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Published online: 2020-02-11

Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and

Disorientation in Vehicles
A.M. Bronstein, MD, PhD, FRCP1 J.F. Golding, DPhil2 M.A. Gresty, PhD1

1 Division of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, Charing Cross Address for correspondence John F. Golding, DPhil, Department of
Hospital, London, United Kingdom Psychology, School for Social Sciences, University of Westminster, London
2 Department of Psychology, School for Social Sciences, University of W1W 6UW, United Kingdom (e-mail:
Westminster, London, United Kingdom

Semin Neurol

Abstract Environmental circumstances that result in ambiguity or conflict with the patterns of
sensory stimulation may adversely affect the vestibular system. The effect of this
conflict in sensory information may be dizziness, a sense of imbalance, nausea, and
motion sickness sometimes even to seemingly minor daily head movement activities.
In some, it is not only exposure to motion but also the observation of objects in motion

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around them such as in supermarket aisles or other places with visual commotion; this
can lead to dizziness, nausea, or a feeling of motion sickness that is referred to as visual
vertigo. All people with normal vestibular function can be made to experience motion
sickness, although individual susceptibility varies widely and is at least partially
heritable. Motorists learn to interpret sensory stimuli in the context of the car stabilized
by its suspension and guided by steering. A type of motorist’s disorientation occurs in
Keywords some individuals who develop a heightened awareness of perceptions of motion in the
► visual vertigo automobile that makes them feel as though they may be rolling over on corners and as
► dizziness though they are veering on open highways or in streaming traffic. This article discusses
► motion sickness the putative mechanisms, consequences and approach to managing patients with
► disorientation visual vertigo, motion sickness, and motorist’s disorientation syndrome in the context
► vehicles of chronic dizziness and motion sensitivity.

Introduction Visual Vertigo

The vestibular apparatus is the main sensory structure in the Panoramic visual motion normally accompanies head
human body that specifically detects orientation in space. It movement, giving rise to visual motion signals which
is, therefore, not surprising that unusual, nonphysiological calibrate and help interpret vestibular signals of head
stimulation and disorders of vestibular function give rise to a movement and orientation. In normal subjects, visual
variety of symptoms ranging from vertigo to imbalance and motion alone may occasionally induce sensations of self-
incoordination to nausea. The interpretation, corroboration, motion, “vection,” as in the “railway train” illusion. How-
and calibration of vestibular signals are dependent on envi- ever, as a means of compensation, some patients with
ronmental context, importantly visual and somatosensory vestibular disease develop an overreliance on environmen-
cues to orientation. Consequently, complex visual and me- tal visual cues, leading to “visual dependency.” This is a
chanical motion in the environment may have adverse characteristic also found in people with a certain psycho-
effects on vestibular function, producing dizziness and visual logical susceptibility. Visual vertigo may itself become a
disorientation. major, disabling symptom, particularly when part of the

Issue Theme Neuro-Otology; Guest Copyright © by Thieme Medical DOI

Editor, Terry Fife MD, FAAN, FANS Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0040-1701653.
New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 0271-8235.
Tel: +1(212) 760-0888.
Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

functional (i.e., nonorganic) syndrome of persistent per-

ceptual postural dizziness (PPPD).
Visual vertigo is an inappropriate response to seeing
object motion in the environment due to excessive reliance
or misinterpretation of visual cues due to a sensory (vestib-
ular) disturbance or functional disorder. Finally, although
vehicle control becomes an overlearned skill, disadaptation
in certain individuals makes them susceptible to feeling
instability when driving, causing a “motorists’ disorienta-
tion” with components of both motion sickness and visual

Interaction of Vestibular and Visual Mechanisms

The vestibular and visual systems complement each other in
eliciting slow phase eye movements to stabilize visual
images on the retina. Pursuit-optokinetic eye movements
are elicited by visual motion, whereas vestibular eye move-
ments (vestibulo-ocular reflex [VOR]) are elicited by head
motion. These two systems work synergistically when a
person rotates with eyes open while gazing at the surround-

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ing environment, for instance a passenger looking out of a
bus which is turning (►Fig. 1). However, they are said to be in
conflict (“visuo-vestibular conflict”) when a person looks at a
visual object that rotates with him/her (e.g., a passenger
reading a book on a bus). In this case, instead of collaborating
with the VOR, the visual input actually suppresses the VOR
(VOR suppression).
The interaction between vestibular and visual inputs is
not only present in physiological circumstances. Indeed, the
first line of defense against a pathological nystagmus due to a
labyrinthine lesion is to resort to VOR suppression mecha-
nisms so that visual stability can be partly restored (►Fig. 2).
Similarly, where there is absent1 or altered visual input, as in
congenital nystagmus2 or when there is external ophthal-
moplegia,3 vestibular function and perception is modified. It
is thus not surprising that vestibular lesions can cause visual
symptoms and that visual input influences vestibular
Fig. 1 When a passenger looks out of a bus fixating upon a road sign,
vestibular (VOR) and visual (pursuit) mechanisms cooperate to sta-
bilize the eyes on the visual target as the bus turns around. In contrast,
Clinical Picture of Visual Vertigo when a passenger tries to read a newspaper, the VOR takes the eyes
Many patients with a current or previous vestibular disorder off the visual target but pursuit eye movements suppress the VOR so
report worsening or triggering of dizziness and imbalance in that reading can proceed. In the latter situation, visual and vestibular
inputs are said to be in conflict. (From Bronstein and Lempert 2007, 21
certain visual environments. These patients dislike moving
with permission.)
visual surroundings, as encountered in traffic, crowds, disco
lights, and car-chase scenes in films. Typically, such symp-
toms develop when in busy visual surroundings such as particularly vestibular migraine, are extremely prone to
supermarket aisles. The development of these symptoms in developing visual vertigo. A typical patient is a previously
some patients with vestibular disorders has long been rec- asymptomatic person who suffers an acute peripheral disor-
ognized,4–6 and has been given various names such as visuo- der (e.g., vestibular neuritis), and then after an initial period
vestibular mismatch7,8 or visual vertigo.9,10 This syndrome of recovery of a few weeks, he/she discovers that the dizzy
should not be confused with oscillopsia. Oscillopsia is a symptoms do not fully disappear. Furthermore, symptoms
visual perception of movement, bouncing or oscillation of are aggravated by looking at moving or repetitive images, as
the visual percept. In visual vertigo, the trigger is visual described earlier. Patients may also develop anxiety or
commotion, but the symptom is of a vestibular kind such as frustration because symptoms do not go away or because
dizziness, vertigo, disorientation, and unsteadiness. medical practitioners tend to disregard them.
The symptoms of visual vertigo frequently develop after a The cause and mechanism of visual vertigo is the subject
vestibular insult. Any vestibular disorder, peripheral or of research but is still uncertain. We know that patients with
central, can lead to visual vertigo, but patients with migraine, visual vertigo are profoundly affected when their visual

