Celtic Missal

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The Celtic Missal

Faithful Translation of the Celtic Missal commonly known as of the

Stowe-Lohrra Missal; of the Stowe Library and of the Monastery at

Translation updates are regular.

Not all English translations are accurate and need more attention for

Translation Copyright © 2012, Philip Campbell. All rights reserved.

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Mass of the Cathecumens

Letania apostolorum ac Litany of saints, apostles and
martirum sanctorum confesorum martyrs, virgins and the
et virginum incipit. Deus in Confessions begins. O, God come
adjutorium meum. to my.

Reliqua. And the rest.

Deus in adjutorium meum intende. O God, come to my assistance.

Domine ad adjuvandum me festina. O Lord, make haste to help me.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Glory be to the Father and to the
Sancto, Son and to the Holy Ghost,
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et As it was in the beginning, is now,
semper, et in saecula saeculorum. and ever shall be, world without
Amen. end. Amen.


“Confiteor” We have sinned, O Lord, we have

sinned; forgive our sins and save us,
Peccavimus domine, peccavimus; like (how) thou guidest Noah above
parce peccatis nostris et salva nos, the waves, graciously hear us, and
qui gubernasti noe super undas dilui as you brought back Jonah from the
exaudi nos et jonam diabiso  verbo abyss by thine word, liberate
revocasti libers nos, qui petro (deliver) us, who stretched out Thy
mergenti manum porrexisti hand as Peter was sinking, help us,
auxiliare nobis Christe fili Dei, O, Christ, son of God, thou hast did
ficisti mirabilia domini cum wonders with our fathers, O, Lord,
patribus nostris, et nostris propitiare and forgive our times, by Thy hand
temporibus, emite manum tuam de deliver us from on high.
alto libera nos.

Litany of the Saints

Christ, hear us 

Christ, hear us
Litany of the Saints Christ, hear us 
O Lord, have mercy
Christe audi nos 
Christe audi nos  Saint Mary
Christe audi nos  Saint Peter
Kyrie Eleison Saint Paul
Saint Andrew
Sancta Maria Saint James
Sancte Petri Saint Bartholomew
Sancte Pauli Saint Thomas
Sancte Andreas Saint Jacob
Sancte Jacobi Saint Thaddeus
Sancte Bartholomai Saint Matthew
Sancte Tomae Saint Mark
Sancte Jacobe Saint Luke
Sancte Thaddaee
Sancte Matthai Let us pray.
Sancte Marce
Sancte Lucae All the saints pray for us, 
Be merciful, spare us, 
Oremus. O Lord, be merciful, 
O Lord, deliver us from all evil, 
Omnes Sancti orate pro nobis,  deliver us, O Lord 
Propitius esto parce nobis,  by your cross, 
Domine propitius esto  deliver us, O Lord
libera nos Domine ab omni malo, 
libera nos Domine  Prayer of St. Augustine
per crucem tuam, 
libera nos Domine.  Prophet of our justice; just as filthy
rags, we are unworthy of you, Jesus
Oratio Augustini Christ, that we may be living, but
you who do not want the death of
Profeta omnes justitae nostrae sicut the sinner, you must forgive us in
pannus menstruate indigni sumus the flesh, that by means of
Jesu Christe ut simus viventes sed appointed penitence, the labors of
tu qui non vis mortem peccatoris da the full enjoyment of eternal life in
nobis veniam in carne constitutis ut heaven.
per penitentiae labores vita aeterna Through our Lord.
perfruamur in caelis.
Per dominum. Vesting Prayer

I beseech thee, O, God of Hosts,

 Vesting Prayer most Holy Father that I may be
made to (wear) the coat of chastity.
Rogo te Deus sabaoth altissime And gird my loins with the cincture
pater sancte uti me tunica castitatis of the love of Thee. And to inflame
digneris accingere et meos lumbos the reins of my heart with the fire of
baltheo tui timoris ambire ac renes Thy love. To be able to intercede
cordis mei tuae caritatis igne urere for my sins and for sins of people to
ut pro peccatis meis possim gain pardon for them. And to peace
intercedere et adstantes populi of the individual sacrifices.
peccatorum veniam promereri ac Through our Lord. 
pacificas singulorum hostias
immolare me quoque tibi audaciter
accidentem non sinas <neque
permittas> perire sed dignare lavare This prayer is sung at every mass:
ornare et leniter suscipere. <presta>
Per Dominum nostrum. The Collects

Haec oratio in omni missa cantatur (This is typically the same)

The Collects Let our prayers go up as far to thy

(This is typically the same) e of thy glory, O Lord, and be
returned to us requests not be void.
Ascendat oratio nostra usque ad Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
tronum claritatis tuae Domine et ne
vacua revertatur ad nos postulatio
nostra. Per. (And)

In Sollemnitatibus Petri et Christi Propers for the Collect of the day

Deus, qui beato petro apostolo tuo,

conlatis clavibus regni caelestis,
animas ligandi autque solvendi
pontificium tradidisti, suscipe
propitius preces nostras, et
intercessione ejus, quesumus,
domine, auxilium, ut a peccatorum
nostrorum neximus liberemur, per


Propers for the Collect of the day

(H)ymnus Angelicus The Angelic Hymn

The Gloria The Gloria

loria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax Glory be to God in the highest and
hominibus bonae voluntatis. on earth peace to men of good will.
Laudamus te. We praise you.
Benedicimus te. We bless you.
Adoramus te. We adore you.
Glorificamus te. We glorify you.
Magnificamus te. We magnifie you.
Gratias agimus tibi pro magnam We give thanks to Thee for Thy
misericordiam tuam  great mercy
Domine Rex caelestis O Heavenly King

Deus pater omnipotens God the father almighty

Domine filii Dei unigeniti Lord of the only begotten son of
Jesu Christe God
Sancte Spiritus Dei  Jesus Christ
Et omnes dicimus amen Domine Holy Spirit of God
filii Dei patris agne Die And all we say, Amen, Lord of the
Qui tollis peccatum mundi Lamb of God the Father
Miserere nobis Who takes away the sin of the
Suscipe orationes nostras world
Qui sedis ad dextram Dei patris have mercy on us
Miserere nobis Accept our prayers
Quoniam tu solus sanctus Who sits the right hand of God the
Tu solus dominus  Father
Tu solus dominus have mercy on us
Tu solus glorisus cum Spiritu For thou art alone holy
Sancto Thou alone art the Lord
in gloria Dei patris. Thou alone art the Lord
Amen Thou only art glorious with the
Holy Spirit
in the glory of God the Father.

The Collects after The Gloria  The Collect after the Gloria

1.) Sunday Collect 1.) Sunday Collect

(For Sundays, "Deus qui (For Sundays, "Deus qui

diligentibus te bona..." is used.) diligentibus te bona..." is used.)

Haec oratio pro vice Deus qui culpa This is the time to pray for God for
in cotidianis diebus... our daily faults....

Deus qui diligentibus te bona O God, Who hath prepare invisible

invisibilia preparasti effunde good things for those who love
cordibus nostris tui amoris affectum thee, out of our hearts such love
ut te in omnibus et super omnia towards Thee, in all things and
diligentes promisiones tuas que above all things, that you surpass
omne desedirium superant every need, we may desire that love
consequamur. Per Dominum. which you promise. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
Orationes et preces missae aeclesiae Prayers and preces Roman Church
romane mass ..
hac oratio prima petri...

Deus qui culpa offenderis penitentia

placaris adflictorum gemitu respice
et mala quae juste inrogas
missericorditer averte. Per.

And Collect of Saints/Seasons or And Collect of Saints/Seasons or

Weekday Collect Weekday Collect

The Epistle The Epistle

(For daily masses I Cor., xi, 26-52. (For daily masses I Cor., xi, 26-52.
For all other Sundays, Seasons and For all other Sundays, Seasons and
Saints, see propers of the day) Saints, see propers of the day)

Hic augmentum: Lectio ______ A lesson from from Saint ______

apostoli ad ______ incipit. the Apostle begin

The Gradual
The Gradual is constructed as the
following collects, psalms and
Collect of Day/Season or Saints Collect of Day/Season or Saints

Deus qui nos regendo conservas O, God, who regard us, conserve
parcendo justificas a temporali sparingly thy justifications and
tribulatione nos eripe et gaudia dealst us justly. Deliver us and the
nobis eterna largire. Per Dominium joys of eternity, grand us. Through
nostrum reliqua. our Lord.
<Collect Proper>
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui Almighty and everlasting God,
populum tuum unigeniti tui redeemed by the blood of thy only
sanguine redimisti solve opera Son, that your people put off the
diabuli. Rumpe vincula peccati vi works of the devil.  Those who
qui ad aeternam vitam in break the chains of sin to life
confessione tui nominis sunt adepti everlasting, they are in the by the
nihil debeant mortis auctori. Per. force of confessing of Thy name.
The author of death should obtained
nothing. Through Our Lord.
Psalmus   PS. 104, 1-4. Alleluia. Give glory to
PS. CIV 1-4 Querite Dominum et the Lord, and call upon his name:
confirmamin quaerite faciem ejus declare his deeds among the
semper. Confitemini Domino et Gentiles. Sing to him, yea sing
invocate nomen ejus usque praises to him: relate all his
querentium Dominum: querite: wondrous works. Glory ye in his
Grata sint tibi Domine munera holy name: let the heart of them
quibus misteria celebrantur nostrae rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek ye
libertatis et vitae. Per. the Lord, and be strengthened: seek
his face evermore.

Alleluia Ps. 117, 14. As far as my strength
and my praise for the salvation of:
Ps. CXVII 14 Fortitudo mea et O Lord, we beseech you to be
laudatio mea usque in salutem: attentive and to be present in
Sacrificis presentibus Domine these sacrifices and to look
quesumus intende placatus ut favourably upon our devotion and
devotionis nostrae proficiant ad salvtion. Through Our Lord.
salutem. Per Dominum.

Intercessions Intercessions
Deprecatio Sancti Martini pro The Prayer for the People of St.
Populo Martin

Deprecatio sancti Martini pro The prayer for the people of St.
populo incipit. Martin begins.
Amen.   Amen.
Deo gratias. Thanks be to God.

Dicamus omnes Domine exaudi et Let us say, O Lord hear us and have
misere Domine miserere: mercy on all, O Lord, have mercy
Ex toto corde et ex tota mente. Qui on. From the whole heart and with
respices super terram et facis eam all your mind. Which looks down
tremere:  upon the earth, and maketh it
Pro altissima pace et tranquillitate Let us pray:
temporum nostrorum pro sancta The highest for the peace and
ecclesia catholica quae est a finibus tranquility of our times for the holy
usque ad terminos orbis terrae: Catholic church, which is as far
from the ends of the earth to the
Oremus: ends of the world:
Pro pastore N. episcopo et omnibus
episcopis et presbyteris et diaconis Let us pray:
et omni clero: For a Pastor, N. and all the bishops
and deacons, and all the priests and
the bishop and clergy:
Pro hoc loco et inhabitantibus in eo Let us pray:
pro piissimis imperatoribus et omni For the inhabitants of this place and
romano exercitu: for him, the most affectionate
manner, the Roman Emperor and to
all the Roman army:
Pro omnibus qui in sublimitate Let us pray:
constituti sunt pro virginibus vidius For all those in authority, virgins,
et orfanis: and the orphans, and those we have
Pro perigrinantibus (pilgrimage) et Let us pray:
iter agentibus ac navigantibus pro For pilgrams (pilgrimage) and the
poenitentibus et Catechumens: travelers and navigators for the
penitents and Catechumens:
Pro his qui in sancta ecclesia fructus Let us pray:
misericordia largiuntur Domine For those who do bestow in the
Deus virtutum exaudi preces holy church is the fruit of mercy, O
nostras: Lord God of hosts, hear our
Sanctorum apostolorum ac Let us pray.
martirum memores simus ut Holy apostles and martyrs, as we
orantibus eis pro nobis ventiam remember them while they pray for
meriamur: us forgivness we may merit:

Oremus: Let us pray:

Christianum et pacificum nobis Christian and peaceful end to allow
finem concedi a Domino us pray to the Lord: 
deprecemur:  O Lord, give, give;
presta Domine presta:
And the divine in us to continue the
Et divinum in nobis permanere bond of charity, let us pray to the
vinculum caritatis sanctum Lord: Give:
Dominum deprecemur:

Conservare sanctitatem et catholice To preserve the sanctity and purity

fidei puritatem Dominum of the catholic faith, let us pray to
deprecemur:   presta: the Lord: Give:
Dicamus: Let us say:
Sacrificium tibi Domine The sacrifice of praise thee, O Lord,
celebrandum placatus intende quod and that look on us from our sins
et nos a vitiis nostre condicionis and to cleanse your name and
emundet et tuo nomine reddat render us acceptable condition.
acceptos. Per Dominum. Through our Lord.

Ante oculos tuos Domine reus Before Thine eyes, O Lord, we are
conscientiae testis adsisto rogare witness to a guilty conscience. I
pro aliis non audeo quod impetrare dare not ask others to obtain worth
non meriar tu enim scis Domine for Thou knowest, O Lord, all
omnia quae aguntur in nobis things that happen in us. We are
erubescimus confiteri id quod per ashamed to confess that we
nos non timemus admitti verbis tibi admitted by words we obey Thy
tantum obsequimur corde mentimur words but also by words we lie in
et quod velle nos dicimus nolle heart. And that which we will, will
nostris actibus adprobamus parce be pronounce not to be right by our
Domine confitentibus ignosce actions.Space us, O Lord, have
peccantibus miserere te rogantibus mercy and that you forgive those
sed quia in sacramentis tuis meus who sin and confess.My mind is
sensus infirmus est presta Domine weak, but when ask for the
uit qui ex nobis duro corde verba sacraments of Thy Lord, grand unto
non recipis per te nobis veniam us who are hard of heart.
largiaris. Per Dominium.

