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Comjwers & Srrucrures Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 791-800, 1989
0 1989 Pergamon PM plc
Printed tn Great Britain.


W. J. Lnvvrs
Department of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England

(Received 13 October 1988)

Abstract-The non-line static response of p~t~sion~ cable net and pin-joints frame structures is
analysed using the minimum potential energy principle. The relative efficienciesof the stiffness matrix and
dynamic relaxation methods in solving specific structural examples are examined. The performance of the
dynamic relaxation algorithm with kinetic and viscous damping is discussed.

NOTATION Provided that both types of structures are made of

linear elastic material, the methods of analysis of
suflk indicating direction (x, y or z)
node numbers for each end of a cable link (in global prestressed cable nets presented here can automati-
co-ordinates) cally be applied to statically determinate and indeter-
number of cable links meeting at node j minate pin-jointed frames. The analysis makes
elastic force in member m repetitive use of the static equilibrium and compati-
initial pretension length of member m
increase in length due to eiastic strains bility equations in the process of minimization of the
Cartesian co-ordinates of the structure total potential energy of the structure [I, 31.
external load vector Solution of the governing equations can be carried
nodal displacements out by a variety of numerical methods [l-3], but little
internal force vector compatible with deformations
residual or unbalanced force vector
information is available as to the most efficient
lumped mass methods for practical applications. Depending on the
velocities and accelerations respectively degree of non-linearity and the size of the structure,
viscous damping coethcient per unit mass some methods can be very time consuming, even with
time increment
the main frame computers. In this paper two funda-
Young’s modulus
cross-section area mentally different numerical methods are examined
initial pretension force in member m with respect to their efficiency in providing solutions
elastic and geometric stiffness of cable links of geometrically non-linear structures:
global stiffness matrix (1) the dynamic relaxation method, used in the
column vector of displacements
column vector of internal forces
analysis of highly redundant structures, such as
elemental stiffness matrix cable nets;
3 x 3 unit matrix (2) the stiffness matrix formulation, based on a
column vector of external loads linear model, well known in the analysis of
residual force vector
vector of Cartesian co-ordinates
weighting factor The two methods adopted are chosen on the basis
order of matrix K of their current use in the analysis of linear and
non-linear structures. Other iterative methods in-
clude: the method of steepest descent, the method
of conjugate gradients and the NewtowRaphson
method. These techniques are known to have certain
Traditionally, structural analysis has been concerned limitations such as slow convergence, characteristic of
mainly with structures which undergo small displace- the method of steepest descent, or instability, inherent
ments and hence are assumed to exhibit linear in the Newton-~phson method [I, 41, and therefore
load-displacement characteristics. It is generally ac- are not considered here.
cepted that structural frames fall into this category of A wide range of pretensioned cable networks is
“linear structures”. Prestressed cable nets, on the analysed by both the dynamic relaxation and the
other hand, undergo large deformations, which affect stiffness matrix methods. Their convergence, in terms
their overall geometry, causing the so-called “geomet- of the number of iterations and the total CPU
ric non-lin~ti~*’ in the load~isp~a~~t relation- (central processing unit) time used to complete the
ship. The degree of non-linearity is infhrenced by the solution, is observed. The efficiency of the dynamic
initial sag to span ratio and the stiffness of the relaxation method is studied further, with respect to
structure [ 1,2]. the use of kinetic and viscous damping.
192 W. J LEWIS

