Case Study Exemplar

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A. Content Standard The learners should list identify the different properties of matter that can
help you determine whether it is harmful or useful.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to enumerate useful and harmful materials at
home and in school; and
C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to explain the importance of labels in
identifying useful and harmful
1. Unpacked Make an appropriate case study about the given situation
A. Topic Useful and Harmful Materials
B. Science Ideas Materials are said to be useful when they serve their purpose. These may
have properties such as durability, flexibility, elasticity, hardness, and
resistance to water, heat, or acid. Most of the useful materials can be reused
and recycled. For example, a container for solid or liquid, when it is already
empty, can still be used for other purposes such as a flower vase, a coin
bank, or a house decor. Whether a bottle in made of plastic or glass, it has a
property that makes it reusable. Other materials can be recycled by making
new products from these materials. For example, candy wrappers can be
turned into fancy curtains and plastic bottles into Christmas lanterns.

Some useful materials may also bring hazards. For example, a broken glass
jar can cause cuts or injury. Toxic substances may also be present in the
things you commonly use such as paints, cleaners, fumes, gels, or powders.
These materials may bring harm to your health, environment, and other
organisms when not used properly. That's why you should be careful when
handling and using different

C. Science Processes Observing, Classifying, Communicating, Inferring, Predicting
D. Values Focus Patience and Participation
E. Materials Learning Materials, Video Presentation
F. References Science 5 Quarter 1 – Module 1: Useful and Harmful Materials

Other Learning

Drill Directions: Classify the following materials usually found at home and in
school using the table below as guide.
cooking oil arm chair bed

Useful Harmful
demonstration table bell

laundry soap chalkboard mosquito repellant

Review Directions: Draw a star if the statement describes the effects of

typhoons and a circle if it is not. Write your answers in your

1. The farmers' crops are destroyed when there are heavy rains which
result to flooding.

2.Loss of lives and damage to properties happen due to flooding and


3. Thousands of families become homeless.

4. Fishermen can go fishing and abundant catch awaits them.

5. The power supply is cut off for several days as falling trees destroy
the electric posts and power lines.

6. People lose their homes and means of livelihood.

7. The prices of basic commodities become cheaper.

8. People visit malls for shopping.

9. A few houses of first-class materials are partially damaged.

10. Children play on the playground.

1. Motivation Start a discussion by letting the student answer :

Identify which of the picture shown is useful or harmful.




The teacher will going to present the useful and harmful materials

Divide the class into suitable groups. Present to them the problem they have
to solve.

During the case study learning process, student assessment of learning

2. Presentation should be focused on reflection.

3. Pre-Activity Journaling: At the end of each work period, have students write an entry
summarizing what they worked on, what worked well, what didn’t, and
why. Sentence starters and clear rubrics or guidelines will help students be
successful. At the end of a case study project, as Costa and Kallick write,
it’s helpful to have students “select significant learnings, envision how they
could apply these learnings to future situations, and commit to an action
plan to consciously modify their behaviors.”

Interviews: While working on a case study, students can interview each

other about their progress and learning. Teachers can interview students
individually or in small groups to assess their learning process and their

Student discussion: Discussions can be unstructured—students can talk

about what they worked on that day in a think-pair-share or as a full class—
or structured, using Socratic seminars or fishbowl discussions. If your class
is tackling a case study in small groups, create a second set of small groups
with a representative from each of the case study groups so that the groups
can share their learning.

4. Activity Proper
A news had been spread in the whole campus of the university in the
Central Luzon, a college student was diagnosed of food contamination.
They have been suspecting the school cafeteria for the food serving to the
students. Based on the other students they also experiencing constipation but
still its not yet been proven.

This are the guide questions, that can be use for students in investigating or
making an conclusion of the case.

How can we limit food waste in the cafeteria?

How can we get our school to recycle and compost waste? (Or, if you want
to be more complex, how can our school reduce its carbon footprint?)

How can we reduce the number of people who get sick at school?

Do you think the university cafeteria has an fault on it?

When did the students starting to feel dysmenorrhea?

How can we know what have been causing the problem? In what way can
we prove that it is the university cafeteria faults?

Make an conclusion.


Useful and Harmful Materials

Classification of Household Materials Harmful Substances 
•There are useful chemical substances at home.
Ex. Bath soap, shampoo conditioner, perfume cologne, hair spray and other
used for hygiene and care.

Soap - is a beneficial materials at home. - it is made of fat and alkali. - it is

Antiseptics • Antiseptics – are substances that prevent the growth of
microorganism that cause infection.

Detergents - are in liquid or solid forms - it is Antiseptics - stronger than

soap - but they both used in cleaning dirty • Antiseptics – are substances that
prevent the growth of microorganism that cause infection.

Other Useful Substances

•Cooking oil

And other Condiments used for cooking

Additives - are substance that are needed to give better flavor and texture to

Preservatives - are materials used to prevent food from spoiling easily.

These are: - Salt, vinegar and sugar.

Wood – it is very useful in making furniture and for cooking.

Medicine – are chemical used to treat and prevent diseases. – they come in
tablet, liquid, or capsule forms – prescribe by doctors must only be taken.

• There are harmful chemical substances at home.

Ex. Spoiled food

Most types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following signs
and symptoms:
1. Nausea.
2. Watery or bloody diarrhea.
3. Vomiting.
4. Abdominal pain and cramps.
5. Fever.

Some matter are useful and harmful at the same time.

Ex. Pesticides / insecticides - are the materials used for killing or
eradicating harmful organisms.

These are Synthetic Materials - materials that are produced with the use of
chemicals. - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

Ex. Plastic - most common synthetic materials. - use for making containers -
most materials today are made of plastic

 - but plastic affects human health. Toxic chemicals leach out of plastic and
are found in the blood and tissue of nearly all of us. - Exposure to them is
linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption
and other ailments

Paint - paint is useful - but the smell of paint can cause headache and

Paint - paint make houses, buildings and any infrastructure look attractive
and colorful and to prevent the formation of rusts. - but the smell of paint
can cause headache and dizziness.

Generalization Answer the following:

1. Which materials are useful? When do they become useful?

2. Which materials are harmful? When do they become harmful?

Application Directions: Draw a happy face  if the material is useful and sad face if it is

1. Candy wrappers made into bag.

2. A broken glass thrown in the backyard.

3. Disinfectant bottles thrown everywhere.

4. A box made into a bookshelf.

5. Leftover food from restaurants turned into fertilizers.

6. Used syringes and needles placed beside children's toys.

7. A broken container turned into a decorative plant holder.

8. Used car tires turned into park benches.

9. Old colorful magazines made into paper baskets.

10.Empty bottles of paint thrown into the garbage bin for burning.


List 5 different materials used at home and in school. Write a sentence

describing how the material can be useful or harmful. Afterwards, answer
the follow-up question. An example is provided.

Materials Sentences

1. Chalk Useful in writing notes on the

blackboard. However, this could
also. be harmful if the chalk dust
are inhaled especially those with

Visit your kitchen and list down 10 household materials. Read each product
labels and classify the materials as useful or harmful.

Prepared by:
Gabuya, Patria Hence M.
Garcia, Shaira Mae C.

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