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Trust and Asset Management Group

Unit Investment Trust Fund
(For Individuals)

Account Opening


Client Suitability Questionnaire (CSQ)

Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS)

UITF Participating Trust Agreement (PTA)

Regular Subscription Plan (RSP) Enrollment

Inquiries or Complaints
For inquiries and complaints, please call our 24-Hour Customer Service hotline at (632)
888-791-88 or email us at Security Bank
Corporation is supervised by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with telephone number (632)
8708-7087 and email address at
Trust and Asset Management Group

Know your Investment Universe by answering the

1. Client Suitability Questionnaire (CSQ).
Our UITF Certified Marketing Personnel will explain the results
of your CSQ and the SB UITF/s appropriate to your risk profile.

2. Choose the SB UITF/s that suits your risk profile.



The number of units of participation corresponding to your SB UITF

subscription will be computed using the calculated end of day Net
Asset Value Per Unit (NAVPU) of the subscription date.

3. Understand the risks when you invest in SB UITFs.

The Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS) presents the different types
of risks inherent when you invest in our SB UITFs.

4. Completely fill-out the UITF Participating Trust Agreement (PTA).

Our Certified UITF Marketing Personnel will provide you with a
copy of the PTA, RDS and this SB UITF Guide when you have
completed accomplishing the UITF Kit.

Want a hassle-free top up?

Fill-out the SB UITF Regular Subscription Plan (RSP) Enrollment
Form and start a scheduled investment/ top-up on your SB UITF/s.

Thank you for choosing SB UITF.

Client Suitability Questionnaire
Individual / Sole Proprietorship

Thank you for your interest in our financial products and services. This questionnaire will enable Security Bank Corporation (SBC) to properly assess the suitable
products and/or services for you based on your current financial situation, investment objectives, knowledge & experience and risk tolerance.
*Required Field

Account Name* Date *

Personal and Financial Information

1. Age a. Under 30 b. 30 - 39 c. 40 - 54 d. 55 - 69 e. 70 and above

2. What is your main source of funds?

a. Employment b. Business c. Savings and Investments

3. How much extra funds, after setting aside savings and expenses, are you willing to invest?
a. Below Php 100,000

b. Php 100,000 - less than 500,000

c. Php 500,000 - less than 1,000,000

d. Php 1,000,000 - less than 5,000,000

e. Php 5,000,000 and above

4. What is your total investible funds*, including that outside of SBC?

*Investible funds = all financial assets (checking accounts + savings + investments) - total loans (credit card debts & loans)

a. Below Php 2.5MM

b. Php 2.5MM - less than Php 5MM

c. Php 5MM - less than Php 10MM

d. Php 10MM - less than Php 25MM

e. Php 25MM and above

Investment Objective
5. How long are you willing to invest your extra funds?
a. Less than a year (short term) b. 1-5 years (medium term) c. Above 5 years (long term)

6. Which of the following statements best describes your investment objective?

a. Preserve the entire principal with minimal income in line with bank deposit rates.

b. Preserve the entire principal with income slightly higher than bank deposit rates.

c. Generate regular income with some principal growth.

d. Generate balanced growth between principal and income over the medium term.

e. Aggressively grow principal with less emphasis on income over the long term.

7. How dependent are you on the income from these investments to pay for expenses?

a. Below 20%

b. 20 - 49%

c. 50 - 79%

d. 80% and above

Attitude Towards Risk

8. My attitude towards risk is best described by the following statement:

a. I cannot accept investment losses.

b. I am able to tolerate a small degree of risk (< 3% loss) with returns slightly higher than bank deposit rates.

c. I am able to tolerate an average degree of risk (3% to 5% loss) in exchange for returns over the medium term.

d. I am able to accept high degree of risk (>5% to 10% loss) for investment growth over the long term.

e. I am able to accept substantial amount of risk (>10% loss) for potentially higher returns over the long term.
Investment Experience and Knowledge
9. Which of the following statements best describes your investment knowledge and experience?

a. I have no experience nor knowledge in any kind of investments.

b. I have limited experience (1 year or less) and/or only a general knowledge on any of the following: savings accounts, time deposits, and/or
money market funds.

c. I have adequate experience (at least 1 year) and/or knowledge on any of the following: fixed income securities, bond funds and/or equities.

d. I have extensive experience (more than 5 years) and/or knowledge in all kinds of investments including principal and non-principal
protected structures, offshore investment products and leveraged investments, and/or commodities/currencies.

