Aggregating Risk Matrices Under A Normative Framework: Journal of Risk Research March 2019

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Aggregating risk matrices under a normative framework

Article  in  Journal of Risk Research · March 2019

DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2019.1588912


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4 authors:

Bao Chunbing Jie Wan

Shandong University Chinese Academy of Sciences


Dengsheng Wu Jianping Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Aggregating risk matrices under a normative


Chunbing Bao, Jie Wan, Dengsheng Wu & Jianping Li

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Aggregating risk matrices under a normative framework

Chunbing Baoa,b , Jie Wana,b, Dengsheng Wua,b and Jianping Lia,b
Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; bUniversity of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


Risk matrices have been proven as useful risk management tools, Received 18 January 2018
especially in the cases where data are not sufficient. Current usage Accepted 6 October 2018
of risk matrices in both literature and practice is related to single risk
assessment. However, sometimes the decision makers care more about
Risk matrices; risk
the overall risk consisting of several of single risks, which is in the scope aggregation; fuzzy set;
of the aggregation of single risks measured by risk matrices. interval number; probability
Unfortunately, two notions, namely, incomparability of different qualita- density function
tive risk ratings and incomparability of different risk types, hinder the
aggregation of risk matrices. Therefore, few literature studied on this
issue and even ISO have not given a solution. In this paper, a general
framework for risk matrix aggregation is proposed. The basic idea is to
transform the risk matrices into other equivalents to operate the
aggregation process. Based on this framework, three methods, namely,
the fuzzy set method, the interval number, and the probability density
function methods, are introduced. The three methods are applied to
an illustrative example to show the feasibility of the general framework.
Then these methods are compared from three different aspects, i.e.,
comprehensibility, complexity, and degree of explanation of risk matrix.
In practice, when these methods are employed to aggregate risk
matrices, the findings of this paper show that the interval number
method is the least robust; though the probability density function
method has a lower degree of explanation of risk matrix, it could be
taken as a substitution as the fuzzy set method, thanks to its simplicity.

1. Introduction
Risk aggregation is to composite individual risks to an overall one. In practice, decision makers
usually require the aggregated risk to make decisions at the whole organization level (Kouvelis
et al. 2012; Acharya, Almeida, and Campello 2013; Bernard, Jiang, and Wang 2014). In the cases
where data are sufficient, the quantitative methods are employed to obtain the overall risks.
For instance, in a bank, the overall risk should be the aggregated result of market risk, credit
risk, operational risk, and so on; and the result can be obtained using copulas (Li et al. 2015).
However, in practice, it is common that the data cannot meet the requirement of a quantita-
tive method to aggregate risks. In these cases, the quantitative methods will fail to work out the
problem (Wu et al. 2019). Some text mining algorithms are proposed to identify the risk factors
based on the risk disclosure text (Wei et al. 2019a; Wei et al. 2019b). In vague environment
where data are sparse, risk matrices have been popular and effective tools to assess risks (IEC

CONTACT Jianping Li No. 15, Beiyitiao, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing 100190, China
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. A 3  3 risk matrix.

2009; Iverson et al. 2012; Ruan, Yin, and Frangopol 2015; Ni, Chen and Chen 2010; Garvey and
Lansdowne 1998; Oliveira, Bana e Costa, and Lopes 2018; Hsu, Huang, and Tseng 2016). Risk
matrices are qualitative tools used to rate risks according to two dimensions (inputs), namely,
consequence and likelihood. When decision makers need to assess the severity of a risk using a
risk matrix, firstly, they should subjectively decide the levels of the consequence and likelihood
of the risk, then the risk matrix outputs the rating, denoted by a certain color, for example, red,
yellow, or green (Bao, Li, and Wu 2018a; Li, Bao, and Wu 2018; Cox 2008; Ball and Watt 2013).
Figure 1 presents a typical 3  3 risk matrix.
Though risk matrices have been widely used in many fields, few extant literature concern
about the aggregation of different risks measured with risk matrices. The difficulty of the aggre-
gation is twofold (Bao, Li, and Wu 2018a; Duijm 2015; IEC 2009). One is that it is difficult to
determine the magnitude of different risks in different scenarios since the risks are assessed with
subjective adjectives. For example, the risk rating ‘medium’ in a case may be more severe in
another case. The other is the types of risks may be different, such as casualties, economic loss,
and so on, making it difficult to compare different risks. Because of the two difficulties, even ISO
states that ‘risks cannot be aggregated’ (IEC 2009).
Bao et al. tried to resolve the aggregation problem of risk matrices (Bao, Li, and Wu 2018a). They
first conquered the difficulties by using quantitative risk matrices and normalizing the axes of
inputs. Then a fuzzy mapping framework was proposed to aggregate risks assessed by risk matrices.
The purposes of this paper are to find a more general framework of the aggregation and see if any
other methods are appropriate for resolving the problem. Specifically, four steps necessary are sum-
marized for the aggregation of risk matrices: (1) employ the risk matrices to assess individual risks,
(2) find appropriate expressions of the risk ratings, (3) aggregate individual risks by composition
methods, and (4) transform the composition results to specific values. Then two new methods,
namely, the interval number based method and the probability density function method, are pro-
posed. Lastly, an example is presented to show the difference between the three methods. The
three methods are compared from different aspects. Results reveal that the interval number method
is the least robust one, the fuzzy set method explains the risk matrix best, and the probability dens-
ity function could be a substitution for the fuzzy set method since they have similar results.

