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A. Content Standard The learners should list various sources of water
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to list the daily activities in which they use
C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to recognize that the clean water should be used
for drinking.
1. Unpacked Make an appropriate research about water sources and uses.
A. Topic Sources & Uses of Water
B. Science Ideas Water is a precious resource. It is the basic need of all living things. Most of
the water in the oceans is not useful for many purposes. Fresh water is less
than 2 percent of all available water coming from different sources which
are rain, glaciers, lakes, rivers, springs, wells etc. water is used in homes,
industries, agriculture and also for leisure (sports such as sailing, boating,
swimming, fishing, water skiing and water surfing). Fresh water is not
available easily at many places. People have to fetch water from faraway
places. We should therefore, avoid wastage of water. 
C. Science Processes Observing, Classifying, Communicating, Inferring, Predicting
D. Values Focus Patience and Participation
E. Materials Learning Materials, Video Presentation
F. References Lesson Planning of Sources & Uses of Water Subject General Science
Grade 5th

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Resources of.html?m=1
Drill Let the pupils classify the different types of weather.

Sunny Windy

Rainy Snowy




Review Identify which of the animals are living in the land, water, or air

1. Bee
2. Deer
3. Gorilla
4. Dog
5. Whale
1. Motivation Start a discussion by asking:

How do we get drinking

water at home?

How do we use water?

2. Presentation
The teacher will going to present the sources and uses of water.

3. Pre-Activity
Divide the class into suitable groups. Ask them to observe carefully how
water is used in their homes? Ask them to hold discussions within their
groups and make research on the following questions:

4. Activity Proper

1. How is water used in your home?

2. How do you think water is wasted?

3. How can it be saved?

4. Which household activity uses the largest amount of water?


Sources and Kinds of Water

Water comes from different sources. It may come from open or closed
sources. It may also come from a small body of water or a big body of
water. Others come from clouds as rain.

The kind of water depends on its source. The three kinds of water are
seawater, freshwater, and groundwater.

1. Seawater is salty. It contains plenty of salt. It is found in the seas and

oceans. Seawater is also called hard water.

2. Freshwater is also called surface water. This is found in open but small
bodies of water like rivers, lakes, creeks, and ponds. Surface water comes
mostly from rain. Rainwater flows from land into streams and rivers. In cold
countries, it also comes from snow, icebergs and glaciers, and when melts it
runs off into surface water.

3. Groundwater is found beneath the earth's surface. It comes from water

that seeps into the ground. This accumulates in the underground layer called
water table. Groundwater is the safe source of water. It is considered the
cleanest water and contains plenty of dissolved minerals which the human
body needs.

Uses of Water

Freshwater is used for cleaning, washing, bathing, preparing food and other
household uses. It sustains plant and animal life. It is used to water plants. It
is given to animals to drink. Without water, animals and people will die of

Freshwater in rivers, lakes and springs is used for recreation.

One can go swimming or boating in these places. Clean rivers and

lakes are also a rich source of shrimps, crabs, and shellfish.

Rivers and lakes, like seawater, can serve as routes of transportation for
boats like ferry boats in Pasig River. Freshwater and groundwater may also
be used in farms for irrigation and livestock watering and in factories

Seawater is the habitat of marine aquatic plants and animals.

Generalization Now all the groups be asked to list other uses of water outside the home.
Make a list on the board on the basis of group work.

Application Write S if the water is salty and NS if it is not. Write your answer

in your notebook.

1. lake

2. rain

3. ocean.

4. spring

5. sea

6. river

7. falls

8. ice


Write True if the statement is correct and False if not. Write your answer in
your notebook.

1. Freshwater is also called hard water.

2. Groundwater is a safe source of water. 3. Seawater can be used as routes
for transportation for


4. The different kinds of water are seawater, freshwater,

rainwater and groundwater.

5. Seawater is also called surface water. 6. Seawater is good for drinking

7. The oceans, seas, rivers and ponds are the habitats of most aquatic plants
and animals.

Divide the class into four groups. Each group be allotted one of the topics
given below. Ask them to prepare a photo album, from newspapers and
magazines, showing the use of water in;

A. Home
B. Industries
C. Agriculture
D. Leisure

Prepared by:
Gabuya, Patria Hence M.
Garcia, Shaira Mae C.

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