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Oak's Parcel
An Introductory
Introductory One
Introductory One Shot
One Shot Adventure
Shot Adventure for
Adventure for Pokémon
for Pokémon 5e
Pokémon 5e

Adventure Overview One of the main quests in this adventure will require the
The World of Pokémon is a dangerous place, full of players to go out and catch a variety of different species of
wonderfully unique creatures and determined trainers who Pokémon. Players will roll on a random table (shown on page
raise them for battle or companionship. 3) to determine which Pokémon they encounter. For
organizational purposes, the stat blocks of each of these
Headquartered in his laboratory in Pallet Town, Professor possible Pokémon are in the appendix at the end of this
Oak gets word that an important package has arrived for him manual.
in Veridian City. Much too busy with his own work, he seeks
out the help of a few up-and-coming trainers to fetch it for
him. Beginning the Session
The road to Veridian is paved with difficulties, however. DMs should have the players create level 1 trainers without a
Strange beasts hide in the trees and the tall grass - and an evil Pokédex, selecting a Specialization and Starter Pokémon with
lurks in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to reveal a Nature of their choice. The Starters they can choose from
itself... include any Pokémon of Species Rating 1/2 or lower. The
players will be given their Starter by Professor Oak, so should
Using This Adventure not be woven into any of the players backstories.
Encourage players to think up interesting characteristics of
The text below is meant to guide you through a single session their trainers and how they may know each other.
of about four hours, introducing your players to the system
through character creation, battles, and catching mechanics.
This one-shot adventure is written assuming a party of 3 - 4 Manual and Links
players, but can handle more by simply increasing the number For quick reference, here is a link to the Pokémon 5e PHB
of Pokémon encountered in random encounter and trainer and other handy resources you may need.
battle sessions, or by increasing the level of the same number
of Pokémon in the text. Pokémon 5e Manual:
The majority of this guide will be an outline of the id=1xj2sE7hfOM7nRs50Lk_Qb2vR9yC7ev3C
adventure, but occasionally there will be snippets of Printable Trainer Sheet:
descriptions or encounters that you should read aloud. id=1t8xaYHpbdWxlfMQz_L4sjngdicy9duNs
Important things to read aloud your players will be
Printable Pokémon Sheet:
in boxes like this one. id=1NCxesOyhTTIL0tY-RsE19LTgtydlKOwf

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Chapter 1: The Lab
To begin the adventure, the trainers should receive some sort Oak thanks the trainers for being willing to help him, and
of notice from Professor Oak about the help he needs. This offers them a ₱ 5,000 reward, with ₱ 500 up front for each of
can take the form of a letter sent to the trainers, a flyer on a them.
Pallet Town bulletin board, an overheard rumor, etc. Think
about your players backstories and what would work best, but His request is two-fold:
eventually they should all end up at Oak's Lab around the 1. A very important package (A prototype for a brand new,
same time. state-of-the-art Pokédex) has arrived for him at the
Pokémart in Veridian City, just a few miles north of Pallet
Town. He needs them to retrieve it and bring it back to
him, and he is much too busy with is work to go himself. As
the world outside Pallet Town is a dangerous one, he is
willing to let them borrow one of his own Pokémon to help
them on their quest (the Starters the players have chosen).
2. He has heard rumors that many new Pokémon have been
seen in the local area. He requests that each of them catch
a Pokémon and bring it back so he can study it before
releasing it back into the wild. An extra reward of ₱ 200
will be given for each Pokémon they catch.
Oak gives them each a Potion, ₱ 500 up front, and 5 Pokéballs
and is eager for them to get out of town and start their
adventure. He tells them to take the northern Route 1 to
Veridian City, and that wild Pokémon can be found in the tall
grass or in the trees off the path, so they should be careful to
stay away from those areas if things get rough.
The stone steps up to Oak's lab are steep and
numerous. You lose count after 157, but as you
There is a Pokécenter in Pallet Town that they can always
catch your breath and finally reach the top, the
return to if their Pokémon faints, and another one once they
open doors and constant hum of computers reach Veridian City.
welcomes you inside.
Arranged on the walls on either side of you are
cabinets full of beakers, test tubes, microscopes
and other laboratory equipment, book cases full of
thick encyclopedias, and huge consoles with black
screens and flashing panels. Neatly arranged on the
black and white tile floor are wide desks where
Oak's assistants work diligently on science
experiments, pour over the pages of large manuals,
or mindlessly read text from the computer screens
that you cannot comprehend.
On the far end of the lab, a tall, grey-haired man in a
white coat studies over a table arranged with a
collection of Pokéballs - the infamous Professor

Roleplaying Professor Oak

Professor Oak is an eccentric man in his mid-50s who has
dedicated his life to the study of Pokémon. He is very excited
about the creatures and is eager to learn anything and
everything he can about them. The Professor is extremely
intelligent - so much so that his speech is often quick and full
of big words that may go over the head of the trainers. Even
so, he is kind-hearted and slow to anger, unless someone is
interrupting his precious Soap Opera-watching time.