2. A normative framework to aggregate risks matrices

To our best knowledge, Bao et al. firstly proposed a framework to aggregate individual risks of a
risk portfolio using fuzzy set (Bao, Li, and Wu 2018a). Inspired by their idea, a more general
framework is extracted to aggregate individual risks which can combine other aggregation meth-
ods into this framework. In this part, the framework is described in detail. Since the individual

Figure 2. A framework of risk aggregation based on risk matrices.

risks are measured by predesigned risk matrices, the concept of ‘aggregating risk matrices’ is
substituted for ‘aggregating individual risks measured by risk matrices’ for simplicity (Duijm 2015;
IEC 2009; Bao, Li, and Wu 2018a).
Generally speaking, four steps constitute the framework. Given several different risks assessed
by risk matrices, we should (1) assess individual risks according to the normalized quantitative
risk matrices. Then, (2) find appropriate expressions of the risk ratings. Next, (3) aggregate indi-
vidual risks by composition methods. And, (4) transform the results of aggregation to specific val-
ues respectively to make it able to compare different portfolios which consist of differently rated
risks. The framework is as Figure 2 shows. To obtain relative severity of a risk portfolio, we
should obtain all the values of different portfolios.

2.1. Assess individual risks according to the normalized quantitative risk matrices
As is suggested by the researchers that study on risk matrices should be conducted on quantita-
tive risk matrices, namely, the consequence and likelihood of a risk matrix should be described
with numerical intervals (Bao, Li, and Wu 2018b; Li, Bao, and Wu 2018; Cox 2008). For example,
the category ‘medium’ of consequence corresponds to the interval of ($10 M, $20M). Besides, it
is known that the dimension of different risks mostly varies from one to another. For example,
the types of consequence could be an economic loss, casualties, and so on. Given different types
of consequence, in this step, they should be normalized so that the quantitative intervals are
from 0 to 1, making different types of consequence comparable. Therefore, in this paper, we
aggregate different risks caring about their overall severity instead of the sum of quantitative values
of the risks. The usage of quantitative risk matrices and the normalization of consequence and
likelihood are two important settings that conquer the obstacles preventing the aggregation of
risks measured by risk matrices.
After obtaining the normalized quantitative risk matrices, the decision makers should assess
the consequence and likelihood of each risk based on their knowledge or experience. Different
decision makers may assign different categories of consequence and likelihood to the same risk.
However, in this step, the decision makers must reach a consensus on the categories of conse-
quence and likelihood to guarantee the uniqueness of the risk rating of an assessed risk.
Therefore, before finding an appropriate way to aggregate risks, the estimations to the conse-
quence and likelihood of these risks based on the risk matrices should be given in advance, as
shown to the left of the brace in Figure 2. The following steps are carried out based on these
assessed risks and the corresponding risk matrices.

2.2. Find the appropriate expressions of the ratings

Given the assessment of the consequence and likelihood of the assessed risks, we easily map
each risk to a cell in the risk matrix which is denoted by a particular rating (color). It is intuitive
to consider finding appropriate expression of the rating so that we could do the further aggrega-
tion operations.
In a risk matrix, there are infinite points. It is critical to understand what these points mean.
Recall that risk matrices are used to assess the risks, so a point in a risk matrix presents the pos-
sible location of the assessed risks. Based on the understanding of the points in risk matrices, we
may give different kinds of expressions of the risk ratings. Specifically, Bao, Li, and Wu (2018a)
first used fuzzy sets to express the ratings. The basic idea is as follows.
In a quantitative risk matrix, the points with the same quantitative value may belong to differ-
ent risk ratings. A fuzzy set is used as an analogy to the risk ratings where different points will
have different membership.
The membership function is an important concept in the fuzzy set, which denotes how much
a fuzzy number belongs to a rating. Supposed X ¼ fxg is a space of objectives, then a fuzzy set
A in X can be described by a membership function lA ðxÞ; where lA ðxÞ 2 ½0; 1 represents the
degree of membership of x in A (Zimmermann 2001). The larger thelA ðxÞ; the higher the degree
of membership of x in A. For example, in Figure 3, some points in the iso-risk contour belong to
rating ‘green’ and others belong to rating ‘yellow.’ For a particular point in ‘green’ or ‘yellow’
cell, it has a corresponding membership. Therefore, each risk rating could be seen as a member-
ship function consisting of the points and their degree of membership.
A fuzzy set is just one kind of possible expressions of risk ratings. In this paper, another two
expressions will be introduced. One is the interval number, and the other is the probability dens-
ity function.
It is intuitive to adopt the interval numbers to express the risk ratings. Since both the conse-
quence and likelihood can be seen as interval numbers, their product is still can be expressed as
an interval number. An interval number of a rating contains all the possible risk values of the rat-
ing. In general, the risk value of the lower left corner of the risk matrix is the smallest, and the
risk value in the upper right corner is the largest. Thus, interval numbers can be used to denote
a certain rating. As Figure 4 shows, for example, the rating green can be described by interval
number ½0; 1=3; according to the circled points which denote the smallest and the biggest risk
value, respectively.

