Transcription Prepared By: Almerlyn G. Gerona Title: Surge's Affiliate Marketing Members' Guide

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Prepared by:  Almerlyn G. Gerona

Title:  Surge’s Affiliate Marketing Members’ Guide
Youtube video link:

Hi there! Welcome to the Surge Marketplace Affiliate Program.  In this video, allow me to share
with you the initiative in a nutshell.  This is your opportunity to earn with Surge when you refer
our courses to your friends, colleagues, clients, followers, fellow freelancers, and everybody in
your network. This is for everyone so we welcome freelancers, social media managers, SEO
specialists, E-commerce assistants, Email marketers, Digital marketers, copywriters, bloggers,
funnel experts, project managers, virtual assistants, coaches, trainers, and all digital
professionals who are interested in advancing Surge Marketplace mission in equipping families
one freelancer at a time through our online freelancing courses.  So you can join whoever you
are As long as you have the passion to really help people and earn at the same time while
you're doing it. 
What's the why on becoming a Surge marketplace partner as an affiliate? By becoming a Surge
Marketplace affiliate, you’re joining one of the best affiliate programs that has unlimited earning
potentials. You will also receive the necessary tools to extract maximum value from your affiliate
marketing efforts through data, insight and control.  You're able to see everything that is going
on in your very own dashboard.  So you have to control how many people you want to refer to
our courses. What are your goals? There are also training and marketing materials that will be
shared to you.  And,  you can also earn at least 10% of each of the courses that you're going to
refer to everybody in your network from all of our courses in Surge Academy.  So, how to join
and become a Surge affiliate.  Number one you have to register, and afterwards you're going to
set up, get your personalized affiliate link, from that you are going to promote  our courses via
social media or maybe send emails or maybe even texts whatever you're offline or online,
outbound or inbound marketing strategies.  You're going to use that affiliate link in order for you
to generate income out of that link and track all of your activities out of that link, as well. Then
you’re going to start earning. 
As you register, you need to apply and pay. Our payment is not that much, you can actually
earn the very investment and have ROI in just a few months.  And your registration and
payment is also valid for 1 year. So you can continue earning for the rest of the year.  Once the
affiliate application is approved you get an access to your very own Surge Marketplace affiliate
dashboard and your unique referral link.  So you're going to be using this link in all of your
promotions, marketing avenues, may it  just be posting on Facebook and all of the enrollment
will go through that link, you're going to earn a commission.  In getting your own personalized
affiliate link we have a video that will guide you setting up and getting your personalized affiliate
link and this link will send those who you are going to refer and will enroll in our courses and this
is where your income is also tracked.  Each time that you're going to click on that link and
enrolled in any of our courses so with this link you can already promote all of our 50 plus and
incoming courses that we're going to be providing and each time they're going to enroll you
have at least 10% income and you can track everything via this link In yourSurge Marketplace
affiliate dashboard and then you are going to start earning so you can get access to the affiliate
dashboard where you can manage and monitor your earnings, can even connect your payment
information like Paypal and withdraw on a certain date of the month or create a cap if you reach
10,000 pesos 50 thousand pesos and that is the only time you can withdraw your earnings.  Or
as small as 2000, 3000 and it will be sent to your Paypal account directly.  

So now the question is how can you start?  Is there a fee? Yes there is a fee.  I think I
mentioned this earlier. The total annual for our affiliate payment program is 3,000 pesos.
However, you can try it out for 1 month, you only pay 500 pesos.  So, for example are
freelancing course is at 3000 and the 10% there when you're referring and somebody enrolled
is already at least 300.  So if you're going to refer at least two, they both enrolled you already
covering what you invested for the first month and if you want to continue you can only just pay
the remaining 2,500 to complete the sum of 3,000 for the whole year.  Now this is an annual
payment, that means every year you're going to pay 3,000 pesos. And again if you're only just
going to refer at least 10 people enrolling in the course that’s already covered and set
something you can do and achieve within the first two months.  And the remaining of the year
you can just earn at least 10% of the enrolled courses coming from your referrals.  This is only
the freelancing course, We also have the other courses ranging  from 3,000 to 7,000 and mini
courses ranging from 200 to 500 and all of these courses you can promote, market and earn
10% at least each time people are enrolling via your referral link.  
So what are the perks beside earning commission from this affiliate program. Number one, you
also have the opportunity to grow your commission from 10% to 12%. 15% if you were able to
have the following enrollments for the whole year.  If ever you're going to refer 100 people, 100
enrollments, it's going to give you 10% of earnings but if you're going to refer for 101 to 250
maybe you know groups or you can go to different schools, maybe you could have
collaborations or partnerships with different NGO's or government officials or any types of
groups that they're going to enroll all of their members, maybe there's a neighborhood, that
association has 4,000 members you could go and have them enroll certain courses and each of
those courses even if it's just ranging about 500 to 300 to maybe even 1700 that's already
counted as one course. If you're going to enroll 100 people to 250 that's going to give you 12%
commission to each of those enrolled courses and If it's 250 plus you’re going to earn 15% of
each of the enrolled courses.  
We also have the following merchandise and courses that you can have for free when you’re
under the bronze seller, you have achieved the 100 course sale. Achieving 250 sales you're
going to get this merchandise and courses and achieving 251 courses sale onwards you’re
going to be getting the following perks as well.  To register, you can just go to
https://academy.surgedigitalagency/affiliate-home/affiliate-register/ and then fill in and complete
the form with the required information. You need to be verifying your email you used in the
registration and then afterwards there will be a verification process. So again, you can pay 500
only for the month or you can pay the whole 3,000 for the whole year.  If you just want to try it
out for 1 month, you can just pay 500 pesos and if you want to continue after one month, you
can pay the remaining 2,500.  However, if you're already sure you just pay the whole 3,000 for
the whole annual fee.  So after the profile verification, there will be a payment verification as
well. And then afterwards, there will be an activation.  So you can login using this link now then
of course you can log out and then retry to login.  If there are issues or you can also try other
browser, accept the terms and conditions and afterwards your profile is approved and you can
use your affiliate link then from there you can manage everything via the link here and go to the
links right here when it comes to the terms and conditions and the frequently asked questions. 
From there you can manage your very own affiliate program dashboard via your affiliate link and
we will be giving you different marketing avenues, different marketing materials and monthly
training in order to empower you as an affiliate partner of Surge Marketplace.  I hope this is
helpful.  Let's get started today and we look forward in making you our partner in advancing our
very own mission of empowering lives through freelancing. If you have other questions feel free
to email me at hello@surgedigitalagency you can also check out our website or connect with us via our social media sites at Surge Marketplace.  I look
forward to hearing you.  Thank you so much for watching this video.  Let's connect and become
partners in advancing the freelancing industry. Thank you and God bless you today.

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