GOVERNING EQUATIONS viscous damping coefficient per unit mass, causing the
dissipation of the kinetic energy of the structure, and
A cable structure is assumed to represent a discrete
A:, $ velocities and accelerations respectively.
assembly of straight links with extensional stiffness
For the purpose of clarity, the indexj is omitted in
only. Loads are concentrated at the nodal intersec-
further derivations. Equation (2) can be approxi-
tions of cables. Application of the principle of mini-
mated by centred finite differences in time and space,
mum potential energy leads to the system of
where the suffix n is used to indicate the time interval
simultaneous equilibrium equations of the form:
At, at which relevant values are calculated:

m m
/ = m,{(d:+l -@)/At}

+ Cm,{(j:+’ + d:)/2}. (3)

i = 1,2, 3 (x, y, z directions)
Rearranging eqn (3) gives the recurrent equation for
where N, is the number of links meeting at nodej; F, velocities:
is the force in link m due to the initial pretension and
the elastic straining of the cables; L,,, is the initial $“‘=A,(R:+“At/m,) -+A?$ (41
pretension length of link m; AL, is the increase in
cable length; X:, X;l are the Cartesian co-ordinates of where
nodes n,j; d:, dj are the node displacements, and P{ A, = l/( 1 + C At/2);
is the external load vector.
It can easily be seen that the terms on the left hand A? = (I - C At,/2)/( 1 + C At/2).
side of Pj in eqn (1) amount to the internal force
vector Fi, which has to balance the external load. Full The displacements of any node j of the structure can
derivation of the equilibrium equations can be found be found at the mid-point of the time interval as:
in [l, 31. In order to provide the solution, an addi-
tional set of equations is required which describes the d”+l;=d”+I?+8”,1 , At. (5)
compatibility of the deformations of the structure
with the applied loads and boundary conditions. A Equations (1), (4), (5) and (6) can be incorporated
full set of the governing equations can then be used into an iterative solution, continued until the condi-
to solve for the unknown deflections and member tions of static equilibrium are satisfied.
forces. Numerical stability of the dynamic relaxation pro-
In the case of a linear structure, the solution can be cedure depends on the value of time increment At,
obtained in one iteration. In the more general case of relative to the lumped masses m, and the stiffness of
a geometrically non-linear structure, the equilibrium the structure S,. Barnes[S] gives the following cri-
can only be obtained in a stepwise process, as the terion for assured convergence:
result of the changing geometry. Hence, the right
hand side of eqn (1) is not zero but equal to some At < J2m,/S, (6)
unbalanced or residual force vector Rj. At this stage
various iterative methods can be employed to reduce where S, is the sum of the elastic stiffness EA /L,, and
the residual force to a minimum. The choice of the the geometric stiffness T,,,/L,, of the links meeting at
iterative technique largely depends on the initially common nodes.
assumed mathematical model. In the following sec- The total number of iterations necessary to com-
tions the account of two numerical algorithms, de- plete a solution depends on the viscous damping
scribed earlier, is given. coefficient, whose critical value should be based on
the lowest natural frequency of the system. To obtain
DYNAMIC RELAXATION ALGORITHM this value, an additional computer run is necessary,
in which the undamped oscillations in the values of
Viscous damping deflections of the structure are observed. The pro-
Dynamic equilibrium of a system in motion, de- cedure is illustrated in Fig. 1.
scribed by the D’Alembert principle, forms the basis The numerical algorithm based on the dynamic
of the numerical algorithm [3]. The attainment of relaxation model with viscous damping is outlined
static equilibrium is achieved as a result of damped below.
motions of the structure. Assuming that the mass of STEP 1: Input the geometry of the structure X,, the
the structure is concentrated at the nodes, the equa- external loads P,, material properties: A, E,
tion of dynamic equilibrium takes the form: the pretension force T,,,, the value of the
damping coefficient C, and the time incre-
R’I = mJ&
I I + Cm{d{ (2) ment At.
STEP 2: Calculate the initial lengths L,, the elastic
where mf is the lumped mass of the structure, C the stiffness EA IL,,, , the geometric stiffness
Numerical analysis of prestressed nets and pin-jointed frames 793

Number of iterokns

Fig. 1. Dynamic relaxation with viscous damping.