 Incensing the Altar
Ter canitur . Incensing the Altar
Sung three times.
Psalms CXL 2, 
Dirigatur Domine usque vespertinum. Psalms 140 2,
Dirigatur Domine usque vespertinum.  Let my prayer be directed as incense in
Dirigatur Domine usque vespertinum. thy sight; the lifting up of my hands, as
evening sacrifice. (x3)
Ter canitur . Hic elivatur
lintiamen de calice: Sung three times. He elevates the
veil off of chalice
Veni Domine sanctificator
omnipotens et benedic hoc Come, O Lord Almighty, the
sacrificium preparatum tibi Sanctifier, and bless this sacrifice
Veni Domine sanctificator prepared for you
omnipotens et benedic hoc Come, O Lord Almighty, the
sacrificium preparatum tibi Veni Sanctifier, and bless this sacrifice
Domine sanctificator omnipotens et prepared for you
benedic hoc sacrificium preparatum Come, O Lord Almighty, the
tibi   Sanctifier, and bless this sacrifice
prepared for you
The Gospel
The Gospel
Lectio evangilii secundum _______
Reading of the Gospel according to
_______ begins:
Oratio Gregorii super
Prayer of St. Gregory over the
Quaesumus Domine Omnipotens
Deus ut vota nostras tibi immolata
We besseh thee, O Lord, Almight
clementer respicias atque ad
defentionem nostram dextram tuae God, regard my prayers, graciously
maestatatis extendas. Per Dominum immolated to you, and for the
nostrum.. reliqua. defense of the church militant by
your right hand, extended. Through
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
The Credo
The Credo
Credo in unum Deum, Patrem
omnipotentem,  I believe in one God, the Father all
factorum caeli et terrae, might,
visibilium omnium et invisibilium. make of heaven and earth,
Et in unum Dominum nostrum and all things visible and invisible.
Jesum Christum,  And in one, our, Lord Jesus Christ,
Filium Dei unigentium: the only-begotten Son of God:
natum ex patre ante omnia saecula, born of the Father of all ages,
lumen de lumine, light from light,
Deum verum de Deo vero.  true God of true God,
Natum non factum begotten, not made, one substance
consubstancialem Patri;  with the Father;
per quem omnia facta sunt. By Whom all things were made.
Qui propter nos homines,  Who for us men 
et propter nostraum salutem,  and for our salvation,
discendit de caelo  descended from heaven
Here all genuflect. Here all genuflect.
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto And He became flesh by the Holy
ex Maria Virgine:  Ghost of the Virgin Mary:
et homo natus est. and was made man.
Stand. Stand.
Crucifixus autem pro nobis: He was crucified for us:
sub Pontio Pilato passus et sepultus suffered under Pontius Pilate and
est. was buried.
Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum And on the third day he rose again
Scripturas.  according to the Scriptures.
Et ascendit in caelos, et sedet ad He ascended into heaven and seated
dextram Dei patris.  at the right hand of the Father.
Et iterum venturus cum gloria And He will come again with glory
judicare vivos et mortuos:  to judge the living and the dead:
cujus regni non erit finis. and of His kingdom there will be no
Et spiritum sanctum Dominum et end.
vivificantem,  And the Holy Ghost, the Lord and
ex Patre procedentem.  giver of life.
Cum patre et filio coadorandum et Who proceeds from the Father.
conglorificandum: With the Father and the Son
qui loqutus est per Prophetas.  is worshiped and glorified.
Et unam, sanctam, ecclesiam Who spoke through the Prophets.
Catholicam et apostolicam.  And one, Holy, Catholic and
Confetior unum babtismum in Apostolic Church.
remisionem peccatorum.  I confess one baptism for the
Spero resurrextionem mortuorum et remission of sins.
vitam futuri saeculi.  I hope for the resurrection of the
Amen dead and the life of the world to
come. Amen.

The Mass of the Faithful

The Mass of the Faithful
The Offertory Verso
The Offertory Verso
Landirech sund. Gaelic rubric, full
uncovering here Landirech sund. Gaelic rubric, full
uncovering here
Ps. LXXXIV. 8 (Ter cantur)
Ostende  nobis Domine misericordiam Ps. 84. 8 (Sung three time)
et salutare tuum da nobis  Show us, O Lord, thy mercy; and grant
Ostende  nobis Domine misericordiam us thy salvation.
et salutare tuum da nobis Show us, O Lord, thy mercy; and grant
Ostende  nobis Domine misericordiam us thy salvation.
et salutare tuum da nobis  Show us, O Lord, thy mercy; and grant
us thy salvation.
 The Offering of the Bread 
and Wine and the Washing of The Offering of the Bread 
Hands and Wine and the Washing of
Here the chalice is lifted while the
following is sung, "Leabhar Breac" Here the chalice is lifted while the
says that it  was elevated "quando following is sung, "Leabhar Breac"
cantitur Imola Deo sacrificum says that it  was elevated "quando
laudis" cantitur Imola Deo sacrificum
Oblata Domine munera sanctifica
nosque a peccatorum nostrorum Offered, O Lord, sanctify these
maculis emunda. Per Dominum. offering gifts, and cleanse us from
the stains of our sins. Through our
Lord, Jesus Christ.
Then, after "Oblata Domine":
Then, after "Offered, O Lord":
Hostias quesumus Domine nostrae
devotionis benignus adsume et per We beseech Thee, O Lord,
sacrificia gloriosa subditorum tibi graciously receive the sacrifice of
corda purifica. Per Dominum. our devotion. And of the glorious
sacrifice cleanse the heart of Thy
servants. Through our Lord.
The Collect of the Preface
(Secret) The Collect of the Preface
Has oblationes et sincera libamina
immolamus tibi Domine Jesu These offerings, and a sincere for
Christe qui passus es pro nobis et the libations, offer to thee, O Lord
resurrexisti tertia die a mortuis pro Jesus Christ, who have suffered for
animabus carorum nostrorum N. et us and rose again the third day from
cararum nostrarum quorum nomina the dead for the souls of our dear
recitamus et quorumcumque non one, N., and for whose names we do
recitamus sed a te recitantur in libro not recite, and of whose names we
vitae aeternae propter recite but whose names are recited
misericordiam tuam eripe qui by Thee in the Book of Life Eternal
regnas in secula seculorum Amen. and of Thy mercy, deliver them,
who reigns for ever and ever, world
without end. Amen.
Grata sit tibi haec oblatio plebis
tuae quam tibi offerimus in Be pleasing to thee, this offering of
honorem Domini nostri Jesu Christi thy people, than for thee we offer in
et in commemorationem beatorum honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
apostolorum tuorum ac martirum in the remembrance of the blessed
tuorum et confessorum quorum hic apostles, of your of your martyrs,
reliquias spicialiter recolimus N. et confessors, and of which we recall
eorum quorum festivitas hodie here the remains of spicialiter N. ,
dotum nostrorum et diaconorum and of those of which the feast of
nostrorum et carorum nostrorum et this day, our priests, and our
cararum nostrarum et puerorum deacons, and our dear ones, and of
nostrorum et puellarum nostrarum our beloved, and our sons, and our
et penitentium nostrorum cunctis daughters, and of repentant, to the
proficiat ad salutem: Per salvation of all people be profitable:
Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Who with Thee lives and reigns in
Spiritus Sancti, Deus, the unity of the Holy Spirit, O God,

Per Omnia secula seculorum. World without End. Amen.

Amen. The Lord be with you
Dominus Vobiscum. And with thy Spirit.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
The Preface
The Preface
Begining Action of the Canon
Incipit Canon Actionis.
Lift up your hearts!
Sursum cordo. We have lifted them up to the Lord.
Habeamus ad Dominum. Let us give thanks to the Lord, our
Gratias agamus Domino Deo God.
nostro It is meet and just.
Dignum et justum est.
 The Common Preface 
It is truly meet and just, right and
 The Common Preface  for our salvation, that we should at
Vere dignum et justum est, aequum all times, and in all places give
et salutare, nos tibi semper, et thanks to Thee, holy Lord, Father
ubique gratias agere. Domine sancte almighty, eternal God, through
pater omnipotens aetere Deus. Per Christ our Lord. who with Thine
Christum Dominum nostrum. Qui Only Begotten Son and Holy Spirit,
cum unigentio tuo et spiritu sancto the incorruptible and immortal God,
Deus es unus et inortalis Deus God, art the only and in the
incorruptibilis et inmotabilis Deus wonderful creature that moves the
invisibilis et fidelis Deus mirabilis invisible God, and God is faithful,
et laudibilis Deus honorabilis et honorable, and worthy to be
fortis Deus altisimus et magnificus praised, O God most high and
Deus vivus et verus Deus sapiens et mighty God, the living God, and
potens Deus sanctus et spiciosus magnificent and mighty God, a wise
Deus magnus et bonus Deus and true God, God is great and the
terribilis et pacificus Deus pulcher good God, holy and spiciosus
et rectus Deus purus et benignus awesome, and upright, fair and
Deus beatus et justus Deus pius et peaceful God, pure and gracious
sanctus non unius singulariter God, the God of the blessed and
personae sed unius trinitatis holy and just God in His goodness,
substantiae te credimus te not of one singular person of the
benedicimus te adoramus et Trinity of one substance, but we
laudamus nomen tuum in aeternum believe you and do bless thee, we
et in saeculum seculi per quem adore you and we praise thy name
salus mundi per quem vita for ever and for ever and the life of
hominum per quem resurrectio the world, by whom, by whom the
mortuorum.  salvation of the world of which the
Isund totet "dignum" intormaig ind resurrection of the dead.
maid "per quem" bes inadiudidi
thall.  (Gaelic rubrics, "It is here that the
"Dignum" of the addition comes
into it, if it is "Per quem" that is in
 (Gaelic rubrics, "It is here that the its continuation there" or Here the
"Dignum" of the addition comes "dignum" receives the addition if
into it, if it is "Per quem" that is in "Per quem" follows in the text
its continuation there" or Here the (Possibly  meaning if "Per quem" is
"dignum" receives the addition if what stands at the end of it")
"Per quem" follows in the text
(Possibly  meaning if "Per quem" is through Whom Angels praise Thy
what stands at the end of it") Majesty, Dominations worship,
Powers stand in awe: the Heavens
Per quem majestatem tuam laudant and the hosts of heaven with
Angeli adorant Dominationes blessed Seraphim unite, exult, and
tremunt Potestates. Coeli coelorum celebrate; and we entreat that Thou
que  Virtutes ac beata Seraphin wouldst bid our voices also to be
socia exsultatione concelebrant. heard with theirs, singing with
Cum quibus et nostras voces. Ut lowly praise
admitti jubeas deprecamur. Supplici
confessione dicentes:  Isund  tote "dignum intormig ind
maid "sanctus" bess innadiudidi
Isund  tote "dignum intormig ind thall.
maid "sanctus" bess innadiudidi
thall. (Gaelic rubrics, here that the
dignum of the addition comes into
 (Gaelic rubrics, here that the it, if it is "Sanctus" that is after it
dignum of the addition comes into there")
it, if it is "Sanctus" that is after it
there") The Sanctus
The Sanctus
Holy, holy, Lord God of hosts of
Sanctus sanctus Dominus deus heaven and all the earth are full of
sabaoth pleni sunt caeli et universa your glory Hosanna in the highest
terra gloria tua Hosanna in excelsis Blessed is he that cometh in the
benedictus qui venit in nomine name of the Lord Hosanna in the
Domini Hosanna in excelsis highest Blessed is he that cometh
benedictus qui venit de celis ut from heaven that he might live on
conversaretur in terris homo factus earth was made to a man beloved by
est ut dilicta carnis deleret hostia his passion, eternal life of the flesh,
factus est ut per passionem suam he would blot out the victim was
vitam aeternam credentius daret: made to give to those who believe:
Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Christum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat Who liveth and reigneth in the unity
in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per of the Holy Spirit, one God, world
omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. without end. Amen.

Canon Dominicus Papae Gilasi

Canon Dominicus Papae Gilasi
The Prayers before the
The Prayers before the Consecration
For the Church and Ecclesiastical
For the Church and Ecclesiastical Authorities.
Authorities. Wherefore, most merciful Father,
Te igitur clementissime pater per we humbly pray and beseech Thee
jesum Christum filium tuum through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our
dominum nostrum. Supplices Lord, that though wouldst
rogamus et petimus uti accepta vouchsafe to accept and bless these
habeas et benedicas hec dona +. gifts, +. These gifts +. These holy
Hec munera +. Hec sancta sacrificia unspotted. In the first place, which
illibata. In primis que tibi offerimus we offer Thee for Thy Holy
pro ecclesia tua sancta catholica Catholic Church, that it may please
quam pacificare. Custodire adunare. Thee to grant her peace. As also to
Et regere digneris toto orbe protect, unite, and govern her
terrarum. Una cum famulo tuo papa throughout the world, together with
nostro N. et antistite nostro N. et thy servant Benedict, our Pope and
omnibus ortodoxis atque catholice N. our Bishop; and also all
et apostolice fidei cultoribus.  orthodox believers and professors
of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

Hic recitantur nomina vivorum. He reads the name of the living.

