Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) System: Supplier Manual

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Electronic Government

Procurement (e-GP) System

Supplier Manual
eGP Supplier Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Start using the System ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.1 Accessing the Portal ........................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 User Registration ............................................................................................................................. 5

2.3 Log in and out of the system........................................................................................................... 6

2.4 Managing account profile ............................................................................................................... 6

2.5 Supplier Registration ....................................................................................................................... 7

2.5.1 New Application ......................................................................................................................... 8

2.5.2 Draft Application....................................................................................................................... 11

2.5.3 Follow-up Tasks ........................................................................................................................ 11

2.5.4 Application Tracking ................................................................................................................. 12

2.5.5 Revise or Renew Registered Organizations............................................................................ 13

3. Navigating through the system .............................................................................................................14

3.1 Quick Reviews ................................................................................................................................. 15

3.2 Informative ..................................................................................................................................... 15

3.3 Supplier Registration ...................................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Tender Management ..................................................................................................................... 18

3.5 Contract Management .................................................................................................................. 22

eGP Supplier Manual

e-GP is a national electronic government procurement portal that uses an electronic system to
handle transactions in the public procurement process. e-GP is designed with innovative measures
using information and communication technology to streamline the public procurement with greater
efficiency that breaks down the physical barriers of space and time to have a transparent
procurement process through a wider access to information and markets.

e-GP helps to ensure the provision of equal treatment to all bidders, applying same rule of law,
increase accountability of participants in the procurement process and at the same time raising
awareness on the general public about the expenses of the government.

2.Start using the System

2.1 Accessing the Portal
Anyone can view the e-GP system by using a specific portal address without registering in the
system. However, to be a registered supplier, a user needs to go further and register. And here is
how you can access the portal;

 At first, you will need to land on the e-GP portal. To do so, you need to make sure you
have a secure network connection
 Then open a web browser and enter the link http:// www.egp.ppa.gov.et, once you do
that you will land on the portal home page as shown in the figure below;

eGP Supplier Manual

Figure 1: e-GP portal home page

Once you land on the portal, you can navigate through the system with the available features
provided. And if you wish to see the portal with your preferred language, you can easily change to
any of the languages the system is provided as follows;

 Click on the language preference drop down button found at the left corner of the system
as shown in the figure below;

Figure 2: Language options

As you scroll down the home page, there are a lot of features that you can directly forwarded to.
Such as, procurement plans, tenders, published notices, registration services, supplier list and

eGP Supplier Manual
resources. And if you wish to be registered as a supplier, then you first have to be a registered user
in the system as discussed below;

2.2 User Registration

e-GP system allows any user as well as suppliers to be able to self-register in it. Here is how you can
do that;

 Click on the sign-up button located at the left corner of the system and you will find a
form as shown in the figure below;

Figure 3: user registration form

In the first phase of the registration procedure, the user registers by providing the following

 Enter first name and last name

 Enter email address
 Enter pass word and confirmation password
 Click on the captcha checkbox
 Click on Register button

Once the above listed details are submitted, you will receive confirmation email through the email
address you have provided, then click on confirm and system will redirect you to the e-GP login page
for you to log in with your new account you have created.

eGP Supplier Manual
2.3 Log in and out of the system
Once you land on the portal’s home page, you can follow the following steps to log in to the
system, these are;
 Click on Login link located at the top left corner of the system and you will find a log in
window (when you complete the registration, system also automatically redirect you to
this window) as shown in the figure below

Figure 4: Login Page

 Enter a valid user name
 Enter the correct password
 Click on the Login button

To log out of the system, the steps you need to follow are discussed as follows;

 Click on the user name located at the top left corner of the system
 Click on Log Out and you will be logged out of the system

2.4 Managing account profile

In here, you can be able to update your user account profile if there comes a need. And here’s how
you can do that;

 Click on a user name located at the left corner of the system and select Account Profile
you will land on a page as shown in the figure below

eGP Supplier Manual

Figure 5: User Information

 Make changes to any of the details in the populated required fields (First name, Last
Old password, New Password) as shown in the figure below
 Click on Update and Save buttons consecutively

2.5 Supplier Registration

When you log in as a registered user in the e-GP system, you will find a similar homepage as
discussed in the above section with different services displayed in a box as shown in the figure and
the registration feature will redirect you to the supplier register so that you will register as a supplier.
The steps you need to follow are discussed as follows;

eGP Supplier Manual
 Click on Registration Services box and you will be redirected to the following page as shown
in the following figure;

Figure 6: Registration Services

And once you land on the above shown page, you can use the features listed on the side menu.
These are described one by one as follows;

