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Cesar Domboy

Male elan psion 1/noble 1 - CL2 - CR 1

Neutral Good Humanoid (Aberrant); Atheist; Age: 25;
Height: 5' 10" ; Weight: 155 lb.; Eyes: Bleus; Hair: Bruns;
Skin: Blanche
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 12 +1

DEX 12 +1

CON 12 +1

INT 16 +3

WIS 14 +2

CHA 14 +2

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

Elan Wizard: +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school.

REFLEX +1 = +1
Elan Wizard: +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school.

WILL +6 = +4 +2
Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Elan Wizard: +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school. Acrobatics +3 DEX (1) -
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc Appraise +3 INT (3) -
AC 11 = +1 Bluff +6 CHA (2) 1
Aberrant Nature : -1 penalty vs non-elans.
Touch AC 11 Flat-Footed AC 10 Climb +1 STR (1) -
BAB Strength Size Misc
Diplomacy +6 CHA (2) 1
CM Bonus +1 = - +1 - - Aberrant Nature : -1 penalty vs non-elans.
See the Base Attack (below) for modifiers that may also apply to CMB
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Disguise +2 CHA (2) -
Elan Rogue: +0 bonus to appear as original race., Aberrant Nature : -1
CM Defense 12 = 10 - +1 +1 - penalty vs non-elans.
Escape Artist +1 DEX (1) -
Base Attack +0 HP 20 Fly +1 DEX (1) -
Elan Soulknife : +0 bonus to confirm critical hits. Does
not stack with Critical Focus.
Damage / Current HP Heal +2 WIS (2) -
Initiative +2 Intimidate +2 CHA (2) -
Aberrant Nature : -1 penalty vs non-elans.
Knowledge (civics) +10 INT (3) 2
Speed 30 ft
Knowledge (current events) +7 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (geography) +7 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (history) +7 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (local) +7 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (popular culture) +7 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (psionics) +9 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (streetwise) +7 INT (3) 1
Knowledge (technology) +7 INT (3) 1
Perception +3 WIS (2) -
Profession (law 2
enforcement) +8 WIS (2)
Ride +5 DEX (1) 1
Sense Motive +7 WIS (2) 1
Inquisitor: +2 on Sense Motive checks to oppose a Bluff check.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Skills Experience & Wealth
Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Experience Points: 2000/5,000
Stealth +1 DEX (1) - Current Cash: 1,000 $
Survival +2 WIS (2) -
Swim +1 STR (1) - Background
Né le 6 janvier 1983 de parents français établis au
Activated Abilities & Adjustments Québec depuis les années 1970, César travaille comme
Skill Bonus: +1 procureur au BIP.
Skill Bonus: +1
Skill Bonus: +1 Depuis juin 2007, il est en relation avec Rock
Inquisitor Stats de février 2008:
Psionic Body Revenus: 50 000$/an salaire, 50 000$ de rentes, condo
Psionic Talent (valeur 2008: 275 000$ payé par les parents), 50 000$
Scholar (Knowledge [civics], Knowledge [psionics]) économies.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Law Enforcement
Perceptive Talent
Total Weight Carried: 2/130 lbs, Light Load
(Light: 43 lbs, Medium: 86 lbs, Heavy: 130 lbs)
Artisan's outfit (Free) -
Money 2 lbs
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Electricity)
Repletion (Su)
Resilience (Su)
Resistance (Su)
Telepathy (Telepath)
Wealth Bonus +(1)
Common German
English, Modern Italian
Spells & Powers
Psion powers known (power points 6, ML 1st;
concentration +3)
Melee Touch +1 Ranged Touch +1
1st—call to mind , inertial armor , telempathic projection (DC
0th (at will) —conceal thoughts , detect psionics , empathy,

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

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