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BEAST ENTZ PRESENTZ... £2°95 TORTURED SOULS! PAA Ae ese TN er ete ae et eee toe ISSUE ONE: ; 3 SCENARIOS & A SOLO ADVENTURE BEAST ENTZ PRESENTZ. TORTURED What _is TORTURED SOULS! ? TORTURED SOULS! is unique among fantasy publications, combining high quality module moterial with an inexpensive magazine format. Every issue contains solid gaming material, consisting solely of ready-to-play scenarios for the leading role-playing games systems, put together by some of the most experienced writers in the country. With four or more complete scenarios in every issue, we believe that TORTURED SOUL: gives you a much better deal than ordinary packaged modules. Check out the adventures in this issue, and see If you agree with us! TORTURED SOULS! also features the superb Zhalindor Campaign series of modules (see next column). These con be played independ- ently, but get hold of a copy of TS! number 3 to appreciate them at their best! THE CHEVALIER'S SHRINE AD&D Floorplan-bosed scenario THE CRYSTAL KEYS AD&D solo adventure THE RISING TOWER AD&D/Zhalindor_ module TOMB OF @ADIR AD&D/Zhalindor module Credits: Covers: Wayne Clack, Maps: Psi, Colour maps/Floor- plons: Jack, Scenorio Art: Phil Chidlow, Wayne Clack. This Is the Oct. 1963 Issue of Tortured Soulal, ished elses LtG, Unit 18, 16-20 Goorae St, BA? TRG, properly "of the. publish Specific written errongenen's ore mode to the conttary. SOULS! 1 What is the ZHALINDOR CAMPAIGN ? The central modules in TORTURED SOULS! are colour-coded and designed to be pulled out and built into a separate collection. Although these modules con just be used as standard AD&D scenarios (either individually, or incorporated into an existing campaign), they may also be combined to replicate the Zhalindor Campaign, a challenging series for experienced players. The Zhalindor Campaign is compatible with other AD&D games, but contains some special features thot give It a flovour of its own. TS!3 gives details of how to set up the Campaign, and explains the varying spell effects that occur according to geographical location. TS!4 details the deities of the Campaign, and the differing obilities they give to their individual worshippers. BEAST ENTERPRISES jvoncad Dungnons And Dropons!™, ADADM™", Dungsors And Drogort™, osm, ‘Monusl"™, "Monster Menval oe fine Tol i piblaha by Fyig Butte the ncqretane and eddie te tele ge ten of at publication ‘ond its authors, end ore rot considered officiel additions 3 red. Souls! Is peated i Hurst Street, Oxford, OX4 THO. Your recently formed party hes boon hawking ite wares for the post few days in the small market town of Greendale. However Sou rave met wiih tittle success; “the occupants of the town ppear to be lawful with an excessive zeal, and. your presence hhas been frowned upon wherever you go. Realizing that a town full qf sucn ‘extreme Digots nas lutle use of your” valuable Adventuring skille, you decide to heve a vilé night an the towne You therefore descend on the nearest hostelry in high spirite. The occupants. glance up from thelr gemes of omnoes end shove hnalf-copper with distinct lnoles of reproash, and bythe start of the third round of watered ‘ale (a consumption considered Aistinctty indecent by toca! standards), the other occupants have ‘etther vacated the promises or moved to the extreme end of the bar. It is at this pont that the cor suddenly flles open to Nerald the ‘errival of” a squad of the city wale, the officer i charge striding boldly up 10 your table. Even accustomed as, you are to the local standards, you are rather surprised al uch an tariy intrusion into your evening's ality. "However, when he Suggests “withdrawing” to on upper room to discuss. “a mutually Beneficial contract” ‘you begin te suspect thet fate may be taking more lentent ‘ne with your fortunes We accompanies you clone to the upper room, where ne throws back his cape to reveal shart-cropped blond hair and stecly. blue eyes, before commencing his story ta dipped military’ ton "Same years ago our pecceful town was suddenly attacked ty large inthe of eros lod by 2 fearsome ogre. Fighting. continued at the main. gctes and on’ the walls themselves for ‘several days. Just “os. it" seemed that we could hold cut no longer, a herole igure appocred from. the east. riding @ grea! white warhorae- Cutting a swath through the ores, he drev gradually closer to the ogre before having his horse cut down from under hime He ‘bloody and wounded, to teow a curt challenge to the ‘monster. The ores drew back leaving the pair in single-combat. The fight was long and harsh, our unknown saviour receving Yerripte wounds, but at last the’ great ogre chieftain fell. Then, ‘on his sword, bloody and exhausted from the fray, the ores fall upon the victor, determined to avenge the death of thelr We immediately sounded the charge, and 1 led our ‘remaining horeomon en a ally into the midst of the evil oreatures. They put up a minimal resistance, and without their leader’ to" spur them on they soon fal back ih route We chased thom far across the fied, and '« great number were killed ~ thove who escaped have never’ returned. However. when ve recched the spot ‘of the heroic combat, the body of. our unknown knight lay bates the orcs having wreaked a terrible revenge: ‘"Prom the tattered remains of hia pennons ive Ident fied him se belonging to the order of Chevalier, though we were never able 0 discover ‘his ramen It wes the desire of many citizens of this town, myself included. that a shrine should be wrested to house ni "remains and keep alive the menory of Nis great deeds. Since there were tsuffictent funds forthcoming to complete such a task, fan old abandoned temple was cleared out and refitted for the Purpose. Two clerics were appetnied to look q'ter the shrine and fend the gurden, in return for a nominal sun paid annually Cy) the town ‘council. "It won decided to. dedioate ‘the shrine ae Of peace. Accordingly no citizen may bear arms within the gnrine ‘on garden, ‘nd no person of miory rank may enier. It is. because of that ruling thet 1 on forcs request your vices. There have been certain “occurences recently. which /e suggested that the Chevaliers shrine 1s not what it seems. nnlliary are unable to vestiga the “town council have proved unwilling Hovever 1 am not prepared to let the matter, rest, decided. to ‘personally fund @ amall ‘expedition’ to” bring "any Imisprectices ‘to light "se that the town gounell will be forced to fake wctbn. It & your mission, should sou accept, 10 secretly ‘onion the shrine and find out enactly what te hapentag. You are {0 take the minimum of personal risks, merely discover the trut fand report back to me; I shall then follow the matter up myself. V'vish this task to be dealt wih as won as possibte and'T whi mest you here again in 48" hours time. If’ you have the information I require, 1 wil then pay you a fee of $0 gp exch. 1 advise you nol to discuss this matter with anyone eee. Good night. gentlemen! * ‘So saying, he rejos his men and they quickly exit. The town cock strikes 10.00 as yeu begin to form your. plans. DMs HerRODUCTION: ‘This sconsrio i designed for use by a relatively inexperienced DM, and i suitable for s group of fairly new playere. A typical parly would consis! of 6-7 ist level characters, with a variety Of chameter Glasses. However it requires more thought end skill than the more conventional "Degianera’ Scenarios; which val too often meraly comprise mindless ‘tack-and-slay" and give Aaproportiontdy large rewards. DMs woud. therefore be Wal-advised to Save this edventure for players who have taken ert ina few scenarios of the type mentioned, and who are tow Pandy for & more challenging test of their role-playing’ skills. DO not think, ‘however, that you, as DM, are excluded Crom this grenter challenge. Your function in earlor scenarios may have “vonsisted almost entirdy. of reading loud the room Goseriptions ana consulting Fue books, but mow you must tke w ‘more sctive ‘tole. While this scenario contains the minimum Information required for play, it up to you to supply edditional ideas and information, and make rulings in new situations which may arise. You wil find that se sour players become more experienced, the demands they place on you wil te far greater. For example, an intaligent party will not rush blindly in, but fttonpt to ecout the shrine {rat tia up to you to make ralings fon what they do in this respect. Will they ‘be able to enter a ‘nearby building overlooking the garden and cbserve its cocupants for a time? And what ranotion wil the scoupante make if thoy. realite they are being watched? Room descriptions too have been Kept toa minimum, and it up to you to supply the Meas to faake them ‘come alive. tow are they decorsted?, what unusual Moms they contain’, do they have any peculiar, characteristics Comperature, ‘smell, ete)? ‘An important part of this. detailing proores is to determine the differences there will be depending on The ‘tine of day the players choose to enter the shrine. A timetable of the usual dally routine is included (you may wish to ‘vary’ this ‘somewhat) and you should use this. In ‘conjunction with the rocm descriptions to determine the ocoupants of room at a given tine, and thelr Ukely renotions to the players entry. It is esumed that there are no wandering monsters" in this scenario, but you may wish to construct. similar table yourself. This would consist of the occupants, plus their ‘guests’ and any other pave to be [ditions you see fit to make,’ would, of course ifferent for-cach period given inthe timetadt sich ovcupert i normally. in the areas stated, bat Shance of appearing as 1 'wanderer’ in arpther area Show ‘onnatocting thie tab {pear in another arm when they are supposed” to te locked in ther room." During pening hours", towever. there are several possible. pieces where they. could be, and your tables should Feflet this variation in qonditions. For experienced DAS most of the above will of course be second halure, and you wil have no trouble “Meshingzout this centrio "to" sult” your own" particular needs. Note. that rperionced players wil require a greater challenge than could be faced by the navies, and you shotle therefore. snoose one. ofthe sNernative scenarios’ to be ound at the ond of thin nection: ‘A'final introductory note concerns. problem that occurs all two often anengst veginning players, that of relatively few being Biectly.tavowwed. "Eadiy "i 'e uwvally fost the ‘ellos? andthe inapnater’ who, fave any tual invdvonent and, delsion making apanity, with other payers Teiegated to sitting around. waiting 10 throw aloe when romueeteds In trdar meke'the soanano satiar to" visualise, and therefore lead. to greater involvement, we Feoonmend using Dungeon Floor Plana {0 ay out" the shrine end Gangoon- Camea Workobop Ltd. manufactsre those exellent play fis, and have kindly given us’ permission to reproduce them in {his' magazine. ‘The map on page 9 18 therefore’ based. on thelr Plans Pease note that this) map Is greatly reduced from. the Srignal approx. one cnet the ares and dn it ropreent fin" nocurate copy ‘product (particularly In. terns. of Salou). I ts included only see guide to which’ constituents of {he ‘oor plans to use, end thelr relative sizes (1 square on tap =I floor plan square = 3" square soale size). 