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Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies

for existing buildings in Finland,

now and in the future
1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks

Master’s thesis

Tampere University

Faculty of Built Environment

The School of Architecture

Primesa Arapi, August 2021

Energy-retrofit strategies 3

Primesa Arapi
Master’s thesis Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies for
Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies for existing buildings in Finland, now and in the future
1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks
existing buildings in Finland, now and
Tampere University
Faculty of Built Environment in the future
The School of Architecture
August 2021

Examiners / Supervisors
Assistant professor Sofie Pelsmakers, Tampere University
Postdoctoral researcher Raul Castano De la Rosa, Tampere University
1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks
4 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 5

Tampere University
Faculty of Built Environment
The School of Architecture
August 2021
Master’s Thesis

Author Primesa Arapi

Title Optimal Energy-retrofit strategies for existing buildings in Finland, for now and in
the future - 1960’s concrete panel apartment blocks
Examiners/ supervisors Assistant professor Sofie Pelsmakers, Tampere University
Postdoctoral researcher Raul Castano De la Rosa, Tampere University
Year 2021
Number of pages 92
Language English

This thesis aims to research how energy-retrofits Finally, most effective energy-retrofit strategies
can improve the energy-efficiency, operational for Finnish concrete-panel apartments of 1960’s
carbon emissions and indoor thermal comfort of are suggested. Optimal strategies are identified
1960’s Finnish concrete-panel apartments, with using the evaluation criteria and considering the
retrofit strategies that can be effective now and in limitations in existing buildings such as complicat-
the future. Three main criteria are developed to ed/ unfeasible installations. Findings can be used
evaluate optimal strategies, them being “energy to develop retrofit strategies for different Finnish
efficiency criteria” (total energy use ≤ 130 kWh/ thermal zones as well as other cold climates.
m2yr, space heating energy ≤ 30 kWh/m2yr), “car-
bon emissions criteria” (lowest emissions possi- Results suggest that improving space heating de-
ble) and “thermal comfort criteria” (too cold ≤ 21°C mand should be targeted to reach higher reduc-
- 27 °C ≤ too hot). tions in total energy use. Thesis also raises ques-
tions about the retrofit combinations and whether
Retrofit strategies are developed from literature the physical limitations of existing buildings can be
review of energy-efficiency regulations in cold cli- used as an advantage. For instance, simulations
mates and academic studies on energy-retrofits indicate that a hybrid strategy which proposes dif-
in these countries. Identified retrofit measures ferent retrofit measures for building facades based
are simulated on a case study building in Finland on orientation and solar radiation, might be as ef-
for TRY 2020/2030, 2050, 2080 and all 4 Finnish fective as very high energy efficiency standards
Thermal Zones, under RCP8.5 scenario, using on all facades, even though it would require less
Sefaira energy- modelling software. insulation and investment.

keywords energy retrofit, energy-efficiency, space heating energy, operational carbon emissions, indoor
thermal comfort, concrete-panel apartments, existing buildings, cold climate, future climate

The originality of this thesis has been checked using the Turnitin Originality Check service.
8 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 9

Table of Contents

1. Introduction..................................................................................... 10

1.1 Thesis scope and structure........................................................... 11

1.2 Research objectives .................................................................... 12

2. Energy-efficiency and existing buildings ........................................ 14

2.1 European standards on energy-efficiency ................................... 15

2.2 Energy-retrofit strategies for existing buildings............................. 16

2.3 Energy-retrofit strategies in cold climates (Literature Review)......22

2.3.1 Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden)............................... 24

2.3.2 Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania)...........................................28

2.3.3 Finland....................................................................................... 31

2.4 Lessons learned............................................................................36

3. Kerava Concrete Panel Apartment Block, Case Study................... 38

3.1 Methodology ................................................................................ 39

3.1.1 Energy-efficiency criteria............................................................ 39

3.1.2 Carbon emissions criteria...........................................................39

3.1.3 Indoor thermal comfort criteria................................................... 39

3.1.4 Climate zones and RCP scenario.............................................. 40

4.Results and discussion.................................................................... 42

