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4 STATISTICS = Te word Adtictics seems 4 from fhe Gatin word ‘chess’ ov the italian word ‘stata’ ov the qek word ‘dosti’ which rears oO poltical sate + Defyiton of Satishcs: The frocnh of mathematics wich deals with collection , classificabon and inferyrlaton of dein 18 called statistics «Sa Gerald Ficher (1990-196) és fhe pioneer in the desdoprent of nen thremies, of statistics. Feauercy diskrfoution Table : The table showing fhe class internals alorg with the comespending dass fegercies (6 Krewn 95 “Feqpency distnouon tobe. Frequency : Te ruber of values of class-trtervals ts colled as Trequency h of the cass: The difference Geboeen the upper 1d aver Comdames of a css 15 onled the length of 0. chss. : Rlarg S the difference Geb Ge greatest ord Se stralfest volues of fe variable in a distribution Yonge = 1-5, where Ls hengest olue and. S; Syolld ‘Volue. x ¥ centnl tendency « (also referied 49 9, measines Of central ov centre location) 15 « same, uve teat otterapts Jo describe a whole set af’ date. with & singe value that veynesertts the ni ie er central adlue in the dishibution . Tere ane- Anee arcin rmeasutes Of central dendency «the rmode , the aredion and te eon. Lach Of these vreasures descr, a diffeent indication of the typical ov central valve in the distnbutton. detate Mon for grad ): Faffernatic “Mean = Sum of observations m : No- of observations. {i} Leb yytgre-e = = be observations = with respective frequenctes fofar eo fn then mean of eee Fitfgt----fa coe Sn Sf Weiied Irthematic Mean: Sometimes we assocate with Fe ‘ruber A tastg-—-Mn cevtatn weighting fosters wrt yen--tq depering on. weighting amporlance attached to the numbers .Th such case MA wD Wey qeasures of ‘meast Wi AW. + Wat. Wy, 4 Class Mark Md pont © class mark ts dhe average of she Upp and lower fimils of the class Class Mork = no Lamit ie. : GF the data is distributed =m Mn are he mid value of the cweey fn are the frequencies of Affematc Mean, CU and % 1% 63 -- = qasses OMA frofordar- those qeups hen afm Joitfmetic Mean (= ae pwohere Nedirfo---fn aris welfod of finding Re mean is kwoun os the nDinect Metfod” Qevation : The deviation of the if class 1s denoted the (etter “dy and tS defined as dj 1% -@, uhere ny is the midvalue of the i class ard ‘a is the assumed mridvalue. i © dydgs---2dqy are He deviations and fiforde--> Sq are the frequencies of the 15424, wi classes respectively hen the avithmetic ean. qa. 2% 23.0, 2h H-a+ 4h This welfed 16 known as “Assumed Mean Metind”. & duithmetic Mean n slep deviation metfind (Shovl cut metfiod) for grouped data: x : k efi ) isa fu ta % = A4+——_. a efi Where a= Assumed “blue orang 4c — b= Length of te class itewal , K - folol number of observations , Oe ok au, = mid of the th class k N= total Frequency afi. Nevis of AM : (Dis very easy to compute ti) Te is uniquely defined te. # firs one and orly om ‘dlue. (Tt is sed on all observations. () Bis easly understood. Sevetis of Am: () TE does tot communicate all the information Conained tm the tow data. () BH is Greatly affected ty fie extreme values Qnd in some cases erheme Values con so disort tt