1S obst wo" propece (ie pais. prior to plays Glue ail the constituents. of ach room, including -stalues. plants, ete. but ‘Sdviously not secret" doors into-one plece. Each room can then be Yea" out) ee is entered. You may wlan to leave coors, and furniture separate ao that they ean be moved dusing pny We have shown grourd and Ist floor rooms’ to be floored in rey. while second “aor rooms are shown ir pale: Yelowe Note hat com. 10.2 on two levels; we recommend making, it in? pieces. The bottom ficor will te the yellow area, + 1 square Fort, ast and west Cine part under the ‘belcony). Draw the Binok circles (pillars) on this level. Ths top. floor will be the grey area Coaloony) together with the statues and benches; this Shouid only te used Fine players enter tne balcory evel. | Note ‘tlso that the double doors and scorct doors. load from room 10°t0 2nd level rooms. ‘The 3 normal doors lead to first level rooms (Go: lead eff trom the balcony) Please write and tell us if you like the idee of soonarios designed 10 be compatitie with ‘the floor. plans. if it proves Popular we will use it regularly for beginners’ scenarios, and pertaps ovcesionally for regular scenarios as wells \CKGROUND The players sould te (old only the tmekground appearing on page %, plus any rumours (eee page 6) that you disclose ae # Fesult of ‘their enquiries. The following background i= intended exclusively for the use of the DM, and therefore should under no Slecumstanane be revealed to the players ‘The two series appointed with the task of the shrine’s upkeep soon tired of this menial duty, end considered the nominal wages Gn ineult. to thelr "ccoleeiastioal etatus- Boing ocretly rather motivated and. given to contemplation of the darker things in ‘im common with many citizens of the ostensibly Ultralawfal town, they decided. to put their discovery of the Secret door from room 2 to a suitably nefarious purpose. ‘Viedaf, the thinker of the clerical pair, observing that many of the richer and more respected eitisens’ bemoaned the lack of Greendale ‘nightlife! es much as the clerics themselves, set about finding @ profitable solution to the dilemma. ile reasoned, quite correclly as later events lave proved, ‘het these tients? would wilingy ‘my forthe facility’ of ¢ ‘club! with a touch of Gxcitenents He therefore set shout the task of dearing out the Secret tenple the pair tac dhcovered, end fitting It out to sult {te now purpose. [twas at this point that Brock, the younger and more lecherous of the pair, suggested the incorporation of a ‘oaberet featuring scantily-clad dancing girls. The idea met with Viedat's firm approval, end. Brock vallartly forced. himsdf to scout Imongat. the local talent. Afters mgorous selection procedure (the irle being chosen ae much for thok poor wits ae for thelr Took), and suitable training, the cub was ready to open, Redaf insisied on taking good measures to preserve the secrecy the operation. The aionta wore. carefully saeoted in Advance.” They were then, subjected to a rigorous investigation by Viedat before being advised of the scheme, and were sole nly sworn to secrecy on joining. Brock was dispatched to a nearby town, where ho nade secret agreement with the local ‘Thieves! Guild, “Nike the ‘Cutpurse was put in charge of security for the Shrine Haelt; he patrols It personally at night and” employs menbers of the Guild to take the day shift. ‘In addition «100m nthe temple itself vas fitted out for the gis! use, and they are ‘not alowed to leave the complex, being locked In their room when not performing. ‘The scheme was » groat success; local businessmen and sinilar noteworthies found the carefree atmosphere of the club a perfect Tonio to the oppressive cultural standards of the town, therefore considering the membership, entrance and” drink’ costs Worth-while investment, Vedat has. so ‘far ben carerul 10 proveve security, manbers may suggest other friends wo possible new cients, but Viedaf insists on vetting them himself before any contact it’ made. Brock and. Nik, towever, think “that the Glentde should te expanded; Mik, la particular, would like to fee a move towards an "Adventurers! Club" with mambers drawn fromthe surrounding more lberal-minded towns." Viecat has % far proved unwilling to implement these suggestions. Shortly after the cluble opening, Viedaf and. Brock discovered the svorat ‘doors to the Inner Tanple, and explored this area furthers They decided to move into rooms 13 and 14, and therefore cancaled thet previous tenandes.. In an idle manent Brock struck the temple gong, lesding to the discovery of the other oosupant, “the gunt fresh-water octopus OTBFOunbar. win ‘normally resides in 17a Viedat maneged to communicate using his speak with animals spell, and. was thus informed of the original use of the Inner Teapie. ChBPOomber, an ancient and highly intelligent animal decided tong ago. that life would "bo much easier if he. took Advaniage of the strange Mumanold habit Of worship. Ascoraingly We triversed the lengeh of the river in oareh of follower Finally finding an oreish shaman with speak with animals, he presented hime asa powerful god-ike being who had selected the muernble creatures to be his humble followers. ‘An evil human cleric visiting the oré camp had been so impressed with GI'BFOombar's demeanour, that he had secretly. greed with the od" to bulld « tomple in which he could be Approprittly housed. ‘The temple was duly ‘built. and regular Seorifices initited. "The cleric, however, fled the are when faced with the rising tide of lawfulness thet has resulted “in Greendale’ precent social dinate. GIBPOombar was left locked in sits, and. survived on # diet of inquisitive river fish, until Fedlgcovered by. Brock ‘and. Viedaf. During this ‘tine the Gorcondants. of his original ‘ore tribe had tmoed his whereabouts hey know he le somewhere inthe town, but do not know exactly here), and launched. the. attack im un attempt to regain te Favour ‘of their benign end bonificent detty. ‘GF8POombar however is happy with his present arrangements. He Teselves a regular supply of sultatie delicades, and oceasinal sacrifices, in return for the unusual “pert he plays in the fenbaret. "He has also convinced Viedat that eventual control the town wil be his (through ore troops supplied by the od"), If Viedaf continues the current arrangements.” Viedaf and Brook fare happy too, both considering the office of ‘High Priest” or "Direct Personal Attendant to the Godhead’ for an evil sect, far more appealing than 'Shrine-keepor’ for a good one- RUMOURS If PCe make enquiries, ther at one of the taverns in the town, ‘or in’ the location” of the shrine itsoif, there sre many possible rumcurs they could be tad. You shoud use sone of the Snes below, and invent sone of your own, but keeping « god Inixture of ‘true (1), false CH) and pertilly true Cut’ in some eases misleading) (PY Give a fov references to rock's recent atrangs behaviour, few examples, all (1) are as fallow He tas lelt his former resileney, rmbody knows where he i row living Several town-girls have complained that he has made indecont He. no longer attends the temple dedicated to his sect, jperiors are worried at his acupns. ‘mas been seen in neighbouring towne talking to persons of A repute. ‘The only “avalible information on Viedat willbe sappeared some months ago and hes tot been 00m since Other examples of possible rumours are: ‘The Chevalier Stil aive (at in spirit) and wreaks revenge on anyone bringing! arms inte his shrine CP« ‘The Cheviller was sealed into his sarcophagus together with hf magical arms and armour, and a large number of gems CBs The shrine is now hap! locked all day CP). Suspicious characters have been seen in the gardens (7). Several young Indies have disappeared lately (1). ‘The ore tribe that previously attacked the tows are planning revenge and have a Secret Hde-out in the town (FD. his that he N.D. If churucters spend Line obtaining rumours you should give fe ‘small chance that Hrock will get to hear tbout it (und modify the derios" actions. aconrdingly )- ADVANCED Sc! Although the Shrine has been presented in a format designed primarily for relatively now players, It sufficiently vereatilo to be used in a variety of situstions for more experienced groups « ‘The simplest of these le to uso the Shrine exactly as detaled {in the Boginners! Seenario, tut to adjust the strength of the erty to compensate for the skill of the players. There are many possible options, but. we Tecommend "using just 2 characters, Second level Thicf and a sccond level Pighter (both with STR 109). Of course this limits the use of the Scenario to only one or two players, and for this reason Dils wil protebly wish to seve the tdventure unt such a situation occurs (eg: due to absence of some regular players at “a particular’ ganing session). Shrine ‘can thus ‘br used as’ an interesting diversion or when regular ‘campaign plays. impossible “Gt should easdy be Completed in one grming session). Note that the tise of only 2 charicters will demand considerable shill from the players, and tte abilities of the ‘Thiet will cone to the forefronts, You may this with to consider the use of the. detalled Thieves’ Teale Gescriptions given in WD 45 for added Interest. Troorpomation of the ‘Shrine into an existing campaign rather ‘more complex, since the party will generally bo. stronger than those ‘previously detailed.” If ‘the ‘differences are slight the Scenario can be used as written, Dut co not give the party any Fumours on which to base their plans. Alternatively give a Gifterent “and less informative) ‘introduction, a recommendation from a siranger thet "something interesting” ean be found fem gang tat Taoneinng wereting” Gp", found key as written, you nay wish to give the derles more offensive ‘spills in order to deal with possibie attacks For stronger partheo you will have to kerease the ailitioe of the occupants, perhaps “by Taking Viedst and Brock an Evil High Priest and Evil Priest respectively, and increasing the numbers and abilitie of the Thicvess. "An ellernative ie toreet hurder ‘scenario: one that has proved to te infuriatingly fiendish {is tho ald inminent’ scenario.” tn thie version one of the ‘lub enters tus received a “tip-off that the Shrine is due to be Feided by the militiry. lle therefore draws up 2 false Membership lists (vith his own name emitted, ‘but the names of Several business rivals added). “He onploys the party to enter the Shrine and secretly swap these lists for the ‘real ones. (he knows one is in the office, but hus no due