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Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

Fig. 2 Horizontal electro-oculography in a patient 7 days (top) and 1 month after a labyrinthectomy (bottom). The nystagmus in the acute phase

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is almost exclusively seen in the dark. Such suppression of the nystagmus by visual fixation is thought to be akin to normal VOR suppression, as
in ►Fig. 1 (bottom).

surroundings are tilted or moved resulting in a distortion of the delineation of PPPD as a functional vestibular syndrome
their perception of balance and of true vertical that is more has been a major practical development in neuro-otology
than what is expected from a vestibular deficit.9,10 This (see later). In principle, however, a patient who has never had
excessively enhanced response to visual stimuli is referred a clear history of vestibular disease, with no findings on
to as “visual dependency.” Patients with central vestibular vestibular examination and with visual triggers restricted to
disorders and patients combining vestibular disorders and a single particular environment (e.g., a specific supermar-
congenital squints or squint surgery can also report visual ket), would be more likely to have a primary psychological
vertigo and show enhanced visuo-postural reactivity.9 disorder. Reciprocally, a patient with no premorbid features
Overall, these findings suggest that the combination of a of psychological dysfunction who after a vestibular insult
vestibular disorder and visual dependence in a given patient may develop car tilting illusions when driving16 or dizziness
is what leads to the visual vertigo syndrome. Ultimately, when looking at various moving visual scenes (traffic,
what makes some patients with vestibular disorders develop crowds, movies) is more likely to have the visual vertigo
such visual dependence is not known. The role of the syndrome.
associated anxiety–depression, often observed in these The syndrome of PPPD (or 3PD), which is exceedingly
patients, and whether this is a primary or secondary phe- common in specialist clinics, has been recently defined and
nomenon is not clear. Earlier evidence indicated that anxiety diagnostic criteria have been proposed.17 In summary,
or depression levels were not higher in visual vertigo patients patients report dizziness, unsteadiness, or nonspinning ver-
than in other patients seen in dizziness clinics.10,11 Recently, tigo on most days for prolonged periods of time, but these
however, a longitudinal study of unselected patients with may wax and wane in severity. Persistent symptoms occur
acute vestibular neuritis showed that the grouping of visual without specific provocation, but are often exacerbated by
dependence, psychological dysfunction (anxiety, depression, upright posture, active or passive motion, moving visual
somatization traits), and autonomic arousal in a single stimuli, or complex visual patterns. The disorder is triggered
statistical factor was able to predict long-term symptoms by events that cause vertigo, unsteadiness, dizziness, or
and impairment.12 So this work does suggest an interrelation problems with balance including acute, episodic, or chronic
between long-term vestibular symptoms, psychological vestibular syndromes; other neurologic or medical illnesses;
symptoms, and visual vertigo. and psychological distress. It can be seen that visual vertigo,
The more important differential diagnosis in a patient as discussed in the preceding paragraphs, can feature in
presenting to the clinic with visual vertigo is, however, one of patients with PPPD, but visual vertigo can exist without PPPD
a purely psychological disorder or panic attacks.13 Neurolo- and, vice versa, PPPD can exist without visual vertigo.
gists or neuro-otologists are usually happy to treat a patient
with visual vertigo as a secondary complication of vestibular Treatment of Visual Vertigo
disease, but not necessarily if the patient’s presentation There are three aspects in the treatment of patients with the
appears primarily as psychiatric. An accepted set of criteria visual vertigo syndrome. The first is specific measures for the
to distinguish between psychological and vestibular symp- underlying vestibular disorder (e.g., Meniere’s disease, be-
toms is not completely agreed upon presently,13–15 although nign paroxysmal positional vertigo [BPPV], migraine), but

