higher (U wall = 0.81
Norway are chosen due to their close proximity to ing, evaluated according to the “energy-efficiency represents the heat transfer rate through 1 m2 of W/m2K; U roof/floor = 0.47 W/m2K; U window = 2.8
Finland, Denmark is included because it belongs criteria”, “low carbon emission criteria” and “good material with 1°C temperature difference (Pelsmak- W/m2K), which gradually decreased over the years
in the Scandinavian country classification and is a indoor thermal comfort criteria” explained in the first ers, 2015). (U roof= 0.09 W/m2K; U floor = 0.16 W/m2K; U
reference for the Baltic climate referred to in liter- part of thesis. The reference U values are selected window = 1.0 W/m2K).
ature review of academic studies. In addition, the from academic studies and building regulations, in
international energy performance standard Pas- order to have both experimental and realistic val-
sivhaus/EnerPHit is included as a reference for in- ues to compare. EUI ≤130 EUI ≤75 EUI ≤95 EUI ≤30
ternationally recognized very high energy-efficiency kWh/m2 kWh/m2 kWh/m2 kWh/m2
standards. Airtightness (primary

Preventing heat loss is closely related to the air- Passivhaus

tightness of the building envelope as well. An air- Finland Sweden Norway
These regulations and standards are important to EnerPHit
establish base limits of what the minimum energy tight building is one with no gaps and cracks that Roof
original U = 0.44 W/m2K U ≤ 0.09 W/m2K U ≤ 0.13 W/m2K U ≤ 0.18 W/m2K UExt. insul.= 0.12 W/m2K
performance can be by building category (residen- may result in unwanted heat loss or air leakage.
tial, office, education etc.) or its condition (old, new, A blower door test is used to measure the air that Windows
original U = 2.10 W/m2K U ≤ 1.00 W/m2K U ≤ 1.20 W/m2K U ≤ 1.20 W/m2K U ≤ 0.65 W/m2K
changed use). They also help keep a realistic per- penetrates through the envelope components when
spective of the measures that are more likely to be the indoor air is sucked by a fan attached to the en- Exterior Wall
taken in actual situations apart from experimental trance door (MIT, 2018). It is then expressed as q50 original U = 0.55 W/m2K U ≤ 0.17 W/m2K U ≤ 0.18 W/m2K U ≤ 0.22 W/m2K U ≤ 0.22 W/m2K
studies. = l/s or m3/hr per m2 floor area under 50 Pascal
pressure. Airtightness q50 = 6.00 m3/m2h q50 = 6.00 m3/m2h q50 = 6.00 ACH q50 = 1.00 ACH
Preliminary software simulations
The findings from the reviewed studies and litera- Higher airtightness and insulation standards pro- Ground Floor
original U = 0.38 W/m2K U = lowest possible U = 0.15 W/m2K U = 0.15 W/m2K U = 0.15 W/m2K
ture will be tested in the simulations for the con- vide better energy efficiency but require the use of
crete panel apartment block of 1960s, using the test proper ventilation systems to maintain healthy in- Figure A1. U value calculation for a concrete-panel wall element (up) and reference U values (down) from building energy-efficiency regulations of
reference years and RCP8.5 scenario. First, the door conditions. In the second part of thesis when Finland (Ministry of the Environment, 2012), Sweden (Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), 2019), Norway (Nor-
passive retrofit solutions will be tested separately airtightness is simulated, limit values from building wegian Building Authority, 2017) and Passivhaus EnerPhit criteria (Passive House Institute, 2016). The” original U” (bottom left) represent actual U
regulations are used as reference and no current values for case study building (second part of thesis).
18 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 19

pressurization test is carried out for the existing In many cases low g-value can result in less light
state of the building. Considering that most energy (Sukanen, 2020), hence daylighting or the visible
retrofit options include improved insulation and win- transmittance rate is also important. This is the rate
dow upgrades, the implementations are assumed of visible light that penetrates through the window.
to be done properly, leaving no unintentional open- When replacing windows, triple glazing windows WINDOW EFFICIENCY:
ings on the envelope. can be chosen over double glazing because they Original windows: U = 2.10 W/m2K; g = 0.70
are more energy efficient. While triple glazing win-
Window Type 2: U = 1.40 W/m2K; g = 0.75
Lower energy consumption can reduce the carbon dows have higher embodied carbon, they may re-
footprint of the building, since less primary energy is duce the building energy consumption enough to Window Type 3: U = 1.00 W/m2K; g = 0.70

used. Often energy retrofits target improving these offset at least a part of the carbon emissions over

Window Type 4: U = 1.00 W/m2K; g = 0.60
elements in order to passively reduce building en- the years (Pelsmakers, 2015).
ergy demand such as better thermal insulation on N Window Type 5: U = 1.00 W/m2K; g = 0.50
walls or efficient windows. However, too much In the second part of thesis when energy perfor-
insulation and high airtightness standards will mance of building components is simulated, glaz- Window Type 6: U = 0.80 W/m2K; g = 0.49
trap moisture, humidity levels will increase, con- ing types are chosen from the reviewed academic Window Type 7: U = 0.80 W/m2K; g = 0.40
densation will appear on windows and walls. Paired studies and literature which test different window concrete-panel apartment
with poor ventilation, it can result in unhealthy con- performances to select the most efficient (Figure 1960s - Kerava, Finland
Window Type 8: U = 0.65 W/m2K; g = 0.50
ditions like bad air quality, mold or damp on the sur- A1, A2). 3D model: Niemelä et al. (2017b)
faces (Nieminen & Virta, 2016).
If the building has a high airtightness standard of As for shading elements, in existing buildings STRATEGIES
≤3-5 m3/hr per m2, one of the recommended ven- shading is provided in many intentional and unin-
tilation systems is mechanical ventilation with tentional ways that often cannot be modified. Such %100 Test Reference Year TRY 2080 Future Climate Weather File AUTOMATED SHADING:
heat recovery (Pelsmakers, 2015). Since we can- is the shading of nearby buildings, plants in public 90 Performance of different window types, with and without shading
elements. External blinds,
not design everything from the beginning, reach- spaces or balconies of the building itself. The build- 80
ing a low U value in existing buildings can result in ing can have additional static shading elements at- External venetian blinds,
70 Internal blinds
thicker assemblies and loss of occupied space. We tached to the façade as well as window integrated

may not be able to reach low thermal transmittance shading. Horizontal static shading elements are 60 Internal venetian blinds

values compared to new buildings because it can more suitable for the South facing façade because 50 %100
cause more damage than good due to limitations they can block the direct sunlight and glare. 40 98
on site. 30 96
Examples of horizontal shading are the balco-
20 94
Windows nies, overhangs or venetian blinds. For east and
Glazing is very important for building energy effi- west facing facades, vertical shading can be more 10 92

ciency as well as daylight and thermal comfort of suitable because these facades receive sunlight 0 Original Type Type Type Type Type Type Type
% 90
Percentage of comfortable hours in the building
occupants. High performance windows can re- at low altitudes when the sun rises or sets, which windows 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
duce the heat loss through transparent surfaces, may cause glare and overheating. In this case, hor- COMMENTS
solar heat gain amounts as well as shading ele- izontal blinds would bounce the light inside while
ments. For example, they can let the visible light vertical shades help block the direct sunlight and
in and reflect the infrared through (low) e-coating still receive the ambient light. North facing façades
layers that are attached to the glass. They can lim- don’t necessarily require shading due to the lack of The automated shading elements are
The performance of windows are evaluated according to
it the heat gain rate with a lower solar heat gain direct sunlight (MIT, n.d.). simulated for the building in original
operative temperature. The thermal comfort criteria
coefficient (SHGC) or g-value which helps prevent condition. The thermal comfort criteria
applied in simulations is “too cold < 21-27 C < too hot”. All
summer overheating. In simulations, if the shading elements are chosen applied in simulations is “too cold <
other building components are left as in original condition,
as regular venetian blinds, the software assumes 21-27 C < too hot”. Blinds are
which might explain why adding new windows doesn’t
Correspondingly, higher SHGC can reduce the that residents can open and close the blinds ac- assumed closed in temperatures
have a significant effect on existing building’s indoor com-
energy need for space heating during winter. For cording to their needs. When they are out, their above 27C. The comfort rates in
fort.The effects of shading are less visible with very high
the spaces that experience discomfort due to cold, apartment will lack proper shading and will over- graph are normalized to show the
performance windows (Type 6 - 8) with low solar heat gain
higher amounts of solar heat gain are suitable. heat, while the simulation shows otherwise. As a differences of shading options. All
coefficients. They can be suitable especially when no
But, since recent studies indicate overheating is an solution, automated and operable shading can options provided good thermal com-
additional shading elements are planned for the retrofit.
emerging threat in the future (Sukanen, 2020), this be tested in energy modelling software, to find out fort more than 90% of the time.
is a value that needs to be tested further to find a which shading type is more effective in maintaining
balance between the need for solar heat gain when the average indoor temperatures or limiting addi- Figure A2. Glazing types and shading types that can be used in the second part of thesis, to run preliminary simulations on building components
it’s cold and prevent the additional heat gain when tional solar heat gains, regardless of the space oc- and identify optimal solutions for retrofit combinations. The results in graphs are a part of preliminary simulations carried out for an existing case
it’s hot. cupancy. study building in Kerava, Finland. More information can be found in Chapter 3.
20 Energy-retrofit strategies HVAC systems, components and definitions 21

Heating Ventilation Air conditioning

The response curve simulation carried out in Se- system. When planning to improve the building’s
selected HVAC types
faira, tests automated external blinds, external ve- mechanical system or replace it with a new one,
netian blinds, internal blinds and internal venetian natural ventilation can be tested as “integrated with
blinds on a concrete-panel apartment from 1960s the HVAC system”. The windows can be assumed District Heating Mechanical extract Mechanical supply Dedicated Outdoor Air
(Figure A2). These shading types are applied in closed when the building is unoccupied, and when ventilation and extract ventilation Systems DOAS
addition to the existing horizontal shading coming it is windy outside, while natural ventilation as well
In a district heating system, The exhaust indoor air is The clean fresh air/ exhausted The outside air is dehumidified,
from the balconies of the building. as HVAC system would be simulated as active the energy is transferred from pulled/extracted outside, and air is moved in/out of the and its temperature is condi-
when the indoor temperatures are out of the de- the central plant through the fresh air supply comes through building with the help of fans tioned before being supplied.
As a result, internal venetian blinds could be the fined temperature range of 21-27°C (Ministry of the insulated underground pipe the window openings, vents, and ductwork. Fresh air is The HVAC system can have
most uncomfortable shading type, likely because Environment, 2017). network to the buildings gaps and cracks of the conditioned in a centralized air multiple fan coil boxes placed
the blinds are placed indoors, and they act as ther- heating and/or cooling system, building envelope. This HVAC conditioning/handling unit in indoor spaces where the
e.g. hydronic radiators. is most suitable when the (AHU) in the building, or in occupants can modify the
mal masses to store the heat and release it inside When no heat is recovered from the exhaust indoor individual conditioning units heating and cooling demand
building airtightness is around
hence uncontrolled temperature rise. External ve- air, more energy is needed for pre-heating the fresh 2-10 m3/hrm2 (Pelsmakers, before being supplied indoors. through a thermostat.
netian blinds resulted in highest thermal comfort, ventilation air therefore the energy consumption is 2015).
meaning they may be a better solution for overheat- higher. Mechanical systems that regulate heating,
Heat recovery in a mechanical ventilation system happens when part of the heat from the exhaust air is
ing as well as cooling. ventilation and air conditioning in buildings, are used to pre-heat the incoming fresh air supply. The system will consume less energy to condition the air
called HVAC systems. They are referred to as ac- therefore the operational energy demand will be lower. Ventilation with heat recovery is most suitable
Heat recovery (%)
A factor that may directly influence the effective- tive retrofit measures because they require energy when the building is airtight, with an air exchange rate of 2 m3/hrm2 or less and the heat recovery rate can
ness of windows and flexible shading elements in to operate. be as high as 90% or more, depending on the manufacturer (Pelsmakers, 2015).
providing comfortable indoor temperatures, is the
building occupancy profile. Some building occu- The HVAC types that can be used in energy-ret-
Specific fan power Specific fan power SFP of a mechanical system is used to measure the fan efficiency. It represents the
pants might enjoy using balconies more and leav- rofit simulations as well as requirements of Finnish (SFP = W/m3/s) electric power in Watts that the fan needs in order to circulate the required air volume.
ing the doors open resulting in constant heat flow energy-efficiency regulations are given in Figure
which cannot be predicted by simulation software. A3. Finnish regulations require that the mechanical
systems are upgraded during repairs and renova- The fresh outside air pulled in (through fans), filtered (cleared of dirt through filters), de/humidified and
conditioned (heated or cooled with the help of coils) before distributed indoors through the supply air
Internal loads tions to meet the minimum efficiency standards. ductwork.. The exhaust air in the indoor spaces is pulled towards the return air ducts and transported back
When reducing the energy consumption of a res- Air handling unit
(AHU) to the AHU unit where a part of it can be re-used for heat recovery and the rest is released outside.
idential building, internal loads from household The main problems in existing concrete panel apart- Heating and cooling coils are tubes that act as water-to-air heat exchangers, and they may contain condi-
equipment and electric lighting also contribute. ments of Finland are moisture risk and unhealthy tioned water or a refrigerant. The heated hot water energy source may be a boiler, a heat pump or the
Inefficient appliances use more energy to oper- building conditions (Nieminen & Virta, 2016). The district heating system itself.
ate therefore consumption levels and related CO2 passive retrofit combinations aim very high efficien-
emissions are high. A++ rated equipment can be cy with airtight buildings, which would show similar Heat pumps are highly efficient systems that can raise or lower the temperature that is obtained from the
used and halogen incandescent light bulbs, com- signs if not properly ventilated. Therefore, mechan- air (air-to-air heat pumps), water (water source heat pumps), or ground (geothermal heat pumps). They
pact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), or light-emitting di- ical supply and exhaust air systems can be tested need an energy source like electricity or gas to operate. Water source heat pumps WSHP can be classified
odes (LEDs) can be installed since they consume further in combination with passive measures. Heat pumps as closed loop and open loop depending on their working system. A closed loop means that the water and
antifreeze mixture circulate in pipes or heat exchange panels placed in the water source (pond, river etc.)
almost 80% less, give the desired brightness and where the heat is absorbed in the process. In an open loop system, fresh water is extracted from the water
last longer. To look at the effects on energy consumption and source, which travels to the heat exchanger and then discharged.
emissions, multiple heating energy sources can
Mechanical systems be simulated for the hot water loop, such as district Technical Reference
req. value
Another factor affecting energy consumption and heating, electric boilers, gas-fired boilers and heat
carbon emissions in existing buildings is the ener- pumps. Since the average temperature range is Finland Finland
gy performance of mechanical systems and the the same for all occupied spaces (residential apart-
primary energy supply. Many concrete-panel apart- ments), the chosen systems usually apply for the Heat Recovery ≥ 45% ≥ 90% 28 m2/person Occupant density
ments built within the 1960s-1990s period have op- whole building. possible!
erable windows and a mechanical ventilation sys- SFP
≤ 2.50 W/m3/s 60% Occupancy rate
tem with no heat recovery, and they are connected According to Finnish regulations (FNBC D3), the (ventilation)
to the main district heating grid (Bonakdar et al., HVAC reference schedule full time, meaning it SFP Internal loads from
2014; Häkämies et al., 2015; Kuusk, Kalamees, et operates 24/7 and average occupancy rate of the (mech. supply + ≤ 2.00 W/m3/s 11 W/m2 lighting
al., 2016; Kuusk & Kalamees, 2015; Niemelä et al., building is 60% (Figure A3). The limit value for heat extract ventilation)
2017b, 2017a; Nieminen & Virta, 2016). recovery is 45%, but there are more efficient sys- Internal loads from
SFP 4 W/m2 equipment
tems that offer a recovery rate of around 90% or (mech. extract ≤ 1.00 W/m3/s
Operable windows can be effective in natural ven- more. ventilation) Average indoor
tilation if window openings are placed in adequate 21.0 °C temperature
positions both in plan and elevation so the air that Figure A3. Reference technical values for improving mechanical systems in existing buildings, and HVAC systems with their components, which
comes in can ventilate the space and get out, all can be tested further in preliminary simulations by building components (Chapter 3).
without using any additional fans or mechanical
22 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 12

2.3 Energy-retrofit Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) all fall

under the cold climate classification. Finland is di-
strategies in cold climates vided into four thermal zones (1-4), 3 of which are
characterized with a cold climate while the 4th zone
EU directives and international agreements have has harsher weather conditions and belongs to the
paved the way for the development of national en- arctic climate classification. The following literature
ergy-efficiency targets and energy efficient new review on energy retrofits consider the buildings
building stock. However, existing buildings that that are located in cold climates only, while the arc-
were built before energy regulations are not aligned tic climate is presented in the final thesis section
to the new standards, especially in cold climates (Thermal Zone 4), when the case study building is
where space heating needs are much bigger. tested in all four of the Finnish thermal zones.

As a measure of ensuring better energy perfor-

mance, countries like Finland (Haakana et al., 2016;
Implementation of the EPBD in Finland, 2018; Min-
istry of the Environment, 2012), Sweden (Hjorth
et al., 2016; Swedish National Board of Housing,
Building and Planning (Boverket), 2019), Norway
(Brekke et al., 2016; Direktoratet for byggkvalitet,
2017; Norwegian Building Authority, 2017), Estonia
(Kuusk, Tali, et al., 2016), Lithuania (Encius & Ba-
ranauskas, 2016) etc., often require that buildings
comply with the minimum national energy-efficien-
cy standards whenever renovated.

The extent to which the requirement applies varies

by country. For instance, Finland has different ener-
gy-efficiency standards for new and existing build-
ings, which can be met by upgrading the building
components and/or mechanical systems (upgraded
elements must meet the minimum energy-efficien-
cy criteria) or annual energy efficiency of the whole
building (Ministry of the Environment, 2012, 2013).

On the other hand, Scandinavian and Baltic Coun-

tries often demand extensions, altered or replaced
elements of the building to meet the energy-effi-
ciency criteria for new buildings. As achieving very
high energy performance is hard in old buildings,
this chapter looks at the academic research on en-
ergy-retrofit strategies that could effectively reduce
energy use and related emissions in concrete-panel
residential apartments built between 1960s-1990s.

Buildings in Finland, Scandinavian and Baltic coun-

tries are selected for literature review, in order to
study the retrofit measures, developed concepts
and their performance in colder regions. In Figure
A14, these countries are illustrated based on the
climate zone they belong to (Passipedia, 2017).
Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Den-
mark) are mostly characterized with a cold climate,
while northern Norway experiences an arctic cli-
mate and Denmark has milder i.e., a cool temper-
ate climate.