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Chapter 2: Route 1 This part of the adventure is set to have a very "open-world"
Once the trainers have gotten acquainted with each other and feel to it. The trainers know they have been instructed to seek
their Starters, they should be ready to start their journey north out and catch Pokémon, so encourage them to decide where
through Route 1 to Veridian City. they want to go first, and if they want to split up or stay
together. They may soon find out that sticking together is the
best course of action.
A long, winding dirt path stretches out before you,
curving up and down along a series of rolling hills
There are two main terrain types within which they can
underneath a clear, sunny sky. The landscape is full search for Pokémon on this route: Grass and Forest. Here
of fields of tall grass, spotted with trees and the we've provided a random encounter table to help manage
occasional thick patch of forest. In the distance, tall possible encounters in either terrain type. You may choose to
snow-capped peaks of a majestic mountain range roll these yourself, or have the players roll them and record
loom on the horizon. the result.
Flocks of winged Pokémon dart from tree to tree as Stat blocks for the Pokémon within each encounter can be
the tall grass ebbs and flows with the movement of found in the Appendix. The DC to catch each of these
wind and the small creatures that play within. Pokemon is 11 + Remaining HP/10 (rounded down), with the
exception of Gastly whose DC is 14 + Remaining HP/10
(rounded down), and Beedrill, who is uncatchable at the
trainer's current level.
d100 Encounter
01-10 A group of three Rattata pounce on the unsuspecting party from the grass
11-20 A female and male Nidoran are in the middle of a stare-off, about to butt heads
21-30 A Caterpie is being pulled in both directions by a Pidgey and Spearow
31-40 The trainers stumble upon a small pond, where a pair of Poliwag are sunbathing
41-50 The trainers interrupt an Ekans about to make a meal out of a Sentret
51-60 A pair of Zigzagoon ruffle through a bag dropped by a previous trainer. The bag contains a Revive.
61-70 Two holes are dug into the ground close by each other, a pair of Sandshrew sleeping inside
71-80 The trainers stumble upon a creek, where the hear a Psyduck desperately try to get a Krabby off its bill.
81-90 A male and female Pikachu play a game of tag amidst the grass
91-100 A Growlithe and Vulpix are in intense battle, creating a clearing of charred leaves and smoldering grass

d100 Encounter
01-10 The trainers stumble across a thick web where two Spinarak wait for prey
11-20 Something shiny (Gold Nugget) is seen in the center of a wasps nest, currently occupied by an angry Beedrill
21-30 A pair of Mankey chase each other amongst the trees above
31-40 A pair of Bellsprout are increasingly frustrated at each other as they try to pull apart their tangled vines.
41-50 The trainers stumble across a creek where a hungry HootHoot watches over a pair of Surskit skip along the surface
51-60 The trainers nearly run into a pair of sleeping Slakoths that hang from a thick branch
61-70 The trainers are attacked by three Nincada who leap from the trees
71-80 The trainers stumble into a swampy bog, where two Paras attack the intruders
81-90 The trainers come across an old, makeshift cemetery haunted by a single Gastly
91-100 A pair of Treecko watch the party pass by as they cling to the trees, waiting to strike

The players should run through a few or many of these encounters until each of them has caught a Pokémon for Oak's second task.
After a few encounters, allow players to level all their Pokémon to level two. If they choose to head straight for Veridian City
along the path before everyone has caught a Pokémon, some of the encounters can be moved to Chapter 4: The Road Home.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Chapter 3: Veridian City
When the trainers have had several Pokémon encounters and Pokécenter
are ready for a rest, allow them to level all their Pokémon
to level two, and lead them forward into Veridian City. The Veridian City Pokémon Center is a great place for the
trainers to visit after the long journey through Route 1, where
they will surely want to heal their Pokémon. You should let
them decide what to do naturally, but may want to encourage
them to visit this place before the Pokémart (you will see why,
shortly). Ways to do this include:
Having them run into Nurse Joy as she returns from lunch
Roleplaying their Pokémon feeling tired/injured/needing a
Describing it as a location they see right as they walk into
the city

A pair of glass doors slides open, welcoming you

into the Pokémon Center. Behind a long counter
stands a tall woman dressed in a pink apron, her
name-tag reading "Joy". A large pink, egg-shaped
Pokémon stands at her side, smiling from ear to ear.

At long last, you've made it to Veridian City. The sun

cast shadows off the old buildings and across the Joy will heal the trainer's Pokémon free of charge, and as
cobbled streets. You would guess by its position
that it must be mid-afternoon. A wooden sign
often as they like while they are in the city.
reading 'The City of Evergreen' points the way left
and right to several locations of interest including a Pokémart
Pokécenter and Pokémart. The Pokémart in Veridian City is where Trainers can
The city bustles with activity underneath the
purchase essential items for their adventures. When the
afternoon sun. Men and women work in their yards
trainer's enter the space for the first time, however, they
as children play with each other and their small witness a crime in progress.
Pokémon in the Town Square.
As the doors to the Pokémart open, you hear a
struggle from inside. A man dressed in black
wrestles something away from the shopkeeper and
The people of Veridian are friendly and willing to strike up sprints out the back door with another woman, a
conversation with the trainers as they enter. A few rumors can plain Red "R" emblazoned on the back of their
be told from the mouths of children and adults alike, if the jackets.
players decide to make conversation with the locals. The shopkeeper shouts out for help as you watch
They say the S.S. Anne is back in service after a long the two disappear. "Stop him! That's for Professor
hiatus. No one here can afford the ticket, however. Oak!"
There have been rumbles coming from the mountain to the
north, but large boulders have fallen from the cliffs and
block any passage through Veridian Forest. The Giving chase, the trainers should catch up with the Team
townspeople are waiting for the National Guard to come Rocket members in no time, as the back of the Pokémart is
clear them out. simply a long alley that ends in a tall wooden fence.
Legend has it that an incredibly rare bird has been seen
entering and exiting Mount Moon at night. No one has any Roleplaying Rocket Grunts
proof, but the Pokémon in that area have started acting The Team Rocket Grunt male is a purple-haired man with a
strange. dimwitted personality while the woman is red-headed and
Rumors of Team Rocket's return have surfaced. People in easy-to-anger. They were sent to steal Professor Oak's parcel
Celadon city have reported an increasing number of from the Pokémart, and are determined to get away with it for
missing Pokémon lately. fear of what their boss, Giovani, will do to them if they return
All in all, these rumors mean nothing, but may offer some empty-handed. Giovani doesn't know what's in the parcel, but
interesting conversation for the party. Feel free to make up knows Professor Oak is a genius when it comes to Pokémon
your own. technology, so he is sure whatever the package is will help
him with whatever evil plans he is concocting.

