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Central to understanding people and their behaviour, psychology integrates theory and evidence-based knowledge from different areas

and levels of explanation including genetics, biology, child development, personality, society and culture. It is only within the discipline of psychology that you would learn about all these different influences on behaviour. The knowledge that you will gain from the core areas of psychology can be applied in the real world to lots of different contexts and situations - for example, why girls prefer pink, what turns a peaceful demonstration into a riot, why some romantic relationships work and others dont, why someone chooses a particular job, why some people develop eating disorders or phobias, and why some people take illegal drugs. The BSc Psychology course is accredited by the British Psychological Society and this is very important as it is the first step towards training as a professional psychologist. It is also an excellent general degree which provides a solid basis for a wide range of career opportunities, because it gives you the opportunity to acquire a number of transferable skills which are valued by employers. For example, report-writing, team-work, time management and organisation, IT and numeracy skills. Course structure Three levels, each of 120 credits. If you take a Joint, you study each subject for 60 credits at each level. Level 1 topics include: You will gain a broad introduction to the subject covering key domains of human behaviour including: why people have different personalities; how do children develop language, social and intellectual skills; how does brain chemistry and structure affect our behaviour; how do we learn and remember; and how do other people influence our behaviour. This year also provides an introduction to the essential Research Methods which underpins all work in psychology. Level 2 topics include: You will broaden your studies of the above areas and begin to consolidate and apply your knowledge of human behaviour. You will explore key domains of psychology, such as individual differences which also looks at differences in intelligence, emotion, creativity and personality; psychological development across the lifespan; the effect of neurotransmitters and other drugs on the brain; visual perception, decision-making; how we form impressions of others, including stereotyping and prejudice. You will also continue to develop your research skills including carrying out a number of projects in small groups in preparation for your individual final year research projects. Level 3 topics include: In your final year you will be able to choose courses in the specialised areas that interest you. The School of Psychology has a wide range of expertise in the areas of applied psychology, so we are able to offer you options such as: counselling psychology, abnormal

psychology, health psychology and addiction, work psychology, forensic psychology. A substantial part of your final year will involve an individual research project which you will carry out under supervision by an academic tutor who has expertise in your chosen field of interest. The assessment for this project also requires you to give a short presentation about your research enabling you to develop your presentation and speaking skills. Assessment Assessment will consist of examinations, course work, practical report, presentations and in your final year an individual research project. Career opportunities As your BSc (Hons) degree is accredited by our professional body then you can progress onto postgraduate training in the areas of clinical psychology, counselling psychology, edeucational psychology, health psychology and occupational psychology. For more information about training in psychology leading to Chartered Psychologist status please go to What our students say I am now studying for my PhD in Psychology at London Metropolitan having completed my undergraduate degree and my masters here. I can honestly say I have enjoyed my learning experience and I wouldnt have got this far without the professionalism and engagement offered by the psychology lecturers here. My friends studying psychology elsewhere have had to wait to enrol on a post graduate course to do some of the specialised topics I am doing in my undergraduate degree in psychology here at London Met. The psychology lectures take the subject of psychology and explain it in such a way that I can easily relate it to my daily experiences. I found the Psychology degree at London Met to be engaging, fascinating and fun I have learned a whole bunch of things I never knew about human behaviour

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