Figure A4. Scope of literature review on energy retrofit strategies in cold climate.
24 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 25

2.3.1 Scandinavian countries PASSIVE MEASURES:

(%) Reductions
EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
(Norway, Sweden) Thermal insulation (U = 0.1 W/m2K,
vacuum insulation panel) Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)
Norway is characterized with cold climate in south- Improved airtightness (EPDM foil)
Triple Glazing (U=0.62 W/m2K)
ern regions and arctic climate in Northern regions. Airtightness layer
Apartment No. 64 Efficient windows (U = 0.62 W/m2K) and
Therefore, energy efficiency and related measures Room temperature sensors
Bertramjordet Association Complex balcony doors 71.44%
are likely to differ by building location. In research Ground source heat pump
1987 - Olso, Norway

from Qu et al. (2020), a 4-story apartment block ACTIVE MEASURES AND

3D Model: Qu et al. (2020) Heat recovery 86%
with balconies from 1987 is studied (Figure A5). RENEWABLE ENERGY: 75.22% Photovoltaic PV panels
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
The same building is later retrofitted in terms of (86%)
energy-efficiency and won a sustainability award
(OBOS, 2021). Retrofit strategies include mea- Temperature control (room sensors)
sures such as glazing efficiency, thermal insulation,
Efficient lighting (LED lighting) 88.38%
airtightness improvements, thermal comfort (room Triple Glazing (U=0.62 W/m2K)
temperature sensors), efficient heating systems Ground source heat pump Airtightness layer
and renewable energy systems like solar thermal 57.92% Room temperature sensors
collectors and PV panels. Apartment No. 64 - Energy-Retrofitted Solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic Ground source heat pump
Photo: Trygve Indrelid, OBOS (2021) panels (roof, facade, walls / balcony railings)
Heat recovery 86%
The building is in Oslo, Norway where cold climate 68.43%
is dominant. It is a part of the Bertramjordet hous-
ing complex built after the first energy-efficiency
regulations, hence it might have a better efficiency BUILDING STATE FROM LITERATURE:
standard compared to the older buildings. The total AFTER RETROFIT
floor area of the apartment is 1839.4 m2. The main 77.5% Triple Glazing (U=0.62 W/m2K)
façade faces south-east while other facades likely
lack proper daylight and heat gains. (1) efficient windows, airtightness, Ground source heat pump
Prioritizing space heating energy efficiency for old build-
temperature control sensors, 58% Heat recovery 86%
ings in cold climate can significantly reduce the overall
The presence of pulled-in balconies can also add ground source heat pump; Solar thermal collector
energy demand.
to the heat loss because of glazing surfaces and 63.42% Photovoltaic PV panels
shading. This is a residential building, where occu- (2) efficient windows, mechanical
Key measures include efficient windows, new airtightness ventilation with heat recovery,
pants are families with children and retired elderly
layer, heat recovery in mechanical ventilation or efficient ground source heat pump;
people. Therefore, the building occupancy rate is

heating systems like ground source heat pumps. 77.55%

higher than average. Annual energy consumption is
around 172 kWh/m2 and space heating consumes (3) efficient windows, mechanical Triple Glazing (U=0.62 W/m2K)
almost 60% of it, reaching 103 kWh/m2 use per Differences in occupant behavior which could lead to ventilation with heat recovery, 50.6% Airtightness layer OR Heat recovery 86%
year. higher consumption can be targeted by using tempera- ground source heat pump, build- Solar thermal collector
Room temperature sensors OR
ture sensors that control the space heating. ing integrated PV panels.
Ground source heat pump
The retrofit combinations from Qu et al. (2020) and 59.8%
OBOS (2021) are listed in detail in Appendix A while Using renewable energy systems like thermal collectors (4) efficient windows and balcony
a summary is given in Figure A5. Overall, a vari- doors, mechanical ventilation with
or PV panels can help reduce the carbon emissions relat-
ety of passive measures, passive + active combi- heat recovery, thermal insulation
ed to primary energy use. Building roof as well as facades
nations as well as renewable energy systems inte- of the envelope, facade-integrat-
can be used for panel integration. ed PV panels.
grated with these combinations are tested. Qu et al.
(2020) developed evaluation criteria for identifying
optimal retrofits, such as “fabric priority”, “renew- Figure A5. Apartment No 64., Bertramjordet Assoc. Complex: Energy retrofit strategies, proposed optimal solutions and key findings (Indrelid & OBOS, 2021; OBOS, 2021; Qu et al., 2020)
able in supplement” and “avoid complicated instal-
lations”. turbed by the construction works. Therefore, con- ical systems can further lower the energy consump- provide 17% reduced energy use while combined with
sidering possible limitations in implementing retro- tion and regulate the space heating according to active systems this rate is around 40%. The actual ret-
The energy-retrofit strategies of old buildings could fits can help to find solutions that are more feasible occupants. Using renewable energy systems can rofit of the building has resulted in 78% reduced energy
benefit from the evaluation of technical feasibility for the existing and occupied buildings. Simulation help decarbonize the supply energy, and there are consumption (OBOS, 2021) which includes thermal in-
and installation on site. As they already exist, it can results show that glazing efficiency and improved a lot of methods to make use of solar power, such sulation of building envelope. As a result, energy-retro-
be hard and expensive to intervene and alter the airtightness can prove very effective in reducing as solar thermal collectors, PV panels on the roof, fits could cut primary energy consumption for 77-90%
building components. The occupants might be dis- heat loss and energy needs. LED lighting, room exterior walls or balcony railings. Qu et al. (2020) (OBOS, 2021; Qu et al., 2020).
temperature sensors and heat recovery in mechan- argues that tested passive retrofit measures would
26 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 27

Like Norway, most of the Swedish housing stock is sunlight and heat gain. This might have a negative
apartment buildings which need energy-efficiency effect on the building embodied carbon. To reach
improvements because they are very energy inten- passivhaus criteria, the study proposes a combi- 1 PASSIVE MEASURES:
sive (Bonakdar et al., 2014; Hall & VIiden, 2005; Ho- nation of insulated exterior walls (~20 cm thermal Concrete-panel apartments Thermal insulation of walls (U = 0.1
lopainen et al., 2016; La Fleur et al., 2019; Lindahl insulation, U = 0.1 W/m2K), roof (30-40 cm thermal Million Programme W/m2K
& Sacco, 2016; Palm & Reindl, 2016). Among them, insulation, U = 0.08 W/m2K) and window upgrade 1960’s - Sweden
prefabricated concrete structure apartments are (U= 0.9 W/m2K). Holopainen et al. (2016) Thermal insulation of the roof (U = 0.08
identified by the Swedish Energy Agency as they W/m2K for roof)

have poor insulation and need energy-retrofits (Ho- On the other hand, Holopainen et al. (2016) com-

Efficient windows (U = 0.9 W/m2K)
lopainen et al., 2016). pares different retrofit combinations of passive ret-
rofit measures, active systems and renewable en-
Their energy demand is almost 40% more than new ergy systems to see how the building performance ACTIVE MEASURES AND
buildings. While the energy-retrofit strategies most- can be improved. The strategies are developed to RENEWABLE ENERGY:
ly focus on investment payback times and energy comply with the traditional renovation measures Exhaust Air heat pump integrated with
savings of the building, the studies indicate that en- (implementations and requirements of national district heating
Concrete-panel apartment
ergy-retrofits are important for other aspects of the building energy-efficiency regulations) and nearly
Million Programme Photovoltaic PV panels
building like the aesthetics or indoor comfort and zero-energy buildings (nZEB). 1964 - Växjö,Sweden
wellbeing of occupants. These factors influence the Bonakdar et al. (2014)
property value and the property price as well, which A passive + active combination is proposed to
are strong incentives for the owner to undertake a reach nearly zero-energy standards (Wall U = 0.17
retrofit (Holopainen et al., 2016). W/m2K; Roof U = 0.08 W/m2K; window U = 0.9 W/ PROPOSED MEASURES
m2K; Exhaust air heat pumps integrated with dis- FROM LITERATURE:
To find optimal energy-retrofit solutions, Holopain- trict heating; PV panels). Detailed retrofit measures
en et al. (2016) and Bonakdar et al. (2014) have and combination tables are given in Appendix A.
studied 4-storey apartment buildings from 1960’s Even when located in different countries, the 1960’s build-
(Figure A6). These buildings are a part of the Million Both studies propose the same measures for roof ings have almost the same heating energy consumption: (1) ~20 cm thermal insulation on
Program in Sweden which was engaged in building and windows, which indicates that leaky envelopes ~100 kWh/m2 yr exterior wall, U = 0.1 W/m2K;
30-40 cm thermal insulation on

affordable housing during the years 1960s-1970s and heat loss through these components are key el-

(Hall & Viden, 2005). ements for this climate. Since it improves the whole It can be a result of low energy-efficiency standards of the roof, U = 0.08 W/m2K;
envelope along with the heating system, the nZEB 60’s, same occupant profile and consumption loads, cold efficient windows, U= 0.9 W/m2K
Like apartment no 64. (Chapter 2.2.1), they also retrofit can result in around 58% reduced space climate effects as well as building form and orientation.
(2) thermal insulation on exterior
consume around 100 kWh/m2 in space heating heating energy. But the final demand would still be
which is interesting because they have differenc- ~ 33 kWh/m2 which is higher than Passivhaus lim- Window efficiency and roof insulation are the common wall, U = 0.17 W/m2K; thermal
es in components and structure. The building in its (30 kWh/m2). At this point, it might be helpful to retrofit measures to be considered with very high energy-ef- insulation on the roof U = 0.08
research from Holopainen et al. (2016) has a con- look at future climate models to evaluate and devel- ficiency standards which means most of the heat loss and W/m2K; efficient windows, U = 0.9
crete panel structure with no additional layers while op this combination. leakage happens there. W/m2K; exhaust air heat pumps
integrated with district heating; PV
the building in Bonakdar et al. (2014) has brick
cladding. Similar space heating needs in these mineral wool and EPS can be used as insulating materials panels
buildings can be a result of low energy-efficiency
Figure A6. Swedish Concrete-panel apartments built in 1960’s, under Millon programme (Bonakdar et al., 2014; Holopainen et al., 2016)
standards, same occupant profile, regional climate
effects as well as building form and orientation.

In research from Bonakdar et al. (2014), the effects

of insulated exterior walls, basement walls and roof
are simulated (mineral wool panels, λ = 0.034W/m
K, thickness 45-510 mm; EPS insulation panels, λ
= 0.039W/m K, thickness 70-300 mm; mineral wool
insulation, λ = 0.037W/m K, thickness 50-500 mm),
as well as better windows (U = 1.2 - 0.6 W/m2 K).
Insulating exterior walls and upgrading the window
efficiency were found most effective, even though
insufficient on their own.

Moreover, some of the measures result in 100%

thicker insulation layer (Bonakdar et al., 2014) and
windows can become too deep which means less
28 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 29

2.3.2 Baltic countries (Lithua- The buildings lack proper ventilation, and the spac-
es don’t have thermostat for temperature control.
nia, Estonia) As improvement, studies target space heating 36 PASSIVE MEASURES:
needs by testing a range of thermal transmittances Thermal insulation for walls and roof (EPS
Multi family apartments
As heating needs are higher, they can cause dis- for building components and propose technical im- Lithuania and Finland
or mineral wool)
comfort for the occupants which end up using more provements like heat recovery in mechanical venti- Du et al. (2015) Improved airtightness
energy to condition their spaces. Hence another lation, heat pumps, gas or electric boilers as heat-
important factor to consider when retrofitting exist- ing energy sources of HVAC systems. This method
Efficient windows and balcony doors
might be useful in early-stage planning of retrofits,

ing buildings is the indoor thermal quality. Du et al.

(2015) looks at the changes in indoor temperatures where emissions related to primary energy are con- concrete-panel apartment
after building retrofits in Lithuania and Finland, sidered. 1980’s - Estonia ACTIVE MEASURES AND
Kuusk and Kalamees (2015) RENEWABLE ENERGY:
by installing sensors and monitoring the changes
during heating season. However, reaching a nearly zero-energy building Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
would require very low U values, especially for the
walls and the roof. There is a risk of adding to the Efficient heating systems like heat pumps,
Retrofit package includes passive measures as gas/electric boilers
well as new heating systems and renewable energy embodied carbon of the building while implement-
generation. Swedish retrofits often focus on glazing ing these measures. As seen in Lithuania and Fin- Room temperature control sensors
and roof insulation while Du et al. (2015) proposes land, the indoor air and thermal quality can become
worse, health issues, moisture, or mold growth on concrete-panel apartment Solar thermal collectors and Photovoltaic
adding heat recovery in ventilation as well. Similar-
the surfaces might occur and the size of occupied Estonian TRY - Estonia panels
ly, EPS and mineral wool are the common insula- 3D model in (“NZEB Requirements in
tion materials applied. spaces might reduce due to internal insulation.
Nordic Countries,” 2019)

After retrofits, occupant responses indicate that this According to “NZEB Requirements in Nordic Coun-
tries,” (2019), national energy-efficiency regulations PROPOSED MEASURES
retrofit package can effectively provide good indoor FROM LITERATURE:
temperatures in Lithuania (reference temperature also need to be improved, as they have different
range 20-40°C; maintained temperature range 18- calculation methods. This makes a strategy effec-
22°C) while Finnish users still experience cold (13% tive in some countries and inefficient in others. Swe- Effectiveness of retrofit strategies depend on occupant
den doesn’t calculate lighting and equipment loads (1) thermal insulation, efficient
of the time) and increased overheating (13% of the comfort levels and climate, including solar radiation, mois- windows and doors, improved
time) after the retrofit (reference temperature range in final energy results, so the actual consumption is ture and air quality.
much higher. Finland has very low primary energy heating systems, ventilation with
21-25°C; maintained temperature range 18-24°C). heat recovery, solar thermal
Both countries report a problem with cold floor sur- factors which makes it easier to reach a nearly zero When the building form and orientation are not optimal,
energy building. collectors, room temperature
faces while an increase in mold growth is seen at energy generation from solar power will be lower and sensors;
6.3% of Finnish apartments. higher energy-efficiency standards in passive compo-
What is interesting about these apartment build-

nents must be sought to minimize energy consumption

ings is that they have different orientations for their (2) thermal insulation of walls and
Hence, adequate thermal insulation and airtight- and reach nearly zero-energy buildings roof, efficient windows, improved
ness as well as retrofit implementation methods longer façade, and this affects the optimal retrofit
strategy that suits them. When the longer facades airtightness, mechanical ventila-
need to be considered. Cold temperatures can be Building location and orientation parallel to its form tion with heat recovery;
addressed with better window efficiencies while of the apartment face North and South (Kuusk & and physical limitations can determine the extent of
lower solar heat gains, blinds and cooling systems Kalamees, 2015), the building facades and roof are renovations or different solutions that can be imple-
more suitable to install PV panels because there is (3) thermal insulation of building
would be needed to mitigate overheating. As av- mented. envelope, improved airtightness,
erage room temperatures and occupant tolerance more space and nearly zero-energy standards can
be achieved more easily. efficient windows, efficient heating
levels differ, optimal energy-retrofit solutions will be Because of differences in calculation methods and prima- systems working with district heat-
different for these two countries. ry energy factors, a retrofit strategy can be effective in ing, heat pumps or electric boilers
The downside of such orientation is overheating some countries and inefficient in others.
risk if not properly shaded and cold temperatures
on North-facing façade if not properly insulated. Figure A7. Energy-retrofit strategies in Baltic countries (Du et al., 2015; Kuusk, Kalamees, et al., 2016; Kuusk & Kalamees, 2015; “NZEB Require-
Looking at the building energy performance, near- When the building orientation is East-West (“NZEB ments in Nordic Countries,” 2019)
ly zero-energy retrofits of Estonian concrete-panel Requirements in Nordic Countries,” 2019), less
apartments from 1960s-1990s period, are explored energy will be coming from solar radiation, either
in research from Kuusk and Kalamees (2015) and as internal heat gains or renewable energy supply.
“NZEB Requirements in Nordic Countries,” (2019). Then, the building needs higher U-values for its en-
Similar to previous literature, Estonian apartments velopes. Hence, building location and orientation
with a concrete panel structure are highlighted as parallel to its form and physical limitations can de-
inefficient in terms of energy, indoor climate and termine the extent of renovations or different solu-
heat loss through the envelope. tions that can be implemented.
30 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 31

2.3.3 Finland datory blending of oil with bioliquids, phasing out oil
heating in public buildings, offering guidance and fi-
Energy-efficiency of existing buildings in Finland nancial support for building renovations, installation
is evaluated based on the 4/13 Decree of the Min- of renewable energy sources and heat pumps, en-
istry of the Environment on improving the energy ergy tax on fuels etc. (Government Report on Medi-
performance of buildings undergoing renovation or um-Term Climate Change Plan for 2030 – Towards
alternation and the amending 2/17 Decree of the Climate-Smart Day-to-Day Living, 2017). In order
Ministry of the Environment on the same topic (Min- to serve these long-term objectives of the govern-
istry of the Environment, 2013, 2017; The National ment, targeting space heating demands and reduc-
Building Code of Finland, n.d.). When there is no ing carbon emissions of the building is important.
information on any requirement for existing build-
ings, regulations for new buildings are considered. The reductions can be achieved by improving the
building envelope, building operations such as
According to the Finnish National Building Code energy-efficient home appliances, LED lighting,
(FNBC), when an existing building is improved by more efficient HVAC systems and related mea-
the means of repair, renovation or alteration, the sures that reduce energy consumption of the build-
energy and resource consumption must be low- ing. The energy source of heating and cooling
ered. To renovate an existing building, a permit for systems can also be chosen or upgraded to fuels
renovation is needed for its functional, technical that emit less carbon dioxide when combusted. In
and economic feasibility. The property owner can addition, the integration of renewable energy sys-
decide on the energy-efficiency solutions to be im- tems can be considered, which reduces the amount
plemented and whether the renovation happens al- of carbon emissions coming from the use of fossil
together or in phases over the years. fuels as primary energy sources.

The first option that may be chosen for retrofit is Looking at the energy generation in power plants,
improving the energy efficiency by building com- Finland uses nuclear and hydro energy as well as
ponents, respectively improving their thermal biomass (IEA, n.d.). The waste from processing
transmittance expressed in heat transfer coef- wood is used to generate electricity while natural
ficient U value. Finnish regulations specify the U gas and its required pipe networks are considerably
value requirements by building components (pas- rare in Finland (REHVA Federation of European
sive energy retrofit measures): Wall U value ≤0.17 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associa-
W/m2K; Roof U value = ≤0.08 W/m2K; Window tions, 2019). Therefore, Finnish energy sources are
U value ≤1.00 W/m2K; Floor U value = maximum progressing towards a more clean and renewable
improvement possible etc. (see Figure A1). energy mix which can contribute to reducing prima-
ry energy emissions in the future.
As an example of retrofitting by building compo-
nent, thermal transmittance of an exterior wall can The Finnish emissions factor that represents the
be lowered by adding thermal insulation to the ex- mix of fuels used by Finnish power stations to pro-
isting structure which will delay the heat transfer duce energy is 0.136 kgCO2e per kWh (Carbon
(Nieminen & Virta, 2016). In winter, this will keep Footprint, 2020), while Finnish primary energy (PE)
the heat inside for longer while in summer it can factors used in European Commission recommen-
also delay the heating of interior spaces due to the dations are 1.2 for electricity, 0.5 for district heat-
high outdoor temperatures. ing and 1.0 for natural gas (REHVA Federation of
European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
As for carbon emissions, Finland has developed a Associations, 2021). A primary energy factor rep-
national climate policy, that aims to lower green- resents the amount of primary energy that is used
house gas emissions for 80% by the year 2050, to generate a unit of energy like electricity that can
compared to the emission levels of 1990 (Finland’s be used on site.
National Climate Change Policy, n.d.). Carbon-neu-
trality objective is to be achieved by 2035 which will Enhancing the energy efficiency of building enve-
be followed by a carbon-negative country. To do lope components may contribute to the raise of
that, Finland is focusing on reducing emissions embodied carbon emissions. Each material has
from sectors like building specific heating and cool- an amount of embodied carbon, that represents the
ing systems, transport, agriculture and waste man- carbon emissions during its production, including
agement. Some of the measures include the man- extraction, transport and manufacture. As an ex-
ample, improving the thermal insulation will reduce

