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BBIA introduction and launching activity in Burkina Faso

BBIA is an organization which seeks to support its community living in the United States of America (USA) and to
educate about Burkina Faso, its culture, and its citizens. BBIA believes “together, impactful and sustainable change
will be made”. Its vision is to serve its community and become the premier social, networking, education, and
business destination for its members and friends.

On December 29th, 2021, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) / Nonprofit BurkinaBe In Action (BBIA)
held its launching ceremony at the Burkina Faso’ s Chamber of Commerce in downtown Ouagadougou. BBIA is
based in New Jersey, USA, and has a representation in Burkina Faso
The event was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Oumarou HUGO Chairman of the Board of the
Burkina Faso’s Business Center (MEBF), and Roland Achille SOW Chairman and Managing Director of SISSIMAN

The ceremony introduced BBIA to its target audiences with the aim of encouraging their support and commitment to
the organization’s activities.

Hostesses dressed in traditional Burkina Faso fabric clothing welcomed the 175 event attendees. The event brought
together private businesses, public administration, NGOs, associations, professionals, and students. The Chamber of
Commerce protocol assisted with checking registration and sitting VIPs guests.

The MC, Dominique OUEDRAOGO, opened the ceremony by introducing the president and founder of BBIA,
Alizeta DIALLO who delivered her welcoming speech. The French slam artist, Natanael MINOUGOU, recited a
poem written specifically for BBIA launching in Burkina, followed by the second and third speeches from the

The BBIA team proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation of BBIA, its background information, structure and needs.
At the conclusion of the presentation, attendees asked questions, shared opinions, thoughts, and suggestions for

The MC ended the ceremony by thanking all attendees and inviting them to a networking cocktail during which
attendees shared their business cards. The sponsors and presenters were invited to a media session: photo op and

The event received media coverage and social media exposure:

 Print – by several newspapers & magazine: Sidwaya, le pays and L’economist
 Television - by several national TV stations: RTB, Burkina Info, Impact TV
 Radio - by several radios in French and English
 Internet – Social media (Facebook)

1. According to Daouda DIALLO, representing the President of the Board of Directors of the Maison de
l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso, patron of the ceremony, Oumarou YUGO, the creation of this association is a
great initiative. It is an umbrella that will federate the actions of several structures that already exist in the
United States to put them in touch with other structures here in Burkina, in a co-construction approach. "We
believe that the diaspora that is abroad has an important contribution in our country and we must be able to
reorganize this contribution better; BBIA is part of this approach. As far as we are concerned, at the level of
the business community, it is to be able to help them, guide them, advise them so that they can have the best
approaches that will allow them to have the best investments, possibly in the future,"
2. According to the President/Founder, Alizeta DIALLO: “ BBIA was born from the idea to work together and
to support the Burkinabe Community in the USA and in Burkina Faso. Federating all Burkinabe structures in
the United States (EU) will contribute to that idea. There are different Burkinabe structures in the United
States, so getting together is a way to achieve results that will impact the Burkinabe community in the United
States and then help us work with all Burkinabe to try to raise its socioeconomic status,"
“BBIA is a community and has no particular domain. It brings together different sectors of activity, among
others, culture, environment, health, education. Funding for these activities will be possible through a win-win
partnership. Funding is not the main goal. The primary goals for BBIA are to be able assemble, make its
community known, to have results and strengths to move forward.”
3. For the sponsor, Roland Achille SOW, the initiative is to be praised and encouraged, because BBIA wants to
infuse a new vision to the diaspora of the United States and their compatriots living in Burkina Faso.
According to him, this approach, which aims to make networking a powerful lever to answer internal and
external development issues, must be sustained. To do this, he invited all the actors to commit, because no
expertise is to be neglected.
4. The CEO of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the BF, Issaka KARGOUGOU, on behalf of the
consular elected officials of the Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the initiative. He invites BBIA to seek and
partner in the Burkinabe government's National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES II).

With the sponsors’ support, the event was very successful. It was held at the most prestigious conference
room of the country Capital’s Chamber of commerce. Received feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with
participants commenting favorably on the experience. Following the event, several organizations reached out
for collaboration opportunities with BBIA

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