alate ‘The wean obtained Gy all the nee methods is same Properties AM: The AM of ‘w’ observations aR - en is 1% then ie The AM of ky Iotackey, skin is Kit iy Te AM OF GFR) (oak) Ot), Ot) ts Gd) (a THE AM of OR) Our), O9-R--- Cue ig GD (Te AM ol Hew, a te is 7 » where Kis anon 3210 real number. (The AM of Mito, OHH amt, --... cat is (oC) Mede : The value which occuys most frequently tm the data, unqouped 1s called mode (0%) an dosenvation tearing rest Grequenly in tte data is called trode. Jde: (0 The trode of fhe data, ray ov may ret eis, (i Ty the trode of the dota evists tt may or tray not fe unique. (ni). The dato. faving unique mode is Known as “uni-modal data’. (nr). The data faving two modes is known as "Bi-modal data” (y. The data faving, {free twodes 1S Known as "Tr modal dato”. + Mode Jer Grouped data Mode (2) = 14 ee <] Dy fo- fo vdhere {= lower Coundary of modal class : size S frequency Of the = frequency of the class preceeding he modal of class interval modd class sa s class. fa = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class. a Medion for engouped dala: fo: When fhe dain is arranged in ascending oF descending order, then the widdle most value 1s called median. Definition of Median <4 the values si 8 the ow dota. ane atmangedl tn fe. order of increasing ov decreasing magnitude fen fe middle most value of in this arvangement 4s called fe median. ay: He moof voles "hts odd, Mun (a) value (5 tedion. ah ty Fw 15 en Mn He awvage af oe wd ay anlue is wedion. ; iedion J poops? % n sedan (= 141% ‘a { Wee “f= tower Youndony of vvedion cla6s ne Aotod 10:0f volues cf Aha cumulative frequency of He class pring the wedian class. hte Lngth of Class. interval fx the hrequenty of median class. (Di easy fo compute and easly emderstood. (iy The medion 15 unique: (pH stot ejeded fy fe extreme values. x Fnpensal etion: Mean - Mode = 3(Mean Median) (oR) ‘Mode = ‘Mean - 3(Mean - Secon) = 30Vedian- 2Mean Nate: The relation anong. wedian «rear ond mode was proposed oy “Carl Pearson’. k Camnative frequency cuive OY fhe Oye : Sack we pepe the curmmulative fequency table, then te Cummulative frequencies ave ppotind ogainst fhe upper or ower fimits of the coresponding class intervals. By ning the points the cue so obtained 1s called a a curnmmulative grequency cume 7 one Thee ave tuo fypes Of gives (: Less fan give Mot “he points with the upper famnits of the class 45 abscissa and the conespondi erath (ess than cummulatie frequenctes as ordinates. The yards are joined by free Fond smooth cue 4p ye. fess than Cunarmative frequency curve ov the "hess Is a vising curve cave Dot the points wifi te lower absrissa and fie cortesponding frequencies 05 ordinates, hand smooth cure 4 cy cure oF the than gue”. Tt (i Geater fan fans of the clas 98 toa eater than curnmulative Te pints ane ined by see qre greater fan cummunfative frequen " Loachs Hor oe’. @ is a falling curve. a When the points obtained a jpived foy straight fies fe phe obtained ig called curtmulative Frequency poy er. | Medan con be ctbtained fom cannmulative frequency curve From M2 frequenty draw a fine ppovatlel 4p eens cutting the came at a point. From the point