4.1 Energy-performance of building in original condition.................... 42

4.2 Energy retrofit measures by building component .........................48

4.3 Energy retrofit measures in combinations.....................................52

5. Conclusions.....................................................................................60

Appendix A.......................................................................................... 73
Appendix B..........................................................................................81
10 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 11

1. Introduction building often vary for different building types, func-

tions, year of construction as well as the energy-ef-
1.1 Thesis scope and structure future climate changes affect the building energy
use under different retrofit scenarios. It’s important
We are living in a time of environmental crisis ficiency concept defined in national regulations. For As one of the most GHG emitting sectors, the built to consider that there will always be new develop-
where the climate is changing, temperatures rise, example, the Finnish Ministry of Environment sets environment can contribute to mitigate climate ments in retrofit implementations, building material
and precipitation amounts increase. Natural eco- different targets for new and existing buildings. change and withstand its effects by improving its performances, system efficiencies, etc. Also, many
systems, agriculture, flora and fauna are endan- energy performance and related carbon emis- retrofit strategies that have a high implementation
gered because their environments are not the same A comparison can be made in the Finnish E-val- sions. Due to aging and low standards of energy cost today, can become cost-efficient in the future.
(Blogger, 2018; Dantas, 2018; Morecroft & Speak- ue targets, which represent the annual energy efficiency, existing buildings can be more energy in- In order not to limit the preliminary findings to the
man, 2015; Weiskopf et al., 2020, p. 137782; WWF, consumption taking into consideration the energy tensive. This is most likely due to their construction present-day economic capacity, technology and
2017). People encounter health issues, resource carriers and heating energy demand (Ministry of year and lack of energy regulations. According to building practices, the energy-retrofit measures
scarcity or discomfort in their living spaces. the Environment, 2013). The Decree on the Ener- Niemelä et al. (2017), the most common typology of are evaluated based on three main criteria: “ener-
gy Performance of New Buildings sets a limit of 90 European housing stock consists of concrete-pan- gy-efficiency”, “operational carbon emissions”
While long-term climate predictions foresee more kWhE/(m2 a) for the E-value of apartment blocks el apartment blocks built between 1960-1990s. and “indoor thermal comfort”.
floods, draughts, wildfires and heat waves (CMIP6 (Ministry of the Environment, 2017) while the De- The building regulations of these years do not meet
Climate Projections, 2021; Collins et al., 2013; cree on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Build- with the current energy-efficiency targets, therefore The study consists of two main parts, them being
Hayhoe et al., 2017; Masson-Delmotte et al., ings in Conjunction with Repair and Modification most of the existing residential buildings in Europe literature review and energy performance sim-
2021), these events already interact with the build- Works has specified the calculation method in- are energy intensive (EU Buildings Factsheets, ulations on a case study building. The retrofit
ing skin, structure and operation. They can dam- stead: “E required ≤ 0.85 x E calculated” (Ministry 2016). strategies that derive from literature review (chapter
age the structure or foundation, cause heat loss or of the Environment, 2013). This looks at possible 2) and preliminary simulations of individual building
overheating, even lead to the collapse of buildings improvements without setting an ambitious target Existing buildings can be improved through differ- components’ energy performance (chapter 3) will
(IFRC, n.d.; National Geographic, n.d.). In order to since it is harder to achieve energy efficiency in old ent intervention strategies such as building reno- be used to develop retrofit combinations.
overcome this crisis, buildings need to meet the buildings. vations and retrofits. Renovation means restoring
expected comfort levels, living conditions and the building’s physical condition to its original state Total energy demand (kWh/m2 yr) and space heat-
structural feasibility, now and in the future (Hao Many studies explore different improvement strate- (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021) while retrofitting re- ing energy (kWh/m2 yr) will be used for the “ener-
et al., 2020, p. 7557; Sukanen, 2020). gies for warm climates and mainly public buildings, fers to changing the building state by adding new gy-efficiency” criteria, to compare and identify the