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Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

discussing these is beyond the scope of this article. However, ated psychological symptoms improve over and above
given that a specific etiological diagnosis cannot be con- conventional vestibular rehabilitation.23
firmed in many patients with chronic dizziness, symptom- Although no controlled trials for drug treatment of visual
atic treatment as discussed later should not be delayed. vertigo have been conducted, some evidence that acetazol-
Second, patients benefit from general vestibular rehabili- amide may be useful has been presented.24 As visual vertigo
tation with a suitably trained audiologist or physiotherapist. is prominent in patients with vestibular migraine, it could be
These exercise-based programs can be either generic, like the argued that the acetazolamide-related improvement is due
original Cawthorne-Cooksey approach,18 or, preferably, cus- to its general antimigraine properties.25 Finally, as visual
tomized to the patient’s needs. All regimes involve progres- vertigo may be a component of PPPD, clinicians should assess
sive eye, head and whole body movements (bending, whether additional counselling, psychotherapy, or psycho-
turning), as well as walking exercises.19–21 pharmacological treatment, in particular antidepressants,
Finally, specific measures should be introduced in the may be required.26,27
rehabilitation program for visual vertigo patients to reduce
their hypersensitivity to visual motion. The aim is to
Motion Sickness
promote desensitization and increase tolerance to visual
stimuli and to visuo-vestibular conflict. Patients are there- All individuals with intact vestibular function are potentially
fore exposed, under the instruction of the vestibular phys- susceptible to motion sickness given exposure to sufficiently
iotherapist, to optokinetic stimuli which can be delivered provocative stimulation. This proneness has become more
via projection screens, head-mounted virtual reality sys- problematic for more susceptible individuals in modern
tems, video monitors, ballroom planetariums, or optoki- visual and vehicular environments. The main signs and

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netic rotating systems.22 Initially, patients watch these symptoms of motion sickness are nausea and vomiting.
stimuli while seated, then standing, and walking, initially Other commonly related symptoms include sweating and
without and then with head movements, in a progressive facial pallor (the so-called cold sweating), stomach aware-
fashion (►Fig. 3). Research has shown that these patients ness, increased salivation, sensations of bodily warmth,
benefit from repeated and gradual exposure to such visual dizziness, drowsiness, headache, increased sensitivity to
motion training programs; both the dizziness and associ- odors, and loss of appetite. Motion sickness can be provoked

Fig. 3 Optokinetic or visual motion desensitization treatment for patients with vestibular disorders reporting visual vertigo symptoms. Left: roll
(coronal) plane rotating optokinetic disk; middle: planetarium-generated moving dots while the subject walks; right: “eye-trek” or head-
mounted TV systems projecting visual motion stimuli. In this case, in advanced stages of the therapy, the patient moves the head and trunk while
standing on rubber foam. (Based on Pavlou et al 2002, 23 with permission.)

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Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

by a wide range of situations—in boats, cars, tilting trains, visual system is signaling illusory movement or self-vection.
aircraft, funfair rides, weightlessness in outer space, simu- These observations have led to general acceptance of an
lators, and virtual reality. The term “motion sickness” embra- explanation based on some type of sensory conflict or
ces sea sickness, car sickness, air sickness, space sickness, sensory mismatch. The sensory conflict or sensory mismatch
etc.28 The increasing use of new visual technologies such as is between actual and expected invariant patterns of vestib-
virtual reality29 and driverless autonomous vehicles30 may ular, visual, and kinesthetic inputs.37 Cerebellar and brain-
increase the general public exposure to environments capa- stem neurons have been identified whose activity
ble of provoking motion sickness. corresponds to what might be expected of putative “sensory
Motion sickness is associated with physiological conflict” neurons.38 Benson28 categorized neural mismatch
responses which may vary between individuals. For the into two main types: (1) conflict between visual and vestib-
stomach, gastric stasis occurs and increased frequency and ular inputs and (2) mismatch between the semicircular
reduced amplitude of the normal electrogastric rhythm.31 canals and the otoliths. Bos and Bles39 proposed a simplified
Other autonomic changes include sweating and vasocon- model in which there is only one conflict: between the
striction of the skin causing pallor (less commonly skin subjective expected vertical and the sensed vertical. Howev-
vasodilation and flushing in some individuals), with the er, despite this apparent simplification, the underlying mod-
simultaneous opposite effect of vasodilation and increased el does not explain why motion sickness can be provoked by
blood flow of deeper blood vessels, changes in heart rate types of moving visual stimuli which pose no conflict
which are often an initial increase followed by a rebound between the individual’s sense of vertical and actual verti-
decrease, and inconsistent changes in blood pressure.28 cal.40 Stott41 proposed a useful set of rules which, if broken,
Many hormones are released including cortisol, mimicking will lead to motion sickness.