Commemoration of the Living Commemoration of the Living

Memento etiam Domine famulorum Be mindful, also, O Lord, of thy
tuorum N. famularumque tuarum et servant, N., and handmaids and all here
omnium circum adstantium quorum present whose faith is known to you.
And whose devotions is known to you,
tibi fides cognita est et nota devotio
who offers up to you this sacrifice of
qui tibi offerunt hoc sacrificum praise for themselves, and for their
laudis pro se suisque omnibus pro families and friends and for the
redemptione animarum suarum. Pro redemption of their souls. And for the
stratu seniorum suorum et health of their elders, and purity of all
ministrorum omnium puritate pro ministers an for integrity of virgins
integritate virginum et continentia and continence of widows and for
viduarum pro aeris temperie et control of air temperature and fertility
fructuum fecunditate (facundia) and fruits of the earth and for the return
of peace. And an end of discrimination
terrarum pro pacis reditu et fine
and dangers to our kinds. And peace
discriminum pro incolimitate regum and return of captives and prayer for us
et pace populorum ac reditu bystanders and for the memory of
captiuorum pro votis adstantium pro martyrs for the remission of our sins.
memoria martirum pro remisione And to amend actions of sinners and the
peccatorum nostrorum et actuum rest of the dead. And the success of our
emendatione eorum ac requie journeys. For the Pope the supreme
defunctorum et prosperitate iteneris Bishop and all Bishops and Priests and
nostri pro Domino papa episcopo et all orders of the Church and for the
omnibus episcopis et presbiteris et Roman Empire and all Christian Kings
and Christian brothers and sisters. For
omni aeclesiastico ordine pro
our brothers in the straight ways and for
imperio romano et omnibus regibus brothers who the lord vouchsafe (saw
christianis pro fratribus et sororibus fit) to be summoned from
nostris pro fratribus in via directis the darkness of this dark
pro fratribus quo de caliginosis world, receive them in divine piety to
mundi hujus tenebris Dominus be reposed in eternal and highest light,
arcessire dignatus est uti eos in who are scourged with various kinds of
aeterna summae lucis quietae pietas pain. May the goodness of God may
divina suscipiat pro fratibus qui deign to take care of them as for the
hope of salvation and of his people to
variis dolorum generibus
render their prayers to Thee, the eternal
adfliguntur uti eos divina pietas and living and true God in communion
curare dignetur pro spe salutis et with 
incolimitatis suae tibi reddunt vota
sua eterno Deo vivo et vero Proper of Communicantes
communicantes. For day or season.


and celebrating this most holy day,

in which the most immaculate
Virgin brought our Saviour to this
Proper of Communicantes  world.
For day or season.
Feast of the circumcision
In natale Domini
And celebrating this most holy day,
Et Diem sacratisimam celebrantes the circumcision of our Lord Jesus
in quo incontaminata virginitas huic Christ.
mundo edidit salvatorem:
And celebrating this most holy day,
Et diem sacratisiman celebrantes Thine only son where coming from
circumcisionis Domini nostri Jesu far, more visible, and the body
appeared to ...
In die stellae (Epiphany)
Lord's Supper (Maundy Thursday)
Et diem sacratisiman celebrantes,
quo unigenitus tuus... magis de And celebrating this most holy day,
longinquo venientibus visibilis et which our Lord Jesus the Christ was
corporalis apparuit natalis calicis delivered up.
domini nostri Jesu Christi

Coena Domini Easter (Pasch)

Et diem sacratisiman celebrantes And celebrating this most holy

quo traditus est Dominus noster night and day, the resurrection of
Jesus Christus. our Lord Jesus Christ

Pasca At the end of Easter

Et noctem vel Diem sacratisimam And celebrating this most holy day,
ressurrectionis Domini nostri Jesu the end of the Passover of our Lord
Christ. Jesus Christ.

In clausula pasca The Ascension

Et Diem sacratisimam celebrantes And celebrating this most holy day,

clausulae pascae Domini nostri Jesu the Ascension of the Lord and the
Christi: day of our Lord Jesus Christ to
Ascensio Pentecost
Et Diem sacratisimam And celebrating this most holy day,
celebrantes ascensionis Domini the Pentecost of our Lord Jesus
nostri Jesu Christi ad caelum: Chris which the Holy Spirit
descended upon the apostles.

Et Diem sacratisimam
celebrantes quinquagensimae
Domini nostri Jesu Christi in qua
Spiritus Sanctus super apostolos

Invocation of the
Saints (Communicantes)

And honouring firstly the memory

of the glorious Mary, ever virgin,
mother of God, our Lord Jesus
Invocation of the Saints Christ. 
(Communicantes) And of Thy blessed apostles and
martyrs Peter and Paul, Andrew,
Et memoriam venerantes in primis James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,
gloriosae semper virginis Mariae Thomas, Matthew, James, Clement,
genetricis Dei et Domini nostri Jesu Sixtus andn Simon, and thaddeus,
Christi.  Linus, Ancletus, Cornilius,
Sed et beatorum apostolorum ac Cipriano, Laurentian, Crisogini,
martirum tuorum Petri et Pauli Damian and Cosmas an John and
Andreae Jacobi Johannis Thomae Paul and all thy saints who merits
Jacobis Philippi Bartholomai and pryers grant, that in all things,
Mathei Simonis et Thaddaei Llini we may be defended by the help of
Ancleti Clementis Xisti Cornili your protection. Through Christ our
Cipriani Laurenti Crisogini Lord, the same Jesus Christ, who
Johannis et Pauli Cosme et Domiani liveth and reigneth in the unity of
et omnium sanctorum tuorum the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever
quorum meritis precibusque and ever, world without end.
concedas ut in omnibus protectionis
tuae muniamur auxilio. Per eundem. The Prayers at the Consecration
Christum Dominum nostrum Jesum
Christum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat Oblation of the Victim to God
in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus,  Per
omnia saecula saeculorum. We therefore, that this oblation of
our service we offer to Thee, but
The Prayers at the Consecration also all of your family, in honor of
our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in
Oblation of the Victim to God commemoration of your blessed
Martyrs and in his church your built
Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis whom your servants honor his
nostre sed et cunctae familiae tuae glorious name. We beseech you, O
quam tibi offerimus in honorem Lord, graciously to accept it And
Domini nostri Jesu Christi et in that he was working for all the
commemorationem beatorum people away from idolatry and turn
Maritirum tuorum in hac ecclesiae to God the Father Almighty.
quam famulus tuus ad honorem
nominis gloriae tuae aedificavit.
Quessumus Domine ut placatus Which oblation do Thou, God,
suscipias Eumque adque omnem vouchsafe in all things to bless,
populum ab idolorum cultura approve, ratify, reasonable, and
eripias et ad te Deum verum patrem acceptable, that is may become for
omnipotentem convertas. us the Body and Blood of Thy most
beloved son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Quam oblationem tu Deus in
omnibus quesumus benedictam+.
Ascriptam. Ratam. Rationabilem Words of Consecration and
acceptabilemque facere digneris ut Elevation
nobis corpus et sanguis fiat
dilectissimi filii tui Domini nostri Who, the day before he suffered,
Jesu Christi. took bread into His holy and
venerable Hands, and with His Eyes
Words of Consecration and lifted up to heaven, to Thee, God,
Elevation His almighty Father, giving thanks
to Thee, He blessed, broke, and
Qui pridie quam pateretur Accepit gave it to his disciples, saying
panem in sanctas ac venerabiles "Take all of you and eat of this."
manus suas elevatis oculis suis ad
celum et ad te Deum patrem suum FOR THIS IS MY BODY.
omnipotentem tibi gratias egit
Benedixit. Fregit dedit discipulis In a simiular manner, after He had
suis dicens. Accipite et manducate supped, taking also this excellent
ex hoc omnes.  chalice into His holy and venerable
Hands, also giving thanks to Thee,
HOC EST ENIM CORPUS MEUM. He blessed and gave It to His
disciples saying "Take and drink
Simili modo posteaquam cenatum you all (ye) of this."
est. Accepiens et hunc preclarum
calicem in sanctas ac venerabilies
manus suas. Item tibi gratias agens FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF
benedixit dedit discipulis suis MY BLOOD, OF THE NEW AND
dicens; accipite et bibite ex eo
MEI NOUI ET ETERNI As often as ye shall do these things, ye
TESTAMENTI MISTERIUM FIDEI. shall do them in memory of me.
EFFUNDETUR IN REMISSIONEM You will proclaim my passion,
my resurrection and anounce
HEC QUOTIENSCUNQUE (preach) my arrival, you are to
FECERITIS IN MEI MEMORIAM hope in my arrival again out of
FACIETIS. heaven to ye. 

Passionem meam predicabitis Oblation of the Victim to God

resurrectionem meam
adnuntiabitis aduentum meum Wherefore, O Lord, we thy
sperabitis donec iterum veniam servants, as also Thy holy people,
ad vos de caelis. calling to mind the blessed Passion
of the same Christ, They son, our
Lord, His resurrection from helll,
Oblation of the Victim to God and glorious ascension into heaven,
offer unto Thy most excellent
Unde et memores Domine nos tui majestry of Thine own gifts
servi sed et plebs tua sancta Christi bestowed upon us, a pure Victim, a
filii tui Dei nostri beate. Passionis holy Victim, an immaculate Victim,
necnon et ab inferis resurrectionis the holy Bread of eternal life and
sed et in coelos gloriose ascensionis the chalice of everlasting salvation.
offerimus preclare maiestati tue de
tuis donis ac datis hostiam puram. Upon which, do Thou vouchsafe to
Hostiam sanctam. Hostiam look with a propitious and serene
Immaculatam. Panem sanctum vite countenance, and to accept them, as
aeterne et calicem salutis perpetue.  Thou wert graciously pleased to
accept the gifts of Thy just servant
Supra que propitio ac sereno vultu Able, and the sacrifice of our
respicere digneris. Et accepta Patriarch Abraham, and that which
habere sicuti accepta habere Thy high priest Melchisedech
dignatus es munera pueri tui justi offered to Thee, a holy sacrifice, an
abel. Et sacificium patriarche immaculate victim.
mnostri abrahe. Et quod tibi obtulit
summus sacerdos tuus We humbly beseech Thee, we ask
melchisedech sanctum sacrificium almighty God, to command that
immaculatam hostiam. these offerings be borne by the
hands of Thy holy Angel to Thine
Supplices te rogamus et petimus altar on high in the sight of Thy
Omnipotens Deus jube hec per divine Majesty, that as many of us
manus sancti angeli tui in sublime as at this altar shall partake of and
altare tuum in conspectu divinae receive the most holy Body and
majestatis tue. Blood of Thy son, may be filled
with every heavenly blessing and
Ut quotquot ex hoc altaris grace. Through Christ our Lord.
participatione sacrosanctum filii tui Amen.
Corpus et sanginem sumpserimus
omni benedictione celesti. Et gratia
repleamur. Per eundem Christum
Dominum nostrum. Amen. The Prayers after the

