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ISSUANCE DATE: 12/01/2021

CLOSING DATE: 12/31/2021 (6:00 pm Dushanbe
local time)

SUBJECT: Solicitation for Personal Services Contractor (PSC) No. 45/2021

Communications Specialist, USAID/Tajikistan

Dear Prospective Offerors:

The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID), is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide personal services
under contract as described in this solicitation.

Offers must be in accordance with Attachment 1 of this solicitation. Incomplete or unsigned

offers will not be considered. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their

This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit
USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offer.

Any questions must be directed in writing to the Point of Contact specified in the attachment

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No late submissions will be accepted.

Digitally signed by Michael

Michael Teske Teske

Date: 2021.11.26 12:43:09

Michael Teske
USAID/Central Asia Contracting Officer


1. SOLICITATION NO.: 45/2021

2. ISSUANCE DATE: 12/01/2021

3. CLOSING DATE/TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: 12/31/2021 (6:00 PM Dushanbe

local time)

4. POINT OF CONTACT: USAID/CA Human Resources, e-mail: and (with autoreply)

5. POSITION TITLE: Communications Specialist

6. MARKET VALUE: $46,083-$59,907 per annum (equivalent to GS-09). Final

compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value.

7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The U.S. Personal Services Contract will be for two
years, (subject to possible two years extension)

8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The duty post for this contract is Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
While the selected candidate is expected to work eight hours per day during the core
working hours of the USAID/Tajikistan, less than eight hours daily will also be considered.

9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: Eligible Family Members (All Agencies)/US Citizens Resident

in Dushanbe/Tajikistan



1. Basic Function of the Position

The U.S. Agency for International Development’s youngest mission, USAID/Tajikistan

manages nearly $40 million in foreign assistance that supports health, agriculture, private
sector development, trade, energy, civil society and media, youth, and gender
programming. In addition to implementing Feed the Future and the President's Emergency
Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) initiatives, the Mission team builds stronger ties with Central
Asian neighbors through USAID Central Asia’s regional portfolio.

Under the direction of USAID/Tajikistan’s Mission Director, the Strategic and Program Office
(SPO) is responsible for the overall management and oversight of USAID’s development
assistance portfolio in the country. Among its core responsibilities are the Mission strategy
development; project and program design; budget formulation and execution; monitoring
and evaluation (M&E); collaboration, learning and adapting (CLA); communications; donor
coordination, and reporting. SPO also coordinates development and timely submission of
key Mission reports and deliverables; inputs to Congressional inquiries; and other routine
and special requests from USAID Washington (AID/W), the U.S. State Department or the
Embassy Tajikistan. SPO’s work is high volume, high pressure, and fast paced. SPO staff
members must be flexible, efficient, and accountable for the quality of their work that is
critical to the overall reputation of the Mission.

The Communications Specialist serves under the supervision of the SPO Director, or her/his
designee. The incumbent’s primary responsibility is implementation of USAID/Tajikistan’s
communications strategy, in collaboration with all USAID/Tajikistan staff, implementing
partners and other relevant stakeholders. The position supports USAID/Tajikistan Mission
to achieve its objectives by producing, editing, and disseminating public information about
USAID’s programs in Tajikistan, and educating and promoting a better understanding of
USAID’s activities and successes among the target audiences. The position is responsible
for collecting, investigating, managing, editing, and distributing information associated with
the USAID foreign assistance program in Tajikistan, in all available forms. In coordination
with the Development and Outreach (DOC) Communications Specialist, the position serves
as the USAID/Tajikistan’s liaison for information requests from Washington and Embassy-
related inquiries.

2. Major Duties and Responsibilities

A. Publicity Materials 50%

● Responsible for the production of high-quality print and electronic communications

products that translate complex messages and technical information into
understandable, meaningful messages that resonate with a variety of audiences,
both host-country and American, and internal and external.
● Serves as editorial director of all public materials, including information briefers,
special publications, and project success stories, as well as for editing text
development by the Mission staff, producing talking points, speeches
and briefing documents.
● Develops and oversees development of specialized information materials for
Washington opinion leaders and audiences, in coordination with the Asia Bureau and
LPA colleagues; travels to USAID sites throughout Tajikistan to interview
beneficiaries and photograph events for USAID print, website, and social media
content and news releases; prepares and updates informational materials that
communicate USAID/Tajikistan’s strategic priorities and focus areas; and
manages USAID/Tajikistan’s web content.

