1649212045460-Rev. 15 Students Evaluation Guidelines For Intermediate Level

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Please, do check Official Rubrics and Evaluation Calendar for Basic Courses, uploaded in PAIDEIA
IDIOMAS. We highly recommend paying close attention to your teacher’s instructions and guidance.
These fixed-day activities cannot be re-scheduled. If you fail to participate in any of the activities,
you will get a “0” grade on that specific activity.

The 4th additional grade will be made up of (3) three items described in this document.

A. Graded Book Writing Task (GBWT) – (Task performed in class, based on the unit (s) instructed by
your teacher. (Graded from 0-4)


- Demonstrate written competence in different genres, based on the aims and proposals designed
in section D of the unit(s) instructed by your teacher.


- The Graded Book Writing Task takes place on a fixed day according to the Evaluation Calendar in
PAIDEIA. This is an activity is taken under exam conditions and it cannot be re-scheduled.
Therefore, if you are absent from this session, you will get “0” as grade.

- To work online with this activity, you need to have a Gmail account.

- On the day assigned for this task, your teacher will share with you the GBWT Word Template via
Google Docs. That is the reason why you need to have a Gmail account. - The day of the writing task,
you will carry out a written activity suggested in lesson D of the current unit you are working on.
You will have to complete the task in no more than 45 minutes. Your teacher will monitor your work
so you should comply with the ethical behavior expected in this task. You may ask your teacher for
assistance if needed.

- To get a clear idea of what is expected and how the task will be assessed, students and teachers
need to be familiar with the Official Rubric (available and downloadable in PAIDEIA Idiomas).

-Expect feedback from your teacher, according to this information:

 Daily, SuperIntensive and Interdaily classes, 5th working day (counting from the day you
submit this task).
 Saturday classes, in the following session.
 Intensive classes: 3rd working day (counting from the day you submit this task).
 SpeedUp classes: in the subsequent class.

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B: CLMS: Workbook performance (Graded from 0-4)


- Become successful, independent learners by daily accessing the Cambridge LMS of the book either
from a tablet, smartphone (to work on your Online Workbook), and a wired connected PC or Laptop
(to take your Unit Progress tests o End of the Course Competency Tests), a whole world of
personalized learning at your fingertips.

– Develop your learning skills and get a personalized learning path according to your own language
needs. CLMS follows an adaptive approach, so make a thorough, efficient use of it.


- Get familiar with how to access and use the CLMS products by watching the Instructional Video on
our web Page. Your teacher will assess and help you in the process.

- Your teachers will create your CLMS class according to the fixed days instructed in the following
table. You have to join the CLMS class to let the system keep record of your participation,
performance and grades. Get familiar with the information shown below:

Course Join your CLMS class on Last chance to get a score on exams
the… or any of the graded activities in
CLMS , up to 23:59 PM on the…*

From Monday to Friday 1st day of class 16th session of class

Intensive 1st day of class 8th session of class

Superintensive 1st day of class 17th session of class

Saturday & Every other day 1st Saturday of class 8th session of classes.

Note: * Once the CLMS platform is locked and closed, grades will not be generated. After that, you
will be able to see your grades in your CLMS class when you access it from the “Finished Classes”

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- You are expected to have a constant daily access to the CLMS, according to your teacher’s
instructions and course planner. This is important since CLMS is 33.3% of the additional grade.

- The Unit Progress Tests (UPTs) are part of your evaluation. From January 2021 and on, only the
first attempt will be registered as a valid grade. Please take them timely within the official deadlines
and do not wait until the last few hours of their closing since you will be risking your grades.
Remember to take them using a wired connection to a PC or Laptop, which is part of the technical
requirements published in the official Institutional Norms and in Paideia Idiomas.

- Every time you finish with a book, it is mandatory to take the corresponding End-of-Course
Competency Tests (follow the Monthly Planner). The End-of-Course Competency Tests is part of
your overall work on the CLMS. The same recommendations and technical specifications mentioned
above apply for this Test. It is your responsibility to read all the guidelines published in PAIDEIA

-For further –not evaluated practice - you have access to Speaking Tests and Mid-Competency
Tests, following the same technical requirements described in the previous two cases.

-The CLMS grade book will show the corresponding score. Your teacher will use this conversion
table to award you a final grade for the CLMS result:

Example: Gradebook Score = 72%; your grade will be = 1

Rango de Resultados Equivalent 0-4

100% 4

96% - 99% 3

86% - 95% 2

70% - 85% 1

From 0% - 69% 0

C. IC TALKS (Task performed in class) (Grades from 0 – 4)


- Have students deliver high impact presentations based on intensive reading research and up-to-
date information about any of the topics related to the listening or reading tasks of the
corresponding units of the course. Under no circumstances, presentations will be based on the
students’ opinions.

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- In this activity, you are expected to show competence in integrated language skills, pronunciation,
creativity and novelty in the design of your presentation, as well as your skills to deliver a high
impact presentation.


- The IC Talks is an individual task that takes place in Zoom Platform, according to THE
scheduled (Students who do not show on the set day get a “0”). Students should select a
topic covered during the course, and make a high impact presentation. The idea is to
resemble a 3-minute talk like the ones presented at TED Talks.
- Students should select a topic covered during the course, and make a high impact
presentation. Please download the official Rubric of the activity from PAIDEIA Idiomas to
have a complete idea of what is expected from you and what the criteria for evaluation is.
- Students should be aware of this activity format and date as well as the rubric, since the
first day of class
- You are expected to show competence in integrated language skills, pronunciation,
creativity and novelty in the design of their presentation, as well as skills to deliver a high
impact presentation. The later implies a natural, well-prepared presentation. Notice that
in this activity you do not have to “memorize” a text. We highly recommend rehearsing your
presentation and having it ready ahead of time.
- On the day assigned for this task, students should come to class well prepared for a 3-minute
presentation with a PPT with no texts, just pictures that will be shared in Zoom.
- The order of presentation will be at random (a raffle is suggested), so all the students must
be on time. Whoever connects late will miss the chance to present the activity if his/her
name is picked out of the raffle since the activity is meant to begin as soon as the class
- The last PPT slide should contain all the reading sources from where the information was
collected. Remember that citing your sources is important while making your presentation.
Eg. “According to the American Journal of….”
- While having the presentation, make sure that your microphone and camera are on. The
rest of the SS should keep their microphones off no avoid interference. At the end of each
presentation, the teacher may randomly ask students to ask the presenter questions.
Therefore, students’ attention and involvement in the presentation is a must.

Overall Expected Timing of the Activity: 90 minutes all class presentations. Three-minute
presentation per SS plus a couple of more minutes for questions and answers.

 From Intermediate 1 to Intermediate 12, each student presentation must include 6 slides
with pictures without any script. Each slide must be displayed for 30 seconds. Therefore,
the overall presentation per person should not exceed from 3 minutes

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Since this is a high impact presentation, students must be careful on the quality of their delivery
(Remember to download the rubric of this activity from PAIDEIA Idiomas. The idea is to perform a
format similar to Ted Talks.

Very Important Information!


(Paideia – Idiomas) since these activities start at the exact starting time of your class Schedule.
Therefore, if you connect late to the “IC Talks” and your name has already been picked for the
presentation and the activity has already started, or you are absent, there is no possibility to
reprogram or reschedule it. Your grade for this missing activity will be “0” (zero).

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