32 Energy-retrofit strategies
inner concrete inner concrete
layer layer
mineral wool mineral wool
heat loss, energy use and related operational car- chosen structure and materials are affecting energy insulation insulation
bon emissions but the embodied carbon of the insu- efficiency more than aging of building elements. outer concrete
lation material can be higher than the reduction so layer outer concrete
materials, their thickness and application methods Holopainen et al. (2016), explores traditional ren- additional thermal
should be taken into consideration. Embodied car- ovation strategies and nearly zero-energy renova-

additional thermal
bon emissions are not the main focus of this study tions proposing passive retrofit measures (wall U = facade support
which looks at the operational carbon emissions 0.14 - 0.09 W/m2K; roof U = 0.10 - 0.08 W/m2K; frames (fastening
through the wool
I.e., emissions derived from onsite energy uses re- floor U = 0.15 W/m2K; windows U = 0.7 W/m2K), plaster
layer to the
lated to space heating, ventilation, air conditioning, exhaust air heat pumps, PV panels and thermal concrete)
lighting and appliances. collectors. These measures could reduce space facade (plastered
heating energy from 130 kWh/m2 to 50-19 kWh/ sheet, sheet
Thermal comfort depends on the occupants who m2 per year. On the other hand, research from metal, etc.).
can feel comfortable, meaning not too hot or too Nieminen and Virta (2016) focuses solely on the im-
cold, at certain temperatures. Building regulations portance of adequate thermal insulation in Finnish
usually give an average temperature range which is concrete-panel apartments from 1950s-1970s, and COMMENTS COMMENTS
acceptable by the vast majority. There are other pa- possible implications like moisture, mold growth
rameters of thermal environment that affect the hu- and health problems. These are related to poor
man comfort, such as humidity which is preferred to construction and implementation of retrofits, lack of Additional thermal layer can be implemented along
be around 40-65% because higher rates can cause information on detailing, wrong material choices for Applying thermal insulation without a ventilation gap
with a second layer of façade, so that there is a or secondary façade layer is possible but not
mold growth and health problems (Nieminen & Vir- insulation etc. ventilation gap between the new thermal insulation
ta, 2016; Pelsmakers, 2015). recommended due to mositure risk.
and the new outer layer (façade) of the wall. The Plaster layer can be applied as a thin layer of 8-10
The outer concrete layers of the building structure support structure in-between is used to fasten the
According to the 1009/2017 Decree of the Ministry can be damaged over time resulting in corrosion. mm or a thick layer of 20-25 mm. If the material has
new façade layer through insulation to the existing higher thermal conductivity, the insulation layer will
of the Environment on the Indoor Climate and Ven- If that happens, a new insulation layer cannot be wall. Common insulation materials are mineral wool
tilation of New buildings, the average room tem- added on top of the existing walls or roof, but the need to be thicker in order to provide the desired
and EPS. thermal transmittance of the assembly.
perature during the heating season is 21 °C while damaged layers (concrete and/or thermal insula-
the acceptable temperature range is within 20-25 tion) need to be replaced. This is an opportunity
°C for the heating season and 20-27°C outside the to use better insulation materials, external façade, VENTILATED EXTERNAL UNVENTILATED EXTERNAL
heating season. The building must be sufficiently prefabricated elements with ventilation system etc. INSULATION new bitumen chemi- INSULATION
daylit, with shading devices that can be controlled On the other hand, construction works are bigger, cal coating
to suit different activities inside. Also, the 1010/2017 they may last longer and there will be a need to the base of the bitumi-
Decree of the Ministry of the Environment on the adjust building spaces (roof or rooms) to accommo- nous cream coating
(mineral wool)
Energy Performance of New Buildings requires that date new HVAC systems (Nieminen & Virta, 2016). bitumen chemical
mineral wool insulation
the spaces need cooling if the indoor temperature old bituminous coating
reaches +27°C which means overheating has oc- Since improving building envelope accounts for

cream coating mineral wool insulation
curred. most of the energy retrofit cost (Pelsmakers, 2015), mineral wool insulation vapor barrier
this study reviews the option of additional layers vapor barrier
Finnish existing housing stock is mostly built in on top of the existing ones, assuming that the con-
1950s-1990s, as a response to urbanization and crete panel wall is in good condition (Figure A8). load-bearing
immigration from rural areas (Häkämies et al., The importance of efficient roof assemblies for cold load-bearing concrete structure
2015; Hirvonen et al., 2020, 2021; Holopainen et climate retrofits is addressed in this research as concrete structure
al., 2016; Niemelä et al., 2017b; Nieminen & Virta, well. According to Nieminen and Virta (2016), roofs
2016). Apartments are often built with prefabricated of concrete panel apartments from 1960s are often
concrete sandwich panels and flat roofs, connected unventilated, poorly insulated and inefficient. COMMENTS COMMENTS
to the district heating grid. Some buildings have ad-
ditional brick cladding while planimetry can be with Common insulation for concrete sandwich panels in
or without balconies. all reviewed literature are mineral wool and EPS. In the concrete panel apartments of 1960s-1970s,
However other materials can also be explored un- Roof layers are usually unventilated. An additional roof layers are usually unventilated. After the
These buildings are in very bad condition in terms der the criteria of embodied carbon emissions, layer of insulation can be added on top of the water- vacuum fans that were used to dry the structure,
of energy, and Holopainen et al. (2016) identifies while considering the material properties, imple- proof layer, either ventilated through the grooved grooved (strips in the material) wool materials start-
the main reason behind not undertaking a retrofit mentation methods, feasibility on-site and overall insulation panel or unventilated. Another waterproof ed to be implemented for roof ventilation. The tem-
as financial, such as not being feasible economi- efficiency. When choosing a material, it is important layer is then installed on top of the new insulation. peratures in grooves reach +50°C in summer and
cally, not possible to calculate long-term profitability to look at its other properties besides the thermal Attention must be paid to the insulation layers being heat the ventilation air inside which dries the struc-
or no economic capacity to fund the retrofit. More- conductivity. For example, a plaster layer with wa- dry during construction because moisture can lead ture. The ventilation strips are connected to the
over, they have higher energy consumption levels terproof properties will be effective in Finland for the to mold growth in them. Old waterproof layer and vacuum fans, eaves and outside air while the venti-
than older brick buildings, which indicates that the moisture to evaporate outside. Adding new insula- thermal insulation can be replaced with new materi- lation gaps need to be protected from rain and
als as well. snow.
Figure A8. Thermal insulation applications on the walls and roof of Finnish concrete-panel apartments from 1950s-1970s (Nieminen & Virta, 2016)
34 Energy-retrofit strategies (%) Reductions Energy-retrofit strategies 35
EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
1 Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
tion on top of the existing structure is not likely to Concrete-panel apartment PASSIVE MEASURES: Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)
affect the habitant’s everyday routine who can re- 1970s - Finland Thermal insulation of walls (U = 0.09 -
main at home during this part of the retrofit and the Holopainen et al. (2016) 0.11 W/m2K
implementation period is shorter. Triple Glazing (U=0.7 W/m2K)
Thermal insulation of the roof (U = 0.08 - 85.38%
In addition to the passive measures of energy ret- ALL 0.07 W/m2K for roof) Thermal insulation (Wall U = 0.09 W/m2K)
Thermal insulation (Roof U = 0.08 W/m2K)

rofitting, Häkämies et al. (2015) and Niemelä et al. concrete-panel apartments 71.5%

Thermal insulation of the floor (U = 0.15
Thermal insulation (Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K)
(2017b) test the role of heat pumps (exhaust air 1950’ - 1970s - Finland W/m2K for roof)
Nieminen and Virta (2016) Exhaust air heat pump
heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, air to wa-
ter heat pumps) integrated in district heating. They Efficient windows (U = 0.7 W/m2K; g = 35.8% Photovoltaic PV panels
are often combined with very high energy efficiency Solar thermal collectors

standards for passive measures.

Triple Glazing (U=0.7 W/m2K; g = 0.42)

Niemelä et al. (2017b) tests heat pump concepts Ground source heat pump

with passive retrofit measures like wall insulation ACTIVE MEASURES AND 72.2% Thermal insulation (Wall, thickness = 300mm)
(8 options within the thickness range of 80mm- RENEWABLE ENERGY: Thermal insulation (Roof thickness = +400mm)
300mm), roof insulation (10 options within the concrete-panel apartment Improved district heating grid with a two
Photovoltaic PV panels (area = 130m2)
thickness range of 0mm-400mm), repaired win- 1960s - Helsinki, Finland pipe system and low temperature hydronic
Häkämies et al. (2015) radiators
dows (5 options within the U value range of
original U value – 0.6 W/m2K) and new windows Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
(3 options within the U value range of original U
value – 0.7 W/m2K). Exhaust air heat pumps

Ground source heat pumps

Energy performance is simulated in 1960’s con- Triple Glazing (U=0.8 W/m2K; g = 0.49)
crete-panel apartments with South-North orienta- Air to water heat pumps, Ground source OR Exhaust air heat pump
tion and balconies (Niemelä et al., 2017b) as well 59.6%
Thermal insulation (Wall, thickness = 180mm)
as without balconies (Häkämies et al., 2015). Re- Solar thermal collectors and Photovoltaic
Thermal insulation (Roof thickness = +400mm)
newable energy is generated by PV panels that panels
Photovoltaic PV panels (area = 130m2)
supply the heating energy need of HVAC systems. concrete-panel apartment
1960s - Kerava, Finland
As a result, ground source heat pumps (GSHP) Niemelä et al. (2017b)
and exhaust air heat pumps (EAHP) are found
most effective. They also work well with the district PROPOSED MEASURES
heating system. There are some limitations to con- FROM LITERATURE:
sider such as the high investment cost (GSHP) or
difficulty in sizing the HVAC units (EAHP) because
space heating needs are so high. Triple Glazing (U=0.8 W/m2K; g = 0.49)

(1) thermal insulation of walls and 37% Ground source heat pump
Concrete-panel apartment structure can result in higher
Nevertheless, it is recommended to study the air- roof, efficient windows and doors, Thermal insulation (Wall, thickness = 180mm)
space heating needs than brick buildings built earlier.
to-water heat pump in residential buildings since exhaust air heat pumps, PV
Building materials and structure are more important in Photovoltaic PV panels (area = 130m2)
the technology is developing at a fast pace and it is panels;
cold climates than aging of components.
promising in terms of lower costs and energy-effi- COMMENTS
ciency. (2) thermal insulation of walls and
Poor construction and implementation of retrofits, 67.96%
roof, improved HVAC systems to
lack of information on detailing, wrong material choic- Triple Glazing (U=0.9 W/m2K)
While the literature looks at different passive and meet minimum energy-efficiency
es for insulation etc. can result in moisture, bad indoor 58.4% Thermal insulation (Wall U = 0.17 W/m2K)
active measures, identified risks of physical dam- requirements;
air quality, mold growth, asthma, corrosion of concrete,
age in buildings as well as deteriorating living con- Thermal insulation (Roof U = 0.08 W/m2K)
damaged insulation layer and low energy-efficiency.
ditions of occupants highlight the importance of fu- (3) very high energy efficiency 48.8% Exhaust air heat pump
ture proofing in design. Long-term effects of energy standards in thermal insulation of Photovoltaic PV panels
Identified risks of physical damage in buildings and deteri-
retrofits must be investigated, especially for the ex- building envelope, improved
orating living conditions of occupants highlight the impor-
isting concrete-panel apartments. airtightness, efficient windows,
tance of future proofing in design. Long-term effects of
ground source heat pumps or
energy retrofits must be investigated.
exhaust air heat pumps, integrat-
ed with district heating, PV
Figure A9. Energy-retrofit strategies in Finland (Häkämies et al., 2015; Hirvonen et al., 2020, 2021; Holopainen et al., 2016; Niemelä
et al., 2017b; Nieminen & Virta, 2016)
36 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 37

2.4. Lessons learned • If the retrofit is not planned and implemented

properly, building and its occupants face problems
like mold growth (moisture), asthma, bad indoor
The literature review of energy retrofits helps in de- air quality, corrosion of concrete layers (poor ma-
veloping methods of evaluating optimal solutions terial choice, bad retrofit implementation), reduced
and formulating combinations, as well as identifying indoor space (internal insulation), energy poverty
problems that can be encountered during or after (inefficient building) etc. Identified risks of physical
retrofits. damage in buildings and deteriorating living condi-
tions of occupants highlight the importance of fu-
• The passive and active energy-retrofit measures ture proofing in design. Long-term effects of energy
can be first analyzed individually, to see if any of retrofits must be investigated.
them is a key measure to be prioritized in all combi-
nations. Then individual solutions can be analyzed • Occupant surveys and site inspections can help to
in combinations, since it is not likely for one retro- identify possible implications after retrofits. Differ-
fit measure alone to make a big difference to the ent user profiles can have different opinions on the
building performance. Differences in existing build- indoor comfort because of their personal preferenc-
ings can be addressed with evaluation criteria that es and tolerance levels. Unpredicted results due to
look at physical limitations in buildings and how to occupant behavior could be controlled at least par-
make use of fixed parameters that cannot change. tially, if room temperature control sensors are used
to regulate the space heating
• Even when located in different countries or having
different external envelope layers (concrete/brick • The building energy-efficiency regulations can re-
cladding), the 1960’s buildings have almost the sult in efficient buildings, but they are not enough
same heating energy consumption: ~100 kWh/m2 to meet nearly or net zero-energy buildings, which
yr. Building materials and structure have a bigger in- would need more strict requirements as well as
fluence in cold climates than aging of components. making good use of the building form and orienta-
Space heating energy demand can be targeted to tion. Because of differences in calculation methods
reach significant total energy use reductions. Most and primary energy factors, a retrofit strategy can
efficient mechanical systems are ground source be effective in some countries and inefficient in oth-
heat pumps and exhaust air heat pumps. ers.

• Main passive retrofit measures in cold climates

are highly energy-efficient windows and very well
insulated roofs, followed by a new airtightness
layer, heat recovery in mechanical ventilation and
thermal insulation of building envelope.

• Renewable energy systems like thermal collectors

or PV panels can help reduce the carbon emissions
related to primary energy use. They can be placed
on the roof, on façade elements like walls or bal-
cony railings or nearby the building. Solar power
can be the energy source for electricity, hot water
or heat pumps.

• When the building form and orientation are not

optimal, energy generation from solar power will
be lower and higher energy-efficiency standards in
passive components must be sought to minimize
energy consumption and reach nearly zero-energy
buildings. Building location and orientation parallel
to its form and physical limitations can determine
the extent of renovations or different solutions that
can be implemented.
38 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 39

3. Kerava Concrete Since the occupied spaces are all residential units,
the whole apartment block in Kerava will be mod-
3.1 Methodology 3.1.1 Energy efficiency criteria
Panel Apartment Block elled, to discover the impact of the retrofit strate- In the first part of the thesis, building energy-effi- In order to look at the building energy efficiency, en-
gies. However, the conditioned and unconditioned ciency regulations are analyzed along with previ- ergy use intensity (EUI) under each improvement is
Case Study zones will be defined in each floor (e.g., apartments, ously conducted research on energy-retrofits for simulated. EUI is the amount of energy use of the
corridors) taking into consideration differing internal similar buildings in cold climates. In this second building on site, which is measured by annual en-
loads such as occupancy rate, equipment and light- part, energy-retrofit strategies for Finland are tested ergy consumption, expressed in kWh/m2 per year.
This chapter analyzes optimal energy-retrofit strat- ing, in order to have a realistic consumption pattern using the Sefaira analysis software for high energy Maximum limit of total annual energy consumption
egies for concrete panel apartment blocks in Fin- and zoning for the modelled building. performance. Information for building the energy in Finnish residential apartments is ≤130 kWh/m2
land. The analysis is conducted using Sefaira soft- model is obtained from the previous research pa- per year. Since heating energy demand covers most
ware that simulates building energy performance The simulation will look at different energy-retrofit per conducted by Tuomo Niemelä, Risto Kosonen of the energy use for space conditioning in cold cli-
and energy efficiency (Sefaira, 2021). It uses En- strategies that can help to reduce building energy and Juha Jokisalo (Niemelä et al., 2017b). Niemelä mates, annual heating energy is also explored in
ergyPlus and Radiance in the background to run consumption and its carbon emissions as well as et al. (2017b) has looked at cost-effective retrofits the simulations. It is expressed in kWh/m2 per year
building physics simulations. EnergyPlus is a build- help improve the indoor thermal comfort for the oc- using the climate data from test reference year TRY too but looks only at the energy used for heating the
ing simulation program for modelling energy con- cupants, in today’s climate and the future. 2012 where multiple heat pump concepts are de- spaces. Maximum limit for space heating energy is
sumption of building operations like heating and veloped (see section 2.3.3 Finland). taken from Passivhaus EnerPHit standard, which
cooling, ventilation or lighting (EnergyPlus, 2021) specifies a consumption of ≤30 kWh/m2 per year
while Radiance is a lighting analysis and visualiza- This thesis tests new combinations of passive and for cold climates. Results are discussed in the fol-
tion software (Radiance, 2014, 2019). active retrofit strategies, using future climate data lowing sections for each building element as well as
from test reference years TRY 2020/2030, 2050 the performance of combinations in different ther-
Therefore, both building operations and additional and 2080 (2100) (Finnish Meteorological Institute, mal zones of Finland.
heat gains are accounted for and Sefaira can be n.d.). Effects of the strategies on the building are
used for early-stage analysis to test and compare evaluated using 3 main criteria: “Energy-efficiency”,
multiple energy retrofit concepts. The strategies are
tested on a concrete-panel apartment block built in
“low-carbon emissions” and “indoor thermal com- 3.1.2 Carbon emissions criteria
fort” (see below). First, the building is simulated
1960s in Kerava. The building is 3D modelled in in original condition and current location (Finnish There are multiple ways to look at carbon emissions
Sketchup where an initial analysis is conducted of Thermal Zone I – Vantaa) with no improvements, of the building. This study focuses on emissions
the building energy use, heat gains and losses as to look at its energy consumption and carbon emis- that derive from building operations like electricity
well as daylight availability, using Sefaira plugin. sions as well as occupant comfort. Then, individual use, building systems and HVAC, aiming at max-
Then, the model is imported to Sefaira web applica- simulations are run for each building component imum reductions possible. The impact of on-site
tion, where energy-retrofit measures are explored separately (improved efficiency of exterior wall, mechanical systems that demand energy to run is
further in detail. roof, ground floor, windows, shading, airtightness, evaluated by looking at the emission rates in simu-
HVAC systems) while other building parameters lations, expressed in kgCO2e per kWh.
The studied apartment block fits within the residen- stay in original condition. Finally, simulation results
tial building category that represents 75% of the Eu- are used to develop combinations or sets of mea-
ropean Union’s existing building stock. Its structure sures which can be effective in energy retrofitting. 3.1.3 Indoor thermal comfort
and year of construction are the most common type
both in Finland and Europe. These buildings have Since the existing buildings have a fixed form, orien- criteria
the highest energy consumption levels (Niemin- tation, structure etc., this study developed two ap-
en & Virta, 2016) mainly because they were built proaches for combining retrofit measures: combina- To determine how the indoor thermal comfort lev-
during the massive housing stock development of tions (passive + active measures) that are the same els change, first a temperature range is set for the
the years 1950s-1970s using concrete-panel struc- for the whole building, and combinations (passive occupied spaces of the building. In line with Finn-
tures while the first energy regulations entered in + active measures) that have different measures ish requirements, the setpoint temperatures of
force after 1976. applied to different building facades. This approach indoor spaces are 21°C, below which the space
targets limitations in existing buildings, by focusing needs heating and 27°C, above which the space
These apartments have existed for more than 60 on the role of building form, orientation and solar is uncomfortable outside the heating season. The
years already, which is the average building lifes- radiation in energy demand, occupant comfort and temperature range for heating season is 21/25°C.
pan. Even though housing can last twice as long, heat gains (cold, glare, overheating) as well as (re- However, Finnish thermal zones can have up to 2
aging factor and leaky buildings are vulnerable to newable) energy supply. The simulations for com- months difference of when the seasonal changes
heat loss and higher energy demand. Hence this bined measures are run for all 4 thermal zones of occur, such as winter being delayed in southern
building type can help to determine the optimal en- Finland (Zone I – Vanta; Zone II – Jokioinen; Zone and central regions. Since a seasonal division was
ergy retrofit strategies that would apply for most of III – Jyvaskyla and Zone IV – Sodankyla), for test not possible in the simulation software, the same
the Finnish housing stock which need improvement reference years 2020/2030, 2050 and 2080 (2100) criteria are applied for the whole year: too cold <
on their energy use. under RCP8.5 emission scenario. 21 – 27 °C < too hot. The overheating risk during
heating season is also addressed with the use of
40 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 41

automated shading and by improving the building Based on where the institute has observation sta-
envelope. tions, Finland is divided into 4 climate zones (Figure
B3) them being Thermal zone I (Vanta), Thermal
Setting up a thermal comfort range in building simu- Zone II (Jokioinen), Thermal Zone III (Jyväskylä)
lations requires input data for the building occupan- and Thermal Zone IV (Sodankylä). To find out how
cy, the operation schedule for mechanical systems the formulated energy retrofit strategies work in
as well as internal loads such as lighting loads and each thermal zone of Finland, they will be tested for
equipment loads. According to reference values in all climate zones. The findings can contribute to the
Finnish national building code, the occupancy rate development of more specific retrofit strategies to
for residential apartments is 60%, with an occupant be applied in each thermal zone separately.
density of 28m2/person, lighting load of 11 W/m2,
equipment loads of 4 W/m2 and HVAC operation Finnish thermal zone I (Vantaa) has the longest
schedule of 24/7 (see Figure A3). In order to de- summer days and shortest winters, due to its geo-
termine the effectiveness of retrofit measures on graphical position, solar radiation and coastal re-
thermal comfort, the study looks at each dwelling gions. The shortest day in Vantaa lasts around 6
instead of the whole building, to see the overheat- hours while the longest day can last up to 19 hours.
ing and/or cooling rate for different apartment sizes, Southern and Central Finland experience longer
position, orientation and elevation. heat waves during summer, when temperatures
are above 25°C for 10-15 days. The dominant wind
direction is from southwest, with an average wind
speed of 2.5-4 m/s inland.

