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‘THiS REPORT CREATED 15 hn 20220027 Ship D ShipName CARNIVAL BREEZE Shiptype PassengeriCruise IMOLR Ne. 9585723 Gross 128,052 callsign 3Fz08 Deacweight 10,250 MMSINo, 354842000, Year ofBuld 2012 Flag Panama Status In ServicelCommission Operator Camival Cruise Line Shipbulder_incantleri Monfalcone Ownership Croup Owner Camivalore Adress Locon United States OF America Company No vaso, SShiomansger Camivalore Adres Lotion United States Of meres. Company No o12st0s, operon ‘Ader Loction Unite States OF America Company No osm DOC Company Camival Cris Lins Adress Loosion United States OF Amer MO Company No(O0C) 2057032 Restored Owner Caunival ius Line Adress Loosion United States Of America IMO Registered Owner No. 2087032 Techical Manager ‘AswastLacaton United States OF Ameries Company No osm Bareboat Oaner ‘Acar Loation ‘company Ne. ‘Ownership History sow extended tisory Group Date Name Flag Owner ——_Shipmanager Operator BOC company _Regstered Owner oat comval aise ine 2012.05 ‘camval cruise te 201205 2012.05 2012.08 Parana 2012.05 vos origeay CARNIVAL BREEZE Registration, P&l, and Communications Oc Emi stobertateamival com PortotRepsty Panama Fg Panama ‘Sl Com Ans Back Fishing Numbor Curent PICKS Steamahip Mutual Pal Clb History Dele Paci 2021-01-21 Starship Maal 2020-00228 Gard 2019-11-21 Starship Mtl 2016-06-22 Steamship Mutu 2019-0108 Gard Price Seq 0 0 0 95 ve 2018-00-21 Starship Mutual 2018.05.08 Gard 2016-0841 Steamship Mutual 2016.07.08 Card 2019-01-44 Stamahi Matual 2012.06.01. Starship Maal Flag, Call Sign & MSI History ‘Three Yoar Event Summary Significant Event Casvalios ° us ° Doc centcates 0 ° Name changes Class ° s12months Between 1 and2 years ago 2 yeas ago LUoyetsRopistor (2012.05.31)LR Glas: + 100 At Suvoy Type: Continuous Suvy Ose: 2017-06 Cass Notation: passenger ship‘ShipRight [SDA FDA)“INS LR Machinary Cass: LR Watose Coss LMC LR Machinery Netatons: UMS (Unmanaed Machinery Spaces} Numsrt 18081 LR Hull Class History 7000-1120 Uys Resistor (Contemplaag) Surveys ‘Continuous Hull Survey Due 2027-06-20, Lloyds Restor Continuous Machinery Survey Ove 2022.06.81, oye Register Tal Sha Survey Due 027-0490, yes Rogitor Decking Suvay Duo 2025-04-17, Assigned 2022-0418, Lloyds Repistor ‘Anus! Suvey Due 2023-05-51, Lye Ragtar crow List Inspections & Detentions ‘ata s reported by Port State Contre! Authorities ‘Authority Status Dae Place oa eltar itainpecten 7205. Paar Pogeso us Inia nspecton 2022.01 Galveston Cossiguaré 8 Fire safety (Racin) osaguars a secs Fre ealety Rocios) Le saving apetancas(Rectitod) Fro ealtyRocitg) Cami Breeze Fig clase oye Regist ops Regist opts Regie owner Ccamial Cruise Cre 28 1 saviogspolances(Recttad) Fre safety Recta) feavngspolanoes(Rectitad) Fre safety Racin) + Detect Labour Conditons - Conditons of enployant- Wages us Fotow up 201940. Por Canaveral Coaslguard a 4 Detects: OPS FIRE SAFETY -WA- No suBSYSTEM OF “FIRE SAFETY -NiA-NO SUBSYSTEM OF “FIRE SAFETY -WA- NO SUBSYSTEM 9 | OTHER- NA-NO SUBSYSTEM Coaalguars aa us Inspoeton 2018-50. Pon Canaveral Coastguard ‘a us Inspecton 201807. Gaveston (Coastguaré 8 ‘cartbeen —iapecton 2018-05 Belize cy us Inspocton 2018.04. Galvesion (Coasguaré is Ving De Mar —napecton 201801 Cozumel osaguars 5 2 Detects DOCUMENTATION - CERTIFICATESDOCUMENTS: DOCUMENTATION. SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FIRE FIGHTING. STRUCTURAL“ ACLASS DIVISIONS, Vioa DelMar — iapecton 20179 Lacabe aa onary ‘Gaocan ——Irspocton 2017-08. Big Crook wou 8 us Inspecton 2017.08. Gaveston (Coastguaré Es us Fotow up 2017-01. Galveston (Sossguaré a us Inspecton 20160. Gaveston Cosstguaré ‘8 FIRE FIGHTING - STRUCTURAL -ACLASS OMSIONS. FIRE FIGHTING. STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION - GENERAL ‘OPERATIONSIMANAGEMENT LIFESAVING ‘cantosan ——_rspocton 2016.08. Gaoj Terminal wou i us Inspecton 201601 Mand Coaslguard 7 us Inspecton 201540. Mant (Coasguaré a us Fotow up 201505. Miami Cosson ia ‘cantoean——rapecton 2018-08 Johns (Cans) wou ES us Inspecton 201508 Miami Coastguard 2 aml Sroeze cama Bronze Broazo Cami Sroeze Cami Breeze Panama Panama Pana Panara Panama opts Regie oye Register of ‘Shipping Joys Regier OF Leyes Register OF ‘Sipping opts Register OF Shipsng oye Register of Shipping Loyes Regie amit Guise Leyes Register of Shipp Joys Register OF Loy Regier LoyesRogistor Camival Cuiso oye Register of Shipping Leyes Regia cami partion Loys's Register of Shipsrs oye Register of ‘Shipping Loye's Regist oye Register of ‘Shipping Joys Regitr OF Loyss Reo ‘Ships oF Lnspeatied Ioyes Regist Ccamival Crise Ces Unspectid ae Coasiquara "PO 2 Docs FIRE FIGHTING- STRUCTURAL -ACLASS OMSIONS FIRE FIGHTING - MEANS OF ESCAPE us Inspecton Coastguard + Detect us Inspecson Cosstguars Ccenmpean —iapecton us Inspocton (Coasiguaré 2 Detects 20181. Miami " 2019.05 Miami ‘a FRE FIGHTING - STRUCTURAL-ACLASS OISIONS. [ACCOMMODATIONIOCCUPATIONAL SAFETY - MEDALIST AID Consguae Pe + Detect FIREFIGHTING - MEANS OF ESCAPE Pas MOU tila nspacton ‘Safety Management Company Shiprame (Reports) Type ‘convention Sequence Historlel Shipname (Reported) Tye ‘convention Date ofleue 0124447 Sequence Historica Shiprame (Reported) Camival Brosze Type Safety Certificates Casualty & Events Flag (Reporos) Fag (Repores) Astor oat of Expy Flag (Roporos) Panama 2017146 Panama Pana Panama Lnspectied Unspeciiod Lys Regier Of Caria Cate ‘Sipping the Unspecid oye Register oC Company Camival Cruise Line oc company Lloye's Register LUoys'e Regier oC Company Carnival Cruse Line ‘Atmos he Sat ty Evers ate rtunes Clk ort he ante iat rio Search Rost, 285124 CARNIVAL BREEZE Crow and Passonger nase /Fatly Injury. Non Sarious 252048 CARNIVAL BREEZE Crowand Passenger ness /Fatliy/Inty. Serious Construction Overview cr s2a082 Alterations & Conversion Arrangement Construction Detal Deadweight a2.01-28 0280 48 Ship Type Group:Crst-10,000-149,9993 StalcodeS AATAZPC; Standard design Drea Class; Hu Type Doute oto Ente Compartment Length Recycling Detail (Broken up ships only) Service Constraints Shipbullder 701205 Encantar-Gant Nev ualanS 2 = Maufalsa YorhullNo: 6201 Sister Ships. [Amest hea fy slster Sipe ae relumed ik ee to retun al strsips to Search Result LRNO Ship Name status Deadweight GT Built Type Yard No Main Engine ‘2085223 GARNWALEREEZE INSERVICEICOMMISSION 10250 128052 2012.08 PaseengerCruse 6201 12V49C |SOIRSTE CARNAL DREAM INSERVICEICONMISSION 13815 128251 2008.08 PassongorGriss 6151 12V480 SEMAME COSTADIADEMA INSERVICEICOMMISSION 71118 135010 201610 PassengelGruse 6203 12v#6C Status History Date statue zo0e-t 19 Kool Laid 2000.00.00. On OrforNet Commeancad ‘Supplementary Features Feature ‘Server ited Bollr Maniac ‘ifs Lava Aalborg Propo Manctocurer mmc Teta fal capac, ncble mates 4236.00 Dimensions Length Overt 305.500 Length (6?) 