Commemoration of the Dead

Be mindful, also, Lord, of those

who have gone before us and their
The Prayers after the names with the sign of faith and rest
Consecration in the sleep of peace. With all in the
whole world offering this spiritual
Commemoration of the Dead sacrifice and our Priest, N., offers to
the holy and venerable God the
Memento etiam Domine et eorum Father and the Son and the Holy
nomina qui nos praecesserunt cum Ghost for himself and for us and
signo fidei et dormiunt in somno our friends and for the gathering of
pacis. Cum omnibus in toto mundo the Catholic Church and for the
offerentibus sacrificium spiritale venerable Patriarchs, Prophets,
Deo patri et filio et Spiritui Sancto Apostles and Martyrs and all the
sanctis ac venerabilibus Saints to intercede for us to pray to
sacerdotibus offert senior noster N. the Lord our God.
presbyter pro se et pro suis et pro
totius ecclesiae cetu catholice et pro
commemorando anatheletico gradu
venerabilium patriarcharum Invoation of the Saints
profetarum apostolorum et
martirum et omniumque sanctorum Sancte Stefane Ora pro nobis.
ut pro nobis Dominum Deum Sancte Martini
nostrum exorare dignentur: Sancte Hironime
Sancte Augustine
Invoation of the Saints Sancte Grigorii
Sancte Hilari
Sancte Stefane Ora pro nobis. Sancte Patricii
Sancte Martini Sancte Ailbei
Sancte Hironime Sancte Finnio
Sancte Augustine Sancte Finnio
Sancte Grigorii Sancte Ciarani
Sancte Hilari Sancte Ciarani
Sancte Patricii Sancte Brendini
Sancte Ailbei Sancte Brendini
Sancte Finnio Sancte Columba
Sancte Finnio Sancte Columba
Sancte Ciarani
Sancte Ciarani Sancte Comgilli Ora pro Nobis
Sancte Brendini Sancte Cainnichi
Sancte Brendini Sancte Finbarri
Sancte Columba Sancte nessani
Sancte Columba Sancte Factni
Sancte Lugidi
Sancte Comgilli Ora pro Nobis Sancte Lacteni
Sancte Cainnichi Sancte Ruadani
Sancte Finbarri Sancte Carthegi
Sancte nessani Sancte Coemgeni
Sancte Factni Sancte Mochonne
Sancte Lugidi Sancte Brigta
Sancte Lacteni Sancte Ita
Sancte Ruadani Sancte Scetha
Sancte Carthegi Sancte Sinecha
Sancte Coemgeni Sancte Samdine
Sancte Mochonne
Sancte Brigta All ye Saints, be merciful to pray
Sancte Ita for us, O Lord, be merciful to spare
Sancte Scetha us, O Lord deliver us from all evil,
Sancte Sinecha O Lord deliver us by thy cross thou
Sancte Samdine O Lord deliver us sinners, we
beseech Thee to hear us, we
Omnes sancti orate pro nobis beseech Thee to hear us, to the sons
propitius esto parce nobis Domine of God to bring peace, we beseech
propitius esto libera nos Domine ab Thee to hear us, Lamb of God who
omni malo libera nos Domine per takes away the sins of the world,
crucem tuam libera nos Domine have mercy on us;
peccatores te rogamus audi nos filii
Dei te rogamus audio nos ut pacem Christ, hear us
dones te rogamus audi nos agne Dei Christ, hear us
qui tollis peccata mundi miserere Christ, hear us.
Prayer of St. Ambrose 
Christe audii nos
Christe audi nos Before the presence of Thy divine
Christe audi nos. majesty, O God, listen to those who
presume to call up on Thy holy
Oratio Ambrosi name. Lord, have mercy on me, a
sinner, forgive me, soiled of the
Ante conspectum divinae maestatis sediment, of inherent unclean.
tuae Deus adsisto qui invocare Through the Priest whose hands
nomen sanctum tuum persumo offered this oblation, spare us, O
miserere mihi Domine homini Lord, polluted with the stain of
peccatori luto faecis inmunde capital offenses, above all other
inherenti ignosce indigno sacerdoti sinners. And enter not into
per cujus manus haec oblatio judgement with thy servant, in Thy
videtur offerri parce Domine sight shall no man living be
polluto peccatorum labe pre ceteris justified because we are not of the
capitalium et non intres in judicio vine, but are pressed out and are of
cum servo tuo quia non the wills of our flesh.  Remember,
justificabitur in conspectu tuo O Lord, in Thy sight
omnis vivens scilicet vitis ac
voluntatibus carnis gravati sumus
recordare Domine quod caro sumus
et non est alius tibi conparandus in  Abelis (Ablis), Zeth, Enoc, Noe,
tuo conspectu etiam caeli non sunt Melchsedech, Abrache, Isac, Jacob,
mundi quanto magis nos homines Joseph, Job, Mosi, Joshua (Essu),
terreni quorum ut dixit. Samuelis, David, Heliae, Helessiae,
Essaiae, Ezechelis, Danielis, Esdrae
 Abelis (Ablis), Zeth, Enoc, Noe, (Hestre), Osse, Johel, Amos,
Melchsedech, Abrache, Isac, Jacob, Abdiae, Jonae, Michiae, Nauum,
Joseph, Job, Mosi, Joshua (Essu), Ambacuc, Sophoniae, Agiae,
Samuelis, David, Heliae, Helessiae, Sachariae, Malachiae, Tobiae,
Essaiae, Ezechelis, Danielis, Esdrae Ananiae, Azariae, Misahelis,
(Hestre), Osse, Johel, Amos, Machabeorum;
Abdiae, Jonae, Michiae, Nauum,    Also, the Holy Innocents,
Ambacuc, Sophoniae, Agiae, Johannis Baptiste et Virginis
Sachariae, Malachiae, Tobiae, Mariae, Petri, Pauli, Andriae,
Ananiae, Azariae, Misahelis, Jacobi, Johannis, Pilipi,
Machabeorum; Barthalomae, Tomae, Mathei,
  Item in fantum , Johannis Baptiste Jacobi, Simonis, Tathei, Matthias
et Virginis Mariae, Petri, Pauli, (Madiani), Marci, Lucae, Stefani,
Andriae, Jacobi, Johannis, Pilipi, Cornili, Cipriani, and the rest of the
Barthalomae, Tomae, Mathei, martyrs;
Jacobi, Simonis, Tathei, Matthias
(Madiani), Marci, Lucae, Stefani,     Pauli, Antoni, and the rest of the
Cornili, Cipriani, et ceterorum desert fathers of Scaete (desert of
martirum Scaete) whom Thou knowest

    Pauli, Antoni, et ceterorum     And also Bishops: Martini,

patrum heremi sciti (desert of Scete Grigori, Maximi, Felicis, Patrici,
in Lower Egypt) Patrici, Secundi, Auxili, Isernini,
Cerbani, Erci, Catheri, Ibori, Ailbi,
Item episcoporum: Martini, Grigori, Conlai, Maicnissae, Moinenn,
Maximi, Felicis, Patrici, Patrici, Senani, Finbarri, Cuani, Colmani,
Secundi, Auxili, Isernini, Cerbani, Cuani, Declach, Laurenti, Melleti,
Erci, Catheri, Ibori, Ailbi, Conlai, Justi, Aedo, Dagani, Tigernich,
Maicnissae, Moinenn, Senani, Muchti, Ciannani, Buiti, Eogeni,
Finbarri, Cuani, Colmani, Cuani,
Declach, Laurenti, Melleti, Justi, Declani, Carthain, Maile-rue;
Aedo, Dagani, Tigernich, Muchti,
Ciannani, Buiti, Eogeni, Declani,     And also Priests: Vinniani,
Carthain, Maile-rue; Ciarani, Oengusso, Endi, Gilde,
Brendini, Brendini, Cainnichi,
    And also Priests: Vinniani, Columbe, Columbie, Colmani,
Ciarani, Oengusso, Endi, Gilde, Comgelli, Coemgeni;
Brendini, Brendini, Cainnichi,
Columbe, Columbie, Colmani, And all who depart from us, sleep
Comgelli, Coemgeni; in the Lord's peace and all the
names in our daily prayers of whom
God knows and has named in the
names of all who rest in Christ and
     Et Omnium pausantium qui nos grant them a place of peace.
in Dominica pace preces serunt ab
ad am usque in ho diurnum Diem To us sinners also, Your servants
quorum Deus nomina nominavit et who put our trust in the multitude of
novit ipsis et omnibus in Christo thy tender mercies vouchsafe to
quiescentibus locum refrigerii.  grant some part and fellowship.
With your saints for the apostles
Nobis quoquo peccatoribus famulis and martyrs John, Stephen, Mathis,
Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander,
tuis de multitudine miserationum
tuarum sperantibus partem aliquam Peter and Marcellinus, Agatha,
Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia,
et societatem donare digneris. Cum
sanctis tuis apostolis et martiribus. and with all the saints within whose
company we pray to admit us, not
Cum Johanne Stephano. Mathia.
Barnaba Ignatio. Alexandro. by the estimate of merit, but of
Thine own  free pardon. Through
Marcellino Petro. Agatha. Lucia.
Agna. Cecilia. Anastassia. Et cum Christ our Lord.
omnibus sanctis tuis intra quorum
nos consortium non estimator
meriti. Sed venie que sumus largitor
admitte. Per Christum Dominum

Final Doxology of the Canon and

minor elevation of the Canon

Through Whom, Lord, Thou dost

Final Doxology of the Canon and create, hallow, quicken, and bless
minor elevation of the Canon all these good things and give them
to us.
Per quem hec omnia Domine
semper bona creas. +Sanctificas. Through him.
+Vivificas +benedicis. +Et prestas And with him.
nobis. And in him, be to Thee, God the
father almighty, in the unity of the
Per ipsum. Holy Ghost, all honour and glory
Et cum ipso.
Et in ipso est tibi Deo patri for ever and ever, world without
omnipotenti in unitate Spiritus end.
Sancti omnis honor et gloria Here the raising of the offering of
the cup.
Per omnia secula seculorum amen.
Ter canitur, isund conogabar
Hic elevatur Oblatio principalis indablu tuair forsincaelech
super calicem. fobdidithir leth nabairgine
Ter canitur, isund conogabar (In Gaelic, It is here that the cheif
indablu tuair forsincaelech Host on the chalice is lifted up and
fobdidithir leth nabairgine the half of the Bread is submerged
isincailuch. in the chalice or "Here the oblation
(In Gaelic, It is here that the cheif is lifted over the chalice, etc"
Host on the chalice is lifted up and  Latin: Hic elevatur Oblatio
the half of the Bread is submerged principalis super calicem, etc.)
in the chalice or "Here the oblation
is lifted over the chalice, etc" Latin: Ps. 32, 22
Hic elevatur Oblatio principalis Lord, let thy mercy upon us, as we have
super calicem, etc.)  hoped in thee.
Lord, let thy mercy upon us, as we have
hoped in thee.
Ps. XXXII 22 Lord, let thy mercy upon us, as we have
Fiat Domine misericordia tua super nos hoped in thee.
quemadmodum speravimus in te. 
Fiat Domine misericordia tua super nos
The Fraction of the Host
quemadmodum speravimus in te. 
Fiat Domine misericordia tua super nos Isund conbongar in bairgen.
quemadmodum speravimus in te.  (In Gaelic It is here the bread is
broken up.)
The Fraction of the Host
Isund conbongar in bairgen. They knew the Lord. Alleluia! In
(In Gaelic It is here the bread is the making of bread. Alleluia! 
broken up.) The bread which we break, is the
body of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Cognoverunt Dominum. Alleluia! The cup which we bless, Alleluia! 
In factione panis. Alleluia!  It is the blood of our Lord Jesus
Panis quem frangimus corpus est Christ, Alleluia!
Domini nostri Jesu Christi.   for the forgiveness of our sins.
Calix quem benedicimus Alleluia!  Alleluia!
sanguis est Domini nostri Jesu
Christi Alleluia!  Lord, let thy mercy upon us.
in remisionem peccatorum Alleluia! We have hoped in you.
nostrorum. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Fiat Domine misericordia tua super They knew the Lord. Alleluia!
nos. Alleluia! quemadmodum
speravimus in te. Alleluia! We believe in the Lord, we believe
this breaking and mixing of the
Cognoverunt Dominum. Alleluia! body and blood that we are
redeemed and are confident that the
Credimus Domine credimus in hac mystery of this assumption,
confactione corporis et effussione fortified with the hope that we will
sanguinis nos esse redemptos et stay here in heaven we shall enjoy
confidimus sacramenti hujus the fruits of spring. Through our
adsumptione munitos ut quod spe Lord.
interim hic tenemus mansuri in
celestibus veris fructibus The Pater Noster
perfruamur. Per Dominum.
Introduced by Divine guidance, let
The Pater Noster us hear what is said:
Divino magisterio edocti et divina Our Father, who art in heaven.
institutione formati audimus dicire.  Hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done on
Pater noster qui es in coelis. earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us
Santificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat this day our daily bread. and forgive
regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua us our trespasses. As we forgive
sicut inn coelo et in terra. Panem those who trespass against us. And
nostrum quotidianum da nobis lead us not into temptation.
hodie. et dimitte nobis debita nostra.
Secuit et nos dimittimus debitoribus But deliver us from evil.
nostris. et ne nos inducas in
temptationem. The Libera Nos

Sed libera nos a malo. Deliver us, O Lord, from every evil,
past present and future for us and
The Libera Nos  through the intercession of Blessed
ang glorious always virgin, Mary,
Libera nos Domine ab omni mal morther of God*, and of the
preterito presenti et futuro et Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul,
intercedentibus pro nobis beata et Patrick, * and grant us thy peace in
gloriosa semper virgine Dei our days, that through the help and
genitrice Maria* beatis apostolis the help of Thy mercy we may be
tuis Petro et Paulo Patricio* da always free from sin and secure
propitius pacem tuam in diebus from all disturbance.
nostris ut ope misericordiae tuae
adiuti et a peccato simus emper
liberi et ab omni perturbatione
securi. Per Dominum.
*St. Patrick is not in Canon of St.
Gelasius. He is replaced by St.
Andrew. In both the name of the
Virgin precedes those of the The Commingling of the Sacred
apostles. Body and Blood

And the love of our Lord Jesus

The Commingling of the Sacred Christ and the Peace of the Lord be
Body and Blood always with us, and of all the saints
and the fellowship with thy spirit.
Pax et caritas Domini nostri Jesu
Christi et commonicatio sanctorum Peace thou hast mandated, thou hast
omnium sit semper nobiscum. Et given peace, thou hast
cum Spiritu tuo forsaken peace, the peace
of thy Lord, give us this day from
Pacem mandasti pacem dedisti heaven, and peaceful and the rest of
pacem dirilinquisti pacem tuam our life in the days of Your peace
Domine da nobis de caelo et
pacificum hunc diem et ceteros dies There is a commingling of the body
vitae nostrae in tua pace disponas. and blood of the Lord in the
Per Dominum. salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
for us to eternal life. Amen.
Commixtio corporis et sanguinis
Domini nostri Jesu Christi sit nobis The Prayers at the Communion
salus in vitam perpetuam. Amen.
Behold the Lamb of God, Behold, he
that takes away the sins of the world.
The Prayers at the Communion
My peace I give unto you. The Peace I
leave with you. Alleluia.
Ecce Agnus Dei, Ecce qui tollis peccata
Great peace, they that love thy law, O
mundi.(John XIV 27)
Lord, Alleluia
And there is no occasion of brekaing
Pacem meum do vobis. Alleluia them. Alleluia
Pacem relinquo vobis. Alleluia.  King of Heaven with peace. Alleluia
Pax multa diligentibus legem tuam Filled with the fragrance of life.
Domine Alleluia. Alleluia
Et non est in illis sacandalum. Sing a new song. Alleluia
Alleluia Let all the saints come. Alleluia
Regem Caeli cum pace. Alleluia Come, eat my food. Alleluia
Plenum odorem vitai. Alleluia And drink the wine which I have
mingled for you. Alleluia
Novum carmen cantate. Alleluia
Omnes sancti venite. Alleluia
Venite comedite panem meum.
Et bibite vinum quod miscui vobis.
Hymn for when the
communion of the priest.

