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TCS Telephonic

• Cost center planning? actual vs planning n variance analysis tell me one scenario where it is

• Difference b/w Assessment & distribution in which business scenario it is using give me a

• Profit center accounting how it will derive? How the cost flows in to pc?

• Asset purchase through po configuration steps and tell the accounting entries?

• Tell me the auc settlement process?

• FI-SD integration accounting entries? where is the 1 st integration point . Account keys are in sd
where it is assigned?

• APP configuration steps . If cheque is void what u will do? How to assign sequential cheque lot?

PM Round

• Support process how will u resolve the issues, SLA & priorities ?

• WHT Sections

• In current client Tcurr table updation daily base or monthely?

• Back ground jobs

• What are all the month end activities ?

Mindtree Technologies

• Realization phase activities ,Cutover activities what is the sequence and Data take over
accounting entries

• What level issues will you handle & priority time?

• Planned delivery cost & unplanned delivery cost ? Accounting entries?

• Given one scenario vendor is having 3 banks a/c’s how will map & how to make payment from
particular bank?

• How to change the wrong recon account postings’?

• In f110 run shall I pay check payment & wire transfer in single run ? How?

• If customer is a vendor & vendor is a customer what is the configuration settings & how will u
clear 1 against another ?

• New GL functionality ?Document splitting purpose? Passive splitting give me a example?

• Difference b/w FYV & PPV

• Month ending and year ending activities

• I have a requirement to change coa’s is it possible? Then how?

• Cost center accounting functionality?

• Distribution assessment use ? Budgeting plan vs actual n variance analysis?

• 10 company codes having difference COA ‘s can I assign 1 cod?

• Spl gl transactions ? Types? What is noted item & real posings is it applicable spl gl transactions
for credit check?

• Duplication of invoice processing configuration steps?

Hcl Techonlogies

• Support issues in AA, App & functional specification?

• Tell me the P2P cycle what are all the accounting entries when the product delivery to the
customer ?

• Standard price vs moving average price give me a example? which is using for which product?

• New gl functionality ?Dummy profit center in New GL?

• Document splitting configuration steps?

• Material Master data how the cost s update? Previous cost ,present cost& Future cost how it
will update?

• Formula based vs condition based procedure?

• How many coa’s are using the client ? what is the use of country specific coa’s ? Tell me one
scenario where it is using ? how the consolidation will happen?

• Data Migration all accounting entries ?

• Asset entries ? Depreciation entry? Asset sale with customer & without entries and scrapping?

• Cost center accounting , Distribution ,Assessment where it is used & SKF use ? Activity types

• Credit controlling area ? client using Make to Stock , Make to order?

• Use of availability amount field in bank determination?

• In PO what is the use of a/c assignment category?


• Asap methodology phases? System landscape?

• Foreign currency valuation process and tell the entries diff b/w realized gain and unrealized gain

• OIM ? GL a/c wrongly created without selecting the OIM entries are posted to that gl a/c how
will solve the issue ?

• WHT rate has been changed will you make the rate change to the existing code are create a new
code ? then how what is the effect on the open items?

• Sort key use?

• BRS process and entries? What basis cheque wil credit?

• Document splitting ?

• Leading ledger & non leading ledger?

Robert Bosch

• Enterprise structure

• 1 Company operating business in 10 countries how many company codes will you create?

• BRS process all accounting entries?


• Reclassify assets – Wrongly created asset class ?while doing reclassification of asset’s you are
getting an error what will you do?

• App configuration steps ? use of script forms?

• What is the variant principle at what level it is created?

• Cost center ,Profit center table tables

• BRS entries

• What is the purpose to use the GR/IR clearing a/c ?

• OIM ? what a/c’s has to be maintained ?

• Customer is a vendor Configuration steps

• Month ending activities

• Retained earnings a/c ? how the balance carry forward?

2nd round CTS

• Support issues

• Month end activites

• FCV entries

• New gl document splitting strcture ? item categories ,business transaction ? tell me the business
transaction for vendor?

• Document splitting with accounting entry ?

• GR/IR clearing a/c

• FI-MM integration entries

• Standard price vs moving average price ? where it is maintained give me a example?

Infinite solution telephonic

• Cut over activites, Data migration ,balance uploads entries?

• How will you interact with master data team?

• Customer recon a/c wrongly assigned ? how to handle the situation?

• Document reversals and country specific requirements?

• New gl functionality LL –NLL , Document splitting with example, Zero balance clearing a/c

• What is the correspondence types ? with new gl will u send splitted line items are the normal
line items?

• When the user doing posings he was not given the business area ? Is it possible to update the
business area for posted document what is the process?

• Classic WHT vs Extended WHT diff? Vat returens?

I gate patni

• Cut over activates ,vendor balances upload entry?

• New gl functionality , Direct postings to New gl?

• Asset issue ? App issue? Importance of variant principle/

• Changes in the dep key what is the impact on asset accounting?

• T code ABS0 ? unplanned depreciation use?

• Up to How many depreciation area’s able to create?

• Asset class what level? Depreciation key at what level?

• Derived depreciation & delta depreciation area difference?

• Clearings? Partial & residual payments and entry?

• Cash discount configuration ? entry?

• App configuration steps and payment terms?

• Support process , SLA?

• Tell me any new report that you enhanced?

• Controlling area assignments, Standard hierarchy

• Internal order settlement tcode?

• Profit center accounting? If there is no derivation rule what will happen? Dummy profit center
to original pc moving possible?

• FI-SD integration entries,F I-MM integration entries?

• Asset purchase entry ?

PM Round

• Tell me about your work process in support project?

• Which tool you are using ?

• How is your client interaction ? What type of challenges you will faced in the project? Tell me
one challenge ?

• Tell me recently solved critical issue ?

• How do you came into sap ? where you learnt?

ITC Infotech

• New gl functionality ,Document splitting with example , Zero balancing clearing a/c?

• Co-FI reconciliation?

• A/C entry’s of freight charges,asset scrapping,asset sale ,down payment made ,asset
depreciation,FCV and Document type?

• FSG vs FSV

• COD, Dep areas,

• Support issue? Asset value date ?

• Manual cheque deposit T-code?

• House Bank , Bank Id , GL a/c

• 10 invoices are there I need to pay 1 only invoice how to pay in app?

• Dunning keys?

• Terms of payment ? use of Day limit? How the top will derive at transaction level?

• Tax’s on sales and purchases configuration steps? WHT steps?

• Asset class?

• New gl functionality document splitting/

• FI-MM integration entries ,valuation class

• In FBZP settings use of payment medium work bench ?

• How to change the payment method after proposal created?

• User was posted 15 invoices he was not up dated the wht code for that line ltems now the user
want to update ? then how?

• Support issues and transportation procedure?


• Realization phase ? what areas you configured?

• Business area? Assignments ? what level? How many b/s area’s you created?

• Documents type what does it control? A/c type? Can we use the D.T for Batch input session?

• A/c Group ?what does it control? FSG vs FSV?

• LSMW steps?

• Dunning? Procedure?

• COD? Which tool u are using?

• WHT Steps? New reports?

• Group asset ? Reporting?

• Month ending activities and you are role?

• Make to order

• Make to stock

• FI-sd,What is subsequent debit?

• For defining co what do you need?

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