Figure 3. Membership of risks on an ISO-risk contour.


Figure 4. Rating expressed by interval number.

Since a point in the risk matrices represents the possible value of the assessed risk, we could
view a risk rating from the perspective of distribution. In general, we explore a probability dens-
ity function to reflect the information that a risk rating contains. We first obtain the cumulative
distribution function FX ðrÞ ¼ PðX  rÞ; where r denotes the given risk value in rating G(green),
Y(yellow), or R(red). For example, in Figure 5, given any risk value r in rating G, the cumulative
probability of X  r can be approximated by the proportion of the shaded area in the green
area. Then the probability density function is the derivation of the cumulative distribution func-
tion with respect to r.
The above is the introduction of the three possible expressions the risk rating. These expres-
sions are constructed because the risk rating contains infinite points instead of a single one. And
these expressions reflect the information of the risk rating from different perspectives. The next
part tells how to aggregate the risk ratings based on these expressions.

2.3. Aggregate the individual risks by composition methods

Given the expressions of ratings, the overall risk of the risk portfolio (a risk portfolio consists of
several individual risks) can be aggregated using some kinds of composition methods. It is the
core step of the framework of risk aggregation based on risk matrices. The aim of aggregating
risks is to obtain the overall risk so that we can compare the severity of these aggregated risks.
However, as shown in the following, the aggregation methods are different when different
expressions of risk rating are adopted.

Figure 5. Express the rating by the cumulative distribution function.

For the fuzzy set, the aggregation is by the composition method of membership functions of
fuzzy sets. For any two fuzzy sets, the most prevalent composition method is the max–min rule
shown in Equation (1) (Zimmermann 2001):
lAB ðzÞ ¼ max min lA ðxÞ; lB ðyÞ : (1)

All risks are assumed to be independent of each other in this paper. Thus, by repeatedly
using Equation (1), the aggregation of two or more fuzzy sets is achieved by the following
lA1 þA2 þþAi þþAn ðzÞ ¼ max min lA1 ðx1 Þ; lA2 ðx2 Þ; :::; lAi ðxi Þ; :::; lAn ðxn Þ ; (2)
z¼x1 þx2 þxi þþxn

where lAi ðxi Þis the membership function, denoting the degree of xi in set Ai (or rating Ai ).
When the ratings of risks are denoted by interval numbers, aggregating risks is by the add-
ition of interval numbers according to the addition principle of interval number. The aggregated
result obtained is an interval number denoting the overall risk of the risk portfolio.
Lastly, if the ratings are expressed by the probability density functions, such as f(x),
aggregating different risks is to obtain the probability density function of the sum of the risks,
namely, f (x1þx2þ … ). This process can be carried out analytically or with the aid of Monte Carlo
simulation, details of which will be given in Section 3.3.
Obviously, the composition methods help aggregate several risks into an overall one which
has the same form of expression as the individual risks. For example, if the individual risk ratings
are expressed by fuzzy sets, the aggregated risk is still of the form of a fuzzy set.

2.4. Transform the result of aggregation into a specific value

The aggregated risk with some particular expressions by far is still not comparable directly.
In order to compare the relative severity of the overall risk with those of other risk portfolios, the
mathematical expressions should be transformed into comparable values. By comparing the
magnitude of the values, the ranking of a risk portfolio is available among all the risk portfolios.
The larger the specific value is, the severer the risk is.
In the method of fuzzy set, to convert the fuzzy number into a crisp value, defuzzification is
applied (Zimmermann 2001). The defuzzification methods include max membership principle,

centroid method, weighted average method, and so on (Zimmermann 2001). The most prevalent
one is the centroid method, which is defined as:
 l ðzÞ  zdz
z ¼ ÐC : (3)
lC ðzÞdz
Similarly, interval numbers and the probability density functions can be transformed into
comparable values. Details of the transformation will be introduced in Section 3.
Although the interval number cannot be directly transformed into a specific value, with other
interval numbers to be compared, the interval number can be transformed into a specific value
indirectly. In other words, the value does not exist where there is only one interval number, only
if there are several interval numbers to be compared, the value can be calculated accordingly.
The formula and detailed process are in the following part 3.2.
As for the method of probability density function, the expectation of the distribution is usu-
ally used to represent the distribution of an objective. The expectation of distribution can be
obtained analytically or using the Monte Carlo simulation method.
Remark: The above four parts are necessary when aggregate the risks measured by risk matri-
ces, constituting a more general framework than the fuzzy mapping framework proposed by
Bao, Li, and Wu (2018a). Under the framework, different methods are allowed to resolve the
aggregation problem. Furthermore, we can explore the difference between the methods and
show which one is more reliable.