Take the holy body of Christ,
Hymnus Quando and drink the holy blood
communicant sacerdotes. which we are redeemed by.

Sancti venite, Christ saved

Christi corpus sumite, Body and blood,
sanctum bibentes Restored by
Quo redempti sanguinem Praise to God.

Salvi Christi This sacrament

Corpore et sanguine, The body and blood
A quo refecti all of their
Laudes dicamus Deo. From the jaws of hell.

Hoc sacramento Giver of salvation

Corporis et sanguinis Christ, the Son of God
Omnes exuti saved the world
Ab inferni faucibus. By blood and

Dator salutis for all

Christus, Filius Dei worship the LORD
Mundum salvavit the priest
Per crucem et sanguinem Exists and the victim

Pro universis  law

Immolatus Dominus Offer,
Ipse sacerdos which are outlined
Existit et hostia The divine mysteries.

Lege  praeceptum of rites

Immolari hostias, And the Saviour of all
Qua adumbrantur the excellent
Divina mysteria. He bestowed grace.

Lucis indultor come, who

Et salvator omnium Pure mind, credulous,
Praeclaram sanctis receive eternal
Largitus est gratiam. Safety guard.
Accedant omnes The guardian,
Pura mente creduli, The rector of the Lord,
Sumant aeternam eternal life
Salutis custodiam. generous with those who believe

Sanctorum custos, heavenly bread

Rector quoque Dominus, He gives the hungry,
Vitae perennis Fountain of life
Largitor credentibus Their thirst.

Coelestem panem Alpha and Omega,

Dat esurientibus, Iipse Christ the Lord
De fonte vivo Come, come
Praebet sitientibus. To judge the men.

Alpha et Omega, Communion of the faithful

Iipse Christus Dominus
Venit, venturus Ps. 22, 1
Judicare homines. The Lord will guide me.

Communion of the faithful ("He who eats...", Ps. 42 and "Eat

my friends..." are sung as
Ps. XXII I. communion is distrubited?)
Dominus reget me.
He who eats my body. Alleluia.
(Qui manducat, Ps. 42 and And drink my blood. Alleluia
comedite amici mei are sung as He remains in me and I in him.
communion is distrubited?) Alleluia.
The earth is the Lord.
Qui manducat corpus meum. This is the living bread which God
Alleluia. descended from heaven. Alleluia
Et bibit meum sanguinem. Alleluia He that eateth of it, my soul shall
Ipse in me manet et ego in illo. live.
Alleluia. O Lord gave them bread from
Domini est terra. heaven didt eat the bread of angels,
Hic est panis vivus qui del coelo hollow man. Alleluia
discendit. Alleluia
Qui manducat ex eo vivet animam
meam. Psalms 42
Panem caeli didt eis Dominus Judge me, O God, and distinguish
alleluia panem angelorum my cause from the nation that is not
manducavait homo. Alleluia holy: deliver me from the unjust
and deceitful man. For thou art God
Psalmus 42 my strength: why hast thou cast me
Judica me Deus, et discerne causam off? and why do I go sorrowful
meam de gente non sancta: ab whilst the enemy afflicteth me?
homine iniquo et doloso erue Send forth thy light and thy truth:
me. Quia tu es Deus fortitudo mea: they have conducted me, and
quare me repulisti, et quare tristis brought me unto thy holy hill, and
incedo, dum affligit me into thy tabernacles. And I will go
inimicus? Emitte lucem tuam, et in to the altar of God: to God who
veritatem tuam: ipsa me giveth joy to my youth. To thee, O
deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in God my God, I will give praise
montem sanctum tuum, et in upon the harp: why art thou sad, O
tabernacula tua. Et introibo ad altare my soul? And why dost thou
Dei: ad Deum qui lætificat disquiet me? Hope in God, for I will
juventutem meam. Confitebor tibi still give praise to him: the salvation
in cithara Deus, Deus meus: quare of my countenance, and my God.
tristis es anima mea, et quare Glory be to the Father and to the
conturbas me? Spera in Deo, Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it
quoniam adhuc confitebor illi: was in the beginning, is now and
salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus. ever shall be, world without end.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritu Amen.
Sancto.Sicut erat in principio et
nunc, et semper, et in sæcula
sæculorum. Amen.

Communion Hymns

Eat my friends. Alleluia

And be inebriated, my dearly
Communion Hymns beloved. Alleluia
This is the blood of the Saviour, the
Comedite amici mei. Alleluia sacred body of the Lord. Alleluia.
Et inebriamini carissimi. Alleluia Take you into everlasting life.
Hoc sacrum corpus Domini Alleluia
saluatoris sanguinem. Alleluia. In the lips of my think of a hymn.
Sumite vobis in vitam aeternam. Alleluia
Alleluia When the justices of teach me, and I
In labiis mei meditabor hymnum. will answer. Alleluia
Alleluia O bless the Lord at all times,
Cum doceris me et ego justitias Alleluia
respondebo. Alleluia His praise will always be in my
Benedicam Dominum in omni mouth. Alleluia
tempore Alleluia Taste and see. Alleluia
Sempre laus ejus in ore meo. How sweet is the Lord. Alleluia
Alleluia Where I am. Alleluia
Gustate et videte. Alleluia There shall also my servant.
Quam savis est Dominus. Alleluia Alleluia
Ubi ego fuero. Alleluia Suffer the little children come to
Ibi erit et minister meus. Alleluia me. Alleluia
Sinite paruulos venire ad me. And forbid them not. Alleluia
Alleluia Such is the kingdom of heaven.
Et nolite eos prohibere. Alleluia Alleluia
Talium est enim regnum caelorum. Repent ye. Alleluia
Alleluia For the kingdom of heaven is at
Penitentiam agite. Alleluia hand. Alleluia.
Adpropinquavit enim regnum The kingdom of heaven suffers
coelorum. Alleluia. violence. Alleluia
Regnum coelorum uim patitur. And the violent take it. Alleluia
Alleluia Come, ye blessed of my father,
Et violenti rapiut illud. Alleluia inherit the kingdom.  Alleluia
Venite benedicti patris mei That is prepared for you from the
possidete regnum. Alleluia beginning of the world. Alleluia
Quod vobis paratum est ab origine Come, come, the glory as it was.
mundi. Alleluia
Gloria venite sicut erat venite. Postcommunion

Post Communion Prayer

Inserted here before "Quo caelesti"
Post Communion Prayer Are the daily propers.
Inserted here before "Quo caelesti" O Lord, whom the heavenly gift,
Are the daily propers. and satisfied that the grant be
cleansed from our secret and
Quos caelesti Domine dono satiasti delivered by the treachery of the
praesta ut et a nostris emundemur enemy.
occultis et ab Hostium liberemur
insidis.  We thank you, O Lord, Holy Father
and all omnipotent and eternal God,
Gratias tibi agimus Domine sancte whom are satisified by the
pater omnipotens aeterne Deus qui communion of the Body and Blood
nos corporis et sanguinis Christi of Thine son, Jesus Christ. And we
filii tui communione satiasti humbly ask for Thine mercy; that
tuamque misericordiam humiliter this, O Lord, Thine Sacrament does
postulamus ut hoc tuum Domine not make us worthy of penalties.
sacramentum non sit nobis reatus ad That it may be forgiveness and
penam sed intercessio salutaris ad salvation, cleansing, but is the
veniam sit ablutio scelerum sit strenght of the weak, protection
fortitudo fragilium sit contra mundi against the dangers of the world.
pericula firmamentum haec nos This remind us; Cleanse us from
commonio purget a crimine et our sin, and grand to share in the
caelestis gaudi tribuat esse joys of heaven. Through our Lord,
participes. Per. Jesus Christ.

Conclusion of the Mass 

The Dismissal
Conclusion of the Mass
It is ended, go in peace.
 The Dismissal Thanks be go God.
Missa acta est in pace. Prayers after Mass
Deo gratias.
Peace of the Lord and the love of our
Prayers after Mass Lord Jesus Christ and the communion
of his saints be with us always.
Pax et caritas domini nostri Jesu Christi
et communicatio sanctorum suorum sit Responds.
semper nobiscum.
The body and blood our our Lord Jesus
Amen. Christ, the Son of the living God most
Corpus et sanguis Domini nostri Jesu
Christi Filii Dei vivi altisimi. and the rest

The body of the Divine Savior, Jesus,

Reliqua our Savior, took the food.

Accepto salutari Divini Corporis cibo We give thanks to Christ, for the
salutari nostro Jesu. sacrament of his Body and his Blood,
and he freed us from death, and deigned
Christos gratias agimus quod sui us to give a remedy for the body and
Corporis et Sanguinis sacramento nos a soul to the human race; is the one who
morte liberauit et tam corporis quam reigns:
animae humano generi remedium
donare dignatus est qui regnat: We give thanks to God, the Father
Almighty, that we, of earthly origin, for
the nature of the heavenly gift in the
Agimus Deo Patri omnipotenti gratias sacrament for our lives.
quod terrene nos originis atque naturae
sacramenti sui dono in caelestem Through our Lord.
vivificaverit demotationem.
Ps 84 5; Convert us, O God, our
Per Dominium. saviour: and turn off thy anger from
Ps LXXXIV 5; Converte nos Deus
salutaris noster et infirmorum presta PS 106 9; For he hath satisfied the
salutem nostorum. empty soul, and hath filled the hungry
soul with good things. Alleluia Allulia.
PS CVI 9; Quia satiavit animam inanem
et animam essurientem satiavit bis. Come to us, O God in thy salvation.
Alleluia Alleluia  Alleliua
My strength is up to safety. Alleluia
Vissita nos Deus in salutari tuo. Alleluia
Fortitudo mea usque salutem. Alleluia PS 115 13; Of salvation and call upon
him. Alleluia

PS CXV 13; Calicem salutaris accipiam Refreshed in body and blood of Christ,
usque invocabo. Alleluia Lord, you always say. The

Refecti Christi corpore et sanguine tibi PS 116 1; Praise ye the Lord, all the
semper Domine dicamus. Alleluia nations even to the end.

PS CXVI I ; Laudate dominum omnes Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and

gentes usque in finem. put your trust in the Lord.

Sacrificate sacrificium justitiae et God, we thank you for the holy

sperate in Domino. mysteries celebraviums and to ask that
the gifts of holiness from you for ever
Deus tibi gratias agimus per quem and ever.
misteria sancta celebraviums et ad a te
sanctitatis dona deposcimus qui regnas
in saecula saeculorum.

Final Blessing

The Lord bless you and keep you

Final Blessing the lord of the show his face to thee
and be gracious to you The Lord
Benedicat tibi dominus et custodiat turn his countenance to you and
te ostendatque dominus faciem give you peace,
suam tibi et misereatur tui convertat
dominus vultum suum ad te et det (And respond) Amen
tibi pacem:
Say while making the sign of the
Et respondit Amen. cross:
You are now marked with the sign
Tunc signans cum dicito: of the cross
Peace be with thee in the
Signaculo crucis christi signaris everlasting life,
Pax tecum in vitam aeternam et
repsondit amen.
The Last Gospel
Finit ordo communionis.
The beginning of the holy Gospel
The Last Gospel according to John. Glory be to
Thee, O Lord.
Initium sancti Evangélii secúndum St. John. 1, 1-14. 
Ioánnem.Gloria tibi Domine.
Ioann. 1, 1-14.  In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the
In princípio erat Verbum, et Word was God. The same was in
Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus the beginning with God. All things
erat Verbum. Hoc erat in princípio were made by Him, and without
apud Deum. Omnia per ipsum facta Him was made nothing that was
sunt: et sine ipso factum est nihil, made: in Him was life, and the life
quod factum est: in ipso vita erat, et was the Light of men; and the Light
vita erat lux hóminum: et lux in shineth in darkness, and the
ténebris lucet, et ténebræ eam non darkness did not comprehend it. 
comprehendérunt.  There was a man sent from God,
Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen whose name was John. This man
erat Ioánnes. Hic venit in came for a witness, to testify
testimónium, ut testimónium concerning the Light, that all might
perhibéret de lúmine, ut omnes believe through Him. He was not
créderent per illum. Non erat ille the Light, be he was to testify
lux, sed ut testimónium perhibéret concerning the Light. 
de lúmine.  That was the true Light, which
Erat lux vera, quæ illúminat omnem enlighteneth every man that cometh
hóminem veniéntem in hunc into this world. He was in the
mundum. In mundo erat, et mundus world, and the world was made by
per ipsum factus est, et mundus Him, and the world knew Him not.
eum non cognóvit. In própria venit, He came unto His own, and His
et sui eum non recepérunt. own received Him not. But as many
Quotquot autem recepérunt eum, as received Him to them He gave
dedit eis potestátem fílios Dei fíeri, power to become sons of God, to
his, qui credunt in nómine eius: qui them that believe in His Name, who
non ex sanguínibus, neque ex are born not of blood, nor of the
voluntáte carnis, neque ex voluntáte will of the flesh, nor of the will of
viri, sed ex Deo nati man, but of God. Here all
sunt.Genuflectit dicens: Et Verbum kneel. And the Word was made
caro factum est, Et surgens flesh, and dwelt among us: and we
prosequitur: et habitávit in nobis: et saw His glory, the glory as of the
vídimus glóriam eius, glóriam quasi Only begotten of the Father, full of
Unigéniti a Patre, plenum grátiæ et grace and truth. 
veritatis.  Thanks be to God.
Deo gratias

(Variable Part)

I. Mass of Apostles, Martyrs, and Saints and Holy Virgins.

II. Penance Mass and the living.

III. Mass for the dead

IIII. Order and Mass for Baptism and the Communion of the newly

V. Order of the Visitation of the Sick, with the Administration of

Extreme Unction and Communion.

