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English Language Test lish Placement Test C y 1 She obsessed with rock cee al a young age. : oe becomes _b. became c. has become d. would become 2 He's nota stamp collector, ay . a. was he b. wasn’t he ¢, ishe d. isn’t he 3 Howlong you had this car? a. did b. do ¢. have d. were 4 ____anyone get hurt? ke a. Did b, Were c. Have d, Had 5 He about birds. It drives me mad! Ze a. forever talk ais forever talking ¢, will forever be talking d. has forever been talking 6 Shekeeps her things all around the place which is so annoying. a. to leave b. leaves ¢ Jeave d. leaving 37 He ___ meto the first game when I was only 6. a. usedto take — b, would take ¢. took d, has taken 8 Atfirst]____ starting work so early but this has changed. a. didn'tuseto b. wouldn't ¢, didn't have to d. wasn't used to 9 Mynew PC, I bought last week, has already broken down. a. that b. which ¢. whose a 10 I'd like to see the photos __ you took on holiday. a. Who b. whose ¢. where de 11 People __ from the illness find it difficult to relax. a. suffered b. suffering ¢. who suffering 12 You'd better take your coat d. were suffering the weather gets worse. a. incase b. otherwise ¢. so that din order to 13 She did a course in confidence building ___ overcome her phobia a. so that order to cc. although case 14 He ____ a therapist for several years after he left school. a, has seen b, has been seeing ¢. saw d. used to seeing 15° She much better-sines she left the hospital last week eo tetias a.isfeeling —». feels «, felt ; 12s been feeling 16 He realized that he cas toeinben tilt a. left b, has left 17 We couldn't fall sslep because our neighbour ne made b. had made Eon eee "a ‘a. Wherever b. Whoever 19 They ou ora fen sels bene ere a. had gone b. have been going 20 You won't passthe exam ___ you start re a. aslongas — b, provide 2 Tie ra se tote ee b, wouldn't go ‘a i ka Tt as a _afing the next meeting we aa. are talking 7 | can't find my keys.1___ them. a. may lose b. must lost 28 The police stopped us and said we _ a. can't b. couldn't mission was free so we “i buy ebout setting goals will have talked ¢, will bet ¢. might ha _to enter the building. c. didn't allo any tickets. a. b. mustn't buy aking d. talk velost d. should have lost Ww d, weren't allowed ¢. didn't need to buy d. mustn't have bought 30 Imnotsureif you're aware _the risk. a of bato cat din 1 The horror movie wasn't just frightening! It was ___ terrifying! a, extremely b, absolutel: ©. Very, d. fairly 32 __ the weather was horrible, we decided to go out for a short walk. a. Even though b. However ¢. In spite of d. Despite 33 We should remind to be thankful for all that we have. a, us Tee ¢. ourselves d. we 34 His father asked Dan where all day. a. hadhe been —b, was he ¢. he had been dhe has been 35 She advised him sun cream. a. putting b. put on ¢. to putting on d. to put on 36 She was only 19 when she sailed across___ Atlantic. aa b, an c. the c— 37 Your leg could be broken so you must have__‘X-ray. aa c. the d— 38 The square was ___ crowded we couldn't pass. a. so b. such ©. very dias 39 Two climbers are reported to __ during the storm last night. a. die b. have died ¢. had died d. died 40 I'll need to have the stairs__ a. renovate b. renovating ¢. to renovate d. renovated 41 Lonly paid £20 for this jacket! Itwasareal__. a. buy b. price c. bargain d, sale 42 Sane is always poking her nose in other people's business. She's so__! a. inquisitive b. obedient c. playful “@ unreliable 43 As faras I'm ____.1 do not support the new government. a. matter b. referred ¢. accordis ‘concemed 44 The aes __ was really imaginative: ae : a. exhibition b. display cs i isi 4s Sie Gao esr we ad ne looking (eee eae a did b, made c.took d. got 46 She doesn't___ of my decision. a. agree b. approve accept support 47 During his stay in inlets he went __ dee . : a. up b. off . down. d- over 48 When the cust roods hidden j ‘arrested a. assault maereeeee oie c. hijacking " Bace ane for__ 49 I caa't move the sofa. Could you_me a hand with it, please? smuggling a give get ©. take borrow 50 Leouldn't get in __ with you all week! Where have you been? @. contact b, call ©. touch d, talk desl sA.fl.{ Mahmoud Abuziad

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