3. Three different methods to aggregate risks

In this section, we will introduce the detailed aggregation process of the three methods.
The names of the methods are given according to the expressions of the risk ratings, namely,
fuzzy set method, interval number method, and probability density function method.

3.1. Process of aggregating risk matrices based on fuzzy set

Fuzzy set, which is firstly introduced by Zadeh (1965), is an important concept in the vague
environment, where information is incomplete or imprecise. A fuzzy set is a pair ðX; lÞ where X
is a space of objectives and l is a membership function. For each x 2 X; the value lðxÞ is called
the grade of membership of x in ðX; lÞ: If lðxÞ=1, xis called fully included; if lðxÞ=0, x is called
not included; if 0<lðxÞ<1;x is called a fuzzy member (Kumar and Chaturvedi 2009; Bao, Li, and
Wu 2018a; Li et al. 2017).
A risk matrix can be seen as a fuzzy set according to the if-then rule: if a risk is of the value
of x, then it belongs to risk rating A with the degree of lA ðxÞ (Bao, Li, and Wu 2018a; Markowski
and Mannan 2008). Therefore, it is an important issue to calculate the degree of membership.
Given a risk value, Bao et al. used the following formula to calculate the degree of
membership, namely,
lA ðriskÞ ¼ ; (4)
where Lrisk;A denotes the length of the contour with quantitative value risk located in the region
whose risk rating is A and Lrisk denotes the total length of this contour.
The length of the contour can be approximately calculated as follows:
ð up
f ðxÞdx  f ðx0 Þ þ 2f ðx1 Þ þ    þ 2f ðxn1 Þ þ f ðxn Þ ; (5)
low 2n
where n is the number of subintervals of ½low; up and xi ¼ low þ i uplow
n ði ¼ 0; 2; :::nÞ:

The aggregation process is as follows:

Step 1. Assess the n risks in their respective risk matrices to obtain the n risk ratings.
Step 2. Calculate the fuzzy membership function of each of the ratings according to the
preliminaries in Section 3.1.
Step 3. Use Monte Carlo simulation to obtain the fuzzy membership of aggregated risks.
Step 3.1. For each rating of the evaluated risks, its corresponding possible risk values are
located in an interval. First, generate a risk value randomly belonging to the interval, and n risk
values are generated in all. Second, calculate the corresponding n memberships of all the n risk
values. Both values are recorded in a two-dimensional array (the two dimensions are risk and
risk membership).
Step 3.2. Total risk of the n risk values is measured by the sum of all risk values, denoted by
Rs ; where s represents the sth simulation. Membership of Rs is the minimum of all memberships
of single risks, denoted by lðRs Þ according to formula (1).
Step 3.3. Repeat Steps 3.1 and 3.2 N times, and we now have R1 ; R2 ; :::; RN and lðR1 Þ;
lðR2 Þ; :::; lðRN Þ: Check if there are duplicate values of Rp ðp ¼ 1; 2; :::; NÞ: If Rp is a duplicate,
which means there are several memberships of Rp ; membership of Rp should be the maximum
of all memberships of Rp according to formula (2). After the screening, there are in total N0 over-
all risk values and memberships without duplicate. If the number of simulations is large enough,
we will obtain the membership of each possible overall risk in theory.
Step 4. Apply defuzzification method to obtain the crisp value of a risk portfolio, which
can be compared in magnitude with the crisp values of other risk scenarios.

3.2. Process of aggregating risk matrices based on interval numbers

An interval number is a set of real numbers on a closed interval, which is often denoted by
[a, b], where a represents the lower bound of the interval number and b represents the higher
bound. Interval number is a fundamental tool often used in the vague environment.
~ ¼ ½bL ; bU ; where a
~ ¼ ½aL ; aU ;b
Let a ~ are both interval numbers. The addition operations
~; b
is shown as follows: (Sengupta and Pal 2000, 2009; Sun and Yao 2008)
~ þb
a ~ ¼ aL þ bL ; aU þ bU :

