Reading Writing Week 5 6 Summative - 2

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Name: __________________ Grade & Section ____________ Score: _________

Subject: Reading and Writing Teacher: ____________________ Date: __________

I. Title: CRITICAL READING (Kinds of Claims)

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment
( Written Work Performance Task)

III. MELC: Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text;

EN11/12RWS-IIIj-6; EN11/12RWS-IIIj-6-1-3
a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value

IV. Learning Objectives:

1) Create statements using the kinds of claims
2) Explain the properties of a well-written text
3) Employ the appropriate reading strategies to use with a specific text.
4) Identify the critical reading and the thinking strategies and their specific
5) Write a critique of selected texts or produce various texts employing the 21st
century skills
V. References

Print Material/s:
 Aludin, Ali, S. (2005). Reading and Writing; Teacher’s Manual for Senior High
 Cabana-Basilan, Ma. Leticia, J. (2006). Reading and Writing Skills; Senior High
School Core Subject
Online Resource/s:
 Retrieved from
EADING&oq=Reading+and+Writing+Skills+Grade+11 retrieved on March 10,

 Retrieved from
amp-Juliet-Instant-Messaging-Edition-80952 retrieved on March 10, 2021
 Retrieved from
writing retrieved on March 10, 2021
VI. Summative Test

A: Practicing SQ5R Method!

Directions: Read and comprehend well on the given essay. Create your
own notes using the SQ5R Method. You may have your own design for
your notes.
Memories of My Schooldays at the Jewish Lyceum

Do you remember? I've spent many a delightful hour talking about school, teachers,
adventures and boys. Back when our lives were still normal, everything was so
wonderful. That one year of Lyceum was heaven to me: the teachers, the things I
learned, the jokes, the prestige, the crushes, the admirers.

Do you remember? When I came back from town that afternoon and found a package
in the mailbox from "un ami, R." It could only have come from Rob Cohen. Inside there
was a brooch worth at least two and a half guilders. Ultra-modern. Rob's father sold
that kind of stuff. I wore it for two days, and then it broke.

Do you remember? How Lies and I told on the class. We had a French test. I wasn't
having too much trouble with it, but Lies was. She copied my answers and I went over
them to make corrections (on her test, I mean). She got a C+ and I got a C-, since
thanks to my help she had gotten some things right, but both grades had been crossed
out and replaced with a big fat F. Great indignation. We went to Mr. Premsela to
explain what had happened, and at the end Lies said, "Yes, but the entire class had
their books open under their desks!"

Mr. Premsela promised the class that nobody would be punished if all those who had
cheated would raise their hands. About ten hands went up--less than half the class, of
course. A few days later Mr. Premsela sprang the test on us again. Nobody would talk
to Lies and me, and we were branded as snitches. I soon caved in under the pressure
and wrote a long letter of apology to Class 1 L II, begging their forgiveness. Two weeks
later all had been forgotten.

The letter went something like this:

To the students in Class 1 L II,

Anne Frank and Lies Goslar hereby offer their sincere apologies to the students in
Class 1 L II for their cowardly act of betrayal in the matter of the French test. However,
the deed was done before we had time to think, and we freely admit that we alone
should have been punished. We believe that everyone is liable to let a word or
sentence slip out in anger from time to time, and this can result in an unpleasant
situation, even though it wasn't meant to.

We hope that Class 1 L II will see the incident in this light and will repay evil with good.
There's nothing more to be gained by it, and the two guilty parties can't undo what's
been done.

We wouldn't be writing this letter if we weren't genuinely sorry for what happened.
Furthermore, we ask those of you who have been ignoring us to please stop, since
what we did wasn't so bad as to justify being looked upon as criminals for all eternity.

Anyone who is unable to put this matter behind them should come to us and either
give us a good scolding or ask us for a favor, which we will gladly grant, if at all

We trust that everyone in Class 1 L II will now be able to forget the affair.

Anne Frank and Lies Goslar

Do you remember? How C.N. told Rob Cohen in the streetcar, within earshot of Sanne
Ledermann who passed it on to me, that Anne had a much prettier face than J.R.,
especially when she smiled. Rob's answer was, "Boy, have you ever got big nostrils,
C.!" Do you remember? How Maurice Coster was planning to present himself to Pim
to ask his permission to see his daughter. Do you remember? How Rob Cohen and
Anne Frank exchanged a flurry of letters when Rob was in the hospital. Do you
remember? How Sam Solomon always followed me on his bicycle and wanted to walk
arm in arm with me. Do you remember? How A.W. kissed me on the cheek when I
promised not to tell a soul about E.G. and him.

I hope that such happy, carefree schooldays will come again.

B: More on Claims!

Directions: Still on claims, extract possible claims from Anne Frank’s diary and
place the claims (exact statements) on its appropriate table.


1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

C: Selfless Claims!

Directions: Choose one among the topics presented and construct a single
paragraph establishing the examples of claims. The paragraph should have
at least three examples per claim. Encircle the statement if it is a claim of
FACT. Underline the statement if it is a claim of VALUE and put a box on
the statement if it is a claim of POLICY. Don’t copy insights from websites
since this task requires personal ideas and nothing else.
a. Personal experience on being bullied way back junior high school
b. Personal experience on confronting a close friend about a mistake
you/he have/has made
c. Personal experience on giving your parents their biggest
frustrations on you
d. Personal experience on having low grades which you think is not
deserving on your part
e. Personal experience on encountering paranormal activities
f. Personal experience on being broken / being left by someone
whom you are already attached with
g. Personal experience on your struggles in fighting depression or

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