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Affiliated to the CISCE, New Delhi

Bani Park, Jaipur

Class 10 science/commerce computer application

External project
1. Write a java program to accept a sentence and count total number of
vowels, consonants and spaces in it.
2. Write a java program to enter a number and check if it is an
AUTOMORPHIC number or not.
(A number is AUTOMORPHIC if it is present at the extreme end of its
square. E.g. 5-25,6-36,25-625.)
3. Write a java program to enter a number and check if it is a prime-
palindrome number.
(A number which is prime as well as palindrome)
4. Write a program to enter two numbers and find their LCM.
5. Write a program to enter two numbers and find their HCF.
6. Write a program to create a class Interest with two parameterized
functions for calculating simple interest and compound interest.
7. Write a menu driven program to calculate area of rectangle (l*b), square
(side *side) and circle (πr2) using parameterized functions.
8. A special number is a number in which the sum of factorial of each digit
is equal to the number itself.
For example-145 = 1!+4!+5! =1+24+120 =145
9. Write a program that inputs a number and displays whether it is a
special number or not.
10.Write a program to input n numbers and find the largest out of them.
11.Write a program to enter n numbers and find the smallest out of them.
12.Write a menu driven program to convert Fahrenheit temperature to
Celsius(c=5/9*(F-32)) and vice-versa (F=9/5*(C+32)) using
parameterized functions.
13.Write a program to enter a word and check if it is a special word or
not.(A word is special if it starts and end with the same letter).
14.Write a program to enter a number and check if it is a DUCK number or
not. (A number is DUCK if it contains a zero but not in the beginning)
15.Write a program to enter a word and check if it is a Palindrome word or
16.Write a program to enter n numbers and find sum of all even numbers
and all odd numbers separately.

17.Write a java program to accept a sentence and count frequency of
double occurrence of characters.
E.g. “She is feeding the rabbit with carrot.” Output-3
18.Write a java program to accept a sentence and count frequency of
consecutively occuring characters.
E.g. “Absolute exam stress has just started.” Output-3
19.Write a java program to accept two words and check if they are
Anagram words or not.
Two words are called Anagram if the consist of same letter but not in
same sequence.
E.g.- Smile-Miles, Listen-Silent
20.Write a program to enter a sentence and print its largest word.
21.Write a program to enter a sentence and capitalize first character of
each word.
22.Write a program to enter a sentence and print frequency of each
23.Write a program to enter a sentence and count total number of
uppercase and lowercase characters.
24.Write a program to enter a word and convert it into Piglatin form.
In Piglatin form the word starts with the first vowel of the word followed by
characters before the first vowel and “AY”. The whole new word is
E.g. “Children” Output-ILDRENCHAY
25.Write a program to enter a sentence and swap its first and last word.
E.g. “Hello friends how are you.”
Output: “You friends how are hello”
26.Write a program to enter a word and check if it is a special word or not.
(A word is special if it starts and ends with same letter.)
27.Write a program to enter n numbers in an integer array and find sum
and average of all even and all odd numbers separately.

28.Write a program to enter n numbers in an integer array and store thenm
in another array in reverse order.
29.Write a program to enter n numbers each in two different same sized
array. Store the sum of every corresponding value in a third array.

Eg: Array 1 Array 2 Array3

10 5 15
2 6 8
4 7 11
7 8 15
9 9 18
30.Write a program to enter city names in a string array and theit city codes
in another int array. Write a city name to be searched. If found print it
with its code.

31-34 Write a program to enter n numbers in an int array and sort them in
ascending/descending order using selection/bubble sort.

35. write a program to perform binary search in an array sorted in ascending

/descending order.

Follow the given instructions for making

 The programs should depict the logic of the problem. This
should be achieved by using mnemonic names for variables,
classes and functions.
 All the programs must be done in BLUEJ environment.
 After compiling the program take its print out. Also take
print out of output of the program.
 All the print outs should be bind in a spiral file.
 The first page of spiral file will be the student profile.
 The second page of spiral file should be
 Next should be the Index page containing list of all
 One page should contain one program only.
Janvi Chandani

Affiliated to the CISCE, New Delhi

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