draw o perpendicular meets the Y-onts detevenines fo median. + Les than type ond qrealer Han type canves intersect ak a. poivt. Thu guint gives the wedion ‘Lrercise - Mt A sutvey was conducted by & qroup of shidents as a part of Heir envionment awareness prograrame , m, which they collected the folowing data rognding the wo-of pants in 20 houses ina teal Find the enn: of me per house. No-of plants 0-2 24 46 68 BID ID-12 12-14 ie eee “Wo-of ports No-of lars Class Mark a) go Oo) tm 0-2 ' 1 \ 2-4 2 3 6 4-6 \ 5 ‘y 6-8 5 a 35 8-10 6 9 54 0-12 2 ? 22 12-4 3 13 oe ss Ta =| Ae | Maree ii as ahi We 4, 9 2. Siverage Number of yilants ev house is 81 2 Consider the following distribution % daily wages of So workers of a factory een MM 990-25) 95-300 300-3 3-400 400-45 No-of Workers 2 4 8 6 0 Find the mean datly wages of the workers of He fatony 6j ung On sppepcle weed, he he Dai uunges In No: of workas Cloumark Y; . Ai-@ _ faby GO ete 200-250 12 225 -2 24 20-3 4 25 al “4 300 - 350 g a5) 0 ° 30 - 400 6 36 ' 6 400-450 10 425 2 2 Thal i= 50 Afity=-12 a i Uj X= at iE : J = 3054 paps + 3254¢N) + 328-12 = 313 * Average of the daily wages {g 313, distribnition Shows re day , following ty pocket : Ihe at chilchen of a locality ‘The ynean, ‘packet foonee § TWHind Ae missing frquency poly = WIS ISAS 5-17 19-19 19-2) 91-93 3-95 sr ites 4 614 ]|4 is 4 ket No-of children. ioe | ir fm V8 q 12 4. B15 6 as 6-7 Q 16 144. na 13 18 24. (9-2 f % 2} 1-23 5 22 0 23-95 4 24. % Bil hi 4 Sh _ fin 5. ap My 18 ae 352+ 20f orn => 1444p) = 1524 20f 20f -1ef 992-452 => A . go {= 4 +20 “Thy werner were evoneed no beeps) by 0 orto and tren of fro! brats yor ‘tinthe ute wrt wd osmmanged chon. 00 He reer. feat Genk, yor reemnite. for tree warren, Sean 0 utah ceeted No of Fonts brats op eg yy 1-74 34-71 F100 80-23 4-H, yer rein. th-of women ae eee No-of Peart tats [run (c%) i 4 4-0 bd So 2 665 -49 2 aU 4 as 4 a W-44 3 475 3 -q 44-3 2 35.56) 6 ° oe + 85 3 4 lies 4 Ws: ¢ an 44-26 2 845 q gj Wal =A, Sd; +12 2 41h; R04 254 2 5 ADH © 354 1 Noon Aroxt beats {min gen 5. Tn ao “etait market sfruit vendor were selling oranges kept im packing baskets Frese backskels contained vaniing number of oranges The followmg was the distribution of wANG® Ndof oranges 10-14 15-19 20-24 95-29 30-34 Nb of baskets 5 to 135 us os Find the mean 7O-of oranges Kept in each basket . which. welhod of finding the man did ypu choose . r Let us teke @=22,h°5 No- of rags No: xe es ae jf 8 fins 1o- ty 5 12 -2 30 5-9 0 mw -} -110 20-4 135 22(a) 0 ° 25-4 Ne a 1 5 30-34 25 32 2 oD ‘Tel fi 400 uy 25 : fyi ce a m- at Sh xh 5. + 224 =] nas % 2 2240-305 = 22-9125 Mean no-of oranges Kept tn each basket is 22-3125, : % Hrd out He concentmtion of 50, in the atr (my pots per rilion ,te» ppm) Ae difa sons collected. fr sp (ocatites ma cevfoin city and is qomberted below 6 vaton of 000- 0.04- O-08- 012- O-16- 0-20- goin ppm = 04 OR OBI O16 O09 Oy Fauquey 4 a q 2 4 2 find te mean concertration in SO, in the air 7 ration Of . — ppm (c) Paquency Gi % fix; 0:00-0:04 4 0.02 0-08 0:04. - 0°08 9 0-06 0-54 0:08 - 0-12 q 0-10 0-90 O12 - O16 2 Oly 0-28 Ob - 0-20 4 0-18 0-72 0:20-0:24 2 0-22 0-44 TBlal fis 2 Zie 24% Ae