but the research on energy-efficient strategies components that didn’t exist before interventions optimal strategies. Annual carbon emissions from
Changes in climatic conditions are strongly affili- for existing buildings is limited, more so for old (Eames et al., 2014). These changes might include energy use on site (kgCO2e/yr) will be used for
ated with global warming and risen greenhouse residential apartment blocks in cold climates replacing or upgrading building elements, such “operational carbon emissions” criteria, to find
gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere. (Niemelä et al., 2017). A recent study argues that as installing more efficient windows or insulation, out the differences in environmental impact after
The building and construction industry contributes 70% of current building stock will exist in the year building services like mechanical systems or build- retrofits. Indoor temperature changes over the year
to the annual GHG emission levels with a share 2050 (Ruggeri et al., 2020). ing use, in order to improve building’s energy per- (too cold < 21°C-27°C < too hot) will be used for
of 38% (United Nations Environment Programme, formance and reduce related CO2 emissions (Che “indoor thermal comfort” criteria, to assess the
2020), while a building is responsible for impact- Many others use past and present climate data and Husin et al., 2019; Shnapp et al., 2013; STBA, n.d.). occupant comfort and living conditions which may
ing the environment throughout its lifetime, includ- not the future climate models. There is a lack of worsen or improve as a result of retrofit measures.
ing the processes before and after its construction. understanding how the improved building performs Since the existing housing from the 1960s isn’t This work is organized as follows:
In response, many studies have been focused on in the future periods of its life, therefore develop- based on energy efficient design, renovating an
using the built environment itself to reduce its ing energy retrofit strategies where future climate existing building to its original condition would not First, energy-efficiency standards in Europe are
own damage. change scenarios aren’t considered might prove improve it enough to meet today’s minimum en- considered, especially cold climates where energy
ineffective. ergy-efficiency requirements or be efficient in the use and space heating demands are much higher
One way to address this emergency is simply by future climate change scenarios. Hence energy-ret- in old buildings. Study includes literature review of
improving how our building performs, in terms of Adequate retrofits are important for existing build- rofits will be investigated, which improve the build- energy-retrofit strategies and applications in resi-
the energy it uses for daily operations such as ings because they usually need improvements/ ing to a better condition than its original state. They dential housing (chapter 2). Findings are used as a
conditioning the occupied spaces, equipment and maintenance every ~30 years (Lindahl & Sacco, are strongly related to improving building’s opera- basis for developing energy-retrofit strategies that
lighting, and that which it produces from renewable 2016; Pelsmakers, 2015; Ruggeri et al., 2020). It tional energy, including energy consumption from would be effective on concrete panel apartments.
energy sources. The model and technical require- is an important opportunity to prolong the building mechanical systems, lighting and household equip- This part consists of the sections on energy effi-
ments for such an energy efficient building are life before it comes to an end (Ruggeri et al., 2020), ment (Tam & Le, 2019), all of which are compo- ciency in buildings, energy efficiency standards in
defined by building codes and building standards. hence, there is no room for mistakes. The existing nents that can be replaced and upgraded. Europe and differences in cold climates. Building
These documents are usually updated every few buildings need energy-efficient improvement strat- retrofits in Finland, Scandinavian and Baltic coun-
years with improvements regarding their perfor- egies which are effective now and in the future. More specifically, the study focuses on the ener- tries are reviewed, to see the effects of a colder cli-
mance. Changes are a result of developing tech- gy-efficiency improvements in concrete sand- mate in retrofit decisions and effects.
nologies, material properties and EU energy-effi- wich panel buildings, since most of Finnish res-
ciency targets. idential housing from 1960-1990’s is built with this Main questions to be addressed are: What is the
structure (Build Up, 2019; Niemelä et al., 2017b; importance of energy consumption in existing
The meaning of energy-efficiency and the extent Nieminen & Virta, 2016). Long-term effects of buildings and how can it be improved? How does
of required measures to reach an energy-efficient retrofit strategies are evaluated, to find out if the Europe regulate energy efficiency in existing build-
ings? What differs in regions with a cold climate?
12 Energy-retrofit strategies Energy-retrofit strategies 13