Client Suitability Assessment Result For Bank Use Only

Based on the answers provided, your risk profile has been assessed as:

Risk Profile Description

Risk Profile Type of Risk
Conservative I am willing to receive minimal/low returns and I accept minimal risks to preserve my entire principal amount.
Moderately Conservative I am willing to accept small level of risk for some potential returns over the medium & long term.
Moderate I am willing to accept moderate level of risk for higher potential returns over the medium & long term.
Moderately Aggressive I am willing to accept high volatility and losses for investment growth over the long term.
Aggressive I am willing to accept substantial amount of risks and losses to generate higher returns over the long term.

Client Conforme
I/We acknowledge that the answers given above are accurate. If a question is left blank, I/we understand that such item shall be scored with an equivalent rating of

For the purpose of this Client Suitability Assessment (CSA), I/We authorize Security Bank Corporation (SBC) to disclose to and
communicate any information obtained from this questionnaire with, any of its offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives, and
any duly appointed or authorized third party or counterparty, for any lawful use and as may be necessary for this purpose. I/We release SBC from any liability that
may arise from any such disclosure. Other than for the said purpose, I/We acknowledge that SBC shall treat all information I/We provided above as confidential.

I/We understand that my/our risk profile may change from time to time. As such, I/We agree to update my/our risk profile by completing
a Client Suitability Questionnaire periodically except (1) for TRUST PRODUCTS, where I/We are required to update every three (3) years; (2) or earlier,
in case of material changes in my/our financial situation or objectives; or (3) if I/We expressly intend to invest in complex investment products in
which case updating shall be made at least annually. In any case, I/We undertake to formally and promptly inform SBC of changes to my/our financial
situation that would significantly change my/our investment profile and my/our failure to do so would be considered a waiver of my/our right to a new CSA.

I/We accept the CSQ Result above indicated which was based on my/our reply to the questionnaire. I/We also understand that before
I/We can avail of such product(s), an authorized officer from the Trust and Asset Management Group or the Treasury Group, as may be applicable, shall
explain to me/us in detail (1) the results of the Client Suitability Questionnaire, (2) the basis of their recommendation and (3) the terms and
conditions of the recommended investment outlet or financial product from the Trust and Asset Management Group or the Treasury Group, as applicable.

y IA.�
Signature of Primary Account Holder over Printed Name Signature of Co-Account Holder 2 over Printed Name

y IA.�
Signature of Co-Account Holder 1 over Printed Name Signature of Co-Account Holder 3 over Printed Name

Bank Use Only *Required Field

BBN* Branch Code*

Profiling New Update Valid Until Date*

Scoring Administered By: Scoring Reviewed By: Trust Account Officer:

( Immediate Supervisor )

Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name
Please print 2 copies – BANK AND CUSTOMER’S COPY



Prior to making an investment in any of SECURITY BANK CORPORATION – Trust and Asset Management Group
(”SBC Trust”) Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs / Fund), SBC Trust is hereby informing you of the nature of the
UITFs and the risks involved in investing therein. As investments in UITFs carry different degrees of risk, it is necessary
that before you participate in any of SBC Trust UITFs, you should have:
1. Fully understood the nature of the investments in the UITFs and the extent of your exposure to risks;
2. Read this Risk Disclosure Statement completely; and
3. Independently determined that the investments in any of UITFs, is appropriate for you.

When investing in UITFs, there are specific risks involved because the value of your investment is based on the Net
Asset Value per unit (NAVPU) of the Fund which uses a marked-to-market valuation and therefore may fluctuate daily.
The NAVPU is computed by dividing the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Fund by the number of outstanding units. The
NAV is derived from the summation of the market value of the underlying securities of the Fund plus accrued
interest income less liabilities and qualified expenses. The number of units of participation corresponding to
your SB UITF subscription will be computed using the calculated end of day Net Asset Value Per Unit
(NAVPU) of the subscription date. The said NAVPU will be made available to investors the following day.