as to the wheresbouts of, the otter). It tof qourse qxsental” that nobody showld ites the exchange and Hve), and the party must act promptly: 6 the raid i scheduled for the fdlowing evening- To edd further complexty the DM could Tun this scenario atecienenenly WR 6 vei by lor Save Ghamasters_ eee the Besic scensric (on the assumption that the Captain of the Watch does not ‘know the planned raid). The 2 parties should enter the Shrine at “differant times, the order and interval being determined by the Di. While’ it i assumed. that the low-level party will be runes NPCs by the DM, it i possible (though not Feconmended) for an experknced DM "to dmultenocusly run both erties 18 competing groups of player characters. ‘TUE END OF THE ADVEWTURE ‘There are several possible outcomes to the scenario, depending fon the plan the pariy decide to implement, the egrec of sucess they achieve and their subsequent sctions. ‘One ‘possibility is that the party will not even attempt to investigate the Shrine; they might decide to. merely Invent sultalle story to tell the Ceptein at thelr next mecting. If the party can successfully convinge the Captain that they have indeed Investigated the Shrine, and supply & suitably lurid account of the interior dopravitioe, ‘he will happily pay thom thelr foo. as arranged. The party wil therefore gain the reward at mininal Fisk, though they will, of course, lose out on the fun of playing the sosnaro! "the DM should ‘docke. the sor of “stories the Captain would find acceptable, in general “anything invaving hhunan sacrifice (especlally female), or corruption in high places. Ita party manages to gain « substantial bounty during thelr investigation of the Shrine (eg: the Paladin’s magic items), and they correctly reason that’ such items vill be confiscated by ‘the Captain, they may decide not to attend the return meeting, hastily leaving the town instead. In this case, or if for any otter reason’ they decide ‘to leave the town, they. will escape Unhingered if they leave between 8 em and’ 8 pa.” However the Night Wetoh has orders to bring all strangers attempting to leave town to the Ceptain, who will require # convincing explanation as to the players” aotives. “If the party donot show: up_at the Atranged meeting, bat have not loft the town. they wil be found in 1-4 days and will have to answer to the Captain es above. Even in the absence of such a bounty, the party might stil be unwise to report all (ar. indeed any) cf thet findings, if they thought that they could obtain a better deal dscwhere- A party in possession of the membership lst, for example, is in a good position to blecksiail the (ostensibly) rexpectable mombers ‘the Club. If the characters make discrete enquiries ‘they will learn {hats of the names on the list arv of influential lool merchants, 2vare embers of the town council and another ia a miltary officer (the Captain of the Day Watch). The latter would simply sure that the party was killed while resisting arrest’ if ected to # Backmall threat; the other. 7 notemorthies would feach cough up 10-100 gp for a first denand, but would stall further “payments and Gontact the Assassins’ “Guild; ‘the other venbers ‘on the list wil not respond to blackmail: threats, The Hist could be sold to a rival of the 5 businessmen for 200-500 gp. ‘A party could also invent anew lst to take to the Captain, retaining the real list" for one of the uses above. Casual ‘enquiries will Gasily provide ‘the ‘names of most. of the town's oteworthies, and 1 false list will be sufficient to keep the Captain happy ‘as tong as It mentions several prominent citizens. Tf the purty setually decide to stick to the original deal with the Captain, his response will depend on the inforamtion they Obtained, and any other sections tat the party disctese to fins He will pay nothing unioss the party ponotmted at lonst as far ac the ‘Seorat Temple (room 10); be wil pay twice the arranged foe It tmey discoverea the Inner’ Temple. "He wil aso give # bonus of 200 gp for a monberehip lat (regerdiene of authenticity). ie will have the party searched and corfiscate any itens previously Delonging to the Paladin, together with any jewalry, but allow the party to keep ary. solnago found.” Womover he points out again hut’ the task of the party was to discover information, not to eke any direct action. If the perty hlled elther of the derics he wil refuse to pay any foo, ateip the party of everything but their arms and armour, and force then cut of town. Whatever the outcome of the scenario, he wil tell the party that! they are now ne longer welcome in Greendale, and insist that they leave within the hour DUNGEON KEY A+B: £am - 12 noon. All the oocupants are asleep (the clerics in room 14, the girls in room 8); Cc: 12 noon =" A 'pme All the sooupante are awake: Brock goes shopping and sitends to business in town; the girls Fe unlocked ‘ard left to their own devices. 8 pn 12 midnight. "The lub! is being prepered for business. The gite and doors are unlocked and favoured lients are allowed access to te entertsined in roa 7. 2 midnight’ 4am. The club opens for the evening. dan ‘Gan. “The girls are locked away (in room 9): they. typically’ talk or gamble until 8 am.” Tho gate and doors are locked. The Inner Temple ‘ceremonies take Place (room 16). (NB. The tot level thieves patrol from A-C, Wik from D- EXTERNAL DETAULS The shrine is situated in a quiet part of town, having rather oor ‘housing and now largely unoccupied. ‘It is almost on. the tiver-front, indeed a minor underground teibutery of the river flows under the gardens. Immediately to the south of the shrine {8 4 dllapidated tenement house, almost empty due to. rumours of haunting. To the north an aren of waste roursl leads down 10 the river. “The north. vall is thus acgessible from this area without being seen from the road, ‘The west’ wall Containing. the old but sturdy gute) Is accessible from the roxd leading past_ the tenement. The east face of the shrine building is accessible {rem fan alley leading behind a rather poor tavern, while the south wall {2 row incorporated Into’ the tenement ‘an area of some 50' x 30", and i enclosed ‘At the’ east’ end of the garden is the shrine x 35 x 15" high at the west end, rising to "The wall & obviously otd bait tas been ‘The shrine root largely new and ‘Weel; thin in 221 20" high at. the east end. repaired ‘fairly ‘recoatly. overhangs, therefore belng difieutt to efi ‘A: THE SHRINE AND GARDENS 1. The Gardens: A 5 wide path leads from the gate over a bridge, up to a palr of stout "wooden bors, which are flanked by 1 urrow sits on either Side. "The garden’ contains? evergreen’ trees (the smaller sone 20 high, the larger ‘30)) surrounded by 4 small torder of shrubs, nos cf "the renuining space being covered in gruss. ‘Weer can be seen 25) below the. bridge. flowing slowly from "south to rorth. Thi water is 10" deop, and flows through 2 archways (north and south), each 19" tll (the top 3 being above the ater) and blocked’ by solid. iron gateways. On lther site, the iver runs underground outside the archways. ‘The main gate to the gerden has a rather cumbersome ald lock which cin be opened” by thieves with a 1S). chance, Coven fon-thieves have "10% chance if they can inprovise some toa ‘The gate 1 made of iron bars, and these may be subjected tO end tars attempt. but this wil all of 46 (a6). ‘his wil ways alert the occupants (as wil Dnsucoessful attempts). ‘The wall may bo olimbed by thioves at omal chances (count as fairly rough, fe: check only once; the Gogree “of stipperiness depends on” prevailing weather fonditine). ‘This alerts oooupants on a 4-5 (aS) unless «move silently roll is made. Any character may climb the walls using « Grapne “thieves automatically succeed, “others tave an Chance) but this will always alert the oovupants. If alerted, the first level thieves will fire msiles at PCs appearing through the gate or over the walls; Nik vill fire missiles unti 3 or more PCs have ‘entered the garden, at which point he will cun into the shrine, double doors (which he will Sar) "These two vill then to defend the temple (Brock will not alert’ Viedat an opposition seems particularly strong). If unalerted, the musres may be surprised (roll us normal) - "Tho trove are fitted with epeclal seato for the guards, end ropes which can be thrown to the Noor. From A'~ C, the garden {is cocupied by "3 Ist level thieves, the lst in the northern tree, the other 2 In the southern tree. During D-P the garden i ‘occupied by Nik, who stands just to the south of the gate (out of Sight from the street) during E, but i in the north tree 1/Srd of the time, and tn the south treo Y/Srde of the time during D or Fe Missile fire directed at the thieves. in tres is a -4 to hit. Climbing the trees to ‘the thieves takes 2 rounds, "during. which time the thievor will concentrate on. the slinber, attacking at +4 Gaissiles only) for the Ist round, *6 Cany attacks) for the Ind. ‘The thieves wil only descend to the ground (lakes 1 round) If a risaile fight» obvioualy going against them: ‘The Ist level thieves wil sitack anyone aitempting to enter the garden. "Nik will attack anyone who altempts 1 dimb the wall or burst through the gate, but will essume that w=party approaching the gate poscosbly ere adventurers who have bern allowed to ja the Gub by Viedar” (having finally given in to Nik and Brock). During D, he will inform ‘such a” purty that "we don't open iaidnight; “come "back then!” le will then leave thes (assuming they “do rot attempt to force entry). If a party arrives during , between midnight and 2am, he will sy: '"Come on in, Inds, we've got sme tot stuff on tonight!” From 2 am to 3 am, hhe wil tell them that they are "a bit ‘ate, but there's. plenty. of action left yet!" Parties arriving after 3 am will be told that "the Dest ‘bits are over” and te will suggest that they return about midnight’ the falowing evening “to. "really get your money's Worth!" Daring Fy he wil tell the arty that the club is ‘closed, find. suggest coming ‘back the following evening. An intaligent party could thus bluff their way in if they arrive at the right Lime; however, if they obviously do not know what he is talking About, “or insist on asking idwtlc questioas, he will realize his error and attack or fun. to warn Brock (depending on the size of the party). If they return on the following evening, there i 8 501 Gharce’ that he will tive told Viedai of the "new fwenibers's it 0, Viedat wil tave instructed him to shoot them on sight. and AI the thioves wil be waiting in the gardens 2. The Shi Fie Sty ie ciovulaes stein: « mropgse with» rarer 'ty Gina, Steet rere “Ag Eranaiy Vance mavosre net Sees es a See arta Cinta ain ees citer Tera Cate fey, “mae, an SESE ce atng ae ahah a ne Te Be Pee ee eee Tea erate rasa sao mash of nag i wapprans fee acd Pete Pratt oy ae HES te een CRE PESGR oat St and in Sota (Shion doo ot ang by "hacia geen se atracere Smal amy &, De