B. Communications Management and Strategic Planning 50%

● Responsible for contributing to policies and procedures for USAID/Tajikistan

communications and outreach that clarify roles and responsibilities within USAID,
with other Embassy sections, and with implementing partners, including templates
for various communication tools, standards for creating and finalizing materials, and
guidelines for planning and managing events.
● Responsible for the drafting of original and annual updates to, and the
implementation of, the USAID/Tajikistan communications strategy to include, but
not limited to: identifying objectives, creating messages, addressing audiences,
disseminating products, managing budgets, and developing plans in coordination
with SPO Director consistent with the Mission development strategy and the overall
Embassy communications strategy.
● Plans and executes activities to present USAID/Tajikistan’s programs to the public
and to VIP visitors using a range of communications tools by assisting with
preparing visits for high-level officials to highlight key USAID projects, including
scheduling and coordination with PAS , and strategies and oversees the production
of briefing materials for these visits. For project site visits or events that involve the
U.S. Embassy and the USAID/Tajikistan’s front offices ensures that all event
information (e.g., briefing memos, talking points, speeches, press releases) have
been prepared and meet quality standards and time requirements.
● Facilitates, coordinates and consults with USAID/Tajikistan’s technical specialists
on project events, including finalizing press releases and preparing for interviews,
and attends USAID project events to take photographs or record video materials,
and to write about the event for USAID/Tajikistan’s or Embassy’s reporting
● Contributes to USAID/Tajikistan’s media activities by liaising with the U.S. Embassy
PAS; tracks USAID/Tajikistan’s portfolio milestones and events to ensure that
appropriate press coverage is provided; oversees and produces media materials
(including news releases and fact sheets) designed to inform editors and reporters
of USAID/Tajikistan’s portfolio achievements; coordinates with regional DOC team in
Almaty to produce and release timely, accurate, and useful written material for the
host-country and American media, including social media; and advises and works
with the PAS to expand opportunities for coverage of USAID development efforts
both internally and externally.
● Helps USAID/Tajikistan’s technical specialists to define activities for coverage,
participates in field visits to assess newsworthiness, and accompanies the press to
interviews and site locations for filming or reporting.

III. Other important information:

Supervision Received: The Communications Specialist works under the general

supervision of the SPO Director and/or the DOC Specialist. The SPO Director sets the
overall assignment objectives and explains available resources. The position, having
developed expertise in carrying out the communications program, has continuing
responsibility for independently planning and executing the various phases or stages of the
communication plan and coordinating efforts with USAID/Tajikistan technical program
specialists and the U.S. Embassy PAS. The position works closely with the SPO Director
and DOC Specialist, where policy has not been established. Completed work is reviewed
by the SPO Director and/or DOC Specialist for adherence to established policy and meeting
the expected goals of the communication plan.

Available Guidelines: The Communications Specialist must remain familiar with the
USAID regulations contained in the ADS, AIDAR, FAR, Handbooks, Mission Orders,
USAID/Washington Bureau and LPA outreach guidance, and established USAID/Tajikistan
procedures and regulations; and media and communications papers prepared by
USAID/Washington and the Department of State.

Exercise of Judgment: Projects assigned to the DOC team include a variety of duties and
processes requiring the exercise of extensive judgment; judgment is required in providing
guidance to USAID/Tajikistan technical staff, implementing partners, and other outside
contractors on USAID policies and procedures related to the USAID/Tajikistan Mission
communications strategy. The Communications Specialist, in consultation with the SPO
Director and/or the DOC Specialist, contributes to the development of the country-specific
communication plan, deadlines for implementation, and the various objectives to be
achieved. Independent judgment must be exercised on a broad range of communications
and media issues when meeting with media representatives, Government of Tajikistan
officials, NGOs, USAID implementing partners, and with other donors. The position is
expected to analyze situations and develop ways to resolve problems. The position advises
superiors in the USAID/Tajikistan and the U.S. Embassy on the implications of USAID public
outreach and suggestions for improvements.

Authority to Make Commitments: The position may make administrative arrangements

consistent with ADS guidance and Mission policy and take action and establish priorities
based on available guidelines and professional judgment. Guidance is sought when
needed, and superiors informed of activity status. Within the scope of the authority
delegated, the Communications Specialist negotiates outreach and communications
activities with counterparts in the Mission and the U.S. Embassy.