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Male Grunt Carried Pokémon Female Grunt Carried Pokémon

Grimer Meowth
Small Poison Type | Level 2 Tiny Normal Type | Level 2

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 27 Hit Points: 20
Speed: 15ft. walking Speed: 30ft. walking, 30ft. climbing

14 (+2) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws: Constitution Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma

Vulnerabilities: Ground, Psychic Vulnerabilities: Fighting
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison Resistances: None
Immunities: Ghost
Stench: When this Pokémon is hit by a melee attack,
roll a d10. On a 10, the attacker flinches. Limber: This Pokémon is immune to being paralyzed.

Poison Gas: Grimer releases a toxic cloud of Growl: Meowth targets a Pokémon with an
poisonous gas in a 10 foot radius, centered on a intimidating growl. The target must make a DC 11
point within range. Any creature that starts their turn WIS save. On a fail, it adds -1 to any attack it makes
in this area must succeed on a DC 12 CON save, for the duration. This modifier can be stacked if it
taking 1d6+3 poison damage and becoming fails multiple growl saves, up to a maximum of -5.
poisoned on a fail, or half as much damage without
being poisoned on a save. Scratch: Melee attack. +4 to hit. Meowth slashes out
at a Pokémon in range, dealing 1d6+3 normal
Pound: Melee attack. +4 to hit. Grimer attempts to damage on a hit.
crush an opponent with a pound attack, dealing
1d6+2 normal damage on a hit.

Zubat Tiny Poison Type | Level 1

Small Poison/Flying Type | Level 1

Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 18
Armor Class: 12 Speed: 0ft. walking, 20ft. flying
Hit Points: 17
Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 5ft. walking, 25ft. flying STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Saving Throws: Constitution
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) Vulnerabilities: Ground, Psychic
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison
Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Electric, Ice, Psychic, Rock Poison Gas: Koffing releases a toxic cloud of
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison poisonous gas in a 10 foot radius, centered on a
Immunities: Ground point within range. Any creature that starts their turn
in this area must succeed on a DC 12 CON save,
Absorb: Melee attack. +4 to hit. You attempt to taking 1d6+3 poison damage and becoming
absorb some of an enemy’s health. On a hit, the poisoned on a fail, or half as much damage without
Pokémon takes 1d6+2 grass damage. Half the being poisoned on a save.
damage done is restored by the user.
Tackle: Melee attack roll. +4 to hit. 1d4+2 damage.

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If the Players Defeat the Grunts Chapter 4: The Road Home
The Grunts drop the parcel and promise revenge before By the time the trainers leave the Pokémart, its late afternoon.
hopping over the fence and making their escape. As a reward Make them aware that there is not much daylight left if they
for battling, allow the players to level each of their want to make it back to Pallet Town before nightfall. They will
Pokémon to level three. probably want to revisit the Pokécenter to heal up before
If the Players are Defeated heading back down Route 1.
The Grunts flee the scene with the parcel in hand. The Any other attempt to leave Veridian City other than through
shopkeeper runs out into the back alley with a sigh of relief, Route 1 should be met with "blockades": The boulders
holding a package in his hands. The Grunts had stolen a blocking the way to Veridian Forest, tall guarded walls leading
decoy! As a reward for battling, allow the players to level to Indigo Plateau, closed businesses and gyms now that the
each of their Pokémon to level three. day is late, etc.
Team Rocket taken care of either way, the trainers are free to The players, at some point, may wish to open Oak's Parcel to
take a look at the Pokémart's wares. The shopkeeper is so see what is inside. Inside is a prototype for a state-of-the-art
thankful for their help, he actually gives them a discount! The Pokédex unlike any other. Ask for an Investigation check for
following items can be purchased: anyone wishing to examine it. The Pokédex technology has
been updated with the ability to recognize and categorize all
Item Description Price Pokémon from the Johto and Hoenn regions, as opposed to
Potion Restores 2d4+2 HP ₱ 100 just Kanto. It also now contains a receiver for video calls, and
a direct connection to ones PC for easy access to Pokémon
Pokéball Used to catch Pokémon ₱ 150 Storage System on the road without the need to visit a
Antidote Cures Poison ₱ 100 Pokécenter.
Paralyze Heal Cures Paralysis ₱ 100 The road back should be quicker than the way in. If the
Awakening Wakes from Sleep ₱ 100 players want to seek out more Pokémon in the forest or the
grass, simply choose one of the scenarios from Chapter 2 that
they did not encounter before.

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Chapter 5: Oak in Trouble
As the trainers return to Pallet Town, the sun has set.