~ ¼ bL ; b U ; l a
~ ¼ aL ; aU ; b
Let a ~ ¼ bU  bL ;
~ ¼ aU  aL ; lb
n  o
  min la ~ max aU  bL ; 0
~ þ lb;
p a ~ ¼
~ b ~
þ lb; (6)
which represents the probability of a ~ b:~ The relation can be denoted by a ~ Suppose there
~ p b:
are N interval numbers, namely, a ~ i ¼ ½ai ; ai ; i 2 N; Formula (6) can be used to calculate

pða~i >b~j Þ; i; j 2 N; denoted by pij : Furthermore,

1 X n
vi ¼ pij þ 1 ; i 2 N; (7)
nðn  1Þ j¼1 2

Formula (7) represents the magnitudes of interval numbers a~i : vi can be used to compare the
magnitudes of different interval numbers.
Aggregating risk matrices by the aggregation method of interval number is fairly simple,
which is achieved just by using the addition operation of the interval numbers. Specifically,
each risk rating can be denoted by an interval number, by addition of interval numbers, we
can obtain the overall risk denoted by an interval number. What should be paid attention to

is an interval number itself does not have a v and thus there is not a crisp value to represent
its magnitude. Therefore, to obtain the crisp value of a portfolio, we should collect all the
interval numbers of all possible portfolios. The detailed process is as follows.
Step 1. Assess the n risks in their respective risk matrices to obtain the risk ratings.
Step 2. Denote the ratings of the evaluated risks by interval numbers, take the specific risk
matrix in Figure 1 for instance, g ~ ¼ ½0; 1=3; ~y ¼ ½1=9; 2=3; ~r ¼ ½4=9; 1 (g
~ ; ~y ; ~r represent interval
numbers of rating green, rating yellow, and rating red, respectively).
Step 3. According to the calculation principle of interval numbers, we can aggregate the
individual risks by the addition of interval numbers, the formula is a ~ þb ~ ¼ ½aL þ bL ; aU þ bU :
The use of interval numbers should correspond to the ratings of risks in the portfolio.
Step 4. Use formula (7) to calculate  i to compare the different interval numbers.
Much attention should be paid on  i ; because the results will differ when objects
of comparison are different. When the comparison is conducted,  i is generated, and when there
is not a comparison,  i does not exist.

3.3. Process of aggregating risk matrices based on probability density function

According to the definition of cumulative distribution function, in probability theory and
statistics, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a real-valued random variable X, or just
distribution function of X, evaluated at x, is the probability that X will take a value less than or
equal to x (Durrett 2005). The cumulative distribution function of a real-valued random variable
X is the function given by
FX ðxÞ ¼ PðX  xÞ; (8)
where the right-hand side represents the probability that the random variable X takes on a value
less than or equal to x.
In risk matrices, given a risk value x, as shown in Figure 5, the probability of X  x equals
to the proportion of the dashed area in the whole area of a rating. Therefore, the cumulative
distribution function is an explicit formulation with respect to x. Then the probability density
function is the derivation of the cumulative function, namely, f ðxÞ ¼ F 0 ðxÞ:
The Monte Caro simulation method can be used to obtain the distribution of the overall
(sum) risk of the risk portfolio. And the expectation of the distribution is taken as the crisp value
of the distribution.
The aggregation process is as follows:
Step 1. Assess the n risks to be aggregated in their respective risk matrices to obtain the risk
ratings of these risks.
Step 2. Obtain the probability density functions, such as fgreen ðrÞ; fred ðrÞ and so on, to express
the risk ratings.
Step 3. Generate n risk values from the n distributions of the n risks according to their corre-
sponding probability density functions. Sum of the n risk values is the overall risk of the portfolio
in a simulation. Denote the sum by ri :
Step 4. Repeat step 3 N times and the mean of ri is taken as the expectation of the distribu-
tion of the overall risk of the portfolio, namely, ðr1 þ r2 þ   Þ=N:

4. Comparison of different methods to aggregate risks based on risk matrices

4.1. An illustrative example
In this section, we apply the above three approaches to an illustrative example. Assume there
are four different kinds of risks, namely, R1 ;R2 ;R3 ;R4 ; as shown in Table 1. The decision makers
want to know what the severity of the overall risk is. Besides, they do not have a precise
10 C. BAO ET AL.

Table 1. Definition of consequences of three risk matrices.

Risk Description of risk Low Medium High Extreme
R1 Schedule delay: measured in days (unit: days) [0,10] (10,20] (20,30] >30
R2 Casualty: measured in expenses incurred for treatment [0,200K] (200K,400K] (400K,600K] >600K
of injured people (unit:$)
R3 Misoperation: measured by the corresponding [0,50K] (50K,100K] (100K,150K] >150K
loss (unit:$)
R4 Environmental pollution: measured by the fee curbing [0,100K] (100K, 200K] (200K, 300K] >300K
environmental pollution (unit:$)

Figure 6. A 3  3 risk matrix used to assess the 4 risks.