Zin ¥ 2 Bs Wh 3t at 143. . = 0094 he BO aw a5 | 35 fe ® A class teacher fos the Planing attendance record of ap huderts of a class for the whole term. Find the mem number of days of & Stuterts taas spresent out of % days tr the tem. No-of days 95-38 38-41 41-44 44-47 47-50 50-53 53-5), NOof stuents | 3 ee a Jet us toke a= 45:5 ,h= 3 No: a 35-38 38-4) 41-44 44-43 4-@ 50-53 53-56 Total m Zhi 40 = at [3] 7 afi + 45-54 Ae ao *? i HS 3 ea 205 -2 -6 425 4 “4 455@ 0 485 ' + ao 2 8 syst foo uy: 44 Ju 4:45 4.50 © 495 4 3525 49095 ~ 49 days. 4. Te following tables ques the Weracy rate lin -). pee) of 3 cites Find fe mean eracy ‘rate, Litevacy Rate feat 45-55 55-65 65-35 45-85 85-95 No-of cities, 3 lo Ml 8 3 Let us take a - 70, he liteocy Rate No. o : ae Meo. in ‘ (ct) is he fui 45-55 S 5D -2 -b 55-65 1o 60 et 10 65-75 " (0) 0 0 75-85 8 8 i 8 85-95 3 gp 2 foe sah eid Tal Zhi +38 | By ~-2 XR: 4+ . [# ith ~ 404 FS) * Fb- ext = 10-3 FO - 0-542 69: 4985 S 6443+]. Burret 2-142 } L The fallowing table shows fhe ages of tre ntents atwtted tm a fosoltal during a. uray. hee 5-15 15-2 28-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 4 nb-of ‘ " 2 23 ty S oterts Ting Se rude and the mean of He data qven above Compare and ivtenpret the two rreaswes of central tendency Manivrum Of patients (ie; 3) goined in the age qoup = 35-45 2 Medal ass = 35-45 Lover Lindt of Modal class (0) - 35 Class Sap (hf) = 1 Frequency of reodal efass (f)- 23 Frovency of the class preceding the modal class (fe) +21 nes thu class succeeding tie amodal class (f:) - ih te 23-2 25 . ‘Ere ace [gem [re 438 4 ono + B+1MGig. -- + % Sypons Mean hye (cE gy fn 5.15 6 0 60 a) 1 » 220 6 wu » 630 35-45 23 40 ab 45-55 4 D 700 55-65 5 60 300 ‘Total ‘Zh +80 hry = 2830 Mean (®) = ¥ 2330 380 + 35-34Oyeas Grtexpetation = Mode Gge 1S Beyeors + Mean age 1S B-RSrpors. So. te maxinnm age of patients aired 1S 363, while an average age of ‘patients is M3. i Yarce, Mode is fess than He Mean. 2 The following data gives te formation on the observed life mes (in fours) of 225 electrical Lifetimes (im fs) SSuquency 10 = 38 29 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 (00-120 Qetermine the modal class fifeimes of the components Marimum Frepencyff: 6) Medal class = 60-30 Lower init of modal class (0 = 60 Chass size (F) = 20 Freqaney of te class preceding Ye modal class(P)- 52 Frequney of tn class suceing He rad hss (f= 38 hes) é One ] x20 . wile | axe 9 Ky 48s G4 Ss 45.005 = 65-625 hours, ‘The lowing data gives the distnbution af the ota! rmonifiy households expenditure of 200 farilies of a lage ‘ind the modal enpendtine ofthe forties Also, find the mean ronthly expenditure: Expenditure (in) (900-1500: 009- 2500- 3000 3500- 4000-| 45m. ‘S00 2000 2500 3000 3600 4000 4600 souD Noof familes 24 go 33 28 % 2 & F Moiimum Frequency (f= 40 ‘Modal class. 