The remainder of your journey is uneventful as the

Giovanni's Nidoqueen
sun sets over the hills of Route 1 and Pallet Town Medium Poison/Ground Type | Level 10
comes back into view. The street lamps are lit, and a
cool breeze comes off the southern part of town, Armor Class: 16
making its way through the slowly emptying streets. Hit Points: 92
Hit Dice: d12
Speed: 30ft. walking
If the players did some exploring on the way back, they may
want to visit a Pokécenter. The Pokécenter in Veridian and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Pallet Town are almost identical, with the same Nurse Joy and
Chansey. 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Soon enough they will want to head straight for Oak's Lab to Proficient Skills: Perception, Survival
deliver the Parcel. Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Vulnerabilities: Ground, Ice, Psychic, Water
Resistances: Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Bug, Poison
You make the grueling climb once again up to
Professor Oak's lab, but upon attempting to open
the large metal doors, you find them locked shut. Held Item:
Scope Lens: This Pokémon's critical hit range
increases by +1.
The doors are locked because Team Rocket is inside, holding
Oak and all his assistants captive! It turns out the Grunts were Rivalry: This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to
either not a fan of losing the battle or not a fan of being duped damage when attacking a Pokémon of the same
by a fake package, depending on how the end of Chapter 3 type.
went. The Grunts have returned with a vengeance, and they've Poison Point: On melee attacks made by this
got their boss with them. Pokémon, roll a d10 on a hit. On a result of a 10, the
The lock on the door to Professor Oak's lab can be picked target is poisoned.
with DC 18 Sleight of Hand check, but can only be attempted Sheer Force: This Pokémon adds its proficiency
twice before breaking the lock. Any trainer with an active bonus to damage rolls while poisoned, burned,
Pokémon proficient in the Sleight of Hand skill has advantage confused, or paralyzed.
on the roll. Another option is to allow them to bust the door
with a DC 20 Strength check, but that will instantly alert
Team Rocket inside who will come to fight. Moves
Professor Oak's lab has several large windows on all sides, Double Kick (15 PP): Melee attack. +8 to hit.
8 feet off the ground and 10 feet high. An open window can be Nidoqueen strikes twice with two devastating kicks.
found with a DC 14 Investigation check, but will require the Make two melee attack rolls, dealing 1d10 + 4
trainers to come up with an interesting plan to get up to it, fighting damage on each successful hit.
most likely requiring a DC 15 Acrobatics or Athletics check. Poison Sting(15 PP): Melee attack. +8 to hit.
If they attempt to sneak their way in, no matter how they do Nidoqueen strikes out at a Pokémon with a
it, the trainers spot several of Professor Oak's assistants tied poisonous sting. Make a melee attack roll against a
up along the floor and chairs, with the same two Grunts from target, dealing 1d8 + 6 poison damage on a hit. If the
before frantically working on the computers on either side of natural attack roll is 18 or more, the Pokémon is
the lab to try and find the prototype blueprints. At the far end, poisoned.
Professor Oak is in the clutches of a Nidoqueen, standing Ice Beam (5 PP): 120 ft ranged attack. +8 to hit.
before a tall man in black with slicked back, black hair. The Nidoqueen sends a concentrated beam of freezing
man is Giovanni. ice at a single Pokémon in range. Make a ranged
Allow your players to get creative with how they handle the attack roll, doing 3d10 + 3 ice damage on a hit, and
situation at hand, allowing them to attempt to knock out a forcing the target to make DC 15 CON save or
trainer using stealth (Trainer laws are a little more lenient become frozen.
when going against evil teams), but ultimately when they are Tail Whip (15 PP): 100 ft range. Nidoqueen shakes
noticed, Giovanni will whip around and engage in battle with her tail at an enemy Pokémon, distracting it and
his Nidoqueen as the Grunts watch from the side. If the opening up its defenses. The Pokémon must make a
trainers did not defeat the Grunts earlier in the adventure, DC 15 WIS save. On a fail, it adds +1 to any attack
they may have remaining Pokémon to add to the mix... against the target for 1 minute.

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Chapter 6: Wrap Up
With Giovanni and the Rocket Grunts taking care of, they blast off and flee the scene, swearing revenge. Professor Oak dusts
himself off and thanks the trainers for their help. He offers them the original reward for bringing back the prototype, but as an
added bonus, allows them to keep their starting Pokémon and all others they caught along the way, as long as he can spend a few
hours with them studying their habits and skills.
Oak promises them that once his prototype is completed and fully tested, he will have a copy for each of them. In the meantime,
he gives them each an old, standard version of the Pokédex to bring on their adventures!


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The following stat blocks can be used for each Pokémon of the wild encounters in Chapter 2: Route 1. Reference the manual for
level two moves if these Pokémon are captured and leveled up.

Rattata Nidoran ♀
Tiny Normal Type | Level 1| SR 1/4 Tiny Poison Type | Level 1| SR 1/2

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 12

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 17
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 30ft. walking, 30ft. climbing Speed: 20ft. walking

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Perception, Stealth Proficient Skills: Perception
Saving Throws: Dexterity Saving Throws: Constitution
Vulnerabilities: Fighting Vulnerabilities: Ground, Psychic
Resistances: None Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison
Immunities: Ghost
Senses: Darkvision 30ft. Rivalry: This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to
damage when attacking a Pokémon of the same
Guts: When this Pokémon is burned or poisoned, type.
they are not affected by the disadvantage or half
damage effects. They still take damage at the end of Poison Point: On melee attacks made by this
each of their turns. Pokémon, roll a d10 on a hit. On a result of a 10, the
target is poisoned.

Moves Moves
Tackle (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Rattata rushes
Growl (20 PP): 100ft range. Nidoran targets a
forward and slams into an opponent. Make a melee
Pokémon with an intimidating growl. The Pokémon
attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 normal damage
must make a DC 11 WIS save. On a fail, it adds -1 to
on a hit.
any attack it makes for one minute. This modifier can
Tail Whip (15 PP): 100 ft range. Rattata shakes its tail be stacked if it fails multiple growl saves, up to a
at an enemy Pokémon, distracting it and opening up maximum of -5.
its defenses. The Pokémon must make a DC 12 WIS
Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Nidoran
save On a fail allies add +1 to any attack they target
slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee
attack, doing 1d6 + 1 normal damage on a hit.
Level 2 Moves: Tail Whip, Double Kick

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Nidoran ♂ Caterpie
Tiny Poison Type | Level 1| SR 1/2 Tiny Bug Type | Level 1 | SR 1/8

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 11

Hit Points: 17 Hit Points: 15
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 20ft. walking Speed: 20ft. walking, 20ft. climbing

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Perception Proficient Skills: None
Saving Throws: Constitution Saving Throws: None
Vulnerabilities: Ground, Psychic Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Rock
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison Resistances: Grass, Ground, Fighting

Rivalry: This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to Run Away: While this Pokémon is active, the trainer
damage when attacking a Pokémon of the same automatically succeeds on their DEX roll to run away
type. from a wild Pokémon encounter.
Poison Point: On melee attacks made by this Shield Dust: Once per long rest, this Pokémon can
Pokémon, roll a d10 on a hit. On a result of a 10, the ignore a negative status condition that results from
target is poisoned. an enemy move.