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a generalized stress response, although vasopressin is
Rule 1. Visual-vestibular: motion of the head in one
thought to be most closely associated with the time course
direction must result in motion of the external visual
of motion sickness.32 The observation of cold sweating
scene in the opposite direction.
suggests that motion sickness may disrupt aspects of tem-
Rule 2. Canal-Otolith: rotation of the head, other than in
perature regulation.33 This is consistent with the observation
the horizontal plane, must be accompanied by appropri-
that motion sickness reduces deep core body temperature
ate angular change in the direction of the gravity vector.
during cold water immersion and accelerates the onset of
Rule 3. Utricle-Saccule: any sustained linear acceleration
is due to gravity, has an intensity of 1 g and defines
Apart from the distress caused by motion sickness, under
some circumstances it may have adverse consequences for
performance and even survival. Motion sickness causes In summary, the visual world should remain space stable,
preferential decrements on performance of tasks which are and gravity should average over a few seconds to 1 g and
complex, require sustained performance, and offer the op- always point down.
portunity of the person to control the pace of their effort.35 The above describes the “how” of motion sickness in
For pilots and aircrew, it can slow training in aircraft and in terms of mechanisms. But any explanation for the “why” of
simulators, and may even cause a minority to fail training motion sickness requires other lines of evidence. Motion
altogether.28 Over 70% of novice astronauts may suffer sickness might have evolved from a system designed to
some degree of space sickness in the first 24 hours of flight. protect from potential ingestion of neurotoxins by inducing
Vomiting while in a spacesuit in microgravity is potentially vomiting when unexpected central nervous system inputs
life-threatening; consequently, the risk of this possibility are detected. This is the “toxin detector” hypothesis pro-
precludes extravehicular activity for the first 24 hours of posed by Treisman.42 Such a protective system would be
spaceflight.36 For survival at sea, such as in life rafts, sea activated by modern methods of transport that cause senso-
sickness can reduce survival chances by a variety of mech- ry mismatches. This hypothesis is consistent with the obser-
anisms. These include reduced morale and the “will to live,” vation that people who are more susceptible to motion
failure to consistently perform routine survival tasks, dehy- sickness are also more susceptible to chemotherapy sickness,
dration due to loss of fluids through vomiting,28 and possibly emetic toxins, and postoperative nausea and vomiting
due to the increased risk of hypothermia.34 (PONV).43 Also this hypothesis has been tested experimen-
tally, with evidence that bilateral vestibular ablation reduces
Causes and Reasons for Motion Sickness emetic responses to challenge from toxins.44 Less convincing
The physical intensity of the stimulus is not necessarily alternatives to the toxin detector hypothesis have proposed
related to the degree of nauseogenicity. Consequently, any that motion sickness might be the result of aberrant activa-
proposed mechanism for motion sickness must account for tion of vestibular–cardiovascular reflexes45; or that it could
this observation. Indeed, with optokinetic (visual motion) originate from a warning system that evolved to discourage
stimuli, there is no real motion. A person sitting toward the development of perceptual motor programs that are ineffi-
front seats in a wide screen cinema experiences self-vection cient or cause spatial disorientation46; or that motion sick-
and “Cinerama sickness,” but there is no physical motion of ness is simply an unlucky consequence of the physical
the body. In this situation, the vestibular and somatosensory proximity of the vestibular motion detection and vomiting
systems are signaling that the person is sitting still, but the circuitry in the brainstem.47

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Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

Individual Variation in Motion Sickness Susceptibility sickness. However, this may not be true under all circum-
Susceptibility varies widely between individuals. MZ and DZ stances, as there is evidence that some bilateral labyrinthine
twin studies suggest that a large proportion of this variation defective individuals can still be susceptible to motion sickness
is accounted for by genetic factors, with heritability esti- provoked by visual stimuli (visual vertigo) designed to induce
mates around 55 to 70%.48 A large genome study has isolated self-vection during pseudo-Coriolis stimulation (i.e., pitching
35 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with head movements in a rotating visual field).55
motion sickness susceptibility, indicating that multiple Particular groups of people with medical conditions can
genes are involved.49 Some groups of people have particular be at elevated risk. Many patients with vestibular pathology
risk factors. Infants and very young children seem to be and with vertigo may be especially sensitive to any type of
immune to motion sickness, with the onset of motion motion. The known association between migraine, motion
sickness susceptibility starting from around 6 to 7 years of sickness sensitivity, and Meniere’s disease was noted in the
age37 and peaking around 9 to 10 years.50 Following this peak first description of the syndrome by Prosper Meniere in
susceptibility, there is a subsequent decline of susceptibility 1861. The reason for the elevated motion sickness suscepti-
during the teenage years toward adulthood around 20 years. bility in migraineurs is uncertain, but it may be due to altered
The latter doubtless reflects habituation. serotonergic system functioning.56 Vestibular migraine
Although there is much overlap, women are somewhat patients are highly susceptible to motion sickness.57 Motion
more susceptible to motion sickness than men; women show sickness susceptibilities are shown for various vestibular
higher incidences of vomiting and report a higher incidence disorders and migraine versus healthy controls58 in ►Fig. 4.
of symptoms such as nausea.51 This increased susceptibility A quick estimate of an individual’s motion susceptibility
is likely to be objective and not subjective because women can be made using Motion Sickness Susceptibility Question-

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vomit more than men; surveys of passengers at sea indicate a naires (MSSQ; sometimes known as Motion History Ques-
5:3 female:male risk ratio for vomiting.52 Susceptibility tionnaires). A well-proven questionnaire is shown
varies over the menstrual cycle, peaking around menstrua- in ►Table 1, which has been validated for exposure to motion
tion. However, it is unlikely that this can completely account stimuli in the laboratory and in transport environments.59
for greater susceptibility in females because the magnitude An overall indicator of susceptibility may be calculated as the
of fluctuation in susceptibility across the menstrual cycle is MSSQ score ¼ (total sickness score)  (18)/(18  number of
only around one-third of the overall difference between male motion types not experienced); this formula corrects for
and female.53 The elevated susceptibility of females to mo- differing extent of exposure to different motion stimuli in
tion sickness or indeed to PONV or chemotherapy-induced individuals. For the young adult normal population, the
nausea and vomiting43,54 may serve an evolutionary func- median MSSQ score is 11.3; higher scores indicate greater
tion. From this perspective, more sensitive emetic thresholds susceptibility and lower scores indicate lower susceptibility.
in females may serve to prevent exposure of the fetus to
harmful toxins during pregnancy. Mal de Debarquement
People who have complete bilateral loss of labyrinthine Whittle60 provided an early description of mal de debarque-
(vestibular apparatus) function are largely immune to motion ment syndrome (MdDS), describing the reports from troops

Fig. 4 Motion sickness susceptibility is shown for patient groups after the onset of disease together with significances of comparison with age
equivalent healthy controls. Higher scores indicate greater motion sickness susceptibility. The 95% CIs are smaller for controls and Meniere’s
disease as a consequence of larger numbers. BVL, bilateral vestibular loss; UVL, unilateral vestibular loss in compensated (adapted) patients;
BPPV, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; Clin. Migraine, patients with severe migraine attending migraine clinics (Adapted from Golding and
Patel 201758).