iat i Dromene ian Mace ly mg Go de nde aaa 2. Sanet Stairway: This passageway is 10" wide and 23" ton staircase descending at a rate of 1:1 2k sly visible from this side ard has a bundle to open i (requires ‘STR'13+).” This door effectively seals off sound from ares Iand 2 (even that of combat). In the north-east corner (Sap the wal) ie a Bracket ‘which will contein a. burning torch during Es “The passage is dark at othor times, so PCs without infravision may fal down the stalrs (unless care taken, ral under DEX on « 420, of fall taking 1-2 damage) TUE SECRET TEMPLE the central 15' being ‘stone ab door from Unless otherwise noted the following conditions apply: ll rooms are 10" high. in this ares. Doors are unlocked and open fasly (no roll required); single doors recorded =. locked. wil ‘open’ on @ normal open doors roll, this roll teing made at -1 if the door ‘is also barred from the ‘other side. The ‘double doors require « roll at “I if locked ~ they are never barred. Thieves ‘may ‘unlock doors at normal chenoes, and remove. bars (hy Inserting a dagger lade through the crack) if Tenove traps oll ie made. A move silently roll will then indicate that the bet hhas been lowered tothe ground (rather than dropped). The secret doors are similar to that between 2 and 3 (ie: they may. be found, “bat no clue will be given to the operating mechan); once the mechanism & activated they wil be clearly visisle ard inay be opened by STR 13+. Bath sets of stairs doscond 10" fron the northreest to the south-west, at a rate of 1:1. The roms fare all faced in stone; ‘both stonework and woodwork is" generally fand renovations having boon in good repair, these repairs Fecently carried outs Rooms 4-0 but are other ison thelr ceilings Always dirk. ‘The rooms" descriptions contain genera information, followed by individual variations. 4. Office: ‘The main feature of this room a tong desk with «small stent Behind it. “The western part of ‘the desk contains 4 drawers The top drawer bused as cash box, the entrance foe of 9. gD er person ‘being placed in here (it eurrontiy holds 7% gp). ‘The hniddle 2 drawers contain numerous receipts for the ‘purcha: jade in the running of the dub. The bottom drawer Gontaias & list of monbers, currently of $2 names, none of which ane familiar to the players. -A'large chest in the north-west corner is. sed to deposit arms on entering, larger weapors ‘being leant aga the wall. “Viedaf insists that no wespon are anrcied into. tm dub; Brock, however, does mot Sarch anyone, so small concealed ‘weapons may ‘te smuggied in. However rock will ak anyone fearing metal (D.Ms option: any) armour to leave it by. the chest. During ¥, A and B, all doors are locked, that to 3 being barred. During Cand 'D, sll doors are locked, but nt barred: there ie t 1 in ¢ chance that” Viedaf i in here studying receipts. ‘During E, Brock sits behing the desk taking entrance foes; pasty with insufficient funds will be refused adnittancs luntd they have raised tho required amount (by coshing citizens perheps'. "The ‘south ‘door i looked, the others are not; the West door ib teld open by a stone wephiant doorstop, value 8 gp. 5. Club Room: This B where te heavy drinking thes places It contains a Suitable quantity of tables and. chairs. Dotalls of these (and other fittings) are Teft tothe DM to determine, During D, there {s\n 30% ‘chance that 1-3 of the dancing girls wil be here dearing tip. During, it will be actually in we (numbers and types of members at D\fe option). “The door to 4 is detailed ebove, the ‘other doors are unlocked ‘at all times. 5. Stairway: This stairway is iit by lantern during E, but otherwise will be Gark, ‘check for falling as room 3. The door to 7 will be losked uring. E, but is otherwise open ‘The thin door to fa (the Tnvatory) “canbe locked” by a belt on the inside (bat can be stashed open at *2'to the normal roll)e Te Members’ Lounge: ‘This room i now 20" high; tt was inereused to this might during the ronovations by removing the flonr of an Wdentioaly shaped room above. The single stern door was the only previous ‘entrance to the upper room, but It tow permanently locked as {ontore 10" up the wall above largo ornamental bed of excl Anyone bursting down this door will take 1d6 from the fall; the Prickles wil inflict an adeitional 2 "points to Unarmoured PCs, and Ppoint to those in padded or leather. ‘Tho. fom ls sumptuously furnished and contains several shall crnamental tables. for Grins. At" the DMs. indiscretion, private deals for sundry Serviocs may be made between the querts and dancing else Fort obvious ‘raapne, this” toon ie Usually referred “to by the ‘Scoupants as "the Room of the Thousand Pricks." 8. Storercom: ‘The door is mormally unlocked. In here are kept the provisions, beth for the oceapents and for use during club opening hours: There wil therefore be bottles of wines and aplete, kegs of ale, dried mats, various snacks and so on - the DM should determine the etalls of these: “In the north-east w@rner i a hole (normally covered by 8 wooden trapdoor) teiding. toa sinlar room below (a). There was originally a rope ladder lending down, ‘but ony a few seatiered remnants are ‘row left. 82 contains ail sorts. of Fubbisn Cempty "kegs, broker’ furniture ‘ete.), and also the Imouldering remains of the paladin, currently infarted with 9 rot rubs CMMs 83)~ ©. The Girte! Quarters: ‘This room i 15" high Guith the exception of the stairease and room Se which are only 10" high). It was originally used as vestry ‘or toting room for priests conducting seremonies in. the main temple area, ‘but is now the quariers of the four dancing girls. There are bunk beds in the ‘forth end of the Pom, and & {able and hairs in the south. At the aast eid there i a large shrubbery. ard lao. a bookosse filed with extremely poor quality Fonantic fiction. "The rom is in-m terrible mens with. dothing mostly: tine sUlks) spread all over the place. The DM should Getorvine the ommct contents and Unie values (not particularly high). "The north door is always locked; the double doors are locked during A, Band F (preventing the gis from getting gd fib & lavatory, simaar to a but seo containing # wach 10. ‘The Secret Temple: Tale room was formerly the mein tenple area: it is now used to stage the ontertainnerts. It 20" high in the contr (yellow) farm, The grey area ba 9) wide gallery running along 3 of the walls ata height of 10", supported by 2 wide plane (the black Coles). " The angle dors enter onto the gallery leva, the Soutie and secret “doors orto the lower level. THe doors are Tocked or open as per the descriptions of the rooms to which they enter." “Favoured. clients are allowed to use this aren ‘during © or Ds. the sacred "baths being popular snall ‘Swimming pool (even more popular when the dencing gisle are also Drosent) "these bathers are forbidden to touch the altar (the @xistence of "the secret doors’ only known’ to Brock and ViedsP): During E, the lower arcu te used only by ‘staff, all mombort being ‘restricted to tho gallery. which is equipped with Seating for 24 persons. In the 2 north corners of the room there fare statues with oUtstretoted anns; they animate and. avtack Snyone passing on the gallery unless tho correct command word Geo below) is stated. Tne attack consists of grabting the PC in their ams (unless the PC can roll les. than his movement rate on a 20, eg: chainmall = MV 0%, therefore must roll 8 or Each round thereafter the PC his a chance to break frve equal to hs open doors tol -I; other PCs car attempt to free him at formal ‘open door chaness Whether “or not the grab is ‘Sucewsafal, the tatue wil shout "Masters, there are intruders Present!" ‘five tines. The comnand word (9 prevent the attack is Recuse me!" (note that “excuse ie” or simor will not suffice). ‘This io told to ech now manber on joining, but Brooke Gi present {in toom 4) wil have essumed the party are already members and wit not pave told them. Uniess. they have noticed the other fo giving the pate word, the PCs will te subject’ to. the ‘Members often forget the command phrase and it ts considered ‘2 good joke atthe club when someone & grabbed. Any monbore (or Brock) present wil therefore assume « captured PC to be a momber, and. subject him to. a barrage of laughter and Somentibless Viedal, towever, Cif present) will reeognize him as a non-nember and initiate an ‘immediate attack (he will joined by Brock and the more foolhardy/drunk menbers). Note that the water extends north end south underground trom the room. "Northwande the penmge i blocked after 25" by an fron ‘grill (see 1). Southwards itis blocked ‘after 20" by “a ortedllis; anyore approashing this porteulis will be attacked. by GrBrOonber (1%), who can reach through it. Membore are stricily warned NOT to swin in these passages. At the south fend of the room is a set of steps leading up 5" to the alter (used fas part of the entertainment) «Behind the aller « socret panel oormal chanees to detect) which corceals an alcove containing & wheel to mise or lower the” porteullis to 1a. If the top of the GMar & fed by the rings set in it (requires @ total strengih of Te}, n shallow depression & found containing @ lever in the east fand west sides. These. are the opening mechanisms for the Fespretive secret doors Gimar to that tn room 2). Buring “E. thore ts SOt chance that some form of entertainment ‘wil be taking place in this room. ‘The DM! should Outline severe! possible varies and determine’ randomly the one Actually occurring: Asoume that auch ontertainmenta conebt of ‘Several acts, most of which invalve the girls, and about half involving GFifOomtar (normally with Viedal also present). PCs who Dlufe. tele way in on one wocasion nay wish to return to watoh the cabaret’ again the next night (purdy to gither information for thelr ‘employer, of course....note that in all the Cmtertainments, Invaving, the ‘dancing. girls, they typically ommenco scantily lag, and finish up mked) "Some examples of possible items include. "ti singing and aanang from the girts. bb: a mook sacrifice of a naked girl on the alter e: a sort of ‘magic show’, with G!8?Oombar arswering by signs questions put by Viedst (using speek with animals). ‘d: form of striptoaae ‘4 which GIBYGombar chases tho girls round ‘the temple with his tentacles, gradually removing their Clothing, with the girls shrieking in simulated terror/ ecstasy fer a girl will be tlea to the altar, ard Viedaf will then ask for 9 vdunteer to 'rosoue' her, and return her to her Moneland’ (in this “oise, ‘the ilembers* ‘Tounge)" to" collect his” reward Grbroonber (acting under Viedars instructions) will pick up & ‘rescuer! and hold him aloCt. Viecat then asks the other members, for 2 vote on whether the subject & worthy of the reward. If the vote affirmative, pe is lowered to the altar to untie the Gil. Othorwise GEFOambar adminktors a minor ‘punishment’ (eg: staking hin upside-down so his money falls. into. the pool, dunking him: in to soak bis clothes, or even’ removing his lathes frdy) "and. then returns hin to hie eat. A now potential ireacuer" is then selected, ‘and the process repeated. This game ig. very popular’ with. the members (particularly when Very Grunk); they bribe exch other to vote for them, end in_general fall vote against now members. Usually several potential rescue fare punished before 4 sufficiently worthy one i selected. Nae hat i Viedat sees someone in the audience who is not a menber, ho ill instruct GFBGombar to pick up this intruder. Unless ho ‘does some fast talking, the ‘punishment’ for the interioper will be far more severe than a gentle ‘dunking (typically, drowning fand/or the Femoral of several limbs). CTE SECRET CHAwnERS ‘The chambers behind the secret doors are all 10" high, contain no lighting (unless Brock or Viedat fe present, in which case a lantern will be hanging from a wall bracket). "They are similar to the rooms previously. described, but the stonework isin Poorer shape, not having been renovated. All doors are Unlocked, ‘with the exception of the secret doors. Note that the Secret doors will prevent all noise. including canbat) from room 10 or earlier from Teaching the secret chambers. 