VI. Treatise of the Mass.

VII. Prayers.

Missa apostolorum et martirum et sanctorum et sanctarum virginum.

Deum patrem Deum filium Deum Spiritum Sanctum unum et solum

Dominum dominantium et regem regnantium et gloriam futurorum per
prevelegia clara patriarcharum per gloriosa presagia profetarum per sancta
merita apostolorum per marteria martirum per fidem confessorum per
sanctitatem virginum per theoricam vitam anchoritarum per silentium
spiritale manachorum per episcoporum ac abbatum catholicorum
principatum innixis ac continuis orationibus fideliter opsecremus spicialiter
autem per sancta sufragia sanctorum vel sanctarum virginum quorum hodie
sollemnitas a nobis celebratur ut haec oblatio plebis tuae quam sanctae
trinitati in honorem eorum N. offerimus acceptabilis fiat deo cunctis
proficiat ad salutem. Per.

Domine Deus noster Jesu Christe splendor paternae gloriae et Dies

claritatis aeternae gratias tibi agimus quoniam accendere dignatus es. xii.
apostolos tuos igne Sancti Spiritus tui quasi. xii. horas Diei lumine solis
inlustratas quibus dixisti vos estis lux mundi et iterum nonne. xii. horae
Diei sunt si quis ergo ambulauerit in limine Diei hic non offendit orire
nobis Domine Deus noster Jesu Christe sol justitiae in cujus pennis est
sanitas timentibus te ut ambulemus in luce dum lucem habemus ut simus
filii lucis qui inluminasti apostolos quasi luminaria huic mundo et alios
sanctos quasi tuos vel eorum vicarios gratia Spiritu Sancti ac doctrina
preditos discute a nobis tenebras ignorantiae et justitiae tuae per horum
potrocinia N. quorum festivitas hodie colitur ut in te et per te semper
manemus. Per.

Deus qui nos sanctorum tuorum beatisimorum spirituum angelorum

archangelorumque principum et potestatum dominationum virtutum
ciruphin et seraphin patriarcharum profetarum apostolorum martirum
confessorumque et virginjuum anchoritarum coenobitarum omniumque
sanctorum concivium supernorum quesumus corum et imitatione proficere
et interpellatione tueri et intercedentibus sanctis a cunctis nos defende
pericullis. Per.

Domine deus omnipotens qui sanctos tuos cum mensura probas et sine
mensura glorificas cujus precepta finem habent et premia terminum non
habent exaudi preces nostras per marteria et merita illorum et tribue eorum
patrocinia adjuvent nos ad fidei profectum ad bonorum operum fructum ad
prosperitatis bonum ad salubritatis commodum ad religionis cultum ad
divini timoris augmentum Orent pro nobis sancti martyres et pro difunctis
nostris et pro pecoribus et pro omnibus terrae nostrae fructibus et pro
omnibus in hoc loco commorantibus Te omnipotentem deum creaturarum
caelestium et terrestrium innumerabilis multitudinis sanctorum tuorum et
angelorum chori incessabili voce proclamant dicentes sanctus sanctus

Dignum et just aequem et justum et gloriosum est nos tibi semper gratius
agere omnibus diebus vitae nostrae domine deus omnipotens sed in hac die
gratias et habundantius debemus gratluari cum gaudio spiritus sancti
solemnitatem apostolorum N. siue sanctorum vel sanctorum N presta ergo
nobis omnipotens deus fidem spem et caritatem et catholicum finjem ac
pacificum per merita ac commemoratione sanctorum tuorum N in quorum
honorem haec oblatio hodie offertur ut cunctis proficiat ad salutem per
dominum nostrum jesum Christum cui omnes angeli et archangeli profete
et apostoli martires et confessores virgines et omnes sancti hymno perpetuo
et indefessis laudibus cum quatuor animalibus viginti quatuor senioribus
concinunt dicentes: Sanctus.

Vere sanctus vere benedictus vere mirabilis in sanctis suis Deus noster
Jesus Christus ipse dabit virtutem et fortitudinem nostrae te propitiante pro
ipsis non refutentur a conspectu pietatis tuae sed in omnibus auxiliare
atque defendere digneris. Per.

Vere dignum per Dominum nostrum Jesus Christum filium tuum cujus
potentia deprecanda est misericordia adoranda piatas amplectenda - quis
(quis enim disputare poterit opus omnipotentiae tua, nec aures,) enim aliis
putare poterit omnis potentiae tuae miracula nec aures- hominis audire nec
in cor hominis ascendere nec estimatio hominum poterit invenire quanta
praeparas sanctis electis tuis sed in quantum possumus miseri, territi
quidem de conscientia sed fidi de tua, misericordia veniam miserationis et
refugium postulantes atque in commemoratione sanctorum tuorum Petri et
Pauli quorum, per quorum suffragia speramus quod postulamus ut vota
desideriorum eorum perficias presta omnipotens supplicantibus nobis
indulgentiam postulantibus veniam poscentibus vota (eorum pinguesce)
protege eis nomen Die jacob jube (Ps. xx. 1-3, mitte ei auxilium salutis de
sancto et de Sion tu erige eum) eis auxilium de sancto et de sion tueri enim
memor esto misericors Deus sacrificium eorum et holochaustum eorum
ante conspectum sanctorum pingue fiat tribue eis desideria sancta eorum et
omne consilium eorum confirma in bonum ut inletentur coram te corda
desiderium eorum. Per Christum.
Incipit missa pro penitentibus vivis.
(Like a Missa Votiva)

Exaltatio divina paterna pietas inmensa maestas te supplices trementes

depraecamur pro famulis tuis ut des eis mentem puram caritatem perfectam
in actibus sinciritatem in corde puritatem in opere virtutem in moribus
disciplinam et quae justitiae tuae timore intigra mente vel devotione pro
ipsis -N- tibi offerimus pietatis tuae obtinentia agnoscant. Per.


Indulge Domine penetentibus nobis famulis tuis poscentibus ut secura

mente tibi Domine Deo nostro victimam pro ipsis -N- offerre valeamus et
delictis suis veniam obteniant et sanitatis per te pater sancte munere
consequti ad salutem gratiae aeternae possint cum tuo adiutorio pervenire.

Iteramus omnipotens Deus deprecationem nostram ante conspectum

majestatis tuae quam spicialiter pro famulis tuis -N- in honore sanctorum
tuorum mariae petri pauli johannis et omnium sanctorum tuorum
oblationem pro peccatis eorum offerimus vota perficias petitiones eorum
ascendant ad aures clementiae tuae discendat super eos pia benedictio ut
sub umbra alarum tuarum in omnibus protegantur et orationes nostrae te
propitiante pro ipsis non refutentur a conspectu pietatis tuae sed in
omnibus auxiliare atque defendere digneris. Per.

Vere dignum per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum filium tuum cujus
potentia deprecanda est missericordia adoranda piatas amplectenda quis
enim aliis putare poterit omnis potentiae tuae miracula nec aures hominis
audire nec in cor hominis ascendere nec estimatio hominum poterit
invenire quanta praeparas sanctis electis tuis sed in quantum possimus
misseri terrenique de incontinentia sed de tua missericordia veniam
misserationis et refugium postulantes atque in commemoratione sanctorum
per quorum suffragia sperantes veniam ut famulis tuis -N- remisionem
tribuas peccatorum opera eorum perficias vota condones dona eis denique
(idemque?) seruis tuis intercedentibus sanctis remedium animarum suarum
quod postulamus ut vota desideriorum eorum perfeciat presta omnipotens
upplicantibus nobis indulgentiam postulantibus veniam poscentibus vota
(eorum) pingesce protege eis nomen Dei jacob jube (Psalm XX 1-3) eis
auxilium de sancto et de sion tueri enim memor esto missericors Deus
sancrificium eorum et holochaustum eorum ante conspectum sanctorum
apinge fiat tribue eis desideria sancta eorum et omne consilium eorum
confirma in bonum ut inletentur coram te corda desiderium eorum. Per

Deus que confitentium tibi corda purificas et accussantes se conscientias et

omnium iniquitates absolutis da indulgentiam reis et medicinam tribue
vulneratis ut percepta remissione omnium peccatorum in sacramentis tuis
sincera deinceps deditione permanent et nullam redemptionis aeternae
sustineant detrimentum. Per Dominum nostrum.

Missa pro mortuis pluribus

Praesta quaesumus omnipotens et missericors Deus ut animae famulorum

tuorum -N- indulgentiam peccatorum et gaudia perpectua lucis inventiant.
Da nobis missericordiam tuam quaesumus Domine ut animae famulorum
tuorum -N- ab omnibus vitiis expiatae cum tua protectione securae Diem
futurae resurrectionis expectent. Per Christum.

Intende Domine munera quae altaribus tuis pro sanctorum tuorum -N-
commemoratione deferimus et pro nostris offentionibus immolamus.


Vere dignum cujus promissiones plenas aeternorum bonorum in ipso

expectamus manifestandas in quo scimus eas absconditas Domino nostro
Jesu Christo que vera est vita credentium resurrectio famulorum tuorum -
N- illorum pro quibus hoc sacrificium offerimus obsaecrantes ut
regenerationis fonte purgatos et a temptationibus exceptos beatorum
numero digneris inserere et quos adoptionis participes fecisti jubeas
hereditatis tuae esse consortes. Per.

Oremus fratres carisimi pro caris nostris -N- qui iam in dominica pace
praecesserunt quos finis debitus et ordo transmigrationis conclusit ut Deus
omnipotens pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi jubeat carnem animamque et
spiritum eorum suscipi in locum lucis in partem refregerii in sinibus
abrache et isac et antiam atque subripiente inimico peccaverunt et spiritu
oris sui eos refrigerare dignetur. Per.

Incipit ordo babtismi

Ordo Babtismi

Domine sanctae (sancte) pater omnipotens aeterne deus expelle diabulum

et gentilitatem ab homine isto de capite de capillis de uertice de cerebro de
fronte de oculis de auribus de naribus de ore de lingua de sublingua de
gutore (gutture) de faucibus de collo de pectore de corde de corpore toto
intus de foris de manibus de pedibus de omnibus membris de
compaginibus membrorum eius et de cogitationibus de verbis de operibus
et omnibus conversatioinbus hic et futuro per te Jesu Christus (Christe) qui


Deus qui ad salutem humani generis maxima quaecumque (quaeque?)

sacramenta in aquarum substantia condidisti adesto propitius
invocationinbus nostris et alimento (elemento) huic multimodi
(multimodo) purificationis tuae benedictiones infunde ut creatura mistirii
(mysteriis tuis) seruiens ad abieciendos demones morbosque expellendos
divine gratiae tuae sumat effectus ut qui quid locu (quicquid loqui) in

domibus fidelium haec una (unda) resperserit careat inmunditia liberetur a

noxia non illic residiat Spiritus pestilens non aura corrumpens abscedant
omnes insidiae latentis (latentes) inimici et si quid est quod incolomitate
(incolumitati) habitantium inuidit (invideat) aut quieti aspersione aquae
huivs effugiat ut

salubritas per invocationem tui nominis expetita ab omni sit inpugnatione

deffensa per Dominum nostrum.

Consecratio salis incipit

Deus qui ad salutem hominis medicinam per hunc salubrem salem presta ut
de errore gentilitatis anima illius convertatur et eripiatur et trinum Deum
confiteatur et diabulum repellat per abrenuntiationem signumque crucis
Domini nosti Jesu Christi qui regnat cum patre et Spiritu Sancto in saecula
Item alia oratio

Exorcizo te creatura salis in nomine Dei patris omnipotentis et in caritate

Domini nostri Jesu Christi in virtute Spiritus Sancti Exorcizo te per deum
viuum per Deum verum que te ad tutellam generis humani procreavit et
populo venienti ad credulitatem per suos seruos (servos?) consecreaisti
precipit (consecrari praecepit) proindi rogamus te Domine Deus noster ut
haec creatura salis In nomine Trinitatis efficiatur salutare sacramentum ad
effugandum inimicum quod tu Domine sanctifcando sanctificis
(sanctifices) benedicendo benedices (benedicas) ut fiat omnibus
acepientibus perfecta medicina permanes in uisceribus eorum in nomine
Domini nostri Jesu Christi qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos et
saeculum per ignem

De abrernuntiatione (abrenuntiatione)

Abrenuntias satane prespondet abrenuntio

Et omnibnus operibus ejus responde abrenuntio

Et omnibus pompis ejus respondet abrenuntio

De confessione incipt

Credis in Deum patrem omnipotentem respondet credo,

Credis et in Jesum Christum respondet credo,

Credis et in Spiritum Sanctum respondet credo,

exsufflas et tanges eum deinde tanges pectus et dorsum de oleo et crismate

dicens ungo te de oleo sanctificato in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus

Abrenuntias satanae respondet abrenuntio

Et omnibus operibus ejus respondet abrenuntio

Et omnibus pompis ejus respondet abrenuntio.