Moves Moves
Leer (15 PP): 60ft range. Nidoran stares down an String Shot (20 PP): 60ft range. Caterpie unleashes
enemy Pokémon, reducing its will. The Pokémon sticky string at a Pokémon in range, slowing it down.
must make DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, allies may add Make a ranged attack roll against a target. On a hit,
+1 to any attack they target it with for one minute. the target’s speed is reduced by 10 for the duration.
This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple leer The target may take an action to attempt to get rid of
saves, up to a maximum of +5. any string with DC 10 STR save. If this reduction in
speed causes their speed to be 0, they are restrained.
Peck (20 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Nidoran
hammers down on an enemy with a peck attack. Tackle (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Caterpie
Make a melee attack roll on a target, doing 1d6 + 1 rushes forward and slams into an opponent. Make a
flying damage on a successful hit. melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 normal
damage on a hit.
Level 2 Moves: Focus Energy, Double Kick

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Pidgey Spearow
Tiny Normal/Flying Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Tiny Normal/Flying Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 12

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 20ft. walking, 25ft. flying Speed: 10ft. walking, 25ft. flying

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Perception Proficient Skills: Perception
Saving Throws: Dexterity Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Electric, Ice, Rock Vulnerabilities: Electric, Ice, Rock
Resistances: Bug, Grass Resistances: Bug, Grass
Immunities: Ghost, Ground Immunities: Ghost, Ground

Keen Eye: This Pokémon ignores disadvantage when Keen Eye: This Pokémon ignores disadvantage when
it relates to sight. it relates to sight.
Tangled Feet: Attacks against this Pokémon have Sniper: On a critical hit made by this Pokémon, triple
disadvantage when it is confused. the dice roll instead of doubling it.

Moves Moves
Tackle (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Pidgey rushes Growl (20 PP): 100ft range. Spearow targets a
forward and slams into an opponent. Make a melee Pokémon with an intimidating growl. The Pokémon
attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 normal damage must make a DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, it adds -1 to
on a hit. any attack it makes for one minute. This modifier can
be stacked if it fails multiple growl saves, up to a
Level 2 Moves: Sand Attack, Gust maximum of -5.
Peck (20 PP): Melee attack. +4 to hit. Spearow
hammers down on an enemy with a peck attack.
Make a melee attack roll on a target, doing 1d6 +
MOVE flying damage on a successful hit.
Leer (15 PP): 60ft range. Spearow stares down an
enemy Pokémon, reducing its will. The Pokémon
must make DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, allies may add
+1 to any attack they target it with for one minute.
This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple leer
saves, up to a maximum of +5.
Level 2 Moves: Pursuit

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Poliwag Ekans
Tiny Water Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Medium Poison Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2

Armor Class: 13 Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 20ft. walking, 25ft. swimming Speed: 30ft. walking

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficient Skills: Acrobatics Proficiency Bonus: +2

Saving Throws: Dexterity Proficient Skills: Stealth, Deception
Vulnerabilities: Electric, Grass Saving Throws: Constitution
Resistances: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water Vulnerabilities: Ground, Psychic
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison
Water Absorb: Water type moves do not damage this Senses: Darkvision 30ft.
Pokémon. Instead, half of any water damage done is
absorbed, restoring the Pokémon's HP. Intimidate: Once per short rest, Ekans can impose
disadvantage on an enemy attack roll of its choice.
Moves Shed Skin: If this Pokémon is affected by a negative
status ailment, they can roll a d4 at the end of each
Water Sport (10 PP): Poliwag soaks itself and all allies of their turns. On a result of 4, they are cured.
within 5 feet of it with water, reducing the amount
of fire damage taken for anyone affected. For one
minute, Poliwag has immunity to fire-type attacks Moves
and any ally in range (when it initially activates this
Leer (15 PP): 60ft range. Ekans stares down an
move) has resistance. If allies were already resistant,
enemy Pokémon, reducing its will. The Pokémon
they are now immune. If allies were vulnerable, they
must make DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, allies may add
now take normal damage. If allies were immune to
+1 to any attack they target it with for one minute.
fire-type moves already, nothing happens.
This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple leer
Water Gun (15 PP): 40ft range. + 4 to hit. Poliwag saves, up to a maximum of +5.
fires a quick spurt of water at a Pokémon in range.
Wrap (10 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Ekans attempts
Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d6 + 2 water
to grapple a target into submission. Make a melee
damage on a hit.
attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + 1 normal
Level 2 Moves: Hypnosis, Bubble damage and is grappled and restrained. At the
beginning of each of its turns, it may attempt to
escape with a DC 11 STR save. On each successive
turn, if the Pokémon is still grappled, Ekans may use
this move again as a bonus action and automatically
Poison Sting (15 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Ekans
strikes out at a Pokémon with a poisonous sting.
Make a melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d4
+ 1 poison damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll
is 18 or more, the Pokémon is poisoned.
Level 2 Moves: Bite

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Sentret Zigzagoon
Small Normal Type | Level 1 | SR 1/8 Tiny Normal Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4

Armor Class: 11 Armor Class: 12

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 30ft. walking, 30ft. climbing Speed: 35ft. walking, 35ft. climbing

12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Acrobatics, Perception Proficient Skills: Sleight of Hand
Saving Throws: Dexterity Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Fighting Vulnerabilities: Fighting
Resistances: None Resistances: None
Immunities: Ghost Immunities: Ghost

Keen Eye: This Pokémon ignores disadvantage when Pick Up: If an opponent uses a consumable held item
it relates to sight. in battle, this Pokémon gains a copy of it if it is not
currently holding an item.
Run Away: While this Pokémon is active, the trainer
automatically succeeds on their DEX roll to run away Gluttony: This Pokémon must eat its held berry when
from a wild Pokémon encounter. it falls below ½ of its maximum HP.