Examples of fixed income investments and securities are bank deposits and deposit substitutes,
government securities, debt instruments such as corporate bonds. On the other hand, equity investments are
investments in listed shares of stocks and may be in the form of common shares or preferred shares. In each type
of these investments, there are risks involved whether such investments are Peso or USD denominated.

Enumerated and defined below are the various risks you are normally exposed in investing, depending on the type
of UITF you participated in. Kindly read the risks differentiated:

Interest Rate Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to experience losses due to changes in interest rates.
The purchase and sale of a debt instrument may result in profits or losses because the value of a debt instrument
changes inversely with prevailing interest rates.

The Fund’s investment portfolio, being marked-to-market, is affected by the changes in interest rates thereby
affecting the values of the fixed income investments of the Fund such as government securities and corporate
bonds. Interest rate changes may affect the prices of fixed income securities inversely, i.e. as interest rates rise,
bonds prices fall and when interest rates decline, bonds prices rise. As the prices of the bonds held by the Fund
adjust to a rise or a drop in interest rates, the Fund’s share price measure by the NAVPU will decline or increase

Market/Price Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to experience losses due to changes in market prices of
equities or bonds. It is the exposure to the uncertain market value of these investments due to price fluctuations.

It is the risk of the Fund to lose value due to a decline in securities prices, which may sometimes happen rapidly.
The value of investments fluctuates over a given time period because of general market conditions, economic
changes or other events that impact large portions of the market such as political events, natural calamities, etc. As
a result, the NAVPU may increase to make profit or decrease to incur loss.

Liquidity Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to experience losses due to the inability to sell or convert
the investments into cash immediately or in instances where conversion to cash is possible but at a loss. This may
be caused by different reasons such as trading in securities with small or few outstanding issues, absence of
buyers, limited buy/sell activity or an underdeveloped capital market.

Liquidity risk occurs when certain investments in the Fund’s portfolio may be difficult or impossible to sell at a
particular time which may prevent allowing withdrawal from the account with until its assets can be converted to
cash. Even government securities which are the most liquid fixed income securities may be subjected to liquidity
risk particularly when a sizeable volume is involved.

Credit Risk/ Default Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to experience losses due to a borrower’s or issuer’s
failure to pay principal and/or interest in a timely manner on instruments such as bonds, loans, or other forms
of security which the borrower issued. This inability of the borrower/issuer to make good on its financial obligations
may be a result of adverse changes in its financial condition, thus, lowering credit quality of the security, and
consequently lowering the price (market/price risk) which contributes to the difficulty in selling such security in
the open market (liquidity risk).

The decline in the value of the Fund happens when the default/failure of the issuer to pay its obligation would make
the price of the security go down and may make the security difficult to sell. When this happens, the Fund’s NAVPU
will be affected by a decline in value.

Counterparty Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to be exposed to risks relating to the credit standing of its
counterparties and to their ability to fulfil the conditions of the contracts it enters into with them. In the event of a
bankruptcy or insolvency of a counterparty, the Fund could experience delays in liquidating the position and incur
losses, including declines in the value of its investment during the period in which the fund seeks to enforce its rights,
inability to realize gains on its investment during such period and fees and expenses incurred in enforcing its rights
under the contracts. There is also a possibility that the above contracts are terminated due, for instance, to bankruptcy,
supervening illegality or change in the tax or accounting laws relative to those at the time the contracts were originated.
Reinvestment Risk. This is the risk associated with the possibility of having lower returns or earnings when maturing
funds or the interest earnings of funds are reinvested. Investors in the UITF who redeem and realize their gains run
the risk of reinvesting their funds in an alternative investment outlet with lower yields.

Similarly, SBC-Trust is faced with the risk of not being able to find good or better alternative investment outlets as
some of the securities in the fund matures.

In the case of foreign currency-denominated security or in case investing in Target Funds through Feeder Funds that
are foreign currency denominated funds, the UITF is also exposed to the following risks:

Foreign Exchange Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to experience losses due to fluctuations in foreign
exchange rates. The exchange rates depend upon a variety of global and local factors such as interest rates, economic
performance, and political developments.