2.5.1 New Application

To register your business entity for the first time you use this feature as follows;

 Click on New Application link listed at the right side menu and you will find a supplier
registration form as shown in the figure below;

eGP Supplier Manual

Figure 7: Supplier Registration Form

 Select legal form of entity

 Select country of registration
 Enter your tax identification number
 Click on the check box for terms and condition agreement
 Click on Start Registration button

Now you have started the registration process and system will retrieve your organization detail from
the ministry of trade and industry as shown in the following figure;

eGP Supplier Manual

Figure 8: Supplier Registration Detail Form

As you can see on the figure above, additional detail information will be needed to complete the
supplier registration process and here are the steps you need to follow,

 Click on the add (+) icon at each of the registration detail categories as shown in figure 8
and each category contains detailed information requests that you will be required to fill.
In additional, you will attach legal credential documents where they are requested to
fulfil at each category
 Click on the Submit button or save your partially filled application as draft for later use by
clicking on the Save as Draft button

Once you submit the registration form, you wait until you get approval to be a supplier. If you fulfil all
the requirements, the registering agency (FPPA) will approve your supplier registration request and
you will receive a notification. As soon as you receive the notification, you log out of the system and
re-login. And here’s how you can logout and re log in to the system;

 Click on the sign out link found at the left corner of the system

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 Then you click on the login link located at the same place as sign out and follow the
procedures to log in as discussed in section 1.2., this time you will log in as an officially
registered supplier on the e-GP system

2.5.2 Draft Application

You can use this feature to access your business entity registration applications that have been saved
as draft during the supplier registration and are waiting for the final submission, to do so follow the
steps discussed as follows;

 Click on Draft Application link listed at the right side menu and you will find list of draft
 Click on one of the drafted applications
 Click on the add (+) icon of the remaining registration detail categories as shown in figure 8
and you provide the required details and attach legal credentials if needed
 Click on the Submit button or you save your partially filled application again for later use
before submitting it by clicking on the Save as Draft button

2.5.3 Follow-up Tasks

When the registering agency (FPPA) requests for additional information to complete your
registration application the bureau communicates with you by sending a follow-up task. To see and
act accordingly, you need to follow the steps discussed below;

 Click on Follow-up Task link listed at the right side menu and you will find list of registration
follow up tasks if there are any send from the bureau
 Click on one of the tasks and you will find the registration follow up task with a remark as
shown in the figure below

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Figure 9: Follow up Task Detail

 Provide the required details to complete the registration and click on Submit button

2.5.4 Application Tracking

In this feature, you can track the status of your application before getting the formal approval as a
registered supplier. And to view the status of your application you need to follow the steps discussed
as follows;

 Click on Application Tracking link listed at the right side menu and you will find list of your
 Click on one of the tasks and you will find the status of your application stated as shown in
the figure below

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Figure 10: Application Tracking Detail

2.5.5 Revise or Renew Registered Organizations

When you want to see and review the details of all of your registered organizations in the portal as a
supplier, you can use this feature by following the steps discussed as follows;

 Click on Registration Services link from the top menu (once you become a supplier, you don’t
need to click on registration services as you will find My companies feature in your work
space side menu)
 Click on My Companies link listed at the right side menu and you will find list of your
companies registered as a supplier
 Click on one of your companies in the list and you will find details of the company as shown in
the figure below

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Figure 11: Registered Supplier Detail

 Click on Revise Registration button (if you want to renew registration then you click on
Renew Registration button)
 Make adjustments to the details
 Click on Revise button and wait until the revised version gets approved and you will receive a
notification about it

3.Navigating through the system

Once you are a registered supplier, you will find supplier’s home page with additional feature as
shown in the figure below;

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Figure 12: Supplier’s Home Page

Now let’s see how you can go through the features of the e-GP system as a supplier

3.1 Quick Reviews

As you can see on the home page, the various services are provided for quick reviews and here is
how you can proceed with that

 To see details of the e-GP services, click on one of the service boxes (procurement plan,
tenders, published notices, registration services, suppliers list and resources) and you will be
redirected to that specific service in the system

3.2 Informative
To see notifications that are send through the system, click on My Workspace link located at the top
menu on the home page and you will find a side menu as shown in the figure below

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Figure 13: Notification link

In addition, when there’s a case that you wish to send to any of the procuring entities, you can
click on My Case found at the right-side menu or the icon found at the top left corner of the
system and you will find the one shown in the below figure;

Figure 14: Case Submitting Form

To submit your case, you will need to provide below listed information;
 Select a case type
 Select an organization to which you wish to send your case to
 Enter your case subject
 Enter description of your case
 Attach a document if you wish to