Seminars in Neurology
Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

Table 1 Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire Short-form (MSSQ-Short)

Not applicable— Never felt sick Rarely felt sick Sometimes Frequently felt sick
never traveled felt sick
Your CHILDHOOD Experience Only (before 12 years of age), for each of the following types of transport or entertainment
please indicate:
1. As a CHILD (before age 12), how often you Felt Sick or Nauseated (tick boxes):
Buses or coaches
Small boats
Ships, e.g., channel ferries
Swings in playgrounds
Roundabouts in playgrounds
Big dippers, funfair rides
t 0 1 2 3
Your Experience over the LAST 10 YEARS (approximately), for each of the following types of transport or entertainment

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please indicate:
2. Over the LAST 10 YEARS, how often you Felt Sick or Nauseated (tick boxes):
Buses or coaches
Small boats
Ships, e.g., channel ferries
Swings in playgrounds
Roundabouts in playgrounds
Big dippers, funfair rides
t 0 1 2 3

Source: Adapted from Golding 2006.59

Note: This questionnaire is designed to find out how susceptible to motion sickness you are, and what sorts of motion are most effective in causing
that sickness. Sickness here means feeling queasy or nauseated or actually vomiting.

after their landing and during the advance of William of Some temporary relief can be obtained by reexposure to
Orange in Torbay in 1688. “As we marched here upon good motion, but this is not a viable treatment. Standard anti–
Ground, the Souldiers would stumble and sometimes fall motion sickness drugs appear ineffective, but benzodiaze-
because of a dissiness in their Heads after they had been so pines appear to offer some relief.63 Transcranial magnetic
long toss’d at Sea, the very Ground seem’d to rowl up and down stimulation is a potential treatment.64 MdDS is discussed
for some days, according to the manner of the Waves.” [sic] elsewhere in this issue.
MdDS is the sensation of unsteadiness and tilting or rocking
when a sailor returns to land. Astronauts experience a Behavioral Countermeasures to Reduce Motion
similar effect upon returning to 1g on Earth after extended Sickness
time in weightlessness in space. This can lead to sensations of Habituation is the surest countermeasure to motion sickness
illusory motion as if still on a boat, but unlike motion and is a long-term approach. Habituation is superior to anti–
sickness there is little or no nausea. MdDS symptoms usually motion sickness drugs, and it is free of side effects.65 The
resolve within a few hours as individuals readapt to the most extensive habituation programs, often called “motion
normal land environment. Individuals susceptible to MdDS sickness desensitization,” are run by the military with suc-
may have increased dependence on the somatosensory cess rates exceeding 85%,28 but are extremely time consum-
system together with reduced reliance on vestibular and ing, lasting many weeks. Critical features include (1) the
visual inputs and for the maintenance of balance.61 For a few massing of stimuli (if exposures are at intervals more than a
individuals, symptoms persist and are a problem. Treatment week, habituation is greatly impeded); (2) stimuli should be
with customized vestibular exercises has been proposed.62 graded in intensity to enable faster recoveries and more

Seminars in Neurology
Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

sessions to be scheduled, which may also help avoid the reduced risk for PONV, whereas nonsmokers have elevated
opposite process of sensitization; and (2) maintaining a risk; the temporary nicotine withdrawal perioperatively and
positive psychological attitude to therapy.66 Sleep loss consequent increased tolerance to sickness may explain why
should be avoided since not only can it increase motion smokers have reduced risk for PONV.79 Ginger (main active
sickness sensitivity but more importantly impede the rate of agent gingerol) has been suggested to reduce nausea by
adaptation over successive motion exposures.67 calming gastrointestinal feedback, but studies of its effects
Habituation may be specific to particular type of motion; on motion sickness have been equivocal, making it unlikely
thus, tolerance to car travel may confer no protection against to be a potent anti–motion sickness agent.80 The effects of
seasickness. Anti–motion sickness drugs are of limited prac- diet on motion sickness are uncertain and contradictory. One
tical use in the context of habituation. This is because both study suggested that protein-rich meals inhibit motion
laboratory68 and sea studies69 show that although such sickness,81 but another study came to the opposite conclu-
medication can speed habituation in the short term com- sion, recommending that all meals of high protein or dairy
pared with placebo, in the longer term it is disadvantageous. foods 3 to 6 hours prior to flight should be avoided to reduce
Thus, after the anti–motion sickness medication is discon- airsickness susceptibility.82
tinued, the medicated group loses much of their habituation
and is worse off than those who were habituated under Pharmacological Countermeasures
placebo. Currently used drugs against motion sickness can be divided
By contrast with habituation, short-term behavioral into the following categories: antimuscarinics (e.g., scopol-
countermeasures can have immediate effects. These behav- amine), H1 antihistamines (e.g., dimenhydrinate), and sym-
ioral countermeasures include reducing head movements, pathomimetics (e.g., amphetamine). These have improved

