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in Design and Planning

by Devashree Roychowdhury

Intuition is an integral part of human thinking. The nature of the human brain is inherently
intuitive even if we as human beings are not aware of it and its usage in our everyday lives.
Intuitive processing is subliminal and arbitrary.

The potential of the human mind can be tapped by the intentional use of intuiting. In the case
of planners, this can lead to astounding concept and vision development, finding solutions to
everyday problems of cities and elucidations to development issues. Intuition can empower
planners and designers with a tool that can help them shape their imaginations, research and
understanding. The power of intuition is what goes beyond conscious reasoning used for

Intuition is considered to be an important tool for all designers and planners. “It is an integral
part of human thinking and, together with reasoning faculties, it forms the basis of thinking.
Even in everyday life, all individuals need intuitive faculties, but in complex cognitive tasks,
such as visioning, creating and problem-solving, the role of intuition is fundamental. Even
though intuition is superior to conscious reasoning in some specific situations, these different
modes of thinking can often be best utilized when combined.” (Rami, 2015)

The role of intuition in creativity needs to be explored which remains comparatively under-
researched compared to other areas of intuition (Viktor Dorfler, 2012). To seek design
opportunities intuition-led approach is preferred by most designers and planners. Intuition in
design and planning is of utmost significance and much of it comes from certain
characteristics people in the field exhibit in creative thinking. (Durling, 1999)

The designs and plans that are easy to use and understandable without consciously thinking
are called intuitive. “While there is no standard definition, some research groups have worked
towards building a clearer understanding of the term “intuitive design.” Members of the
interdisciplinary research group Intuitive Use of User Interfaces argue that intuition
is not a feature of the design, instead intuitive use is a characteristic of the interaction process
between a specific user and the design. So, if we are to evaluate whether a design is intuitive,
we must also think about who will use the design.” (Foundation, p. 2018)

The design and planning process is considered one of the most challenging cognitive tasks as
it requires multidimensional use of the highest perceptive skills. The designing and planning
process is an amalgamation of conceptual, factual and inconsequential dimensions that needs
the collaboration of all sensory organs to come up with an inclusive futuristic plan for the
development of cities and regions. Design is not merely about dealing with tangible entities,
but includes representations, methods, or systems that can be as wide-ranging as designing
the edifices of nations. “Together with the natural world around us, these designs create the
world’s current reality”. Intuition as a tool is the key to fostering these plans and designs.
(Rami, 2015)

Designing and planning for a better world is a combination of power and responsibility
wherein service to mankind and the greater good plays an imperative role. Intentional use of
intuiting can assist in mapping, imagining, calculating, estimating, analysing, forecasting and
projecting growth which in turn leads to the conception of designs and plans. “The way the
world is currently designed is founded on a series of design solutions and human judgments
made in the past”. While designing the future, planners need to be sensitive toward creating
a functional world, aesthetically sound and that holds traits of quality and integrity in all its
forms and influences others to do the same.

Radical breakthrough innovations and creative thinking transpire when our mind is intuitive.
According to many researchers and Nobel laureates, Intuition is the primary thinking mode
used for discoveries while conscious reasoning is used for argumentation.

“The fundamental role of intuition is acknowledged in various fields of research”. Many
designers and planners who have instinctual experiences emphasize the significance of
intuition in the process of creating, designing and planning. “Sometimes these intuitive
moments are described as eureka experiences or clicking-in moments, but intuition is much
more than just these moments”. (Rami, 2015)

Acknowledge it or not, there is no designing and planning without Intuition. Intuition indeed
is an integral part of human thinking.

Rami, A. (2015). Intuition Unleashed. Aalto University Publication Series.
Viktor Dorfler, F. A. (2012, March). Understanding Intuition: The case for two forms of
intuition. SAGE Journals.
Durling, D. (1999). Intuition in Design: A perspective on designers' creativity. 4th Asian Design
Conference - International Symposium on Design Science.
Foundation, I. D. (n.d.). Intuitive Design. Retrieved from https://www.interaction-

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