T,[L,, and hence the ratio of m,fAt [eqn decreasing in magnitude, and eventually disappear.
@)I+ The process is illustrated in Fig. 2. It should be noted
STEP 3: Set the deflections d,, the velocities d,, and that because of the fictitious value of mass used in the
the member forces &, at their initial values. analysis, the kinetic energy is represented by the term
STEP 4: Start iteration. Calculate the residuals R, m,rif /At.
[eqn (l)l. The numerical algorithm makes use of the same
STEP 5: Find the velocities fti [eqn (411. Apply recurrent equations, namely eqns (l), (4) and (5),
boundary conditions. except that the constants A, and A2 in eqn (4) are
STEP 6: Obtain the values of displacements d, [eqn both equal to I, as a result of setting the value of the
@)I. viscous damping coefficient to zero. Detailed descrip-
STEP 7: Update the current geometry of the struc- tion of dynamic relaxation with kinetic damping can
ture Xi. Hence obtain the current length of be found in [5].
members, i.e. Lm-I- AL,.
STEP 8: Assuming a linear stress-strain relation-
ship, find the member forces F, consistent STIFFNESS MATRIX AL~R~M
with the elongations AL,.
STEP 9: Return to step 4 unless the residuals R, are Additional compatibility equations are obtained,
close enough to zero. assuming a linear model, in which the vector of nodal
For practical purposes it is usually only necessary displacements d, is related to the internal force vector
to reduce the value of the residual to about 0. I % of F, through the global stiffness matrix K as follows:
its initial value.
The two-stage analysis, which involves finding the Kd, = FI. (7)
critical viscous damping coefficient, is rather inconve-
nient, and is recently being replaced by a modified The global stiffness matrix is assembled from elemen-
dynamic relaxation method, with “kinetic damping”. tal matrices k, derived from the sum of elastic and
geometric stiffness properties [l]. For an individual
Kinetic ~rn~~ng member, with six degrees of freedom, namely the
In this process, the structure is set in an undamped x, y, z displacements at either end, k is a 6 x 6 matrix,
motion, during which the sum of the kinetic energy given by
of all the nodes in all three directions is recorded.
When a peak in the totai kinetic energy is detected, k
the velocity components at all nodes are set to zero.
The whole process is restarted from the current
geometry and continued until the next peak in energy where I is a unit matrix of dimension 3 x 3, and
is found. As the geometry of the structure gradually
approaches the ~~~~tion consistent with the
static equilibrium, the subsequent energy peaks are G=$+d,]? (9)
794 w. .f. LEWIS

Number of lteratlons

Fig. 2. Kinetic damping in dynamic relaxation.

If the structure is not in static equilibrium, the STEP 6: Start iteration. Find the residual force
internal force. vector F, and the vector of external vector R, [eqn (IO)].
loads P, will not be equal, and hence: STEP 7: Solve matrix equations for the unknown
displacements d, [eqn (1 I)].
R,=P,-F,. (10) STEP 8: Find the new configuration of the structure
feqn W)].
In order to minimize the unbalanced vector force R,, STEP 9: Return to step 6 unless the residual force
eqn (7) is rewritten as: vector R, is close enough to zero.
The convergence of the iterative procedure depends
d, = K-‘R, (11) on the values of the coefficients entered in the global
stiffness matrix. Large variations in the relative
and a process of simple iteration is started, using eqns ma~itudes of the coefficients along the leading diag-
(7), (8), (10) and (11). During this procedure, the onal may cause iii-conditioning of the equations. The
global stiffness matrix K becomes the “transient solution is then extremely sensitive to round-off
matrix”, updated after each iteration in accordance errors [4, 61. For well-conditioned systems, the speed
with the changing geometry of the structure. If n of convergence can be influenced by the use of a
denotes the iteration number, the configuration of the weighting factor p, which controls the size of the
structure at the n + I iteration is given by: iterative step, so that:

X:‘+‘=X;+d;. (121 d; =pd:. (13)