11. Empty Room: ‘This was” originally used as a coll, prisoners being tec aut directly to the altar in room 10. Two sate of manaclor are toltod to the north wall.” Turning a large capstan, set in the west wall, Falses the porcouilis, giving access te steps leading down to 1% ‘The secret’ door onnnot be opened from thie tide (treat ao. a magically losked oor) = 12. Seoret Paseagoway: ‘The door from 10 is clearly visible from this side: {¢ has a handle to open it (requires STH 13+). 12a ie a lavatory (similar to 3a). 13. The Cleries' Living Room: This room was previously. # vestry or ante-room to the Inner Fampies and it fae now ween copied br the lrie te thls living. fom. It is in on_appallin of disarray, making even room’? Took positively tidy. The" large table aguinsi the east wall, Is covered In decaying fwodstuffs, unwashed cutlery and mouldy. Utensils. A chest against the wost wall fas a large quantity of Soiled clothing spilling out. The bookcases (north wall) contain a Devildering assortment of useless brie-u-brac, and. Dlatant rubbish: the floor is strewn with similar items. On pegs against tthe south wall hung 4-sets of robes; these are the only ordered tens in the room The DM must determine the details of the tone in this room, and thelr value (if any)- 14. The Cleries' Bedroom: ‘This was formorly a stororoom, but hus boon mado inte a bodroom similar to. the monastery cells that the clories previously Cccupied.. It is simply furnished and surprisingly tidy. If Viedat has not already been met be will be bere CE ip 6 chance) or in room I (I in’ 8 chance), unless during F, when he is flway's ‘in toom 18. ‘There are bunk beds against the west wally Dookease. against the north nd a desk end chairs against the South. The bookease contains a large number of thedlogteal and Philosophicel works (mainly Vieda?s), and a snallor number of Pornographic etchings (exclusively Brock’s). A simall Iron chest tinder the desk contains the wealth co far amassed. through. the Funning of the club: this is 64 ep, 491 sp, 642 gp, 2 small gems worth 5 {gp each, a silver chain and pendent worth 12 gp, snd Z Silver ankle chains worth 4 gp each (the hat'S items wore given to the girls ts gifle, and are currently being stored here or ‘sare-keeping’). "This" chest also contains a copy ‘of the membership list, « book with the girls! wagos nestly entored, and 4 list of suppliers for the various itens consumed in the club. The chest Blocked, and Viedaf has the only key. D. THE INNER TEMPLE 15. cat This 10" high room retains its orginal function: it contains Priscila (nicknamed. ‘Iippo' by the ‘club's dientele), a former dancing girl, who is waking sacrifice in the Inner Temple (hough she ‘does ‘ot know this). ‘There is also e stall steal. a chimberpot. and a rough wooden bed. ‘There are 2 sels of nacies polled to the North wall, although these are now medy Used. Viedaf threatens to lock Priscilla into these, if she doos not acquiesce to his frequent and revolting demands. ‘The door Is looked and sturdy bull (-z on open deor rolls). It nas ao” Square darted window init, ie through which the roc i= partially 16. The Inner Temple: ‘This 15° high room has a continual light spell cast on the ceiling (which also. serves to partially Muminate rooms 13. and 16a) Since ite rediscovery by Brock and Viedaf, this room has noo fagain echoed to the screams of sserifical vieting. When a dancing girl expresses © desire to terminate her employment, she fs paid’ Gail wayes faving been meticulously noted by Viedaf in Mis jecounts! book), allowed: to say goodbye to the others and i then Ted upstairs. “Once out of earstot, she’ is coshed, ‘bound and ingged, and stored in the Chevaliers sarcophagus until the other Girls are again locked in their room. She i then carried to room 15, whore she is left anti ki time for enother sacrifice. "The pporteullis is raised using the wheel in the south wall. The girl is Serle through and tied (naked except for any jewdry) to. the ‘altar in 160.” The portoullis is then lowered and the gong against the west wall 8 ‘sounded to all forth. GIistOonbar breakfast. "Even i there iano mcrifice taking place, clerics will come to this room for 4 hours every night to pray and hunt. Room 161 is 15' high. and contains the large stone altar aforementioned. Ore shislds (from the tribe that attacked” the town) line the ‘north and south walls. ‘The central 10" of the west wall open to # height of 10%, revealing « pool of water (17a)s Thore are ebundant bloodstains’ on the altar and the ‘surrounding flooring 11, The Pool Of GrBrOomba Thia ‘svt pool of ‘water 10" deep, with 10° of air space above i. ‘The & aquere to the southewert is open, leading Wo te Usowy find the east. open, above water level to give. access. to room 6a. “GrbiOomber i too lange’ fit through the former tle, bat ‘hen the gong is sounded She wil extend hie, tentaclew up) and Into Ia to: seize vthatever ies on the throne. Ifa overlans 7 in the north-east "square; {tis an séditional 20" deep ‘and foraa Groroomoers normal resin places ‘The stairway from Foon Il fsa emerges Conderwater) in’ thie mom. Anyone ‘coming. down this stairway will be lucky to exeape to'i7 and’ from there to ta Unlese ‘they’ nave formerly ‘dispatched. ine octopus. A. 10" wige Tonded ‘tunnel leads north, via m porteulis: to the pot in moon 10." CPBPOombar wil Ylereely attack anyone entering’ 17 of TThe AY ww totiom of Tia are tne ones of ine’ sacrifelal views (tf todier in aly of which 2 are recent additions)” ‘There te aso a large” quantity. of assorted jowelry. fromthe” victims; the Di Shaul “speeity numbers and types Cheating in mind that the vast Imajority’ wil bo mors. trinkets), with @ total value not exceeding 300 gp. Also’ in the pool are the Chevalier's urms and amour Gaiving’ asan offering ‘by. Viecat): » sot of banded ‘mail il, shiold #1, ond a longeword +2 (giant slayer). NPc STATISTICS GUASS LEVELS «1 WD © Gh np ac c 2 4 2 ww 1B we 8 x € 3 3 wo 8 ow roof a 8 8 oe ek rol Ron og i Bon Tt 8 rob #@un 7 6 4 8 ro o1 0 @ 4 wo 7 6 8 - + 8 9 8 8 wo a 1 2 fot 6 uk ww 1 8 5 1 1 1 2 10 - 4 5 39 8 Bo 3 wo Briof notes on the characters fallow. necessary: Brock: wears banded armour under his black robes, he aliays carries a morning star with him (treating his job as bouncer a Uttie too seriously). if encountered in room 4 ne wil also have & shield with him. Rrvok tthe muscle of the organization, and net ‘auch indlined” to serious thought. "He is an. incurable lecher, Tends to drink top muea on cud nights, bat is populer with te clients and. girls. Brook's spells ate cause light wounds, command (x2, he uses. these ine ‘humorous’ fashion to” punish the DM should expand as imisbehaving members), and: light. Vietats ceremonial mace Sarcophagus. ne sloo wears barided arsiour under black robes, he carries « (value 25" gp) removed from the pulading Viedaf is poltiely spoken with impeccable ‘manners Taste, despite his (Usually) repressed depravity. Viedafs cure light wounds, light’ (x2), sanctuary and speak ‘onimals (=2). Wears leather armour, carries a sling with @ pouch a'longsword, he is particularly friendly towards adv Shoke, Bongo, Jaspa: all wear padded armour and carry a sling with # pouch of stones ane'a short sword. Yashmak: named after the item of epparel she wears in an attemst to deter the kisses” of drunken members. "She is the most Intelligent of the gitis and acts ae their leader. She can play Joveral instruments and this provides a mastoal backing to some of the entertainments. She refuses to appear naked, take part ia the mock seorifioes or make sny deals with clients, but remains « Kirn favourite, having boon hore the Iongest= Rore: often wears flower in her hais, she is hot-headed, given to tempermental outbursts, and famed for her dancing. skills. Teecup: har 3 cireular scars Conch. some 1" across) on her left Inner thigh, as a result of GMB[Oomber becoming. over-cxsitel during one’ performince- “She now believes herseif to be "the Gers ‘Chosen One Fluffy: the most popular amongst the intellectual clients. Ippo: “rather quiet and sensitive, she asked to leave when the ents began faking Jokes about her figure. ‘The thieves end girls are referred to by their most conmon ‘loknames, howe of the. girs being, chosen by menbers of the club. All thioves. carry ‘2-12 gp. the other oscupants do_nit formally carry any money, although the girls wear 2-* gp worth of cheap Jewelry. i = my NG C4 Three months ago on a drunken tavern your mnty foolishly agreed to se! out on an exirenely hazardous expedition. You subsequently embarked on a voyage to. far off sland i the Great Southern Sea, overcame many face, angers and perils, and returned to. the sane tavern to exchange a rure and Wonarous plant for a'fee of a mere 100 gp. Most of the meentive or the journey was provided by the fact that the sponsor was the ‘Areh-Maye Rabelion, an old and trusted friend. Since "he claimed that tt war beyond even his powers to obtan the plant, you were quick to accept the challenge reyardiess of the fece ‘The voyage was fraught with disaster, and as the final stroke @ dragon turtle attacked yeu on the return journey. The ship i Which. you had Wvested ell your hard-earned cash was sunk, Together with all your monetary finds. and the dragon turtle made off with the griffon fledglings you had obtained on the island. Fortunetety nobody was killed tthe ataek, and you all maneged to" soramble aboard” raft. "Several dayx later, bedraggted. dispirited, ‘and broke, you were washed up on your homeland. You revived your spirite to some extent on the long trek back 2 the tavern You had a fee of 100 gp (0 look forward. and part of the deal was that you could Keep any magical lems found fon the ‘sland. “Amongst your