Rogamus te Domine sancte pater omnipotens aeternae (aterne) Deus

misserere famulo tuo -N- quem vocare ad rudimenta fidei dignatus es
caecitatem cordis omnem ab eo expellens disrumpe omnes laqueos satanae
quibus fuerat colligatus aperii (aperi) ei ianuam veritatis tuae + ut signo
sapientiae tuae indutus omnibus cupiditatem fetoribus careat atque suaui
(suavi) odore preceptorum tuorum laetus tibi in aeclesia deseruiat et
proficiat de Die in Diem ut idoneus efficiatur promisae gratiae tuae in
nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti in saecula saeculorum.

Medellam tuam deprecor Domine sancte pater omnipotens aeternae

(aeterne) Deus qui subuenis in piculis qui temperas flagillas te Domine
suplices exoramus ut visitatione tua sancta erigas famulum tuum -N- de
hac valitudine temtationem sicut in iob terminum pone ne inimicus de
anima ista sine redemtione babtismatis incipiat triumpare

Defer Domine exitum mortis et spatium vitae distende reuela quem

perducas ad babtismi sacramentum nee redemptioni

tuae inferas damnum tolle occasionem diabulo triumphandi et reserua

quem triumphis conpares esse Christi ut sanus

tibi in asclesia tua gratia babtismatis renascatur facturus cuncta quae

petimus per Dominum

Nee te lateat satanas inminere tibi poenas inminere tibi gehinam Diem
judici Diem suplicii sempiterrni Diem qui venturus

est velud clibanus ignis ardens in quo tibi adque angelis tuis sempiternus
preparatus est interitus et ideo pro tua nequitia
dampnate atque damnande Da honorem Deo vivo Da honorem Jesu Christo
Da honorem Spiritui Sancto Paracleto in cujus virtute precipio tibi quicum
es inmundus Spiritus ut exeas et recedas ab his famulis Dei et eos Deo suo
reddas quos Dominus Deus noster Jesus Christus ad suam gratiam et
benedictionem vocare dignatus est ut fiant ejus templum aquam
regenerationis in remisionem omnium peccatorum in nomine Domini
nostri Jesu Christi qui judicaturus est judicare vivos et mortuos et saeculum
per ignem

Isund doberar insalann imbelu indlelacit

(it is here that the salt is put into the mouth of the child)

Effeta quod est apertio effeta est hostia in honorem suavitatis in nomine
Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti

Domine sancte pater omnipotens aeterne Deus qui es et qui venturus es et

permanens usque in finem cujus

origo nescitur nec finis conprehendi potest Te Domine supplices

invocamus super hunc famulum tuum • N • quern liberasti de errore
gentilium et conversatione turpissima dignare exaudire

eum qui tibi ceruices suas humiliat perveniat ad babtismatis fontem ut

renouatus ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto expoliatus veterem hominem induatur
nouuw qui secundum te create est

accipiat vestum incorruptam et inmaculatam tibique Domino nostro seruire

mereatur in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi qui venturus est judicare
vivos et mortuos et saeculum per ignem

Deus qui ad salutem humani generis maxima in aquarum substantia

quaecumque sacramenta in aquarum substantia condidisti adesto propitius
invocationibus nostris et elimento huic multimodo purificationis tuae
effunde benedictiones ut creatura misterii seruiens et abiecendos (ad
abiiciendos) demones morbosque expellendos divine gratiae tuae sumat
effectus ut quiquid loqui (loci) in domibus fidelium haec unda resparserit
cariat inmunditia liberetur a noxia non ille resideat spiritus pestiliens non
aura corrumpens abscendant omnes insidiae laetentis inimici et si quid est
quod incolimitate (incolumitati) habitantium invidit aut quideti asparsione
aquae hujus effugiat ut salubritas per invocationem tui nominis expetita ab
omni sit inpugnatione deffensa. Per.

Exaudi nos Domine sancte pater omnipotens aeternae Deus et mitire

angelum tuum sanctum de caelis qui custodiat subeat protegat visitet et
defendat omnes inhabitantes in hoc habitaculo famuli tui illius (illuc).

Huc usque catacominus (catechumenus) Incipit oleari oleo et Crismate in

pectus et item (inter?) scapulas antequam babtizaretur deinde letania circa
fontem canitur deinde benedictio fontis In deinde -ii- salmi ---sitivit anima
mea usque vivum (Px xli. 2.): quemadmodum Vox Domini super aquas
multas (Ps XXVIII 3) adferte.

Exorcizo te creatura aquae per Deum vivum per Deum sanctum qui te in
principio verbo separavit ab arida cujus Spiritus super te ferebatur qui te de
paradiso emanare et in -iiii- fluminibus totam terram rigari precipit qui te
de petra produxit ut populum quem ex aegypto liberaverat siti fatigatum
rigaret qui te amarissimam per lignum indulcavit.

Exorcyzo te et per Jesum Christum filium ejus qui te in channan galiliae

signo ammirabile sua potentia convertit in vinum qui pedibus super te
ambulavit et ab Johanne in jordane in te babtizatus est que te una cum
sanguine de latere suo produxit et disciplus suis precepit dicens Ite docete
docete omnes gentes babtitzantes eas in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus

Tibi igitur precipio omnis spiritus immunde omne fantasma omne

mendacium eradicare et effugare ab hac creatura aquae ut discernsurus in
ea sit ei fons aquae sallientes (salientis) in vitam aeternam effice ergo aqua
sancta aqua benedicta ad regenerandos filios Deo Patri (patris?)
omnipotenti in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi qui venturus est in
Spiritu Sancto judicare seculum per ignem.

Exorcizo te creatura aquae in nomine Dei Patris omnipotentis et in nomine

Domini nostri Jesu Christi filii ejus et Spiritus Sancti omnis virtus
adversarii omnis incurus diabuli omne fantasma eradicare et effugare ab
hac creatura aquae ut sit fons sallientes (aquam?) in vitam aeternam ut cum
babtizatus fuerit fiat templum Die vivi in remisionem peccatorum per
Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum qui venturus est judicare saeculum per


Omnipotens sempiternae (sempiterne) Deus adesto magnae pietatis tuae

misteris (mysteriis) adesto sacramentis et ad creandos novos populos quos
tibi fons babtismatis parturit spiritum adoptionis emitte ut quod humilitatis
nostrae gerendum est ministerio tuae virtutes (virtuis) compleatur effectu

Deus qui invisibili potentia sacramentorum tuorum mirabiliter operaris

effectum et licet nos tantis misteris adsequandi sumus indigni tu tamen
gratiae tuae dona nom deferens etiam ad nostras preces aures tuae pietatis
inclina. Per Dominium Nostrum Jesum.

Deus cujus spiritus super aqua inter ipsa mundi primordia fereabatur
(ferebatur) ut etiam tunc virtutem sanctificationis aquarumnatura
conciperet. Deus qui innocentes mundi cremina per aquas abluens
regenerationis speciem in ipsa diluvii effussione signasti ut unius
eiusdemque elimenti ministerio et finis esset vitis (vitiis) et origo virtutibus
respice in faciem aeclesiae tuae et multiplica in ea generationes tua qui
gratiae affluentes impetu laetincas civitatem tuam fontemque babtismatis
aperis toto orbe terrarum gentibus innovandis ut tuae majestatis imperio
sumat unigeniti tui gratiam de Spiritu Sancto qui hanc aquam regenerandis
hominibus preparatam arcana sui luminis ammixtione fecundet ut
sanctificatione concepta ab immaculato divini fontes (fontis) utero in
novam renovatam creaturam rogenies caelestis emergat et quos aut sexus
in corpore aut aetas disernit in tempore omnes in una pariat gratia mater
infantiam Procul ergo hinc jubente te Domine omnis Spiritus immundus
abscedat procul tota nequitia diabuliticae (diabolicae) fraudis absistat nihil
hic loci habeat contrariae virtutis ammixtio non insidiando circumvolet non
latendo subripiat non inficiendo corrumpat Sit haec sancta et innocens
creatura libera ab omni impugnatoris incursu et otius nequitiae purgata
discessu Sit fons vivus regenerans aqua unda purificans ut omnes hoc
lavacro salutifero diluendi operante in eis Spiritu Sancto perfectae
purificationis indulgentiam consequantur. Per.

Unde benedico te creaturae

aquas per Deum vivum per

Deum sanctum, qui te in principio verbo separavit ab arida et in

quatuor fluminibas totam terram rigari precipit qui te in deserto

amaram suavitate indita fecit esse potabilem et sitienti populo

de petra produxit Benedico te et per Jesum Christum filium ejus

unicum Dominum nostrum qui te in channan galileae signo ammirabili sua

potentia convertit in vinum qui pedibus super te ambulauit et ab iohanne in
jordane in te babtizatus est qui te

una cum sanguine de latere suo produxit et discipulis suis jusit

ut credentes babtizarentur in te dicens Ite docete omnes gentes

babtizantes cos in nomine Patris et Fili et Spiritus Sancit.

Haec nobis precepta servantibus tu Deus omnipotens clemens

adesto tu benignus aspira tu has simplices aquas tuo ore benedicito

ut preter naturalem emundationem quam lauandis possunt adhibere

corporibus sint etiam purificandis mentibus efficaces discendat in hanc
plenitudinem fontis virtus spiritus tui

et totam hujus aquae substantiam regenerandi fecundet effectu hic

omnium pecatorum maculae deleantur hic natura ad imaginem tuam

condita ad honorem sui reformata principii cunctis vetustatis squaloribus
emundetur ut omnis homo hoc sacramentum regenerationis ingressus in
verae innocentiae novam infantiam renascatur: per Dominum nostrum
jesum Christum.

Deinde benedictione completa mittit sacerdos crisma in modum crucis in

fontem et quique voluerit implet vasculum aqua benedictionis ad domos
consecrandas et populus presens asparigitur aqua benedicta.

Interroga a diacono si credat in Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum.

Credis in Deum Patrem omnipotentem

Respondeat Credo.

Credis in Jesum Christum Filium ejus unicum Dominum nostrum natum et


Respondeat Credo.
Credis et in Spiritum Sanctum aeclesiam Catholicam remisionem
peccatorum carnis resurrectionem.

Respondeat Credo.

Discendit in fontem et tingitur ter ve(?) aspargitur postquam babtizaretur

oleatur cresmate in cerebrum in fonte et dat vestem candidam diacunus
super caput ejus in frontae et dicit prespiter.

Deus omnipotens Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi qui te regeneravit ex

aqua et Spiritu Sancto Quique tibi dedit remisionem omnium peccatorum
ipse te lineat crismate salutis in Christo.

Isund dognither intogath

(It is here that the anointing is done)

Ungo te de oleo et de Crismate salutis et sanctificationis in nomine Dei

Patris et Filii et Spiritus nunc et per omnia in saecula saeculorum.

Operare creatura olei operare in nomine Dei Patris omnipotentis et Filii et

Spiritus Sancti ut non lateat hic Spiritus immundus nec in membris nec in
medullis [nic in] compaginibus membrorum sed operetur in te virtus
Christi Filii Dei vivi altisimi et Spiritus Sancti per omnia saecula
saeculorm. Amen.

Et dat vestem candidam diaconus super caput ejus in frontae et dum

vestimento candido tegitur dicit prespitur:

Accipe vestem candidam sanctam et immaculatam quam perferas ante

tribunal Domini nostri Jesu Christi.

Respondeat acipio et perferam.

Et dicit prespiter apiriatur manus pueri dicens:

Signum crucis Christ + accipe in manum tuam dexteram et conseruet te in
vitam aeternam.

Respondeat Amen.

Tunc lavantur pedes ejus accepto linteo: Alleluia "lucerna pedibus mieis
verbum tuum" (Ps. CXVIII 105) Domine: Alleluia "adivua me Domine et
salvus ero" (Ps. CXVIII 117) Alleluia "visita nos Domine in salutare tuo"
(Ps. CV 4) Alleluia "tu mandasti mandata tua custodire nimis" (Ps. CXVIII
4) mandasti missericordiam tuam "opera manuum tuarum ne dispicias" (Ps.
CXXXVII 8) "Si ego lavi pedes vestros Dominus et magister vester et vos
debedis alter alterius pedes lavare Exemplum enim dedi vobis ut
quemadmodum feci vobis ita et vos facitis" (John XIII 14, 15) exemplum
Domini nostri Jesu Christi hospitibus perigrinis tuis.

Corpus et sanguis Domini nostri Jesu Christi sit tibi in vitam aeternam.

Refecti spiritalibus escis cibo caelesti corpore et sanguine Domini recreati

Deo Domino nostro Jesu Christo debitas laudes et gratias referamus
orantes indefessam ejus missericordiam ut divini muneris sacramentum ad
incrementum fidei et profectum aeternae salutis habeamus. Per.

Oremus fratres carisimi pro fratre nostro -N- qui gratiam Domini
consecutus est ut babtisma quod accipit immaculatum atque integrum
perferat ante tribunal Domini nostri Jesu Christi qui cum Patre et Spiritu
Sancto, ...

Deus tibi gratias agimus per quem misteria sancta celebravimus et a te

sanctitatis dona deposcimus: per Dominum.

Alleluia: "Memento nostri Domine in beneplacito populi tui visita nos in

salutari tuo" (Ps. CV 4)
Alleluia: "Ostende nobis Domine usque nobis" (Ps. LXXXIV 8)

Salva nos Jesu qui potes salvarae qui dedit animam det et salutem. per

Order of the Visitation of the Sick, with Administration of Extreme

Unction and Communion.