Moves Moves
Foresight (20 PP): 50ft range Force a target in range Growl (20 PP): 100ft range. Zigzagoon targets a
to make a DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, add +2 to all Pokémon with an intimidating growl. The Pokémon
attack rolls you make against the opponent for 1 must make a DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, it adds -1 to
minute. Regardless of the saving throw, for the any attack it makes for one minute. This modifier can
remainder of combat, any of Sentret's fighting or be stacked if it fails multiple growl saves, up to a
normal moves can hit a ghost type Pokémon. maximum of -5.
Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Sentret Tackle (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Zigzagoon
slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee rushes forward and slams into an opponent. Make a
attack, doing 1d6 + 1 normal damage on a hit. melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 normal
damage on a hit.
Defense Curl (20 PP): Sentret curls up into a tight
ball, increasing its defensive stance. Until its next Level 2 Moves: Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Headbutt
turn, it gains + 4 to its AC and has resistance to
normal attacks.
Level 2 Moves: Quick Attack, Fury Swipes

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Sandshrew Psyduck
Tiny Ground Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2 Small Water Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2

Armor Class: 14 Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 17 Hit Points: 18
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 20ft. walking Speed: 20ft. walking, 25ft. swimming

14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Athletics Proficient Skills: Insight
Saving Throws: Constitution Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
Vulnerabilities: Grass, Ice, Water Vulnerabilities: Electric, Grass
Resistances: Poison, Rock Resistances: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water
Immunities: Electric
Senses: Tremorsense 60ft Water Weight: Once per short rest, this Pokémon
gains temporary hit points equal to its level when
Sand Rush: This Pokémon’s speed is doubled in battling in coastal and swampy areas, or in rainy
desert terrain, or during a Sandstorm. conditions.
Burrower: This Pokémon can burrow underground Damp: This Pokémon is unaffected by Self Destruct
traveling a distance equal to its walking speed before and Explosion moves.
Moves Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Psyduck
Defense Curl (20 PP): Sandshrew curls up into a tight slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee
ball, increasing its defensive stance. Until its next attack, doing 1d6 + 1 normal damage on a hit.
turn, it gains + 4 to its AC and has resistance to
normal attacks. Water Sport (10 PP): Psyduck soaks itself and all allies
within 5 feet of it with water, reducing the amount
Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +4 to hit. Sandshrew of fire damage taken for anyone affected. For one
slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee minute, Psyduck has immunity to fire-type attacks
attack, doing 1d6 + 2 normal damage on a hit. and any ally in range (when it initially activates this
move) has resistance. If allies were already resistant,
Sand Attack (10 PP): Sandshrew kicks up a cloud of
they are now immune. If allies were vulnerable, they
sand in an attempt to blind a target in range. The
now take normal damage. If allies were immune to
target must make a DC 11 CON save. On a fail, for
fire-type moves already, nothing happens.
the remainder of the encounter, they add -1 to all of
their attack rolls. This move can be stacked for a Level 2 Moves: Tail Whip, Water Gun, Confusion
maximum of -5 to attack rolls.
Level 2 Moves: Poison Sting, Rollout, Rapid Spin, Fury

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Krabby Pikachu
Tiny Water Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Tiny Electric Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2

Armor Class: 13 Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 17 Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 30ft. walking, 20ft. swimming Speed: 30ft. walking

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Survival, Sleight of Hand Proficient Skills: Acrobatics, Persuasion
Saving Throws: Constitution Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Vulnerabilities: Electric, Grass Vulnerabilities: Ground
Resistances: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water Resistances: Electric, Flying, Steel

Shell Armor: This Pokémon is immune to extra Lightning Rod: If an ally within 30 feet is attacked
damage dealt by a Critical Hit. with an electric type move, this Pokémon can
choose to use a reaction to redirect that attack to
Hyper Cutter: This Pokémon’s ability modifiers themselves instead. This does not work on area of
cannot be decreased by an opponent’s moves. effect moves.
Evolution: Krabby can evolve into Kingler at level 8
and above. When it evolves, its health increases by
double its level, and it gains 11 points to add to its Moves
ability scores (max 20). Tail Whip (15 PP): 100 ft range. Pikachu shakes its
tail at an enemy Pokémon, distracting it and opening
up its defenses. The target must make a DC 12 WIS
Moves save. On a fail, it adds +1 to any attack against the
Bubble (15 PP): 60ft range. +3 to hit. Krabby shoots a target for 1 minute.
series of quickly moving bubbles at a target. Make
three ranges attacks, doing 1d4 water damage on Thunder Shock (15 PP): 20ft range. Pikachu delivers
each successful hit. an electric shock to an enemy Pokémon in range.
Make a ranged attack on a Pokémon, doing 1d6 + 2
Mud Sport (10 PP): 5ft range. Krabby covers itself and electric damage on a hit.
all allies around it with thick mud, reducing the
Level 2 Moves: Growl, Quick Attack
amount of electric damage taken for anyone
affected. For the duration, Krabby takes normal
damage from electric-type attacks, and any ally in
range (when it initially activates this move) has
resistance to electric-type attacks. If allies are already
resistant, they are now immune. If allies were
vulnerable, they now takes normal damage.
Level 2 Moves: Vice Grip, Leer, Harden

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Growlithe Vulpix
Small Fire Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2 Tiny Fire Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4

Armor Class: 13 Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 25ft. walking Speed: 30ft. walking