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aligning the head and body with gravito-inertial forces,70,71 little over 50 years.83 Commonly employed anti–motion
or laying supine.72 A possible limitation is that such protec- sickness drugs are shown in ►Table 2. Other types of
tive postures may be incompatible with task performance antiemetics are not effective against motion sickness, in-
under some circumstances. It is usually better to be in control cluding D2 dopamine receptor antagonists and 5HT3 antag-
(i.e., to be the pilot or driver rather than the passenger).73 onists used for side effects of chemotherapy,84 nor do the
Having a view of a stable external horizon reference is neurokinin 1 antagonists antiemetics appear effective
helpful.74 Regular controlled breathing has been shown to against motion sickness, at least in humans.85 This is proba-
provide increased motion tolerance. This may involve acti- bly because their sites of action are at vagal afferent recep-
vation of the known inhibitory reflex between respiration tors or the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the brainstem,
and vomiting.66 Supplemental oxygen can be effective in whereas anti–motion sickness drugs act elsewhere, perhaps
patients for reducing motion sickness during ambulance at the vestibular brainstem–cerebellar areas.
transport, but it is ineffective in healthy individuals. This All anti–motion sickness drugs may produce undesirable
paradox can be explained by the proposition that supple- side effects; drowsiness is the most common. Promethazine
mental oxygen may act by ameliorating a variety of internal is a classic example.65 Scopolamine can cause blurry vision in
states that sensitize for motion sickness rather than directly some individuals, especially with repeated dosing. The anti–
against motion sickness itself.75 motion sickness combination drug amphetamine þ scopol-
Acupuncture and acupressure have been reported effec- amine (the so-called ScopDex) is perhaps the most effective
tive against motion sickness76; however, other well-con- with the fewest side effects, at least with short-term use. This
trolled trials find no evidence for their value.77 Head is because both scopolamine and amphetamine are proven
vibration at high frequency may provide some reduction in anti–motion sickness drugs, acting via different pathways
motion sickness, and a similar technique of noisy vestibular producing additive efficacy, and also their side effects of
stimulation by vibration reduced visually induced motion sedation and stimulation cancel each other out. Unfortu-
sickness, the effectiveness being best when time-coupled to nately, the ScopDex combination is no longer available for
periods of visual motion.78 Electrical stimulation of the legal reasons apart from specialized military use. Alternative
vestibular apparatus, termed “galvanic vestibular stimula- stimulants to amphetamine such as Modafinil appear
tion (GVS),” often causes vertigo and nausea. By contrast, the ineffective.86
opposite effect has been proposed that GVS may provide a Motion sickness induces gastric stasis, preventing drug
countermeasure to motion sickness.78 Similarly, galvanic absorption in the gut. Therefore, oral administration must be
cutaneous stimulation has been shown to reduce symptoms given well before exposure to motion.87 Injection overcomes
during driving simulation. Transcranial electrical stimula- the problems of slow absorption kinetics and gastric stasis or
tion has been reported to reduce motion sickness evoked by vomiting. The transdermal route offers some advantages,
physical motion and visual motion.78 However, the practi- protection is afforded for up to 72 hours, and low constant
cality of all these vibratory and electrical stimulation tech- concentration levels in blood help reduce side effects. But
niques against motion sickness remains to be proven in the transdermal scopolamine has a slow-onset time (6–8 hours).
real world outside of the laboratory. Simultaneous administration of oral scopolamine with the
In habitual smokers, acute withdrawal from nicotine transdermal patch can offset this limitation, enabling pro-
provides significant protection against motion sickness.79 tection from 30 minutes onward.88 Variability in absorption
Interestingly, this finding may explain why smokers have via the transdermal route can alter effectiveness between

Seminars in Neurology
Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

Table 2 Common anti–motion sickness drugs

Drug Route Adult dose Time of onset Duration of action (h)

Scopolamine Oral 0.3–0.6 mg 30 min 4
Scopolamine Injection 0.1–0.2 mg 15 min 4
Scopolamine Transdermal patch One 6–8 h 72
Promethazine Oral 25–50 mg 2h 15
Promethazine Injection 25 mg 15 min 15
Promethazine Suppository 25 mg 1h 15
Dimenhydrinate Oral 50–100 mg 2h 8
Dimenhydrinate Injection 50 mg 15 min 8
Cyclizine Oral 50 mg 2h 6
Cyclizine Injection 50 mg 15 min 6
Meclizine Oral 25–50 mg 2h 8
Buclizine Oral 50 mg 1h 6
Cinnarizine Oral 15–30 mg 4h 8

Source: Adapted from Benson 2002.28

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Not approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

individuals.89 Buccal absorption is effective with scopol- tially ambiguous: the forces of cornering may be interpreted
amine. A faster route is via intranasal scopolamine spray; as tilt rather than as lateral acceleration, and visual flow of
peak blood levels via the nasal route may be achieved in the road and traffic can be interpreted to indicate veering, a
10 minutes with some formulations. Intranasal scopolamine form of “visual vertigo.” There is no consistent pattern of
has been shown to be effective against motion sickness.90 comorbidity, but subjects with vestibular or other sensory
Investigations of new anti–motion sickness drugs include disturbances, anxiety or phobia, may be more susceptible.
reexamination of old drugs such as phenytoin, and the Once developed, it is difficult to suppress the tendency to
development of new compounds. A wide range of drugs disorientation when driving.
have been investigated including phenytoin, tamoxifen,
betahistine, chlorpheniramine, fexofenadine, cetirizine, ben- Spatial Disorientation while Driving
zodiazepines and barbiturates, the antipsychotic droperidol, Many readers will have some experience of spatial disorien-
corticosteroids such as dexamethasone, opioids such as the tation in road vehicles for which the underlying causes are
µ-opiate receptor agonist loperamide, neurokinin NK1 recep- almost always identifiable within the known physiology of
tor antagonists, vasopressin V1a receptor antagonists, NMDA spatial orientation. Common manifestations are as follows. A
antagonists, 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives, 5HT1a receptor more detailed analysis is given in the article by Golding and
agonists such as the antimigraine triptan rizatriptan, ghrelin Gresty.78
agonists, and selective muscarinic M3/m5 receptor antago- The very steep hill: the perception of extreme inclination is
nists such as zamifenacin and darifenacin. However, none of an illusion as the steepest metaled roads in Europe involve
these drugs have proven to have any advantages over those only 18 to 20 degrees of tilt above horizontal. The appearance
currently used for motion sickness.91 The reasons are diverse of gradient derives from visual foreshortening, engine load,
and include relative lack of effectiveness, variable and com- misperception of subjective tilt due to seated posture, and
plex pharmacokinetics, or unacceptable side effects in those redistribution of blood volume from the legs to the trunk.93
that are effective. The aim of developing anti–motion sick- The tilted horizon: the horizon may appear to be tilted
ness drugs of high efficacy with few side effects might be when driving caused by both a visual “frame effect” of the
achieved by such a drug having high selective affinities to road and scenery giving false cues to orientation and also by
receptor subtypes relevant to motion sickness as opposed to ocular counter-rolling. The counter-rolling is provoked by the
those receptors mediating unwanted side effects. A likely lateral acceleration rounding a bend, evoking otolith-ocular
candidate drug could be a selective antagonist for the m5 reflexes. Lateral acceleration, say to the right, evokes ocular
muscarinic receptor.92 counter-rolling to the left which induces an apparent right-
ward tilt of the visual world. Illusions of horizon tilt could
induce the perception of rolling over in vehicles94,95 and may
Motorists’ (Vestibular) Disorientation
be part of the mechanism.
Motorists’ Disorientation Apparent drift when stationary: this is a version of the
Motorists learn to interpret sensory stimuli in the context of “railway illusion” of self-motion in a stationary carriage
the car stabilized by its suspension and guided by steering. provoked by the sight of an adjacent train moving. Illusory
However, the sensory stimulation during driving is poten- drift in a vehicle is often provoked when vehicles moving on