3.1.4 Climate zones and RCP Thermal zone III covers the central part of Finland,
scenarios with longer winters and snow cover of around 60-90
cm as well as longer heat waves during summer. It
is like a buffer zone between the coldest and hottest
Finnish meteorological institute has developed the
regions of Finland, where the building energy ret-
Test Reference Years TRY for calculating the heat-
rofit measures need to deal with both summer and
ing and cooling energy consumption. The weath-
winter comfort. The sea is still affecting the western
er files for the climate years 2020, 2030, 2050 and
regions, where there is less snow cover in winter-
2080 (2100) are used in the simulations to test
time and higher temperatures in the summer.
the effectiveness of energy retrofit combinations.
Future climate data in these files is an estimation
Northern Finland experiences cold temperatures
based on the climatic conditions of 2020 and ex-
much earlier than other regions. While Southern re-
pected climate changes in the future. The 30-year
gions have around 100 days of winter with the cold-
period between 1989 – 2018 is observed and vari-
est temperatures being around –40 °C, Lapland
ables for hourly temperature, relative humidity, ra-
has around 200 winter days and temperatures can
diation, wind and precipitation are formulated for Figure B1. Finnish thermal zones, differences in temperature and snow cover. The weather data is retrieved from the Finnish Meteorological Institute
reach up to -50°C. During the polar nights, dark can
three different scenarios of greenhouse gas emis- webpage. Thermal zone 1 – Weather observation station in Vantaa; Thermal zone 2 - Weather observation station in Jokioinen; Thermal zone 3 -
last up to 51 days in the wintertime while during the
sion levels also known as Representative Concen- Weather observation station in Jyvaskyla; Thermal zone 4 - Weather observation station in Sodankyla.
polar days the sun doesn’t set for around 73 days.
tration Pathways RCPs.

While RCP2.6 and RCP4.5 represent predictions

of mild to medium rise in GHG emissions over
the years (3-4°C by 2100), RCP8.5 foresees very
high amounts of GHG emissions (5-6°C by 2100).
RCP8.5 is used as the worst-case future scenario
which assumes that there will be no major changes
in our way of living and the emissions will continue
to rise as they are. Even though many countries are
developing policies and taking actions on emission
reduction, this scenario is the most likely for the rest
of the world that is not able to offer or implement
solutions for cutting their emissions. Hence, this
study uses the RCP8.5 scenario in simulations.
42 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 43

4. Results and Discussion The planimetry is designed so that most apartments

have access to their own balcony, except the small- BUILDING ENVELOPE
est apartment units facing south. The reason why Thermal transmittance of walls (U = 0.55
Existing apartment building balconies do not face south might be because it’s
the dominant wind direction in Finland and therefore

can cool the apartment causing thermal discomfort, Thermal transmittance of the roof (U =
The chosen concrete-panel apartment building is 0.44 W/m2K for roof)
located in Kerava, Finland (Figure B2, see also especially when the building envelope components
Section 2.3.3 Finland, Figure A9). It’s built in 1960’s are inefficient. Thermal transmittance of the floor (U =
with prefabricated sandwich concrete panels, which 0.38 W/m2K for roof)
were very common during that period (Nieminen & The south façade is straight with no edges or at-
Virta, 2016), because there was a need of quick tached elements, which could result in lower en- Efficiency of windows (U = 2.1 W/m2K; g =
ergy needs due to direct solar radiation and heat 0.7)
and easy construction to fulfil the housing needs
that followed migration and urbanization. gains through windows. However, discomfort due
to overheating or glare is also possible because of HVAC SYSTEM, TECHNICAL DATA:

It consists of 5 floors, with 10 apartments on each the orientation and lack of shading elements. Simu- Mechanical ventilation with no heat recovery,
lations indicate south solar radiation contributes to operating 7/24
apartment floor and a total of 88 occupants. Heat-
the summer cooling loads, along with internal loads

ed net floor area of the case study is 2898 m2. Exhaust air heat flow rate = 0.4 dm3/(sm2),

The North, East and West facing apartments have (lighting, equipment, people). constant air volume CAV supply to all spaces
access to a balcony. The 4 apartment types are:
kitchen + 1 room apartment 31m2; kitchen + 2 room The dwellings on the corners have balconies facing SFP = 1.50 kW/(m3/s)

apartment 49m2; kitchen + 3 room apartment 69m2 east and west. These facades receive shorter inter-
vals of sunlight in the morning or afternoon, have District heating, hydronic radiators supply/re-
and kitchen + 4 room apartment 87m2. turn water temperature 80/60°C
balconies that provide static shading, all of which
may be a reason for higher energy needs and heat
4.1 Energy-performance of loss. North-facing facades do not receive any direct
Occupant density = 28m2/person
sunlight. Windows and balconies are considered
building in original condition the main thermal bridges in buildings that contrib- Occupancy rate = 60%
ute to heat loss, because their resistance to heat
Energy performance of the housing block is first transfer is lower than the surrounding elements. Lighting = 3.5 W/m2 in apartments; 9.0
simulated using its original condition. The simula- W/m2 in staircases
tion results show that generally the existing building Overall, north-facing façade could be the most vul-
concrete-panel apartment Equipment = 9 W/m2 in apartments
doesn’t meet the energy efficiency standards under nerable to heat losses and energy needs. Differ-
1960s - Kerava, Finland
today’s climate nor the future. ences in solar radiation and wind speed can cause Model parameters obtained from: Average indoor temperatures = 21.0 °C in
more overheating, glare or unintended cooling Niemelä et al. (2017b) apartments; 18.0 °C in staircases
However, the building is simulated using the input when the windows are open therefore these exter-
data which is a combination of actual use of the nal factors may affect occupant comfort and space PRELIMINARY RESULTS
building and reference values provided in the build- energy needs directly.
ing regulations for calculation purposes, when the
actual data is lacking. To understand the effects of building elements in
annual energy use, space heating energy, carbon Most energy is used to heat the spaces, while there is
Therefore, the results of the simulations may not emissions and thermal comfort, and to look at both not enough daylight due to the unnecessary shading
Wall conduction
fully represent the real condition of the building but whole building block’s performance and situation in in North, East and West facades. Heat loss happens
Glazing conduction
rather give a baseline of understanding how the individual apartment units within the building, the mainly because of conduction through windows
Roof conduction
given building can be improved or what the effects 3D model is imported to Sefaira Web Application for and doors on the façade as well as the exterior walls,

Floor conduction
might be for different energy retrofit combinations running more detailed simulations. meaning that they are inefficient in terms of energy.

over the years in different thermal zones.
Internal loads
Energy consumption Highest heat gains come from internal loads and
(people and equipment)
Preliminary simulation indicates that most of the When the building is analyzed in original condition South solar radiation, all of which increase the cool-
Internal loads (lighting)
annual energy use is for space heating, while heat using TRY weather files, the energy needs, and ing loads for the building. Conduction through the roof
Solar radiation (South)
loss mainly happens because of conduction through related carbon emissions are in decline over the and floors as well as solar heat gains from East, West
Solar radiation
windows and doors as well as exterior walls (Figure years, because of the temperature rise and climate and North have less impact than the afore mentioned
(North, West, East)
B2). Hence, the building envelope needs to be im- change (figure B3). The building in original condi- building components, which can be targeted when
proved in terms of energy-efficiency. Balconies are tion is performing almost the same when it is simu- developing energy-retrofit strategies.
present in the East, North and West facing facades. lated for the Finnish Thermal Zone I and II. These
two zones have a similar regional climate. Figure B2. Kerava Concrete Panel Apartment block is 3D modelled in Sketchup, and building elements such as ground floor, exterior walls, roof,
operable and non-operable windows and static shading elements are specified in the Sefaira plugin. Then, the 3D model is imported to Sefaira
Web Application for running energy retrofit simulations.
44 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 45

They experience cold temperatures later and The reason behind a poor energy performance can
have a shorter heating season than the Northern be related to many factors, such as its form, po-
regions. The winter season reaches late, mainly sition or thermal properties of its materials. Since
because of the coastal regions since the sea and it was built before first Finnish energy regulations,
lake water cool down slower and delay the colder the energy-efficiency may not have been a primary
temperatures. Therefore, these zones may have design concern.
lower needs for space heating due to the seasonal
Besides heat gains and losses which
lengths. Building envelope
result in higher energy consumption,
The building structure is concrete sandwich panels,
Southern and Central Finland experience longer and the exposed concrete layers can act as thermal weather conditions can cause occu-
heat waves during summer, which can be a reason mass, storing the solar heat and releasing it inside. pant discomfort such as glare, underlit
for higher thermal discomfort in the simulations. The exterior walls are around 30 cm, consisting of living spaces or overheating.
zones. Dominant southwest wind direction and the inner concrete layer, 90mm of mineral wool in- 0
shorter heating season might be causing addition- sulation in the middle and a concrete outer layer 200 Windows with lower visible transmit-
al heat loss through the building envelope or other which is either painted or covered with brick tiles. 400
tance values or too much/wrong shad-
openings. +800 lux ing, can result in dark spaces. Deep
Since the 1960s, this structure is very common in Lux levels on March 21, 9:00 a.m. measured at 0.8 meters above
plans are another factor in existing
In Northern Finland, long lasting cold temperatures Finland (Nieminen & Virta, 2016). It makes sense ground (window height).
buildings that result in lower daylight.
affect the heating energy demand of buildings re- for cold weather, but the climate is changing, and The consequences are seen in occu-
sulting in higher energy consumptions under to- this building structure might not be effective any- pant dissatisfaction with their living
days’ climate, with a strong possibility of providing more. Since the whole building façade cannot be


better comfort under the future overheating scenar- shaded to block the summer sun, additional unin-
ios. On the other hand, continuous solar heat gains tended heat gains through unshaded surfaces are
from direct and indirect solar radiation during the a possibility. When the existing building is analyzed
polar days can result in overheating in cases like 200 in terms of annual daylighting, the
400 dwellings are 50-75% daylit, while the
when the building has windows with high g-value Looking at transparent surfaces, the performance 600
and insufficient shading. of original double-pane windows is quite low, +800 lux stairways don’t receive any natural
Lux levels on March 21, 3:00 p.m. measured at 0.8 meters above
around 2.1 W/m2K. While there are even better light. However Finnish heating season
ground (window height).
When we look at the building energy use in a time window types, Finnish requirements are at least can be darker due to shorter days and
of highest overheating risk (TRY 2080), the annu- 1.0 W/m2K of thermal transmittance for windows. cloudy skies.
al energy consumption is around 166 kWh/m2 per The low efficiency and aging of windows can cause
year while the heating energy consumption is 59 heat loss and higher space heating demand for the For instance, when the building is simu-
kWh/m2. Considering Finnish building regulations building because of unintended air leakage through lated for a cloudy sky on March 21st in
require ≤ 130 kWh/m2 of annual energy use in resi- the cracks on the frames and corners. Hence the the morning (9:00 a.m.) and afternoon
dential apartments after retrofits, the building needs building will use more energy to heat the space.
(3:00 p.m.), the amounts of sunlight are
to be retrofitted to meet any energy efficiency stan- 0
considerably low, receiving 0-200 lux,
dard. According to the thermal comfort simulations, most 25
of the uncomfortable hours are due to colder indoor 50 while the average annual illuminance
spaces of apartment units that face North, East and 100% level is often around 300 lux. Lux is the
West, all of which have balconies while South fac- Percentage of occupied hours with at least 300 lux illuminance, measure of the illuminance or daylight
ing apartments with no balconies do not experience measured at 0.8 meters above ground (window height). intensity on a surface.
colder hours. This may be because of insufficient
200 thermal insulation, poor airtightness and inefficient Figure B4. Annual daylighting analysis for Kerava Concrete-panel apartment block, indicates that the building may experience overheat-
glazing, including the balcony doors that help re- ing, glare and underlit living spaces, which need to be addressed with adequate building components.
EUI (kWh/m2/yr)

150 TRY 2020 lease the heat.

TRY 2030
TRY 2050 Balconies may contribute to cooling as well, through mates (Sukanen, 2020) have shown increased dis- organizations and studies recommend that tenants
50 TRY 2080 shading the apartments when vertical shading is not comfort due to overheating of the building. It may keep blinds closed during hot summer days in order
actually needed on this façade. Also, the top floor be caused by the type and amount of glazing on the to prevent uncomfortable indoor temperatures and
Total Annual Energy Space Heating experiences colder temperatures which indicates envelope, its high thermal conductivity as well as glare. The preliminary simulation on annual day-
Consumption Energy Consumption that additional roof insulation may be effective for high solar heat gain coefficient. Another reason can light availability also supports these claims (Figure
the building. While these elements influence most- be the shading type and location. When the blinds B4). Physical limitations of the existing building as
Figure B3. Annual energy demand, heating energy demand
ly heating of occupied spaces during cold weather, are placed on the inside, they can store the heat well as its location and climate can cause discom-
and net carbon emissions of the building in original condition,
the need for cooling the building in the summer is that is received through the window and release it fort like glare, underlit spaces and overheating.
when it is simulated for the test reference years 2020, 2030,
an emerging need for Finland and other countries. in the indoor environment. Many Finnish housing
2050 and 2080.
The recent overheating studies under future cli-
46 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 47

Internal loads
Another factor can be the typology of the building in
relation to energy consumption. All occupied spac-
es are apartment units, which actively use house-
hold equipment, electric lighting and other electron-
ic devices. The internal gains of these loads are
simulated according to the actual use.

Compared to the standard use of the building which

assumes 4.0 W/m2 average gain from equipment,
actual value is around 9.0 W/m2 in apartments
which is more than twice the reference value. While
this usage amount may be because of inefficient
appliances, unpredictable occupant behavior as-
sociated with background, cultural values and way
of living, might also explain a part of the high con-
sumption levels. As a result, key aspects to be addressed for retro-
fitting Kerava apartment block can be:
Mechanical systems
The building is using mechanical ventilation with no • Reducing space heating energy consumption
heat recovery and district heating with hydronic ra- (efficient windows and balcony doors, roof insula-
diators. The absence of heat recovery can be one tion, exterior wall insulation, high heat recovery rate
of the key reasons for higher energy consumption, in mechanical ventilation)
but multiple HVAC systems need to be tested to
find a better solution. Previous studies confirm that • Balancing the energy consumption with actu-
the most efficient HVAC systems for 1960s Finnish al energy demand (room temperature control sen-
apartment buildings are ground source heat pumps sors, setting an average temperature range, heat
GSHP, air source heat pumps ASHP and exhaust pumps in HVAC systems)
air heat pumps EAHP (Häkämies et al., 2015;
Niemelä et al., 2017a). • Making use of fixed and automated building
components in mitigating high energy consump-
However, the installation cost of GSHP is higher, tion (optimal efficiency standards for components
and they might not be feasible to install in case of depending on building façade and solar heat gain,
existing buildings because of limitations like not automated blinds that open/close according to in-
enough space for drilling the borehole or placing door temperatures and average temperature range)
underground pipes etc. Using a water source heat
pump integration with district heating is also a possi-
bility (Element Energy & Carbon Alternatives, 2016;
Heat Network Partnership for Scotland, 2017).
RANGE Test Reference Year - TRY 2080
Exterior walls have a more visible effect on building
48 Energy-retrofit strategies energy use and space heating demand!
U = 0.55 W/m2K existing state 180

Annual Energy use (kWh/m2/yr)

U = 0.275 W/m2K preliminary calculation (provided by 140 U = 0.55 W/m2K
Finnish regulations):
4.2 Energy retrofit measures by

is run, which tests the effects of multiple shading U = 0.18 W/m2K 0.55 W/m2K x 0.5 = 0.275W/m2K
U = 0.17 W/m2K
types. Simulation results indicate that external ve- 100
U = 0.10 W/m2K
U = 0.17 W/m2K
building component netian blinds could offer higher comfort. Glazing Finnish upper limit 80

alone does not offer much energy-efficiency, and U = 0.15 W/m2K Swedish upper limit

the EUI changes are moderate. 40

U = 0.10 W/m2K high energy-efficiency 20

To see if any of the building components has a standard! 0
larger effect on improving annual energy demand, This may be because it’s not tested in combina- Total Energy Use Space heating
(kWh/m2 yr) Energy Use
Net carbon

carbon emissions or thermal comfort, they are first tion with insulation or other passive retrofit mea- (kWh/m2 yr) (kgCo2e/m2 yr)

simulated separately and then grouped in combina- sures discussed earlier. Heating energy use shows
tions. First simulations are done using a range of a slight variability, with lower energy consumption
needs when higher g-value is tested hence more Test Reference Year TRY 2020 and TRY 2080
U values (W/m2K) for thermal transmittance, g-val- Annual heatıng energy demand is similar within the roof
ues for heat gains and air leakage rates (l/sm2) for solar heat gain is calculated but it is not enough to
120 U value range of 0.15 - 0.09 W/m2K!
make a clear distinction. U = 0.38 W/m2K existing state
airtightness (Figure B5) while other building com-

Space heatıng energy (kWh/m2/yr)

ponents stay in original condition. U = 0.15 W/m2K 100

The windows can be tested in combination with in-
Simulation results show that the effects of the pas- sulation and other envelope improvements to have U = 0.13 W/m2K values from literature 80

sive measures are significantly low, when they are a better result, but the simulation points out that the U = 0.10 W/m2K 60
applied alone. Most of the energy use is due to north facing apartments have a considerably high
energy demand for heating along with the ground U = 0.09 W/m2K Finnish upper limit
space heating and when the heat travels to colder 40

bodies, the building envelope acts as one element. and top floors. Improvements can be made on the
Improving the walls while the roof remains ineffi- roof and floor insulation as well as façade.
cient or there are cracks on the wall near the win- 0

dows does not stop the heat loss, but rather creates The original HVAC system of the building (district U = 0.38 W/m2K U = 0.15
(original) W/m2K
U = 0.13
U = 0.09

a thermal bridge effect which weakens the whole heating with hydronic radiators, mechanical venti-
envelope. lation with no heat recovery) is compared with new
250 The effect of floor U-value on annual energy consumption
systems like mechanical ventilation with 45% heat is very low, compared to other components!
Some elements have less impact on energy effi- recovery, water source heat pump fan coils (open 200
loop and closed loop), fan coils with a central plant U = 0.44 W/m2K existing state
ciency than others. For example, the lowest chang-


EUI (kWh/m2/yr)
es are due to the ground floor. This can be because and VRF fan coils. The units are all Dedicated Out- U = 0.15 W/m2K values from literature
150 TRY 2020

all other elements (external walls, roof, glazing) door Air Systems DOAS where the outside air is 100
TRY 2030

are in direct contact with outdoor air, sun, wind or dehumidified, and its temperature is conditioned U = 0.10 W/m2K Finnish upper limit TRY 2050

precipitation on one side, and conditioned indoor before being supplied. A heat recovery rate of 90% 50 TRY 2080

space on the other hence temperature differences is applied and SFP value within the range of 1.00 -
are higher. 1.50 W/Ls. U = 0.44 W/m2K U = 0.10 W/m2K

The ground floor sits on top of the earth soil which At least two different heating energy sources are
has constant temperatures. This floor doesn’t re- tested, them being district heating, electric/gas Performance of different window types, with and
ceive extra heat from another apartment below or boilers and/or heat pumps. Natural ventilation is Original windows: U = 2.10 W/m2K; g = 0.70 %100 without shading elements
tested as integrated with the HVAC system of the Test Reference Year - TRY 2080
from the sun so it’s important that it has good insu- Window Type 2: U = 1.40 W/m2K; g = 0.75

lation and surface material properties. If the indoor building, where all windows are fully operable. The 80

space needs additional heat gains, the exposed windows are assumed closed when the building is WINDOWS Window Type 3: U = 1.00 W/m2K; g = 0.70 70

floor can be used as a thermal mass by choosing a unoccupied, and when it is windy outside. Natural 60

ventilation as well as HVAC system are assumed Window Type 4: U = 1.00 W/m2K; g = 0.60
surface material that absorbs and stores the solar 50

heat. active when the indoor temperatures are out of the Window Type 5: U = 1.00 W/m2K; g = 0.50 40

defined temperature range of 21-27°C. 30

Window Type 6: U = 0.80 W/m2K; g = 0.49
Glazing is another measure that is often pursued in 20

energy retrofits. As discussed, the aging and lower As expected, higher heat recovery rates have a Window Type 7: U = 0.80 W/m2K; g = 0.40 10

performance of the windows may result in heat loss significant effect on building energy demand. Us- 0 Original Type Type Type Type Type Type Type

ing heat pumps has resulted in highest energy effi- Window Type 8: U = 0.65 W/m2K; g = 0.50 windows 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
and higher energy consumption. Integrated shad-
ing is very common in Finland, where the venetian ciency while fan coils with central plant and Variable
Refrigerant Volume (VRF) fan coils could reduce AIRTIGHTNESS
blinds are placed by the manufacturer in between
the glass layers of the window. Since this option the annual energy by around 41%. It can save sig- Values within 1.00 - 3.00 m3/m2h reduce heat loss
was not available in simulation controls, external nificant energy because of the refrigerant flow rate significantly
and speed based on specific space demand which reference airtightness q50 = 6.00 m3/m2h 200 150
shading with venetian blinds is applied in the sim- kWh/m2yr q50 = 6.00 q50 = 3.00 q50 = 1.00 kWh/m2yr

ulations. In addition, a response curve simulation is controlled by the occupants. However, previous tested airtightness q50 = 3.50 - 1.00 m3/m2h m3/m2h m3/m2h m3/m2h

Figure B5. Parameters used for different building components in preliminary simulations. The results are used to identify optimal measures that
can offer better energy-efficiency, lower carbon emissions and/or higher thermal comfort.
50 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 51

studies have also identified GSHP and EAHP as buildings. Therefore, multiple HVAC systems need
optimal solutions in existing buildings. Moreover, to be tested in combination with passive retrofit
VRF fan coils usually work with natural gas which measures to find optimal solutions.
is imported to Finland hence not very common in

For the test reference year 2020, current windows with shading provide around 90% average thermal comfort
(staircases are excluded from results) with the largest share of discomfort in apartments being due to colder
temperatures. Staircases experience overheating, likely because they hold a central position in the floor plan,
and have no operable windows to release the heat. Comfort levels also differ by seasonal changes, orientation
and location of the apartments.

