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EDWARD : Hi Otilia, did you travel on vacation? Jai Otilia, did yu travel on vaqueishion?
Yes, I went on vacation to Miami.
Yes, ai went on vaqueishion tu maiami
EDWARD : Really? how long were you in Miami? Rily? Jau long wer yu in maiami?
I was there for 2 months.
Ai was der for tu monds
EDWARD : Tell me how is Miami? Tel mi jau is maiami?
Miami is a city that is surrounded by the sea. It has more than 2,000 kilometers of coastline for
beach lovers to enjoy most of the year, as temperatures there range between 30 °C and 35 °C
between May and October. I enjoyed of the wonderful beaches.
Maiami is a city dat is sarraunded bai da si. It jas mour den tu tfausend kilometers of coustlain for
bich lovers tu inyoy moust of da yir, as tempertiurs der reinch bituin tferti and tferti fai centigreid
bituin mei and october. Ai inyoy of da wanderful biches
EDWARD : what is the weather like in miami? Wat is da weder like in maiami?
Miami is a city with a good climate, I was fascinated with its climate, but sometimes undesirable
weather phenomena such as tropical storms or hurricanes occur. Each year there are at least 70
reported days of thunderstorms. They are usually accompanied by torrential rains and sometimes
hail. The hurricane season lasts from the first days of July until the end of November.
Maiami is a city wid a gud climeit, ai was fascineired wid its climeit, bat somtaims andisairabol
weder fenomenan sach as tropical estorms our jiurriqueins oquiur.
Ich yir der ar at list seventy riported deis of tfanderstorms. Dey ar iushualy acompeind bai
torrenshial reins and somtaims jeil. Da jiurriquein sison lasts from da ferst deis of yulai antil di end
of november.
OTILIA : you were travel to Miami. what can you eat in miami? yu wer travel tu maiami. Wat
qen yu it in maiami?
In Miami you will find a lot of dishes influenced by Latin and Caribbean gastronomy. The
chicharron, in this case, is a staple in South American cuisine, the Cuban sandwich, the Key Lime
is a specialty of Miami cuisine (key lime pie). I ate many new dishes.
In maiami yu wil faind a lot of dishes influenced bai latin and caribian gastronomi. Da chicharron,
in dis qeis is a esteipel in saudf american quizin, da quiuban sandwich, da ki laim is a espechelty
of maiami quizin (ki laim pai). Ai eit meny niu dishes.

OTILIA : Which places did you visit? Wich pleises did yu visit?
I visited “Art Deco Historic District” which are designed buildings in a range of pastel colors and
displaying large neon signs. Also, I visited “South Beach”, by day it’s a great place to wander
around or hang out on the beach and at night it comes alive with dining and nightlife.
Ai visited art deco jistoric district wich ar disaignd bildings in a reinch of pastel colours and
displeying larsh neon saings. Olso ai visited sautf bish bai dei its a greit pleis tu wander araund or
jang aut on da bish and at nait it coms alaif wid daining and naigtlaif.

OTILIA : Which activities did you do? Wish activitis did yu du?
I went on a boat tour of Everglades National Park and I saw alligators, cranes, turtles, manatees
and even panthers roam their native habitat freely. I checked out the wildlife at Zoo Miami as well.
Ai went on boud tur of evergleids nashional park end ai so aligeirors, cranes, tortuls, manatis and
iven panters roum deir natif jabitat frily. Ai chekd aut da waildlaif at zu maiami as wel.

OTILIA : Which things did you like and dislike about your trip? Wich tfings did yu laik and dislaik
abaut yur trip?
I liked that Miami had an impressive selection of oceanfront clubs, live music settings and dance
venues and the weather. I didn’t like the traffic congestion and the food.
Ai laik dat maiami jad an impresif selecshion of oushianfront clubs, lif miusik serings and dens
venius and da werer. Ai dident laik di trafic conyestshion and da fud.

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