1500 - 2000 Lower Kimit of modal closs(f): 1500 class. ste () - 500 Tpercy Of the class preceding he rncdal class (fp) = 24 Fequuncy of the class seceding the ‘mock class Cf) = 33 fie fo ‘Node = (4 cawa xh 40-2 » ys004 | 40024 x500 2440-24-33 ~ [5] 950 = 1500 + AQB0- 1500 +344 826 ~ F1847-826, Expendinae (¢) famstes i p00 - 5D 4 (hn6D 1800 -2000 AD (a50 ‘Rh - 2500 3B 7H 12800 - 3000 © it 4500 - 5000 3 asd ‘Total ‘Zhy- 200 Wean(@) = as [2 xh + 3950+ (% 5s + 9950 - 235-2500 200 = 3250- 584-5 2660-5, 4 The following Atclrthution given the shale witte teachey Ghudert waho in huge secondany studs, of India ind the wode and maean of Has dat. Tnterynet the foo MEDI No of 15-29 20-25 26-30 20-35 3 ek 20 25 75-40 30-95 35-40 4045 45%) 0-55 No of 3 ie a 4 i) 3 0 0 2 Manirnum fuqueney (fy) °10 ‘Modal class — 30°35 Jower Limit of modal clnss (0-30 class, sige (h)- 5 Fuquency of the class preceding the modal chss(f,) 9 Frequerey of he class succeeding ihe modal class({;)* 3 Sr fo ‘Mode - 24 Fe b \n [10-9 sf Bas | : ap 4[]*9 : + D+ B D4+0.6% + 30-625 — Mean: lea 0: 925 he No No: 0} » 2 1. se a . @ Ma hy 15-20 3 i i 4 20-95 8 25 a 25-30 4 acy 4 30-35 10 325@ 0 0 35-40 3 a5 ' 3 40-45 ° ae) 9 © 45-50 ° aig,.| 3 0 50-55 2 525 4 lg = a me eo Mon (®) = a+ it th Ef asal eI" 1 a5. 3 325 - 3-08 Gpdepetaton Mode i 30-695 and ee Gp, nexium no-of Students for a teachey is 3p a a a of students for a teacher ts 2499 fe que distribution shows the mumbey of uns F pyed by Some top batsman of the world th on - day international crickel matches. 2000- 4000- 5000- 6000- 4000- 8000 el ~ 9000 - (0000 - 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 jogo tices oa fatsren God the mode Of the data. ‘Maximum, Frequency (h:8 Medal class = 4000-5000 Lowey fauundony of modal class (0): 4000 class sige (h) = 1000 Frquency of the class preceding the wodal class Op) = 4 Fxqurey of Hu class succeeding fe modal class B49 Mate - ee) “smna| et | xm 2x18-4-9 14-000 : azno+ [34] v1 = 4000 +3 = 4000 4608: 695 4608. 695 GA. shudent ck thie rmber gf eS Posing rah a. spot on a rend for 100 pends each of 3 minus, and summarised ‘fis in the table the qren below Wook dei 10-20 2030 3040 40: 50-60 60-10 95 Raauency 7 ww 13 A,|S 1 Rik Fnd te mode of He data Moximnum frequency (f,) = 20 Modal class - 40-50 dower Limit (0) - 40 class she (h) = 10 Re of cass preceding te mre class Gf) 12 Frequency of class succeeding Fe modal class Ch) = 1 wee | am, [20-12 Te eat ia : [2] 10 4048 = 4044905 AF 7 Cans ‘Taerelse “14.3 1: Te {allowing frequency distvioution gies, the rrontiy consumption of eléctricihy of 68 consumers ofa (ocathy ind the medon.mean and mode of the data and compare them ‘Monitly consurpton (in units) No-oF consumers Oe (00 ie gait 65-85 B5+105 (05-125 125-15 145-165 165-5 (2520S Month Curmmulotive, re Freurey Frequency. 69.85 4 $5 105 5 q 105 -125 B 2 (cp 129 -14S 20 (f) 42 ys ~165 4 56 165 - 185 \ 8 64 195 - 205 4 [68 fee 1:68." SS hy WGw 5-145 is He class whose cummulative dequerey aa is, greater than. (and nenesl 40) Hb 34- 25-145 68 te rmedian class lower Limit (D + 95 Cummaulative. Fiequency (of) 22 Fiequeney. (f) + 20 Class ye (ki) 0 Medion « uf? ‘ln f of? | 195419 134 units ‘Mode. Mavirnam, — frequeneyif 2° Modal class «125-165 Jowey Lamitfl): 195 Class sige th) » requerey of class preceeding The, modal class (f3)-19 Frequency of class succeeding the mod class (f9)-t Mode - t fi-fo 4 Fs te ;| th 125 4 | 28 | 00 29190-13-1y : ras 4) | x70 : 140 15 4 * + 125 40-46 ~ 35-46 