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Answer the following questions:
1. Explain the positive and negative impacts of GNR technologies. What moral or
ethical issues and safety concerns do they pose?
- Everyone has their own electronic devices on their table, in their purse, or in
their hands. Nowadays, any information may be accessed using a smartphone and the
internet. Because of the ever changing needs of civilization, technology has advanced
dramatically. It demonstrates how technology and society have influenced one another
in different ways. Technology and society, as stated in the article, shape each other.
GNR technologies have the potential to aid society more quickly while also posing a
risk of harm. We can't declare that genetically modified food is completely healthy
because, well, it's genetically engineered in the first place.
2. We know by now that any technology may be dangerous. However, Joy was
much more worried about GNR technologies compared to other technologies.
What were the reasons for these great concerns?
- The jump from genetic engineering to "white plague" simulations to out-of-
control nanotechnology, and replicating peptides to a "robot species" could be his main
fear, which explains why he is more concerned about GNR technologies than other
technologies. With those three factors in mind, it's clear that GNR technologies could
pose a threat if the application or development process goes wrong. It is also said that
6-D lenses can be used to peer into the future, which can be good or terrible.
3. Explain how we will lose our humanity and purpose of life whether we retain
control of decision-making or give this capability to technology.
- From the standpoint of decision-making, we only keep the ability to decide as
humans, but we lose our sense of purpose in life when we treat everything as a chore
with the aid of technology. We got reliant, as evidenced by the fact that, rather than
reading an article with our lips, we now choose to employ text to speech.
4. Do you believe in the opinions of Joy? Why or why not?
- I agree with the cheerful viewpoint since technology poses a significant threat
to civilization. I'm looking through my Tiktok account. I've seen some disturbing videos
on genetic engineering, such as why did they have to unite the DNA of a deer and a
cobra, resulting in venomous deer with huge fangs? Look at how powerful and yet
destructive technology can be when used for personal goals and curiosity.
Furthermore, there was once a film depicting a robot with emotions similar to those of
humans. What I'm saying is that we should think on what joy said in his article.
5. What solutions can you propose as to not reach what he predicts might
- As a student or as a concerned citizen. I don't have a powerful solution to
purpose, but I believe that being able to enlighten the public in basic ways is a good
start. People are being educated by sharing true and valuable information in order to
warn them about the hazards of technology in general.

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