Seminars in Neurology
Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

either side of one’s own stationary vehicle induce “vection” disorientation syndrome” as first described by Page and
(compared with “visual vertigo,” above). Gresty,16 but better termed “motorists’ disorientation syn-
Tilting and rolling over: a perception of rolling over drome.”99 The inappropriate perceptions are so systematic
without actual rotation from vertical is associated with that patients have changed cars before realizing that the
lateral linear acceleration and with rolling of the visual problem was not that of the vehicle. In some patients, the
scene.94,95 The lateral, “centripetal” acceleration experi- onset of disorientation symptoms is abrupt in a single
enced when rounding a bend causes a tilt of the gravito- experience; in others, there seems to be a gradual buildup
inertial vertical from earth upright in the direction of the of severity of symptoms until threat of veering or rolling over
center of rotation. This earth tilted direction of the gravito- becomes a reliable occurrence on all open highways, thereby
inertial forces acting on the car is “physical uprightness”: confining the driver to lesser town and suburban roads.
witness the cyclist who leans into the bend to balance his It is commonplace for passengers to become apprehensive
bike. However, the weight and suspension of a four-wheeled that a vehicle is running out of control, often expressed in the
vehicle keeps it oriented approximately earth upright. A “back seat driver” attitude. The striking feature of motorist’s
driver learns to interpret the centripetal acceleration of disorientation is that the driver, used to being in control, is
cornering as a lateral force on his flank, but an alternative surprised that he perceives the vehicle to be unstable under
perception, which is feasible in physics, is that the driver is unremarkable road conditions.
tilted out of the bend away from the gravito-inertial upright Susceptibility to disorientation was originally thought to
which occurs as a compelling disorientation. This misper- be caused by vestibular imbalance.16 It is certainly the case
ception is perhaps facilitated by the lack of structure on open that vestibular disorder causes incorrect orientation in a
highways, masking vibration and noise and banking of the vehicle.100–102 However, subsequent experience showed that

Downloaded by: Karolinska Institutet. Copyrighted material.

road. few dizzy drivers have identifiable vestibular asymmetry.
Veering: feeling that the car is threatening to veer to the Almost all have no related organic disorder, although many
side of the road occurs typically on open fast roads. A have trait or state anxiety. The following patients are illus-
perception of veering is a form of vection (compared with trative with further details given in the study by Golding and
“visual vertigo” above) and is probably provoked by the Gresty.78 In all patients described, the stereotypical charac-
“optokinetic” stimulation of visual flow which induces a teristics of disorientation were rolling over and/or veering.
sense of self-motion in the opposite direction to the flow
1. A middle aged man experienced symptoms of disorienta-
which is some combination of rotation and linear translation.
tion when driving which completely disappeared when a
On an open straight highway, the dominant rapid optic flow
hitherto unsuspected “BPPV” was identified and resolved
is from the view of the proximal road and roadside, whereas
by an Epley maneuver.
optic flow of the distance is of lower angular velocity and not
2. After a near crash flying in fog, a special forces pilot
so compelling. A possible perception induced in the driver is
experienced perceptions of instability in his helicopter
of a rotation away from the origin of the visual flow which is
which extended to driving his car. He was going through a
interpreted as veering. Veering may also occur when large
divorce but denied that he was otherwise stressed by
trucks are passing by, or vehicles are entering toward the
operations that had killed a colleague.
driver from an on ramp slip road. The visual flow of the
3. A middle aged man, retraining after an unsuccessful
passing traffic can induce the misperception of motion so
career, began to experience disorientation driving on
that is may seem to the driver that his motion is backward
the highway to a retraining center. He admitted to con-
rather than forward and in the same direction as the traffic
siderable anxiety about security and achievement.
into which he is merging. Susceptibility to vection may be
4. Two taxi drivers and one roadside assistance mechanic all
enhanced because somatosensory cues to orientation may be
had similar abrupt onset of persistent disorientation
masked by vibration, downregulated because of monotony,
when highway driving. One was provoked crossing a
and adapted because of immobility of the seated driver.
high bridge, and a second when exiting a roundabout,
Such disorientation accords with an inappropriate inter-
causing her steer into oncoming traffic. None had identi-
pretation of the sensory signals that arise from a complex,
fiable organic disorder or raised anxiety.
dynamic environment,96 and can be thought of as a naive
5. When deserted by her husband, a mother with several
way of interpreting sensory signals, whereas driving is a
children began to experience disorientation, even on local
highly cognitive skill97 demanding specific selection and
roads, when driving to work and trying to manage child care.
interpretation of sensory input. The driver may not be aware
of disorientation and may respond to subliminal cues98 so Prevalence
that steering adjustments can occur before perception of In a London tertiary referral clinic specializing in balance
veering. disorders (A. M. Bronstein, personal observation), 4 to 5
patients per year are seen with specific complaints of driving,
Motorists Complaining of Systematic Disorientation: among 450 to 500 new patients referred with complaints of
“Dizzy Drivers” dizziness. The sufferers have been adults of both sexes, and
Occasional drivers present with complaints of inappropriate rarely with a history of psychiatric or relevant organic disorder.
perceptions of veering and tilt or rolling over on the highway. The absence of comprehensive surveys of “dizzy moto-
These are the dominant features of the “motorist’s vestibular rists” in the medical literature following the original study is