finds was a strange crystal Key made of a lowing red crystalline substance, hard as diamond and bright as fire. Apparently carved out of @ single flawless gem, ‘such a key, some three iehes tong, must’ be worth thousands: In eddition thas a strong magical aura about it, though you have as yet discovered none of its properties. Three months to the day you return to the tavern, exactly at pre-arranged. Rebelton ts there already ‘when you arrive. and Figes to greet you. looking quite surprised {0 ree you sll alive. when you hand over the mystic weed he laughs and conferses that (ts actually quite useless; he hud been as gunk as you on the previous meeting and had only suggested the venture ax a joke.” However he. is an honest fellow and. honours his word, ‘wing you the’ pre-arranged fee, plus a powerful mage sero i ecompense far your troubles. ‘Several drinks laler, you casually bring the key into the conversation. He looks really surprised and tells you not (0 Imention the key again in such a public place. but to mect hin s Tiree hours at his home. by which time he vill have been able to consult his archives. ile then strides out, leokng serious and mysterious. "Deciding this is probably another of his drunken jokes, you dismiss the matter, and set about an evening's serious Grinking. About five or sx hours later, when you are slung out of the tavera, you decide that alice you have nowhere else to Stay the night, "you might as well go and see hin. You stagger off to his place, and’ on the way dump into. 0 man with @ vivid Scar onthe left side of hiv face who shouts a torrent of abuse ‘after ‘You. At the time you think little of the incident. though Iter i appears to be far more sinister. TRabellom i still engrossed in his tomes when you reuch im, and does no! notice your lateness. We quotes from an ancient SScript'in front ‘fhm, and You soon realise that this te no joke sands it was known, for und wide, that three keys of Living eryttal were needed 10 open Zanhardrar's tomb ond obtain the great treasure therein One was of green, fresh and bright 4 a centour's meadow: one wes of amber, deep and mysterious as 42 brass dragon's eyes But the third. the ever-eluaive one, war 4s red and flerce as « fore demon's heart. ‘It was this thd key that prevented the plundering of the tomb. The first two appeared, and wore ‘lost again, several times, alway in the The Crystal Keys AN AAD SOLO ADVENTURE north. But none could ever find the third to complete the set. It ‘was sometines whispered thet i was hidden on an island far to the soutn, “and so eventually men gave up the ‘soaron andthe tam war left to lie tn peace.’ "and so," Rabelion adds,"having the most elusive key in cur possession, only renans’to journey nortn to ind the otter [rer I have some serious bushess to attend to here, which vill take a few months. You cin rest here and recover from your last journey, then we set off together to seek our fortunes!” ‘30 saying he bide ‘you goodnight. Weary from your journe and the effects of drink, you quickly fall into a comatose state, You ore awoken at about noon by the sound of Kabelion returning from ‘tone errands Dy the tine he enters the room you have ‘made a terrible discovery ~ the key is gone! Rabellon bids you calm down and’ repeat the detalis of the previous evening afer he had Weft you. ‘when you give the description of the sear-faced mon he looks startled. “This is worse than I thought," he tells you, "l knew that the tavern vas frequented by ‘members of the Trucvey’ Guild ord 9 bid. you be vllent." (Here you have rather. guilty dim recollections of a drunken evening in the tavern spent’ shouting abuse aimed at Rabelion and his "joke about the keys'.) "TRe man you describe is Jacke Filshwell, known as 'Searfac", a prominent ‘momber of the Thieves’ Guild, end an cccumplished pickpocket. ‘We must. hav mngineered your collision tn order to relieve you of the Key." He Siences your curses and protests quickly: *Worge atil, Jack left foun thir noming with @ bund of mercenaries, heading north. With the many [lched documents of the Thieves! Guild to consult the must have discovered the true nature of the key. It is lear {het there is no more rest for you. You must deport at once and try. to find the ‘tomb before him, or regain the key by. force. Fortunately things are not all as bad ay they avem. 1 found cul thw morning thal there were originally several sets of Keys. “It (s pessible that you wil [ind another copy of the red one, ogetner wen at wast one euch of the others, on your wey) 10 ihe tombe tom only sorry thet lw impossible Jor me tobe. with you; however, you must leave at once. You set off sraignt away, cirrying only your few possessions, the 92 gp and Hep remaining of your fee, together with a letler of credit from Rabellon whion will suffice ct wns and taverns for @ considerable duitance northwards. You travel for many weeks, fend from the ow reporte at taverns of Searfaod’ It appear he i felting further aheed of you, weary ax you ure from your recent Gaventure. Taveras no’ longer ceepi your credit ‘note eve Rabellon’s fame hae. not 9pread. thie far north. llewever, sume days later, having depleted your resources by IT gp, you et lst ‘come toa village that has heard of your goals “Certainly,” you are told, "people tt Sanbarhadrin wilt kom the location ‘of Zamhardrars’ tomb, for. rumoured. that he Spent much of his long le w that town.” You are told. that Stnbarhedrin is ‘only «few days" journey northwerds, bul that you are now on the outskirts of the ‘Badlands’. "Tribes of ores, lizard’ men and. worse creatures are constantly coming down from the north. to. plague the highways and Dywaye. "AL the moment they never attack the villages. which remain safe. but even the mmain roads are open to aitack, und the evil creatures are rife on the buck routes. Toleing your leave, you continue northwards with reveved vigour. The Journey to Sanbarhadrin takes three “days, dure which you mee with no evcounters. ‘You are now ready to begin the real adventure! (STAL KEYS" SOLO INTRODUCTION: Af you have not alroady road the background, DO 50 HOWE ‘This is a complete solo adventure, with a wilderness search and then @ dungeon expedition... It can’be played in several. ways. ‘One person can control "the party, “and play” the adventure ‘completdy solo. The key will outline the wilderness hexes and ‘dangeor rooms entered, und the reactions of the ocoupants. With two or more players there are several possibilities: © One player can read the descriptions as they are reached ‘and play the part of the monsters, the other player (s) Contrelling the party. ») One player reads the descriptions and scts as final arbitrator (a sort of DMD, one acts asa ‘monster player’ Dased on Information given to him by the DN, the others controlling the party. ©) “All players control the party betwesn them (up to seven can play) playing the adventure in” the same way that one player. playing solo, would. "The Crystal Keys” can also be played as a standard DM controlled dungeon, either with or without. the wilderness parts ‘A separate section’ at the end of the dangeon keys outlines. the ‘Additional information required, and recommended alterations. If You are intending. to use the dungeon in this manner, you may Wwal play it through in solitaire form yourself first. You will st Tmst get a good. ides ‘of the relative ifficulties facing’ your Players, ard be able to make such alieratioas as are neoessary 10 ‘ensure that it remains a tulanced part of your own campaign. “CREATING A PARTY This {s designed for 5-7 2nd-3ed level characters. You may ed up. new characters and equip them as telow under “Party Possessions”. or use existing charactors provided that they comply with’ these conditions.” Please note however. that "The (Crystal Keys” is not an easy” adventure, tnd may well result. 1) the denths of several (or indeed all) of your sharactors. If you Aherefore do not wish to expose favourite characters to. such risks, roll up a new party ss outlined below. Suggested. party. ‘compositon is four 3nd and one 2nd level characters, or three 3rd land three tnd, or two 3rd. plus four 2nd level characters. All taracters must be nunan, af or dwarf. Possible classes are F, M,C and T. with « total of no more than 3" epell-using ‘oluracters. ‘The party will tave no magic llems except that giver by Rabelion, or those scquired in the first expedition (see "Party Pessessions* and "Backgrourd")- If you are. using previously. ‘existing characters they may use their own magic itens instead of ‘sinflar tems on the possessions lst. eg: +1 battle axe instead Of #1 eword. If in doubt, leave it oui? PARTY POSSESSIONS ‘The party have recently returned broke from a long and [perilous expeaition (see "Background"), the only possessions they ‘tre allowed are as fellow. FIGHTERS: 1 set of armour (banded or cheaper), 1 shield, 1 helmet,” 2"weapons of cost’? gp oF les weapon (mex. cost Ib gp) If you’ choose Shortbow as your main wenpon, then 24 arrows * quiver counts as 1 of your saali weapons. A sling weapons, thieves" tools, 1 other’ weapon (max. cost Be). MAGIC-USERS! "Ail nocessury books and ingredients, 1 or 2 daggers. 1 (non-nagieal) staff. ‘No characters may possess crossbows or yolearms. In addition al characters may have) gp. worth of it ‘fromthe Miscalianeous Ttoms table (agie-Users may have 10 gp worth). magic 1mm ‘The farty has obtained the magic items listed below from their [previous expeditions. Note that whore alternatives are given you [may lake the item of your choice. Weapons and shialds. listed ‘tre in addition to those listed above, arnour is instead. These Mens should be distributed anongst the party as you'see ft. A). Set of soale mail +1 or a shied +1. 42 hrowing). 