units, Morty OD of (6) ors CORSUTTETS 7 oo. 2 = 6-5 5 ct 5 - 05 8 s 5 - BS 20 nse m5 - 5 1 3 1-185 e = 15 - 2 4 m5 Bhi 8 Year) a:[ Zale zi, 5 -rassty rt « Wey + 54 2-058 = 194-063 units “Mean , Medion and Mode are approximately same m ths cose 2+ JF the median of 60 observations. qjven Flow ts 285, find Whe values of % and Class Trterval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40°50 5b, Frequency 5 % 2 6 y | 6 Class Triterval Frequency Cumulative Frequency b-10 5 5 10-20 n S44 (of) 20-30 2 (f) | 54% 30-40 19 404% 40-50 y BOY | 50-60 5 45.494 | Gien, n=6b , median » 235 AD Any < 60 wy + 60-45 my +15 — Heve , Touquency () «2 Cammulative frequency (cf) «54% Lowey Gourdary (8) - 20 Clase size (fi) = 10 wudon 14 [2-4 Lah 285 202 2-600) » +54 Ws nm ws [24] Bt RS m+) %5"|s0 - | = 85-20 ke: 10 es : Be = mR :- Bt Subsbtule 2-3 im eq-O my 15 Bty 25 y 18-8 (a4) 3 A We insuvance agent found the {illowing dein ato inion of anes of 00 ey oles Cay, Yhe medion age. [polices ae giver oly to “Persons raving ane 18 years omoards Grit (essthan 60 yews) Foe (in hws Bebw Gelow loo Brow Bw Beso Bekro fing os) OD 3B BD B 40 45 DM HH wy | 6m 45 BW BA 92 48 Igy Shen, n=100, 9 " =50 Yow 35-40 is the Chass whose cummuetive Frequeney ts greeter than 50 95-40 is the median class Lower foundary (1) = 35 Cumulative frequency (cf) -45 Frequency +33 class sige (h) «5 f T mak] Close Driernal Fequeney _ Garmenalative ao ee 2-5 & | : 5-30 g | | me | | sm wD : (cp | OH " | . 45-50 3 fe 50-55 6 5B bo 2 a 100 ‘Medion + 35% 4 Te fength of 4oleaves of @ «plant ore measined conect to the ‘nearest millimetre nd the dota obtamed ts remesented in the folowing, table; 118- 19- 136- hy Length (i mm) “ing jg (uy 153 No-of Z 5 q Dy WS | '53- | 163- 199- 62 | IF | 180 See |e Find the medion length of the leaves. (Hint : The data ‘reeds to be converted +o cortinous classes or fmmding the medion , since the formula assumes continous clases “The classes then Change to UF5-1965 ,126-5- 1355 ,..... 15 808) Cumulative Class, Deel Guquineyy Frequency _ 17-5 “126-5 3 3 16-5 - 195-5 5 8 135-5 “tay 9 t+ (cf) ys - 1535 n (p 1 153°5 - 1625 5 34 ters -14r5 4 8 FHS - 105, 2 40 dere, nao. 2° AP =20 iy 5-153 & {fe Coss whose cummulative frequency is greater fan ®- " [yye5-1535 8 the median class Lower Goundary (1) = 445 Curmmutative frequency, (cf) = 71 Frequency (f) =12 Class sie H-=9 Medion = athe 20 O93 4 a > tuys 4 ms or 146 5mm Medion length of leaves - 146 Tor Te slowing fnble anes te distribution of the life-time 2 ven (ons. 2000-2500: ag60- 3500 gooo- 4sup- 2509 0D 3500 4000 4S00 SMO 4b So GO) 686TH Tad Ye rredon lifetime of a farnp. = Cur Class Thteval Frequency pia 5p. 00 4 4 B00 £00 5b ” 09) 700 % 130 (¢f) 3000 - 3600 a () 26 F040 4 290 4 4000 -400 6 | : | 400 - 00 48 i | Here aio 1 0 n- 400,75 ° ee ‘200 syoo-y500 Io he class whose cumulative frequency % opener thom 200: +. 