The numerical algorithm based on the stiffness Values of p can be found by trial and error. In the
matrix formulation is outlined below. numerical examples that follow, values of 0.9 and 1.O
STEP 1: Input the initial geometry of the structure gave best results.
X,, the external load vector P,, material
properties: A, E, and the pretension force SOLVED EXAMPLES
STEP 2: Szt’ the internal force vector F and the Both the stiffness matrix and dynamic relaxation
displacement vector d, at their in&al values. algorithms have been programmed in Fortran 77 to
STEP 3: Calculate the initial pretension lengths L,,,, analyse the non-linear static response of discrete
the elastic stiffness EA /L, , and the geomet- structures, such as prestressed cable nets and pin-
ric stiffness T,,,/L, for all members. jointed frames. Study of the efficiency of the algor-
STEP 4: Calculate the elemental stiffness matrices k ithms was carried out on six examples of prestressed
hn @)I. networks attached to rigid boundaries, as shown in
STEP 5: Assemble the global stiffness matrix K Figs 3-8. All computations were carried out in double
using matrix connectivity rules and precision accuracy (approximately 15 significant
boundary conditions. figures) on a Prime 750 mainframe. Iterations were
Numerical analysis of prestressed nets and pin-jointed frames 195

Fig. 3. Simple net.

Fig. 4. 2 x I cable net.

stopped when the vector of unbalanced forces was pretensioned force in all cables is 0.5 kN. The cross-
reduced to 0.1% of its initial value. section area of cables is 2.0 mm2 and their Young’s
modulus is 110 kN/mm*. Load P., of 0.2 kN acts at
Example 1. Simple net nodes 3 and 6.
This very simple, hypothetical structure with zero
Example 3. 2 x 2 cable net
curvature (Fig. 3), has only three degrees of freedom,
which are the x, y, z components of displacements. Material properties and the value of pretension
The cross-section area of cables is 0.785 mm* and force in the network shown in Fig. 5 are the same as
Young’s modulus is 124.8 kN/mm*. The pretension in Example 1. The structure has 12 degrees of free-
force in both cables is 0.2 kN. The external load P, dom and is subjected to the external load P, of
(in the z direction) of 0.015 kN is applied in the 0.015 kN at nodes 4, 5 and 8.
Example 4. Hypar net
Example 2. 2 x 1 cable net Two sets of straight line cables generate a model of
The structure, also analysed by Buchholdt [1], is a a hyperbolic paraboloid surface, shown in Fig. 6. The
flat net with six degrees of freedom (Fig. 4). The structure has 36 degrees of freedom. Load P, of

3 XOH.2 m

Fig. 5. 2 x 2 cable net.

796 w. J. LEWIS

Fig. 6. Hypar net.

0.0157 kN is applied at all internal nodes, except 120 mm* in the y direction. The elastic modulus
nodes 17, 2 1 and 22. The remaining data, concerning is 160 kN/mm*. The structure has 45 degrees of
the material properties and the values of the preten- freedom.
sion force, are the same as in Example 3. Previous
Example 6. Saddle net
analysis and experimental measurements on this
structure are reported in [3]. This is a practical example of a large scale struc-
ture, which has 142 members and 189 degrees of
Example 5. Spatial net
freedom. The saddle shape (Fig. 8), in Cartesian
The initial geometry of the structure (Fig. 7) is space, can be determined from the equation:
achieved by means of the pretension force of 90 kN z = -a, x -t-a2x2, where a, is a function of y given by:
in the x direction, 30 kN in the y direction, and the a, = 0.304 - 0.0171~ + 0.00043y2, and the ratio of
additional concentrated load P, = 4.8 kN at all in- al/a2 is 50. The value of the pretension force in the
ternal nodes. The structure is subjected to a further x and y directions is 90 kN, the cross-section area of
increase in load by 2 kN. The initial, plan geometry cables is 306mm2, and their elastic modulus is
of the structure can be determined from Fig. 7, with 147 kN/mm*. The external loads P3 and PI act on half
the values of z co-ordinates, in m, as follows: of the structure, as shown by the shaded area in
Fig. 8.
nodes 1,2,3 1.oooo 2.0000 3.0000
nodes 6,7,8,9 0.0000 0.8195 1.4096 1.6769 RESULTS
nodes 13, 14, 15, 16 0.0000 0.6870 I. 1478 1.3176.
Deformation analysis of prestressed cable nets
The symmetry of the initial con~guration about the carried out by the stiffness matrix and dynamic
x and y centre axes is maintained. The cross-section relaxation algorithms produced results which are in
area of cables is 350mm* in the x direction and excellent agreement with each other and with other