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 Click on Send button

Once you send that, you can check on the responses in My Case section in which you will receive
responses from the organization you send out your cases to. To do so you need to follow the
following steps,

 Click on registration services and you will find My Cases feature in the side menu as
shown in the figure below

Figure 15: My Cases Link

3.3 Supplier Registration

When you want to register your additional organization as a supplier, you will follow as similar
procedures as the one you registered above. And here is how you can do that,

 Click on Registration Services link located at the top Menu and you will find a side menu
as shown in the figure below, which is similar as shown in section 2.5

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Figure 16: Registration Services

 Click on New Application option from the menu and you will find a similar supplier
registration form as shown in figure 7 and 8.
 As the procedure is discussed in section 1.3, you wait until you receive a notification that
your newly registered organization to be approved as a supplier.

3.4 Tender Management

To participate in a tender, first you have to select a tender from the tenders listed found in Latest
Tenders at the home page dashboard or you can select from the tenders you are invited to
participate listed under Invitation to Bid that is also on the dashboard.

Below you can see the list of tenders you will find once you click on Show More of Latest Tenders;

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Figure 17: Tender List

And once you find list of tenders you need to follow the following steps to engage in the tendering

 Select any of the tender you are interested in and click on More show button
 You will find details of the tender, then click on Register button to register as a
participant on that tender
 System will automatically generate you a private key for you to use to proceed in the
tender process. Make sure to copy the private key provided to you. Meanwhile, you will
be redirected to the page shown in the following figure where the tender you registered
will be listed

Figure 18:. List of Registered Tenders

 Click on one the registered tenders in the list and you will find a menu at the right side of
the system shown as follows

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Figure 19:. Tendering Tools

In the above figure you can see that there are lot of features that will help you proceed with the
tender process. And the tender document is one of these and to get the tender document and
related details do the following;

 Click on Tender Document from the right-side menu and you will be asked to provide the
private key provided to you earlier
 Select either technical or financial
 Enter the related private key
 Click on Submit button and you will find detailed tender document as shown in the
following figure

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Figure 20: Tender Document Menu

In here, additional detailed features in a tender document are found and by clicking on each link you
can proceed with the tender process.

After you view the tender document, you might want to start the tender preparation and here is
how you can do that,

 Click on Tender Preparation link from the menu shown in figure 16 and you will find a
similar menu as shown in figure 17 but here with actual forms for you to fill the
necessary details
 Once you finish the tender preparation click on Save (or save as draft if you wish to
complete it later)
 Click on Submit to finally submit the tender

As you can see on the menu in figure 16, there are also tender related features such as, bid security. If
the tender requires the submission of a security, then you can click on the Bid security from the
menu and can be able to send payment request to your bank or your payment service provider.

After the submission of a tender, further tender processes are done using the features listed under
the opening and Evaluation menu as shown in figure 16. These are,

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 During tender opening, you can participate in the event online by clicking on Tender
Opening Session and also access the meeting minute by clicking on the Tender Opening
 Once evaluation is done, you can see the evaluation result by clicking on Tender
Evaluation Result. In which you will see list of suppliers with technical rank
 If you are selected as a winner, you will receive a notification that an award is sent to you.
And to see the award sent to you, click on Award Notice and you will find the notice as
shown in the figure below,

Figure 21: Award Rank List

If there are somethings that both parties want to negotiate, then you can click on Award Negotiation
Link from the list on the menu

3.5 Contract Management

For all the tenders you are chosen to be a supplier, then a contract will be sent to you. And you can
easily find it under the contract management link listed on the main menu as shown in figure 9. And
here is how you can use related features in contract management,

 To view the contract details first click on Contract Management from the menu list
shown in figure 9
 Click on one of the contracts listed in My Contracts and you will find list of additional
tools in a menu for a specific contract that you choose as shown in the figure below

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Figure 22: Contract Management Tools

 To view the details of the contract, click on contract detail and system will display
 When you wish to place a new guarantee according to your contract, click on Security
and Guarantees and you will find the following

Figure 23: Security and Guarantee

o Click on Place new guarantee button as shown in figure 20 and a request
submission form appears
o Submit the required details, select your financial institution and click on Save
 You can also prepare delivery note by clicking on Deliver Note link from the list
shown in figure 19. Then by clicking on New, you can proceed with the delivery note
 To send out your invoices, click on Invoices link from the list shown in figure 19 and
proceed accordingly
 When you come across issues that you would like to ask about, click on Issues link
from the list shown in figure 19 and you will find the following,

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Figure 24:. Contract Issue

o Click on New button as shown in figure 21 and issue submission form
o Select your issue category, fill in details in the required fields and click on
Save button

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