Nature, Level and Purpose of Contacts: The position works closely with the SPO Director
and/or DOC Specialist who will oversee work as it relates to USAID/Tajikistan. The
Communications Specialist coordinates closely with USAID/Tajikistan technical staff,
regional DOC staff related to regional awards, U.S. Embassy Public Affairs personnel, mid-
and senior-level officials of implementing partners, beneficiaries, host-country citizens,
NGOs and government officials, and with private-sector officials for the purpose of
implementing the USAID/Tajikistan communications strategy and fulfilling
USAID/Tajikistan’s outreach goals. In many cases, the position will represent
USAID/Tajikistan in these discussions.

Supervision Exercised: A formal supervision role for the Communications Specialist is not
envisioned at this time.

Post Entry Training: The position will receive on-the-job training on established USAID
procedures, regulations and policies governing USAID/Tajikistan’s interaction with the
media, implementing partners, and other USG agencies. The Communications Specialist
will attend USAID regional Development Outreach and Communications Workshops and
select training courses, subject to course offerings and the availability of funds.

Physical Demands: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands.


Education: A Bachelor’s Degree in journalism, public relations, communications, English,

or a related field is required.

Prior Work Experience: A minimum of three years of progressively responsible experience

in communications, public relations, editing, or journalism, in an English-language work
environment is required.

Knowledge: The Communications Specialist must have strong writing and editing skills and
have a thorough knowledge of the principles, methods, practices, and techniques of
communication; skill in applying such knowledge to develop written information materials
for dissemination through a variety of media; the ability to determine and effectively use the
most appropriate means for transmitting information; and, the ability to evaluate the
effectiveness of plans developed to communicate with targeted audiences. This includes an
understanding of the use of written communication in developing news releases, feature
stories, background statements, fact sheets, success stories, and scripts that effectively
transmit information about complex USAID/Tajikistan’s portfolio. The work requires a solid
understanding of websites and social media outlets; an excellent knowledge of English
grammar and American word usage and spelling; and a broad understanding of issues
related to international development. Excellent computer skills, including the use of Google
Docs, MS Office, MS PowerPoint, and MS Word.

Language Skills: Level V (Native) English (oral and written).

Teamwork/Interpersonal and Communication Skills: Work requires skill in: establishing
and enhancing communication between USAID and its audiences using media tools;
making oral presentations; encouraging open communication between USAID/Tajikistan
and its audiences; and analyzing the effectiveness of communication plans once
implemented and developing recommendations to change the nature of the
USAID/Tajikistan public affairs program. The work requires excellent oral and written
communications skills, including news and technical writing, editing, and research skills;
strong organizational and project management skills; the ability to work independently,
taking initiative once guidance is provided; and managing several activities simultaneously
and under pressure to meet deadlines. The position must have strong interpersonal skills.
The ability to establish and maintain collegial relations with press and media contacts, plus
U.S. Embassy and implementing partners; and, to exercise sound judgment in representing
the USG is required, along with the ability to manage interactions with high-level dignitaries
and officials with maturity and confidence. The ability to travel throughout Tajikistan to
organize and implement outreach events and visit project sites is a requirement of the

Other: Consideration and selection will be based on a panel evaluation of the Evaluation
Factors (Section V). Please note that not all candidates will be interviewed or contacted.

USAID will not pay for any expenses associated with the interviews unless expenses are
preauthorized. Reference checks may be conducted on those candidates selected for an
interview. The candidate's references must be able to provide substantive information about
his/her past performance and abilities.


The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with
FAR 52.215-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish
a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR
15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers
that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient
competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive
range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly
rated offers. FAR provisions of this solicitation are available at

Applicants who meet the Education/Experience requirements and Selection Factors will be
further evaluated. Applications that do not meet the required minimum qualifications will not
be scored. Candidates meeting the above required qualifications for the position will be
evaluated based on information presented in the application.

After meeting the minimum qualifications, consideration and selection will be based on a
panel evaluation of the Evaluation Criteria. Additionally, USAID may request writing
samples and an interview from the top-scoring candidates. Top-scoring candidates will also
be asked to provide three professional references. Please note that not all applicants will
be interviewed or contacted. USAID will not pay for any expenses associated with the
interviews unless the expenses are pre-authorized. Reference checks may be conducted
on candidates selected for an interview.

