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signment 2

epti on
Ohat is fescepti on
Ans Pen cuption is a pa0 tus hich we
and tnterpae impranbns -
sens0xy ai
hcdnuna to out enviaonment:

Ohat ae h kdedors that Inutnt Percephon

Explan each act
Ans2 Perccaver
LOnen uou Look a
tarqet,eur irpctkio,

onxt ou s e is intlutnud
eyour pecona
eharacteha attidudis, pesonah mokive ,
1nteeytS pa expertenc and expe tatio In t r

Tos gel
Th charackeristie ah u Aarqe ado
we pecive. Becaue u e
ate who
ton't look at
solation hxladtion chip o a faat
taoqek to
backaaund intuant pertsption.
Conhcx makr doo Tnfm a thich w
seL an Can
cojckY vtnlCan
as Can toaiovm, tght,htal or Hucuhout atn
mal fa

Explainch Attbibute hLO tln a

Ans3 AXhilt dmion ti to
Lopu d edl eplain was we ad
athibu e &
dptndia d
Weatcnapt do ddermm ohdher
behavior: bnmall Caube d N mdìvidualA
tecmenastion dpeAd larqels on extenaly
dh to
DiHnchxtnibs 2 nSw and )
mhtsna Ca d bhasionc are
beliene b thos an obem
tAndt o
o anomir indidual: beigond behavlral conchol
hat we maaas Exttonall Cawtd behauior
ciduadfon korced mdiidual
Disfiacdlent xka o Lohuther a n
ladivdual diplats
erend Lehoior n dAlttnd iuation.
eeOal whoac a hlax SBuctiaa >uponds
m f Com wa, Sa havio shoo
Observection> wHorpred=ctan Atiuti
bitclisns emal.
hddidual behasibeGAlovayungu)= Exkna
4 h a t re eaoas and i a ma dustort attributi-

A4Eors o bine distot attaibutor) When we

Make ud quments abeuk n behavior oh othir peop

etnd Aoundurehimate mi iakwent d xturnal

actos and overehmak iRun of ieerna
er Perso n ttors i s Calad undimisheu
cAibuthon Ror
Individuals and oraaneatin tund do athiule
A own Succe mternal tactor 3uch a abiltty
er ebo whutu blanir tuiurt bp exttrnal atto
Such o» bad uck d i t i l t cowoeurs r p k
derd 4 T coallud Selkserinq bias

5 whad at Coxmnuo otuks n Judainq others

AsySa Setu cti Pesteptiom

Aoy chaer.ckties that maksa ponon',an ohee
even stand ouk silu ncria proba.biGl

t t a l o and o n s tttets
when N daw a Dasif imprno0n obotk a0 individua
based nSnu charracnstis, such a leqenc,
Souaiuh eappeardwc ahalo_eeck ls operadlq
Th tton etect whtn e draw * a nCqafirt
mpasion a Sinau chonsacktuh.
(eConra E{eed
dondonevaludte a
cso in1solatin r
2attio is h{wtn ttd h ohtr pcoqu e hoave
C n t Entoundtr ed

d Sereotpina
htn IMeLA bajk on
Semuons percoin

ich ha h i btlenswe art

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