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Result and Discussion

Table 1
Temperature of cold water (°C) 3.0
Temperature of hot water (°C) 89.0
Volume of cold water (mL) 94.0
Volume of hot water (mL) 84.5
Final temperature after mixing (°C) 43.0
Mass of cold water (g) 94.0
Mass of hot water (g) 84.5
Calorimeter constants(J/C) 13

As you can see in the table 1 the given data is only the temperature of a cold water and hot water,
to compute the volume of hot and cold water we need the formula:
1.00 g
Mass of cold water = 94.0 mL × =94.0
1.00 g
Mass of hot water = 84.5 mL × =84.5
1 mL
After finding the mass of cold and hot water, we must find also the final temperature after
mixing the cold and hot water by the formula:
Specific heat capacity ( c )=
mass ∙ ∆T
By the formula given we can transpose the expression to find the heat (q) acquisition formula:
q=mass ∙ c ∙ ∆ T
To determine the calorimeter constant, we must first determine the calorimeter's heat. However,
in order to determine the heat of the calorimeter, we must first determine the temperature of hot
and cold water.
Hot water:
qhot water = masshot waterCwater∆ T =¿ 84.5 g ×4.184 × ( 43.0−89 ) ℃=−16,263.208 J
g ∙℃
Cold water:
qcold water = masscold waterCwater∆ T =¿ 94 g × 4.184 × ( 43.0−3 ) ℃=15,731.84 J

As you can see in the calculation the heat of hot water has a negative sign because it is losing heat, whereas the heat of cold water has a positive sign because it is

accumulating heat. Because hot water loses heat, the heat lost by hot water is absorbed by the environment. The environment in this experiment refers to the chilly

water and the calorimeter. As a result, we have the following formula:

qcold water + qcalorimeter = −¿ qhot water
Converting the formula to find the heat of calorimeter:
qcalorimeter = −¿ (qhot water)−¿ qcold water
qcalorimeter =-(−16,263.208 J )- 15,731.84 J = 531.368
Now that we have the value of the heat of the calorimeter, we can acquire the calorimeter
qcalorimeter = Ccal∆ T
531.368 J J
Ccal = =13.2842≈ 13
( 43−3)℃ ℃

Table 2

In table 2
Adding the mass of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide yields the mass of the combined
solution. The mass and volume of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide are precisely
proportional. As a result, multiplying the volumes yields the mass of the mixed solution:
Mass of H + mass of OH= Mass of Mixed Solution
To determine the heat of the reaction (qreaction) as well as the moles of the limiting reactant we
need to calculate the enthalpy of neutralization. The limiting reactant, however, must be
identified. Sodium Hydroxide and OH- team up to find the mol of OH- when it dissociates and
releases OH- ions. When hydrochloric acid is dissociated, it releases H+ ions; consequently, the
mol of H+ can be determined by combining hydrochloric acid and H+.
1L 2.11 mol HCl H +¿
Mol H+ = 94.5 mL HCl × × × 1 mol =¿ ¿ 0.199 mol H+
1000 mL 1 L HCl 1 mol HCl
1L 2.05 mol NaOH OH
Mol OH = 98.0 mL NaOH ×
× ×1 mol =0.200¿ mol OH-
1000 mL 1 L NaOH 1 mol NaOH

The next step is to determine the reaction's heat (qreaction). The heat absorbed/released by the
solution and the calorimeter are needed components.
qsolution = mass of mixed solution ∙ c ∙ ∆ T

qsolution = 192.5 g 4.184
g∙C )
( 37.1℃−24.0 ℃ ) =10551.002≈ 10551 J

Since the qsolution is positive, this means that heat is being absorbed by the solution.
qcalorimeter = Ccal ∙ ∆ T
qcalorimeter = 13.4 ( 37.1 ℃−24.0℃ )=175.54 J

As we have gained the values for the heat absorbed/released of the solution and calorimeter, we
can now find the heat absorbed/released by the reaction.
qreaction + qsolution + qcalorimeter = 0
qreaction + 10551 J + 174.54 J = 0
qreaction = 10725.54 J
We can calculate the enthalpy of neutralization now that we have the numbers for the heat of the
reaction (qreaction) and the moles of the limiting reactant. Using the following formula:
qreaction = moles of limiting reactant × ∆ H neutralization
Converting the formula to find the enthalpy of neutralization:
q reaction 10725.54 J
∆ H neutralization = =
moles of limitingreactant 0.201 mol
J 1 kJ kJ
∆ H neutralization =−53360.90 × =−53.9
mol 1000 J mol
A possible source of inaccuracy in the experiment is using the incorrect limiting reactant. The
limiting reactant is required for the enthalpy of neutralization because it permits the theoretical
yield of the reaction to be calculated. A higher theoretical yield can be obtained by using the
incorrect mol of the limiting reactant. Calorimeters are capable of generating a constant that is
larger than zero, but they do not provide ideal heat insulation. Heat transfer between the
calorimeter and its exterior surroundings would be limited, making a calorimeter with a high
specific heat more effective.

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