North facing apartment units have less to none overheating, around 0.3% of the occupied time. However, the
discomfort due to colder temperatures is around 16% in the floors 2-4 and around 49% in the ground and top
floors. This may be because of the lack of direct solar radiation and high window to wall ratio among with insuf-
ficient insulation. The added amount of glazing, operable windows and balcony doors on the North façade can
lower the indoor temperatures. The balconies also act as horizontal shading that can block a part of the sun
from entering space. Since the thermal conductivity of windows is high, having a good solar heat gain coeffi-
cient doesn’t solve the problem, probably because the spaces cannot keep the heat inside for long due to air
leakage and heat flow.

The insulation is the same for all external walls. While the insulation layers are a part of the sandwich concrete
panels, this uniform envelope on the Northern wall may not be enough to provide needed insulation. Therefore,
the apartments built using concrete panel structure become vulnerable to cold in shaded facades. If the build-
ing is simulated with a better window type, for example U = 0.65, g = 0.4, all apartments in the 2-4 floors are
comfortable most of the time which means improving windows does have a visible effect on heating demand.
But the condition of north facing apartments on the ground floor and the 5th floor are not completely improved.
They still experience around 45% discomfort, and it may be improved with added insulation.


North facing apartment units and

corner apartment units don’t have a
straight facade. The corners and

edges leave more of the exterior wall


surfaces exposed to wind and may

raise the effect of thermal bridges.
Corner units have a slightly higher
value of overheating compared to
North-facing units, due to the solar
heat gains in the morning or after-
0 5 10 20


South facing apartments don’t have a big discomfort problem. Colder hours are often experienced in the
ground and top floors. The smallest apartment unit is by far the best in terms of comfort, probably due to its
position in the middle, small size and south orientation. Overheating is likely in this apartment unit in the future,
therefore solar heat gain coefficient must be chosen carefully.

With a U value of 0.8 - 0.65 W/m2K and a low solar heat gain coefficient of around 4.5, the results are
constant, providing comfortable environments. Shading helps, which can be because it acts as an additional
layer that keeps part of the heat inside as well as accumulate thermal mass even though studies suggest that
internal shading is a better choice if the blinds are to be used for this purpose.
Triple Glazing U=1.00 W/m2K SHGC = 0.7 The first combination (A-01) of energy retrofit
52 Energy-retrofit strategies
measures aims at reaching the minimum
energy efficiency standards for existing build-

Shading from 3D model (balconies)
ings in Finland. The input data for this combi-

Automated Shading (External Venetian
4.3 Energy retrofit measures in The results for Combination A 01 are similar for
three of the Finnish thermal zones (Vantaa, Joki- Blinds, closed when +27.0 °C)
nation comes from the Finnish energy efficien-
cy regulations and results can be used to
combinations oinen and Jyvaskyla) and retrofitting by building Exterior Wall U = 0.17 W/m2K discuss the energy performance that these
measures provide as well as possible changes
component requirements given in Finnish national
Energy retrofit combinations are developed from regulations can result in annual energy use intensi- Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K that may be needed. The thermal transmit-
the literature review (chapter 2) and preliminary ty below the Finnish energy-efficiency limit of 130 tance of building envelope elements is
energy performance simulations by building com- kWh/m2 per year. Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K improved, automated external venetian blinds
ponents. As the main conclusion of the first thesis are simulated with a zone temperature thresh-
part, almost all the 1960’s concrete-panel apart- Combination A 01 can reduce the annual energy Airtightness q50 = 6.00 m3/hm2 old of 27°C above which the blinds are
ments in cold climates have similarly high space use in these thermal zones by 40%, space heating assumed closed to prevent overheating and
energy consumption by 53% and carbon emissions Mechanical ventilation with 45% heat mechanical ventilation system is improved by
heating demand, which represents most of the total recovery
annual energy use. by 46%. Differences can be seen in thermal zone adding a 45% heat recovery and lowering the
IV, Sodankyla which is characterized by arctic cli- District heating specific fan power SFP of the air handling unit
Literature review and preliminary simulations by mate (Figure B6). AHU to 1.00 Watts per liter per second.
building component have shown that key measures
affecting space heating are very high efficiency Applying stricter measures by keeping the ther-
standards of building envelope (especially exterior mal transmittance of walls, floor and roof within
walls and roof), heat recovery in mechanical venti- the range of 0.10-0.15 W/m2K, lowers consump-
lation (90% or more) and heat pumps in HVAC sys- tion even more, reaching an energy use intensity
tems. EUI value of approx. 60-70 kWh/m2 per year. Such
measures are included in Combinations A-02;03;04
which test the passive strategies on the building This is a comparison of how the building performs in its original condition when
Exterior walls with a U value between 0.10-0.15 W/ simulated in future climate years. According to Finnish regulations, when an exist-
m2K, perform better in terms of energy efficiency. to see how they improve energy efficiency without
considering additional energy use or replacement ing residential apartment building is retrofitted, it must have ≤130kWh/m2 of
This range is quite close to the Finnish upper limit EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
annual energy consumption. Therefore, energy retrofit measures must reduce
of 0.17 W/m2K as well, hence can be chosen in ret- of mechanical systems (Figure B7). Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
current energy needs by at least 34%. This reduction is possible for Vantaa,

net kgCO2e/yr
rofit applications. The Finnish limit U value for roof when Finnish requirements by building component are followed. However,
thermal conductivity is already very high, 0.09 W/ A-02 uses very low thermal conductivity values for
nearly half of the overall energy is consumed for space heating and there is a

m2K, which is why it is used in all retrofit combina- building envelope elements and assumes that the 250
building is completely airtight, which will result in potential for much higher energy efficiency if this consumption is targeted sepa-
tions. Also, the effect of ground floor was found to 200
be very little, when simulated for the U values be- a considerable energy saving. However, it is often
tween 0.44 - 0.10 W/m2K. Therefore, the limit value hard to reach these values for an existing building 130
kWh/m2 yr
in real life for many reasons. For example, it may

of Norway and Sweden, I.e., 0.15 W/m2K is used in 100

133 . 556
not be cost effective for the investor, hard or impos-

all applications.






sible to implement on site or result in higher carbon




kWh/m2 yr

emissions due to the embodied carbon that derives 0

Airtightness is simulated using values q50 = 2.00 Thermal Zone I (Vantaa)
and 3.00 m3/hm2, which represent a very high ener- from the materials. Therefore, A-03 is tested in ad- Base case - TRY2020 A 01 - TRY2020 A 01 - TRY2030 A 01 - TRY2050 A 01 - TRY2080

gy-efficiency standard. This is because 1960’s con- dition, which is more flexible and applicable for the
crete panel apartments are very energy-intensive studied apartment building.
buildings which suffer from air leakage and most
likely have damaged airtightness layers in need of Finally, A-04 is a mixed strategy that targets the ef- The effects of extreme weather can clearly be seen in simulation results. The
improvement. As stated before, any interventions fects of building orientation, by specifying different annual energy demand is as high as 238 kWh/m2 while the space heating
by residents on the walls can break the airtightness passive strategies (exterior wall insulation and win- demand is 149 kWh/m2. To reach the Finnish energy-efficiency requirements, a
EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
layer, not to mention the building is occupied since dow efficiency) on different facades. Considering Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
reduction of at least 55% is required, which cannot be achieved when Finnish

construction. the simulation results that show how some surfaces net kgCO2e/yr requirements by building component are followed. Also, the space heating
are more vulnerable than the others, North façade demand is much higher than the EnerPHit standard of 30 kWh/m2 per year.

The effects of mechanical systems are found to be is assumed to have thicker insulation and windows 250
dependent on passive measures as well as chosen with higher solar heat gain coefficients, while South
system efficiency. Therefore, mechanical ventila- facing façade has less insulation and lower heat
tion with heat recovery, water source heat pump fan gain. 150

coils, fan coils with a central plant and VRF fan coils
kWh/m2 yr

The aim of testing these combinations is to find out 122 . 238

163 . 360
are tested in passive+active retrofit combinations.




81 . 600
89 . 671

69 . 249
whether the difference in external factors can be 50
They are tested with at least two different heating



balanced and accounted for different parts of the
kWh/m2 yr

energy sources (district heating, electric boiler, heat 0

pump), in order to look at the changes in energy building. Main parameters used in simulations as Thermal Zone I (Vantaa)
Base case - TRY2030
Thermal Zone IV (Sodankyla)
Base case - TRY2030 A 01 - TRY2030 A 01 - TRY2050 A 01 - TRY2080
efficiency and carbon emissions. well as full list of results from each measure are
listed in Appendix B.
Figure B6. Energy use intensity, space heating energy use and carbon emissions of the building after its retrofitted using Combination A 01. The
results are given for Finnish thermal zone 1 and 4, to discuss on differences due to weather conditions.
(%) Reductions
EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
54 Energy-retrofit strategies
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)

The amount of heating energy that the building the interior plaster finish that is applied in the end of
needs in its original condition is approx. 110 kWh/m2 construction, but it is vulnerable to occupants’ ac- 45%
per year in Finnish thermal zones 1-3, and around tions because any intervention like holes or cracks
150 kWh/m2 per year in zone 4. It is interesting that on the wall will damage it (Pelsmakers, 2015). In (%) Reductions
Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K SHGC = 0.4

the energy consumption of the building is very sim- reality, it’s often hard to achieve and maintain this EUI (kWh/m2 yr)

ilar when simulated for Finnish thermal zone 1 in standard in existing buildings, because occupant Shading from 3D model (balconies) Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
TRY2020 and thermal zone 3 in TRY2030. behavior cannot be predicted. Automated Shading (External Venetian Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)

Blinds, closed when +27.0 °C) 90% THERMAL

This indicates that the energy retrofit options for Previously conducted passive energy retrofit mea- ZONE
Southern regions today can be effective solutions sures are also tested coupled with four different Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K 1,2,3
77% 71.8%
in central Finland in the near future. While combi- HVAC systems to see how the active systems con- Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
nation A 01 may result in almost 50% reduction in tribute to the building energy performance and its Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K
heating energy consumption (58 kWh/m2 yr), the space heating demand in particular (Figure B8). 87.2% THERMAL
simulations for combinations A 02, 03 and 04 show Combinations in group B use the passive mea- Airtightness q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2 ZONE
a reduced demand by an average of 86% (13-20 sures of A-02, group C use the measures of A-03 Mechanical ventilation with 90% heat 4
recovery 78.56%
kWh/m2 yr) in Finnish thermal zones 1-3, which is and group D use the measures of A-04.
also lower than the EnerPHit space heating limit District heating
(≤30kWh/m2 yr). Lastly, E-17 tests the minimum Finnish energy-effi-
ciency requirements by building component, along
(%) Reductions
Since the heating energy demand can be reduced with replacing the original HVAC system instead Triple Glazing U=0,80 W/m2K SHGC = 0.5 EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
to much lower values, it may be possible for Finnish of repairing it. The technical parameters of tested

65.5% Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
regulations to meet the EnerPhit standard if they HVAC systems are listed in Appendix B. Simulat- Shading from 3D model (balconies)

have higher mechanical system requirements. On ed measures show that the space heating energy Automated Shading (External Venetian
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)

the other hand, these retrofit measures are not demand can be significantly lowered when using 84% THERMAL
Blinds, closed when +27.0 °C)
enough to have an energy efficient building for efficient systems (Figure B9). ZONE
Exterior Wall U = 0.15 W/m2K 1,2,3
Thermal Zone 4. The space heating demand is 72.3%
much higher than the EnerPHit standards, around Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K 66.8%
76 kWh/m2 in TRY 2030.
Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K
Looking at two retrofit combinations, respectively Airtightness q50 = 3.00 m3/hm2 ZONE
A-02 and A-04, they differ in the choice of exterior Mechanical ventilation with 90% heat 4
wall insulation and window type in façade surfaces. recovery
While A-02 assumes same requirements for each District heating
orientation, A-04 offers flexibility for the south facing
façade, assuming that the additional heat gains can
be balanced with higher heat transfer rates through
EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
the vertical surfaces. Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K SHGC = 0.4
Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)

The simulation results are almost identical, mean- Exterior Wall U = 0.15 W/m2K Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)

ing that in some cases, similar energy-efficiency 69.4%
performances might be achieved with less insula- WEST / NORTH / EAST FACADE

tion or fewer cost simply by making use of the build- THERMAL
Triple Glazing U=0,80 W/m2K SHGC = 0.5 89%
ing form and orientation.
Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K ZONE
Apart from these factors, difference in façade/fin- 76.7%
ish color and texture, combinations of shading sys- COMMON MEASURES
tems by form, materiality and movement as well
Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
as the effect of the urban and natural environment 71.4%
can have significant effects on the performance of Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K
energy retrofit strategies. Hence, they need to be Airtightness q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2
Mechanical ventilation with 90% heat 86.6% THERMAL
studied further integrated with the energy retrofit ZONE
combinations. recovery
District heating 4
Except for the additional heat gains, another rea- Shading from 3D model (balconies)
son for this similarity can be the specified high air- Automated Shading (External Venetian
tightness standard. The airtightness layer can be Blinds, closed when +27.0 °C)
Figure B7. Passive retrofit combinations, A 01, A 02, A 03 and A 04, and their effect on reducing building energy use and related carbon
Heating energy
COBMINATION A 02 source (%) Reductions
Effects of various retrofit combinations on annual energy use B 07

Water source heat pump fan coils District Heating EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
B 05 intensity and space heating demand, in Vantaa and Sodankyla 73%
(open loop)


Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K Electric Boiler provide more than 50% reductions!
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)
SHGC = 0.4
Water source heat pump fan coils District Heating
Shading from 3D model (balconies) B 06 B 07


(closed loop) Electric Boiler 200

EUI (kWh/m2/yr)
Automated Shading (External 1,2,3
Venetian Blinds) B 150 81% 77%
Fan coil units with a central plant District Heating
Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K B 07 100
Heat pump THERMAL
Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K 50 95%
Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K Variable Refrigerant Flow fan coils
Original B 06 B 07 B 08 Original B 06 B 07 B 08 4
B 08 Heat pump 84%
Thermal Zone I (Vantaa) Thermal Zone IV (Sodankyla)
Airtightness q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2

Heating energy THERMAL ZONE 4 - SODANKYLA - TRY2030

COBMINATION A 03 source Energy retrofit strategies and their effect on the building energy use breakdown (%) Reductions
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
C 11 EUI (kWh/m2 yr)

Water source heat pump fan coils District Heating energy
C 09
(open loop)
(HP) E 17 use 71% Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)

Electric Boiler

Triple Glazing U=0,80 W/m2K (HP) D 16
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)
SHGC = 0.5 (HP) D 15
Water source heat pump fan coils District Heating 94%
Shading from 3D model (balconies) (DH) D 15

(closed loop) Electric Boiler (EB) D 14 C 11
Automated Shading (External 1,2,3
Venetian Blinds)
(DH) D 14 80% 74%
(EB) D 13
Fan coil units with a central plant District Heating
Exterior Wall U = 0.15 W/m2K C 11 (DH) D 13
Heat pump THERMAL
Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K (HP) C 12
(HP) C 11
Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K Variable Refrigerant Flow fan coils 4
C 12 Heat pump (DH) C 11

Airtightness q50 = 3.00 m3/hm2 (EB) C 10
(DH) C 10
(EB) C 09

COBMINATION A 04 (DH) C 09 (%) Reductions

D 15 EUI (kWh/m2 yr)

(HP) B 08
source (HP) B 07 Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K

(DH) B 07 Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)

SHGC = 0.4 Water source heat pump fan coils District Heating

(open loop) (EB) B 06 97%


Exterior Wall U = 0.15 W/m2K Electric Boiler (DH) B 06 ZONE

(EB) B 05 1,2,3 D 15
Water source heat pump fan coils District Heating 81%


Triple Glazing U=0,80 W/m2K (closed loop) Electric Boiler (DH) A 04 77%
SHGC = 0.5 (DH) A 03
Shading from 3D model (balconies) Fan coil units with a central plant District Heating (DH) A 02
D 15
Automated Shading (External Heat pump (DH) A 01 ZONE
Venetian Blinds) (DH) BASE CASE
district heating - DH Heating energy
Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K D 16 Variable Refrigerant Flow fan coils Heat pump electric boiler - EB Internal loads (lighting + appliances)
heat pump - HP Other (fans, ventilation, cooling, heat pumps, system)
Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K EUI (kWh/m2 yr) Finnish EUI (%) Reductions
< 130 kWh/m2 yr
Airtightness q50 = .00 m3/hm2 Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr) EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
EnerPHit Heating energy E 17 Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr) <30 kWh/m2 yr
65% Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)


A 01
Triple Glazing U=1.00 W/m2K ZONE

122 . 238 A 01
SHGC = 0.7 1-4






Shading from 3D model (balconies)



Thermal Zone I
Automated Shading (External Heating energy (Vantaa) TRY2030 E 17 - TRY2030 E 17 - TRY2050 E 17 - TRY2080
Venetian Blinds) E 17 Fan coil units with a central plant 250
Heat pump A 01
Exterior Wall U = 0.17 W/m2K 200 49-53%
150 ZONE
Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
kWh/m2 yr


163 , 360

36 , 500

34 , 202

30 , 964

Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K




kWh/m2 yr
Thermal Zone IV
Airtightness q50 = 6.00 m3/hm2 (Sodankyla) TRY2030 E 17- TRY2030 E 17 - TRY2050 E 17 - TRY2080

Figure B8. Passive+Active retrofit measures. Figure B9. Key results from passive+active strategies.
58 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 59