Fig. 7, Spatial net.

Numerical analysis of prestressed nets and pin-jointed frames 191

Fig. 8. Saddle net.

Table 1. Deformation analysievalues of deflections published data [1,3]. However, the stiffness matrix
Node Deflections (mm) solution did not converge for the saddle shaped net
Example no. X Y Z and hence the results using the dynamic relaxation
I. Simple net 3 0.0 0.0 6.97 method are given in this case. The results are summa-
rized in Tables 1 and 2, which give values of nodal
2. 2 x 1 cable net 6 0.0 3.3 199.7
deflections and the corresponding member forces for
3. 2 x 2cablenet 4 -0.07 -0.07 12.19 each of the six examples described earlier. In quoting
5 0.04 -0.08 11.20
-0.95 -1.01
the results, advantage is being taken of symmetry,
8 19.39
whenever possible. Values of deflections below
4. Hypar net 5 -0.04 - 0.04 5.61
0.01 mm are not included in Table 1. In the case of
6 - 1.02 -2.30 25.34
7 -0.78 -2.80 22.96 the saddle net, abbreviated results are given con-
10 -2.22 -1.15 25.58 cerning one quarter of the structure.
11 -2.56 -2.77 33.80 Results from the investigation of the relative
12 -1.99 -3.35 29.33 efficiency of the stiffness matrix and dynamic relax-
15 -3.10 -1.04 25.42
16 -3.45 -2.41 31.10 ation algorithms are given in Table 3 and illustrated
17 -2.34 -2.48 21.27 further in Figs 9 and 10. The efficiency of each
20 -3.23 -0.80 21.15 numerical method is observed in terms of the total
21 -2.90 -1.63 19.77 CPU time required for the solution to a given limit
22 -2.06 - 1.70 14.27
of accuracy. This depends directly on the total num-
5. Spatial net 7 -5.14 0.42 30.41 ber of iterations and the CPU time per iteration. The
8 -2.26 0.47 17.70
9 -2.27
latter is a reflection of the complexity of the numerical
0.0 -3.62
14 -4.98 0.0 43.49 algorithm.
15 -2.55 0.0 44.47
16 0.0 0.0 41.65
6. Saddle net 11 15.51 - 4.49 81.95
12 11.43 -5.62 61.55 Referring to Table 3, it can be seen that the stiffness
13 7.30 -4.28 33.52 matrix algorithm, provided it does converge, requires
14 5.28 -3.21 17.97
4.09 -2.90 11.20
considerably fewer iterations than the dynamic relax-
:: 14.40 -3.55 97.28 ation method. For carefully chosen weighting factors
23 11.22 -4.52 73.02 p, further saving in the number of iterations can be
24 7.19 -3.04 31.90 obtained, as shown in Fig. 9.
25 5.63 -2.19 10.23
26 4.76
In terms of the total CPU time, the efficiency of the
-0.67 -11.73
33 11.68 -1.72 92.44 stiffness matrix method is comparable with that of the
34 9.51 -2.14 66.85 dynamic relaxation algorithm, but only for very
35 6.25 -1.19 19.81 simple cases, such as those given in Examples l-3. In
36 4.88 -0.26 - 14.70 more complex cases (Examples 4-6), a dispropor-
37 4.64 -0.49 -36.55
tionate amount of time is spent on solution of the
798 w. J. LEWIS