It is the risk of the Fund to currency fluctuations when the value of such investments denominated in currencies other
than the base currency (Peso) depreciates. Conversely, it is the risk of the Fund to lose value when the base currency
(Peso) appreciates. The NAVPU of a peso denominated Fund invested in foreign currency denominated securities
may decrease to incur losses when the peso appreciates.

Country Risk. This is the possibility for the Fund to experience losses arising from investments in securities issued
by/in foreign countries due to changes in the political, economic and social structures of such countries. There are
risks in foreign investments due to the possible internal and external conflicts, currency devaluations, foreign
ownership limitations and fiscal/monetary policies of the foreign country involved which are difficult to predict but must
be taken into account in making such investments.

Likewise, brokerage commissions and other fees may be higher in foreign securities. Government supervision and
regulations of foreign stock exchanges, currency markets, trading systems and brokers may be less than those in the
Philippines. The procedures and rules governing foreign transactions and custody of securities may also involve
delays in payment, delivery or recovery of investments.

Emerging Markets Risk. The possibility for the Fund to invest in less developed or emerging markets. Investing in
emerging markets may carry a higher risk than investing in developed markets. The securities markets of less
developed or emerging markets are generally smaller, less developed, less liquid and more volatile than the securities
markets of developed markets. The risk of significant fluctuations in the Net Asset Value and of the suspension of
redemptions in these types of funds may be higher than for funds investing in major markets.
Equity Risk. The value of the Fund that invest in equity and equity related securities will be affected by economic,
political, market, sectoral, and issuer specific changes. Such changes may adversely affect securities, regardless of
the Fund’s specific performance. Additionally, different industries, financial markets, and securities can react
differently to these changes. Such fluctuations of the Fund’s value are often exacerbated in the short-term as well.
The risk that one or more companies in the Fund’s portfolio will fall, or fail, or rise, can adversely affect the overall
portfolio performance in any given period.

Stock Market Cyclical and Concentration Risk. Stock markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising prices
and periods of falling prices that will affect the Fund’s performance. In addition, the Fund’s targeted actual index may,
at times, become focused in stocks of a particular market sector, which would subject the Fund to proportionately
higher exposure to the risks of that sector.

Index Sampling Risk. The possibility that the securities selected for the Fund, in the aggregate, will not provide
investment performance matching that of the Fund’s targeted actual index and its respective composition given the
margin of variance allowed for the Fund.

Interest Rate
√ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Liquidity Risk √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Exchange √ √ √ √
Country Risk √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √
Markets Risk
Equity Risk √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Stock Market
Cyclical &
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Sampling √ √

Other Risks. There are operational and systems risks incidental to the processing of the SBC-Trust UITF transactions
and are mitigated by (a) the existence of procedures and control measures in handling participations/subscriptions
and redemptions, (b) periodic reconciliation of outstanding investments, (c) presence of a third party custodian
accredited by BSP for checks and balances, (d) annual external audit of the Fund, and (e) presence of contingency
procedures in case of system breakdown.

Your participation in the SBC-Trust UITFs may be further exposed to the risk of any actual or potential conflicts of
interest in the handling of in house or related party transactions by SBC as the Trustee. These transactions may
include investment in its own bank deposits, purchases of obligations of SBC as its own trust institution or its affiliates
and subsidiaries including stocks and mortgages; purchase of assets from or sales to its own trust institution, its
directors, officers, subsidiaries; affiliates or other related interests/parties; or purchases or sales between trust,
fiduciary and investment management accounts managed by SBC. Risks for these types of transactions are mitigated
by the strict implementation of guidelines on handling related party transactions.


_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Client Signature over Printed Name Client Signature over Printed Name

_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Client Signature over Printed Name Client Signature over Printed Name

I acknowledge that I have (1) advised the client to read this Risk Disclosure Statement, (2) encouraged the client to
ask questions on matters contained in this Risk Disclosure Statement, and (3) fully explained the same to the client.