13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Perception Proficient Skills: Perception, Investigation
Saving Throws: Dexterity Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Ground, Rock, Water Vulnerabilities: Ground, Rock, Water
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel
Senses: Darkvision 30ft.
Flash Fire: This Pokémon takes no damage from fire.
Instead, immediately after taking a hit from a fire- Flash Fire: This Pokémon takes no damage from fire.
type move, or in open flames, double the STAB Instead, immediately after taking a hit from a fire-
bonus on the next fire-type move. type move, or in open flames, double the STAB
bonus on the next fire-type move.
Intimidate: Once per short rest, Growlithe can
impose disadvantage on an enemy attack roll of its
choice. Moves
Ember (15 PP): 60ft range. +3 to hit. Vulpix hurls a
Moves ball of flame at an enemy within range. Make a
ranged attack, doing 1d6 + 1 fire damage on a
Bite (15 PP): Melee attack. +4 to hit. Growlithe sinks
successful hit. If the natural attack roll is 19 or 20,
its teeth into an enemy Pokémon. Make a melee
the target is burnt.
attack roll, doing 1d10 + 2 dark damage on a
successful hit. Tail Whip (15 PP): 100 ft range. Vulpix shakes its tail
at an enemy Pokémon, distracting it and opening up
Roar (10 PP): 100ft range. Growlithe releases an
its defenses. The target must make a DC 11 WIS
intimidating roar at a wild Pokémon in range. The
save. On a fail, it adds +1 to any attack against the
target must make a DC 11 CHA save, fleeing from
target for 1 minute.
battle on fail. The move automatically fails in trainer
battles. A creature that succeeds on this saving Level 2 Moves: Roar, Quick Attack
throw is unaffected by future attempts during this
Level 2 Moves: Ember, Leer, Odor Sleuth

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Spinarak Beedrill
Tiny Bug/Poison Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Small Bug/Poison Type | Level 5 | SR 6

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 14

Hit Points: 18 Hit Points: 57
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d10
Speed: 20ft. walking, 20ft. climbing Speed: 30ft. walking, 30ft. climbing, 30ft. flying

11 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +3

Proficient Skills: Stealth STAB Bonus: +1
Saving Throws: Dexterity Proficient Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidation
Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Psychic, Rock Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Psychic, Rock
Senses: Darkvision 30ft. Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison

Swarm: This Pokémon adds doubles its STAB bonus Sniper: On a critical hit made by this Pokémon, triple
when it has 10% or less of its maximum health. the dice roll instead of doubling it.
Insomnia: This Pokémon is immune to sleep. Swarm: This Pokémon adds doubles its STAB bonus
when it has 10% or less of its maximum health.
Constrict (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Spinarak
sends sticky webs around an enemy Pokémon, trying Fury Attack (10 PP): Melee attack. +6 to hit. Beedrill
to squeeze the life from them. Make a melee attack reaches out and unleashes relentless strikes against a
roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 normal damage Pokémon. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d4 + 3
and is grappled and restrained. At the beginning of normal damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a
each of its turns, it may attempt to escape DC 10 target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, it may
STR save. As long as it is restrained, continue to do immediately hit again for an additional 1d4 normal
1d4 normal damage as a bonus action on each of damage. Continue this process until you fail to roll a
your turns without making an attack roll. 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a maximum of four
additional hits.
Poison Sting (15 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Ekans
strikes out at a Pokémon with a poisonous sting. Twineedle (5PP): 40ft range. +6 to hit. Beedrill fires
Make a melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d4 two sharp projectiles at Pokémon in range. Make two
poison damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is melee attack rolls, doing 1d4 + 3 damage on each
18 or more, the Pokémon is poisoned. hit.
String Shot (20 PP): 60ft range. Spinarak unleashes
sticky string at a Pokémon in range, slowing it down.
Make a ranged attack roll against a target. On a hit,
the target’s speed is reduced by 10 for the duration.
The target may take an action to attempt to get rid of
any string with DC 10 STR save. If this reduction in
speed causes their speed to be 0, they are restrained.
Level 2 Moves: Absorb, Scary Face
TM: 06, 10, 11, 17, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 36,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46
HM: 05

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Mankey Bellsprout
Tiny Fighting Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2 Small Grass/Poison Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 11

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 18
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 20ft. walking, 20ft. climbing Speed: 20ft. walking

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics Proficient Skills: Nature, Survival
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Strength Saving Throws: Constitution
Vulnerabilities: Fairy, Flying, Psychic Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Resistances: Bug, Dark, Rock Resistances: Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Water
Senses: Tremorsense 20ft.
Anger Point: After suffering a critical hit, this
Pokémon adds proficiency to its damage if its next Chlorophyll: This Pokémon’s speed is doubled in
attack hits. bright sunlight.
Vital Spirit: This Pokémon cannot be put to sleep.
Moves Vine Whip (15 PP): 15ft range. +3 to hit. Bellsprout
extends a sharp vine to whip the opponent with.
Focus Energy (15 PP): Mankey sacrifices its action to
Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d6 + 3 grass
focus in on the energy inside it. For the duration, it
damage on a hit.
increases its critical range by 1.. (From 20 to 19+ ,
from 19+ to 18+, etc.) Level 2 Moves: Growth, Wrap
Leer (15 PP): 60ft range. Mankey stares down an
enemy Pokémon, reducing its will. The Pokémon
must make DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, allies may add
+1 to any attack they target it with for one minute.
This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple leer
saves, up to a maximum of +5.
Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +4 to hit. Mankey
slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee
attack, doing 1d6 + 2 normal damage on a hit.
Level 2 Moves: Low Kick, Fury Swipes, Karate Chop

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Hoothoot Surskit
Small Normal/Flying Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Tiny Bug/Water Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 12

Hit Points: 16 Hit Points: 17
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 15ft. walking, 25ft. flying Speed: 20ft. walking, 20ft. swimming

10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Perception, Insight Proficient Skills: Acrobatics
Saving Throws: Wisdom Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Electric, Ice, Rock Vulnerabilities: Electric, Flying, Rock
Resistances: Bug, Grass Resistances: Fighting, Ground, Ice, Steel, Water
Immunities: Ghost, Ground
Senses: Darkvision 60ft. Swift Swim: This Pokémon's swim speed is doubled
in rainy conditions.
Keen Eye: This Pokémon ignores disadvantage when
it relates to sight. Rain Dish: In rainy conditions, this Pokémon heals for
an amount of HP equal to its proficiency bonus at
Insomnia: This Pokémon is immune to sleep. the end of each of its turns.