Table 2. Deformation analysis--cable tensions linear equations by matrix inversion. The program
Example Cable Tension (kN) uses the FOIAAF NAG library routine, based on
1. Simple net all members 0.2149
Crout’s decomposition with partial pivoting. The
total number of arithmetic operations and the time
2. 2 x I cable net l-3.68 I .2328 used by the routine is proportional to q3, q being the
36 1.2254
all other 0.7740 order of the global stiffness matrix K [4, 71.
3. 2 x 2 cable net 14 0.228 1
The accuracy of the computed inverse depends on
2-5 0.2193 the conditioning of the original matrix. which is poor
4-5 0.2280 in the case of the saddle net, and hence responsible
56 0.228 1 for the lack of convergence. In physical terms, the
5-9 0.2192 resulting inaccuracies in the matrix inverse imply that
9-10 0.2191
the nodal displacements and the nodal forces are not
4. Spatial net 1-7 25.9839 related correctly. Numerical ill-conditioning can be
7-14 25.9866
2-8 19.8156 overcome by the introduction of a diagonal scaling
8-15 19.7211 matrix, suggested by Buchholdt [1], or by the use of
3-9 23.8401 more sophisticated routines producing results correct
9-16 22.5546 to full machine accuracy, by employing successive
&7 104.3869
corrected approximations to the inverse [4, 71. These,
7-8 103.1241
8-9 102.2507 however, would increase the computational effort
13-14 125.8043 even further. Solving the linear system of equations
14-15 124.5757 directly would require less computation, but for large
15-16 123.8600 systems of equations similar techniques for improved
maximum accuracy and numerical stability must be employed.
values (link) The dynamic relaxation algorithm shows both a
5. Hypar net l-24 0.2282 (l-5) considerably lower CPU time per iteration, and a
2-25 0.2497 (26) lower total CPU time to convergence than the
3-26 0.2400 (3-7) stiffness matrix algorithm (Table 3). In the specific
4-8 0.2434 (4-5)
9-13 0.2766 (9-10) case of the saddle net structure, the total CPU time
14-18 0.2667 (1415) used by the dynamic relaxation algorithm amounts to
19-23 0.2397 ( 19-20) just a fraction of the time the stiffness matrix method
6. Saddle net l-87 75.5151 (I-11) needs to perform one iteration. The total number of
2-88 79.2964 (2-12) iterations required by the kinetic and viscous damp-
3-89 70.3223 (3-13) ing techniques to complete the solution are very
490 61.3956 (4-14) similar. Although the latter technique shows smaller
5-91 54.1575 (5-15)
l&20 55.1302 (l&l 1)
values of the total CPU time required for conver-
21-31 60.3793 (21-22) gence, its two-stage analysis, in real time, takes
32-42 65.5596 (32-33) considerably longer than the analysis by the kinetic
43-53 67.1878 (4344) damping technique. Both dynamic relaxation tech-

Table 3. Efficiency of the numerical algorithms

Dynamic relaxation algorithm
Stiffness matrix algorithm Viscous damping Kmetic dampmg

No. of CPU time Total CPU time Total CPU time Total
degrees Total per CPU Total per CPU Total per CPU
of no. of Iteration time no. of iteration time no. of Iteration time
Example freedom iterations (set) (set) iterations (set) (set) iterations (set) (set)
1. Simple 3 3 0.043 0.13 34 0.0056 0.19 46 0.0067 031
2.2x1 6 7 0.067 0.47 35 0.0086 0.30 39 0.016 061
3.2x2 12 4 0.168 0.66 113 0.0095 1.07 148 0.016 2.32
4. Hypar 36 6 1.33 7.98 176 0.021 3.62 263 0.032 8.33
5. Spatial 45 5 3.14 15.71 132 0.027 3.50 139 0 055 7.64
6. Saddle 189 1.60 - 262 0.090 23.70 329 0.14 46.32
Numerical analysis of prestressed nets and pin-jointed frames 799


‘\ \ /’
‘\ ha’ V EXAMPLE 4
\ / o EXAMPLE 5
‘1 /

21 r
08 0.9 70 IS 12 P

Fig. 9. Plot of number of iterations versus p, the weighting factor.




t= -----e Viscous damping
2 ---o Kinetic damping
100 _


Degrees of freedom

Fig. 10. Comparison of the efficiency of methods.

