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Planning for

Biliteracy and
cross language
Pre-Service, Claremont Immersion

August 20th, 2021

❖ Inclusion Activity 9:00-9:15
❖ Purpose & Objectives 9:15-9:20
❖ The Three Pillars of DL/I 9:20-9:30
❖ Biliteracy Curriculum Maps 9:30-9:40
❖ Work in Grade Level Teams 9:40-10:00
❖ Gallery Walk 10:00-10:10
❖ Noticing & Wondering 10:10-10:20
❖ Exit-Ticket 10:20-10:30
Actividad / Activity
● Lea las citas. Escoja una cita que le llame la
● En parejas, hablen sobre las citas que han
● Vamos a tener 6 minutos. ¡Conozcan a nuevas
Purpose for today: Continuing the work...
● Establish a shared vision for curriculum, instruction, and
resources that is aligned with our beliefs about teaching and
● Build consistent curriculum documents K-5 across languages
● Ensure K-5 vertical articulation (oral language development,
reading, writing, listening, grammar & phonics)
● Teach for biliteracy and support cross-language connections
for our students
Content and Language Objectives
Content: Language:

Review the guiding principles Read and understand the

of dual language education Claremont Biliteracy Curriculum
and familiarize ourselves with Maps and discuss what topics
the Biliteracy Curriculum Maps will be taught in quarter 1
Why DL/I Education?
Notable research studies have
examined the impact of DL/I
education on student achievement
and provide evidence of the benefits
for students across all demographics.

A successful DL/I experience in the

elementary school years may be the
fastest way to grade-level
achievement for ELs, as this is when
the opportunity gap is easiest to

Source: Dual Language Immersion Education

The Three Pillars of Dual Language
1. Bilingualism and 2. Academic Achievement 3. Intercultural Competence

These three pillars represent the goals and core components of DL/I education.
Dr. José Medina!

Pensar y compartir
Share something that you
learned about the Three Pillars
or something that has been
reaffirmed, and what it means
for your teaching.
Biliteracy Curriculum Maps K-5


Writing Reading Grammar Science

Focus to Units in ELA and Phonics Content and
guide our & SpLA and Topics from Vocabulary to
biliteracy Shared Biliteracy integrate
planning Literacy Curriculum content across
Skills languages
Writing Focus to guide our biliteracy planning

*From 3rd grade Biliteracy Curriculum Map

Reading Units in ELA & SpLA
and Shared Literacy Skills
Grammar and Phonics Topics
from Biliteracy Curriculum
Science Content and Vocabulary
to integrate content across languages
Work in Grade Level Teams
1. Locate your grade level Biliteracy Curriculum Map in the
CIS Notebook
2. Read and team records:
a. What will you be teaching in reading, writing,
speaking, and grammar as a grade in quarter 1?
b. What are some opportunities for integrating
content and language?
3. Gallery Walk:
a. Post your chart
b. Write what you notice or wonder on post-its as you
view others’ charts.
Today’s Objectives
Content: Language:

Review the guiding principles Read and understand the

of dual language education Claremont Biliteracy Curriculum
and familiarize ourselves with Maps and discuss what topics
the Biliteracy Curriculum Maps will be taught in quarter 1
Boleto de salida
What gems of new learning did you find?

What squares with your thinking and or


What questions are circling around your head?


Thank YOU!

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