Benedic Domine hanc creaturam aquae ut sit remedium generi humano

salutare presta per invocationem nominis tui per hanc creaturam aquae
corporis sanitatem et animae tutellam rerum defensionem. Per.

Exorcizo te spiritus immunde per Deum patrem omnipotentem qui fecit

caelum et terram mare et omnia quae in eis sunt ut omnis virtus adversarii
omnes exercitus diabuli omnis incursus omne fantasma inimici eradicetur
et effugetur ab hac creatura aquae ut sit sancta et salutifera et ignis ardens
adversus insidias inimici per invocationem nominis Domini nostri Jesu
Christi qui judicaturus est saeculum per ignem in Spiritu Sancto. Amen.

Oremus fratres Dominum Deum nostrum pro fratrae nostro [ N quem duri
(Words here in bracket are supplied from the closely similar office in the
BOOK OF DIMMA)] ad pressens malum langoris adulcerat ut eum
Domini pietas caelestibus dignetur curare medicinis qui dedit animam det
et salutem. Per.

Deum vivum omnipotentem cui omnia opera restaurare et confirmare

facillimum est fratres carissimi pro fratre nostro infirmo -N- supliciter
oremus quo creatura manum sentiat creatoris ut aut in reparando aut in
recipiendo in nomine (Homine from book of Dimma) suo pius pater opus
suum recreare dignetur. Per dominum nostrum Jesum Christm...

Domine sancte pater universitatis auctor omnipotens aeternae Deus cui

cuncta vivunt qui vivificas mortuos et vocas ea quae non sunt tamquam ea
quae sunt tuum solitum opus qui es magnus artifex pie exercere (exerce as
in Book of Dimma) in hoc tuo plasmate. Per Christum...

Deum in cujus manu tam halitus viventis quam vita morientis fratres
dilectissimi diprecemur ut corporis hujus infirmitatem sanet et animae
salutem prestet ut quod per meritum non meretur missericordiae gratia
consequatur orantibus nobis prestet per Dominum nostrum Jesus Christi...

Domine sancte pater omnipotens aeternae Deus qui es via et veritas et vita
exaudi et conserva famulum tuum hunc -N- quem vivificasti et redimisti
pretio magno sancti sanguinis filii tui qui regnas.....


Deus qui non vis mortem sed ut convertatur peccatoris mortem et vivat
huic ad te ex corde converso peccata dimite et perennis vitae tribue
gratiam. Per Dominum...

Deus qui facturam tuam pio semper donaris affectu inclina aurem tuam
supplicantibus nobis tibi ad famulum tuum -N- adversitate velitudinem
corporis laborantem placidus respice vissita eum in salutari tuo et caelestis
gratiae concede medicamentum. Per...


Matt. XXII 23, 29-33

In illo tempore acesserunt saducei ad eum dicentes non esse resurrectionem

et interrogaverunt eum respondens Jesus illis ait arratis nescientes
scripturas neque virtutem Dei in resurrectione enim neque nubent neque
nubentur sed erunt sicut angeli Dei in caelo de resurrectione autem
mortuorum non legistis quomodo dictum est a Domino dicente vobis ego
sum Deus abracham Deus issac Deus jacob non est ergo Deus mortuorum
sed Deus viventium et audientes turbae mirabantur doctrina ejus.
Reading: Matt. XXIV 29-31

In Book of Dimma I Cor. XV 19-22

In illis diebus dixit Jesus "statim autem post tribulationem dierum illorum
sol obscurabitur et luna non dabit lumen suum et stelle cadent de caelo et
virtutes caelorum commobebuntur et tunc apparebit signum filii hominis in
caelo et tunc plangent se omnes tribus terrae et videbunt filium hominis
venientem in nubibus caeli cum virtute multa et maistate et mittet angelos
suos cum tuba et voce magna et congregabunt electos suos a quatuor ventis
a summis caelorum usque ad terminos eorum."

Ungo te de oleo sanctificato ut salveris in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus

Sancti in saecula ....

Concede Domine nobis famulis tuis ut orantibus cum fiducia dicere

meriamur Pater noster qui est in.... (Our Father prayer)

Libera nos Domine ab omni malo et custodi nos in moni bono Jesu Christe
auctor omnium bonorum qui regnas in saecula saeculorum.

Oramus te Domine pro fratre nostro -N- cui infirmitate sua officium
commonionis (missing words?) ut si qua eum saecularis macula invassit
aut vitium mundiale inficit dono tuae pietatis indulgeas et extergas. Per...

Domine sancte pater te fidiliter deprecemur ut accipiendi fratri nostro

sacrosanctam hanc aeucharistiam corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Jesu
Christi tam carnis quam animae sit salus. Per Dominum.

Exaudi nos Domine Jesu Chrsite Deus noster pro fratre nostro infirmo te
rogantes ut tua sancta euchoristia sit ei tutella. per Dominu.
Administration of Communion

(Could this be where the Ordo of Communion start for the regular
mass too???)

Pax et caritas Domini nostri jesu Christi et commonicatio sanctorum

tuorum (suorum?) sit semper nobiscum.

Respondeat Amen.

Corpus et sanguis Domini nostri jesu Christi Filiii Dei vivi altisimi.

Reliqua (From Book of Dimma:) Conservait animam tuam in vitam


Accepto salutari divini corporis cibo salutari nostro Jesu Christo gratias
agimus quod sui corporis et sanguinis sacramento nos a morte liberavit et
tam corporis quam animae humano generi remedium donare dignatus est
qui regnat.

Agimus Deo Patri omnipotenti gratias quod terrene nos originis atque
naturae sacramenti sui dono in caelestem vivificaverit demotationem. Per

Converte nos Deus "salutem nostrarum"(Ps. LXXXIV 5) et infirmorum

presta salutem nostrorum.

Quia satiavit animam inanem (Ps. CVI 9) et animam essurientem satiavit

(Ps. CVI 9) bis (bis for repeat Alleluia?) Alleluia Alleluia.

Vissita nos Deus in salutari tuo (Ps. CV 4) Alleluia

Fortidudo mea usque salutem. (Ps. CXVII 14) Alleluia

Calicem salutaris accipiam usque invocabo (Ps. CXV 13) Alleluia.

Refecti Christi corpore et sanguine tibi semper Domine dicamus. Alleluia

Laudate Dominum omnes gentes usque in finem. (Ps. CXVI 1)

Sacrificate sacrificium justitiae et sperate in Domino (Ps. IV 6)

Deus tibi gratias agimus per quem misteria sancta celebravimus et ad te

sanctitatis dona deposcimus qui regnas in saecula saeculorum.

Benedicat tibi Dominus et custodiat te ostendatque Dominus faciem suam

tibi et misereatur tui convertat Dominus vultum suum ad te et det tibi

Et respondit Amen.

Tunc signans eum dicito.

Signaculo crucis Christi signaris

Pax tecum in vitam aeternam

Et Respondit Amen.

Finit ordo Communionis.


For a (bad?) eye.

I honour Bishop Ibar who heals... May the blessing of God and of
Christ's ... heal thine eye... whole thine eye.

For a Thorn.

A splendid salve which binds a thorn : let it not be spot nor

blemish, let it not be swelling nor illness, nor clotted gore, nor

lamentable hole, nor enchantment. The sun's brightness heals

the swelling, it smites the disease.

For disease of the urine.

put thy urine in . . . thy . . . and thy health. May a cure

of health heal thee !

Treaty and Rubrics on the Missal

The altar is the figure of the persecution which causes them (the
Christians) sufferings.

The Chalice, it is the figure of the Church which was set and founded on
the persecution and on the martyrdom of the prophets and others.

Water is put into the chalice and this is chanted thereat: Peto te Pater,
deprecor te Fili, obsecro te Spiritus Sancte, to wit, the figure of the pepole
that was poured fourth into the Church.

The Host, then, upon the altar, to wit, the turtledove. This is chanted
thereat, to wit Jesus Christus, Alpha et Omega, hoc est principium et finis.
A figure of Christ's Body which was set in the linen sheet of Mary's womb.

Wine then for water into the chalice, to wit, Christ's Godhead for his
Manhood and for the people at the time of His begetting: this is chanted
hereat: Remittit Pater, indulged Filius, miseretur Spiritus Sanctus.

What is chanted of the Mass thereafter, both introit and prayers and
additions, as far as the lesson of the Apostles (the Epistle) and the psalm of
degrees (the Gradual), that is a figure of the law of Nature, wherein Christ
was renovated through all his members and deeds. The lesson of the
Apostles, however, and the psalm of degrees and from this to the
uncovering (of the chalice), it is a commemoration of the law of the Letter
wherein Christ was figured, save that what was figured therein was not

The uncovering, as far as half, of the Host and of the chalice, and what is
chanted thereat, both Gospel and Alleluia as far as oblata, it is a
commemoration of the law of the Prophets wherein Christ was manifestly
foretold, save that it was not seen until He was born.
The elevation of the Chalice after the full uncovering thereof when oblata
is chantedm that is a commemoration of Christ's Birth and of His glory
through signs and miracles.

When accepit Jesus panem is chanted the priest bows himself down thrice
to repent of his sins: he offers it (the chalice) to God, (and chantes
Miserere mei, Deus,) and the pepole kneels and sounds of whisper cometh
n ot, lest the priest be disturbed, for this is his due, that hsi mind separate
not from God while he chants this lesson:L therefore its name is
"periculosa oratio".

The three steps which the ordained man steps backwards and which he
again steps fowards, this is the three-things wherein ever one sinneth, to
wit, in word, in thought, in deed, and this is the three-things through which
he is again renovated and through which he is moved unto Christ's Body.

The examination wherewith the priest examines the chalice and the Host,
and the attack which he meditates to break it, that is a figure of the
disgraces and of the blows and of the capture of Christ.

The Host on the paten is Christ's Flesh on the tree of the Cross.

The fraction on the paten is Christ's Body which was broken with nails on
the Cross.

The meeting with which the two halves meet after the fraction is a figure of
the wholeness of Christ's Body after resurrection.

The submersion with which the two halves are submerged in the chalice is
a figure of the submersion of Christ's Body in His Blood after the
wounding on the cross.

The particle which is cut off from the bottom of the half which is on the
priest's left hand is the figure of the wounding with the lance in the armpit
of the right side; westwards was the face of Christ on the cross, to wit,
against the city, and eastwards was the face of Longinus, for what unto him
was left unto Christ was right.

The fraction is of seven kinds, to wit, five particles of the common Host as
figure of the five senses of the soul: seven of the Host of the saints and
virgins (save the chief ones) as a figure of the seven gifts of the Holy
Ghost: eight of the Host of martyrs as a figure of the octonary New
Testament: nine of the host of Sunday as a figure of the nine households of
heave and the nine grades of the Church: eleven of the Host of the apostles
as a figure of the incomplete number of the apostles after the sin of Judas:
twelve of the Host of Kalends (the Circumcision) and Maundy Thursday in
commemoration of the complete number of the Apostles: thirteen of the
Host of Little-Easter and the Festival of the Ascension... through there is
distributed... going to communion as a figure of Christ with His twelve
apostles. The five and the seven and the eight and the nine and the eleven
and the twelve and the thirteen, they are 65 altogether, and it is the...
number that is in oblation of Easter and Christmas and Whitsunday, for in
Christ is all that comprised, and in the form of a cross is all set on the
paten, and the upper part is inclined to the left hand, as was said Inclinato
capite tradidit spiritum.


The setting of the fraction at Easter and Chrismas: thirteen particles in the
tree of the crosses, nine in the their cross-piece, twenty particles in their
cuairt-roth, five particles in each angle, sixteen both in the circle and in the
body of the crosses, that is, .... the Middle particle it is... that is, a figure of
the breast with the secrets. What is from... of the shaft to bishops. The
cross-piece on the left hand to priests: that on the right hand to all... that
from the cross-piece down, to anchorites.... of repentance: that which is in
the left upper angle to true clerical students: the right upper to innocent
children, the left lower to folk of constant prayers (monks?), the right
lower to flk of lawful marriage and to folk that do not...(Rest may read as
recipe for taking communion, not to savour the host but to swallow it and
not to get in under the back teeth. )

Another translation for this paragraph:

The arrangement of the contraction at Easter and

Christmas : thirteen particles
1 in the stem of the crosses, nine
in its cross-piece, twenty particles in its circle-wheel, five particles
in each angle, sixteen both in the circle and in the body of. the
crosses, that is, four for every part. The middle particle is that
to which the mass priest goes, i.e. the figure of the breast with
the secrets. What is from that upwards of the shaft to bishops :
the cross-piece on the left hand to priests : that on the right hand
to all sub-grades : that from the cross-piece down to anchorites
and penitents : that which is in the left upper angle to true
young clerics : the right upper to innocent children : the left
lower to folk of repentance : the right lower to folk lawfully
married and to those that go not before to communion.
19. This is what God deems worthy, the mind to be in the
symbols of the Mass, and that this be thy mind : the portion of
the Host which thou receivest (to be) as it were a member of
Christ from His Cross, and that there may be a cross of labour
on each (in) his own course, because it unites to the crucified
Body. It is not meet to swallow the particle without tasting it,
as it is improper not to seek to bring savours into God's mysteries.
It is not proper for it to go under the back teeth, (this) symbolizing
that it is improper to dispute over much on God's
mysteries, lest heresy should be increased thereby.
Finit. Amen. Deo Gratias.

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