Introduction To 2D: Developing Ideas and Concepts: Module Assessment Guide May 2022

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Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS)

Introduction to 2D: Developing Ideas

and Concepts


Module Assessment Guide

May 2022
Prior to beginning your assessment, it is vital to read this document in detail.
Failure to do so will significantly disadvantage you and may well affect levels
of attainment

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1. Please read the assignment brief carefully and follow the instructions.
2. This is an individual work; collaboration is not allowed.

3. Label the work with appropriate titles.

4. Assignment must be professionally presented (i.e. quality of the work must be at par

with level 4 standard).

5. Your work must be original with appropriate referencing.

6. Scanned copy of your work must be uploaded to Moodle before 2359hrs on the due


On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the ability to convey and interpret meanings about artists’ work in
writing, orally and visually.

• Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental concepts in Fine Art in real-world

situations and, where appropriate, links to the creative professions/industries.

• Present knowledge and understanding of Fine Art in contemporary and past

societies and cultures.

• Present and develop ideas effectively to demonstrate creative concepts and

intended projects.

• Demonstrate through the medium of Fine Art a working knowledge of the processes
involved in exploration, analysing and experimenting through practical, technical
and expressive skills.

• Demonstrate knowledge and the ability of some of the process involved in the core
skills used in Fine Art such as mark-making, perspective drawing, still life, painting,
sculpture etc.

• Produce documented visual outcomes which demonstrate creative Fine Arts skills
and are a realisation of intentions with evidence of connections to relevant
contextual sources.
• Write coherent, cohesive, and clear reflective statements to evaluate progress and
skill development.

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This Module requires learners to produce both written and practical outcomes (where

deemed necessary the written outcomes can be alternatively submitted as a recorded

visual/oral recording). The practical outcomes can be submitted in either physical or digital

format. As this module is 100% coursework, the teacher will be able to see the work as it
progresses and validate the authenticity as being the learner’s own work.

% of Total Mark Awarded for evidence of:

17 Critical referencing/artist research/analysis

17 Exploration of processes and/or materials

17 Planning and problem solving - Review & refine

32 Production of final outcome including documenting


17 Evaluative statement/presentation.

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ASSESSMENT ONE – Self Environment 30%

Your project aims to create an environment for yourself.

• In this project, you are expected to explore with colour and focusing the use of
colour definitions.

• Explore through expressive skills.

• You are to deliver 2 portraits of yourself in contrast to one another.

• You may explore various mediums and materials to give life to your project.
• The assignment will help you develop skills to research, understand the concepts of

visual art to apply.

 What to submit

• Deliver in any medium. 2 portraits (self-environment) Not exceeding the size

• Journal work is expected to be submitted along with the main work. (Not
exceeding more than 10 pages)

• Statement of 150 – 200 describing your project (submitted digitally)

• All the submissions above should be scanned and documented as a PDF

to be uploaded to the Moodle

Assessment grading criteria

Development of refined idea and 5%

made compelling connections

Provided meaningful evidence 5%

Explored and experimented in depth 10%

Clear and structured art statement 10%

Assessment will be due on 26th June 2022 (Sunday) Week 5

Please upload a soft copy of the assignment to the Moodle before 2359hrs

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ASSESSMENT TWO: Self directed project proposal presentation 30%

• For this assessment students are required to give an oral presentation. Reflecting
on a project proposal for assessment three.

• Presenting will help with better communicating, understanding a concept.

• This project will help you learn how to express and reflect.

• Learning to use the correct way of labelling the images and keeping a correct

 What to submit

• Deliver a presentation for 10 – 15 minutes

• Introduction of your proposed project and details (Be clear and always use the

correct referencing for the Images used and details.)

• Develop more extensive research.

• Presentation should be concise, logical and supported by relevant visual

• Your progress should be provided.

• A copy of your presentation (including your notes and images) should be

submitted to the Moodle. (PDF format)

Assessment grading criteria

Use of correct referencing & labelling 10%

Provided meaningful evidence 5%

Explored and experimented in depth 5%

Clear and structured presentation 10%

Assessment will be due on 7th August 2022 (Sunday) Week 10

Please upload a soft copy of the assignment to the Moodle before 2359hrs.
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ASSESSMENT THREE – Self Directed Project Final 40%

• Develop and present a body of studio/project work that demonstrates exploration

and experimentation of form concept/content as it relates to your self-directed

• Identify and apply appropriate technical skills, materials, and processes to create.

• Develop and manage a self-directed creative project.

• Project statement (approximately 200 words)

- Provide a brief description of your project, outlining your intentions and your
journey through it.

- Your studio investigations, drawing on your journal, and actual examples of work
in progress.

 What to submit

1. Development of your work through sketches.

2. Journaling is important. (Do not exceed more than 10 pages)

3. Description (statement of your project 200 words)

4. Any art medium is accepted. (For the exact size or medium it will be discussed
beforehand in class)

Assessment grading criteria

Use of correct referencing & labelling 5%

Provided meaningful evidence 5%

Explored and experimented in depth 10%

Clear and structured art statement 10%

Application of the medium 10%

Assessment will be due on 4th September 2022 (Sunday) Week 14

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Please upload a soft copy of the assignment to the Moodle before 2359hrs

It is essential that you fully reference all ideas, theories, quotes, and statistics you have cited in your
submitted assignment. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of marks, possible failure and/or
accusations of plagiarism (the act of presenting the ideas or discoveries of another as one's own).
The method students MUST use is the UWE Bristol Harvard system, a guide to which can be found
via the UWE library home page, under 'Referencing Guide'. Please ensure that you refer to this for
guidance on referencing in the main text and references at the end of your essay.
What is referencing?
Basically, a reference is a description of the document from which you have obtained your
information. When writing essays, you are expected to read around your subject and referencing is
a way of demonstrating that you have completed that reading. Each time you use someone else’s
ideas or words it is essential that you acknowledge this in your work. You should provide references
to substantiate your arguments and to enable your reader to follow up your source material.
You should reference whenever you use any source of information for particular facts, theories,
findings or ideas in an author's work; a direct quotation; paraphrasing an author's words.
Remember, references should be correct, complete, and consistent, with the individual elements
clearly differentiated (Source: UWE Library Guide to Referencing)
Why do I have to reference?
There are several reasons for referencing. During your studies you will be expected to acknowledge
books, journal articles, etc, used in preparation for assignments, projects, essays, and dissertations,
by producing a list of references with each one.


10-30% 20%
31-50% 40%
More than 50% 0 marks to be awarded
• 10% of the marks scored will be deducted per day. Late submissions will be accepted ONLY
within 24hrs from the due date.
• The assignment will be given a zero after 1 day.
• If you are unable to submit an assignment due to health or unavoidable circumstances,
please submit the personal circumstance form at least 3 days prior to the due date.
• Please submit the form via MyVC Portal along with the supporting documents.

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