269.700 Lenatn Re) 2risz0 fubous ow BrescthExreme 0.000, reset Moulded 37.180 Draught 3200 Deon no KectToMastHeignt 61.450 Displacement 62650 em 00 Tonnages ‘Tonnage Type ‘One tonnage, unepeciiod Tonnage Syston New System interntins! 1965) etectve Date 2912.05 Grose Tonnage (61) 128052 Net Tonnage (NT) Deadweight (OWT) 10.250 Compensated Goss 0 Tonnage (CST) Formula Desdweign: 49,628 Lphtdisplacoment 52.400 Tonnage (LD) Cargo Overview rin ° Bale ° quis ° as ° rev ° revit ° oul ° Passengers 4929 Bosra) 0 Capacities Passengers cane 1845; beth 4689: Crow 1267 cargo Handling Goar Compartments Hatches Ro-Ro (Lanes, Ramps & Doors) Specialist Tanks Machinery Overview 6 cosa ecto oll engines dking & gansralors each 12,600KW11,000V a2, connects to 2 lecie motors of (2,0008W) sing 2 FP popallrs at 140 ‘pm Toll Power: Mer 75,S00K (102, 785np Wax. Span 22 50hs, Service Spocd: 20.0046 aw ry Engines Design: Vawo Penta, Engine Sudo: Misubish 1 x STER-MPTA, 4 Suoke 1603. 170x180, Me: 1590 KW Desgn Wars, Engin Bulder: Wenslansitt 1x 12V48C, 4 Stoke 120y. 450x580, Me: 12600 KH Auxillary Gonerators Boilers A xBeaustg onomiy,1x Water ibe audi bo Bunkers ua: tate fa: 255 01m, edule 3861. Prime Mover Detall Design Ware (Group Wasi) Engine Buller: Warsi ala SpA al 6x 12V4EC, 4 Stoke, Single Acbng, Vee 12 Cy 480 x 580, Mer 12500 KN (1731p) at 514 pm Thrusters {8 ThwarFP user (92 200K(2 9816"), 2 Twat. FP tr () 2 200K, 8818p) Event Timeline Date Signicant Events 202208. PSC nspactes 202201 PSC Inspected ‘202108 PSC Inepactes 202005. PSC Inspected 201010 PSC inepectee, PSC Inspected ‘201904 PSC Inspected 201810 PSC nspacted 201807 PSC Inspected 201805. PSC Inspected 201804 PSC Insreciee, PSC Inspected ‘201801 Owner Camis Cus Line 201710. PSC Inspacad, SMC Corea suns by Leys Resistor Expres 20221118, 201709 SC Inepectze, PSC Inspected 2a1704 PSC Inspected 201702 PSC Inspoctes 201701 PSC Inspectes 201810 PSC Inspected 201608. PSC Inspected 201604 PSC Inspected 201512 PSC Inspected 201510 PSC Inssectos ‘201505 PSC Inepected 201504. PSC Inepactee, PSC Inspected 201410 PSC nssectes roan 201208 orm 201206 201206 20109 200800 sc inspected PSC Inspec sc inspects PSC inspec PSC Inspects, SMC Content isos by Leys Register Expires 20171718 PSC Inspected, Group Owner Catv Comp ‘Name changed to CARNIVAL GREEZE, LR Classes, Flagged by Panama, Satis changed ton Sensce/Comnision, SMC Cera ised {LR Expires 20127130, Operator Cornal Crue Lin, Tacha! Manager Camival Cass ine, Gane Cava Cor, Ship Manager Cheval Com, ‘Status changed fo Launenes LR Class Contemplted Stats changed Keel Lal ‘Status charged lo On OrdorNot Commenced + Photographs MARINE BENCHMARK Proto of 48 “This data brought yon cooperation wth anna Benchmate Vessel operation analysis - Demo “data blon i fox opp ny. To er ta you il nda th Sip Paemance dul yor edbipion 718 Vessel trading area analysis - Demo “The data below i for demo purposes only To view eal data you wl ne "No trading area dat availabe for this ship to ad the Ship Performance Module to your eubserition ae

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