800 w. J. LEWIS

niques are found to be numerically stable under the for convergence than the stiffness matrix solution.
predetermined condition given in eqn (6). Stability of iterations is assured, provided that the
The relative performance of the dynamic relaxation limits for the time increment [eqn (6)] are observed.
algorithm against the stiffness matrix method is The kinetic damping routine gives real time saving
shown in Fig. 10. Using the log-log scale, the number over the viscous damping technique.
of degrees of freedom corresponding to each of the The stiffness matrix method is characterized by a
solved examples is plotted along the x axis, and the comparatively high value of CPU time per iteration.
total CPU time required by each algorithm to com- Although fewer iterations are needed than in the
plete the solution along the J axis. The stiffness dynamic relaxation method, the total CPU time is
matrix algorithm shows a strong exponential re- considerably greater, particularly m the case of more
lationship between the CPU time and the size of the complex structures (Examples 46). For large prob-
problem considered. It can be seen that for a struc- lems, as exemplified by the saddle net structure,
ture with 189 degrees of freedom (Example 6), any ill-conditioning of equations leads to a lack of con-
realistic limits of a computer time would have been vergence. Methods to overcome this are suggested,
exceeded, unless steps to treat the numerical ill-con- which would add to the computational effort [4. 71.
ditioning are taken.

Acknowledgemenr-The author is gratefully indebted to

Dr. G. Lewis of Wolverhampton Polytechnic for hts advtce
in preparation of this paper.
A method of analysis of the non-linear static
response of prestressed cable net and pin-jointed
frame structures, based on the minimum energy
principle, is presented. The method can be applied to
statically determinate and indeterminate pin-jointed 1. H. A. Buchholdt, An Introducrron to Cable Roof Struc-
frames, e.g. steel trusses. The compatibility equations tures. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1985).
2. J. Szabo, L. Kolllr and M. N. Pavlovic, Structural
are formulated in two ways: Design of Cable-suspended Roofs. Ellis Horwood Ltd
(1) using the equation of dynamic equilibrium of a (1984).
body in motion (the D’Alembert principle), 3. W. J. Lewis, M. S. Jones and K. R. Rushton, Dynamic
which leads to the formulation of the dynamic relaxatton analysis of the non-linear static response of
pretensioned cable roofs. Comput. Struct. 18, 989-997
relaxation algorithm; ( 1984).
(2) using the linear load-displacement relationship, 4. J. H. Wilkinson and C. Reinsch. Lmear Algebra. Hand-
which results in a stiffness matrix algorithm. book for Auromatlc Computation, Vol. 2. Springer.
Detailed presentation of both algorithms is given Berlin (1971).
and their performance in solving a number of struc- 5. M. R. Barnes, Form finding and analysis of prestressed
nets and membranes. Int. Conf. Non-convenrional Struc-
tural examples with various degrees of complexity is tures 1, 327-337 (1987).
studied. In the case of the dynamic relaxation algor- 6. L. Fox, An Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra.
ithm, the efficiency of the techniques using viscous Clarendon Press, Oxford (1964).
and kinetic damping coefficients is discussed. The 7. NAG Fortran Library Manual, Vol. 4, FOI (1982) and
Vol. 5, F04 (1984).
conclusions reached are summarized below.
8. W. J. Lewis, A comparative study of numerical methods
The dynamic relaxation method shows higher for the solution of pretensioned cable networks. Inf.
efficiency in terms of the total CPU time required Conf. Non-conventional Structures 2, 27-33 (1987).

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