estimation of the risks. Therefore, we employ the risk matrix shown in Figure 6 to assess these
risks (of course, different risk matrices can be used to assess different risks. For simplicity, the
same risk matrix is adopted in this example).
Firstly, the decision makers need to give an estimation to the consequence and likelihood
of each risk. The quantitative description of each category of consequence is provided in Table 1.
As is shown in the table above, R1 ;R2 ;R3 ; and R4 are schedule delay, casualty, misoperation, and
environmental pollution, respectively. Any infinite interval is not considered in the aggregation
because will have the highest priority. Notice that some of these risks are usually measured in the
discrete index, so we need to translate them into the continuous indexes, such as casualty (R2 ).
Casualty is usually measured by the number of dead or injured people so we translate it into the
expenses spent. Moreover, the likelihood is [0, 1/3], (1/3, 2/3], and (2/3, 1], which correspond to
‘Low’, ‘Medium’, and ‘High’, respectively. It has to be emphasized that the interval length does not
have to be equal, which depends on the subjective judgment of decision makers.
After giving the estimation to the consequence and likelihood of the 4 risks, the decision
makers obtain the risk rating of each risk according to the risk matrix in Figure 6. The risk ratings
of the 4 risks are reported in Table 2.
Based on the information, the proposed methods are employed to tell what the severity
of the overall risk is. Obviously, to obtain the severity of a possible portfolio, we must know the
magnitude of the overall risks of other portfolios. In theory, there are totally 81 (=3  3  3  3)
possible risk portfolios. Since the same colored risk ratings have the same consequence and like-
lihood in each risk matrix, they are identical. Therefore, we can compress the number of different
portfolios. After this operation, totally, there are 15 different risk portfolios.
Based on the aforementioned methods, the results are exhibited in Table 3.

Table 2. Risk ratings of the 4 assessed risks.

Risk Consequence Likelihood Rating
R1 Medium Medium Yellow
R2 High Low Green
R3 High Low Green
R4 High High Red

Table 3. Ranking of the severity of different portfolios of the aggregated risks shown in Table 1 by different methods.
Portfolios Fuzzy set Interval number Cumulative distribution function Ranking
riskred ; riskred ; riskred ; riskred 2.776/1 17.056/1 2.776/1 1
riskred ; riskred ; riskred ; riskyellow 2.444/0.862 16.041/0.875 2.445/0.862 2
riskred ; riskred ; riskred ; riskgreen 2.175/0.750 15.453/0.803 2.182/0.752 3
riskred ; riskred ; riskyellow ; riskyellow 2.108/0.722 14.940/0.740 2.115/0.724 4
riskred ; riskred ; riskyellow ; riskgreen 1.847/0.613 14.258/0.656 1.844/0.611 5
riskred ; riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow 1.779/0.585 13.810/0.601 1.777/0.584 6
riskred ; riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 1.579/0.501 13.494/0.562 1.575/0.500 7
riskred ; riskyellow ; riskyellow riskgreen 1.510/0.473 13.063/0.510 1.511/0.472 8
riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow 1.441/0.444 12.679/0.463 1.445/0.445 9
riskred ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 1.247/0.363 12.226/0.407 1.247/0.363 10
riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen 1.178/0.334 11.868/0.363 1.178/0.334 11
riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.981/0.253 11.283/0.291 0.978/0.251 12
riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.910/0.223 10.959/0.251 0.910/0.223 13
riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.647/0.113 9.961/0.129 0.643/0.111 14
riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.375/0 8.913/0 0.376/0 15
Two values of risk portfolios are given. One is the original value and other is the normalized one.

Figure 7. Risk levels of different scenarios (calculated by fuzzy set).

Firstly, we notice that some results are consistent with common sense, like the scenario of
four ‘red’ risks has a higher priority than the one of four ‘yellow’ or ‘green’ risks; and the scenario
of three identical risks with the remaining risk of ‘red’ has the higher priority than with the
remaining risk of ‘yellow’ or ‘green’. Furthermore, the above tables provide some results
that cannot be estimated intuitively; for instance, the portfolio (riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen )
has a higher ranking than the portfolio (riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ), which is one of the
main contributions of the methods.
Besides, we find that all the three methods output the same ranking of the risk portfolios.
However, the ranking is not the final result we are to obtain. In the next step, we will divide the
15 risk portfolios into several ratings for the purpose to obtain the severity of a risk portfolio.
In order to compare the results straightforwardly, the values of the aggregated risks are
normalized to ½0; 1 as shown in Table 3. Next, we divide all the 15 risk portfolios into three risk
levels according to the thresholds 1/3 and 2/3. Figures 7–9 report the division of the risk
portfolios calculated by different methods.
We see that even calculated by different methods, under the division criteria, the division of
the risk portfolios are the same, namely, the lowest 4 risk portfolios are assigned the level of 3,
the largest 4 are of risk level 1, and the remaining 2.
So far, by the aggregation methods, we reach our goal, namely, obtaining the severity (or risk
rating) of the overall risk. Therefore, in this example, since the 4 risks are estimated as ‘yellow,’
‘green,’ ‘green,’ and ‘red,’ respectively, the overall risk should have the risk rating of rating ‘2,’
which is at a lower–moderate level.
12 C. BAO ET AL.

