Bambang Adrian Sitompul: CBN Indonesia

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Jl. Sukasari II No. 3, Kec.

Coblong, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

Bambang Adrian Sitompul Leweung Malang, Desa Sukaresmi, Cikarang, Bekasi
082166342789 (Selular) 085714525895 (Selular)

Posisi Terakhir Web Programmer
Tahun Pengalaman 4 Tahun
Fungsi Pekerjaan Terakhir Spesialis Aplikasi - Perangkat Lunak / Pemprograman
Sektor Industri Terakhir Periklanan / Hubungan Masyarakat / Layanan Pemasaran
Level Karier Terakhir Pertengahan
Pendidikan Terakhir Sarjana
Diizinkan Bekerja di Indonesia Ya
Gaji Terakhir Rp.6,000,000
Gaji yang Diharapkan Rp.7,500,000, Bisa Dinegosiasikan
Ketersediaan Segera


Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki

Umur 26
Tanggal Lahir 05-Dec-86
Kebangsaan Indonesia
Status Pernikahan Lajang
Lokasi Tinggal Jawa Barat
Kode Pos 40132
Status kediaman Sewa
Jumlah Anak 0
Ras Batak
Agama Kristen
Memiliki Kendaraan Tidak Ada
Memiliki Kartu Kredit Gold


Graduated with very satisfactory in Informatics Engineering from Indonesian Computer University (UNIKOM) Bandung. My career objectives is becoming a Web Programmer or
database analyst of a consultancy or multinational company that engaged in Information Technology or Software Developper field in 5 years.

I am able to work in team or personal, work in under pressure, work with deadline schedule. I have strong analytical skill, honest personality, hard worker, fast learner, and always
want to develop my expertise and skill especially on Web Programming.

My programming skills include PHP programming using OOP technique (able to use CodeIgniter framework), Web design using CSS & HTML (Handcoded), Javascript scripting
and able to use JQuery Framework, Database design using MySQL view, trigger, and procudure, also analyzing and designing functional software requirement (meanly understand
about RUP and OOAD software development).
I am confident that my qualification and skills could make significant contributions to your company.


2006 - 2012
Indonesia University of Computer (UNIKOM), S1 Degree (major: Informatics Engineering)
Grade / GPA: 3.40


CBN Indonesia Mei / 2012 - Saat ini

Web Programmer (CodeIgniter) Rp. 6000000
Maintain in front-end and back-end side using PHP programming (CodeIgniter Framework, CSS Level 3, JQuery, SEO
Master), Database design and analyst (MySQL using trigger, Stored procedure, view) through to database migration and implementation.
Since November 2012, hold on to web programmer coordinator area.

Maxima Inti Finance, PT (3 Months/Project) Agus / 2011 - Apr / 2012

Web Programmer, System Analyst & Designer Rp. 4250000
Developping Gold Credit Online System using PHP and MySQL that known as Maxima Gold Finance (MGF) as freelance job. System has
hosted at

Create and maintain Database for support the system using MySQL, on this occasion Trigger, Procedure, View has implemented.
Make a small news portal for MGF
Participate on Flow Control and SOP decision.

CV. Cure-Hate Production (Research & Project) Des / 2011 - Mar / 2012
Web Programmer, System Analyst & Designer Rp. 0
Building E-Commerce System System using PHP & MySQL

Make the SRS Documentation using OOP model (using Rational Rose 2003 Enterprise)
Building Database system using MySQL.
Web Design using CSS & HTML
Application coding using PHP

PT. Quest Geographical Asia (Project) Apr / 2010 - Jul / 2010

Web Designer Rp. 1500000
Building web company profile using HTML, javascript, and CSS

PT. Paesa Pasindo Engineering (Traineeship) Jun / 2009 - Agus / 2009

Appretinces Worker Rp. 0
Building Procurement and Estimation Fee Project System Using Delphi.Net 2006 using PostgreSQL.

(Research) Jan / 2009 - Apr / 2009

Programmer Rp. 0
Building Pressure and Temperatur Graphics Simulator using Visual Basic 6

(Research) Jun / 2008 - Agus / 2008

System/Application Programmer Rp. 0
Building Back-End and Front-End for Documents Search Engine (Document Information Retrieval) System using VSM (Vector Space Model)
using PHP and MySQL
Maheza Studio Photography & Videography (Project) Sep / 2007 - Des / 2007
Web Designer Rp. 1000000
Building web company profile (HTML, CSS, and Javascript) that contains Photo Gallery, this is used for promotion and marketing for Maheza


Computer Software

Microsoft Office (Expert), Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Intermediate), Corel Draw (Basic)
Programming Language

HTML/XHTML (Advanced), CSS (Advanced), Javascript (Advanced), PHP(Expert), MySQL Trigger and Procedure (Advanced), Visual Basic 6 (Intermediate), Delphi 7 (Intermediate),
Office Macro (Intermediate), Java2SE (Basic), Java2ME (Basic)

Framework & CMS

Joomla (Basic), Wordpress (Basic), JQuery (Intermediate), CodeIgniter (Expert)

Programming Tools
Netbeans 7 (Advanced), Dreamweaver (Advanced), SQLyog (Expert), Eclipse (Basic)

Database System

MySQL (Advance), Oracle (Intermediate), SQL Server (Basic), PostgreSQL (Intermediate)

Operating System

Linux Ubuntu (Advanced), Windows NT/XP/2000 (Expert), Windows Vista & 7 (Expert), Windows Server (Intermediate)
Soft Skills

Designing and analyzing SRS (Software Requirement) document, Analytical and problem solving skills (Make logical conclution and take fast decision), Social skills,
Communication skills, Administration skills (typing with ten fingers)


Spoken: Indonesian

Written: English


Indonesia University of Computer English Department , 2011

Oracle SQL Fundamental

BeLogic , 2011

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