3000-3500 4s fu class tudian Lower boundary (8) - 3000 Curmmulative frequency (cf) = 130 Frequency (f) = 86 class size (A) = 5000 Medion - [Bh : ws | a 8 = Bodo + [2] x20 = 3000 435x500 a S00 = 3000 + nee = Bd00 + 406-FH = 3H06-976 fous, & 100 surnames were Yandomly pctedup fen a ase ‘Elephore drecony ond te fiquency cetyiaon oft tuner of (eters in thu english alphabet im fe surnames was obtained as fillows T + T | A | 47) HO 10-13 13-16 | 16-19 ———+ —— T T 1 No. of su Surnoms ¢ 30 40 (6 No: of leaves 4+ i eee eee eee eee eee aaa Octermine the median number of letters in the Surnames, Fd He wean number of (eters in the sinnames ? Hlso fc the modal Size of the sumames. Medion: Class Prterval Frequency ones equency 14 6 ¢ 4-9 30 Bb (ct) 4-10 40 9) 6 re Ib a2 BMG 4 % 16-19 100 Here, O10 | n-100, 2°> q 750 F-10 ts Ahe class whose cumulative frequency. 16 Greater than 50. + 7-10 i6 tu median class Lower Boundary () . 4 Cumulative Frequency (cf) = 36 eg hs class lye (p)+3 n ‘Medion = 1A 2-7] 6D. Way | 8 1 : i 14 Ww it! 2 wd) at 0 = A105 3.05 - Mion | 1 toll Wo letter No-of sinams % dj = Hi-o yy ; . te i | diem | fi - 6 25 | ~b6 % re 30 55 | 3 -% 16 | & 356) : le o-8 16 11s 3 | 8 bie ths 6 | ay | ee | 4 (a5 q | % eae hm | 8 Aeon) « q4 Zi zh + 5, (8 B54 [7] 13 1 23100 : j8 88-10 ~ 85-018 2 882 Mode : Mavimum frequency (fi) = 40 Modal class = 4-1 Towey Lit (8) = + class shelf) = 3 Frequency of class preceeding fe modal class (fe) = 30 Frequerey of class succeeding the modal class (fa) = #6 Node = b+ [it th : | 49-30 | a 2940-30-14 c ° 2 8 4 We ddetekion flow ones he weights Of 0 shudets A a cong, Fed Ha. redlian wight of the Students Wega (mle) 40-48 46-sn 50-5 55:60 60-65 65:90 7035 Hoof tds «92 23 8 6 6 8 2 AD- 46 2 2 ' 45D 3 & | 50-55 a 13 5-60 ‘6 19 -65 6 2 65-10 S | 28 W-45 2 30 Here, » nem, $ > 3-18 55-40 15 Ye class whose cumulative frequency is greater | thon 15 255-60 18 Ym mudinn class Jove tourdany (8) 55 Currwmulabve Praquaney (<8 Tuguurey (f) = 6 Class sige (fh): 5 Medien = a FS Es rE | S ES ae oe E se “hs +f i : i trl | Ne A ne i HU “i th HAA Statistics Exercise - eg + The fpllowing —distrévton gues the daily income of 50 warkers of a. factory. Daily 4 . Say” | 250-200 300-350 Nefsten | a Convert ie distritution and dow its age. cr 750-300 W0-350 350. 400 400-450 450-500. ji 1 350-400 | 400-450 i ‘500 a 6 | 0 12 % 34 40 50 [Ler G) | — dbo to a fess thon type cumulative frequency distribution , LB) Gap 200 (200, 2) 350 (350,25) 400 (400,32) 450 (450.49) 500 |___ (600,50) [ules tee terse: 2. & During He mia check. ns ee Dron a. bs Han ogi jo te quem ca, tee oban $e ream sight rm fe graph ond venfy te rest fy using He. form. La [fA , tera ver | oy j—— 36-38 | 0 ° eS {33,0 38-40 | 3 3 Lp | ed 40-42 2 5 2 @s 42 44 4 9 rr 44.9) 44-46 poe 46 (4) 46-48 | 4 8 48 a) 48-50 | ae | 50 (0) A -52 [3 | 3 52 @238) Class Tenet 4 q Faguey Gammulative Sequny Bb-38 0 B40 3 4 40-42 2 5 oa 4 4 44-46 5 MW (ef) 46-48 wu fp 28 48-50 4 z 50-52. _3 | % Yor, B= Sons 46-48 is the class whose cummulative frequency 1 greater than 11:5 1246 .n: 35 scfsty fot she? n a Median = b+ | | xh 19-5 ly » act] yy + Teacher's Sic te FT floes abe es prion yet pe fects of whet of forms of a whe LS DH SOS OD PE ED ‘thimes 2g mh mm 3K rare Fx dchnkon ba mom tom te deivtns ond rae is ope. C2 kG) BG) RS 2 (50,108) __%-0 _% CC) OS Bee 9 60,96) 7 E-H_ 2 é& 0-5 33] se tly BD Ey Teacher's Signat

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