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"Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional"

Trabajo de Presentación

Ciclo I – Marzo
Cecilia Dávila Dávila
Miguel Cabrera Peña

Looking for part time job
Good morning, dear applicants. Today the personal interview will take place, which will
be in charge of your immediate boss, Miss Cecilia Davila. The position they are applying
for is in the Point of Sale (Cashier) area at Saga Falabella. We are going to call each
one, we will start with Miguel Cabrera Peña. Come in please.

Ceci: Hello! Sit down please. How are you?

Miguel: I am fine, thank you.
Ceci: Great! What's your full name and how old are you?
Miguel: My name is Miguel Cabrera Peña and I’m 17 years old.
Ceci: Are you from Chiclayo?
Miguel: Yes, I am. I live here since I was born.
Ceci: What is your marital status?
Miguel: I’m single. I live with my parents.
Ceci: Ok, Now, can you introduce yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Miguel: I am a student at the Technological University of Peru who is studying the third
cycle of the business administration career. I am friendly, I like to get along with others.
I am sociable, I don't like to be alone. And I am responsible and punctual. I get nervous
when something doesn't go my way, sometimes out of boredom I get serious and messy.
Ceci: And do you have experience handling money?

Miguel: No, but I know how to make accounting books, the Kardex book and do a
financial analysis.
Ceci: Wonderful! Here We need a cashier to cover snack times.

Miguel: And what are the responsibilities?

Ceci: First, the attention to each customer who wants to buy things from the store. Make
the collection and delivery of ticket or invoice as required. In addition, insurance sales
for each customer who has the CMR credit card. And finally, make the exchange of
points if the client requires it. Are you interested in working part time?
Miguel: Sure, what does it mean to work part time?
Ceci: A part-time worker is a benefit for people who have an additional responsibility
such as being a student who will only have to work 24 hours a week, as opposed to the
48 hours that a worker who works all day would do. The days available to work would be
weekends, Saturdays and Sundays.
Miguel: I'm interested and what is the salary!
Ceci: It is 625 soles per month. Each cashier is evaluated by our clients for the attention
provided, this implies having a note, if this is approved, you will be granted an additional
incentive. Do you have any doubt?

Miguel: No, I don’t. Thank you.

Ceci: We notify you for the next interview. You can go.

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