5) Seroll with 1 fireball (6 dice damage. given ty Ratelon with the advice: "Save it for a real omergency.") F) Potion of extra-healing or scroll of neutralize. poison. Do not forget to give ich of theas chargcters a take out individual character sheets. You must accurately record the owner und positioning of every item (whether weapon, miscellaneous item or crystal key). If a character Is. hilled, do ot forget to make a note of how his possessions have been Fedistributed amongst the survivors. Rolled-up characters will be 20%-70t of the way to the next level, your own characters may be no more than Sit of the wa Please note that you may not guin the abilities and hit points of higher level during the actual ‘adventure HOW TO PLAY THE WILDERNESS ‘The wilderness is mapped out on a hexagonal grid, s0 if you don" fancy drawing hexagons freehand you'll have to use a sheet of tex paper to draw your map on: Draw your first nex neat the south (bottom) edge as you'll be travelling northwards.” Each hhex has its own reference number.” When you consult the key a ‘map letter will be given Laok this up on the map table and copy {into the appropriate hex of your own hex map. Noto that the ‘Same map may be used for several hexes, but they will all have their ‘own “reference number “and ence’ seperate deseriptions- ‘Then read the hex deseripiion, if there i an encounter listed, play’ it out, ‘otherwise check on the "Random Encounter" table for’ eaen day you are in this hex (for movement rates se below). When the hex description is finished, “decide which way. you will exit Cit must be along a roid or river). At the end of the nex description it will tell you which hex to” go to according to the exit choeen- Draw tho new hex in, jeining on to the elt you have just taken and ‘repeat the procedure above. "Note that there is slightly different procedure for towns and villages (see blow) MOVEMENT RATES GooD ROAD 1 HEX per DAY POOR ROAD. 1 HEX per 2 DAYS ‘TRACK 1 MEX per 3 DAYS RIVERS SEE RIVER NOVENENT TOWNS AND VILLAGES Draw the mep as usual. The description of the town is Givided into 3 parts. The first is m general description, such 43 ‘could ‘be obtained by your own cbsetvation or casual enquiries: ‘The 2nd section is information about the surrounding lands and the local rumours “Gf any!) You may only consult this seotion It you first spend 1 to 4 gp on a round in the local. The ted Section is the exits as for normal hexes above. Whenever you are in a village or town you may stock up on supplies (oF consumption during "your wilderness, wanderings." You may Purchase food and drink at a cost of 5 sp per party menber por day; no more than 2 weoks food my be carried at a tne. If You wish to try hunting for game insted, or if your supplies run out before you reach the ext settloment, consult the section entitled “Running Out Of Food". Staying in village or town costs 10 sp. er menber per day, but you will regain I point of damage per 2 days” spent there. "Note ‘it is peraissable, though not Feconmended, to leave wounded mombers a party convalescing while others ‘explore. It is not permitted to split ap m party in fany other way. In villages you will be able to buy leither or Padded armour, daggers, slings,” handaxes, ‘spears, javelins, hammers. short swords, carts, clothing," herbs," livestock. provisions and miscellsneous tems, all at ‘orm prices, except vestock and provisions at two thirds normal ( Patt. 36) ‘At towns you may buy all the above at normal peices (inc- Livestock and provisions). You may also purchase religious items, helmets, shields, studded leatner, ringmall, chainmal and. weapon with « siandand prien of 18 gp or leas mt om the ‘ilege Uist “above. “However all these items will cost ‘one and a third Limes standard prices." In some towns You will also be able 10 buy bosts. Horses are only allowed for military purposce in this area, carts being pulled by oxer RUNNING OUT OF MONEY 1t is possible to gain extra money from the spoils obtained while adventuring. Howover this fa «poor area, don't expect the ‘ores and brigands you slay to have much pocket money! If you ‘are an evil party You can algo rob any villager you happen to mest on tho rotd, however It ia recommended to kill them te revent being recognised later ont if you are in a woods ‘ex ib permitted to try hunting for game.” Each archor hunting has 754 chance per day of catching sone ame. Such « catoh wil be sufficient for #12 person/days Ge: Tolls 6, his caten vould feed 1 person for 6 days, 2 People for 3 days cic). He will lose 2D4 arrows during the hunt which will last’ for a whole day. ‘Encounter chances during. the ays’ hunting are doutled, since’ the areher will have abandoned the relative ‘safety of the paths If two or more archers hunt together, they have a 901 chance of catching game, each archer catching’ 2-12 person/days supply. u If you get really deoperste you mey sell sowe of your possessions. Villages and towns wil buy the same items ‘that they’ sell Gaseuming good condition), but will only pay 1/4 the factual value. Nobody wil Duy erms and armour from you that Dreviously belonged to any of the giant class creatures (eg: orcs. Goblins ote) ex thoy are instantly. recognizable, end thoroughly Undesirable. Likewise the brigands etch thelr’ arms and brand farnour with large cherecterietie markings; nobody will dere. to Duy such items from you. If you totally run out of money and/or provisions you wil lose 1 point of STR for cach day you go without food. When your STR drops to 2 you are incapable of any vigorous action Cine. spelleasting), and must be helped along. When STR reaches 0 you fall into a faint and wil have to be carried, further polnt Toate are now deducted from CON instexd. CON falling to 0 results in. death. (N.B: ‘This is not intended to be realistic, merely playsble.) ‘Those points can be restored at the same rate (and sinulianeousiy with) Rit points when resting in a town or village Cassuming you can Tow afford the 10 sp a day!) ‘TRAVELLING BY RIVER During the course of the adventure you may wish to travel by: river. You can either purchase boats at one of the wilderness towns specified, or construct raft (see below). You may. wish fo use the cutout beats from Dungeon Floor’ Plans 3. Thowe towns listed in the key as selling boats will have on offer rafts Ghien will be sturdily constructed and need not check for collapse), rowing gigs, canoes, at-totiomed iver punts and, fOr ‘the ‘woalthy. river, freight toats.. Freight boats move I hex! day downstream, 1 hex/4 cays up. Punts move 7 hexes/day down, 1 hher/4 days up. "AU others wove 7 hexes/oay down, 1 ex/? hys up. CONSTRUCTING A RAFT Whenever you are on a wooded river hex you may construct your own ralts “This takes 1" diy (remember to” check for Sneounters)." However, a home-nade raft will be flinsy, 20 for (euch day of travel roll 4 Diz, and on a 12 the raft calapses. ‘There ta 501 chance thit you can reach tho Denk before it does to, etherwise you will all fal In the water. (ave "River Combat") ‘The ‘chance of collapse. lat in 6 if you pash through 4. hex Fecorded as Maving a particularly fast or strong currents RIVER COMBAT. Combat on bouts is no msy feat for the inexperienced. Missiles fired from rowing gigs or canoes are at -2 to hit, or af -2 from other boats. Melee weapons present more of a problem. In gigs and canoes you may stay seated, in which case you are. at -5 fo tut end do omy two thirds danage.” Alternatively you may decide to stand. in which case you are st ~B to hit but do full Gamage. Homever, if more than half the occupants of a gig or canoe stand up it topples over and you all fall in. In addition anybody suffering damage (ino: that caused by missile fire) while standing up has a chance of falling in equal to 108 times the Gamage taken eg: 3 damage = 60% chance). On other boat types Standing ie cvsier; combat to only at 1 and all occupants may Stand up without penalty. In addition the chance of falling in is only. S8'x damage taken. Boats wil offer some protection from Iaissile re directed from the bank or other bosts at medium and Jong ranges. On rafts and punts those firing at you suffer ~2 to hit'if-you lie flat, but you can only travel downstream. Gigs and eunoes offer 2 if you Keep rowing, or -4 if” you hide Gownstrean. travel only), a freight boat offers -4 and -8 respectively. PALLING IN Anybody who falls in the river while woaring metal armour sinks and drowns unless they roll under thels DEX on a D3. If they succeed they have grabbed the toat's side: they will need ‘assistance from someone ‘inside the boat in order to re-enter ‘They must drop the contents of both hands. in the event of a raft’ breaking up, making the saving throw indioates that the character has grabbed a log and may splash towards. the bank. ‘Those wearing leather or lighter armour should make the same roll. If they. muosed they may keop hold of the contonts of one hhand only. ‘They can haul themselves back on board if they first drop whatever they are holding into. the beat. Those failing their roll gust drop. the contente of oth hands, but may still swim Back "to the beat. Ifa boat overturns or. breaks up all characters count ss falling in and all non-fosting items in the Dost are losts ‘in addition, such an eventuality is likely to altrsct river monsters. Rall” as" for an encounter: if a river-dwelier is Indlested Ht attacks; if ores or humens are indiowted there sno encounter. Characters may renove their urmour before travelling by river to lessen the chances of drowning, but this must be Specified when they board the eralt. a ‘TRAVEL BY RIVERBANK 2 In the event of a raft breck-up or other disaster survivors may "wavel by. walking slong the riverbank until they reach a frond or oan construct another raft. Such travel is slow (1 hex/4 Gays) and risky (don’t forget to check for encounters every dey, lusing the "River Enoounter” table). SPELLCASTING Spelleasting in the difficult surroundings of small bot is also subject to a penalty. In a gig or canoe spalls have a S08 Chenes of failure (78% if non-missile combat is actually in progress)» In other boat types spell fallure chance i 25 and 800 "respectively. ENCOUNTER TABLES ‘There are no encounters in towns or villages. Do rot check for encounters when you first enter & hex wiih an encounter aiready monticned in the key. “Tf you later ‘re-enter this bx ‘throw for encounters as normal if you disposed of the original Secupants, otherwise they will stil be there, and will have hewed hp per 2 daye sinso your last meeting. Tn all other droamstances you should check for_a wilderness encounter “onoe per day-. If travelling downstream at 2 jexes/day, throw’ to see ‘which hex may “have an encounters ynances for encounters are 48 follows: I TRAVELLING BY GOOD ROAD: 1/5 IB TRAVELLING BY POOR ROAD: 1/6 IF TRAVELLING BY TRACK, RIVER OR RIVER BANK: 1/4 1/4, 1/3 and 1/2) if NR: ‘These chances will be doubled Ge: the hex also contains woods. If there is an encounter roll a DI2 land ‘consult the teble below, if there are several alternatives Given, soll again giving en equal chance for etoh= ‘TRAVELLING BY: ROAD ‘TRACK RIVER/RIVERBANK 1-3 GMCS (2-12). ORCS (2-12), ones (2-12). BRIGANDS (3-12). BRIGANDS (3-12). BRIGANDS (3-12) ‘TROL TROLL. GIANT CRAYFIS! OGRES'(1-3). OGRES (1-3). CROCODILES (1-1). VILLAGERS (2-12). HILL GIANT. GIANT CROCODILE. VILLAGERS (2-8), BLACK/BROWN LIZARD MEN BEAR. (G-12 swimming) 11 VILLAGERS (2-4). WOLVES (2-7)/ LIZARD MEN DIRE WOLVES (2-5). "(2-12 swinming)« 12 VILLAGERS (2-5). GNOLLS G@-8)/ "LIZARD MEN GOBLINS (3-16)/ HOBGOBLINS (2-12). (Gin came). EXPLANATIONS: ORCS: 50% tave bows, S0b have short sword and shield. If fencountered on river ot riverbank they will be on the bank (in S"ohance) or ons raft (in 3 ohenoe)- BRIGANDS: 258 have studded leather, shield and longsword, $0 hhave leather, shield and short sword, 254 have leather and bow. If met on river or riverbank they wll be on the bank (1 in 2) oF ona raft (lin 2) VILLAGERS: These wear no armor, treat them np each. ‘There. it a 29) ‘chance that they. wil 2 gp worth of merchandise on it. If they are going in the Same