Usually in Finland ground source and water source of strategies and there is a higher need for airtight fans, heat or cool the coils, supply energy for heat at the energy use breakdown by building opera-
heat pumps are referred to as highly efficient sys- buildings with proper insulation. pumps or chillers etc. In the passive combination tions in the thermal zone that has highest space
tems, especially for the 1960s buildings that have group (Group A), carbon emissions are reduced heating demand. Among passive strategies, A-02 is
higher space heating energy demands than the When the energy consumption levels are ana- by lower energy need for conditioning the spaces, most effective in targeting space heating demands,
new built (Häkämies et al., 2015). In the simula- lyzed, this study looks at operational carbon emis- such as adding higher heat recovery efficiency that where the heating energy use rate is reduced from
tions, water source heat pump fan coils that work sions too. From this perspective, an energy retrofit results in much less energy needs to heat the air, 76% to 30% out of total energy consumption of the
with the closed loop system can have higher reduc- of passive strategies with essential repairs to the low SFP value which uses less electricity to operate building.
tions in space heating demand rather than open original HVAC system can be an option. High re- or more energy-efficient systems like heat pumps
loop systems. ductions with only passive means are mostly pos- which can regulate the temperature using less Internal loads like lighting and appliances use 64%
sible because the old buildings have higher energy energy. As a result, reductions are achieved in all of the total energy after the retrofit, while they cov-
On the other hand, in concrete applications it’s needs, especially for space heating while they can- combinations, with highest rates in combinations A ered only 21% when the building is tested in original
possible that open loop systems have a better ef- not keep the heat inside due to aging of building 02-04, due to lower energy demands. condition. The improvements are even more visible
ficiency because they don’t work by absorbing the components, poor airtightness and insulation. for mixed combinations such as B-07 (fan coil units
water energy through pipes and there isn’t any tem- All the tested combinations can provide good in- and central plant, heating auxiliary energy source is
perature drop across the pipe (Heat Network Part- If on-site renewable energy systems like PV panels door thermal comfort, which stays within the tem- a heat pump), where the space heating can repre-
nership for Scotland, 2017). These effects cannot for electricity generation and solar thermal collec- perature range of 21°C - 27°C for more than 80% of sent around 13% of total energy demand, in which
be predicted by the software. Also, water quality tors are used, it is possible to reduce the emissions the time. However, applying the combination A-04 case internal loads cover 77% of the total use.
can result in pipe corrosion and freezing can occur more. 100m2 of PV panels on the roof, facing south for the year 2020 can result in 0% colder tempera-
due to the cold temperature of water, in which case with a tilt of 45° and an efficiency of 21% can gen- tures in North-facing apartments and around 0.3% By energy retrofit measures, space heating would
closed loop systems with an antifreeze mixture can erate around 20,687 kWh during TRY2030 and cut in South and West facing apartments while over- no longer be a primary concern for the building.
be a better choice. the emissions for 8%. The annual net electricity use heating is seen approx. 0.8% of the time, mostly in Also, it is possible for the lighting and equipment
is 162.189 kWh per year, 64% of which is used in the smallest apartment type (1.84% of the time). In to be upgraded to higher efficiency standards such
However, these systems are expensive and con- lighting and household appliances and around 30% the test reference year 2080, the simulations show as installing LED light bulbs and A++ equipment. It
sidering Finnish regulations look at economic fea- for space heating, respectively 65.839 kWh per the spaces can still be comfortable for more than might be possible to lower the total electricity (ener-
sibility too, air source heat pumps can be anoth- year. More efficient light bulbs and appliances can 80% of the time, but the average overheating rate is gy) demand to amounts that can be met with onsite
er solution for space heating energy savings at a also reduce the electricity use and related emis- around 3% in all apartment types. This overheating renewable energy generation, hence retrofit the
lower investment cost (Häkämies et al., 2015). The sions, while around 300m2 of PV panels would be rate can be reduced to nearly 0% with the use of building to the standards of net zero energy.
struggle of using such a system with an existing needed to supply the heating energy demands only. more efficient mechanical systems.
residential building can be the sizing of mechanical
units. Simulated fan coil systems are more efficient When the building is retrofitted using Finnish re- When the building is simulated in original condition
than using open loop water source heat pumps with quirements by building component along with fan for the thermal zone III (Jyvaskyla), the main dis-
district heating. Almost all the exhaust air heat is coil units and heat pumps, the energy use and car- comfort is seen in the top and basement floors, as
being recovered and heat pumps are used as heat- bon emissions are 39% lower than Combination A well as the dwellings that face north, all of which
ing and cooling coil sources to condition the supply 01 which uses the existing mechanical ventilation experience cold temperatures. For this zone, the
air. Also, water source heat pumps are slightly more system with 45% heat recovery. Thermal trans- passive combination A-04 can be used, since there
efficient when the heating hot water source is elec- mittance values seem to be less important than is a clear distinction on the thermal comfort based
tricity rather than district heating. mechanical system efficiency in the case of cold on building orientation and solar radiation. This
climates where heat recovery measures are import- combination results in 100% comfortable indoor
Including active strategies in retrofit combinations ant to balance the space heating needs. temperatures through the year. Also, the thermal
could reduce these energy demands in Finnish comfort can be maintained for more than 80% of
thermal zone 4, to around 50 kWh/m2 for the annu- Therefore, the minimum Finnish energy efficiency the year by choosing the combination E-17, which
al energy use and 7 kWh/m2 for space heating en- regulations can be improved from the perspective represents lower passive retrofit standards with a
ergy. While the supply and return temperatures for of better technical requirements. In order to en- more efficient HVAC system.
district heating are constant inputs for all weather sure low energy demand and low carbon emissions
locations, delivering the water at this temperature when the technical system requirements are con- The main problem of the building in thermal zone
might require more energy in this location, which sidered instead, attention can be paid to the heat- 4, is experiencing cold temperatures for around 30-
cannot be determined in simulations. ing and cooling energy sources, such as using heat 54% of the year. Hence when the building enve-
pumps with a COP of 4.5, using electricity for the lope is improved, the only discomfort is due to over-
Using water source heat pumps with passive strat- heating and cooling coils instead of gas fired boil- heating on the South-facing apartments, which can
egies result in higher energy demands. When the ers, choosing fans that have a specific fan power of occur for around 0.2-0.6% within a year. Including
combination A-01 is tested with the active systems 1.00 or better etc. efficient active systems in retrofit combinations will
such as fan coil units with heat pumps (E-17), the then be mainly for reducing annual energy use and
space heating demand in TRY2030 is around 30 The main energy source for building operations like reaching very low energy demand.
kWh/m2 which is the limit value of EnerPHit stan- lighting, equipment or HVAC is electricity which is
dard. Colder temperatures and less amounts of supplied by a central plant. In HVAC systems, elec- In order to find the strategy which can lower the
radiation over the year reduce the effectiveness tricity can be used for heating the spaces, operate space heating energy demand most, we can look
60 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 61

EUI (kWh/m2 yr) Finnish EUI (%) Reductions

5. Conclusions According to literature, achieving very high ener-

gy-efficiency in concrete panel apartments is pos-
Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
< 130 kWh/m2 yr
EnerPHit Heating energy
EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
Emissions (kgCO2e/yr) <30 kWh/m2 yr
This work looks at the long-term energy perfor- sible with ambitious passive and active strategies, Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)
mance of retrofit combinations on concrete pan- often targeting nearly/net zero energy building stan- 250
E 17

dards (U = 0.1 - 0.07 W/m2K; Window U = 0.6 - 0.7 A 01 65%

el buildings from 1960’s. The main purpose is to 200 + Fan coil units with a

define optimal energy-retrofit combinations for W/m2K; q50= 1.00-3.00 m3/m2h). 150
central plant
82% THERMAL + heat pump for heating
different regions in Finland, which are effective for

100 ZONE energy source
a long period of time, this way pro-longing the One of the energy-retrofit solutions proposed in re-
76.5% 1-4

50 + heat recovery 90%
search from Holopainen et al. (2016) was a combi-



lifespan of the building and reducing maintenance 0
needs. nation of wall U value = 0.14-0.09 W/m2 K, roof U Thermal Zone I
E 17 - TRY2030 E 17 - TRY2050 E 17 - TRY2080
value = 0.1-0.08 W/m2 K, floor U value = 0.15 W/ (Vantaa) TRY2030

For this purpose, building energy-efficiency reg- m2K, window U value = 0.7 W/m2 K, heat pumps 250
A 01 A 01
ulations of cold climates (Norway, Sweden, Es- and PV panels. This combination reduced the 200
Window U=1.00 W/m2K SHGC = 0.7

tonia, Lithuania, Finland) and literature review of space heating energy demand from 130 kWh/m2 150 41% Shading from 3D model (balconies)

energy retrofits in these countries are analyzed. to 50-19 kWh/m2 per year. Niemelä et al. (2017b) 130
kWh/m2 yr
Automated Shading (External Venetian)

This helped to understand the building energy also proposed a similar combination for a nearly 49-53% THERMAL Exterior Wall U = 0.17 W/m2K

zero-energy building, (new wall U value = 0.11 W/




needs in cold climates and retrofitting means

kWh/m2 yr
0 1-4 Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
to address them. The literature identified existing m2 K, 280 mm insulation; roof U value = 0.07 Thermal Zone IV 45%
Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K
concrete-panel apartments of the 1960’s as ener- W/m2 K, 400 mm insulation; window U value = (Sodankyla) TRY2030 E 17- TRY2030 E 17 - TRY2050 E 17 - TRY2080

0.7 W/m2 K and g-value 0.42, new district heating Airtightness q50 = 6.00 m3/hm2
gy-intensive and in need of retrofits. Hence, a simi- Figure B10. Simulation results on energy use intensity, space heating energy demand and carbon emissions of the existing apartment building
lar case study building from Finland is simulated for substation).
when its retrofitted according to Combination A 01 (Finnish requirements by building component and minimum technical requirements) and Com-
testing new energy-retrofit combinations in Finnish bination E 17 (Finnish requirements by building component and a new HVAC system with heat pump).
thermal zones. Final simulations in this thesis have a quite similar
outcome for the same case study building, show-
The effects of retrofit strategies vary when tested ing that especially space heating energy can be
in different Finnish thermal zones. Southern and reduced to a large extent (~90%) with a tight, ef-
Southeast regions, respectively Thermal zones ficient envelope (U≤0.1 W/m2K; q50= 2.00-3.00
I-III have a shorter heating season and lower space m3/m2h). However, future climate data indicates an
increased overheating risk (up to 6% in TRY2080)
heating demands. Solar heat gains result in more
overheating in buildings. When the building is ret- with these combinations, which means they need
rofitted by passive measures according to Finnish additional measures like adequate shading and/or RETROFIT MEASURES RETROFIT MEASURES
energy-efficiency standard (A-01), the buildings in HVAC systems to regulate indoor thermal comfort
these thermal zones might reduce their energy con- and lower the cooling loads.
sumption levels below the minimum annual energy SOUTH-FACING FACADE
Even though strict measures have a significant ef- Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K SHGC = 0.4
use consumption of 130 kWh/m2 per year. Howev- (%) Reductions Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K SHGC = 0.4
erm the requirements are not enough to reach the fect on the building energy use, current Finnish en- Shading from 3D model (balconies) EUI (kWh/m2 yr)
annual energy consumption target for the thermal ergy-efficiency standards (EUI≤130 kWh/m2yr) can Exterior Wall U = 0.15 W/m2K
be met with lower requirements (U≤0.17 W/m2K; Automated Shading (External Venetian Heating energy (kWh/m2 yr)
Zone-IV , where buildings would need either ex- Blinds, closed when +27.0 °C) Emissions (kgCO2e/yr)
tensive retrofits with better mechanical systems, or q50= 6.00 m3/m2h), given that improvements are
consistent throughout the envelope. Coupled with Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K
much stricter requirements for passive measures.
a new energy-efficient HVAC system (e.g. heat Triple Glazing U=0,80 W/m2K SHGC = 0.5
Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
When prioritizing space heating demand over to- pump fan coil units with a central plant), Finnish re-
Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K +86% Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K
tal energy use, maximum reductions that can be quirements by building component can reduce the +70%
achieved with A 01 for TRY2030 are between 50-60 annual space heating demand below 30 kWh/m2 Airtightness q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2
kWhm2, which is twice as much energy as the En- (Figure B10). Hence, investigating the potential of Mechanical ventilation with 90% heat +76%
improving Finnish limit values of technical sys- recovery Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
erPHit passivhaus standard for existing buildings
in cold climate. Hence, the building needs higher tems might raise the energy performance of build- District heating Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K
efficiency standards such as the retrofit measures ings to internationally recognized high energy-effi- Airtightness q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2
from combinations A-02;03;04, to reduce the ener- ciency standards. Mechanical ventilation with 90% heat
Final reductions in energy use intensity, space heating demand and
gy consumption levels below EnerPHit space heat- operational carbon emissions are similar for both combinations. recovery
ing limit. Simulation results show that seeking high- This indicates that the hybrid strategies might provide same results District heating
er standards on the building envelope can eliminate as very high energy efficiency standards, with less insulation and Shading from 3D model (balconies)
the need for extensive retrofits because they are investment cost, as upgrading envelope/facade components is often Automated Shading (External Venetian
successful in reducing the space heating demand the most expensive. Blinds, closed when +27.0 °C)
to a very large extent.
Figure B11. Hybrid passive strategies that can be effective in reducing building energy use and related carbon emissions.
62 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 63

Another solution is a hybrid strategy that has multi- siders the building as a whole. Effects of this ap-
ple retrofit options instead of using one combination proach on individual apartment units and their in- COBMINATION A 04 250

for the whole building. None of the studies diversi- door climate can be tested further, to look at the EXCEPTIONS: SOUTH FACADE 200

fy their retrofit strategies according to the possible heat movements across building envelope compo- Triple Glazing U=0,65 W/m2K
limitations of existing buildings. In response, a se- nents, space heat distribution and changes in occu- 150

EUI (kWh/m2 yr)

SHGC = 0.4 Fınnısh upper lımıt
lective approach is developed in this study to test pant comfort as well as other possible implications.

Exterior Wall U = 0.15 W/m2K 100

a mix of different retrofit measures based on façade
orientation (higher efficiency requirements in When it comes to max. possible energy-efficiency 50
areas that receive lower amounts of solar heat and low-carbon emissions, most research on retro- Triple Glazing U=0,80 W/m2K
gain). fits turn to Passivhaus requirements (extremely

SHGC = 0.5 original TRY TRY TRY original TRY TRY TRY
airtight, very low heating demand) and solar as- Shading from 3D model (balconies)
2030 2050 2080 2030 2050 2080

Results are very similar when compared to very sisted HVAC systems with heat pumps which use Fınnısh Thermal Zone 1 Fınnısh Thermal Zone 4

high energy-efficiency standards (Figure 11). This solar power as their energy supply. Solar assisted Automated Shading (External
means that similar results can be achieved follow- HVAC systems can be used in mixed retrofit strate- Venetian Blinds) 200

ing a selective rather than uniform approach, that gies to reduce energy consumption and operation- Exterior Wall U = 0.10 W/m2K

Space heatıng (kWh/m2 yr)


makes use of building form and orientation. It re- al carbon emissions, close to zero-energy building Roof U = 0.09 W/m2K
quires less investment cost hence could be optimal standards. 100

for users that struggle with financial limitations as Floor U = 0.15 W/m2K
EnerPhıt upper lımıt
well. Ground source and exhaust air heat pumps are the Airtightness q50 = .00 m3/hm2
most common choice as they are more efficient and/ 0
original TRY TRY TRY original TRY TRY TRY
Hence, the combinations using a hybrid strat- or can work integrated with district heating which is 2030 2050 2080 2030 2050 2080

egy would be most suitable for reducing building the main heating system of existing concrete-panel Fan coil units with a central plant Fınnısh Thermal Zone 1 Fınnısh Thermal Zone 4

energy use and preventing possible embodied car- apartments. Along with solar thermal collectors, PV
bon due to added insulation as well as when the ex- panels are proposed on the building roof or façade,
tensive retrofits exceed the investors financial ca- either integrated to the exterior wall or balcony rail- Combination D 15 uses

kWh/m2 yr
pacity. Including efficient HVAC systems in passive ings. hybrid strategy for
strategies that have such reductions could lower passive measures and

the annual energy use considerably, as a first step This study also investigated a variation of DOAS includes a new HVAC
towards reaching net-zero energy buildings. HVAC systems and their effects on both energy 250 system (heat pump fan
Base case
use and carbon emissions when heating energy coils with a central
If the maximum possible energy-efficiency is target- source is district heating, electric boiler or a Retrofit group A plant).
ed for the whole building, lower energy use inten- heat pump. Similar to the findings from literature Retrofit group B
sity can be achieved with passive strategies A-02 (Element Energy & Carbon Alternatives, 2016; 150 The simulation results
Retrofit group C
and A-04, and with passive+active that use heat Häkämies et al., 2015; Heat Network Partnership 130
kWh/m2 yr are pretty close to the
pumps as heating energy source. Among the for Scotland, 2017), heat pumps are found more 100 Retrofit group D + E Combination C 11
tested HVAC systems, combinations simulated with successful for low carbon emissions. Seeking high- which uses a uniform
a heat pump fan coil unit and central plant have er standards results in very low space heating de- 50 passive strategy where
resulted in highest energy-efficiency. mand which could be met with renewable energy. all of the building com-

0 C 11 ponents must have very

Combination A-02 reduces annual energy use in- A PV panel simulation was carried out in Sefaira for 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 kWh/m2 yr
kWh/m2 yr space heating energy high energy efficiency
tensity by an average of 70% in all thermal zones, Finnish Thermal Zone IV, under TRY2030 future cli- requirements, regard-
while mixed strategies such as B-07 (Combination mate scenario. As a result, 100m2 of PV panels (tilt less of orientation.
A 02 + heat pump fan coil units and a central plant) 45°, 21% efficiency) could generate around 20,687
can have a reduction of around 74% for southern kWh electricity per year hence ~130 m2 of PV pan- Figure B12. Effects on the building energy performance over the years for all proposed retrofit strategies in general and Combination D 15
and central Finland and 77.3% for Northern regions. els on the roof would supply the total space heating in particular.
energy if the building is retrofitted using Combi-
Overall, A hybrid / selective retrofit strategy con- nation D15 (selective retrofit strategy for passive simulations do not consider the surrounding urban Further study: The renewable energy generation
sidering building’ physical limitations might have measures + fan coil units with a central plant + heat environment of the building in actual situations. While systems and their contribution to the building en-
similar results to more extreme strategies such as pump as heating energy source, see Figure B12). Apartment No 64 doesn’t have any buildings or vegetation ergy performance can be investigated further, as a
high insulation, with less ambitious energy-efficien- that shades the PV panels and lowers their efficiency, this part of the selective retrofit strategy. Also, this study
cy requirements. Another simulation tested 90° angle PV panels, as might not be the case for all existing buildings. considers reference limit values according to Finn-
façade-integrated panels were used in energy-ret- ish standards for improving lighting and equipment,
Further study: Thermal bridges can occur in joints/ rofitting Apartment no 64 in Sweden (Indrelid & hence modelling actual use with more efficient ap-
corners with differing thermal transmittance. The OBOS, 2021; Qu et al., 2020). It resulted in 15,328 pliances can reduce total energy demand and low-
selective retrofit strategy also proposes different kWh/yr electricity generation, around 25% less than er the target amount of energy generation.
U-values based on façade and orientation. It con- using the optimal angle by location. However, these
64 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 65

Most of the energy retrofit strategies can still be ef- HVAC systems. Blinds are assumed closed when
fective in future climate change scenarios if devel- indoor temperatures exceed 27˚ C and windows
oped with future proofing in mind. are simulated as operable which considers the