Moves Moves
Foresight (20 PP): 50ft range Force a target in range Bubble (15 PP): 60ft range. +3 to hit. Surskit shoots a
to make a DC 12 WIS save. On a fail, add +2 to all series of quickly moving bubbles at a target. Make
attack rolls you make against the opponent for 1 three ranges attacks, doing 1d4 water damage on
minute. Regardless of the saving throw, for the each successful hit.
remainder of combat, any of Hoothoot's fighting or
normal moves can hit a ghost type Pokémon. Level 2 Moves: Quick Attack, Sweet Scent

Growl (20 PP): 100ft range. Hoothoot targets a

Pokémon with an intimidating growl. The Pokémon
must make a DC 10 WIS save. On a fail, it adds -1 to
any attack it makes for one minute. This modifier can
be stacked if it fails multiple growl saves, up to a
maximum of -5.
Tackle (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Hoothoot
rushes forward and slams into an opponent. Make a
melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 normal
damage on a hit.
Level 2: Peck, Hypnosis, Confusion

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Slakoth Nincada
Small Normal Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Tiny Bug/Ground Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4

Armor Class: 12 Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 18 Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 25ft. walking, 25ft. climbing Speed: 10ft. walking, 10ft. climbing, 25ft. flying

13 (+1) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Survival Proficient Skills: Nature
Saving Throws: Constitution , Wisdom Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Fighting Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Ice, Water
Resistances: None Resistances: Fighting, Ground, Poison
Immunities: Ghost Immunities: Electric
Senses: Darkvision 30ft.
Truant: This Pokémon cannot use the same move in
back to back rounds. Compound Eyes: This Pokémon gets an additional +1
to attack rolls.
Evolution: Slakoth can evolve into Vigoroth at level 6
and above. When it evolves, its health increases by Run Away: While this Pokémon is active, the trainer
double its level, and it gains 9 points to add to its automatically succeeds on their DEX roll to run away
ability scores (max 20). from a wild Pokémon encounter.

Moves Moves
Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Slakoth Harden (15 PP): Nincada increases its defense,
slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee adding + 1 to its AC. This effect can be stacked with
attack, doing 1d6 + 1 normal damage on a hit. multiple Harden moves, to a maximum of + 5 AC. Its
AC returns to normal after combat.
Yawn (5 PP): 30ft range. Slakoth releases a big yawn
that causes an opponent to become very drowsy. Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +2 to hit. Nincada
Choose a target in range. If that target is still in the slashes out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee
battle at the end of its next turn, it falls asleep. attack, doing 1d6 normal damage on a hit.
Level 2 Moves: Encore, Slack Off Level 2 Moves: Absorb, Sand Attack, Fury Swipes

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Paras Gastly
Tiny Bug/Grass Type | Level 1 | SR 1/4 Medium Ghost/Poison Type | Level 3 | SR 1/2

Armor Class: 13 Armor Class: 12

Hit Points: 18 Hit Points: 30
Hit Dice: d6 Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 20ft. walking Speed: 0ft. walking, 30ft. flying

12 (+1) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +2

Proficient Skills: Nature STAB Bonus: +1
Saving Throws: Constitution Proficient Skills: Stealth, Deception
Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Poison, Rock, Ice, Bug Saving Throws: Constitution
Resistances: Electric, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Water Vulnerabilities: Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Senses: Darkvision 30ft., Tremorsense 30ft. Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Grass, Poison
Immunities: Fighting, Normal
Effect Spore: When hit by a melee attack, roll a d4. Senses: Darkvision 30ft.
On a 4, deal an amount of grass damage equal to
your proficiency modifier to your attacker. Intimidate: Once per short rest, Gastly can impose
disadvantage on an enemy attack roll of its choice.
Moves Levitate: This Pokémon is immune to ground moves.
Scratch (20 PP): Melee attack. +3 to hit. Paras slashes Evolution: Gastly can evolve into Haunter at level 7
out at a Pokémon in range. Make a melee attack, and above. When it evolves, its health increases by
doing 1d6 + 1 normal damage on a hit. double its level, and it gains 8 points to add to its
ability scores (max 20).
Level 2 Moves: Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Absorb
Hypnosis (10 PP): 30ft range. Gastly attempts to put
a target to sleep. The target must make a DC 12 WIS
save, falling asleep on a failure.
Lick (15 PP): Melee attack. +4 to hit. Gastly reaches
out and licks an enemy Pokémon. Make a melee
attack roll. On a hit, do 1d6 + 3 ghost damage. On a
natural attack roll of 18 or higher, the target
becomes paralyzed.
Spite (3 PP): 30ft range. When hit with an attack,
Gastly can spend a reaction to attempt to drain the
attacker’s PP. Force the attacker to make DC 12 WIS
save. On a fail, roll a d4. The PP of the move that
attacked it is decreased by that number.
Mean Look (3 PP): 50ft range. Gastly flashes an
intimidating look at a Pokémon, attempting to freeze
them in fear. Force a target in range to make a DC 12
WIS save. On a fail, the target cannot flee or be
switched out for 3 rounds.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Tiny Grass Type | Level 1 | SR 1/2

Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 16
Hit Dice: d6
Speed: 30ft. walking, 30ft. climbing


12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2
Proficient Skills: Acrobatics
Saving Throws: Dexterity
Vulnerabilities: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Resistances: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water

Overgrow: When this Pokémon falls below 10% of

its maximum HP, double the STAB damage for its
grass-type moves.

Leer (15 PP): 60ft range. Treecko stares down an
enemy Pokémon, reducing its will. The Pokémon
must make DC 0 WIS save. On a fail, allies may add
+1 to any attack they target it with for one minute.
This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple leer
saves, up to a maximum of +5.
Pound (20 PP): Melee attack. +4 to hit. Treecko
crushes an opponent with a pound attack. Make a
melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 + 2
normal damage on a hit.
Level 2 Moves: Absorb, Quick Attack

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  This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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