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Asaalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhadulillahi robbil’alamin assolatu wassalamu ‘ala asyrofil ambiya’i wal mursalin,

sayyidina wa maulana muhammadin wa’ala alihi wasohbihi ajma’in ‘amma ba’du.

First of all, let us pray and give thanks for the presence of Allah SWT because of His mercy
and grace, Alhadulillah, we are all still given the opportunity to gather in this place in good
health and well-being.
Salawat and greetings do not forget to extend to our lord, our role model, Prophet
Muhammad SAW, to his family, friends and Insha Allah the spark of mercy will always
reach us who are still obedient in carrying out his teachings.

Congratulations on the launch of the studyverse “learn everything, do amazing” event There
is a saying that says you don't know you are acquaintances, for that I introduce Hamdana and
my colleague Jihan Asmita Mandiri, as MCs at the launching event this morning.

Ok, before starting the event this morning, let's open it together by saying basmallah
“ Bismillahirrahmannirrahiim”

Furthermore, the reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an which will be read by brother Abd
Rahman Yusuf, to you, time and place are welcome. That was the reading of the holy verse
of the Koran by brother Abd Rahman Yusuf, thank you to you.
We will enter the next event, greetings The first greeting will be delivered by the director of
Studyverse, whom we respectfully call Sis Maharani, to Sis Maharani, we welcome the time
and place.
Well, that's it, we have heard the welcome from Ms. Maharani as the director of Studyverse,
to Ms. Maharani, we say thank you.
Next we will listen together with remarks from Mr. Ir. Agus Bahar Rachman, S.Pt, M.Si,
PhD. at the same time officially open/launch Studyverse. To you, the time and place we
invite. that was the speech and the inauguration of the studyverse by Mr. Ir. Agus Bahar
Rachman S.Pt, M.Si, PhD, we thank you.

Well, if you attend, we will enter the next event, which is a group photo session, we invite
the director of the studyverse, kak Maharani and Mr. Agus Bahar Rachman to take their
place at the front. The audience also followed suit.
That was the group photo session, the audience was invited to sit down again.

With the end of the group photo session, the studyverse opening event ended this morning.
We, the MCs, say goodbye to our resignation, we apologize if there are mistakes in
pronouncing words or actions, and thank you for all your attention.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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