Seminars in Neurology
Visual Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and Disorientation in Vehicles Bronstein et al.

surprising, since a recent article in a weekly magazine, aimed In the road safety literature, a high proportion of road
at housewives, indicates a general awareness of the problem. traffic incidents are attributed to lapses of attention without
Thus, Tanya Byron, writing in “Good Housekeeping” (Octo- adequate consideration of the role of spatial orientation. It
ber 2018, pp 98–99) advises on “….fear of motorway driv- should be stressed that a main factor in tuning attention and
ing,” highlighting the role of anxiety and phobia. She advises regulating vigilance is state of spatial orientation: viz driving
an otological screen for vestibular disorder and recommends fast on a highway may be unremarkable, whereas viewing
appropriate cognitive behavioral therapy. The widespread nearby fast traffic from the roadside is alarming.78
awareness of motorists’ disorientation, despite the paucity of
scientific literature, may be because sufferers fail to seek
Classification and Relationship to Other
medical opinion for fear of disqualification from driving.
Disorientation Syndromes
Treatment Motorist’s disorientation has been classified with14,106 “pho-
The treatment model for rehabilitation of motorists’ dis- bic postural vertigo” and more recently “persistent postural
orientation is modeled after the kind of rehabilitation used dizziness,”17,107 which is a functional “vestibular system”
for flying disorientation and motion sickness.103,104 It com- disorder. However, phobia is not typical of the majority of
prises desensitization and applying cognitive therapy to cases, as neither is contextual postural vertigo. Furthermore,
modify, adapt, and revise one’s aversive behavior to driving. some patients have a structural vestibular disorder that can
account for misperceptions of orientation. Hence, such vague
• Exclusion of neurological/vestibular/psychiatric disorder
classifications are not helpful, particularly since the stereo-
and treatment of high anxiety.
typical symptoms of disoriented motorists can be explained
• Explanation of how disorientation may occur as described

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by known physiological mechanisms. The missing element in
understanding motorists’ disorientation is the precise mech-
• Progressive desensitization commencing with short-dura-
anism causing the driver to abandon the learned framework
tion exposures driving slowly on local roads progressing to
of sensory interpretation during driving and adopt an alter-
faster trips on the highway. The protagonist gives himself a
native interpretation of the sensory input.
verbal briefing of the planned journey, talks himself
through the driving maneuvers, and stops for “time out”
if he becomes overstressed, in which case anxiolytic-con- Conclusion
trolled breathing and postural relaxation may help. The
While anyone with a functional vestibular system can
verbal appraisal highlights the cognitive context. For exam-
develop motion sickness, heritable factors, experiences,
ple, if he feels his lane is too narrow, a check that the vehicle
and reactions to them as well as environmental exposures
ahead negotiates the lane with ease assures the driver that
result in some individuals who are especially susceptible.
he can follow; if he feels veering, he checks the steering
Visual vertigo is a form of dizziness evoked by seeing visual
wheel and sides of the vehicle against lane markings.
commotion and may be a feature seen in PPPD, vestibular
• A log should be kept of the rehabilitation as reinforcing
migraine, anxiety states, accompanying motion sensitivity,
evidence of progress.
and sometimes in isolation. Visual vertigo may also occur in
Desensitization by “immersion” is inappropriate; a patient the aftermath of vertigo from a vestibular disorder but
who persisted with long driving sessions on a therapist’s sometimes persists long after the vestibulopathy has re-
recommendation incurred a serious road traffic incident, solved. Visual vertigo may be related to a disturbance of the
which she attributed to accumulating disorientation. Patients pursuit-optokinetic system which has direct connections to
who have complied with this therapeutic program have the vestibular nuclei. Motion sickness may be related to a
recovered the ability to drive but can readily decompensate. mismatch between visual and vestibular perception. Both
However, it seems that once a motorist has experienced visual vertigo and motion sickness can interact to contrib-
disorientation, it becomes difficult to “quarantine”105 inap- ute to motorist’s disorientation syndrome in which some
propriate interpretations of the sensory stimulation during people develop false or exaggerated perceptions of motion
driving and he/she may readily revert to disorientation. while driving, which leads to trepidation associated with
turning, open roads, or oncoming traffic. Management of
these disorders may consist of medication, avoidance of
Implications for Road Safety
provocative activities, and sometimes cognitive training
The authors have encountered only one serious accident and habituation.
resulting from a case of motorist’s disorientation, together
with one report of veering creating a potential for collision. It Conflict of Interest
is likely that few incidents are reported because disorienta- None declared.
tion is so alarming that the driver slows or stops. Currently,
there are no specific guidelines on fitness to drive while References
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