The key findings are listed at the end of the chapter. The academic studies and building regulations
Then, the study looks at the retrofit strategies on focus on retrofitting the building envelope, me-
a specific building, respectively a concrete panel chanical systems and renewable energy systems,
apartment block of 1960s in Finland. Different en- through individual or combined strategies that
ergy-retrofit strategies are tested, where the energy provide low-energy or low-carbon buildings with
analysis is conducted using Sefaira software. cost-effective solutions. (Bonakdar et al., 2014; Du
et al., 2015; Häkämies et al., 2015; Hirvonen et al.,
First, the retrofit measures are applied separately 2020, 2021; Holopainen et al., 2016; Kuusk, Kala-
when the other building components stay as in orig- mees, et al., 2016; Kuusk & Kalamees, 2015; La
inal condition. Then, measures are mixed in retrofit Fleur et al., 2019; Lindahl & Sacco, 2016; Niemelä
combinations and simulated on the building. The et al., 2017b; Nieminen & Virta, 2016; “NZEB Re-
strategies are evaluated for all four of the Finnish quirements in Nordic Countries,” 2019; Palm & Re-
thermal zones, using test reference years TRY for indl, 2016; Qu et al., 2020).
2020/2030, 2050 and 2080 (Finnish Meteorological
Institute, n.d.). However, initiatives like financial support schemes,
differing market prices as well as technical develop-
This part looks to answer the questions: How do ments through time will likely change the outcome
different building components affect energy con- of the analyses that rely heavily on economic feasi-
sumption, carbon emissions and thermal comfort in bility. Moreover, there is a gap in testing long-term
Finland, and how do they perform in combinations? energy performance and low-carbon impacts of ret-
What are the most effective strategies to reduce rofit solutions and understanding how the retrofitted
building energy use and related carbon emissions building will perform in the future climate scenarios.
while maintaining good indoor thermal comfort? Are
the identified energy-retrofit strategies still effective Effects of climate change are already influencing
in future climate change scenarios? the building thermal comfort levels and energy con-
sumption. For example, summer overheating re-
sults in longer operating hours of HVAC systems
1.2 Research Objectives to cool the building, hence building end-use energy
consumption and living costs might rise. Besides
While the discussions and developments on energy the health issues, there is a risk of power outages
efficiency continue, there is a need to identify opti- and energy poverty (Sukanen, 2020).
mal energy-retrofit strategies in cold climates, for
existing buildings with poor energy performance. In response, this study aims to identify optimal en-
This work is focused on the optimal strategies for ergy-retrofit strategies for existing concrete-pan-
Finland, which could provide an understanding for el apartments in cold climates, which improve the
energy-retrofit applications and their effect in simi- current building energy performance and maintain
lar climates. the levels of low energy demand over the forthcom-
ing years. In this thesis, the strategies are tested
Recent studies mainly test different retrofit mea- for Finland, using Finnish climate zones which are
sures for new buildings, public buildings and de- characterized as cold and arctic, using a typical
tached residential houses. However, there is limit- concrete-panel apartment of 1960’s located in Ker-
ed academic research on the retrofit combinations ava. Finally, the thesis aims to provide a better
of old concrete panel apartment blocks (Niemelä understanding of:
et al., 2017b). Residential buildings form 75% of
the EU existing building stock and concrete panel
apartments built between 1960-1990 are the most 1. How do different building components affect en-
common type in EU and Finland, with highest en- ergy consumption, carbon emissions and thermal
ergy consumption levels (Bonakdar et al., 2014; comfort in Finland, and how do they perform in
Csoknyai et al., 2016; European Commission, combinations?
2017; Kuusk & Kalamees, 2015; Niemelä et al.,
2017b; Paiho et al., 2013). Hence there is a need 2. What are the most effective strategies to reduce
to analyze this building typology further. Reviewed building energy use and related carbon emissions
literature confirms that most of these buildings are while maintaining good indoor thermal comfort?
inefficient and will eventually require retrofit mea-
sures to meet the EU targets. 3. Are the identified energy-retrofit strategies still ef-
fective in future climate change scenarios?

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