Figure 8. Risk levels of different scenarios (calculated by interval number).

Figure 9. Risk levels of different scenarios (calculated by cumulative distribution function).

It seems that in this example, namely, when this 3  3 risk matrix is adopted, the three meth-
ods could be substitutes for each other. However, we find some differences between the results.
The distributions of different risk scenarios obtained by a fuzzy set and cumulative distribution
function are almost the same. Furthermore, compared with the result obtained by a fuzzy set
and cumulative distribution function, the normalized values obtained by interval number are
larger. Does it raise the question that whether the interval number method overestimates the
risk of a portfolio? We wonder whether these methods are robust under other circumstances.
This will be discussed in the following section.

4.2. Robustness of different methods

Intuitively, in risk matrix, the setting of the scaling of consequence and likelihood is the main
factor that will affect the aggregation result because it directly determines the express of a risk
rating of the assessed risk. In part 4.1, for the risk matrices used for aggregation, the lengths
of the intervals of the axes of consequence and likelihood are equally divided into 3 categories. To
check whether the aggregation methods are robust in different cases, the risk matrix is designed as
Figure 10 shows and then the aforementioned three methods are used to obtain the overall risks.
The specific risk portfolio is the same as the one in Section 4.1, and the only difference is the scaling
of the input axes of the risk matrices. The intervals of the categories of inputs are [0, 1/4), [1/4, 3/4),
and [3/4, 1], which changes the information, such as the membership of risk, the interval numbers
of risk ratings, and the distribution of points, the risk matrix contains.
Table 4 reports the ranking of the possible portfolios of the four aggregated risks, with the
aid of the methods of fuzzy number, interval numbers, and probability density function.
Firstly, the results based on the methods of the fuzzy number and cumulative distribution
function are the same while the result of the method of interval number is different in the ranking
of two scenarios, (riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ) and (riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ). The
former two methods show that (riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ) ranks higher than (riskyellow ;
riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ), while the ranking judged by the method of interval numbers is opposite.

Figure 10. The adjusted 3  3 risk matrix.

Table 4. Ranking of the severity of different portfolios of the aggregated risks measured by the risk matrix in Figure 10 by
different methods.
Fuzzy set distribution function Interval number
Portfolios Value Ranking Value Ranking Value Ranking
riskred ; riskred ; riskred ; riskred 3.275/1 1 2.778/1 1 17.827/1 1
riskred ; riskred ; riskred ; riskyellow 2.894/0.867 2 2.448/0.863 2 16.612/0.875 2
riskred ; riskred ; riskred ; riskgreen 2.548/0.746 3 2.175/0.749 3 15.960/0.809 3
riskred ; riskred ; riskyellow ; riskyellow 2.455/0.713 4 2.111/0.722 4 15.286/0.739 4
riskred ; riskred ; riskyellow ; riskgreen 2.163/0.611 5 1.843/0.611 5 14.501/0.659 5
riskred ; riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow 2.073/0.579 6 1.780/0.585 6 13.989/0.606 6
riskred ; riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 1.818/0.490 7 1.577/0.500 7 13.501/0.556 7
riskred ; riskyellow ; riskyellow riskgreen 1.743/0.464 8 1.511/0.473 8 13.085/0.514 8
riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow 1.553/0.398 9 1.444/0.445 9 12.773/0.482 9
riskred ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 1.415/0.349 10 1.242/0.361 10 11.950/0.397 10
riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen 1.329/0.319 11 1.177/0.333 11 11.792/0.381 11
riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 1.083/0.233 12 0.978/0.250 12 10.639/0.263 13
riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.993/0.202 13 0.910/0.222 13 10.640/0.263 12
riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.699/0.099 14 0.645/0.112 14 9.372/0.133 14
riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen 0.417/0 15 0.377/0 15 8.074/0 15
Two values of risk portfolios are given. One is the original value and other is the normalized one.

Secondly, we observe that the values of the results of the fuzzy number and cumulative
distribution function are relatively close. In most cases, the values of the results of the fuzzy
number and cumulative distribution function are the same until the percentile of the number,
whereas the magnitude of  i which is obtained by the method of interval number are far from
the magnitude which the former two methods get. We regard this as an implication that the
methods of fuzzy set and of cumulative distribution function are more stable.
The interval number method does not always perform well when the form of risk matrices
changes. It is because that interval numbers only record information of intervals from the small-
est risk value to the largest risk value of a rating. For example, in Figure 11, the two risk matrices
are different, but the interval numbers used to express each risk rating are the same. Therefore,
interval numbers reflect little information of the relative position of these ratings and lead to an
information loss. The characteristic forms of the matrices are not embodied at all, which makes
the method of interval numbers ineffective in some cases.
Next, similar to the previous part, in order to compare the results straightforwardly, the values
of the aggregated risks are normalized to [0, 1] and divided into three risk levels according to
the thresholds of 1/3 and 2/3. Figures 12–14 show the division of the risk portfolios calculated
by different methods.
14 C. BAO ET AL.