__________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature over Printed Name IS/BM/WM Date

Trust and Asset Management Group



This Unit Investment Trust Fund Participating Trust Agreement (the “Agreement”) made and entered this
day of ___________________ at ______________ by and between:

TRUSTOR: ________________________________________________________________;
Hereinafter referred to as the “TRUSTOR”

Address: __________________________________________________________________________;

Electronic Mail Address:____________________________________________________________;

- and –

SECURITY BANK CORPORATION, a universal banking corporation duly organized and existing in
accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and authorized to perform trust and fiduciary
functions through its TRUST AND ASSET MANAGEMENT GROUP, with principal office address at 19/F
Security Bank Centre, 6776 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, represented herein by its duly authorized officers
and hereinafter referred to as the “TRUSTEE.”


WHEREAS, the TRUSTOR/s desire/s to participate in any of the Unit Investment Trust Funds (collectively “UITF” or
the “Fund”) established and administered by the TRUSTEE under and subject to the terms of a Declaration of Trust
(the “PLAN RULES”) approved by the TRUSTEE’s Board of Directors and by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (“BSP”),
as may be amended from time to time in accordance with the PLAN RULES and existing BSP regulations;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree, as follows:

1. PARTICIPATION AND REDEMPTION. Participation in the Fund and redemption of such participation
for a specific fund or UITF shall be allowed only on the basis of the Net Asset Value of each participation unit (the
“NAVPU”) determined in accordance with the PLAN RULES. The TRUSTOR’s investment in the Fund shall be
expressed in terms of number of units of participation as appearing in the TRUSTOR’s Confirmation of Participation.

As his or her participation to the Fund and as may be instructed in writing, the TRUSTOR/s shall transfer,
convey and pay unto the TRUSTEE a sum of money, in a currency that is legal tender in the Philippines and provided
in the Plan Rules. The amount representing the value of the units shall be indicated in the TRUSTOR/s’ Confirmation
of Participation. It is understood that the initial participation as well as any additional contributions to the Funds shall
be in the form of cleared funds.

Subsequent participation and redemption shall be allowed only at such frequency or at such times as provided
in the Plan Rules and which shall be confirmed by the TRUSTEE.

2. SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. The TRUSTOR/s hereby agrees to open or assign an existing Peso/FCDU
Current Account/ Savings Account (CA/SA) as the TRUSTOR/s’s settlement account for all UITF transactions, defined
PHP: ___________________________
USD: ___________________________

The TRUSTOR/s hereby expressly acknowledge/s and confirm/s that the foregoing settlement account/s shall
be charged for the amount/s of UITF placements and shall likewise be credited for the proceeds of UITF redemptions.
Unless otherwise revoked by the TRUSTOR/s in a latter instructor, the most current CA/SA settlement account/s shall
be the standing instruction by the TRUSTOR/s and shall remain valid and binding.

3. CLIENT SUITABILITY. Prior to the acceptance of participation, the TRUSTEE shall perform client
suitability, through a Client Suitability Assessment questionnaire form which shall be acknowledged and signed by the
4. ADMINISTRATION AND INVESTMENT OF FUND. The Fund, which is the pool of trust funds from
the participating trustors, shall be managed, administered and invested by the TRUSTEE under the operation of the

5. AUTHORIZATIONS. If the account is in the name of two or more TRUSTORS, and the same is
maintained on an “and” basis, any and all instructions and authorizations with respect thereto shall be given by all said
TRUSTORS. If the account is maintained on an “or” basis, any and all instructions and authorizations with respect to
the account shall be given by any one of the TRUSTORS.

If the account is in the name of a corporation or juridical entity, it is further agreed and understood that on or before
the signing of this Agreement, the TRUSTOR shall submit to the TRUSTEE the Secretary's Certificate/Board
Resolution and all the requisite corporate papers as may be required by the TRUSTEE to fulfil its documentary
requirements, which includes the names of its authorized signatories and/or representatives to open and maintain a
checking and/or savings deposit account exclusively for the FUND with a reputable bank, which may be the banking
department of the TRUSTOR and to deposit therein all or any part of the FUND.

6. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. The TRUSTEE is authorized to disclose information, in any form,

and provide information relating to the TRUSTOR, if required, requested or permitted to do so by a.) Any applicable
law or regulation; b.) Any applicable central depository, clearing body, company registrar, securities exchange,
securities custodians, courts, regulatory body, BSP examiners and auditors; c.) The issuers/brokers/counterparties of
the securities where the FUND or any part thereof is invested or will be invested; or d.) The entities managing the
target funds in case of feeder fund or fund of UITFs. The TRUSTOR likewise authorized the transfer, disclosure, and
communication of any information relating to him/her from the TRUSTEE tom between and among officers and
branches of the TRUSTEE in connection with the provision of any product or services to the TRUSTOR and/or for
data processing, storage, analysis, customer satisfaction surveys, and anti-money laundering and US Foreign Account
Tax Compliance Act (and other similar laws) monitoring and reporting. The TRUSTOR likewise consents to the use,
processing and retention of personal information (as defined under the Data Privacy Act of 2012) pertaining to him/her
by the TRUSTEE for the purpose of this Agreement and in accordance with laws and regulations.

7. DISCLOSURE OF INVESTMENT OUTLETS. The TRUSTEE shall make available for review by any
interested participant, a list of prospective and outstanding investment outlets for the FUND, which list shall be updated

8. DISCLOSURE OF RISKS. Prior to the signing of the Agreement, the TRUSTOR shall have read and
acknowledged the Risk Disclosure Statement, which shall describe the attendant general and specific risks that may
arise from investing in the FUND. The TRUSTOR understands and agrees that the Risk Disclosure Statement shall
apply to both current and subsequent transactions involving the FUND. The TRUSTOR further acknowledges that he
or she may be notified or reminded of the general and specific risks attendant to the FUND.

9. COMPENSATION. As compensation for the TRUSTEE’s services, it shall be entitled to compensation

as provided in the applicable PLAN RULES.

10. LIABILITY OF TRUSTEE. Save that attributable to the TRUSTEE’s fraud, evident bad faith, willful
default or gross negligence, the TRUSTEE shall not be liable for any loss or depreciation in the value of the FUND or
in the value of the TRUSTOR’s units of participation in the FUND arising from any act done by the TRUSTEE pursuant
to the terms hereof and thereof. Neither shall the TRUSTEE be liable for refraining to do any act where such inaction
in the good faith judgment of the TRUSTEE is necessary and appropriate for the proper and advantageous
administration and management of the FUND.

11. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall continue and remain in force until the full redemption
of the TRUSTOR’s participation or upon termination of the FUND in accordance with the PLAN RULES or with laws
or regulations then existing.

12. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Incorporated herein by reference and made an integral part of this
Agreement are the terms, conditions, rules and regulations in the PLAN RULES, Client Suitability Assessment
questionnaire form and Risk Disclosure Statement, which shall also apply to all future UITF subscriptions, and the
Confirmation of Participation to be issued pursuant hereto. In executing this Agreement, the TRUSTOR represents
that he has carefully read and fully understood the same documents and that he has agreed to be bound by all the
terms and conditions thereof. In case of inconsistencies, the provisions of the Plan Rules shall prevail over those of
this Agreement and the other reference documents.

13. TERMINATION. The TRUSTEE reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the TRUSTOR's
participation in this Agreement in the event that the TRUSTOR violates anti-money laundering, banking, trust and
other relevant laws and regulations.
14. COOLING-OFF PERIOD. Pursuant to BSP Circular Nos. 857 (Series of 2014) and 898 (Series of
2016), the TRUSTOR is entitled to a cooling-off period of two (2) banking days (the "Cooling-Off Period") from the
date of initial participation of the TRUSTOR in the applicable UITF, without penalty. Should the TRUSTOR decide to
avail of the Cooling-Off Period, the TRUSTOR/s shall give the TRUSTEE a written notice to cancel within such period.
As a result of the cancellation, the TRUSTOR understands that such cancellation may result in a gain or loss
depending on the prevailing net asset value per unit (NAVPU). Any reasonable amount of processing or administrative
fees and transactional costs incurred, including any marked-to-market losses or gains, if any, shall be for the
TRUSTOR's own account.

15. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS. The TRUSTEE adopts the definition and adheres to the laws,
guidelines and requirements governing Related Party Transactions, Related Interests and Related Parties For the
avoidance of doubt, Related Parties shall include Security Bank Corporation ("SBC"), SB Equities Inc. ("SB Equities")
and SB Capital Investment Corp. ("SB Capital"). The TRUSTEE may invest/place the Funds with SBC (special savings
account, time deposits), transact a buy and sell of fixed income securities (government securities, bonds), and equities
(common and preferred shares) with the SBC's Treasury Division, SB Capital and SB Equities, as the case may be.
All transactions or dealings with SBC, SB Equities and SB Capital which fall under the definition of "Related Party
Transactions", regardless of whether or not a price is charged, shall be conducted by the TRUSTEE on an arm's
length and best execution basis and within the approved counterparty limits of the TRUSTEE.

The Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) is a Trust Product and NOT a DEPOSIT account or an obligation of,
or guaranteed, or insured by SECURITY BANK CORPORATION or its affiliates or subsidiaries, and therefore
is not insured or governed by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). Due to the nature of the
investments, yield and potential yields cannot be guaranteed. Any income or loss arising from market
fluctuations and price volatility of the securities held by the Fund, even if invested in government securities,
is for the account of the Trustor/client. As such, units of participation in the Fund, when redeemed, may be
worth more or be worth less than the Trustor's/client's initial investment/contributions. Historical
performance, when presented, is purely for reference purposes and is not a guarantee of future results.
Security Bank Corporation Trust & Asset Management Group as Trustee is not liable for losses unless upon
willful default, bad faith or gross negligence.

For inquiries and complaints, please call our 24-Hour Customer Service hotline at (632) 888-791-88 or email
us at Security Bank Corporation is supervised by Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas with telephone number (632) 8708-7087 and email address at

The TRUSTOR hereby acknowledges that he / she has read the complete details of the Fund in the Plan
Rules, made his / her own risk assessment or has sought independent / professional advice before making the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed these presents on the date and place first above

____________________________________ ___________________________________
Client Signature over Printed Name Client Signature over Printed Name

____________________________________ ___________________________________
Client Signature over Printed Name Client Signature over Printed Name



____________________________________ __________________________________



1. How did you learn about the SB UITFs?

Please specify:
Security Bank Social Media Platforms (FB, IG, Twitter, etc.).
Online Advertisements (Website and Youtube Pop-up Ads).
Online Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing).
Electronic Direct Mail (SBC-TAMG Email Contents).
Security Bank Webinar / Online events.
Security Bank Website.


(e.g. Reddit, PinoyExchange, Blogs / Vlogs

(UITF Official Website)

Offered by Branch Personnels


Offered by Branch Personnels

2. Would you like to receive our daily

UITF NAVPU report*, market updates
and webinar invites?
Please provide your E-mail Address:


*Disclaimer: Please note that we automatically send a NAVPU report every month-end.
Trust and Asset Management Group
SB UITF - Regular
Subscription Plan
Enrollment Type:
New Application
Change Request

Name of Accountholder/s

Application for Regular Subscription Plan

Trust Account Fund Name Currency Amount per Contribution


Frequency and Schedule of Contribution

Once a month: ____ (PLEASE NOTE: In case the scheduled contribution date falls on a weekend or holiday, debit shall
be done on the next banking day.)
Twice a month: ____ and ____

RSP Term: _____ months

Start Date: ___________

This is to authorize Security Bank Trust and Asset Management Group (SBC Trust) to automatically debit my/our Trust Account’s designated
settlement account (Savings/Current account) on the above scheduled contribution date.

Note: Upon successful enrollment, your account will be debited immediately on the scheduled contribution date. Cancellation request should be submitted
to Branch of Account a t lea s t t wo (2) banking days prior to scheduled contribution date. Otherwise, cancellation will take effect on the next scheduled
contribution date.

