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Mathematics Exit Examination


1. All examinees are required to log-in to Zoom for online proctoring and monitoring. Failure to
attend the Zoom exam session will automatically count as non-appearance (hence, zero score).
2. Once allowed accepted in Zoom, proceed immediately to your assigned breakout room (see
Room Assignment).
3. Zoom profile name should be in the format: LASTNAME, FirstName MI.
4. Students who will log-in one (1) hour behind the scheduled start of examination will not be
allowed to proceed with the exam. In this case, students will take the examination in the next
schedule of examination (carry over exam payment).
5. All examinees are expected to have at most two cameras; (i) the built-in webcam of your
laptop/desktop, and (ii) an external camera (smart phone allowed). Cameras should remain
turned on during the entire duration of the examination. In the absence of an external camera,
student should provide a mirror at hir/her back (large enough) to show the screen of his/her

Camera #2
(computer screen view)

Camera #1
(to cover the back
surrounding of examinee)

6. Provide enough coverage of your work space/area. Virtual and blurred backgrounds are strictly
7. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure secured and stable wifi/internet signal. It is highly
recommended that you prepare back-up wifi/internet source, in case of inadvertent disconnection.
The latter will not merit an excuse to justify re-examination.
8. Unless permitted by the assigned proctor, students cannot leave the Zoom room. Cameras should
remain open while in the Zoom room.

Release of Results
1. The exam will undergo review to check possible inadvertent errors, after which, the results will
be announced, either via Cardinal Edge or Mymapua account.
2. Results will only be released to those who have submitted their proof of payment (receipt).
3. Only final scores will be announced, per-item details of exam results will not be released.

Note: Please allow one week for the exam administrators to review the results and check/verify all
submitted receipts.

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