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My Daily Routine

Name : ………………………….
Student ID number : ………………………….
Age : ………………………….
Occupation : ………………………….

Here’s my daily activity : (give a checklist mark on the activity that you do almost every day)
 Wake up
 Take a bath
 Go to the office
 Make the bed
 Make the breakfast
 Make a report
 Check emails
 Prepare the dinner
 Print documents
 Sweep the floor
 Water the plants
 Write a diary / blog
 Mop the floor
 Go to the market
 Go to school / college
 Clean the house
 Set a meeting
 Perform prayers
 Tidy up the house
 Brush the teeth
 Wash the dishes
 Wash the car
 Meet a client
 Play some games
 Play soccer
 ………………………..
 ………………………..

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