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MCQ on schizophrenia

1. What duration is needed for diagnosis of schizophrenia?

A. One week

B. One month

C. Six months

D. One year

If a person says that his neighbors have fitted a machine in his brain , it is
an example of

A. Bizarre delusions

B. Non-bizarre delusions

C. Illusion

D. None of the above

3. Which hallucinations are most commonly seen in schizophrenia?

A. Auditory

B. Visual
C. Olfactory

D. Touch

4. Which type of auditory hallucinations are typical of schizophrenia?

A. Two or more voices talking about the patient in third person

B. Running commentary

C. Hearing one’s own thoughts aloud

D. All of the above

5. Current etiological theories of schizophrenia hypothesize

A. Too much dopaminergic activity

B. Serotonin excess

C. Genetic transmission

D. All of the above

6. Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

A. Delusions
B. Hallucinations

C. Apathy

D. Loosening of associations

7. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

A. Hallucinations

B. Waxy Flexibility

C. Apathy

D. Poor self-care

Which of the following is associated with Negative symptoms in


A. Chronic course

B. Better response to atypical antipsychotics

C. Poor prognosis

D. All of above

9. Clozapine treatment requires monitoring for

A. Agranulocytosis

B. Hyperglycemia

C. Weight gain

D. All of the above

10. Which of the following is an example of bizarre delusion?

A. Delusion of jealousy

B. Delusion of reference

C. Delusion of control

D. Delusion of persecution

11. Which of the following is Typical antipsychotic drug?

A. Fluphenazine

B. Risperidone

C. Clozapine

D. Olanzepine
12 Which of the following is Atypical antipsychotic drug?

A. Haloperidol

B. Trifluoperazine

C. Clozapine

D. Chlorpromazine

13. Which is the main treatment for schizophrenia?

A. Electro convulsive treatment

B. Yoga

C. Exercise

D. Antipsychotic drugs

A patient with schizophrenia is on antipsychotic drugs. He is brought by

relatives in emergency with complaint of increasing restlessness, constantly
14. moves about. You increase the dose of antipsychotic drugconsidering
worsening os psychotic symptom, but the restlessness further worsens. The
patient is having the antipsychotic induced side effect of

A. Tardive dyskinesia

B. Acute dystonia
C. Akathisia

D. Parkinsonism

A patient with schizophrenia is brought to OPD with excessive salivation,

15. mask-like face, tremors and rigidity. The patient is having the antipsychotic
induced side effect of

A. Tardive dyskinesia

B. Acute dystonia

C. Akathisia

D. Parkinsonism

A patient is brought by relatives in emergency with complaints of

contraction of neck muscles, protrusion of tongue and up rolling of eyes. On
16. history, relatives report that patient is suffering from schizophrenia and is
on Haloperidol 5 mg bid. He is having which antipsychotic induced side

A. Tardive dyskinesia

B. Acute dystonia

C. Akathisia

D. Parkinsonism
17. Who coined the term schizophrenia?

A. Emil Kraepelin

B. Eugene Bleuler

C. Anna Freud

D. Carl Jung

18. Which features indicate Dementia rather than schizophrenia?

A. Onset after 65 years of age

B. Impaired cognitive functions

C. ‘sun-downing’

D. All of the above

19. Which of the following is correct about suicide in schizophrenia

A. 10-15% patients with schizophrenia kill themselves by suicide

Patients with who commit suicide do so ‘out of blue’, without any


In general suicide in schizophrenia is associated with major

depressive disorder
D. All of the above

20. Which of the following is the most serious side effect of Clozapine?

A. Agranulocytosis

B. Sedation

C. Hypersalivation

D. Weight gain

21. Which of the following are a risk factors for tardive dyskinesia?

A. Treatment with typical antipsychotics

B. Treatment on higher antipsychotic dose

C. Old people

D. All of the above

22. The most frequent period for onset of schizophrenia:

A. Childhood

B. Adolescence
C. Middle adulthood

D. Old age

23. The following one is a first rank symptom in schizophrenia:

A. Hallucination

B. Thought insertion

C. Thought stopping

D. Negativism

24. One of these symptoms does not occur in schizophrenia:

A. Thought broadcasting

B. Persecutory delusion

C. Disorientation to time, place and person

D. Hallucination

25. Which of the following indicates good prognosis in schizophrenia?

A. Long duration
B. Prominent mood symptoms

C. Family history of schizophrenia

D. Early age at onset

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