Climate change is a reality, and we are already ex-

option that users might open their windows even
when a supply and extract mechanical ventilation
Key Findings:
periencing effects like heat waves, forest fires and is simulated for the building. This configuration has The physical limitations of existing buildings can be inves-
floods. These events are not likely to stop in the resulted in comfortable indoor temperatures, with tigated to their advantage to develop optimal retrofit strate-
near future, so we need to think and plan our retrofit 1.8-3.6 % overheating occurring in Finnish thermal gies. For instance, a hybrid/selective strategy considering
in advance. One of the measures to lower emis- zone 1, 1-2% in thermal zones 2 and 3, and less building’ physical limitations might have similar results to
sions also proposed in research from Häkämies et than 1% in Finnish thermal zone 4, under TRY2080 more extreme strategies such as high insulation, with less
al. (2015), is installing renewable energy systems future climate model. ambitious energy-efficiency requirements.
and heat pumps integrated to district heating These
measures coupled with gradual decarbonization Further study: The rising temperatures and other Passive retrofit combinations with a high energy efficien-
of energy mix, will reduce carbon emissions today weather changes can influence the wellbeing of oc- cy standard such as A 02 (Uwall = 0.1 W/m2K; Uroof = 0.9 W/m2K;
and may develop into zero-carbon emissions in the cupants and buildings alike. Very hot weather, too Ufloor = 0.15 W/m2K; q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2) and hybrid combinations
long-term. much insulation, moisture, insufficient ventilation, such as A 04 ( Uwindow = 0.8 W/m2K; Usouth window= 0.65 W/m2K; Uwall =
bad air quality etc. can result in health problems 0.10 W/m2K; Usouth wall = 0.15 W/m2K; Uroof = 0.9 W/m2K; Ufloor = 0.15 W/
On the other hand, future climate models are not and sick building syndrome, damage the concrete m2K; q50 = 2.00 m3/hm2) might effectively reduce annual energy
usually considered in research on energy retrofits. layer of the building if external insulation is not ap- consumptions by more than 86%, space heating demand
Therefore, the developed strategies in this study plied during retrofit etc. Effects of very strict retrofit by 70% and operational carbon emissions by 76%, in all
were tested in future weather models (TRY2020 – measures can be studied further. Also, the extent of Finnish thermal zones. The strategies are likely to provide
TRY2080) to look at the possible changes in en- reliance on shading to prevent heating while block- very similar results in future climates, for instance both of
ergy efficiency or thermal comfort. Both passive ing daylight and visual connection can be studied in the tested combinations result in 6 kWh/m2 yr of space heat-
and mixed strategies resulted in approx. 56-77 % relation to unpredicted occupant behavior. Surveys ing demand in TRY2080
reductions in TRY2030 and maintain good energy and on-site inspections could be helpful to deter-
performance over a 50-year period, with lower en- mine maintenance needs and possible implications These passive measures are found to be most effective
ergy demand and carbon emissions. Hybrid pas- in the future. when combined with active retrofit measures as well, such
sive measures (Combination A 04) and very high as the combinations B 07 (A 02 + heat pump fan coils with central
energy-efficiency standards (Combination A 02) plant) and D 15 (A 04 + heat pump fan coils with central plant), pro-
reduced the space heating energy demand to 12 viding 95-97% reductions in space heating, depending on
kWh/m2 for the TRY 2080. Overheating in the ther- building location.
mal zone of Vantaa was seen around 3% of the time
with these combinations, otherwise experienced Improving Finnish energy-efficiency regulations’ limit values
around 5% of the time. for technical systems, might raise the energy performance
of Finnish buildings to internationally recognized high en-
Similar combinations from literature which aim at ergy-efficiency standards. For instance, combination E 17
low-energy and low-carbon buildings such as wall (Finnish requirements by building component + heat pump fan coils)
U value = 0.09 – 0.11 W/m2K, roof U value = 0.07 might reduce the space heating needs in Finnish thermal
W/m2K, floor U value = 0.15 W/m2K, window U val- zone IV below EnerPHit limits (from 149 kWh/m2yr to 30 kWh/
ue = 0.7 W/m2K, ground source / exhaust air heat m2yr in TRY2030)
pumps (Häkämies et al., 2015; Holopainen et al.,
2016; Niemelä et al., 2017b), are likely to perform Solar assisted HVAC systems can be used in mixed retrofit
efficiently in the following years. This is mainly be- strategies to reduce energy consumption and operational
cause temperatures are predicted to rise and not carbon emissions, close to zero-energy building standards
fall, and it only strengthens the need of insulated,
airtight buildings. Future weather data and preliminary simulations can help
develop retrofit strategies which are effective in the long
With these strategies in mind, rising energy demand term, since potential risks like overheating or colder tem-
and emissions as well as the risk of overheating peratures could be identified
and occupant wellbeing should be considered while
planning the retrofit. Recent research has tested
overheating mitigation strategies (Sukanen, 2020),
pointing out the importance of natural ventilation
and blinds as key measures in eliminating future
overheating. This study also looks at how opera-
ble windows and automated blinds can work with
66 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 67

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74 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 75

Table 1. Summary: Literature Review of Academic Studies, Energy-retrofit applications in cold climates
Literature review Energy-retrofit measures Energy-retrofit strategies Conclusions / Comments
Apartment no 64 in Passive measures Active measures and renewable Strategies: Prioritizing space heating energy efficiency for old buildings in cold
Bertramjordet housing energy systems  Passive combinations climate can significantly reduce the overall energy demand.
complex (Qu et al.,  Thermal insulation (U = 0.1  Mechanical ventilation with  Passive + active combinations
2020) W/m2K, vacuum insulation panel) heat recovery (86%)  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems This can be done by retrofit measures like efficient windows, new
 Improved airtightness (EPDM  Temperature control (room airtightness layer, heat recovery in mechanical ventilation or efficient
Place and year: sensors) Evaluation criteria: heating systems like ground source heat pumps.
 Efficient windows (Uglazing = 0.62 Efficient lighting (LED lighting)
Oslo, Norway (1987) W/m2K)
 “fabric priority” – building envelope upgrades
 Ground source heat pump “renewable in supplement” - renewable energy systems The possible differences in occupant behavior which could lead to
 Solar thermal collector “avoid complicated installation” higher consumption can be targeted by using temperature sensors
 Photovoltaic panels that control the space heating.
Under these criteria, combinations with a maximum number of
4 measures are proposed: Using renewable energy systems like thermal collectors or PV panels
(1) efficient windows, airtightness, temperature control sensors, can help reduce the carbon emissions related to primary energy use.
ground source heat pump;
(2) efficient windows, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery,
ground source heat pump;
(3) efficient windows, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery,
ground source heat pump, building integrated PV panels.
Energy-retrofit of an Passive measures Active measures and renewable The building facades can be used for PV panel integration, either on
apartment block in energy systems top of the existing wall or as balcony railings. Even though they won’t
Bertramjordet housing  Thermal insulation of the  Mechanical ventilation with be as effective as PV panels on the roof with optimal sun angles, they
complex (OBOS, 2021) building envelope heat recovery N/A can contribute to decarbonizing the energy supply.
 Efficient windows and  Façade-integrated
Place and year: balcony doors photovoltaic panels on the Also, vertical PV panels are less likely to be covered by leaves or
Oslo, Norway (1987) balcony railings and exterior branches which would reduce their efficiency or cause stretches and
wall marks on the panel surface.
Swedish Million Passive measures Active measures and renewable Strategies: The building energy-efficiency requirements are effective to lower the
Program Apartment energy systems  Passive combinations (traditional renovation) annual energy demand of the building to acceptable values by
block (Holopainen et al.,  Thermal insulation on  Exhaust air heat pumps with  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems national regulations (traditional renovation). However, if the aim is
2016) façade exterior wall (U value = existing district heating grid (Nearly zero-energy building renovation nZEBR) to reach a nearly or net zero-energy building, then they are not
0.54/ 0.17 W/m2K)  Photovoltaic panels enough.
Place and year:  Thermal insulation on the Traditional renovation considers country-specific building
Sweden (1960’s) roof (U value = 0.13/ 0.08 W/m2K) energy-efficiency regulations and requirements by building The building usually needs a thicker insulation for the envelope
 Efficient windows (U value = component. Since the renovations in Sweden often include components or one with better thermal properties, as well as more
1.13/0.9 W/m2K)
improving the building façade, roof insulation and ventilation efficient glazing and heating systems (nZEBR). For example, exhaust
system, these are prioritized in the combination. air heat pumps can be used integrated with the district heating
system, to lower the energy demand.
Swedish Million Passive measures Active measures and renewable Strategies: Improving the energy-efficiency of building envelope components is
Program Apartment energy systems Passive combinations (façade retrofit) usually more expensive as it often requires the replacement of
block (Bonakdar et al.,  Thermal insulation on windows and doors, extra insulation or additional construction work
2014) façade exterior wall (Mineral Passive measures are tested separately in order to find out how when the outer wall layers need replacement because of aging and
wool, U value = 0.21 – 0.055 W/m2K) much they contribute to energy-efficiency. A range of insulation damages.
Place and year:  Thermal insulation on material thicknesses are tested for exterior walls, basement
Växjö, Sweden (1964) basement exterior wall (EPS N/A walls and roof, while different U-values are tested for the Analyzing the retrofit measures individually can help find out which
insulation, U value = 0.29 – 0.1
W/m2K), windows. The most cost-effective retrofit combinations are building components can be prioritized when developing a strategy
 Thermal insulation on attic compared with Swedish building energy-efficiency requirements thus provide a solution for cost-effective retrofits. But this will likely
floor (mineral wool, U value = 0.18 – and passive house criteria. need a following analysis on how retrofit measures perform in
0.057 W/m2K) combinations and what is their overall effect on energy efficiency
 Efficient windows (U value = 1.4 because passive retrofit measures alone do not lower the energy use
– 0.6 W/m2K) below national energy-efficiency limits or passive house criteria.
76 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 77

Table 1. Continued.
Apartment buildings in Passive measures Active measures and renewable Strategies: Post-retrofit inspections can contribute to understanding how the
Lithuania (20 buildings) energy systems  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems retrofit solutions perform and what may be possible setbacks or
and Finland (16  Thermal insulation of  Mechanical ventilation with unaccounted factors. Data loggers and occupant surveys can help to
buildings) (Du et al., exterior walls (EPS, mineral wool) heat recovery The combinations differ by building, while the main focus of the understand the effects on the living environment and consumer
2015)  Thermal insulation of the  Improved heating and hot study is to find out the energy retrofits that contribute to satisfaction levels.
roof water system improving the thermal conditions of indoor spaces. 10 out of 36
Place and year:  Efficient windows and doors  Solar thermal collectors buildings were monitored after the retrofit using data loggers Acceptable thermal comfort vary by occupant behavior and some
Lithuania and Finland (glazing) that register indoor temperature and relative humidity. people can feel more comfortable than the others under the same
conditions. Therefore, the effects of energy retrofits also depend on
location and occupant profile.

Climatic conditions and retrofit applications can cause health issues.

For example, high humidity levels, moisture and extra insulation can
result in mold growth, which is reported in Finnish apartments after
the retrofit. This can lead to asthma or allergies. Attention must be
paid to drying the underlying layers, choosing suitable (waterproof)
materials and proper implementation methods.

More efficient windows don’t always mean better thermal comfort.

The solar heat gain coefficient or g-value determines the additional
heat gains which can be desirable for heating in winter, but they can
also cause overheating. A solution can be installing additional
shading systems.
Concrete large panel Passive measures Active measures and renewable Strategies: Building form and orientation play an important role for the energy
apartment building, energy systems  Passive combinations (Class D major renovation) use and occupant comfort.
nZEB retrofit (Kuusk &  Thermal insulation of walls  Thermostatic valves in the  Passive + active combinations (Class C requirements for
Kalamees, 2015) and roof heating system new buildings) Longer facades towards north-south direction can result in higher
 Efficient windows  New 2-pipe heating system  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems energy gains from renewable sources because there is a larger space
Place and year:  Improved airtightness  Mechanical ventilation with (Class B requirements for low-energy buildings) and for renewable energy systems.
Estonia (1986) heat recovery (70%) (Class A requirements for nZEB)
 Solar thermal collectors On the other hand, additional heat gains on southern façade can
 Photovoltaic panels The strategies are tested by adding new measures to the cause problems with overheating while north-facing dwellings may
previously tested ones, gradually improving from class D to class experience cold.

(“NZEB Requirements in Passive measures Active measures and renewable Strategies: There are differences in energy calculations by country therefore a
Nordic Countries,” energy systems  Passive combinations comparison can be made only after reviewing national requirements
2019)  Thermal insulation of  Mechanical ventilation with  Passive + active combinations and calculation methods.
exterior walls (U value = 0.14 heat recovery (80%)  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems
Place and year: W/m2K)  Efficient HVAC systems (district For instance, Finland has lower primary energy factors that affect the
EU, Estonia, Finland,  Thermal insulation of roof (U heating, gas boilers etc.) The strategies vary by national net zero-energy building results of carbon emissions from primary energy use in comparison
Sweden, Norway (2019
value = 0.1 W/m2K)  Improved fan power of requirements. with other countries. Also, Sweden doesn’t include the energy
 Thermal insulation of the mechanical system (SFP = 1.5
– simulation model) consumption from lighting and household equipment when
floor (U value = 0.12 W/m2K) kW/m3/s)
calculating final energy use, even though they contribute to the
 Efficient windows (U value = 0.9
W/m2K, g value = 0.45) annual energy demand and could be addressed by efficient light
 Improved airtightness (1.0 bulbs and A rated appliances.
m3/hm2 at 50 Pa pressure)
78 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 79

Table 1. Continued.
Finnish apartment block Passive measures Active measures and Strategies: In order to reach nZEB requirements, the space heating and domestic
(Holopainen et al., renewable energy systems  Passive combinations (traditional renovation) hot water heating system can be upgraded to district heating with
2016)  Thermal insulation on façade  Exhaust air heat pumps  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems exhaust air heat pump.
exterior wall (U value = 0.54/ 0.17 with existing district (Nearly zero-energy building renovation nZEBR)
Place and year: W/m2K) heating grid Since the energy use for domestic hot water heating is significantly
Finland (1970’s)  Thermal insulation on the roof  Photovoltaic panels higher than other countries (51 kWh/m2a), using solar thermal
(U value = 0.13/ 0.08 W/m2K) collectors and PV panels can help lower the related carbon emissions.
 Efficient windows (U value = 1.13/0.9
External insulation often provides better results in social and
technical feasibility also lowering the risk of thermal bridges, while
internal insulation has risks like condensation and moisture, reduced
indoor space, nails or holes on the wall which damage the insulation
and airtightness layers, disruption of every-day life etc.
1960’s Finnish concrete Passive measures Active measures and Strategies: Finnish concrete sandwich panel apartments of 1960s-1970s are
panel apartments renewable energy systems  Passive combinations leaky, energy-intensive buildings which may experience problems like
(Nieminen & Virta,  Thermal insulation of exterior corrosion on the outer concrete layer, poor indoor conditions due to
2016) walls The research is focused on retrofit implementations for ventilation or mold growth in living spaces.
 Thermal insulation of the roof improving thermal insulation of building elements while
Place and year:  Thermal insulation of basement N/A preventing problems like moisture and mold growth. The thermal properties of walls and roof can be improved by adding
Finland (1960’s) and foundations insulation on top of the existing assembly if it’s in good condition or
replacing the damaged layers with new ones. Applications with a
ventilation gap are better because it can prevent condensation and
moisture, which are common problems in this type of buildings.
1960’s Finnish concrete Passive measures Active measures and Strategies: Ground source heat pumps can be an energy-efficient solution for
panel apartments renewable energy systems  Active combinations + renewable energy systems Finnish apartments but there can be limitations such as high
(Häkämies et al.2015)  Mechanical exhaust installment cost or space limitations on site.
ventilation The research tests different active systems respectively heat
Place and year:  District heating pumps, while other parameters of the building stay in original Exhaust air heat pumps can be both energy-efficient and affordable
Finland (1960’s) N/A  Exhaust air heat pump (COP condition. No additional passive retrofit measure is carried out. for installing in the existing buildings. They work well with district
3.7) heating too, so the already existing grid can be used with the
 Ground source heat pump integration of a heat pump.
(COP 3.7)
 Air source heat pump (COP
Photovoltaic panels can be used to produce electricity for heat pumps
 Solar thermal collectors (solar assisted heat pumps) which would lower the annual carbon
 Photovoltaic panels emissions from primary energy. Heat pumps are efficient systems
that result in lower energy demand which can be met at least
partially by renewable energy sources.
1960’s Finnish concrete Passive measures Active measures and Strategies: A retrofit combination that includes exhaust air heat pumps or
panel apartments renewable energy systems  Passive + active combinations + renewable energy systems ground source heat pumps, external wall insulation (160-180mm),
(Niemelä et al.2017) roof insulation, more efficient windows (U=0.8 W/m2K, g=0.49) and
 Thermal insulation of exterior  District heating
The research tests nearly 228 million combinations with photovoltaic panels (130m2), can result in 90-116 kWh/m2a primary
walls (U value = 0.23/0.11 W/m2K)  Air to water heat pumps
Place and year: different U value ranges for walls and roof as well as 4 types of energy use hence upgrade the building to nZEB level.
 Thermal insulation of the roof (U  Exhaust air heat pumps
Finland (1960’s) heat pumps. As a result, the study proposes combinations such
value = 0.13/0.07 W/m2K)  Ground source heat pumps
 Efficient windows (U value = 0.8/0.8 as: Better results (55-80 kWh/m2a) can be achieved with ground source
 Solar thermal collectors
W/m2K, g value = 0.49/0.42) heat pumps, exhaust air heat pumps and district heating, thicker
 Photovoltaic panels
(1) improved district heating substation, thermal insulation of insulation layers for walls (180-300mm) and roof (+400mm), efficient
walls (U=0.23 W/m2K) and roof (U=0.13 W/m2K), efficient windows (U=0.6 W/m2K, g=0.39), improved ventilation and
windows(U=0.8), heat pumps renewable energy generation systems.
(2) improved district heating substation, thermal insulation of
walls (U=0.11 W/m2K) and roof (U=0.07 W/m2K), efficient
windows (U=0.7 W/m2K), heat pumps
80 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 81

82 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 83

Table 2. Summary: Energy-retrofit measures that are used as input data in Sefaira Software. Table 2. Continued
Passive energy retrofit HVAC system Hea�ng hot Other technical input parameters
Building Envelope Components strategy water energy
Glazing performance Exterior Wall performance Ground Floor Roof Air�ghtness source
Performance Performance A – 02 Open loop Water source heat District Hea�ng Airflow rate: 0.50 l/s m2
U value = 1.00 W/m2K U value = 0.17 W/m2K U value = 0.15 U value = 6.00 GLAZING PERFORMANCE: pump fan coils Heat recovery efficiency: 90%
U value = 0.65 W/m2K
A SHGC = 0.7 W/m2K 0.09 W/m2K m3/hrm2 SHGC = 0.4
B 05 AHU Peak SFP: 1.00 W/ls
01 Shading from 3D model (balconies) and Shading from 3D model (balconies) and Electric boiler Fan coil unit Peak SFP 0.64 W/ls
Automated Shading, External Vene�an Automated Shading, External Vene�an Heat pump efficiency COP 4.5
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0 °C
B 06 Closed loop Water source District Hea�ng DH Supply/return water temp.
°C heat pump fan coils 80°C/60°C
EXTERIOR WALL Electric boiler Electric Boiler efficiency COP 0.9
U value = 0.65 W/m2K U value = 0.1 W/m2K U value = 0.15 U value = 2.00 U value = 0.1 W/m2K
A SHGC = 0.4 W/m2K 0.09 W/m2K m3/hrm2 B Peak distribu�on efficiency 0.85
02 Shading from 3D model (balconies) and GROUND FLOOR B 07 Fan coil units and central District Hea�ng Airflow rate: 0.50 l/s m2
U value = 0.15 W/m2K plant Heat recovery efficiency: 90%
Automated Shading, External Vene�an
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0 ROOF Heat pump Peak SFP: 1.50 W/ls
°C U value = 0.09 W/m2K
B 08 VRF fan coils Heat pump
U value = 0.8 W/m2K U value = 0.15 W/m2K U value = 0.15 U value = 3.00 AIRTIGHTNESS
A SHGC = 0.5 W/m2K 0.09 W/m2K m3/hrm2 2.00 m3/hrm2
03 Shading from 3D model (balconies) and A – 03 C 09 Open loop Water source heat District Hea�ng Same as in B-05
Automated Shading, External Vene�an GLAZING PERFORMANCE: pump fan coils
U value = 0.8 W/m2K
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0 SHGC = 0.5 Electric boiler
°C Shading from 3D model (balconies) and
East-North-West South Facade East-North- South Facade U value = 0.15 U value = 2.00 Automated Shading, External Vene�an C 10 Closed loop Water source District Hea�ng
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0
Facade West Facade W/m2K 0.09 W/m2K m3/hrm2 °C
heat pump fan coils
U value = 0.8 U value = 0.65 U value = U value = Electric boiler
W/m2K W/m2K 0.10 W/m2K 0.15 W/m2K EXTERIOR WALL
U value = 0.15 W/m2K
A SHGC = 0.5 SHGC = 0.4 C C 11 Fan coil units and central District Hea�ng Same as in B-07
04 Shading from 3D model (balconies) and GROUND FLOOR plant
U value = 0.15 W/m2K
Automated Shading, External Vene�an Heat pump
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0 ROOF
°C U value = 0.09 W/m2K
Internal Loads
C 12 VRF fan coils Heat pump
Occupant density Equipment power density Ligh�ng power Indoor Occupancy 3.00 m3/hrm2
density temperature rate
range A – 04 D 13 Open loop Water source heat District Hea�ng Same as in B-05
28 m2/person Apartments: 9.0 W/m2 Apartments: 3.5 21°C - 27°C 0.6 GLAZING PERFORMANCE: pump fan coils
South facing façade:
Staircases: 0 W/m2
U value = 0.65 W/m2K
Staircases: 11.0 SHGC = 0.4 Electric boiler
W/m2 Other facades:
U value = 0.8 W/m2K
Mechanical system specifica�ons SHGC = 0.5
HVAC system Airflow rate Heat Recovery Peak Specific DH Supply / Shading from 3D model (balconies) and
D 14 Closed loop Water source District Hea�ng
A Efficiency Fan Power return Automated Shading, External Vene�an heat pump fan coils
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0
temp. °C
Electric boiler
Mechanical exhaust ven�la�on with heat 0.50 L/sm2 45% A-01 1.00 W/Ls 80°C/60°C
recovery 90% A-02;03;04 EXTERIOR WALL
South facing façade:
100% of windows operable D U value = 0.15 W/m2K D 15 Fan coil units and central District Hea�ng Same as in B-07
District Hea�ng with hydronic radiators Other facades:
U value = 0.1 W/m2K plant


