SUM-4-PT-4 4th Quarter

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Second Semester – Second Quarter

Academic Year 2021 – 2022
Learning Facilitators: Virgilio S. Dilodilo, Jr. / Polly Anne F. Rovero
SUMMATIVE Quiz # 4.4

Name: __________________________________________________Year & Section: _______________________Score: ________

DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each statement. Choose your answer from the given choices. Write your answers on the blanks
provided before each number.
___ 1. What is a questionnaire?
A. It is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers.
B. It is a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
C. It is a method of gathering information from a sample individuals.
D. It is a systematic investigation into and study of sources.
___ 2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a questionnaire?
A. It should be accurate. C. It should be in analytical form.
B. It should be vague. D. It should be short and simple.
___ 3. What is a survey?
A. It is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people.
B. It is a method of gathering information from a sample individuals.
C. It is a systematic investigation into and study of sources.
D. It is a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
___ 4. What is a survey questionnaire?
A. It is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people.
B. It is a method of gathering information from a sample individuals.
C. It is a systematic investigation into and study of sources.
D. It is a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
___ 5. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate word to describe survey questionnaire?
A. gather C. data
B. statistical D. subjective
___ 6. Which of the following terms is NOT a type of survey questions?
A. Closed C. Contingency
B. Open-Ended D. Unquantifiable
___ 7. What is contingency question?
A. It is a special case of a closed – ended question because it applies only to a subgroup of respondents.
B. It is not followed by any choices and the respondent must answer by supplying a response.
C. It is a question that has possible set of answers.
D. It is a systematic investigation into and study of sources.
___ 8. What is closed question?
A. It is a special case of a closed – ended question because it applies only to a subgroup of respondents.
B. It is not followed by any choices and the respondent must answer by supplying a response.
C. It is a question that has possible set of answers.
D. It is a systematic investigation into and study of sources.
___ 9. What is open - ended question?
A. It is a special case of a closed – ended question because it applies only to a subgroup of respondents.
B. It is not followed by any choices and the respondent must answer by supplying a response.
C. It is a question that has possible set of answers.
D. It is a systematic investigation into and study of sources.
___ 10. Which of the following statements is NOT an advantage of closed questions?
A. They are easy and quick to answer.
B. They permit the inclusion of more variables in research study.
C. They require skill to write.
D. They have response categories that are easy to code.
___ 11. Which of the following statements is NOT a disadvantage of closed questions?
A. The respondent is restricted to a finite set of responses.
B. They express a more complex and subtle meaning.
C. They can introduce bias.
D. They do not allow for creativity.
___ 12. Which of the following questions is an example of open – ended questions?
A. What is the main advantages of self – learning module? C. Do you play ML? Does ML affect your studies?
B. How often do you read your module? D. Are you comprehending your modules?
___ 13. Which of the following statements is ILLOGICAL about contingency question?
A. This is determined by asking a filter question. C. Instructs other respondents to skip to a later section.
B. Detailed data may be obtained. D. It guides the answer than closed – questions.
___ 14. What type of questions must be avoided in a survey questionnaire?
A. Biased Questions C. Contingency Questions
B. Open – Ended Questions D. Closed Questions
___ 15. Which of the following set of responses is mostly appropriate to the question “How often do you read your modules?”?
A. Always, Sometimes, Often C. Very Interested, Neutral, Not Interested
B. Yes, No, Maybe D. Agree, Neither Agree or Disagree, Disagree
___ 16. What is the first step in survey research?
A. Selecting the sample. C. Identifying the target population.
B. Choosing the mode of data collection. D. Defining the problem.
___ 17. What type of question is applied to this question “Self-Learning Module is better than Face-to-Face Learning.”?
A. Biased Question C. Contingency Question
B. Open – Ended Question D. Closed Question
___ 18. Which of the following is a classification by method of data collection?
A. health issues C. geographical area
B. voter preferences D. face to face interview
___ 19. Which of the following modes of collecting data is mostly used in a survey research?
A. Personal Interviews C. Mailed Questionnaires
B. Telephone Surveys D. Web-Based Surveys
___ 20. After collecting data, what next step will be accomplished?
A. Discuss the Findings C. Summarize the Findings
B. Tally the Data D. Recommend an Action
___ 21. What is the purpose of summarizing findings in a report?
A. To provide background information.
B. To process the gathered information.
C. To include the most distinct results of data gathering.
D. To identify the information gathered and eliminate the confidential information.
___ 22. What concern does a writer need to address in writing the introduction of an experiment report?
A. The aim of the study. C. The writer’s specific knowledge.
B. The resources needed. D. the purpose and resources of the study.
___ 23. What factual information would you select to show survey report?
A. Surveys are conducted to get information needed to decide for a particular group of people.
B. Surveys are conducted to show the importance of the people’s perception, preferences and perspective.
C. Surveys are conducted to get the pulse, perception, perspective and preferences of a particular group.
D. Surveys are conducted to identify the strength and weaknesses of the people’s ideas, based on their perspective and
___ 24. How would you organize your laboratory report?
A. Title, introduction, materials and methods, literature cited, results and discussion.
B. Title, table of contents, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion.
C. Title, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and literature cited.
D. Title, table of contents, lists of figures, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion.
___ 25. After writing a laboratory report, which of the following can be inferred?
A. Abstract C. Discussion
B. Cover D. Result

TASK: SURVEY TIME! DIRECTIONS: Interview at least three members of your family about their insights on the issue/topic given
below. Write your answer in the blanks provided. Your output will be evaluated based on the rubrics given.


Issue / Title







Category Excellent (5) Satisfactory (4) Developing (3) Beginning (2/1)

CONTENT Gives all significant and Gives many significant Gives some significant Gives few significant
in depth information and information and information and information and
interpretation about the interpretation about the interpretation about the interpretation about the
topic and backs them up topic and backs them topic with some significant topic with few statistics
with accurate and up with accurate and data and evidence. and evidence.
sufficient proofs and moderately sufficient
evidence. data and evidence.
COHERENCE All ideas are well Most of the ideas are Some ideas are well Very few ideas are well
AND organized. well organized. organized. organized.
Sequence of information Sequence of Sequence of information Sequence of information
is very logical, sound, information is logical, is moderately logical, is somewhat logical and
clear, and very easy to clear, and easy to clear, and easy to follow. easy to follow.
follow. follow.
RELEVANCE AND All ideas are related to Most of the ideas are Some of the ideas are Very few ideas are
CLARITY OF the topic. related to the topics. related to the topic. related to the topic.
EXPLANATION All information is relevant Most of the information Some information is Very few are clearly
with accurate and are clearly explained discussed but not explained and
comprehensive through specific elaborated. elaborated.
explanations and examples and details.
MECHANICS Grammar usage, Evidence of 1-5 errors Evidence of 6-10 errors Evidence of 11-15 errors
spelling, and in grammar usage in grammar usage and in grammar usage,
capitalization are correct. spelling, and capitalization. spelling, and
capitalization. capitalization.
No errors in the text.

Checked by:

Principal III

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