Applicants must not appear as an excluded party in the System for Award Management
a. Education: 10 points

b. Prior Work Experience: 20 points

c. Knowledge: 25 points

d. Language Skills: 20 points

e. Teamwork/Interpersonal and Communication Skills: 25 points

Total = 100 points


The base term of the contract will be for a period of two years, which may be extended upon
mutual agreement and subject to, continued need, satisfactory performance and availability
of funds. This position has been classified as equivalent to a GS-09 position in the USG
Civil Service. The actual salary of the successful candidate will be negotiated depending on
qualifications and previous salary history. In addition to the basic salary, differentials and
other benefits in effect at the time and which are applicable and subject to change on a
similar basis as for direct-hire USG employees will be added.


The USPSC will be required to complete a full physical examination (including relevant
immunizations) from his/her own physician and then obtain a medical clearance from State
M/MED prior to service overseas. Also, USAID/Central Asia must initiate a security
clearance prior to the Contractor’s travel to post of duty. Until a temporary or final
adjudication of a security clearance is received, the contract shall not be signed.

If a candidate fails to obtain a security clearance (temporary or full) within six months, the
offer may be retracted.


Submission of a résumé alone IS NOT a complete application. This position requires the
completion of additional forms and/or supplemental materials as described in this section.
Failure to provide the required information and/or materials will result in your not being
considered for employment. All application packages are to be submitted via email to: and/or, citing the Solicitation number and
the Position title.

Interested individuals meeting the Minimum Qualifications above are required to submit the

1. Complete and submit the offer form AID 309-2, “Offeror Information for Personal
Services Contracts with Individuals,” available at

2. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3,
and submitted to the Point of Contact in Section I.

3. Offeror submissions must clearly reference the number of this Solicitation to ensure
the offer is for the position in this Solicitation.
4. Cover letter and current résumé/curriculum vitae (CV). The CV/résumé must contain
sufficient relevant information to evaluate the application in accordance with the
stated evaluation criteria. Broad general statements that are vague or lacking
specificity will not be considered as effectively addressing. Ensure the application
covers the evaluation and selection criteria, as outlined in Section III of this

5. Applicants must provide a minimum of three references within the last five years from
the applicant’s professional life, namely individuals who are not family members or
relatives. Ideally, references should be from direct supervisors who can provide
information regarding the applicant’s work knowledge and professional experience.
Applicants must provide e-mail addresses and/or working telephone numbers for all

6. To ensure consideration of offers for the intended position. Offerors must

prominently reference the Solicitation number in the offer submission.


Once the Contracting Officer (CO) informs the successful applicant about being selected
for a contract award, the CO will provide the successful applicant instructions about how to
complete and submit the following forms:
Forms outlined below can found at:

1. Medical History and Examination form (DS-6561)

2. Questionnaire for Sensitive Positions (for National Security) (SF-86), or Questionnaire
for Non-Sensitive Positions (SF-85)
3. Finger Print Card (FD-258)
4. Declaration for Federal Employment (OF-306)

The above listed forms shall only be completed upon the advice of the Contracting Officer
that an applicant is the successful candidate for the job.


As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a USPSC is normally authorized the following

benefits and allowances:


(a) Employer's FICA Contribution

(b) Contribution toward Health & Life Insurance
(c) Pay Comparability Adjustment
(d) Annual Increase (pending a satisfactory performance evaluation)
(e) Eligibility for Worker's Compensation
(f) Annual and Sick Leave


It is the responsibility of the selected candidate to abide by the tax regulations. USPSCs are
required to pay Federal income taxes, FICA, Medicare and applicable State Income taxes.


USAID regulations and policies governing USPSC awards are available at these sources:

1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix D, “Direct USAID Contracts with a

U.S. Citizen or a U.S. Resident Alien for Personal Services Abroad,” including contract
clause “General Provisions,” available at .

2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at .

3. Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins

(AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at .

[The CO must check to determine which

AAPDs/CIBs apply and insert the relevant AIDAR deviation or other policy text as
applicable by the type of USPSC.]
4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an
individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the “Standards of Ethical
Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch,” available from the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See .

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