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FE Semister II


Unit 1

Introduction to Plumbing.
Plumbing and pipe fitting plays a major role in the construction of all industrial
Building, Residential Building, Commercial Building, and also the occupants of
the Building in particular.

What is meant by Plumbing ?

Plumbing is an ART of installing Pipes and other fixtures, pipe apparatus in
Building for bringing in water and Removing liquid and water carried waste.

What Constitutes does the Plumbing System of the Building?

The plumbing System of the Building includes water supply Distribution of pipes,
the fixtures , traps and soil waste, vent pipes, house drain and house sewer line
,storm water drainage with their devices. `

Description of rain water Pipe.

The pipe which is used to collect rain water from the roof is called as rain
water pipe. The rain water from the flat roof as well as sloppy roof is collected
and brought on the ground level from where it is allowed to flow in the open
drains. The diameter of the pipe is determined according to the area of the roof
and the number of pipes to be laid down. The pipe diameter should not be less
then 4”. Pvc pipes of 4.5kg pressure is mostly used. In olden days AC pipes and
CI pipes were used.
Unit III

Water Hammer in pipes & Airlock

What is water Hammer.?

The sudden back flow of water in the running pipe line is called water
Hammer. It is caused due to sudden stopage of valves, pump failure and
power failures.The direction of flow of water is suddenly changed, its
dynamic energy is converted in to pressure energy which results in to
shock or sound like blow of hammer in the pipe line. This action is called
water Hammer. Due to the action of water hammer pipe line breaks,
there may be a damage to the pump also. To avoid loss due to water
hammer a Reflux valve or Non-return valve are provided in the delivery
line of pump and in the rising water supply line at distance of 150mtrs.

What is Air lock ?

When water enters in to the pipe line it also carries some air with it
which tends to accumulate at higher point of pipe line, also When there is
breakdown in the pipe line water completely goes out and air enters the
pipe line, When the quantity of air increases it causes serious blockage
to the flow of water. This is called airlock.

In many cases the valves and taps fitted in the plumbing pipe line gives trouble
such as leakage and other minor problems. An immediate attempt should be
made to repair the Taps, valves to prevent the wastage of purified water.

Types of valves.

1) Sluice Valve or Gate Valve .

These valve is also known as gate valve wheel valve or sluice valve. These
valve controls the flow of water , the valves are fitted to main pipe line and also
to distribution pipe line. These are placed at a distance of 150mtr to 200mtrs
apart from each other and at all new junctions and connections. These valve is
operated by wheel, when the wheel is turned in anti clock direction the valve
opens and the wheel is turned in a clock vise direction the valve closes.

2) Float Valve
This is also called Ball valve. It consist of a ball, lever and valve. It is made up of
brass and it has plastic ball connected to the valve through the lever. It is fitted
to the overhead tank from the internal side for inlet of the water pipe line. It is
used to control the water, when water level from the tank increases , plastic ball
automatically comes up and the lever closes the inlet line of the tank. These
avoids the Wastage of water.

3) Air valve or Air Relief Valve .

When water enters in to the pipe line it also carries some air with it which
tends to accumulate at higher point of pipe line, also When there is
breakdown in the pipe line water completely goes out and air enters the pipe
line, When the quantity of air increases it causes serious blockage to
the flow of water. This is called airlock in the water pipe line. Therefore to
remove such air from the pipeline air valve or air relief valve is used for
the removal of AIR.
4) Scour Valve.
These are also known as blow off valve or wash out valve. These are
ordinary Sluice valve which are located at the dead end or lowest point of
the distribution pipe line by fixing a (T) joint. They are operated to remove
the soil and silt from the Distribution pipe line, for the purpose of cleaning
5) Relief Valve.
This valve is also known as automatic cut-off valve or safety valve. The load
of the water pressure is adjusted on the spring to the maximum pressure.
The relief valve are located at the point along the water pipe line where
pressure of water is likely to be Maximum. When pressure of water
exceeds to a pre-determined limit the relief valve operates automatically
and the excess water is realized through relief valve and the pressure of
water brought to normal.

6) Bib Cock.
These are the water taps which are connected at the end of the water
pipe line through which consumer receives water. They are available in
various patterns and they are made up of brass and chromium plated.
They are operated by handle, when the handle is turned antilock wise tap
is opened and the water is released and when it is turned in clock wise
direction the tap is closed. The Bib cock may be of push type also. Tap
opens when the slight push is given and closed down when the push is
Bib cock should be water tight, leaky bib cock is the source of wastage of
water. The cock which is provided for wash basin is called Pillar cock.

7) Reflux valve.
These are also called check valve or non return valve. It is an automatic
device which allows the water to flow in one direction only, and when there
is back flow of water it automatically stops the flow of water from other
side. It is fitted to a water pipe line as per the direction 0f flow of water
which is shown by the arrow casted on the body of the reflux valve. In
side there is a gate which opens automatically due to the pressure of
water and when the flow of water is in a reverse direction or backward
direction the reflux valve is closed automatically thus it prevents the
pressure of water in reverse direction. The Reflux valve is placed in the
delivery line of the pump and also at the rising water supply line at a
distance of 100mtrs each.

8) Ferrule cock.
These are small valves up to 1” and 1 ½” diameter which are provided in
the distribution system of water to take service water connections from
main line. It is similar to full way valve. It is used in place of gate valve.

9) Main valve.
These are small valve which are provided for the supply line before water
meter.They help to control pressure and keep the constant flow through
water meter.

10 )Foot valve.
It is a one way valve . It a allows the flow of water in one Direction only. It
is fitted at the end of suction pipe of pump, which always remains in to
the water. They are made up of brass or cast iron. The foot valve is
covered with the strainer to exclude the entry of solid matter along with
the flow of water. They are provided to the suction pipe so that the pipe
should remain full of water all time before starting a pump.
Unit IV

Threads and diestock

Introduction .
Since screwing and un screwing cannot done on the plain round Rod, a path
has to be made for screwing and unscrewing nut and bolt. This is called threads.
In the year 1841 sir joseph whit worth implemented threads and named it as
whit worth Threads. latter on William seller of America invented threads and
named it sellers Thread.

Thread is a projecting ridge of uniform shape throughout its the length wrapped
on internal or external surface of rod in cylinder or spiral fashion.

Uses of threads

1. Threads is used as fastner .

2. To transmit motion, to resist work load.
3. To have accurate reading.
4. For quick setting
5. Easy to separate.

Dies and Die stock

The tool which is used to cut the threads is called Dies. There are two types of
dies ,1) Split die and 2) Solid die. Dies are used for cutting threads on the out
side surface on pipe, round rods etc. It is operated with hand and for these
purpose die stock is used. These are made up of high carbon steel, high speed
steel and alloy steel. These are either circular or square. Threads of proper size
are cut in the die which are chamfered from one side.
A device which is used for holding the Die pieces while cutting the external
thread is called as die stock. There are two types of Die stock
1) Solid die Stock, and 2) Adjustable die stock.

1) Solid type die Stock :

These types of die stock has two handles opposite to one another extending
from the diagonal corners of a rectangular body. The body has a rectangular
recess with a V shape projection on the lengthy sides to hold and guide the Die
pieces. A screw is provided for adjustment of the die.

2) Adjustable type Die stock :

The frame is assembled with three parts 1) Round cap, 2) stock , 3)Handles
with grip. The cap is fixed in to the stock and tightened by the screw. The
handles have knurls on both the ends for better grip and they are screwed in
a stock on both sides opposite to one another.

Coolant : Coolant is very essential while cutting threads for smooth finishing ,
to minimize the friction and to increase the life of tool.

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