Figure 11. Two different 3  3 risk matrices.

Figure 12. Risk levels of different scenarios (calculated by fuzzy set).

Figure 13. Risk levels of different scenarios (calculated by interval number).

Figure 14. Risk levels of different scenarios (calculated by cumulative distribution function).

Figures 12–14 show that although the ranking derived from the aggregation approach of
interval number differs in the ranking of scenario (riskred ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ) and scenario
(riskyellow ; riskyellow ; riskgreen ; riskgreen ), the bars of the two scenarios are so close that we consider
the aggregation approach of interval number does not perform well in the judgment of the

Table 5. Comparison of the aggregation methods of fuzzy set, interval number and probability density function.
Methods Comprehensibility Complexity Degree of explanation of risk matrix
Fuzzy set Hard to comprehend Most complex High
Interval number Easy to comprehend Easiest Low
Probability density function Medium Medium Medium

ranking of the two scenarios. Nevertheless, the two scenarios are distinguished by the other two
approaches well because of an appropriate distance between the two bars, making it possible to
rank the two scenarios.

4.3. Comparison of the three aggregation methods

In order to compare the three aggregation approaches comprehensively, the three methods
are analyzed from the following three aspects. Table 5 shows the comparison result
of the three methods from three aspects, namely, comprehensibility, complexity, and
information content.

4.3.1. Comprehensibility
Amongst the three approaches, the aggregation method based on interval numbers is the most
comprehensible one, attributing to its simplicity and feasibility. Decision makers only need to
estimate the consequence and likelihood in their respective risk matrices to obtain the respective
ratings and then get three interval numbers to add up.
Moreover, the aggregation method of probability density function is considered to be
relatively comprehensible whose comprehensibility is between fuzzy set and interval number.
The aggregation method of a fuzzy set is the least intuitive one, which includes several
important conceptions such as membership function and the rule to aggregate fuzzy sets,
making it hard to comprehend.

4.3.2. Complexity
Similar to the dimension of comprehensibility, the method of a fuzzy set is the most complex
one. The processes of obtaining fuzzy numbers, the aggregation, and the defuzzification are all
The method of cumulative distribution function remains the middle one in complexity,
while the method of interval number is the simplest one.

4.3.3. Degree of explanation of risk matrix

Despite the simplicity of the method of interval numbers, it encounters information loss. In other
words, compared with the fuzzy set method, the information it conveys is lesser. It only records
the interval from the smallest risk value to the largest risk value of each rating, but ignore
the specific form of different risk matrices, for example, the relative position and the relative size
of the cells. Nevertheless, the approach of fuzzy set and interval number conveys these pieces
of information. In general, the approach of interval number conveys lesser information than
the other two methods, which may lead to confusions and mistakes.
Remark. As the above discussion shows, although the interval numbers can be used to
express the risk ratings, they ignore much information, resulting in unreliable aggregation
results sometimes. The methods of fuzzy set and probability density function are better
in theory and more robust to different settings; besides, they output similar results, which
reveals that even though the probability density function method has a lower degree
16 C. BAO ET AL.

of explanation of risk matrix, it could be used as an approximation for the result of fuzzy set
method for its simplicity.

5. Conclusions and discussion

Risk aggregation is an important branch of risk management. We focus on the aggregation of
risks measured by risk matrices, which are usually used in the cases where data are not sufficient.
Bao et al. first broke the assertion of ISO that risk matrices can not be aggregated. They pro-
posed a fuzzy mapping framework to resolve the aggregation problem.
In this paper, we propose a more general framework to aggregate risk matrices. The frame-
work consists of four parts: (1) employ the risk matrices to assess individual risks, (2) find appro-
priate expressions of the risk ratings, (3) aggregate individual risks by composition methods, and
(4) transform the composition results to specific values. Then under this framework, two new
methods, the interval number method, and the probability density function method are pre-
sented accompanied with the detailed aggregation process. Lastly, we apply these methods to
an illustrative example, based on which the performance of the three methods are compared.
Results show that the interval number method seems defective theoretically and can not give
satisfactory results in some cases; the fuzzy set method is technically sound and explains the fea-
ture of risk matrices well but is the most complicated; although the probability density function
method has lower degree of explanation of risk matrix, the aggregated result is very close to
that based on the fuzzy set method. Therefore, we conclude that in practice, the probability
density function method could be a substitution for the fuzzy set method which is of a high
degree of explanation of risk matrix but is more complicated.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 71571179, 71425002,
and 71433001; the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant
QYZDB-SSW-SYS036; the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant
2012137 and 2013112.

Chunbing Bao
Dengsheng Wu
Jianping Li

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