direction as you (U8 chance) they will accompany you to the next village Or town ‘if you wish.” They” will defend thomsclves If attioked but will otborwice be of m assistance. LIZARD MEN: Those swinming wil te unarmed, canoes contain 4 lurarmed lizard men (towers) and 2 warriors arwed with stone axe (an morning star) and shield GNOLLS: 258 have s halberd, 158 have longsword end shield. GOBLINS: 25% have a javelin, 256 have « hund axe, 30 have @ ‘short sword. HORGOBLINS: 258 have a shortbow, 251 have a morning star, $08 have a scinitar. “in addition to the weapons listed above all humans and will carry a dagger. Ores. briganés. gnolls and ‘Vatagers ‘and goblins have a 508 ogres and Till giants Tave & 308 "All ofher encounters sted curry no. ‘hanes of 4-24 gp cach. treasure. AAs 0 final note: all Uiard mon encountered in thie adventure, whether as random encounters or as widerness/dungeon listed Gnoounters’ wil have less" powerful jews than. normals Unies ‘Otherwise stated thelr Gites wil only do 1D4 damage. Tn all other Sespects they conform to the normal statistics for thelr race, Wen you are ready to begin the adventure turn to page 29: the rising tower INTRODUCTION ‘The Rising Tower ie a scenario designed for a party of 3 PCs of Sth-Sth level; the ‘composition of the party should be such hit the Tower presonts a cnalienge to the players, who should ‘expect several caruaitios unless they play exceptionally well. "The “Tower was originally a place ‘of judgement and exccution for a small Kingdom of humans outside the doundaries. of Imperial justice. Ite name tolator to Ite arcane connections vith the sun fand the power that was derived from the light falling on the Dullding (a sinilar etifice, named the Setting Tower, stood at the ‘western ond of the valley, but thia collapeed long ago and only the vaguesi ‘reninders of its existence oan now be found). Although the Tower has lost its former splendour, and houses Imuch less discerning guests, the power of the spelis woven into the very foundations of the tuilding preserve at least some of the original ‘ceremony and function. PCs should ot be fully informed about the Tower, but should ‘be told rumours. about EITHER Ite ocoupanta OR’ its. origins (pirticularly, in the latter case, legends of the airaculous power ‘The Rising Tower is situated some 500 miles outside the Empire, to the south-east of the Tumarian provinces. It stands fat the castorn end of a large valley in the Yaghe- Toor focthils. "The ‘hillsides “of this “aren exhibit many” rweky outcroppings, and the soll is poor, supporting only the hardier trees and dushes. ‘The short tough. geass and the abundant Iosses and lichens are darkly edoured, giving the foothills a forbidding and somewhat ominous air." The weather "is unpredictable,” often changing rapidly from ‘one extreme 10 nother: generally speaking it tends to be damp and Alternating with considerable periods of severe drought. ‘The area aireotly around the tower i bare even for this rrepion. ‘and the closest that the PCs can approach, without ‘exposing thomselves to any possible watchers, i one milo. In fRenerai, the horizon from the tower is between 3 and mil "Tho towar ie built from a reasonably hard, dark rook, and the utside is pitted and cracked from the weathering of many stormy. enturies. "the upper floors of tne tower have long. since follapted, saving ‘the ruined rwmains looking rather squat. and Gocrepit;, the rubble “from these’ missing Moors been Incorporated Into the defensive workings of several nosrby Isr AC the foot "of the lower is "a low but thick growth of a long-thorned bramble. "The tower now stands sone 60! to a high; the remaining walls of the third’ (le: the highest) storey Deginning to fall, and loen slightly outwards. ff limbing Attempted, treat the walls as very rough and non-slippery (i ‘Check every 18; D.W.G. 19); if anyone cliabs on the wall of the Sppermost ocr, “double the chanaea of falling, and ‘check for ‘each round (regurdiess of the distance actually moved in. thet found: ie: oven if no movement is made at all): If the linber falls there ls S00 chance thai some masonry will have brokes oose, causing an additional 246 damage CALL falling damage has fan addition of 1 point per die due to the brambles at the foot of the tower) Both the outer and interior walls of the Joner are constructed fron 21" cuble blocks. shaped as necessary. ‘The buttresses are made from similar blocks, and are 30" high; the 20' wide sections tite only 20° high, and the 10" wige sections ‘slope fron the ground to 20" up, with 31 flat area at the top.” The interior walls are lunfaced ‘and the blocks fit closely (treat as somewhat rough and Ron-slippery, ie: 12 per round, shoud edmbing be attempted); {his clone fkting has eroded into larger gapson the outer walls The floors are paved ‘with 2 cubic blocks, and the ceilings are faced with F square, I" thick slabs Call shaped us Tecessary); between these there lo a supporting frame of woodon beams, of varying sizes, which are slowly beginning to decay and weaken. ‘The interior rooms are all 18" high ‘The spiral eteircascs are |" wide, bullt around a 1" thick central column; they are made of ‘stone and are perfectly safe. That inthe ‘contre column, between the tnd and Sed. stories, descends clockwise, the other Iwo descend anti-clockwise. The columns on the fitst end ground floors are plain, constructed From the ane stone ts the walls, and are ¥ in diameter; they are 10" high Gas are the walls betwoen them), and the arches above them ‘meet at 15) high (the vaulting Is ‘marked by. the dotted Hines).""Both norma and secret coors are described within the key, ‘The alooves leading to the acrow slits are all 9" igh. with {eit floor level I! higher than that of the norwal tower. flor’ the arrow slits thomselves are 6 wide and run from 31" to 6 from the alcove Moors, and are crossletted with Z wide slits (stil Bhrhigh). ‘The main interior stairwells are dascribed in the key ‘TE GIANTS (AND OTHERS): The major oocupents of the Rising Tower (soe the kay for otner erentures) abe Botkats. and. his bend of fire giants, song wrth their seeooisted winne. " Balkate end. Ma company’ moved Into the tower seven years ago and soon began to extort a tribute from ‘the focal inhabitants (a couple of tribes of ores, a hobgobtIN {ribo,, an ogre anolare and a large colony of fironowisy the later tre on particularly good terms with the gante and. pay © smaller tMbate Than the others), in addition to a toll on. any. creatres asaing through the valley.” ‘This trate takoo the form ofthe that “ain be “mustered, with osonsional” luxury dwarf or halfling. If any of these tribes. ar® helt peyment,severeh of the glante wil oall- round fo ensure carly’ settionent, Smuking’ off with a Tender juveniles to cmplatise their dominions Esch tribe has to visit the tower once avery 6 weeks (except for the larger ore tribe. who pay tribute very 3 weeks, as they were originally less wilting to. part with hee hardcearaed provistone), and oxtry the. supplies fato the Moremons. ‘They ‘will also’ sond runners to alert the giants to {ny possible Wietims passing through the area. tnreturn” for these" sovlows, the ante. provect the tribes from mirsuders and thor creatures. who! attempt to exact some form et ‘ribate: they will only at, however, against persistent opponents, being tao Tnay to tush out end fight every casual plunderer. ‘There are 5. mula. giants, with 2 females. and (soe Wit 415; Some individual ‘variations are given below Belkatz (hp #3): tho loader of the fire guns, Belkatz rules by brown rather than brain, leaving the more, complex decisions 12 his’ mato Yukai.” Ho wears «sult of armour mide from odd loses of “plate and chain be has. picked. up here and’ there, (rariounly ‘own onto a surcoat of strapped "on thie looks Incredibly Naphasaré. sndclumy, "but isin fact, extremely tffectent at Keeping blows out (more by. shance than by desiga) winlde ¢ hage double-handed nord aadaitbnelly carries a couple. of ‘ttle txo for. throwing. ‘Theso latter, although lage, are humanvsized, but have beer rworafed for throwing PCraf Stk 7+ could we them i Aon normal damage, but a 2 to hit beanuse of this recrafting); Belkalz throws them for 2044 Samage up to 8" range CO" and_6° for short and medium ranges renpectively): He always carien 4 large leather skin full of le Mt’ his. side, "and. usually has. «couple of half-eaten chunks ‘ot Toast mest somewhere about his person. Te wears an cenate gold choltor se a wristband cn hia ‘night arm (worth, 500 gp) tnd hae Several score eopper and liver plobes CW and 28 respectively) in 1 oucn. for throwing at bugboars. to reward. them for sone Gerticclar ‘revioe rendered." Sarefaliy hitden inetie ‘his jorkin, Belkate slweys carries a potion of diminution thet he intends 12 Use asa means ef scape if all is lost; the other plants do not Know of elther this plan or the: potion. ‘Snort ‘the Render (hp $7): Snort is the smallest of the giant and "tr fairly peaceable and inalfensive “(lor fire. giant). Atthough he’ winide "8 lerge. haltend-tike weapons te etn only tanage to hfict 445" damage.” Unioss, that, he ie feced’ by slvess fOr Snort has an extreme, almost insane, loathing for ll Sithind ‘snd’ wil always attack, these, hideous amarmy beings with their depraved frolicrone ways. If fighting dves or hall-elves, Snort ‘will inflict the normal S46 damage ‘and will Rit at. s2- Despite” this” habit, "his nickname ‘of ithe “Render” was given tongue-in-cheek due to his generally meek demeanour: Snort wil siways be the last into combet, and will not even bother joining in"utless the opposition is strong (or contains aves!) Ferien in Dersonally Friple-sized ‘load and. several of the more young Hog (ip ©): thie hanmer-wielding slant is alse @ saith, end prodites ali aanner of oddities for the group. He always to Be found with 2 enormous hammers, one for fighting and one for inying. The former Is a Cearvome weupon, doing 6d4-0 and capable of being thrown for 12" (6" and 9” at’ short and medium Fanges respectively); the latter is not designed asa weapon, but may stil inflict 346 damage, and can be used. single-narided, (lowing Hog to ure his shield. If uring this shied, in addition to being AC2, Hog may attack twice; the second attack sas If a © HD monster (ie: to fit ACD I) and inflets 1d6-4 trom ine Imeosive spike on the front of the ahicld (he will, however, suffer “2'to hit with his hammer {n such cases, unless attacked by 2 or more opponents). Hog. usually wears ihe skin ol a great cave Dear (the claws are still attached); this fur i rather tatty and singed through much use, and is consequently nearly worthless Gespite its size Harid (ip 61): Harid tas @ particular penchant for well-cooked demi-human (even more so than most giants) and although quite willing to leave the day-to-day cooking to the bugbear menial he wil insist on taxing command it any

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