Trust and Asset Management Group

Unit Investment Trust Fund Regular Subscription Plan Terms and Conditions

1. The Security Bank Trust and Asset Management Group Form, indicating therein the changes.
(“SBC Trust”) Regular Subscription Plan (RSP) is an 10. Redemptions of Regular Subscription shall be subject to the
investment facility that allows an existing investor/s redemption guidelines indicated in the Fund’s Plan Rules.
referred to as the Trustor in the Unit Investment Trust Fund Where the Participant decides to make a full redemption of
(“UITF”) Agreement (“the Participant”) to make regular her/his/their participation to the Fund, his/her/their RSP
additional investment (“Regular Subscription”) to enrollment shall be deemed a u t o m a t i c a l l y cancelled.
his/her/their outstanding UITF/s (“the Fund”).
11. In the event that the Participant’s nominated settlement
2. The Participant’s RSP Regular Subscription shall be treated
account has insufficient balance to cover his/her Regular
as additional subscriptions to the Fund. The minimum
Subscription for five (5) consecutive scheduled RSP
regular contribution via the RSP shall be:
Dates, his/her RSP enrollment shall be deemed
Php5,000.00 for Php-denominated Funds automatically cancelled. A notice via email to inform that
As low USD100.00 for USD-denominated Funds
depending on the minimum incremental amounts per his/her RSP enrollment has been cancelled, shall be sent
type of Fund to the Participant.
3. The Participant’s RSP Regular Subscription shall be funded 12. Should the Participant decide to cancel his/her RSP
through an auto-debit arrangement from his/her/their enrollment, he/she/they shall be required to submit to SBC
nominated settlement account as contained in this Trust a duly filled out and signed RSP LOI Form indicating
instruction. The scheduled Regular Subscription shall be therein his/her instruction to cancel his/her RSP enrollment.
valued at the end of the business day immediately 13. By affixing his/her signature in the RSP Form, the
following the receipt of cleared funds. Participant acknowledges that he/she has read,
4. To avail of the RSP, the Participant shall submit to SBC understood and accepted the RSP Terms and Conditions.
Trust a duly filled out and signed RSP Form with the
standing instruction to automatically debit designated 14. SBC Trust reserves the right to amend or revise the RSP
UITF settlement account on the Regular Subscription date Terms and Conditions as reflected herewith. Any
(the “RSP Date”). amendments affecting the Participant’s current RSP
enrollment, the same shall be notified by SBC Trust by way
5. SBC Trust shall provide the Participant a Confirmation of
of email or notification in the SBC’s website:
Participation (COP) via electronic mail for every successfully
processed Regular Subscription.
6. Should RSP Date falls on a non-banking day, the debiting 15. The Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) is a Trust Product and
shall be made on the next banking day. The same rule shall NOT a DEPOSIT account or an obligation of, or guaranteed,
apply in case of an unscheduled holiday or suspension of or insured by SECURITY BANK CORPORATION or its affiliates
trading or banking activities on RSP Date. or subsidiaries, and therefore is not insured or governed by
7. In the event that the Participant’s nominated settlement the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). Due to
account has insufficient balance to cover the Regular the nature of the investments, yield and potential yields
Subscription on RSP Date, no deduction shall be made from cannot be guaranteed. Any income or loss arising from
the nominated bank account. No penalty to be imposed. market fluctuations and price volatility of the securities held
Hence, there will be no additional subscription to the Fund by the Fund, even if invested in government securities, is for
via the RSP on that scheduled contribution date and the the account of the Trustor/client. As such, units of
appropriate notice will be sent to the Participant. participation in the Fund, when redeemed, may be worth
8. In the event that the remaining balance of the CASA shall more or be worth less than the Trustor's/client's initial
fall below the minimum required maintaining balance when investment/contributions. Historical performance, when
debiting the Participant’s Regular Subscription, such presented, is purely for reference purposes and is not a
Regular Subscription shall not proceed. guarantee of future results. Security Bank Corporation Trust
9. In case the Participant wishes to change the details of & Asset Management Group as Trustee is not liable for
his/her RSP enrollment, he/she/they shall be required to losses unless upon willful default, bad faith or gross
submit to SBC Trust a duly filled out and signed RSP LOI negligence.

Trust and Asset Management Group

Client Certification and Authorization

By affixing my signature in this Regular Subscription Plan (RSP) Form, I acknowledge that I have read,
understood and agree to be bound by the SBC Trust RSP Terms and Conditions above. We also agree to
hold SBC Trust free and harmless from all liabilities and/or damages which may incur in its discharge of
our instruction indicated in this RSP Enrollment Form.


____________________________________ ___________________________________
Client Signature over Printed Name Client Signature over Printed Name

____________________________________ ___________________________________
Client Signature over Printed Name Client Signature over Printed Name

Date: ________________________


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