U value = 0.15 W/m2K

U value = 0.09 W/m2K
D 16 VRF fan coils Heat pump

2.00 m3/hrm2
A – 01
U value = 0.1 W/m2K
SHGC = 0.7
Shading from 3D model (balconies) and
Automated Shading, External Vene�an E 17
Blinds, Zone temperature threshold 27.0

EXTERIOR WALL The HVAC system is chosen based on its energy performance in simula�ons by building
U value = 0.17 W/m2K
E component. The tested HVAC system is Fan coil units with a central plant, that use an
GROUND FLOOR electric boiler for hea�ng hot water energy source.
U value = 0.15 W/m2K

U value = 0.09 W/m2K

6.00 m3/hrm2
84 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 85
Table 3. Full list of results obtained from Energy-retrofit simulations using Sefaira Software.
Finnish thermal Energy Annual energy use intensity (kWh/m2) Annual space heating energy use (kWh/m2) Annual carbon emissions (kgCO2e/yr) Thermal comfort rate
zone retrofit Too cold (-20˚C)
Acceptable (20-27˚C)
strategies Too hot (+27˚C)
Finnish test reference years: TRY2020 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2020 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2020 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2020 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080
; TC 23.09 A 76.55 A 78.4 A 77.43
A 74.17 TH 3.42 TH 3.42 TH 4.58
Building in original condition 198 182 168 146 118 106 95 78 133.556 122.238 111.935 95.763 TH 2.73 TC 20 TC 18.18 TC 17.99
A01 118 109 101 89 58 51 44 35 74.187 67.672 61.628 53.169 A 95.05 A 94.44 A 94.16 A 93.75
TH 2.89 TH 3.4 TH 3.98 TH 5.43
TC 2.048 TC 2.06 TC 1.81 TC 0.79

A02 60 58 55 52 13 11 8 6 30.945 29.434 27.565 25.706 A 99.15 A 98.6 A 98.08 A 96.97

TH 0.77 TH 1.37 TH 1.83 TH 3.01
TC 0.055 TC 0.025 TC 0.07 TC 0

A03 69 66 62 57 20 17 14 10 37.909 35.489 33.051 29.839 A 98.4 A 97.91 A 97.45 A 96.35

TH 1.25 TH 1.88 TH 2.37 TH 3.57
TC 0.32 TC 0.194 TC 0.18 TC 0.065

A04 61 58 56 52 14 12 9 6 31.76 30.126 28.21 26.14 A 99.12 A 98.57 A 98.03 A 96.95

TH 0.8 TH 1.38 TH 1.89 TH 3.05
TC 0.075 TC 0.05 TC 0.075 TC 0

B05 75 74 71 70 19 17 16 12 38.668 37.215 35.971 34.728 A 99.42 A 99 A 98.9 A 98.26

TH 0.57 TH 0.94 TH 1.135 TH 1.72
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B06 67 69 59 64 9 10 3 5 32.377 33.142 27.662 29.979 A 99.39 A 99 A 98.8 A 98.24

TH 0.6 TH 0.97 TH 1.2 TH 1.76
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B07 55/51 54/50 52/49 51/49 8/4 7/4 6/3 5/2 27.985 27.208 26.016 25.244 A 99 A 98.5 A 98.08 A 96.96
TH 0.85 TH 1.43 TH 1.9 TH 3.03
DH / HP /23.937 /23.574 /23.125 /22.797 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0.02 TC 0

B08 57 56 55 54 9 7 6 4 26.603 26.169 25.763 25.242 A 99.35 A 98.97 A 98.64 A 97.84

TH 0.62 TH 1.02 TH 1.34 TH 2.16
TC 0.01 TC 0 TC 0.0005 TC 0

C09 87 84 81 78 31 27 25 21 46.77 44.303 42.508 40.146 A 99 A 98.67 A 98.34 A 97.57

Finnish thermal TH 0.92 TH 1.33 TH 1.65 TH 2.31
zone 1 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

C10 74 74 67 67 15 14 9 8 36.01 35.643 31.471 31.124 A 99.03 A 98.6 A 98.29 A 97.55

TH 0.96 TH 1.37 TH 1.68 TH 2.45
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0.015 TC 0

C11 63/56 60/54 58/53 55/51 16/9 14/8 11/6 8/4 33.759 31.972 30.18 27.967 A 98.6 A 97.97 A 97.47 A 96.34
TH 1.36 TH 1.96 TH 2.45 TH 3.65
DH / HP /26.238 /25.466 /24.734 /23.843 TC 0.075 TC 0.05 TC 0.05 TC 0

C12 62 61 60 58 14 12 10 7 29.246 28.544 27.926 27.01 A 98.8 A 96.39 A 98.018 A 97.12

TH 1.08 TH 1.56 TH 1.88 TH 2.87
TC 0.1 TC 0.05 TC 0.03 TC 0

D13 76 75 73 71 21 18 17 13 39.704 38.136 36.843 35.467 A 99.43 A 99 A 98.8 A 98.11

TH 0.56 TH 0.97 TH 1.18 TH 1.87
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0.015 TC 0

D14 67 69 63 65 9 10 7 6 32.343 33.081 29.659 30.208 A 99.4 A 98.99 A 98.79 A 98.09

TH 0.59 TH 0.9 TH 1.2 TH 1.9
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D15 56/52 54/51 53/50 51/49 9/5 8/4 6/3 5/2 28.59 27.628 26.413 25.311 A 99.5 A 98.54 A 98.06 A 96.93
TH 0.86 TH 1.44 TH 1.92 TH 3.08
DH / HP /24.183 /23.751 /23.281 /22.843 TC 0.015 TC 0.005 TC 0.02 TC 0

D16 58 57 56 54 9 8 6 4 26.959 26.478 26.069 25.49 A 99.33 A 98.92 A 98.58 A 97.73

TH 0.64 TH 1.06 TH 1.3 TH 2.27
TC 0.5 TC 0.005 TC 0.0005 TC 0

E17 71 67 64 60 23 19 16 12 33.018 31.391 29.923 27.909 A 96.54 A 96.09 A 95.73 A 94.43

TH 3.01 TH 3.64 TH 4.125 TH 5.5
TC 0.48 TC 0.28 TC 0.12 TC 0.065
86 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 87
Table 3. Continued.
Finnish thermal Energy Annual energy use intensity (kWh/m2) Annual space heating energy use (kWh/m2) Annual carbon emissions (kgCO2e/yr) Thermal comfort rate
zone retrofit Too cold (-20˚C)
Acceptable (20-27˚C)
strategies Too hot (+27˚C)
Finnish test reference years: TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080
A 77.88 A 79.2 A 80.83
TH 2.29 TH 2.83 TH 4.19
Building in original condition 184 171 151 107 97 81 123.556 114.023 99.1 TC 19.82 TC 17.97 TC 14.98
A01 107 99 88 49 43 34 66.086 60.66 52.606 A 96.15 A 95.54 A 94.30
TH 3.06 TH 3.6 TH 4.99
TC 0.8 TC 0.82 TC 0.68

A02 55 53 51 9 7 5 27.682 26.329 24.897 A 99.31 A 98.95 A 97.77

TH 0.66 TH 1.03 TH 2.23
TC 0.015 TC 0.015 TC 0

A03 63 60 56 15 13 9 33.647 31.61 28.963 A 98.69 A 98.21 A 97.1

TH 1.146 TH 1.61 TH 2.79
TC 0.15 TC 0.15 TC 0.0005

A04 56 54 51 10 8 6 28.46 27.022 25.457 A 99.31 A 92.90 A 97.7

TH 0.67 TH 1.08 TH 2.29
TC 0 TC 0.015 TC 0

B05 70 68 68 18 16 13 36 34.99 33.795 A 99.61 A 99.32 A 98.64

TH 0.39 TH 0.67 TH 1.36
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B06 58 58 60 6 5 5 27.227 26.958 28.2 A 99.59 A 99.30 A 98.6

TH 0.41 TH 0.7 TH 1.39
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B07 51/49 50/49 50/48 5/3 4/2 3/2 25.248 24.637 24.258 A 99.264 A 98.89 A 97.734
TH 0.73 TH 1.1 TH 2.26
DH / HP /23 /22.742 /22.534 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B08 55 54 53 6 5 4 25.634 25.395 24.967 A 99.51 A 99.24 A 98.43

TH 0.47 TH 0.75 TH 1.56
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

C09 80 78 76 28 25 20 42.858 51.277 39.161 A 99.22 A 98.88 A 98.09

Finnish thermal TH 0.78 TH 1.07 TH 1.9
zone 2 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

C10 63 62 64 9 8 7 29.455 28.959 29.815 A 99.18 A 98.85 A 98.05

TH 0.81 TH 1.14 TH 1.95
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

C11 58/53 56/52 54/50 11/6 9/5 7/4 30.076 28.73 26.964 A 98.73 A 98.31 A 97.05
TH 1.25 TH 1.67 TH 2.94
DH / HP /24.88 /24.317 /23.582 TC 0.015 0 TC 0

C12 60 59 57 11 10 7 27.949 27.525 26.817 A 99.09 A 98.68 A 97.76

TH 0.91 TH 1.3 TH 2.23
TC 0 TC 0.01 TC 0

D13 71 70 69 19 8 14 36.97 35.889 34.593 A 99.57 A 99.31 A 98.59

TH 0.41 TH 0.68 TH 1.4
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D14 59 58 61 6 6 5 27.528 27.239 28.466 A 99.56 A 99.29 A 98.55

TH 0.43 TH 0.69 TH 1.44
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D15 52/50 51/49 50/48 5/3 4/2 4/2 25.803 25.072 24.514 A 99.26 A 98.88 A 97.63
TH 0.75 TH 1.125 TH 2.36
DH / HP /23.217 /22.911 /22.636 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D16 55 55 54 7 6 4 25.842 25.711 25.292 A 99.49 A 99.225 A 98.33

TH 0.5 TH 0.925 TH 1.67
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

E17 65 62 59 17 15 11 30.414 29.176 27.387 A 96.66 A 96.186 A 94.86

TH 3.19 TH 3.75 TH 5.09
TC 0.135 TC 0.055 TC 0.025
88 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 89
Table 3. Continued.

Finnish thermal Energy Annual energy use intensity (kWh/m2) Annual space heating energy use (kWh/m2) Annual carbon emissions (kgCO2e/yr) Thermal comfort rate
zone retrofit Too cold (-20˚C)
Acceptable (20-27˚C)
strategies Too hot (+27˚C)
Finnish test reference years: TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080
A 74.36 A 76.52 A 96.95
TH 1.55 TH 1.96 TH 3.05
Building in original condition 198 183 159 118 106 88 134.015 122.661 105.025 TC 24 TC 16.88 TC17.90
A01 116 106 92 56 49 37 72.1 65.532 55.375 A 96.86 A 96.62 A 95.92
TH 2.25 TH 2.66 TH 3.43
TC 0.9 TC 0.72 TC 0.63

A02 59 56 52 12 10 6 29.839 28.374 25.621 A 99.73 A 99.5 A 98.7

TH 0.23 TH 0.46 TH 1.26
TC 0.03 TC 0.035 TC 0.03

A03 68 64 58 19 16 11 36.334 33.938 29.92 A 99.23 A 98.94 A 98.34

TH 0.61 TH 0.96 TH 1.76
TC 0.16 TC 0.09 TC 0.09

A04 60 57 53 13 11 7 30.735 29.161 26.198 A 99.74 A 99.46 A 98.6

TH 0.2 TH 0.49 TH 1.34
TC 0.04 TC 0.03 TC 0.03

B05 72 72 68 20 16 14 37.575 36.507 34.437 A 99.92 A 99.75 A 99.09

TH 0.02 TH 0.24 TH 0.9
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B06 60 65 60 7 7 5 28.029 30.66 28.091 A 99.91 A 99.73 A 99.07

TH 0.085 TH 0.26 TH 0.92
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B07 53/50 52/49 50/48 6/4 5/3 3/2 26.242 25.57 24.129 A 99.71 A 99.48 A 98.7
TH 0.28 TH 0.51 TH 1.31
DH / HP /23.451 /23.107 /22.541 TC 0.0005 TC 0.005 TC 0

B08 56 55 54 8 7 4 26.204 25.871 25.168 A 99.75 A 99.67 A 99.03

TH 0.1 TH 0.32 TH 0.97
TC 0.11 TC 0 TC 0

C09 83 82 77 31 26 22 44.88 42.974 39.955 A 99.66 A 99.43 A 98.76

Finnish thermal TH 0.28 TH 0.56 TH 1.23
zone 3 TC 0.01 TC 0 TC 0

C10 64 70 63 10 12 8 30.069 33.499 29.459 A 99.64 A 99.4 A 98.73

TH 0.36 TH 0.6 TH 1.26
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

C11 60/55 58/53 54/51 13/8 11/6 7/4 31.664 30.002 27.231 A 99.25 A 99.15 A 98.14
TH 0.71 TH 1.025 TH 1.8
DH / HP /25.621 /24.874 /23.752 TC 0.035 TC 0.025 TC 0.005

C12 61 60 58 13 12 8 28.633 28.204 27.058 A 99.3 A 99.2 A 98.59

TH 0.44 TH 0.73 TH 1.38
TC 0.23 TC 0.07 TC 0.01

D13 74 74 70 22 18 15 38.678 37.548 35.342 A 99.92 A 99.72 A 99.08

TH 0.075 TH 0.27 TH 0.91
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D14 60 65 60 7 8 5 28.224 30.921 28.259 A 99.91 A 99.71 A 99.07

TH 0.085 TH 0.285 TH 0.92
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D15 54/51 52/50 50/48 7/4 6/3 4/2 26.949 26.136 24.458 A 99.76 A 99.45 A 98.62
TH 0.23 TH 0.53 TH 1.37
DH / HP /23.735 /23.333 /22.672 TC 0.005 TC 0 TC 0

D16 57 56 54 9 8 5 26.581 26.253 25.492 A 99.73 A 99.68 A 98.95

TH 0.16 TH 0.31 TH 1.04
TC 0.09 TC 0 TC 0

E17 68 64 59 20 17 12 31.645 30.003 27.691 A 97.39 A 97.03 A 96.4

TH 2.38 TH 2.85 TH 1.46
TC 0.2 TC 0.12 TC 0
91 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 91
Table 3. Continued.
Finnish thermal Energy Annual energy use intensity (kWh/m2) Annual space heating energy use (kWh/m2) Annual carbon emissions (kgCO2e/yr) Thermal comfort rate
zone retrofit Too cold (-20˚C)
Acceptable (20-27˚C)
strategies Too hot (+27˚C)
Finnish test reference years: TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080 TRY2030 TRY2050 TRY2080
A 67.65 A 70.05 A 74
TH 1.32 TH 1.48 TH 2.08
Building in original condition 238 220 191 149 135 112 163.36 149.925 128.746 TC 31.03 TC 28.44 TC 23.9
A01 140 129 112 76 67 53 182.527 81.6 69.249 A 97.016 A 97.39 A 97.17
TH 1.97 TH 2.14 TH 2.65
TC 0.99 TC 0.5 TC 0.15

A02 67 63 58 19 16 11 35.02 32.711 29.155 A 99.72 A 99.49 A 99.05

TH 0.27 TH 0.4 TH 0.94
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

A03 79 74 66 28 24 18 43.754 40.465 35.425 A 99.28 A 99.25 A 98.69

TH 0.58 TH 0.7 TH 1.31
TC 0.13 TC 0.075 TC 0

A04 68 65 59 20 17 12 36.281 33.858 30.094 A 99.74 A 99.58 A 99.02

TH 0.255 TH 0.41 TH 0.98
TC 0.005 TC 0 TC 0

B05 80 78 73 25 22 19 41.809 40.053 37.47 A 99.825 A 99.76 A 99.44

TH 0.175 TH 0.24 TH 0.56
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B06 75 73 62 18 15 7 37.568 36.193 29.264 A 99.819 A 99.74 A 99.42

TH 0.18 TH 0.255 TH 0.575
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B07 57/54 55/52 52/50 11/7 9/5 6/3 29.76 28.2 25.879 A 99.69 A 99.56 A 99.036
TH 0.31 TH 0.435 TH 0.96
DH / HP /25.095 /24.346 /23.31 TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

B08 60 59 56 12 11 8 28.039 27.469 26.395 A 97.93 A 98.92 A 99.31

TH 0.2 TH 0.31 TH 0.63
TC 1.6 TC 0.77 TC 0.015

C09 94 90 84 38 34 29 50.727 48.162 44.405 A 99.56 A 99.56 A 99.21

Finnish thermal TH 0.335 TH 0.41 TH 0.78
zone 4 TC 0.105 TC 0.015 TC 0

C10 83 81 69 25 23 12 42.162 40.823 32.962 A 99.63 A 99.51 A 99.17

TH 0.37 TH 0.45 TH 0.82
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

C11 68/61 64/58 59/54 21/14 18/11 12/7 37.518 34.909 31.001 A 99.26 A 99.18 A 98.65
TH 0.63 TH 0.8 TH 1.34
DH / HP /28.335 /27.107 /25.369 TC 0.1 TC 0.015 TC 0

C12 66 65 62 18 17 13 31.086 30.37 29.916 A 97.34 A 98.7 A 99.01

TH 0.43 TH 0.55 TH 0.94
TC 2.225 TC 0.72 TC 0.04

D13 82 80 75 27 24 20 43.158 41.309 38.591 A 99.82 A 99.76 A 99.4

TH 0.17 TH 0.24 TH 0.6
TC 0.005 TC 0 TC 0

D14 75 61 63 18 6 8 37.453 28.7 29.711 A 99.81 A 99.72 A 99.37

TH 0.185 TH 0.27 TH 0.62
TC 0 TC 0 TC 0

D15 59/55 57/53 53/50 12/8 10/6 6/4 30.829 29.143 26.587 A 99.69 A 99.56 A 99.01
TH 0.3 TH 0.43 TH 0.99
DH / HP /25.542 /24.723 /23.597 TC 0.005 TC 0 TC 0

D16 61 60 57 13 12 9 28.518 27.94 26.812 A 97.84 A 98.88 A 99.3

TH 0.19 TH 0.3 TH 0.68
TC 1.56 TC 0083 TC 0.02

E17 78 73 66 30 25 18 36.5 34.202 30.964 A 97.2 A 97.51 A 97.19

TH 2.18 TH 2.26 TH 2.79
TC 0.62 TC 0.225 TC 0.02
Primesa Arapi, August 2021

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